Rising Sun "After Breaking Dawn

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Nessie is celebrating her six/sixteenth birthday with her family and best friend, Jacob. He has something important to tell her after the party which changes both their lives.


Rising Sun I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING ALL OF THE CHARACTERS FROM TWILIGHT ARE OWN BY Stephenie M eyer THE WHOLE POLT IS OWNED BY TOO TOO I made this so everyone with an Ipod can read it without needing wifi

Chapter 1 "Wake up, sleepyhead!" Oh God, can't a girl sleep on her birthday? Well, I guess that's what you get when you live in a houseful of vampires who don't actually sleep. Just five more minutes Daddy, I thought "If you don't wake up in exactly 20 seconds, Alice is going to be the one waking you up. I've warned you," he said, chuckling. I forced my eyes open and jumped out of bed immediately. The more I think about last year when Auntie Alice woke me up, the more I'm determined to not give her that chance again, ever. Daddy laughed at the thought; he remembered exactly what happened last time. Flashback "Are you going to wake up or do I have to make you?" Alice asked, "Your fifth bi rthday is in 3 hours and you're still in bed! How the hell am I going to dress y ou up?" "Calm down, Auntie Alice, you have all the time in the world to dress me up! 3 h ours is way more than enough! I'm just going to stick to the light green dress a nd the white flats you've bought a week ago. Really, you have nothing to worry a bout!" I muttered groggily. The next thing I knew was that my head and my pillow were completely wet. She ju st grabbed my wrist and literally dragged me to the bathroom. "I was going to wash your hair, anyway; I want to try to straighten the curls," was all she said. End Flashback I ran to the bathroom full speed. Good thing I've slept in the cottage last nigh t.

I did my usual morning routine; brushed my teeth and took a shower. Then I had t o put on one of those blue masks; half-vampire or no half-vampire sixteen-year-o lds get zits all the time. I'm only six, technically, but I have the looks and m ental abilities of a sixteen-year-old. "I see someone has decided to wake up early this year," Of course it was Auntie Alice. She would literally kill to dress everyone up, especially on occasions. "Yeah, Auntie Alice. I know we live in the rainiest parts of the universe but I still don't really appreciate the water," We had to move after my 3rd birthday; people would notice how Carlisle never aged or how I, on the other hand, grew up faster than anyone else would imagine; Grandpa Charlie still gets shocked each and every time he sees me. "Need to know," he keeps muttering to himself. "Well, ladies, I'll excuse myself now. Oh and Alice, you work on Nessie as much as you'd like; I'll just go with the new outfit you'd bought me," Daddy said. I half-glared at him. Thanks Daddy; now I'm stuck here, I thought . He just chuckled " You're very welcome, sweetheart" "Oh Daddy, where's Momma? And Jake for that matter?" I said, trying to distract myself from what's about to happen. "They're in the main house, honey. We'll be waiting for you there. All of us" No, no, no, no! This can't be happening. How bad is it? I thought. "Let's just say that we'd have one heck of a cleaning task once everyone goes ho me. No thanks to this tiny, pixie aunt of yours," he replied, smiling. "At least I'm not the one who doesn't want his daughter to have some real fun on her birthday! Where's the fun in celebrating with the people you see everyday? Every minute!" Auntie Alice said, a bit too loudly. "Come on, Ness, time to get the birthday girl ready!" she added, glaring at Daddy. "And you, sir. Go to the main house. Now." Daddy was out of sight in a blur. And she didn't waste any time, as usual. In one hour, I was officially ready. I wore a white mini-skirt with lace legging s, a blue v-neck top and white heels. My curly bronze hair was left loose; she a lways loved it this way. As for my make-up, I wore brown mascara, light ivory ey e-shadow right under my eyebrows and a light pink lip gloss; I've never needed t he blush, one of the things Uncle Emmett loved about me is that I reminded him o f the way Momma used to blush, when she was human, of course. "Oh Nessie, Nessie, Nessie!" Auntie squealed, "I'm so happy! And proud! My littl e niece is a little woman! You look absolutely fantastic!" I looked in the mirror that was suddenly placed in front of me, and I liked the way I looked. I had to admit it, Auntie Alice had her own weird sense of fashion but she never failed on her 'missions', one of the many reasons I love her for. "I love it! Thank you!" I squealed, a habit I've inherited from Alice, and hugge d her tightly. "Now, enough hugs-" she couldn't help but grin "-you go get your phone, put it i n your new white Prada bag and come to the house in human pace; I really like th ose heels, don't get mud on them" she said, kissing me twice on the cheek, then ran to the house. Here we go, I thought. Chapter 2 I walked into the house as slowly as Alice had told me. Everyone left whatever t

hey were doing and looked at me for the tiniest bit of a second, I noticed Jake standing there with a dumbfounded expression that I couldn't help but giggle. Da ddy glared at him and growled which I didn't understand why, then he looked at U ncle Jasper and said "Sorry, Jazz. I'll tell you later." The Denalis were there, along with The Pack (which has been one pack since the Vo lturi incident with Jacob as their Alpha) and my own beloved family. "Happy Birthday, Renesmee!" They all screamed together in their musical voices t hat it almost sounded like a song, aside from the husky, rough voices of The Pac k, of course. I grinned my famous grin and thanked them all. "My Nessie is finally six!" a husky, super-familiar voice said. It was Jacob, my best friend who's been there for me since the day I was born, literally. He pul led me into one of his bear hugs. "Jake.. cant... breathe!" I said, breathlessly. He let me down with a huge smirk on his face "You're still so short, though. Onl y 5''4!" " 5"4 is extremely normal. 6"6 is what I call freaky" I replied. " 6"7," he corrected, still smirking. "Whatever!" I joked, trying to switch the subject; I hate it when him or Uncle E mmett joke about my height, it's really not my fault they're super-sized! "You know, Ness, Jacob does have a point here. You are still abnormally short. O h, and Happy Birthday, Nessie Bear!" Uncle Emmett interrupted. Speak of the Devi l.. I heard Daddy clear his throat. Sorry, Daddy , I thought. "Thank you, Uncle Em!" I said, hugging him tightly and kissing him on the cheek. Then I went to Momma, who was standing with Grandma Esme, putting the food on th e table. "Happy Birthday, honey. I can't believe you've grown that much!" Momma said, she seemed like she would cry if she could. "Momma, it's been only six years! Thanks anyways," I reassured her, smiling her favorite smile. "Grandma! Thank you so much for everything! You're the best gran dma ever! I'm sure everyone will love the food!" I told Grandma Esme. I really wished Grandpa Charlie would come. I missed him so much; last time we'd seen him it was six months ago. "We'll visit him soon, Nessie. I promise we'll go to Forks within the next month " I gasped. "Daddy you really startled me," I mumbled, breathing heavily. Then I held him in to a tight hug. I love you so much Daddy! Thanks for everything! I thought to hi m. I've always been daddy's little girl. Though sometimes I wish I had a little privacy. He chuckled "Come on, baby, go open your presents. I know Alice won't be able to hold on for long," Sure, sure. I thought. Daddy always laughed when I said or thought this, Jake's catchphrase. But today, he.. Grimaced? What's wrong today? You know I've noticed. Did you really growl at Jake? "Alice is growing impatient. As far as your own safety is concerned, you really should go open the presents. Now." His voice was uncomfortable, but I let it go. "And open Alice's first; you know the rules," he added, smirking. I ran to Alice, who was really getting impatient as Daddy had said. "Presents ti me, everyone!" she announced. "Open mine first!" "How could I not, Auntie Alice?" I replied sarcastically. I opened the large, silver-wrapped, gift she handed me with my nails. I found a couple of large designer bags, matching shoes and two incredibly fantastic dress es. "Oh My God, Auntie Alice! I love them! You're the best auntie in the whole wide world!" I squealed. Rosalie cleared her throat. "Rose you're the best girlfriend any girl can ask for! You know that!" She beamed. "Of course she is!" Uncle Emmett added. Daddy gave him a weird look. "Uncle Em, you know that's so not what I mean!" I told him. "Whatever! Just open ours next, Ness,"

