Revision flash cards population, rivers, coasts, climactic hazards, tectonic hazards, economic...

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Name two processes of river erosion and


Name two processes of river transport and


What landforms can you find in the upper

course of a river?

What landforms can you find in the

middle course of a river?

What landforms can you find in the lower

course of a river?

Explain the formation of a


Rivers Rivers Rivers

Rivers Rivers Rivers

Name two processes of river erosion and explain.

Abrasion: rocks carried by the river wear down the

river bed.Solution: soluble particles are dissolved into the river

Name two processes of river transport and explain.

Traction: heaviest particles are rolled along the river

bedSaltation: sand-sized

particles may be bounced along the rive bed in a leap-

frog motion

What landforms can you find in the upper course of a

river?‘V’ shaped valleys, gorges, waterfalls and interlocking


What landforms can you find in the middle course of a

river?Meanders and Ox-bow lakes

can be found.

What landforms can you find in the lower course of a

river? Mudflats, Deltas, Floodplains and Estuaries can be found

in the lower course.

Explain the formation of a waterfall.

Water flows over a layer of hard rock onto a layer of

soft rock. This then begins to erode by hydraulic action. An overhang begins to occur

and the hard rock eventually collapses due to gravity. Abrasion can now erode more and repeat the


Rivers Rivers Rivers

Rivers Rivers Rivers

What are the physical causes of


What are the human causes of flooding?

What is soft engineering?

What is hard engineering?

What is a dam?Name two ways in which rivers can be


Rivers Rivers Rivers

Rivers Rivers Rivers

What are the physical causes of flooding?

Rainfall, Antecedent Rainfall (saturated ground),

Soli/Rock type, Relief, Weather

What are the human causes of flooding?

Deforestation, Soil Erosion, Farming, Building

What is soft engineering?Techniques that are

ecologically sensitive and provide options for flooding

What is hard engineering? Direct human impact on the

river to manage flooding.

What is a dam?Physical structure that holds back water along the course of a river, which can release

water in a controlled way

Name two ways in which rivers can be managed.

Damn construction, River engineering, Afforestation,

Managed flooding

Rivers Rivers Rivers

Rivers Rivers Rivers

What is a storm surge?

Climactic Hazards

How can tropical storms be predicted?

Climactic Hazards

What are the advantages of

predicting a storm?

Climactic Hazards

What are some secondary impacts

How do building techniques reduce

the impact of tropical storms?

Climactic Hazards

What can governments do to

reduce the impact of a tropical storm?

Climactic Hazards

What are the primary effects of tropical


Climactic Hazards

What is a storm surge?Large rises in sea level

caused by low pressure and high winds of a storm.

Climactic Hazards

How can tropical storms be predicted?

Scientists use data from equipment such as radar, satellites and aircraft to track storms. Computer

models are used to calculate a predicted path for the


Climactic Hazards

What are the advantages of predicting a storm?Gives people time to

evacuate, reducing injuries and death. Also gives time to protect homes and business

by boarding up windows

Climactic Hazards

What are some secondary impacts How do building

techniques reduce the impact of tropical storms?Using reinforced concrete, fixing roofs securely, put buildings on stilts so they are safe from floodwater, flood defences such as sea

walls and levees

Climactic Hazards

What can governments do to reduce the impact of a

tropical storm?Educate people about how to prepare e.g. told how to

make a survival kit, including water, food and medication. Told how to


Climactic Hazards

What are the primary effects of tropical storm?

Buildings and bridges destroyed, flooding, people

injured or killed, roads, railways, ports and airports

damaged, electricity and telephone cables damaged,

crops and livestock lost, erosion

Climactic Hazards

Why is it difficult to define a drought?

Climactic Hazards

Describe 2 causes of droughts.

Climactic Hazards

What are ways you can reduce the

impacts of drought in an MEDC?

Climactic Hazards

What are some secondary impacts of


Climactic Hazards

Why in the Sahel Region did the drought turn into a full blown famine, yet in the UK

we have simply introduced a hose pipe


Climactic Hazards

What type of climatic zones are prone to


Climactic Hazards

Why is it difficult to define a drought?

