rgaa tar a period ol dfty yaara aad dhall aat hefultonhistory.com/Newspaper 11/New York NY Age/New...

Post on 23-May-2018

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* r i T a e a u . a * - * , . July U. l SOS-Par • ^ " j me aswrtetss. •* ••**'•• « o u r ">! srHsk * * * Z a u (nasttaettan ol tha State s i Sew

RI / M M M »W* husor** and aia*tya»» ^L+tm Ism. end ol ssctlsa eight at

m l ^ Z IBJBJBBJ and ata**y-ea» af ta . *•"_. atoHaas haasrea and alas. aettss b 2 . atven t*** ehapter t a n a ^ * , | tha Laws of nineteen

. ,1 •atok tko followiac »• a w*yy» «*» P i t t e d t* tha people tor tha nwses* a* " J ^ a M i at tha a«zt gaaaral *l*ctl*a la gatloe, spar, gas, 5 T * , . * . m ba h.ld aa tha eassnd day s H ha-hta as rang* tai m\\mym atoataan huadrad end ass*.

• CHAPTER an. a uft awuiof preetataa tor tarulag

k. l i t J a t <* "o* x* eseaad sevea i Span) tar ths lmprov*m*ni uf th* OaJTwga

Zm tar*1* *nd proridtng tor a enbm" J T , ^ a , » th* people ta ba vota* a* p-T^erel ataatlon ta ha held to ths year Laifcsssree and nlna. toiKta a tow nay l i . MM, witat tea ap|

-_^JtOaaonar. Puaed, thraa-aftba awing

•ward Ucki and atop gates a a a l la •wssfesd, aa may bo drtamjaai af

Haw bttdgaa shall ba baSM to take tha pUoe sf reosired or rendered

iaaattoa ad th* easels, a i l Hit bridges whan raised ahmU ft**

at aot laaa than IftssB aad aawkilf last batwaaa tha bridge. asd wator at Ha highest ordinary stage. Tha d u o laajadrad tor tha aaaaltaatiaa ol the rleer asettoas af ike Osywgs aad Baaim oaaala ahail ba a» laaatad aad shall ba built ol euah malarial aa tha atato aa

Shall doUrmina to ba bast Wharavar to rtrara or ta tha Obyuga aad aaaaaa

It aaay ha daastod iiiriaiiry by tts sUU tor tha aafaty aad ooavaalaaee »t BOTI

l a . Paaada •< tha atatt «f M«%' Vara, aasra-£U ta teaat. aad Aanaably, da aaast as toV

*Zataa L Tb«ra dul l ba iasaad ta tha mam-aa tad at Ska timaa harataartor taaltom, beads • aa rtatt to amount not to iasaad arraa astt-SL toiton, which haada ahaU ba aald by the • t o wd the proceeda tharaol paid lata tha

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ifrica Lfri a None

»•'* ere

and aa anah tharaol aa «niasdad tar tha purpose af

C O v w * ssd Sanaoa aaaala aa as to mm* a part el tha bara* canal, aad

iM—* of tht Unda raqulrad ta Ita. Tha laid bonda wbaa iaaued atoll he

toiattea. I t. Tha comptreUar la B E dtoMaad under the aaparriatoa at aba

men •' tha eaaal toad to aaaas to ha tha banda of this atato, to aa agger-

C aMuat aat to aaoaad arraa arilltoa aal-•Ud boadi to bear tetereet at a rata aat to

aaad tares par cantuat par anauaa, whish to-faast dtoB ha aar»hla aaml annually ta tha ejto g) g«v Tark. said bonda aiwii • • mBUm to gaa tar a period ol dfty yaara aad dhall aat he r tar toat than par. Tha eoaaptrollar to haea-

atorgad with tha duty af aalltng aaM hstofa fat hlghaet bidder attar a^erttotag tor a

aajtod af twenty coaaaoutire days, aaataalaa at ta taya aad holldaya. to at least tws daffy psaara, aaa printad ta the d t y ef Mew Task gaVaae to fh« city ef aibaay. Said ajaata ahall aeotain a preriejea to the fa* aaasawdJat may rajaot any or all hide hi puiaaanwi of atid adTarttatmanta, aad to the assat af rich rtjactlaa, tha oomptroUer to aa-fhsatoid to rtadrartlaa lor bida ta tha asaaaar Jtoaa described ai many times aa In Ma M r asat mv be neceaMrr to affect a aatlafaetory •da. Tha aald bonda ahaU not all ba aaM at

ri time; aot more than one mil Hon daUart aawunt thareol ahall ba sold duriag the year

Bart aasstaf after thia act taken affect, aad ftomfter they ahall be sold la such lota as may

tiaqutrad lor tha purpose ol making- partial ar 1 payments on work contracted tor ta aa-

asfdaace with the prorialone ol thia act, aad tor •aVar paymenta lawfully to ba made under tha ejaetaeoa hereof. There is hereby Implead a gntoat annual tax to pay and sufficient to pay, fat interest oa each bond iaaued under thia act • n telto due, and to pay, aad sufficient to pay sna discharge the principal of each ef such hwds within fifty years from tha date tharaol. f to rate el such annual tax ahall ba foes ene-fjmeaindtbs at a mill on aaab dollar ef eeJtaa-•ea ef real and personal property to this state

Cjeot to taxation, for each and every one mil i dollars, or traction thereof, in par value of

gad bonda tamed under this act, aad eatatond-tajg or to be eutetending during the ascal year taring which the amount ol such tea la eom-astod. The legislature shall each year compute to* aanooat of tax required as above apectaed aad ta amkicg such computation ahall todude, at the

mentioned, such beads aa will ba re-

Bjm •iw min na 'wiaf "il which the amount ef each tas to

B) ssmputed. Tha tax tasssssj as hereto sre-flad. aball be aaarased, leetod aad ealleeted ta k s stannar prescribed by law, aad ahall be paid to the eereral county treasurers late the teeasaey ej «M state. The proeeede ef such tea shall be ptonfted by the comptroller earner the « the aonuBlerlaaars ol the eaaal toad axoher with the interest arising

received oa the sale ef H accruing ea deposits ef

from the sale el aald bonda, ee t Itute a

that, which Is hereby created. aaM toad shall ta asm solely for the purpose of paytog the

