Revolutions and Unification Europe from 1815-1850.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Revolutions and Unification

Europe from 1815-1850

Revolutions of 1830 & 1848Revolutions break out in many nations

Caused by Liberals wanting changes Industrial Revolution – low wage workers

wanting changes Intellectuals (teachers) wanting changes Nationalism – people want to create new

countries for their ethnic groups / nationalities

Revolutions of 1830 & 1848Almost all of these revolutions are

unsuccessful Liberal Revolutionaries can not agree on

their goals Conservatives are unified / more organized

– thus monarchs stay in power

Lets look at some examples

France – 1815-1850

France After Congress of Vienna

Louis XVIII installed as new king of France Conservative – but also a

realist Agreed to keep French Parliament

/ Limited Monarchy Nobody Happy

Liberals say he is not liberal enough

Conservatives want to go back to an Absolute Monarch

Charles XTakes over after Louis XVIII dies in 1824Even more conservative than Louis

Wants an Absolute Monarchy again Gets rid of Parliament 1830 Passes the July Ordinances

No freedom of press Restrictions on rights to vote

Liberals revolt against the July Ordinances Charles forced to flee to England

Louis Phillip “The Bourgeoisie Monarch”

Presents himself as more liberal In reality, he must keep the support of

conservatives. Favors the wealthy / Upper middle class

Middle class gets right to vote Against Socialism

1848 – Liberals revolt – Led by Socialists Factory Workers and Intellectuals (Professors)

Louis Blanc 1848 - comes to power

Only lasts a few months Socialist

Establishes “workhouses” Government controlled businesses Everyone guaranteed a job

“Busywork” type of jobs Must raise taxes to pay for these workhouses

Middle Class (conservatives) revolts Louis Flees to England

Louis Napoleon Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte

Takes advantage of the family name Elected, sets himself up as Emperor – just like his

old uncle did Passed some reforms

Male suffrage (voting) Promotes railroads and work programs

Cracks down on dissent (disagreement) Censors newspapers, professors, Outlaws other political parties

Louis Napoleon Tries to make France great again

Gains colonies in North and West Africa Builds Suez Canal Tries to gain Mexico

Unsuccessful Gets involved in Crimean War against Russia

Does not get much out of it

Ends up in a war with Prussia in 1870 Franco-Prussian War

Disaster for France Loses Alsace and Lorraine territories

Great Britain (the paper revolution)


Great Britain

We are reversing a little…we will discuss the Industrial Revolution of England in greater depth in the next unit…but for now just know:

GB was 1st to have industrial revolution

And they became


Great Britain

With all the wealth of the industrial revolution came great inequalities


Great Britain

Out of the industrial revolution came new philosophy…called liberalism which supported gov’t protection of individual rights and civil liberties

In Britain, the liberals brought revolutionary change to their society

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Suffrage and the Reform Bill of 1832

2.Factory Act 1833 (Enclosure Mov’t)

3.Abolition of Slavery 1833

4.The Irish Question

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Suffrage – right to vote

2.Reform Bill of 1832 addressed the voting restrictions

1. Redistricted so it took seats away from underpopulated areas and gave more seats to the overpopulated cities

2. Reduced property requirement which allowed workers/ poor people to vote

3. New parties form1. Liberals vs. Conservatives

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Factory Act 1833 (Enclosure Mov’t)

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Factory Act 1833 (Enclosure Mov’t)

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Factory Act 1833 (Enclosure Mov’t)

Rights for workers- women and children

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Abolition of Slavery 1833

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.The Irish Question

Potato famine 1845

Act of Union 1801 - Home rule question not solved

Great Britain

Victorian Age

Great BritainVictorian Age

Great Britain

Liberal changes in GB –

1.Conservatives v LiberalsWm GladstoneBenjamin Disraeli

Next Up - Germany

From 1815-1870

text book

p 637-642

Germany in 1815There is no Germany in 1815

Just a collection of independent German kingdoms and principalities and baronies

Prussia is the largest and most powerful German kingdom

German states organized into a loose Confederation under the supervision of Austria

Obstacles to German UnityAustria, France and Russia all feared a

unified German would be a powerful threat

Smaller German states feared a unified Germany would mean Prussian control

Catholic German states in the south feared Protestant Lutheran states in the north would dominate

Prussian LeadershipA strong Prussian Army dominated the

German statesJunkers (wealthy German Nobles) and

Capitalists (businessmen) dominated the German Parliament Prussian ownership of the Ruhr and its

coal fields fueled the economic growth of Prussia during the Industrial Revolution

Prussian Leadership continuedPrussia was an authoritarian state.Believed in Militarism

Strong army Army would carry out the needs of the


Germany 1848 Liberals demand reforms.