He handed me a small, dark-blue, satin box. I opened it carefully, not expecting what to find; Rose and Emmett never repeated a gift. I was surprised to find a white-gold necklace with a huge diamond in the middle surrounded by sapphires. Wow! I thought. "So, what do you think?" Rose asked. "She's speechless, Rose. She loves it," Daddy answered her. Thanks I thought. He just grinned. "See? Me reading your mind is not always bad" he whispered in my ear. I chuckled . "It's beautiful, Ness," Jake said, sadness in his voice. I touched his cheek and thought What's wrong? Did something happen? He forced a smile "Nothing's wrong, hon. Just open mine the last," I know something's wrong! I'll let it go for now. But you owe me one hell of an ex planation! "Sure, sure," he chuckled. Carlisle and Esme got me a book I'd always wanted. The rest of the gifts were ei ther clothes, bags or accessories. Sam and Emily's gift was remarkable though; i t was an old book in Quileute, which Jake had taught me last year. I loved this language, it sounded like Spanish and French combined. The only gifts left were my parents' and Jake's. I decided to open my parents' f irst. "Here you go, Renesmee," Momma calls me by my nickname sometimes but she still p refers to call me by my real name. It was an envelope, to my surprise. I've expected something that would fit in a box. I opened it anyways. "Are you serious? This is the best gift ever! I can't believe I'm actually going to school with you this year! Oh My God! You're the best parents ever!" I rushe d through the words, but I knew they'd hear me just as clearly. They both laughed their musical laughs and hugged me. "I knew you'd love it, baby. We're starting in two weeks," Daddy whispered in my ear, still hugging me. " I just saw Rose, Bella, Nessie and I on a shopping trip for school supplies! S he's going with us this year! How could you hide something like this from me, Ed ward?" Alice has started seeing me in her visions since I was two; she knew my k ind better and was able to see me gradually until now she can see my clearly. "My gift's turn!" Jake reminded me. I took the white box from his hand and opened it quickly; I knew Jake would get me the best gift! I couldn't wait to find out what it is. "Oh Jake! It's beautiful! You made this?" I asked, amazed. He blushed subtly, "Yeah, do you really like it?" The small wooden charm with my name was more than wonderful. And the silver neck lace just enhanced its beauty. I flipped it to the other side to find "I love yo u" written in Quileute. I felt a tear escape my eye. " I absolutely love it!" "Hey, Ness! Aren't we going to eat or what?" Seth asked, causing everyone in the room to burst in laughter. Leah just smacked his head. Leah and I became friend s after the Volturi incident, though we were never close. Seth, on the other han d, was like my big brother. Big huge brother! "Sure, Seth. I was just heading to the buffet right now." I took a small portion of the huge chocolate cake; Eggs and chocolate were the t wo things that didn't taste like mud to me. The Pack, of course, finished the ca ke in a blink. I chuckled. Soon enough everyone was heading home. Only my family and Jake stayed at home. "Did you have a good time, honey?" Daddy asked. I rolled my eyes You're the only one who knows how much I had fun today! You're the mind-reader for God's sake! He laughed. Momma looked at him, confused. "I'll tell you later, love," he told

her and kissed her forehead. She let it go immediately. "So, Edward, honey, do you want to go choose the outfit I'll wear for the first day of school?" Momma asked, almost too innocently. Uncle Emmett laughed his booming laugh. I really don't want to know I thought to myself. "No, you don't, Nessie," he said, grinning. Sure, Daddy! I'll spend the night here! I have a room here, too. I thought. "Thanks, sweetheart," he said over his shoulder. "So, are we going to go shopping tomorrow?" Alice asked, over-excited. "Umm.. Yeah, about that.." I tried to answer when she interrupted. "Renesmee Carlie Cullen you have to go shopping with me tomorrow for the school supplies and that's final!" she said, using her 'auntie' tone. I rolled my eyes. "Nessie, why don't we go to a walk in the woods now? I know Carlisle is in his s tudy, Esme is cleaning up, Blondie and fortune-teller are going to be planning t he shopping trip. And Emmett and Jasper are somewhere near here hunting. So, sha ll we?" Jake asked. I giggled "We shall," I replied. We raced each other until we reached the center of the woods. It was dark now an d everything was so quiet and peaceful. I sat on the grass, inhaling the beautiful scent. "Nessie I want to tell you something important," he said, sitting beside me. " Of course, Jake, you know you can tell me anything," "Nessie, I love you," I waited for what he has to say but when he said nothing, I was confused; I knew he loved me; he had imprinted on me. Though I couldn't fully understand this co ncept, I just knew that he loved me and will always be there for me. "I don't understand. I know you love me, Jake" "No, Nessie, that's not it. I'm in love with you!" My eyes widened. I didn't know it until his lips crushed into mine. I didn't wan t it; he was my best friend, I didn't love him that way . I tried my best to pus h him away but couldn't; he was much stronger than me. So I just waited for him to finish, angry tears filling my eyes. Suddenly, he was pushed away from me, al most hitting a tree. "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. My. Niece!" It was Uncle Emmett, anger filling his v oice. I stayed there speechless, motionless. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was sobbing uncontrollably. I stayed wide-eyed for a moment, trying to compreh end what had happened while Emmett punched Jacob in the face. Jacob didn't react which frightened me. Was he unconscious? Or worse, was he- No, no this can't ha ve happened! I thought I felt Uncle Jasper there. But I didn't know for sure; fo r the first time in my life, everything went black! Chapter 3 Edward Cullen "Edward, your phone is ringing! It might be something important," Bella whispere d. "Fine," I mumbled, knowing I had no other choice. I looked at the phone, it was Carlisle. "Is everything okay?" I asked, worried; Carlisle won't call unless it's an emerg ency. "It's Nessie, Edward,.." I didn't wait for him to finish; I was far too worried to even wait. I jumped into my jacket and ran there full speed. I knew Bella wou

ld be a couple of seconds behind me; but I was too distracted to sense her. What happened to Renesmee? Did she get hurt? Of course! Why else would Carlisle call ? At that second, I was there. Nessie was lying on the couch, unconscious. She has never fainted before. "Whatwhat happened?" I managed to choke, taking Nessie in my arms. "That mongrel was-" Rosalie smacked Emmett on his head when he said that. "Not now, Em!" she whispered to him, but I heard what he thought. That mutt kissed my daughter! I should've known this would happen, but when he t hought about her this morning that way I never thought he'd do anything like tha t. Not until she's ready and she obviously wasn't. I felt the anger rise into an unexpected level; that's when a wave of calmness rushed through me. "Thanks, Jazz, I needed that now," I mumbled. That's when Bella entered the room , panicking at the sight. "RENESMEE!" she exclaimed, running towards us. "What happened, Edward?" I didn't know. That wouldn't make her faint! I looked at Carlisle, confused. "Emmett and Jacob fought, according to Jasper she was worried and scared that's probably why she fainted. It's been 6 minutes now, but her pulse is steady. Ther e's nothing to worry about concerning her physical health. But she went through much tonight, she would need some rest." Carlisle explained in his professional voice. "What would make her worried and scared?" Bella asked, "Why would Emmett fight w ith Jacob? And where is Jacob?" "Someone else tell her, I can't bear this," I muttered under my breath, they wou ld hear for sure. They told her what happened and she was as angry as I was. No, no one could be a s angry as I am I thought. "Where did he go?" I choked, ready to kill him. Now. He phased and ran away. May be The Pack could help us. Jasper thought, not managing to hide his own fury. Daddy? "Nessie, sweetie, are you ok?" I switched my attention to her immediately, worry replacing anger. She hasn't opened her eyes yet but she was alright. I sighed. I'm fine. Don't worry about me! Is Jake ok? And Uncle Emmett? Oh my God, Daddy, I'm so sorry! She thought, making me confused. "Sorry? Don't you ever apologize for something that's obviously not your fault! Renesmee Carlie Cullen, you did nothing wrong to apologize!" I told her. Here goes my full name again! You know, Daddy, it will lose its effect if you gu ys just keep using it that often! She thought, opening her eyes and remembering what Alice had told her. I let out a chuckle, helping her sit upright. "Oh, and by the way, you are so like your mother!" "What? Why? What did she think?" Bella asked, confused again. "She was actually worrying about Emmett !" I told her, laughing. Emmett laughed his booming laugh, nearly shaking the house. Daddy! You're editing! "Fine, Ness. And she was worrying about that pup, too," I whispered. She sighed. "Where is he?" she asked, reminding me of my own question. I couldn' t help my anger this time, nor could Jasper. I sat her carefully on the couch an d flew through the opened door; Esme knew when to open doors, thankfully. I followed his scent to the center of the woods, where this whole incident happe ned. Then, his scent led me north, towards the high way. He had been running for a long distance. I decided to call Sam and ask him where he is. "Hello?" he answered, surprised that someone would call him this late. "Sam, it's Edward. Do you know where Jacob is?" I said, trying to hide my anger. But I didn't succeed. "No; I haven't phased tonight; it's his turn to patrol. What happened, Edward? I s Renesmee ok?" "No, Sam, she's not! Now, can you help me find him or do I have to follow his sc