1 aad Interest of boude tossed to isrnH-wtth the prerisions ef tbto *H ™ * w .

that ta case the togUtatare ahall aat ta any tscal year nisaeyi ta i

as a sinking fund to pay tha he said bonds as It tails due aat to discharge the principal thereof, aad

shall be eufsdeat to provide a sua*. It Ike amount that weald etaerwtee base •aaasM, axf herT*? tfttMHrT*? P s r V H w d I B aVavtval

Rat tar aw% sinking fund, s direct aaaas • f S»*i ygsr sha!! s e t be i spes fd aad • required by the proviHoae ef this aat. f t . •rhato three months attar this act shall BjaaUis, the superintendent ef puhUe ft the state eagiaoar and "tnmmm n » sweated to proceed to improve the Oayaga aad ataaca aaaals in the ainnsr haslakilns pre-vatol The route of the Oayaga eaaal ahall he at tanowi: Beeinning at ar near the point t a eaaal authorised by IkHj-astea at the lews ol saaa, as amended by ehjbt ef the tows ef eawas the Seneca river to follow the esssss el • a Clyde rirer. thenoe toftowtag the valley el P * Sonera river to deep water to Oayaga lake; M a s through Oayaga lake to the Oayaga lake Bart at Ithaca. The rente ef the Banana eaaal stall be aa follows: The JaaetJoa ef tha Beaeea asxal with the Cevaga eaaal ahaU be at oaeh fatal assmy be Htsr sarveye ef the ssla shall hare keen tsi s^siiun to f stoh toasttoe with the Cayuga ttoelishall taUow appreartawtely taa Itoe el (be

me prassat lenera lake coatratHag se t ha; theses ha* aid tarearh Bssses labs to Washtoaj pfw-

.»»„ i . t k . m . 1 tha

lantern buoys, rang* tarvata ahall !»• w^wtAjil^ i*l«««««l

Provtatea ahall be aamaS lot aaatosfSxae the witters of Cayuga aad aeaeee lake* aa tor aa may be aa isasry tor aaetgatlea hy the asueli uction ef proper ooatrelltag wcrka. I a. Tha peovisioRs ef chapter one hundred end tonj-anea ef the laws ef nineteen huadrad aad three aad at the aets amendatory thereof aad supplaaaaatsl thereto, aa tor aa they relate to the appropriation ol laade tor canal purposes; to the msaaar aad method ef doing the work; to the preparation ol maps, plans, specifications aad

to the payment t« "contractors upon s estimates; t o the form ol contract and

to the change of plana lor work under contra** • to the measurements, inspect ioas and estimates by the state eagiaeer; to the duties sad authority ol the canal board and of the ad­visory heard ol consulting engineers appointed hy the governor pursuant to the provisions ef eectioo eight of said act; to the appraisal ef lands taken tor canal purposes; to the retention by the state ef all waters, surplus or otherwise, created or impounded aa a result of eaaal im­provements or constructions, as provided ta sec­tion sixteen ef mid aot; aad all other provisions of atid act aad ef acta amendatory thereof aad supplemental thereto sa well aa the provisions ef chapter aa* huadrad aad ninety five el the law* ef aiaotosa hundred aad eight relative ta the special ssssatatr aad aaaaatosj of canal laade, as fsr se they assy be applicable and consist*** herewith, shall apply to and govern the work authorised hy this set. I » While the work eectampiated la thia act to in progress the ca­nals uBoa which work to actually being Seas

theren/th* sum e / t w a eWtars per year. Thnae

ta the Srat s n 4 second yadioisi aassto shall sftatfsatss to receive / rem fhedr M»* etttss, enunf <** or eWilrieu, as note hy toe*, ewah oddtttoetal comrnnmUm» m w» •BBS their mmjrrool* eompevisataea what they a^nanereoetotny Thoto Justtees dmMd tat sssa fafftetoi ttoauetateiU othmr than the drat or eseawd. atai aastoneat to the sppeliato earistostot^fJU Bret m esermd etoportmsnto HtmU. sehtto sa iimlgnei.

/Vera those atopawtiaesds reepsetfuety. ea MHded by lata, such e4fftttan*a siam as ta

Is the ybstieet of thaw dipmfeasiito. A tosttc* alctaat in th* thard s r fmmrih BepartnMnl •awtoaed 6-/ the appeitot* dietoton s r aaeiffnatad *W tne saaasaawja ne ida ertoi arapeeisM tana **> • yudtotal dasjfVf ether than that ta* tsheahh* tpgjaetojsfaafj IsBaBtaaxetxaB t in ffnttaisyw ftay/*r ffBJBatas tesfto Btaaxatf se JJ igiH ta haidta; such term, whtth ehaK se poid hy th* slot* a n a ehargtd upon the taMstal «etrtet toner* th* aereic* to rswdsrpd. The oompeneotton herein proritird shaO be ta Kea */ a n d enoll as elude all other compensation and taataaxBBI to soid yuettces fm esyenaes of eeerp hand and nature whatsoever. The proutotowa af tht* •action shall apply to the yudpe* and yuetiee* new ta aJle* and ta thou haremftar rirrtri I t . Beeolved (if the Assembly ooaoar). That the leregoing amendment be submitted to ths people (or approval at the general election to be held in the year nineteen hundred aad ate*, ta accordance with the provisions ef the

at arttele asesa af the the legislature to alter the rate of debt* authorised pursuant to aaM approved I

ai *an>Miar ru« •Tta ah ova ma m&Elr'-mmm

sale upon which work to actually being ahaii aoi be open ior •mTigmilun aai-lia* i"nm» May Bttoeath aad shall be eteeed oa ee before Movember fifteenth, axespt that portions thareol saay be epeaed earlier aad cloeed later when in the Judgment ol the superintendent ol publie works ouch a course will aot be detrimental to the progress of the work of improvement-, and excepting further that la the event it shall be determined by the euperintendent of public works that the work herein authorised, or any part thereof, mar be progressed more rapidly and to better advantage by opening navigation later aad closing earlier oa the Seneca canal, he assy, upon the approval ef the canal board, ab­breviate the season ol navigation on the Seneca eanal to such extent as may be necessary. I *. Tha sum of oae million dollars (tl.000.000), is hereby appropriated, payable out ef the moneys realised from the sale of bonds as provided by section two ef this act, and from the proceeds ef the sale ol abandoned land* as provided in eection five ol chapter one hundred and lerty-ssven e l . the law* of nineteen hundred and three, to be expended to carry out the purposes al this act; said sum ot one million dollars to be paid by the traaaurer on the warrant ef the comp troller, after due audit by him, upon the presen­tation ef the draft ol the superintendent of pub­lic works to the order ol the contractor, il lor construction work, or to bis own order 11 tor the oomptetion by him ol any unfinished tract or lor edvertiring lor ndecollaaseua ear connected with the said work, or upon tha prea-