Constitution Workers rights

Revolt suppressed by Fredrick Wilhelm IV – emperor of Prussia

1849 – German Parliament tries to unify German States into one country Offer the crown of the new Germany to Fredrick

Wilhelm IV. He turns them down and disbands Parliament

German unification put on hold

Prussia under Bismarck1860s – Prussia led by

Otto von Bismarck Prime minister of Prussia Unite Germany with “Blood

and Iron” Believed in “Realpolitik”

Politics of reality – not idealism.

Best way to unify people? A good old fashioned war

Franco – Prussian War Both Prussia and France saw war as a great

way of uniting their populations in a common cause

Fought over – of all things- who should be king of Spain. (go figure)

Franco – Prussian War Napoleon III is captured. In France the Third

French Republic is established.

Prussia wins big time Emperor William I named Kaiser of a united Germany –

dominated by Prussia Bismarck turns Germany into an efficient, military and

industrial giant.

Franco – Prussian War Prussia/Germany wins big time

Control of Alsace- Loraine region

Why Should You Care?Franco- Prussian/German War had far reaching consequences:

1.Establishes German Empire and French Republic

2.With Napoleon III gone, the Papal States of Italy no longer have a protector and they will soon be annexed by Italy (Italian Unification is next)

3.Prussian military system will dominate Germany until end WWII in 1945

4.Germany annexing Alsace-Lorraine area will be source of tension for Germany and France from 1871 until beginning of prolonged slaughter in WWI in 1914

Commercial Cultural Break

Goethe was a cultural force

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe1749-1832

PolymathScientist who influenced DarwinBeethoven admired himCredit for prism colorsBeginning of Romanticism mov’tPoet

Writer of FaustFaustian bargain…

He argued that the organic nature of the land molded the people and their customs—an argument that has recurred ever since.

He argued that laws could not be created by pure rationalism, since geography and history shaped habits and patterns.

This stood in sharp contrast to the prevailing Enlightenment view that reason was sufficient to create well-ordered societies and good laws.

Unification of Italy

In text bookpp. 632-636

Italy in early 1800sObstacles to Unity

Italy is a collection of separate kingdoms

Most kingdoms ruled by outside powers Naples – Spain Venice & Lombardy – Austria Papal states – Pope / Church

But…they had been controlled by Napoleon and the French in the early 1800s so those French Revolutionary ideals began to spread….





The Leaders Giuseppe Mazzini

The “soul” of Italian unity Leads a secret nationalistic movement

“Young Italy Society” Wanted unified Italy Wanted Italy to be a democracy / republic

Viktor Emmanuel II and Camillo Cavour Led the “Resorgimento” (revival) Cavour is the “brains” behind the operation King Victor Emmanuel is the “Heart”

1848 RevolutionKingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia

stood up to Austria Fought Austria to aid other Italian states

under control of Austria Lost – but gained the respect of all Italians

King of Piedmont forced out, but his son Viktor Emmanuel II and Cavour step in to take over – good move

1859 Things looking up France and Austria go to war. Piedmont, allies with France. When France wins, Piedmont gets Lombardy

from Austria. Piedmont now seen as most influential Italian

kingdom. People in other kingdoms rise up and join

Piedmont. Tuscany, Modena, Parma


Enter GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi

The “Sword” of Italian unity Formed a volunteer army of

nationalists “1,000 Red Shirts”

Sailed to Sicily and took it over. Sailed to Southern Italy

Moved up through Italy conquering and unifying

Ended up unifying nearly all of Italy

Garibaldi continuedGood general, lousy politician – and he

knew it.After unifying most of Italy, he turned

control over to Viktor Emmanuel. Knew Emmanuel was a better politician

who could lead all of ItalyNot all is perfect – but Italy is beginning

to look like the Italy we know today

The last group to join into Italy is the Papal States

They join after Austria is absorbed into the Germany unification and after their protector – France – loses in the Franco-Prussian War

Papal States