Ridgewood · Ridgewood Reflections MAY 2015 RIDGEWOOD CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1571 BALDWIN...

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Ridgewood Reflections



Crucified AND Risen It was a setting where you do not expect to hear a good sermon. Or at least I didn’t. We were first year seminarians and it was our very first preaching class. Rather than subject a congregation to our novice preaching, our fellow students were the captive audience. Six of us in a classroom, taking our turn with a carefully-timed twelve minute sermon. We sat around an oval table, except for the “preacher” who stood at the head of the table, with a little lectern holding up the sermon manuscript. To put it mildly, it was an awkward setting in which to preach. Then it happened. She was a little older than most of the students, and she had been through a lot. We already knew (through other classes) that she was a gifted student and a deep thinker. But now we got to hear her preach: “Crucified AND risen!” she said. “They are always together and no one must pull them apart. If he died, but wasn’t raised, then the cancer has been removed—but we have died on the operating table! If He has been raised but not crucified—we may have new life but we are still full of cancer. This is why it is such Good News: Jesus is crucified AND risen. The killing disease is removed, and new life has been given. Crucified AND risen. They must always be together.” That was pure Gospel. It’s been a source of blessing to me ever since I heard it…in an unlikely place.  




On the Road to the Cross Our road to Mississippi was filled with the sights and sounds of our Creator and Redeemer. Nature began to show His handiwork in the lush green grasses and the beautiful bursting buds of trees and bushes along the highway. It was Good Friday afternoon and the clouds began to thicken and the sun receded. It was as if the signs of the crucifixion became our moment of awareness of the sacrifice of the cross. Moments later in Effingham, Illinois we saw the 198 foot cross along the Interstate reaching out to 50,000 travelers a day. A most memorable sight on this Good Friday. We would pass it again on the road home and because of our week's experiences, would give us a new realization of such a great gift and a new purpose for our lives. And then it was Resurrection Sunday! We worshiped in an unforgettable service which included mime, liturgical dancing, an Easter skit, communion and Pastor Linda Sweezer bringing the message of celebration. That evening we met as a group to discuss our personal meaning of Easter. Following are the answers to the statement: BECAUSE HE LIVES ....................

We are free Abby Warners I can live Abby Van Wienen I am saved Presley Scholten I will serve Brianna Kamps I receive eternal life Troy Meekhof I can face tomorrow Caleb Kortman I don't worry about death Luke Van Wienen I am not afraid Spencer Meekhof I can be His hands and feet Lori Kamps Others will see Him and be saved Valerie Engelsma I am free from sin Nathan Meekhof The grave cannot hold me Dee Meekhof I can tell others Bruce Kamps Everyone can live Layton Kortman I have hope Rog Meekhof I live to praise Him Matt Kortman I don't have to be afraid Zeke Kortman I live Ben Kortman Now, excited to begin the week of work we were given the goals for the week ahead. Both the Vicksburg and Rolling Fork churches would be the recipient of much needed repair and maintenance. The work was varied and each member found a place and a project to complete. Some of the work accomplished: The Rolling Fork church exterior was changed from a boring brown to a refreshing gray, landscaping and pruning at each location including the Ministry House, replacing Fellowship Room damaged tiles, repairing dry wall damaged by mold, repainting floor molding and thoroughly vacuuming and dusting the sanctuary and constructing a wooden cross.

At the Vicksburg church a closet was designed and made to house a series of meters, damaged kitchen tiles replaced, painted two rooms as well as the floors of these rooms, repaired plumbing problems, painted some interior doors and cabinets, and spring cleaning as well as vacuuming and dusting the sanctuary. The most inspiring moments for all of us was to construct a wooden cross for the exterior of each church. Each cross would measure 10 feet and would be highly visible to all who passed by. Most of all it will remain a strong visual in our memory of how we were touched by this special Easter trip. At the Rolling Fork church the team built, sanded and primed the wooden structure. Then several members carried the cross to its position and cemented it in the ground. Each person then took a turn at putting on the final coat of paint. "The best Easter ever" they would say and an experience and privilege to bring this symbol of hope and life to the Delta. Church members provided lunch each day and it was delightful to spend time with them at the table. Hospitality reigns here and we were energized and grateful. Relationships continue to flourish and the cultural and racial barrier are nowhere to be seen. Thank you Ridgewood for your faithful support of this 35 year opportunity. The impact on the Michigan teams and the Mississippi families will bless many lives forever. All these trips continue to resonate the beauty of the cross. Each team member acknowledges the joy of serving and becoming "difference makers". All these relationships and trips have impacted many and it is a precious gift of God through you and it is truly treasured. Gratefully, leaders:

Rog and Dee Meekhof Bruce and Lori Kamps Valerie Engelsma Matt Kortman







    UPCOMING EVENTS at “The Ridge” and Beyond Tuesday,  May  05  

Deacons/  Seniors  Dinner    

May  05-­‐09  MMORE  at  Tulip  Time  in  


Thursday,  May  14  Caring  Ministries  Tea  Time  

 Sunday,  May  17  Grad  Reception  

Council  Election  &  Selection      

Tuesday,  May  19  MI  Blood  Drive  

 Sunday,  May  31  

Installation  Sunday  Volunteer  Appreciation  Lunch  


Thursday,  June  04  One  Lord,  One  Church    Prayer  Gathering  

 Sunday,  June  07  

One  Lord,  One  Church    

Saturday,  June  20  Jenison  Slip  ‘n  Slide  

 Wednesday,  June  24  

Anniversary  Open  House    &  Ice  Cream  Social  




One Lord One Church: Prayer Gives Birth to Revival O for a passionate passion for souls, O for a pity that yearns! O for the love that loves unto death, O for a fire that burns! O for the pure prayer-power that prevails, That pours itself out for the lost! Victorious prayer in the Conqueror’s Name, O for a PENTECOST! ---- Amy Wilson Carmichael I recently watched an episode of the new series, A.D.: The Bible Continues. In this episode, the disciples gathered together in a room in Jerusalem waiting for the Holy Spirit to come as Jesus had told them to do. Hollywood’s version of Pentecost had the disciples standing together and praying the Lord’s Prayer in unison over and over again. It was during their time of prayer when the Holy Spirit came upon them and they began to speak in different languages. It made me wonder, were the disciples actually praying at the time when the flames of fire anointed them with power from heaven? Only the Holy Spirit can bring revival! It is recorded in history that great revivals were birthed in prayer. What are some of the conditions for revival? Henry Blackaby is well-known for his writings on being attuned to the work of the Spirit. He says that the conditions for revival include: 1) pervasive, fervent prayer; 2) powerful, scriptural preaching; 3) uninhibited confession; and 4)

radical conversions. Isn’t this something we should long for? Does your heart echo the prayer of Amy Carmichael’s poem? That is the desire and mission of One Lord One Church – to pray for revival. Churches are gathering together to pray for the spiritual fervor of Pentecost, for apathy to be removed, repentance to be embraced and for the Church to be unified and empowered serving Jesus Christ our Lord. Prayer is work but it is indispensable for revival. Come join us in praying for revival! Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on us! Here are some dates to note: Now – June 3, Wednesdays, 12:15-12:45 p.m., you are invited to join others to pray for revival at Immanuel CRC in Hudsonville. May 24 – Pentecost Sunday May 31-June 7 – Ridgewood will once again cover our sign in burlap; prayer guides will be available. Thursday, June 4 – All church prayer gathering at Calvary CRC in Holland. Sunday, June 7 – Ridgewood’s worship service will focus on One Lord One Church with the Gospel being the focus. NOTE: No joint service will be held this year, only the prayer gathering will take place on June 4.

Why No Fragrances? A Personal Story

Every time I read the announcement about avoiding the use of fragrances in church (though not requesting it) I am so grateful! Let me explain. Several years ago, after I was diagnosed and treated for an auto-immune disease and I needed to be on oxygen 24/7. My lungs were not working properly. Eventually, I went to specialists at U of M in Ann Arbor who adjusted my medications and I was able to stop using the oxygen. But my lungs were somewhat damaged.

Now here’s what happens: in the presence of many fragrances my lungs and I seem to struggle to get my next breath. That’s a very scary situation. I am forced to leave where I’m at—or at least put some distance between myself and the fragrance. I also suffer an almost immediate headache

I would like to thank all of you who have been kind by avoiding the use of perfumes, colognes, and other products that have a lot of fragrance. Several people have this sensitivity, and our reactions differ. But all of us want to say a big THANK YOU for your thoughtfulness.

Joyce Leeth


PLEASE  REFRAIN  from  wearing  fragrances,  colognes,  or  perfumes  to  any  worship  service,  committee  meeting  or  gathering  as  some  folks  are  especially  sensitive  to  such  smells  and  may  experience  an  allergic  reaction.  –from  the  announcements  (every  week!).