1 evrtatlon of the drafts ef the atate eagiassT lee supervising or engineering expenses la connec­tion with aald work or upon the presentation by

1 the comptroller of accounts for miscellaaeous s*> penses or ea the presentation ef awards by the court ef elaima. or an agreement described ta section lour ol said chapter eae hundred aad forty-seven of th* laws ol nineteen hundred asm three aa amemled by chapter one hasdr t and ninety-six of the laws of all

•O tt aasavHaa tor lands appropriated aa provided ta

eection tour of mid act or damages caused by the work ol Improvement hereby astheriaod. | T. Any surplus aridng from the sale ef beads aad the sale of abandoned lands over aad abeee the east of the entire work of the Improvement of the canals sa hereto prevised tor ahall be apaftod to the slaking fend for the pavment at said bonds | 8. This law shall aot Uka it shell at a general election hare b ted to the people, aad have rexatoed a asaiority of all the votes east tor aad against it at ease election; and the same Shall be submitted to th* people ef this state at th* general elevttoa to be held in November, nineteen hundred aad nine. The ballots to be furnished tor the ase ef voter* upon the eubmlsrioa ef this taw Shall bs ta the term prescribed by the ejection tow sad the proposition or question to be submitted shall be printed thereon in suhstsatlelly ths toWuwtaig Ions, namely: "ahaU chapter (have tasart the nunfber of this chapter) of the taw. at idaeteon Hundred aad nine, entitled *An «c* making pro-vtotoa tor tawing bonds to th» . « - « • «» **t ta exceed earea million dollar* for the hxeyaweoaseat of th* Cayuga and Seneca canals, sad pewvWinf lor • sabialaieB ef the SUM* to taa ; i"g l i to h* voted upon at th* genersl election to be held in th* year nineteen hundred and eta*,' be ap­proved t"

State ef l»»w Terk, Office ef ths Sacrstary el Stats, a*.: 1 have compared the preceding erith the original law oa file in this ease*, aad do hereby eertltv that the same to a eorrect tree •n ipt therefrom and the whole of aald original law. Olven under my hand and the seal of el-floe el th* Secretarv of State, st the City el Al­bany, this twent? fourth dsy ef July, in the year one thousand nine hundred end nine. fL. S,] SAMUH B IOEKIG. Secretary el But*.

State of Hew York, la Senate, February Is , 1000.—The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority ef all the Senators sleeted toting ta favor thereof. By order of the Senate, HOBAOK WHITE, President.

State ef New York, la Assembly, February IT, 1808.—The foregoing resolution wee duly passed, a majority of all the member* elected to th* Aa sembly voting ia favor thereof. By order el the Assembly, J. W. WADSWOBTH. Jr., Speaker.

State of New York, Office of the Secretary at State, aa: I have compared ths preceding eaay ef ooaourraat reeolutlon with the original ea* current reeolutlon en file in this office, aad I d* hereby certify that the same to a correct toaa-acript therefrosm, and of the whole thereof. Olven under my hand and the seal ef easse at the Secretary of State at the city ot Albany, tbto twenty fourth dsy of July, ta ths year of ear Lord, one thousand nine hundred and ate*. [U 8.] SAMUEL B. K0EN10, Secretary s t State.


Shall th* proposed amendment twelve ol article six of the Cenitlrutlea, to re­lation to the compensation of JustieeS af th* Supreme Court, be epprovsdf


Secretary of State, Albany, July fit, IMS. suant to the provisions of eeotlea oae ef fourteen of the Constitution el the State ef Mew York, and section two hundred aad ninety-five ef ths Election Law, notice is haseby given that the following proposed aminitsaaat to spettos tour ol article seven of the Oaaatitution ef the State ef New York, to to be sabaattted to th* people lor approval at the next general aleetiea ta this But* to be held ea the saeead dsy at November, alneteen ax**d*ed aad Bias. BAMVaX a KOENIO. BecreUjT af


Secretary ef State. Albany, July to, IPO*, suant to the provisions of section aaa at lourteen ol the Constitution ol the State af Maw York, end section two hundred and ef the Election Law, notice ia hereby given the following proposed amendment to twenty-seven of article three ef tha OeaatJtatlaa af the State of New York, to to he submitted to the people for approval at tha next general etoa-tion in thto State to be held oa ths aaoaad day Of November, ISO!. SAMUSi 8. EOfBftO. t u n -tar; ol Bute.

AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE. Concurrent Resolution ef ths Senate aad As­

sembly, proposing an amendment to section twaa-ty-sevan ot article three of th* aaxaaawSssx* ta relation to the powers ef ths beard* at visors end county auditors or ether aassl

Where**, the legialature, at Ita regular ta nineteen hundred and •even, duly resolution proposing aa amendment to twenty seven of article three ef the anaati in relation to th* powers ef the heard* ef visor* and county auditors sr ether I sad Whereas, such resolution has bean duly pab-liahed in accordance with law aad the eoaatitu tion and referred to thia logiatalare tor action; therefore: I I. Resolved (ft tha esswnbly ooaoar). That section twenty-aeven of article three ef the constitution be amended as fattens: Article HI. Section 17. Th* legislature ahall, by general law*, confer upon the board* af euparvieora ef the several oounties ot the state such further pea eta of local legislation aad administration aa the legislature may, tress time to tuna, deem an pedient, and in counties which note has*, or may herMi/ter has*, county awdttan or other /beat o fl cer$jiut horixed to audit btOt, accounts, ehsirys*. claim* or demand* aaataut th* county, tha lagtita turr may confer tueh power* upon said auditor*. or tscol o*tors, at the legislature mav, from Mm* to t i m e deem ea?p*dtent. I fi. Resolved (If t h s aa-aembly concur) . That th* foregoing s m i s d m s a t be submitted to t h e people tor approval a t the general e lect ion • • b s held to the year Blast sea hundred and nine. In accordance w i t h t h * are-vtoiona ol th* elect ion law.