ent around Port Angeles and the reservation?" "I'll phase now and call you in a few, I would know where he is if he is in his wolf form" "Thank you," I managed to say and shut my phone. Jacob Black What have I done? Why did I do this? She wasn't ready! She still thinks of me as her best friend! Oh God! Will she ever forgive me? WillSeriously, dude! It was an honest mistake! You're getting on my nerves now! She' ll forgive you and all that crap just think of something else while we're patrol ling! Paul thought. PAUL! Seth and I thought together. Okay, I do not know much about imprinting; I haven't experienced it but really, Paul, try to be more thoughtful than that! You know, Emmett could've hurt him ba dly tonight if it wasn't for Nessie fainting! Seth thought, or rather yelled. It struck me, Nessie fainted! I totally forgot! Was she ok? Did she wake up? I r eally should go check on her. So you were lucky enough to come back here alive after that brief fight with Emm ett- no it wasn't a fight, you felt too guilty to even hit him back! And you wan t to go back to the whole coven there? Do you think Emmett would let you go this time? Or do you have the slightest idea how EDWARD would react? Seth was right; Edward would practically kill me. But I had to face him someday. And sooner is better than later; it would give me a chance to see Renesmee soon er. I was about to phase back when I heard another voice in my head. JACOB!It was Sam. What was he doing in his wolf form? It's my turn tonight. Edward called. - THAT explains it What the hell have you done to piss him off that bad? It all replayed in my head for the millionth time tonight. Oh GOD! That definitely explains his mood! Anyways, he wants to talk to you, I g uess that's why he's asked me where you were. What should I tell him now? Wow. Now he's waiting for me? Well, I'll phase back and call him, get this over with. I phased back to my human form, untied the clothes from my arm and jumped into m y sweats. I was near the reservation now so I went home to call him. "Hello?" he answered after the first ring. "Um It's Jacob, Edward. I believe you wanted to talk to me?" I choked. "You. Me. Backyard. Now." was all he said through his teeth then he hung up on m e. I couldn't blame him; I knew all this mess was my fault. I grabbed a sweater and ran to the backyard of the main house where I found him pinching the bridge of his nose Great! He was nervous! This night keeps on getti ng better and better! Suddenly, he turned around, grabbed me from my neck and hit my back to a tree. "Why do I have a feeling that my life is repeating itself? First Bella now my da ughter! Were you even thinking, you mongrel?" I wasn't able to speak with his hand on my throat. So I thought, I know this is a mistake, a huge one! But I honestly thought that she felt the same for me! I t hought that's how imprinting works, what I feel she feels! I swear if I knew any better I would never do anything to hurt her, Edward, and you know that better than I do! His grip loosened a fraction so I could breathe. "Emmett didn't even break your jaw this time but if you ever touch my daughter t his way again, I swear to God that would be the last thing you'd do! The only re ason I won't kill you now because it would upset the two most important people i n my life. But next time, not even they could stop me!" He threatened. His voice was ice-cold. "I know this question is repeated but you know the situation is much different W

hat if-" He cut me off, grimacing, "then I'll have another talk with you." Chapter 4 Rensemee Cullen I kept checking my watch every 2 seconds, anxious; Daddy went to 'talk' to Jake and I didn't think it would be any less violent than the last time Emmett 'talke d' to him. "Nessie, PLEASE! Calm down! Everything will be fine, sweetie, just relax a bit," Jasper said, while sending a wave of calmness through me. "Thanks, Uncle Jazz, I really needed it," I said, forcing a smile. He nodded. "Just think about something else, honey, I'm sure nothing will happen," Momma tr ied to reassure me. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, okay, I'm not sure. But I am sure both of them will be fine, I think," he r voice broke at the last words; Jake and Daddy were nearly equal in strength, a ny one of them could get hurt. "Ness, you're really worried about that mutt? Even after what he did to you toni ght?" Emmett asked, genuinely confused. I grimaced; no one would ever let me forget this. I went to Emmett and touched m y hand to his cheek, unable to speak for myself. I know Uncle Em, I didn't like it any more than you did! he hugged me tightly and rubbed his hands on my back to soothe me- But Jake is m y best friend, I don't know what got into him tonight but I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, not intentionally. I really am worried about him. And about Daddy, of course. At that moment, Daddy walked through the door. I quickly released myself from Em mett's iron grip and ran to jump in Daddy's arms. He ran his hands through the loose curls of my hair. I kept hugging him for a wh ile, until I remembered what I had to ask him. "He's fine, Nessie, but you won't be seeing each other for at least two weeks. T hat was his punishment, honey. You do know that I won't do anything to hurt you, right? I know how you're attached to him but-" I cut him off, "It's okay, Daddy, really. I don't think I'm ready to see him now either." Thinking about what happened again, I realized that I really didn't want to see him then. What he did was far beyond what I could imagine. I mean, I really want ed to know his 'explanation' to this whole situation but I had to get over that anger now. Then another thought hit me, what did I really feel about this? Did I love him t he same way he did? What if- I saw Daddy grimace after releasing me from his arm s. "Now, Ness, you have to get some sleep; I have another surprise for you tomorrow ," he said, grinning. "What surprise? I can't wait until tomorrow, Daddy please tell me!" I squealed, using the full power of my puppy eyes another habit I've inherited from Auntie Al ice. "Don't even try, Nessie, I know for sure that Edward won't change his mind; I st ill see you see it tomorrow!" Alice said. Oh fine! But I'll tell Momma to shield me so you won't know my real reaction. I thought, grinning an evil grin. "We'll see about that- Bella, love, would you please not shield Renesmee's thoug hts tomorrow when she sees our little surprise?" he asked in his velvet-voice, t rying to 'dazzle' her as he had once said. This is much stronger than the puppy eyes and the pout! This is so unfair! I hav

e to learn that! "Of course it is! And, no, I won't teach you that; I have to have at least one a dvantage," he commented on my thoughts, smiling his crooked-smile at Momma. And that, too! He chuckled. "Sure, Edward, I won't shield her tomorrow," she answered him between giggles. "You two aren't fighting fair!" I said, frowning. Everyone cracked at that point. Emmett got by my side. "I've got your back," he whispered, "Hey, Edward, I'm taking Nessie to the cotta ge now, you know, to sleep. I'm sure she'd love to be there," he said loud enoug h for Daddy to hear. Daddy hissed and everyone started laughing again. I didn't get the joke though. "I'll make sure you don't understand it, honey, not until you're one-hundred and fifty," Daddy whispered in my ears. I was confused, everybody else laughed thou gh. "Don't even think about saying that, Emmett!" he commented on his thought se riously. "You were right, Nessie Bear, those two are so not fighting fair!" Emmett whimpe red. I giggled. I said goodnight to everyone and thanked them for the, well, party and headed to my room in the house. One thing for sure, I didn't want to be in the cottage to night. I was exhausted, so I slept easily that night. "Renesmee, sweetie, time to wake up! Unless you don't want to see you surp-" I cut Momma off, "I'm UP!" "Someone is excited," Daddy said. I need to know what exactly the surprise I've been dreaming about all last night is! "Trust me, it's going to be worth it!" He said, excited, too. I jumped out of bed and did my morning routine. Two cold hands covered my eyes a nd I jumped slightly. "Sorry!" Alice giggled, "But I have to make sure you won't peek!" She led me outside, Daddy and Momma holding my hands. "Here you go, honey," Daddy whispered, kissing my cheek. As Alice removed her hands away from my eyes, my vision caught the least thing e xpected. There it was, red and shiny. Its seats were black leather which I could smell from where I was. There was my car! "Oh. My. God!" I screamed. It's a beauty! I jumped into Daddy's arms and kissed his cheeks. "Thank you, thank you, THANK Y OU! I LOVE IT!" Then I hurried to Momma and hugged her tightly that if she was still human, she wouldn't be able to breathe. "This is perfect! I can drive it to school, right?" I asked. "Of course; you'll go there as a sophomore," she answered. I grinned. "You, young lady, forgot about something more important," Daddy said, trying to hide a smile. What, Daddy? You know Ja- I've been taught how to drive. I thought. "So you're going to drive without a license just because you can?" he asked, rai sing an eyebrow. "This J. Jenks guy makes all my papers, right? Daddy, I'm not that stupid. I'm l egally only six," I answered, feeling smart. "Told you she'd know!" Momma teased him, smiling. "Hello! I picked the red!" Alice frowned. "I should've known!" I smacked my forehead ever-so-gently. "Thank you, Auntie Al ice, you always know what to get me" I hugged her. "Come on, upstairs! You. Me. Change. Shopping. Now!" She beamed; I could swear s he loved shopping more than human blood! Daddy chuckled, "She does," he whispered in my ear. I laughed.

Alice made me wear dark skinny-jeans with a white tank top and red converse shoe s. Another thing I love about her, she always dresses comfortable for shopping, not that she needs to. On our way to the mall in Alice's Porsche, I got to think freely about last nigh t. Did I want that? Did I feel that way about him? But he was my best friend! Wh at if this ended badly? It would ruin our friendship! Besides, I was not ready f or this. No, not now, I thought. I thought I'd better wait until those two weeks are over and talk to him; I was sure he had a lot to say. Alice and Rose kept throwing tops and bottoms at me to try. I loved shopping but those two just took it to an awful extreme. At the end of the day, Alice's Porsche barely had any space for us to sit. "I'll run my way home, girls," Momma said. I glared at her. I could swear I hear d her mumble "get some peace of mind" or something like that. Two days later, on Momma's birthday party-which she stopped throwing a fit about a couple of years ago, Daddy announced that both of them are going on a second honeymoon in Isle Esme for a couple of weeks and that they'd be back about ten d ays before school. Days went on slowly, I woke up everyday, did my morning routine, watched some TV then Emmett would take over the whole living room, went to read a couple of cla ssics or surfed the net then Momma or Daddy would text me Goodnight and I would go sleep. Until one day I decided that I'd had enough, and waiting for two weeks would just make me more anxious. I waited until Alice and Jasper went hunting; I knew she wouldn't have her cell phone on hunting trips, and then I sneaked out from my bedroom's window and drove my Nissan.