Because the length of a drought can differ globally. E.g. A drought in the UK can signify 16 months without average rainfall, but in the

Sahel region in Africa it could signify a decade!

Climactic Hazards

Describe 2 causes of droughts.

Changes in atmospheric circulation means there

might not be as much rain. High pressure system which

prevents a depression moving into the area.

Climactic Hazards

What are ways you can reduce the impacts of drought in an MEDC?

Don’t water the lawn, don’t wash the car, don’t fill a new

pool, don’t wash hard surfaces.

Climactic Hazards

What are some secondary impacts of droughts?

People and animals die from dehydration/famine. Farms

close causing unemployment. Wildfires.

Climactic Hazards

Why in the Sahel Region did the drought turn into a full blown famine, yet in the UK we have simply introduced a

hose pipe ban?Different levels of

development, access to alternative water and food sources, length of drought.

Climactic Hazards

What type of climatic zones are prone to drought?

Areas of high and very high aridity. Generally found near the equator or between 30o

N and S.

Climactic Hazards

What is the difference between

the Richter and Mercali Scale?

How do tectonic plates move?

Tectonic Hazards

What is the difference between the focus and the


What is the different between plate movement for

constructive and destructive plate


What are the primary effects of an earhquake?

How can the impacts of an earthquake be


Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

What is the difference between the Richter and

Mercali Scale?Richter measures the

magnitude of an earthquake. Mercali measures the amount of destruction

How do tectonic plates move?

Convection currents in the mantle

Tectonic Hazards

What is the difference between the focus and the

epicentre?The focus is the origin of the

earthquake within the Earth’s crust. The epicentre is located directly above the focus on the Earth’s surface.

What is the different between plate movement for constructive and destructive

plate boundaries?Constructive move apart

Destructive move together and the oceanic is sub


What are the primary effects of an earthquake?

Landslides/tsunamis triggered. Roads, buildings

and bridge collapse. Electricity and telephone

poles destroyed.

How can the impacts of an earthquake be reduced?

Creating stronger buildings, education, planning and aid.

Tectonic Hazards Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards Tectonic Hazards Tectonic Hazards

Why do people live near volcanoes?

Tectonic Hazards

What is a lahar?

What is the different types of volcanoes

between a constructive and destructive plate


What are pyroclastic flows?

What are the secondary effects of


What are the four layers of the Earth?

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards

Why do people live near volcanoes?

Mineral rich soil for farming, tourism, geothermal energy

used in electricity production, extracting minerals from volcano.

Tectonic Hazards

What is a lahar?A combination of mud, rock.

Pyroclastic material and water that can travel tens of

metres a second.

What is the different types of volcanoes between a

constructive and destructive plate boundary?

Constructive – usually shield, gentle eruption, ash

ad lavaDestructive – composite, explosive, lava and ash

What are pyroclastic flows?Avalanches of hot volcanic


What are the secondary effects of volcanoes?

Homes destroyed, thick mud deposits from lahars, death

and injury, can be high £ cost.

What are the four layers of the Earth?

Crust, Mantle, Outer Core,Inner Core

Tectonic Hazards Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards Tectonic Hazards Tectonic Hazards

What are destructive waves?

What are constructive waves?

What is weathering?

Explain how different geology can affect

the coast.

Describe a reason for protecting the


Describe what longshore drift is.

Coasts Coasts Coasts

CoastsCoasts Coasts

What are destructive waves?Associated with storm

conditions. Backwash is stronger than swash, so

material is removed.

What are constructive waves?

Associated with high pressure systems. Swash is stronger than backwash, so

material is deposited.

What is weathering?Weathering is the break down of material in-situ.

Explain how different geology can affect the coast.

Variation of hard and soft rock. Hard rock can form

headlands. Soft rock can be eroded to form bays

Describe a reason for protecting the coastline.

Social – nice place for peopleEconomic – prevent flooding

Environmental – protect natural habitat.

Describe what longshore drift is.

A zig-zag motion of material that moves down shore in

the direction of the prevailing wind.

Coasts Coasts Coasts

Coasts Coasts Coasts

Describe how cliff retreat occurs.

Name and describe two types of erosion.

Name 3 coastal features

What are 3 types of weathering?