State o l Ne w York, Ia Senate, April 10. ISM.— The foregoing resolution w a s duly SBaxatj a majority ol al l the Senators s leeted vot ing to favor thereof. By order of the Senate, HORAOR WHITE, Preeident.

State of New York, In Assembly, April M, 1*08—The foregoing resolution was duly passed. s majority of al l the members e l ec ted to the Assembly vot ing la favor thereof. B y order ef the Assembly, J. W. WADSWORTH. Jr . . Speaker.

S U t e ot New York, Office af the Secretary ef B u t e , a s : I have compared the preceding espy ef concurrent resolution wi th th* •r lg iaa l con­current reeolutlon on file in this office, aad I do hereby certify that th* m m * to s correct traa-script therefrom, end ot t h e who le thereof Oiven under m y hand and t h e aaal ef office of the Secretary of State at t h * city of Albany, thia twenty-fourth dsy ot July, ta t h e year of our liord, one thousand nine hundred s a d s ine . [L. S.] SAMUEL & KOENIO, Secretary ef State.


B s t w e e a 7 th Bad Stta A n Handsomely Furnished Room*. First

class Accommodation. For Either Pa* manant or Transiam Quests.

MttS. L. O. LAWS, Pray. d*s.l7-»m

THE PARK HOUSE 113 West 63rd Street

__ . N e a r C o l u m b u s A v e n u e , N i c e l y . f u r n i s h e d r o o m s , w i t h b a t h a n d

a l l c o n v e n i e n c e s , t o r p e r m a n e n t o r t r a n -t l e n t q u e s t s . F i n e l o c a l i t y , jaser. C e n t r a l * »»*i V / o * t . M o d e r a t e r a t e s .

M R S . B. F . JOHNSON wprai-Im Proprietress.

TeL 3693--L, Harlem

ror first class ccommodation. stop at

H O T E L P R E S S F O R M E R L Y T H E W A L K E R H O U S E .

1 9 4 1 W . I 3 5 t h S t r e e t . N e w Y o r k F i r s t - c l a s s r o o m s by t h e d a y o r w e e k ,

t u f f e t c a f e a n d r e s t a u r a n t c o n n e c t e d . 1 a r a e p a r l o r s t o l e t f o r r e c e p t i o n s .

J . H . P R E S S . M a n a g e r f e b 5 - 3 m


Near Morris Avenue. Nicely furnished rooms by the day or

week. Excellent table board. Moderate rates. Convenient for railroad men.

MRS. S. PLEASANTS TeL 796-VY Melrose.

< i e c 2 4 - l y r

T H E B R A D F O R D 73 WEST 134th STREET. New York A first-class restaurant that dis­

pense* nothing- but nrat-claaa food, properly cooked and seasoned to the taste. We aerve the best regular dinner in town for 26 oeala Furnished rooms to let.

J O H N C B R A D F O R D Proprietor


A M K N D V f R N T NOMtifci K TtSO

Ouaourrent Resolution of the Senate sad aembly, proposing an amendment te Matted ef article aeven of the constitution, th* tartatature to alter the rate of 11 debt* authorised pursuant te said aectloa.

Whereaa. The legislature, at Ita regular ***> sJsa in alneteen hundred and sight, duly adoet-ed s resolution proposing aa amendment t e ess-tion four ol article aeven ef the conattlattaa, permuting the iegiaUtur* t* altar tha eats ef Interest upon debt* astheriasd susaaai t t e aaM section, and Whareaa, Such reantutios ha*) asea duly BSjhlishcd is accsrOaace srith U v sa4 *fc#

1 elephone. 2$2$ Morninglide

H O T E L ALEXANDER 111 a n d 111 W e s t I t S d S t r e e t .

F I R S T C L A S S A C C O M M O D A T I O N O N L Y .

H a n d s o m e ! v F u r n i s h e c K o o s i s w i t h A l l C o n v e n i e n c e s .

R E S T A U R A N T A T T A C H E D J . T . A L E X A N D E R . P r o p . O c t S M t a

a p r 2 » - 8 m ^ _ _ _ ^ ^

The STEW/lRT HOUSE Blegantly farolahed private rooms; all

rooms open air; hot and ool l wat« -; stationary bath in each room. All oonvenien jes. Mod­erate prioes.

Speoisl attention to transient guests. Heated by dry heat furnace.

M R S . M. STEWART, Prop. uneM-mo. 56 W . 1 3 3 r d Jttwat

The Lone; Established aad Favorably Known

3ILBJ&RT HOUSfc «i*li FiraWHM aad Improved m all tsisscti

254 W . 2 6 t h St . , n e a r E i g h t h A v e . E U R O P E A N P L A N . N E W Y O R K .

F I R S T - C L A S S A C C O M M O D A T I O N . P r o m p t a n d c o u r t e o u s a t t e n t i o n . M o d ­

e r n c o n v e n i e n c e s a n d m o d e r a t e price .* L o c a t i o n c o n v e n i e n t . T h e p a t r o n a g e o f e i t h e r P e r m a n e n t o r T r a n s i e n t g u e s t s r e s i > e c t f u l l y s o l i c i t e d , E . J O H N S O N ,

P r o p r i e t o r . July 29-Sm

T*l*ph .oa lOoll Harlem

WALTER E. DOUGLASS Commissioner of Deeds

11 ssnvRssI Estate and loauranca AGENT BROKER MANAGER

Renting, aad Oollsoting. Loaas Negotiate 44 Weat 135th Street N . . Y M | July l i 3m

Philip A. Pajton, Jr. Compaii B B A I , B t t t A ¥ K A K U IM8UsVA*t*3fJ

O u r s p e c i a l t y Is t h e m a n a g a s x s s x S • C o l o r e d T e n e m e n t P r o n e r t ? A Q E N T 8 . B R O K E R S s j & "

A P P R A I S E R a . - ^ , T W e s t tSwam S t r e e t , ' P h o n e »17 H a r l e m . jg

Phf n e 1186 Columbus S tr i c t ly F irs t C l s w E u r o p e a n P l a n .