Chapter 5 I didn't have any idea how everyone would react to this, but I had to do it, I h ad to face Jacob sooner better than later. I could feel my heart race harder eac h mile I was closer to the Rez. I was there in less than half an hour. I parked my car in front of Billy's house. I missed it around here; I missed Jac ob, Billy, First Beach, I simply missed everything here, like a piece of me was missing and I just got it back. Weird. "Renesmee?" Billy asked from the porch. "Hey, Billy!" I waved at him as I went closer. "Is Jake here?" "Umm yeah, he's upstairs in his room, I guess," "You guess?" "Well, Renesmee, I won't lie to you; he wasn't himself lately. He would sneak ou t a lot, turn to his wolf form and just run. But I think he is in his room now," I grimaced; I was the reason he had been messed up. I ran to his room, praying to find him there. But, to no one's surprise, he wasn 't. I waved Billy goodbye and jumped into my car, tears forming in my eye, my humble attempts to push them back faded as soon as I was on the road. I was the reason everyone was messed up! I was the reason Momma almost died, I w as the reason the Volturi came to Forks, I was the reason Jacob was suffering; I was nothing but trouble. I just wandered around the Reservation, going nowhere in particular. I didn't re ally concentrate on the road; I just turned on the radio, trying to calm myself down. I knew I should pull over until I could concentrate completely on the road, so I parked my car near the cliff Jake and I used to cliff-dive from. I let myself sob since no one was watching. I guess a lot of time passed when I heard someone knock on my window. "Nessie? What are you doing here?" Seth asked.

It took me a couple of seconds to be able to form a proper response. "I wanted to see Jacob, but he wasn't at home. I haven't seen him since my birth day night and I miss him so much. I need to discuss some issues with him but I j ust couldn't find him. It's my fault. He's suffering, Seth, and it's my entire f ault. I..-" I babbled, still sobbing. "Whoa, Ness, easy on yourself; it's not your fault. Now, lock your car by the way it's great!-" Seth knew how to lighten the mood, but it wasn't the time,"- and come with me to Sam and Emily's; Jake will be there in a while." I did what he told me and went there. Only Emily was there; Sam and Jacob were s upposed to come together. "What a surprise, Nessie! Come here, I've just made some chocolate cookies. I kn ow you love them," Emily said. "Thanks, Emily, I'll just wait for Jake." "Oh, yeah. Okay, sweetie. I'm right here if you need anything," she smiled. I re ally loved her. I think I fell asleep because the next thing I felt was huge, warm hands shaking my shoulder. "Nessie?" "JAKE!" "You alright? You seem tired. Oh God, were you crying?" I leaned on his chest and sobbed. "Oh, Jake. I've missed you so much," "Me too, sweetie," he rubbed his hands on my back in an attempt to soothe me. "You owe me an explanation by the way," I said as soon as I calmed down. He sighed. "I know. How did you get here?" "I sneaked out and drove here," "Awesome! Wait, you said drove here? They let you use one of their cars or what? " "No, they got me one! The red one parked outside," "Really? It's yours? Wow." "Yeah, I know; it's great!" Awkward silence. I decided to break it first. "What time is it now?" "9pm. Why?" "Crap! Crap, crap, crap!" "What?" he was anxious now. "Alice must've got back from her hunting trip and called Daddy!" I said while gr abbing my keys. "Called him? Where is he?" I shot him a hard look. "Not the time! I must go back now!" "But I just saw you," he protested. I remembered what Billy had said that morning. "Come with me!" I suggested without thinking. "Are you crazy or something? Both of us will be in trouble!" "I said come with me, Jacob Black, or I'll just go alone!" I was getting angry n ow. I grabbed his wrist and stormed out of the house, waving Sam, Emily and Seth goo dbye. I drove us, expecting a very welcoming reception at home. "What the hell were you thinking?" Alice was beyond furious now. "Take it easy, Alice," Jasper told her, shooting me a warning glance. Jacob was locking the car; I'd decided to take in the first reaction. "If Edward was here he would've killed me by now! How could you do this to me?" "I'm sorry, Auntie Alice, I just couldn't take it anymore! I had to see him!" My head was facing the ground now, tears threatening to fall. "It's okay, Nessie, it's not like you brought this mongrel here!" That was Rose. Just at that moment, Jacob came in. Everyone except me glared at him. "Oh yeah she did!" Emmett said, furious. Then he came to my side. "Can I have a word with you?"

I nodded. He led me to my room and shut the door behind him. "Nessie! You do realize that what happened was way off limits, right? What happe ned on your birthday night, I mean." I nodded. "And you know why Edward didn't allow him to see you for two weeks, right?" I nodded again. "Then why did you do this? Why did you go to him? And why did you get him here?" He was sitting next to me on my bed, his hand on my shoulder. I put my hand on h is cheek and showed him everything that happened today and what I felt. "Oh, Nessie, I won't tell you I understand because I really don't get what you l ike in that mongrel. But, what I would tell you is that you shouldn't let yourse lf be carried away by your heart again." Wow. Since when was Emmett the wise one ? "I'll try my best," I smiled. "So you want to talk to him? Do you want someone around, you know, just in case? " I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Uncle Em, but I don't think I'll need someone to list en to the whole thing," "I'm just sayin'! Oh and by the way, you should call me Emmett, you won't want t o slip at school and say that I'm your uncle, besides, this whole uncle thing is too old for me." I laughed. "Sure, U- I mean, Emmett." We left the room and headed downstairs. I was sure everyone had heard the whole conversation and, thanks to Jasper, they were calm. I mouthed him a Thank You. H e, on the other hand, was obviously still mad. "Come on, Jake, we'll go outside," I said. "Sure, Ness." We ran to the woods then I started to slow my pace. "What were you thinking that night, Jacob?" I asked him grimly. "Well, first, Renesmee, I need to explain something to you," He only used my rea l name when he was about to make a speech. This must be good I thought. "You know I imprinted on you. But you don't know what that means." It wasn't a q uestion, but he didn't continue so I nodded. "Well, the second a werewolf imprints, the gravity of the Earth no longer ties h im to where he stands; his imprint does. The world just makes perfect sense to h im. "In most cases, the imprint just becomes our lover instantly; without going thro ugh any other stages. Like Sam and Emily-" Sam imprinted on Emily? That was new. He continued without stopping,"-But in other cases, some of us imprint on a chil d which means that she isn't ready to have a lover in the first place. Like Quil and Claire. But that's not what imprinting means; our imprints are our second h alves; we protect them, take care of them and love them in so many different way s. Like in Claire's case; when she was a toddler she needed a brother, so that w hat Quil was, her big brother. But, now, what she needs more is a best friend; s omeone she can easily trust, rely on and someone who would protect her from all what she needs to be protected from, so Quil is now her best friend. "That's what happened to you and me. The minute I saw you on the day you were bo rn, I knew everything made sense. I knew that we were meant to be. It's not like you don't have a choice; of course you do. It's just that that level of commitm ent and love can't be ignored. "So I was your brother until you needed a best friend. But on your birthday, I s aw you in a different way. I was in love with you. I began to have an even stron ger feeling than what I had before, a passionate love that just hit my head the second you walked in the house- that's why Edward growled at me." He waited for my reaction. Wow. How could they all hide something like this from me this whole time? 'Meant to be', 'commitment and love', 'passionate love'. This is too much for me to handle. I just stared at him with wide eyes, missing a few beats. "So you thought I was ready," I whispered. It wasn't a question. "I thought that you felt the same way about me. But you obviously weren't, Nessi e. I don't blame you for that. What happened that night was my entire fault and

I'm really sorry. Will you forgive me?" Since when does he ask for forgiveness? That must have been really hard on him. So I'll just forgive him and get back to what things used to be. No, that would be selfish; nothing will be the same again. I'll just make him suffer more. I kn ow he won't say anything but still he would want me in a way I don't want him an d that's just unfair. What should I do now? Tell him no and to stay away from me ? But I can't live without him- what does that even mean? No, he's just my best friend. Nothing more. I don't think I'm ready to this kind of relationship mysel f. Or tell him that it's okay and be the selfish one and only make him in more p ain. I can't bear this; there isn't any safe way out- no easy solutions. I was d eep in thought when he talked to me again. "Nessie? I know I screwed up but please talk to me. I- Ness? Are you okay? Sit d own, honey." Only then I realized that the blood rushed away from my head and my knees were b etraying me in the most obvious way! I was afraid. No, terrified. I was either g oing to lose one of the people I can't live without or make him suffer. When I regained my full strength I just told him "It's okay. You're forgiven" an d excused myself to dinner. What kind of monster was I? Why was I always determined to ruin everybody? Why w as I being so selfish? So self-centered? I just preferred my best friend's suffe ring instead of my own. Just that thought was enough to make me my own room's prisoner. I still couldn't forgive myself for what I had done. It wasn't until Daddy and Momma came back t hat I realized it had been days. Alice would tell me that Jake called, and I'd t ext him saying I was fine- a complete lie. But, again, I realized that I'm not s aving him any suffering by doing this; I'm making him suffer even more. I sure w as one little evil monster to do that. Of course I am an evil monster! Why else would anyone do this? "Never say that, Renesmee, ever! Don't even think it!" I gasped; I hadn't realiz ed that Daddy was there until he spoke. "But it's right, isn't it? I'm making my best friend suffer! And only because I didn't want to be in pain myself. That's selfish, self-centered and monstrous!" "No." he kept his reply simple, his face pained. Add my own father to the list! Only now I realize that hurting Jake alone wasn't monstrous; it's hurting everyb ody! Momma, Daddy, Jake and all my family. This IS monstrous. He put on his poker face as soon as he heard my thoughts. I know you better than that! The poker face won't make me change my mind; I know what I have done! "Renesmee, please. You're not a monster." "Okay so let's assume I'm not. Then what will I do now?" "Sleep. Then tomorrow go talk to him, sort things out. May be then you'll find t he solution you need," he smiled. "Fine. Thanks, Daddy. Love you." I mumbled then tried to sleep. It took me an ho ur to be able to sleep but I finally got there. I was walking in a forest, lost. I kept wandering around trying to find any way out but I realized I was running around myself. Then I saw Jake, leaning on a hu ge tree, his face pained. I kept running towards him but he just seems so far th at I couldn't reach him, not even in my full speed. I kept calling his name unti l he finally realized I was there. It was like he was seeing sun for the first t ime. That's when I, against my own will, started running away. Away from the per son I've been calling to help me. "Nessie? Nessie? Wake up! It's just a dream. Calm down, honey." Esme soothed me. I found myself sobbing and panting. "Do you want me to call Edward or Bella? They're in the cottage they can-" I cut her off, "No, grandma. Thanks." "That bad?" I nodded and started sobbing again. "You can always tell me. You know I've grown used to blocking thoughts from Edwa rd," she grinned. I smiled back, "Thank you, grandma, I know I can rely on you. I just don't want

