Rhetoric Final: "Steak v. Salad -- The Visual Rhetoric of Food & Gender"

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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Examining the gendered messages of food, food consumption, and body images in print advertisements.


“a true meat man”

“most men…were

born to grill” “[he] has

smoke and fire in his DNA”

brand name = “skinny cow”

“don’t go too crazy”

“curb your cravings”“who hasn’t

found herself…staring into the freezer… [at] mint chocolate chip ice cream?”

“it’s a pleasure shaving off calories”

“stick to your resolution”

“maximum pleasure. minimum calories.”

“[only] 80 toasty calories”

“warm and comforting”

“luscious… plump”

“control appetite” “fight…cravings”

“avoid high-calorie snacks to get ready

for the beach”


“feed your muscles”

“[he] is now one of the boys!”

Source: The Penguin Atlas of Women

in the World, 4th ed.

Adbusters(Canadian Edition)

March/April 2007

…as may all the things you eat.