THE WALL 1 h e m o s t e l a b o r a t e l y f u r n i s h e d a a d

d c o r a t e d h o u s e In t h e c i t y f o r t h e a c c o m m o d a t i o n o f c o l o r e d l a d i e s a n d g e n t l e m e n . A l l m o d e r n i m p r o v e m e n t s .

104 W e s t 6 0 t h St . , n e a r S i x t h A v e . M I 8 S I R E N E J O H N S O N . P r o p .

July 29-3m

Telephone, 2«15 Columbua


Pool and Billiard Parlor. First-class instrumental and vocal talent furnished for Beef Steak Parties, Stags and Pri­vate Entertainments. July 8-lyr

Tel. 4417 Mornlngslde.

JAMES A. JACKSON Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Broker, Appraiser.

122 West 135th St, New Yorl Brooklyn office

Jefferson Building, Room 4 and S Court Square

Kstab. January, 18»7. TeL SOS Columbua.

HOTEL MACEO U » w e s t oar a b tree i , r* «

F i r s t - c l a s s A c c o m m o d a t i o n s O N L Y . H a n d s o m e , S t e a m H e a t e d , F u r n i s h e d

R o o m s f o r P e r m a n e n t o r T r a n s i e n t O u e s t a . H e a d q u a r t e r s o f C l e r g y a n d l i u s l n e s s M e n . F i r s t - c l a s s R e s t a u r a n t K e g u l a r D i n n e r , I n c l u d i n g W i n e , 3 5 c , 6 10 8 p. rn.. S u n d a y s , 1 t o 8 p . m. , 4 5 a

B E N J A M I N F . T H O M A S . P r o p . jnn 17 8m

roRM y o R AMtXVmVir

assembly concur). That asvea ef th* eonatltutiea be amiadsd - • • t* reed sa fellews: | 4. ataeest the debts apiatfiii ta ssetlene twe aad three ef this srtses*. Si debta ahaU b* hereafter entreated by ar Is be­half ef tht* state, unless sueh debt shall bs ss> tberlaed by law, for some stagta work sr eh-Jest, t* be distinctly *p«ao*d thersta; aad sash law shall lmpoae and provide tor th* aaUeetxan ef a direct annuel tax te pay, aad aiMifsal te pay, the Interest ea such debt es It tall* eae. and slao t* pay aad discharge A s priactpeJ ef saah debt within fifty years from the Urn* ef tbe contracting- thereef. Ne such taw shall take eSset until H shall, at a


flhall the propoeed amendment te section twea-ty-aeven af article three of the Oenstftutien. ta relation te the powers of the boards ef auper-viaors and county auditor* or ether be approved T


Stcratary ef State, Albany. July Sa, ISO*.—rwr-suant ta the provision* ef section ea* ef arttata lourteen ef the Constitution st ths State ef Mew York, aad aectioe twe hundred ef tbe Election lever, notice I* hanky gt' the following proposed imsnsxasnt to aastlsa taa af article eight ef the OiiiiilttattoSJ at ths Stats ef New York, ta to he se^rasttaS fa ths ****** tar asarwval at th* next general snarl Ba ta thai 1

J. C. Redfield's vv Union Orchestra**

7irst Class Music Farnished Por A l l Oooe

IIUDS. V i o l i n Instruct ions.

S T U D I O : 2 5 O A K S T R E E T J E R S E Y i C i T Y

enta i l l r

161 and >6J Was t 8 4 t h S t r e e t Near Eighth Avenue.

Handsomely Furniahed Rooms. For „ j Permanent or Transient Ouests. Rooms

Il per day, upward. Best Furnished Houses in New York. Restaurant At-iH>;hed. Lunch from 8 p. m. to II o < lock. "As we journey through life. tat ua live by the way." FIMNK C. HOLMES, Proprietor

d a y 2 >-3ra

SAMUEL A. KCLSEY Real Estate Agent and Broker

All classes of property for Rent, Sale add Exchange

350 LENOX AVENUE At I27th Street

'Phone, Harlem, 355 NOTsVftsf Agency for the Equittble Ufa

Assurance Society

E. A. JOHNSOfe Attoraey and Connsale- at


Room 732 Iribune Phone 4JS8 Beekman

Telephone 111 Main.

WALTER V DELSARTI AHormy nl Conulor it Lit

Jefferson Building, 4 Court 8oy B R O O K B Y N . N. Y .

New Amsterdam Jt Musical Association^

(nooaroaATBo) thirst Class Colored Musicians

" for all functions


•~-^KWJITSOt ataSasatasB ef the S s s a a * t wimh\y, ef article eight ef the ta* limitation ef the exceptins; aartaln htada ef tion ef the debt ef a d t y toe limitation.

Where**, "Tss lefldstar* at Its Hgata i s njnatesa handrad reaoluUen proposing tea of article riant ef ths ta ths limitation af ths •sdehtaataaas sf asd assenting certain kind* ef nutation ef the debt ef a etty

HSAJXJOART1RS 322 Wedt Soth Street New Yerl

Send all ooramnjrioatlons to M. A. araan. afanegef, IS W. ilSth Stre*

subtnittad U the pesnl*, asd hare a majority af all the v*t*s east tar sad ssjalsst < has been duly pubUshed ia it at euro • l e c t i n . On the Baal pa^kc* af 1 and the eonatltutiea aad

hill In either house of the i*«<ah\t*r*, m» IssaBB for action;

•**!* taaD determine, after ssrveys a s s * bees •t*t* hy th* state engineer aad sshssMlii t* the f»*l *e*rs, tha a fir errant reat* tress ths •ta af tsneea laks at Oeasva aaethafty esa-•adtag ta* h w , I * . , with ah* heege easml at •TSH « at sem* mint seat af Lvsea to ssere pe ie sBla asd sfnaesduaL aaeh «vsrgesA issjta • r the Staeea ^ . ^ AM11 U mltmXt . a . eae

• * * » «u*U anasxisetsd ataag essh s t ie i ieaS "•ta lb* reutea a* aanrlltt hsrita ahaB be

roaji FOB snPMisaioN or rsoposmoN NUMBER ONB.