to talk about it," "Sure, Nessie. Do you need anything, sweetie? Water or something?" "No, thanks; I'll try to sleep again." "Okay. Goodnight, Nessie." "Goodnight, grandma," I kissed her cheek and tucked myself under the cover again . I was finally able to sleep peacefully that night. Tomorrow isn't going to be ea sy..

Chapter 6 I woke up the next day to find Momma sitting on the edge of my bed, her face unr eadable. "'Morning, Momma," I muttered groggily. "Good morning, sweetie. You're better now?" How did she even know? "I'm good," I lied; I was so nervous now that I could hear my own heart beat une venly. "Yeah, right! - Go do your morning routine and we'll talk later," she sounded an noyed, or worried may be a combination of both. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom; I wanted to delay that day as much as possible. After my morning routine was done, ever-so-slowly. I walked into my room to find Momma and Daddy waiting for me. I groaned; they weren't going to make this any easier, were they? Daddy pretended as if he hadn't heard that and patted the seat next to his, tell ing me to come. He put his arm around me, hugging me tightly. "Nessie, why didn't you call us?" he was confused. A very rare situation. I looked at the ground, thinking about what to say. I didn't know so I just put my hands on their cheeks and showed them what happened last night, every single thing. "Honey, I think you're overreacting a bit," he said, hugging me even tighter. Mo mma laughed. We raised our eyebrows. She cleared her throat and tried to keep a straight face, "Sorry," she mumbled. Daddy I'm going to go talk to him now. Ok? Please don't worry about me; I'll be just fine. I grinned internally; I was getting better at lies. Damn it! He heard that! "Fine. I'll try my best," he answered, smiling. "Thanks," They got out of the room to let me change. I just changed into the first things I saw, I wasn't even sure they matched. I got down the stairs in my full speed, praying that neither Alice nor Rosalie w ould catch me wearing black converse shoes with a knee-length white skirt and a red top. I felt like I was some sort of a flag, frankly, but I didn't care that much. But when you live in a houseful of vampires, your full speed is like slow-motion to them. Even if you're a half-vampire yourself. Alice screamed in horror. I giggled at her reaction. "I won't let you walk even to your bathroom in this! Are you trying to kill me, Nessie?" I rolled my eyes, "Auntie Alice, please, only one free day! I'm really not in th e mood to even try to match clothes, please." "No way! Impossible! Invraisemblable!" French? Wow.

"Alice!" Daddy and Jasper said in unison. She glared at them. "I'll close my eyes for two seconds, if I see you here, I swear you'll go to the reservation in a mini-skirt and 5-inches heels" You must be kidding me! "2,..-" I stormed out of the house before she could continue. Thank God I was in my car before she caught me. Everything is going to be ok, everything is going to be ok, I kept chanting to m yself. I parked my car near Billy's house. "NESSIE!" a super-familiar, husky, warm voice called me. "Jake!" I ran to him and hugged him. "'You owe me an explanation,'" he quoted. I sighed. "I know, I know. We have some stuff to talk about." I buried my head in his mass ive chest and inhaled his musky, delicious scent that I'd missed so much. "Come in, Billy is watching some game with Charlie. Then we can talk about every thing you need to talk about," he smiled his warm smile, my smile. "Grandpa is in there?" I asked in disbelief. I'd missed him so much! I couldn't believe that I would finally see him again. The nervousness subsided a little. "Yep!" I smiled. How easy it was to be with him! Almost like breathing; so natural. He released me from his grip and took my hand to lead me to the house. As soon a s we arrived there, I ran in my full speed to Grandpa Charlie that I startled hi m. Oops! I'm not supposed to use my full speed in front of him! He didn't seem to notice my speed; he was concentrating really hard on the game. I never quite understood the relation between men and games or cars. It was the same as the relation between Alice and shopping! I laughed mentally at the thou ght. "Renesmee?" As usual, he didn't recognize me at first; I was growing too fast an d I didn't see him regularly. "Grandpa!" I hugged him, so gently that I won't break him by accident. "Wow, kid, I almost didn't recognize you!" I rolled my eyes, "that's always the case, Chief Swan," I smiled; he liked it wh en I called him that. "Hey, Ness!" "Hey, Billy! How are you?" "Oh, same old, same old!" we all laughed then. "Come on, Nessie, let's go take a walk outside," Jake suggested. "Yeah, ok, kids. But, Jake, no motorcycles!" Why? Jacob rolled his eyes, "Sure, sure." "I'm serious; don't you remember what happened last time?" he snapped. This was getting weirder every second. "Do you really think I'd put Ness in the same situation, Charlie? I mean, you go t to be kidding me!" he was getting annoyed. Not good. I took his hand and moved towards the door, waving both of them goodbye. When we were finally outside, I asked him, "What's the thing with the motorcycle s?" He laughed, "Long story, I'll tell you later," "Promise? I really want to know," "Yeah, sure. Promise." We walked to First Beach then our paces slowed. "So?" he asked, demanding an explanation. "Umm well, the thing is," What do I say? How come I haven't thought about this? Got it! "Jake, I don't really know how I feel right now, towards you, I mean. I don't wa nt you to suffer because of me but at the same time, I can't live without you! Y ou're the only person I can trust more than anyone else, even Momma and Daddy. I really didn't know what to do! And I'm sorry! I really am!-" tears were threate ning to fall, one more minute! I thought-" I'm sorry I didn't call you back, I'm sorry I-" He cut me off. Jacob Black

Whoa. She was sorry? Why? Because she didn't call because she was afraid she'd h urt me? What was she thinking? "Hey, hey! Easy! You're saying you're sorry?" She looked at me like I was some sort of an idiot, "Yeah?" I took her face in my hands. "Listen to me, Renesmee, nothing is wrong. Don't blame yourself; I'm the one who messed up in the first place." How was she blaming herself? "I'm sorry, Ness. N ow, you're my best friend and I'm yours and it's sunny today- well, sunnier than a normal day here- do you want to do something fun?" Changing the subject alway s worked with her; she was always so simple, nave in her own way, so easy to be w ith. Like breathing. How I loved that angelic girl! She beamed. "Like what?" I thought for a moment," Well, we won't ride any motorcycles, that's for sure!" We both laughed. She looked at me questioningly, "what happened 'last time'?" Umm. How was I going to explain this? Some sadistic vampire was following your m other to drink her blood, your father killed him, then his mate came to take rev enge and I got injured during the fight with, I don't know, just about twenty ne wborns and Charlie thought it was a motorcycle accident. Yeah, right! She would freak out! Let alone the whole drama with Edward and Bella for telling her this; they edited a lot when they told her about their lives. And this little inciden t was no exception. But I can't lie to her! "Long story short; wolf fight led to some serious injuries and we told Charlie i t was a motorcycle accident," I replied. Understanding crossed her face; "Oh" was all she said. "So what do you want to do?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Umm Cliff-diving?" she smiled; she loved cliff-diving. I looked at the sky, checking it was still as sunny as I left it a moment ago, " Sure, sure," I grinned. Renesmee Cullen I knew what I did was wrong, but he didn't seem hurt to me. As I walked into his room, where there's always a spare swimming suit for cliff-diving, I thought ab out what happened earlier. The way his black eyes held mine -telling me not to b e sorry, pleading me for forgiveness- was breathtaking! I'd never thought about this before, but Jacob was the only person who could sway my mind by a single lo ok, the only one who found it easy to convince me; I was as stubborn as Momma, o nly Daddy and Alice could change my mind, and not by my own will. But Jacob was different; I felt no need whatsoever to argue with him. By that time, I was in my one-piece dark green swim suit. It had large white flo wers on both sides, I loved it. Then I put on my skirt again and went downstairs to find him waiting for me in front of the house by his Rabbit. He smiled as he saw me, "I see you're ready. Now, in the car and to the cliff!" He adored cliff-diving as much as I did. We were there in less than ten minutes. I got out of the car before he had even removed his keys. The scenery was overwhelming; it never failed to amaze me. The sun rested above a light sheet of clouds enhancing the beauty of the sea and the cliffs. Wow. Jake had taken off his t-shirt already and was in his shorts, ready to dive. Wha t was wrong today? Did I actually think he was hot? Oh, well, he was! Dang it! I better think about something else, distract myself so Daddy won't catch me when I get home. "Earth to Nessie!" he waved his hand in front of my face. I rolled my eyes. "I'm right here! Now, are we going to jump or what?" I smiled enthusiastically, "I want to jump first!" "Ain't gonna happen! You know the rules, Nessie, I jump first," I frowned and pouted; it worked most of the times! Jacob Black "NO!" I told her. She kept on pouting but switched her frown to using her full f orce of her puppy eyes. This was literally torture; it was so hard for me to ref