Describe 2 types of hard engineering.

Describe 2 types of soft engineering

Coasts Coasts Coasts

CoastsCoasts Coasts

Name and describe two types of erosion.

Hydraulic Action – force of water that causes air to go

into cracks. Attrition – pebbles hit each other and become smaller

and rounder

Describe how cliff retreat occurs.

Waves at the high tide mark attack the base of the cliff

hydraulic action and abrasion wear away at the

bottom of the cliff creating a wave cut notch. This

eventually becomes large enough where the overhang

collapses and the process repeats

Name 3 coastal featuresCave, stack, stump, arch,

wave-cut platform, wave-cut notch

What are 3 types of weathering?


Describe 2 types of hard engineering.

Groynes trap sediment that would be carried by

longshore driftSea wall – made out of concrete or stone at the

base of cliff which reflects wave energy.

Describe 2 types of soft engineering

Beach nourishment uses sediment to replace the lost

sediment from longshore drift.

Managed retreat – allowing the coastline to erode




CoastsCoasts Coasts

What is the population distribution?

What is the population density?

What are factors that decrease birth rate?

What does the Demographic Transition Model show and how

many stages are there?

How do birth rate, death rate and life expectancy

vary between a LEDC and an MEDC?

What causes an aging population?

Population Population



Population Population

What is the population distribution?

How people are spread out over the globe.

What is the population density?

The average number of people per square kilometre.

What are factors that decrease birth rate?

Better health care, family planning, women choosing a career first, couples having

children later.

What does the Demographic Transition Model show and

how many stages are there?The model shows change in

population over time and there are 4 stages.

How do birth rate, death rate and life expectancy vary

between a LEDC and an MEDC?

An LEDC has a higher birth and death rate but a lower

life expectancy.

What causes an aging population?

Decrease in birth rate and better medical services that

result in a greater life expectancy

Population Population



Population Population

What are the consequences of


What are the human features that can

cause people to move

What are the physical features

that cause people to move?

What are the causes of counter

urbanisation?How can

urbanisation be managed?

What stage of the Demographic

Transition Model shows the most rapid increase in


Population Population



Population Population

What are the human features that cause people

to move?Better jobs, better houses,

better living conditions

What are the physical features that cause people

to move?Disease, famine, poor living


What are the consequences of urbanisation?

Increase in number of Jobs in service sector; Increase in car ownership causes congestion and pollution; Clean water,

sanitation, health centres and power not available.

Insufficient schools; Retail jobs lost to out of town locations; Poor quality housing in Inner city

What are the causes of counter urbanisation?

High crime rates; Pollution; Clean air; More of a

community spirit; Poor services; Cheaper living; Peaceful Environment;

Retirement; Traffic congestion

How can urbanisation be managed?

Rubbish recycling schemes; Improve public transport (Trams); Redevelopment

Regenerate city centres for Retail; Use of Brownfield

sites; Gentrification; congestion charges; park

and ride schemes

What stage of the Demographic Transition

Model shows the most rapid increase in population?

Stage 2 as the death rate rapidly decreases

Population Population



Population Population

What are the four zones of the Burgess


What is the sphere of influence?

What is the difference between low and high order


Describe the threshold population.

Where are the higher order goods bought from now compared

in the 60/70s?.

Why has the retail changed over time?

SettlementSettlement Settlement

Settlement Settlement Settlement

What are the four zones of the Burgess Model?

CBD, Inner City, Inner Suburbs, Outer Suburbs

What is the sphere of influence?

The area that people come from to buy things. Shops that sell large, high order

goods have bigger spheres of influence than

convenience goods (low order goods)

What is the difference between low and high order

goods?Low order goods are bought more frequently and often


Describe the threshold population.

The minimum population needed to support a shop. Higher order good shops have a higher threshold.

Where are the higher order goods bought from now

compared in the 60/70s?Higher order goods used to

be purchased in the CBD, but are now purchased in out of

town shopping centres.

Why has the retail changed over time?

Transportation has been improved

People have more expendable money

There is more desire for buying goods.

Settlement Settlement Settlement

Settlement Settlement Settlement

In MEDCs many people move to rural areas,

which is called counter-urbanisation. What are 2

negative impacts?