RisJl etispter three hundred asd slnety-eoe ol the lawa of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act makins previatea fer iasatag bonds to the airjust ef net t e exceed asvea million dollars fer the lrnprevetiient ef the Ckyaga and gstvtca eanata, and providing fer a eurxnisctee ef th* same to th* people U be voted apes at th* rsaeral election to be held la the year alneteen hundred end *i**." be spcswvsdf

by th* whe I* hereby

ta make such deviation* •* aecaawry ar ilfafjnM* far

reducing eurvatara, better - aad their

••»a*t»«M. *r (rnenlly lev any N to ImnroT* the canal asd luadar Ms te* safer aad easier. Th* Oayaga aad ***** **J> * " • • awMnrss* hettnes S **m*Ttie feet ind s iiialsasss death el

*sd a aunlmam water twenty eight

* * * " " • " d th x„m» d a e e aad villagea. where • < • fleasaatoas a* u> width assy be sstanrt

1 the crasa^afrtion of water saodlSed t e aaeh "•"*_** •»•* «» deemed s i isssssj by the aUU

ft*1"' *sd »nf-BTM hw ths eaaal hoard, Th* • * • * m the pass ge *f best* s a the Oayaga aad • • * » <nn*li Shall be siegta ta**a, sad shall •*• ta* loliawtn, gavernlag HsnisS'ii htlal Sna lenrfh K»«u^_ v ^ i _ •• - . k _ k ^ . length het«een hollow

and twsntj rirht feet) width, ^•VSr* fott; mtnimmn depth la tech ehaatber • « • auir* em,, twelve *MA. mm* with sane

• *s the sut* enrl •hall he mrmMA;

asd valve*, with " • P"4v"lltaf#d

» • » * •Jpaxans, J*"**" *r alenrle pen

'***" *sd vaivas. h i [ i ^ U - e e g h th* aasa and I M : I and t | ^ » c a * s . AH ipsha BB*h*f * w ?*. **" »'»• shall be tad lass sab a sateart mMfmt partiui with the eat* af the last Is saah taS, wtth th* -nsxtri taed test saSsbsifB pips*

sf | *3(/lTs • • • b *taQ h* sreei

'Uvea the

hAPbANATioa -aarraB i» tvauoa a BBTWI K A T T t t W Ba^OCsrrS r i S W htaT-TEB TO BB OMITTED. STATE OF NEW T O R S . weTrtui SF t s s l

Stcratary ef State, Albany, Jury ss , MBfc-FtV-suant t* the previsions ef eeettaa as* at artists foartesa ef the Oesstltutlea ef ths abate ef Mem York, and section twe huadrad aad alaety-Set ef the Eleeliea law, notice is the following propMsd sBaBsassant t* twelv* *f arttata sis ef the OeaaUiuttia *f the SUte ef Wew Tera, is te be easaxeittad ta the people tor sspreval st the asat sxsaanl etaetlea ta thto Stat* te be held ea the saeead day af November, nineteen huadrad aad aaa*. SAMUEX A EORN1G. iseretsrr af Mate.

AMENDMENT NUMBEB OWE OSaia i Resolution ef

sjesbiy, pres>oaing an twelve ef article m* ot the- oonetltutlon. ta re-laUea t e th* eosapenantlea ef taeticse *f th* aupreane eourt.

(Unilon 1 Roet-lred (If tm* That section twelve ef article at* «f the tutlea ba asaended ta rend as l l l l i a s i I 11 CTs* judge* and juMI.-e* r^minbefore asaatieaad i rec-eiv* fer their service*) s liahed by law, which Shall diminished durieg their provided ta sscriea •** ef thto settais.l B* ( * « n ahall hold the sfSse ef of any eaaart lMger then until sad last day ef Decnnher aaart after he shaU ba tm-eaty year* ef age [Ms Judge sr after th* irst d g of January, saw eight hundred aw tanoty fowr, te reesiv* any wespw of Dexnmsber nest after he saeJl he af age; bat ths iisapassitlsa sf every > tbe esart af a p p a l s sr tuxes*- sf ta*

prior t e ta* arat day af eistst has toed tad BBSJ

ef efsee has basa, as whsse W ease* shall ba

•hall sere isrved e* • shaB h*

#J the tana tar whtah be was S

q^st las Amll W Ukea ^f ayes aad asea, te h* dsly estered ea tbe Journals thereef. end dhall be: "Shall tha* hill pass, aad ought the ***** te receive taa easctiea ef the asset*T" Th* tagto-latur* m*r '• =*7 Urns after the ss*M**vsl e t

law hy th . p**pie. If a* debt Shall hsv* ta

asay st say rim*, by ef any further debt ar ItaatUty wader

taw; but th* tax lmpoeed by aaeh aot. ta tea t e the debt aad HaMaSy whtah assy

ssatractsi la rmrsusneg af aaeh law, •hall remain la fores asd be irrspealsble. and be sxesaatsy seneeted, until the shaU bars asade tbe provision Bed ta pay and dlactaurg* ths elpal wf aaeh d*ht and liability. The aviatag rrwas any laaa er atach atsaHag debt er hsblllty shall be applied t s ths er ebtaet aasetled Is the set east er ttabiUty, er tar tbe ssyxasat sf debt er ltahiMty,

ever. Me aaeh law shall be ssbsUttsd te be vntad s a within a* at ess er say MM shell he submitted t s bs agalaat. Tbe legisUtur* saay jlSSaal tor th* w-aa* ef beade af th* state ta tea tar a

afty yeaea te Mes ef

tar ths ee'laetloa ef a asreet annual tea af the same as ssrelabefere r*

aay sinking fund areated aadar this esetlea aball eassl te amiss* tk» 4*bt tar which It wee er«*t*d, a* further dlssst be levied s a s s sess t f said steadng I tbe legtaiature shaU reduo* th* tas ta sjnownt *<JU*3 t s the accruing aitersat *• debt. Ths legislature mav from ttme te time alts* the ro t s ef tnlerett ta be ptrfd ejpast emu teats debt, which has lieen er may be muil meant to the prneisione ef Otis <•»« « r t ef eufh tUhl, prwnfded, finffSMT. that the rats ef interest ehmU not be ottered upon anu part of tueh debt rP warm any bend ar other evi­dent* thereof, which has been, er thaVL be treated er tented before tush aUsraUan, In ease th* tog-Mature **t*r«s*i th* rats af interest upon emu tueh debt, s r part thereof, it sfwsR fmposs e n d provide for thr enUstUon of a direct annsiat ase te pair and tufirttnt te pay the tneresssd er altered tntorett on tueh debt at ft faRt eta* and m> m to pay and diechewyt the prinHmml of tueh debt within •/tvi/eaw* from thetimeef the eantraeting thereof, and shall epttrtpriait swm.exej' ta the linking fund numeut in amount tujtoient to pay tueh interest and paw and dmharmt the mtnatpal of tueh debt when g ekatt heeame erne