use any of her requests, I was spoiling her, something Bella hated about me. But this was much bigger than this; what if she drowns? What if I was the reason she gets hurt for whatever reason? No way was I allowing this. She must've read the worry in my face because she said, "Seriously, Jake, I'm a freaking half-vampire for God's sake! No way I'd end up drowning or something li ke that! Please, please, please, PLEASE!" I had to admit, she was right; what could possibly happen to a half-vampire? I sighed, "Fine. Only once though." She beamed, "Thank YOU, Jake! You're the best friend ever!" Yeah, best friend. I guess I'll just have to wait a little bit more. Renesmee Cullen I was finally relieved; Jake and I are back to normal. Though I still couldn't e xplain the blush each time he compliments me or each time he kisses my cheek. It was probably nothing. Tomorrow was my first day of school! I was so excited! Of course Alice and Rosalie kept on choosing endless outfits for me and had actu ally made me a computer program that chooses my outfit for everyday according to the weather, trend and colors that suit me best. Those two were losing it! "Okay, sweetheart, you know the story by heart now, right?" Yeah, yeah, yeah! Daddy, please! You guys have been telling me this for the past week; I was yours, Alice's and Emmett's sister. Momma was a family friend's dau ghter who'd moved to France and left Carlisle and Esme as her legal guardians. A nd Rose and Jasper were the Hales. I was to call you by your first names and to follow the school rules. Anything else? He chuckled, "No, Ness, that's it. Now up to your room and into your bed; you'll need all your energy tomorrow." "Okay, Daddy. Goodnight!" I kissed his cheeks and hugged him. I loved being Dadd y's little girl! Jacob Black Tomorrow she was going to high school. She was really excited about it. I wasn't though; a lot of stupid, teenage boys who'd just be all over her. How couldn't they? She's the most beautiful girl that ever existed. I shuddered at the thought. Edward wasn't happier than I was; he would actually hear what they were thinking. I shuddered again, harder this time. Then I heard her run up the stairs to here, her room. She smiled when she saw me and ran all the way to my arms. I chuckled. "How's my little Nessie?" She frowned; she didn't like being called 'little', bu t she let it go. "Excited! I can't wait for school tomorrow,-" another frown crossed her face, a serious one this time, "-I'll miss you though. I don't know how the whole day wo uld pass without you there!" I smiled at her. "Just like any other day at school." "Yeah, probably. Well do you want to do something after school tomorrow?" "Sure. I'd be here in the morning though; I won't miss your first day for anythi ng!" And I'll miss you so much, and I love you, please don't go and leave me her e for the whole day! She beamed, "Great!" I sighed as I tucked her in her bed; who'd believe that, Nessie, the little, nave Nessie, will go to school tomorrow? And HIGH SCHOOL! I just hope it won't warp her little mind; who knows what high school could do t o this angel? I sighed again; I had to accept it anyways. I looked at her peaceful, beautiful, sleeping face once more before I jumped out of the window towards the woods. How I love that girl!

Chapter 7 "Nessie? Nessie! Come on! Wake up! Time for school, sleepyhead!" "Jake, please, just a couple more minutes," my eyes were still glued to each oth er. "It's 6am already! You don't want to be late on your first day, do you?" he shoo k my shoulder. I sighed. "Fine," I said, opening my eyes. "Good morning," he smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed. Why does this keep hap pening? He chuckled. "Good morning, Jake," I hugged him. It felt so warm, so comforting that I didn't want to let him go. "Blondie wants you downstairs to show you how to use that computer program they' d made. Man they're freaks!" he snorted. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I let go of him then did my morning routine, faster this time. Then I went downs tairs, still in my pajamas. "See who's awake!" Emmett smiled. "Hey, Emmett," "Rose and Alice are waiting for you. Y'know, ever since you were born, we're mos tly off the hook; they only force wardrobes on us, no dress-me-up games any more ," we both laughed. "Only dress-Nessie-up games now, right?" he nodded. "Good Morning, sweetheart. Have you slept well?" Esme asked, smiling. "Yep! " she smiled. "Oh, Emmett, dear, why aren't Edward and Bella here?" Emmett cracked at that poi nt. "Edward is helping Bella 'choose her outfit'" I shivered. Jasper threw a book at him. "Sorry, Nessie. Someone here needs to keep his mouth shut," I giggled. "Thanks, Un- I mean, Jasper" he laughed. "Just don't slip at school," he smiled. I nodded. "Yes, sir!" They all laughed. "RENESMEE!" Oh boy, I totally forgot about Rose and Alice! "Coming!" I answered and stormed into Rosalie's room. "So, here you go; this button up here-" she pointed on a blue button on the scre en, "-chooses your outfit, and the pink button here chooses your make-up for tha t outfit. So, after you enter the date right there-" she pointed on a textbox un der the two buttons, "- you click on the buttons and the outfit number appears," she smiled. "And of course your closet is now arranged according to the outfit numbers!- but today I get to choose your outfit!" Alice squealed. "I knew it!" I laughed. Alice rolled her eyes. In no time I was ready in a navy blue silk dress, a few inches above my knees, w ith an off-white belt, right on my waist, and off-white high heels. My hair was straightened, not in its usual curls, so its edges were touching my belt from th e back even when it was held up in a messy pony tail. As for my make-up, it wasn't much; just the usual brown mascara, eye-liner and l ip-gloss. Rosalie entered the room and her eyes widened in awe.

"Nessie, you look-" Alice cut her off, "spectacular!" "I do?" "Absolutely!" they replied in unison. Jacob entered the room then and whistled. "Wow, Ness," was all he managed to say. Edward Cullen "Come on, Bella, we have school in an hour," I muttered as I kissed her jaw. She groaned. "Do we really have to go?" "Actually, we don't. But, on the other hand, Renesmee will practically kill us i f she doesn't go to high school as we'd promised," I mumbled. "Renesmee! Right!" We were dressed in a blur then we ran to the main house. "Wow, Ness," She really looks amazing but I don't feel good about this. Jacob th ought. I frowned; I had been worried enough about the reaction of the stupid, sh allow-minded teenagers at school and now Alice made her look like a runway model ! What was she thinking making my daughter look like that? I let go of Bella's hand and ran to Rosalie's room, Bella, Emmett and Jasper fol lowing me. She stood right there, looking absolutely breathtaking, something I won't tolera te. "Daddy?" Oh, no, he looks annoyed. What did I do this time? "You didn't do anything, honey," I turned my head to Alice accusingly. "What, Edward? She looks flawless!" You can't be annoyed because she looks good, can you? "In your room. Now." Just don't kill her. Jasper thought. I smiled reassuringly at him; I think I won 't. She followed me to her room, thinking about a song. She was really getting on my nerves. "What?" "You don't know?" I answered her, raising an eyebrow. Honestly, NO, Edward! So what if she looks attractive? What would happen with he r being a half-vampire and the fact that she goes to school with SIX vampires? S IX for God's sake! "You're not the one who'd have to hear what those shallow-minded, stupid teenage rs would think! And I think I was very clear before, when I told you that I'd pr actically rip your head off if you ever dress her like that! She looks like a fr eaking Barbie doll!" I yelled at her. No way she's changing, Edward. A jacket is the most I can offer you here. "A whole new outfit," I demanded. "Impossible!" "Fine," "What?" Since when did he give up that easily? "You didn't let me finish. What I meant was 'fine, let's see how many hits it wo uld take to break that cute little Porsche of yours'" Fine. A jacket and leggings. Happy? She frowned. "Alright. Just today though; no way she's dressing like that for school again!" Whatever! She thought as she got out of the room to apply the changes on Nessie' s outfit. I sighed in relief. Thanks, Edward. Jasper thought. I laughed. "Anytime," I replied while walking into the living room, where everyone was now. I would've helped with the Porsche, you know; I wasn't too happy about this eith er. Emmett laughed. "I know, Emmett. That makes four of us," I grinned. Four? "Yeah; you, Jasper, Jacob and I," I thought he liked that; he didn't take his eyes off her while you were with Ali ce. I swear the only reason I left him with all his limbs is that Bella would've

