Reverse Image Search on Google Leads to The Little Red Lighthouse

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Big City Workers, published in 1953 is a look at another time. On the first page, chapter one, the text explains workers on this barge deliver coal to "keep us warm.” Look closer at the picture…this is New York, and, isn't that a lighthouse? I’d like to find out more.

What's the story about this?

A Google Reverse Image Search reveals…It is a picture of the George Washington Bridge, and under the bridge stands the Little Red Lighthouse, the last in Manhattan.

Visually similar images, such as the one above, were found by adding keywords, "lighthouse, bridge, New York" to the photo I had plugged into Google image search. Turned out, there's quite a little story behind it.Source:

The Little Red Lighthouse is a beloved children’s book about a little red lighthouse who fears it will be overshadowed by the George Washington Bridge when it was built. Who knew a reverse image search would reveal a beloved icon? The book saved the lighthouse and today it is a landmark and national treasure.

The Little Red Lighthouse today. Featured on the website (Recommended!)