Walter F. Craig's ORCHESTRA

321 West 59th Street "hoaa UTI OoJambaa, NSW T O S l

U It ooBoeded to be tbe BIST BALI

(II the Assembly article sight ef the reed aa follow*: Artici* 1 eity, town er vtikge *het

-i^Oli OBCTB8TRA in New York bsrrlai u,.ie wl Jte or black. spl ,» Ma

ttme when tht revenue aforesaid shall net be to sr ta s id ef any

ition. or hssnmi ef stock in. er beads ef, ss

etty, er village be allowed to b e a r aay Indebted-

seas except far county, etty, toss s r village p*js> pesaa Thto eectten aball not prevent aaeh county, eity, towa er village frees making such provision tor the aid er support sf ita year ss may be authorized by taw. Be asuaty er etty

bs allowed to easts*** isatabtod tor aay ar ia aay manner t e SB amrunt whish.

exdstlng Indent i dassa shall esesed taa s t th ssssasad vslwattea ef th* real

eststs et each county er etty Sabftet t s taxatisa, as It appeared by th* ass—mat ratto sf said county sr eity * the test assessment tar sr county taxes peter to the Incurring ef Indebtedness; sad all Isdehtasssa* ia exce aaeh limitation, sseept i •ban be ahenisteiy raid,

Ne sweaty *r dty wl

•hall Tbto


ef < er ts be

valuation ef Ita reel taxation, thai! fcs sJIs^rrd ts aay further amoirst until sax be reduced wtthta suet ahall set be eenxtrued te certiflcats* *f indebtedness sr taened Is sntlcipattes et th* tor •mount* actually tallied Is the taxes certificate* or revease bead* are lamed asd pay able eat ef saeh taxtsi nor to present the eity of tfew Tork from iteming bead* to be redeemed sad of the tax Iftv f-•-. tht year nemt saeasidNws th*

of their imme proeMsd that the avssejat tf bonda whirh may be towed t a smm en* ***»

*•** Sha^PSSsr **» SrsF IbFrrw*(svwx77Saf wtowWwmWm vWrBywaelarWselvaa eVwaBaw

not BSsapJ one-tenth ef one par ttntmm of the ae-samaj ualuatVm of t he rtai tttats of tmtd ettytub-t*tt ta H M H H h Nsr shall thto ase t i sa be eee> strued to prevent the tome e t hands t e genets* for the e«j?p!/ e? water; be* f b * tors*, *f *** hwads' Issued t e provide the supply ef wator. In sr**** of the limitation of indebtedness *Med herein, email , „ ( , tce*d twenty yaara, asd a daalag fund shall he created ea the laming ef the mid bends fer their redemption, by raising anemally a sum which will predae* en ssaieai sess l te the sum ef the principal aad interest of said beads at thato ssttarlty. All esrtinoatae ef lsdabtadaem ar i s i s sas beade taened la eattei-I 1 Baaalvsd (If the *a**mbly sea ear), That

fK* sx* •• •!• • ' • • K« ^m•• im i I L*- .i^. IWTJon or \ne ooiieotien or raze*. r sMnlTTsTa^ ! " < \ m . r^ZAZZZLm to U r*Mr*1 * 1 " , , n •** r~" *'*" t h , 4 r **W " a m s l d i f b Sasml - - - — — J - - * sxa\*mm**i*xl s a l * * * ^ waxesawSssi t s a x r U e d t * p t W » l * # » • * • * 1 s t S S I S ^ M T St f

t* --• -*^- r - T L T T " _ . ' . . * T . • r ' - , water, aad any debt harmftor iaswrred by aay "JrZT^ " " " • * " m 9m " ^ ! partten er part *f a oity if there shall ba anv

•ash debt, shall bs inriudad la asssrtalnlag the sf the eity to bsesme etberwim ladabtedi that dshta Incurred hy tbe etty ef N*w

Terk after tbe tret day ef J s s s s r j , stoetesa baa-dead and four and debta laemisd hy aay etty et ths saeead *lam after the Stat day St January, Hi same hsBhsrad »ad eight, and deaf* inearrad

J ang eity af the third etas* after th* Bratday •r^SxewMSMFyf f%*Sfs*y£ea*«TT* *aMnsV*rS>V avfitxl emfwm* *W ^W*SFYYal»B

fer the, supply *f emtor, shall s a t be a* laclmted. ^mWFwn^'r Ui/m% *sw*w mwO% rptjrdjRfjlsJeT M**W

hysrW sttv ef Kern Tork far a puhUetn nanad or to h* tamed by taa ««w.

• B S J of Peer Tarh, ta - -Th* ierBgwlnf sasjerlty af all stony tUlMEa,

af Bsw Terk, ta Assassaty. April it i ia i l i i tan was dsiy »s*ssd,

• majority sf all th* Burnt ir* atasBsd to the Is isvwr tWeof fm **xtar ef

J W. WAUSWOim, *>., Sptakil. StaU af Few Terk, Oeta* af the Ssaisiary ef

thato, ca t 1 ha** «**•**• red the mmmxany sspy •f na imiest assahstlea with the erlgtnal esa

d sreept further that e incurred by the eity of

Terk for any ra^ut transit or dock f n e s easy ne se sasjsms*! proportUmaUty to tht ta whtoh ths tuirent net lesmajmj smyxtamj am •eld ettg thersfrtan than meet tht tntsrttt s n d «mtorttaa*4e*t i»wf Mrnetus thereof, presided flbsj any vtterwias in tbt debt invmn BM pernor tfWm tfty of Nov Tork which thatl rstuU from th* SB*