killed me for it. I hate the fact that she's still stronger than me even after she's no more a newborn, how come? I chuckled; he didn't get over each time Bella won in a wrestling match. Renesmee Cullen I liked the way I had been dressed! Why would Daddy do this? What? I don't get t o wear whatever I want to wear at school now? Alice handed me the off-white leggings and jeans jacket and went to get ready. I wore them and got out of the room to find Jake waiting for me. I smiled at him. "What do you think?" "Much better," I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right," "No, really," I raised an eyebrow. "What?" "How come this is 'much better'? The dress should be worn alone, without legging s or even a jacket!" "Honestly, Ness, I didn't like the idea of you going to school in that outfit," WHAT? "Why?" He grimaced, "I have my own reasons, Nessie, now, it's 7:30 and you have to go; Edward is waiting in the Volvo." I wasn't going to let this go, but I decided to delay it until after school. "You're still available after school?" I asked. "Of course; I told you I was. What do you want to do?" "I don't know. We'll just decide then," I smiled and hugged him, "Now, I 'have t o go'" I quoted, mimicking his voice perfectly. He chuckled. "Sure, sure," he kissed my forehead, "take care of yourself," "Yeah, yeah, yeah! You really have to stop worrying, Jacob; you're getting worse than Daddy!" he laughed. I released myself from his massive grip and ran downstairs, grabbing my keys on my way. Alice and Jasper were with Momma and Daddy in the Volvo, while Rose and Emmett w ere standing by my Nissan. "Come on! It's 7:35 already!" "At our speed, we'll be in Port Angeles High in exactly ten minutes. We'll have time, Emmett!" "Like Edward is going to let you drive that fast!" Rose snorted. "No, I won't. You'll drive within the speed limit," Daddy said from his car. I'm not talking to you, by the way. But, ANYWAYS, I'll drive at the speed I want to drive at! It's enough that I have to wear a jacket on a rainless day! He grimaced, "I have my reasons, Renesmee. And there's a reason Emmett is in you r car," he chuckled. WHAT REASONS? You and Jacob keep saying that! He didn't answer so I just jumped into my car and was on the road in a second. "Slow down, Nessie," Emmett said. I shook my head defiantly. "No," was all I said. "Do I really have to make you? You know Edward won't be happy about this. Just s low down, Renesmee," I knew he was damn serious; he never used my real name, and he was way stronger than I was or ever will be, so I just slowed down a little bit. "Happy?" "Better," he smiled. I didn't smile back; still angry. We were in the parking lot by 7:50, we still had ten minutes. Of course, Daddy w as there before we were; he was the fastest runner and driver. I got out of the car to find Jasper waiting for me alone by the Volvo. "They went to get our schedules. Nessie, you really should apologize to him; you weren't exactly nice there, I could tell; he was a mixture of angry and sad on our way here," I sighed. "I know, Jasper, but he's really controlling! What's with the leggings and the j acket? Then speed limits!"

"Over-protective," he corrected. "Alright, Jasper, I will; I really hate it when he's mad at me, besides, it's my first day of school, I'm over-tolerating today," we both laughed. Emmett rolled his eyes. "Edward is waiting by the door; we'd better go now," Emmett said. No students were in the parking lot; they were all in their classes now; the fir st period was starting in two minutes. The school was only one huge building, divided to several floors which had all c lasses and a smaller one with the main office and the cafeteria. Sorry, Daddy, I didn't mean to sound so rude. Sorry. "It's okay, sweetie, I know you didn't," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Momma kissed my cheek and wished me luck then got to Daddy's other side. As we walked down the hallway, students stared at us; I guess they weren't used to seeing seven extra-beautiful vampires every day. Well, six vampires and one h alf-vampire. Daddy tightened his grip around Momma and me. What's wrong? He shook his head as if in denial, unaware of my thought. Did someone think something? I guessed. "It's nothing," he smiled, but it never reached his eyes. Edward Cullen I knew I was probably overreacting a bit. No, I wasn't; I knew more about hormon al teens than anyone else in the world; it was disgusting enough to hear what th ey thought about Alice and Rosalie, my sisters in so many ways, and their own hu man colleagues, including Bella when she was human. But the speed limit thing I knew was a little bit of an overreaction. I wrapped my arm around Bella's waist and Nessie's shoulder. Wow. Look at that blonde! And the brunette by that guy's side! They look- I deci ded to switch to anyone else's thoughts now; Nessie wanted to go to school, I wo uldn't take that from her; I wanted her to live a normal life as much as possibl e. I bet that bronze-haired girl is single; he looks like her brother. Man they're all HOT! I tightened my grip around my wife and daughter. I like that boy with the bronze hair and the blond one. The one with the curly h air is damn hot but I bet he won't dump this Blondie; I mean, look at the way he 's holding her! I wonder what it would feel like if- The images in her head were repulsive enough that I would've thrown up if possible. I shook my head; this c an't be happening again! Did someone think something? My daughter asked mentally. "It's nothing," I lied; what would I tell her? She barely knew anything about wh at those repulsive teenagers were thinking; she was so innocent in a way that wa s even dangerous for her. Blocking most of the world from her for so long was a mistake that only now I regretted. Edward, I'm begging you, PLEASE, it's enough that I feel what those moody teens feel; and it makes me sick, now you're doubling it! "Sorry, Jazz," I whispered, lower than anyone would be able to hear, and tried t o think of something else. I checked Nessie's schedule one more time before the bell rang. Renesmee would o nly have her first period alone; everyone was enrolling as sophomores this time. A first to us. I handed her the schedule, the map and the slip the teachers would have to sign. I would wait for her to find out about that schedule thing in class though; I w ouldn't want her to yell in the hallway and probably call me 'Daddy' by accident . How I'd miss that word while we're at school! Renesmee Cullen I took a look at the schedule, it looked good; I had French, Geometry, Chemistry , Lunch, English then Gym. I waved Daddy and the others goodbye and went to my French class. One look at th e map and I knew every detail in the school. I loved having a super photographic memory; it's a good thing I had that from my vampire side. As I entered the class, people were still staring. The teacher, on the other han

d, was engrossed in whatever she was reading, so I approached her. "Bonjour, madam, je m'appelle Renesmee Cullen et je suis une lve nouvelle," She looked up from the papers she was reading, "Bonjour, Renesmee," she said as she signed the paper I'd handed her and told me to have a seat. I sat down in the first desk I found empty. The girl sitting next to me seemed f riendly; she had dark brown hair, which edges rested on her chin, and blue eyes. She wore a simple red V-neck top with dark skinny jeans and red flats. "Hi, my name is Stacey," she said. "Hi, Stacey. I'm Renesmee," a dumbfounded expression crossed her face, I smiled, "Ruh-nez-may, I know it's a little unusual. You can call me Nessie anyways," "Oh," she smiled politely, and then the teacher called the class to order. The class was truly boring; Daddy had taught me French years ago, and this Frenc h was so simple that it made me want to sleep. I would have to endure this the w hole year, maybe I'd ask Emmett what he did during boring classes; I bet it was fun. I grinned at the thought. After fighting my urge to sleep for an hour, the bell finally rang. I was gettin g up from my seat when Stacey talked to me. "What classes do you have next?" "Geometry, Chemistry, Lunch, English and Gym" "Too bad; it would've been nice if we had another class together. I guess I'll s ee you at lunch?" "Sure," I smiled at her, hoping to have her as my first friend here; she really did seem nice. I walked to Geometry slowly. Well, slowly to me. People were still staring but it didn't really matter anymore; I was getting use d to it. I walked into the class, early as I'd realized; the teacher was still writing th e date on the board. But, unlike the French teacher, he did notice me. "Oh, hello, are you a new student?" the way he was looking at me made me feel se lf-conscious. Was something wrong with my outfit? "Umm. Yes; I'm Renesmee Cullen." "I'm Mr. Peterson," he was still staring, I'd have to go to the bathroom later t o see for sure if something was wrong with my outfit, "How old are you? You seem too young." Too young? I looked like a sixteen-year-old and I'm a sophomore, so what was he talking about? "I'm sixteen," I lied, but I doubted it really counted. "Aha, well, Ren, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here," Ren? "Hello, Mr. Peterson, I'm Emmett Cullen, Renesmee's brother," I would have to th ank him for the correction later; I knew little about school but that teacher wa s definitely weird. "Umm Yeah, well, you two have a seat and I'll sign your papers," he looked scared . Good. Emmett put a hand on my back and led me to our seats at the very back of the cla ss. "Thank God it wasn't Edward who's with you in this class; according to what this thing was saying to you and the way he was looking at you, I'd bet that his min d isn't in any way decent." I shivered. "Thanks for the correction, by the way; he was being weird," "Just, next time, don't talk to him; I swear I'll rip him apart if he ever looke d at you or talked to you that way again!" he whispered. I giggled. "Come on, Emmett, he was just being over-friendly," "Yeah, right!" he snorted, "and wait for me before you enter the class." I rolle d my eyes. "You guys are acting weird," I muttered. He just smiled. During the class, the teacher wouldn't even look our way. God he really was scar ed! The next class, Chemistry, passed in a blur. Alice was with me during that class . She reassured me that my outfit was more than perfect. But then I wondered if I really did have any classes alone besides French. I met Daddy and everyone else on our way to the cafeteria.

