Responsible Gun Ownership

Post on 08-Dec-2015

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Presentation on Responsible Gun Ownership in America


Pro Gun:

Responsible Gun


I am a responsible gun owner.

The Problem:

Gun Violence

Gun Violence in the United

States According to the FBI, in 2013, a total of 262,197

counts of robbery & aggravated assault involved

a firearm. This doesn’t include burglary or

vehicle theft, and doesn’t include homicide


Further, according to the United Nations Office

on Drugs and Crime, in 2012, there were a total

of 14,827 homicides in the US, 60% of which, or

roughly 9000, involved a firearm.

The Solution:

Responsible Gun


Be a Responsible Gun Owner:

Make yourself less of a target

According to a survey of incarcerated felons conducted by James

D. Wright of the U.S Department of Justice, on average, 3 out of 5

felons would not have done what they did had their victim been

armed and had they known their victim was armed. This means that

more than half of committed crimes would not have been

committed if more people were responsibly armed.

Additionally, a study conducted by John R. Lott Jr. of the Crime

Prevention Research Center and William M. Landes of the National

Bureau of Economic Research shows that, with one exception, every

multiple victim public shooting since 1977 has occurred in a gun-

free zone, and that passage of concealed handgun laws is the only factor that has had a consistent influence on reducing the

occurrence of these shootings.

What The

Solution Can Do:

Real Statistics of

More Guns VS

Less Guns

What The Solution Can Do

Believe it or not, the majority of the states

with the most relaxed gun laws have the

lowest rate of gun violence, while the

majority of the states with strict gun control

see the highest rates of gun violence. Let’s

look at 2 similarly populated states with

very different gun control laws and gun


States With More Guns VS States

With Less Guns – More: Vermont

According to the FBI, Vermont has an approximate

population of 630,000. Of these 630,000 citizens,

approximately 42% of them, or roughly 265,000 people,

own guns. Vermont has an approximate gun homicide

rate of 0.3 people per 100,000 inhabitants. Even though

Vermont does not require a permit to purchase a firearm,

does not require registration of firearms, does not have a

magazine capacity restriction, allows for lawful

ownership of an automatic weapon, and allows

unlicensed concealed or open carry as long as you are

not prohibited from doing so by federal law, this is the

lowest rate of gun homicide in the United States.

States With More Guns VS States With

Less Guns – Less: Washington DC

According to the FBI, Washington DC has an

approximate population of 605,000. Of these 605,000

citizens, approximately 3.6% of them, or roughly 22,000

people, own guns. DC has an approximate gun

homicide rate of 16.5 people per 100,000 inhabitants.

Even though DC requires a permit to purchase a firearm,

requires firearms to be registered, restricts magazine

capacity, doesn’t allow for ownership of an automatic

weapon, doesn’t allow unlicensed concealed carry, and

doesn’t allow open carry at all, this is the highest rate of

gun homicide in the United States.

So What Does That Mean?

That means that Vermont has

approximately 12 times the guns and

gun owners that Washington DC has,

but has a gun homicide rate that is 55

times lower. Which state would you

rather live in?

Let’s put a picture to the statistic.



Now Let’s


Conclusion We’ve acknowledged the problem of gun violence in

America, we’ve talked about how we might be able to

fix it, and we’ve talked about some sobering statistics in

regards to responsible gun ownership.

Responsible gun ownership will not only reduce your risk

of being a victim, but reduce gun related violence

altogether, as well.

If you are worried about your safety in this great nation of

ours, do something about it. Educate yourself on

responsible firearm ownership, get licensed to carry, and

encourage others to do the same, because when

seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Expert Quote I’d like to end with a quote from Jeff Cooper, the

father of the modern technique of handgun

shooting and expert on the use and history of

small arms, “One cannot legislate the maniacs

off the street ... these maniacs can only be shut

down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things

can happen in nations where the citizenry is

armed, but not as bad as those which seem to

be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this

country at this time.”

Thank You. Any