of debts heretofore trmtrrtd only fir tht acquisition mr

Hon af propertU* le tsj used far rapid dock purposes. The Ugtsmtmrt shaft th« method by which and tht

which V . amount af amy debt t» to shall b* dsterminad,

debt thorn be mtclitdod except tn ths dsterminaturn to prescribed, X** •aay tn fto dtserriirm confer appropru dtof toaenthe op^oUate division ef the eourt t a th* Srst Judicial department for th* parpses ef statormtolng tht amount sf any debt to b* ss omcUtded, No indebtedness af a amy satid s t th* tim *< it* tvMamtton than after bosoms tnxand by vsesun of tht ation tf any of fto protdatotM ef thto

the beiadarie* sf say etty are of a couaty,

witala ita the power ot any esuaty wholly

etsded within «uef eity to hooerae tessb**d S ths debt et the eeaaty, •hell not. tor the purposm et this

SS reckoner1 BS • part ef the etty The jsmmsj hereafter to be raised by tas sssssy ar eity pisp*' lag a oity ef *v*r e s* handrad Ihiesunt ter habitaata, er any asea stay af tats ttaa to prevldlni tor th* prlnoipal af existing debt, aball not In the i ee*d ta say *n* year t e e per aassass cd Baxesasd valuation sf th* real aad personal a ef each eoaaty sr etty, to be aa*irt*to*d as •on be* ts this aestiaa ta city debt, f 2. a-scJved (if

mftt'ed to the peosto f*r appreval at th* t« a* h-ld in tka rear ninetom

In a.-"«T**»« with the s m r t the elscttea law.

State ef New V«rk, la Senate. April IA, t S B a -Ths tsNgwtag nesrettaa wss deiy pssass, * •misrtty ef all lbs Senator* elected voting ta fever thereof. Br order af the Banata, BOBAgB WHITE, Praaident

Stat* et Mew terh. Is Aammldy, April « , I f S t - T h e torerofwg remlstton was *sty piasad,

i a amjeritg af all th* avsmban risetsd is. the vntleg » fever theranf. By erdei *f

#, B. WADSWOBTH, Jr.. BpesSW SUt* af New Terk, OStae ef the l isTitaiy Wf

m : I have rwrnparad th* prssedlag ssS> •f Bsaiwinal resriuttoa with the arlgtael ee*>.

.lution an tie ta thto eaVe, asd 1 dd asrtify tht t the saana to a

asd ef si and th* aaal et

The Southern Inn 222 West d7tti Street New York

•triotly first-el •isa. All room* separate wi'.hbo, and cold witer. Nio ly firniahed pU nty of light, with or without board.

MRS. C. a<i(> 19-Sm

Tetesseae 5122 Ceiumtss

JAMES L CURTIS Afloniy in "omiior it Hi

Office, 322 W. 53rd Street

L E V E R R E T T , Prop.

HB • I u r M f t w d v H o i u a m

NEW YORK sept Si

Phsae S167 Cortlsndt


Practioss in all the Court a III NASSAU STREET

Residence 248 W. 53d Street HBW VOUE

S 0 4 t < 6 W. 4 9 t H S t r e e t Near Broadway

Neatly furnished room for perma­nent or transient guests.

Mrs. E. M. Crawford Prop. S a n 3,4-3-m

NOTICE. To Professionals In General


Formerly of 141 W. 49th Street has removed to

a6g W . 134th S T R E E T

Nicely furnished rooms with or without board. All improvements.

J. GORDON, Prop. _ i _ * #


H- P I E R ( f i g ^

White Rose Working Girls' HOB* 217 East 80th Street

Between Second and Third Arena* Pleasant temporary lodgings fe

woikin*; girls, with privlleses. at raas enable rates. The Home solicits erder> for working; dresses, aprons, etc. • * ^.^•hml 1 1 !?- pRANC«8 RSTNOLD* K K Y S E R rtunnrlntetni lont .

D R , R O B E R T A '

White Rose Tootlr Powder it one of the best known preparations for

• -a nan lag sad classing the tsetk.

BtOBasaVr*. D. D. S.


^ R E L L ' O'FARRELL'* 410-412 Eighth AteiM • let at» h f l W TOaTJi

POfillTORg, CiRPETS, ofa i*},


rata •sgsj

GEORGE A. BRAMBILL Ladies aad Cent** TaHar

57-5» WEST 13STM ST r a t l l D r e u Sta l ta a*. II ty*


of every description done o* the shortest notice.


*i« West SSd

teeretarj ef But. at the Sltf *f M t t f -fewrth star ef emj, ta she aw*ssf»axa eJ©**1 a s s w ^ S * ^ ™ m»^aTay

5<L.ai sasti

sf ths

ai ear

*The Murray House 322 West 41st Street

Bet. 8th snd 9th Ares. NBW YORK Neniiy furniahed Koooma, Modern imprors-

merts Restaursnt attach id, strictly Southern cooking, tfs >1sat all hoars. The Horns for Railroad Porters. Conrssisnt to Subway, El-<>vnt«d and surface ears.

June S—8m<>. J. W. 3M1TH, Prop

Dr. James A. Banks SUR0E0N DENTIST

f i t West 59th Street, New Toss Telephone 9623 Columbus,

Osa Administered. Poroekdn, Groan* east Bridge Work a Specialty, Ten yeses • Dr.D.GWUtsv %\-

OLD D R . B R Y A N SO Tsars' Raperienoe

208 Bast 17th Street Near 3rd A venae HEW

8rioQi*H*t 1st <il«aM«» nf mas enlr. cures sad best '.restment to readers of TSTB Aaa, Offloe opes dsy tine aad et Sunday mornings.


133rd aad IJ 4th Street*

The most popular drtig store In Harlem. Our l ine of boasehoisi V%dmmm\fm cannot be excelletl. We name below a few o l them.

W o m a n ' * Fri i ind ^ A n Excellent r e m e d y for all Female Diseases.

• 75

75 S e e b e ' t B l o o d gMrifi«r—-Pttrifies and Enriches the Blood.

QtrinatJfg^TlJpdeal Hair Pomade, Stndfhteus and Beantifiea Hair I ISC £ S £ I 5

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