In MEDCs many people move to rural areas,

which is called counter-urbanisation. What are 2

positive impacts?

What are 4 problems for squatters?

Where are you more likely to find high order

goods stores – places with a higher or lower

population? Why?

What are some examples of places that sell lower

ordered goods?

What are some examples of places that sell higher

ordered goods?

SettlementSettlement Settlement

Settlement Settlement Settlement

In MEDCs many people move to rural areas, which is called counter-urbanisation.

What are 2 negative impacts?

Commuters do not use local shops, so they close.

Increase in house prices, so locals cannot afford to buy.

In MEDCs many people move to rural areas, which is called counter-urbanisation. What are 2 positive impacts?

There are families with children who attend local school preventing it from

closing. Farmer sells land to

developer making a large profit.

What are 4 problems for squatters?

Cramped living conditions, poor sanitation,

unemployment, high levels of crime, no access to social security of welfare. Risk of


Where are you more likely to find high order goods stores

– places with a higher or lower population? Why?

Higher, because the greater population means that there is a greater chance of people

buying the goods; due to higher proportion of dispensable income.

What are some examples of places that sell lower

ordered goods?Bakery, butcher, grocer,

supermarket, newsagent, sweet shop

What are some examples of places that sell higher

ordered goods?Furniture shops, jewellers,

stores selling large electrical goods such as washing

machines, televisions and freezers, car dealers, travel

agents selling holidays.

Settlement SettlementSettlement

Settlement Settlement Settlement

How does the primary industry

affect the environment?

Economic Development

What is globalisation?

Economic Development

What is a foreign direct investment?

Economic Development

What factors affect the location of an


Economic Development

What is the different between primary and secondary industry?

Economic Development

Identify some ways what the development

gap can be reduced

Economic Development

How does the primary industry affect the

environment?Can disrupt local habitats and ecosystems. Destroys

land. Removal of non-renewable resources.

Economic Development

What is globalisation?Globalisation is the process

by which the world is becoming increasingly

interconnected as a result of massively increased trade

and cultural exchange.

Economic Development

What is a foreign direct investment?

A controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one

country by an entity based in another country.

Economic Development

What factors affect the location of an industry?

Site, situation, climate, raw materials, component

suppliers, universities, water and power supplies, energy, accessibility of transport and


Economic Development

What is the different between primary and secondary industry?

Primary industry Extracting resources from the ground,

land and sea. Secondary industry is manufacturing

these resources.

Economic Development

Identify some ways what the development gap can be

reducedMultination investmentDevelopment of tourismDevelopment projectsIntermediate projects

Fair trade Reducing debt

Economic Development

Explain one problem of aid to LEDCs

Explain how the improvement of

literacy can improve the quality of life.

Economic Development

Explain 2 disadvantages of

long term aid.

Economic Development

How would the percentage of people

that can read and write change as a country develops?

Economic Development

How would the percentage of people having access to the internet change as a country develops?

Economic Development

Explain one benefit of aid to LEDCs

Economic Development

Economic Development

Explain how the improvement of literacy can improve the quality of life. Get a job/better job/ more

skilled job. Earn money/higher pay. Spend

money on food/education/family/cloth

es. Self belief/pride/self esteem.

Economic Development

Explain 2 disadvantages of long term aid.

Doesn’t always reach the people it needs to due to

infrastructure/corruption. Aid may be tied to the donor country; so they have to buy

goods/services from the donor country. Creates a

dependency on aid; so government lose incentive

for long term plan

Economic Development

How would the percentage of people that can read and write change as a country

develops?Literacy would increase because there are more

schools/teachers/money spent on education

Economic Development

How would the percentage of people having access to the internet change as a country

develops?The percentage would

increase because there are more computers/internet

cafes and people can afford them more easily.

Economic Development

Explain one benefit of aid to LEDCs

Provides money for investment into

agriculture/water supply/helps improve diet

Buys machinery which provides more opportunities

for jobs.

Economic Development

Explain one problem of aid to LEDCs

Aid may be directed at a capital intensive project, which may not help local

people.Aid in the form of loans

creates debtIf misspent benefits are short

and aid may not be sustainable.

Economic Development