"Hey, honey, how is your day so far?" "Later, Edward, I have to go now meet Stacey," "Stacey?" Just a girl in my French class, Daddy. "Okay, sweetie, take care," he kissed my cheek. "Thanks, Edward," I was about to go when I realized that I didn't bring any chocolate or eggs with me. No! Daddy, please tell me that I don't have to eat that mud? "If you're staying with humans, I'm sorry to tell you that you really have to; i t'll look weird if you don't eat any food. And I doubt they have any chocolate o r eggs here, I don't know, honestly. Just eat anything and if people asked why y ou ate so little just say you're on a diet or something," he whispered, so low t hat no human would hear it even if he was standing right next to me. I sighed, fine. I knew it would be harder for me to eat human food that I really hate; they didn 't have sensitive stomachs. I tried to forget it while I searched for Stacey in the cafeteria. "Hey, Nessie!" she called from behind. I turned around and waved. "Hi, Stacey!" "Come on, I'm going to introduce you to my friends; I'm sure you'd like them as much as they'd like you!" Yeah, sure. That depends on how much they'd like me. I wasn't used to being around strangers; the only people who're considered 'stran gers' to me that I had been around are the shop assistants. We took our food and went towards the table where her friends were. My tray only had an apple. I didn't care about the fact that this is totally strange for the m; I didn't want to throw up on my first day here. Let's just save it for when I really need it. I saw Daddy chuckle from the table they'd claimed for themselve s. We finally arrived at the table. That human pace is irritating! I thought. They were two boys and two girls, other than Stacey. The first boy on the right was blond. His eyes were deep green and he was obviou sly some kind of a football player or something. He was wearing a blue t-shirt a nd white pants. The second one was obviously shorter, and slimmer. He had light brown hair and h azel eyes and was wearing a cream shirt and jeans. The girl next to him, probably his girlfriend from the way they were so close to each other, was a tall blonde girl with blue eyes. The kind of girl that would make me think if that was the way Rosalie looked like when she was human. She wa s wearing a pink chiffon blouse with dark jeans and white heels that matched her oversized bag. The last girl was a brunette. Her hair was mahogany brown, like Momma's, but was only to her shoulders. She was wearing a navy green skirt that was a couple of inches above her knees and a beige tank top. Just a second after we'd arrived at the table, Stacey started introducing her fr iends. "Well, Nessie, those are Brad,-" she pointed at the blond boy,"- Matt, his girlf riend Samantha and Mary," she smiled at me, "Guys, this is Nessie," she announce d. They all had greeted me before I sat down between Brad and Mary; Stacey sat on t he other side of Brad. "So, Nessie, is that your real name?" Brad asked. "No; actually, my name is Renesmee.'Nessie' is my nickname," "Oh. So, Renesmee," finally someone got it right! "How's school so far?" "Good," I haven't been to school before! "Nessie, Nessie!" Mary called me, whispering. "Yes?" I whispered back. "Look at those guys over there; they look hot!" I glanced towards where she was pointing. My family! "Yeah, I know! I mean, just look at that bronze-haired boy, or the blond one!" S tacey joined the conversation. Brad made sure that he didn't have any reaction,

but I could see that he didn't like that conversation any more than I did. Matt and Samantha, on the other hand, were busy talking about something in a very low voice. "Umm guys, those are my brothers," They both blushed and Brad laughed. "So you're a Cullen or a Hale?" he asked. "A Cullen. Did you meet any of them today?" "Yeah; I met that blond guy and the pixie-chick," I laughed. "Those are Jasper and Alice. The guy with the same color of my hair is Edward Cu llen, the one with the curly hair is Emmett Cullen, his girlfriend, the blonde, is Rosalie Hale, Jasper's twin, and Edward's girlfriend is Bella Swan," Momma wa nted to keep her previous last name at school. "Oh, I see," he said. "So, Nessie, do you want to do something after school today?" Stacey asked. I was supposed to do something with Jacob today! "As much as I'd really love to, I promised my best friend that we'd do something today after school," "Best friend? I thought you guys just moved here," Mary said. "Yeah, we did. But we've been friends with his family for a long time and by the time we moved here, they did too," Okay, so that didn't make any kind of sense. "Oh, okay," she seemed to actually believe it. Daddy was right when he said that humans don't think that much. I chuckled at the thought. "He can come with us! We're going to see a movie anyways so I think it's going t o be okay," Stacey said. "Yes, Nessie, come! It's going to be fun! We're going to watch that new horror m ovie, The Uninvited," Brad said, a little bit too enthusiastically. I glanced at Daddy and saw him nod. Good. "Sure, I'll text him now and tell him about the plan," I smiled in enthusiasm; I was making friends faster than I thought I would. I texted Jacob, Hey, Jake! How's everything? Look, my new friends here are going to the movies after school and they said you can come with us; I told them I wo n't go if you didn't =P what do you think? A few minutes later, my phone vibrated, Sure. I'll meet you at home after school then we can go together in my Rabbit. Great! Thanks. Miss you! =( I texted him back. Miss you too, sweetie =) I smiled, "I'll go home to change after school then we could meet at the movies, okay?" "Sure, that's great!" Brad said. "Do you need a ride or will you drive yourself?" Mary asked. "No, Jake is driving us," "Oh," she smiled, "good." A couple of minutes later, the bell rang. "What do you have next?" Brad asked, grinning. "English," Daddy replied. I gasped. "Oh, okay. I'll see you at the movies, Ness!" he waved me goodbye. "Yeah, it's going to be so much fun!" Mary squealed. Stacey nodded in agreement. I waved them goodbye then turned to Daddy, who was still standing by my side. "I see you made sure I wasn't alone in class," I accused, but smiling. I kind of liked it when he was being protective like that. Yet this morning was too much. He smiled back at me, "Except French," he reminded me. "Yeah," English and Gym passed really slowly; we had that play called 'Arms and The Man' which was getting on my nerves almost as much as 'Wuthering Heights' got on Dad dy's. And I had Gym with Jasper. We both wanted to play baseball Cullen style bu t, unfortunately, we just had to play it in slow motion, human style. "I'm not sure I'd be able to bear that class to the end of the year!" Jasper com plained. "Me neither! I wanted to run to get to the ball not walk! Those super-slow, supe

r-fragile humans were getting on my nerves there!" We both laughed. Jasper and I were close but in our way. We didn't talk much though, but we under stood each other easily. I got into my car at the same second Rose and Emmett did. "So, how was school, Nessie?" Rose asked. "Bearable. I made some new friends though," "Yeah, they seem nice," "I was trying my best not to laugh when you said 'those are my brothers'; you go t the girls blushing like crazy!" Emmett commented. We all laughed. My cell phone rang then. I answered it immediately. "Hello?" "Hey, Ness!" "Jake! How are you?" "Missing you! How was school?" "I'll show you everything when I get home; the classes were barely bearable but I made some new friends," "Really? Good." "Yeah, look, I'm driving now and I could swear I saw Daddy glaring at me in his rearview mirror, so I'll talk to you when I get home, ok?" He laughed, "Yeah, sure; I'm on my way." I ended the call then. I couldn't believe how much I'd missed Jacob. I felt like I wanted to drive the car as fast as it can to go home and see him; it was the first day in my entire life, except for when he was 'punished', that we were away from each other for t hat long! Even when he had to patrol, he'd do it when I was asleep. By then, I was pretty sure there was something more than friendship between Jaco b and me; the way Matt and Samantha were looking at each other and talking to ea ch other reminded me of the way we talk. But still, I'm not that sure; it might be just a feeling. I don't want to mess up anything so I think I'll wait a littl e before I told him about this. As we arrived home, Daddy said that he wanted to talk to me. How do I keep forge tting that he has full access to my brain? He chuckled Good; he wasn't mad-, "I just want to tell you something important, h oney." I sighed in relief. "What is it, Daddy?" We were alone now, not that everyone wouldn't hear the whol e conversation! "Nessie, sweetie, I really don't know how to tell you this but here it is- I kne w you'd feel that way about Jacob sooner or later, it's true that I don't like i t being so soon- you're only six-" I raised an eyebrow, "- technically, and I ju st want you to know that we support you in whatever decision you make. Just be c areful, Renesmee; don't do anything you'd regret and don't do anything I'd make you regret. Okay, sweetie?" I laughed, "You know, Daddy, that I'm not so sure yet," "I know. I just wanted to tell you that in case you were sure anytime soon," he smiled. I smiled back at him, "Thanks, Daddy. I love you!" I said as I kissed his cheek and hugged him. "I love you, too. More than you know," he whispered in my ears, hugging me back. "Now, go change and get ready; Jacob is going to be here in exactly 2 minutes. Y ou have a long day today," he reminded me, laughing. You bet I do! I went upstairs to my room where I found a note on the bed, I missed you ;) Jake I smiled; this was going to be great!

Chapter 8 Alice went hunting with Jasper, thankfully; I could dress myself up this time. I went to my closet, which now looked like some kind of a secret CIA room; a lot of drawers, numbered in codes. After about half an hour of searching through the 'mystery drawers' as I'd calle d them, I finally settled on my black skinny jeans with a blue blouse, a black w aist-belt and the-exact-shade-of-blue ballerina flats with their matching bag. I also wore the wooden charm with my name that Jacob had given me; I knew he'd l ove to see it on me. My make-up and hair were pretty much the same as what they were in the morning, except that I left my hair loose, only holding a strand wit h a blue clip. I was re-applying my gloss when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said. Jake opened the door and came in cautiously; his eyebrows were raised in shock," You have two crazy aunts, you know." I chuckled and nodded. I could hear Rosali e growl from her room. He approached me with my smile on his face. I could feel my heart melt with each step he took. "So, you're ready?" he asked, still smiling. It's torture! I sighed; I would hav e to talk to him about this, apparently. "Umm what?" He chuckled. "I was asking if you were ready," he said, his black eyes melting into mine. Jacob Black I could stare into those chocolate-brown eyes for ages and never get bored! I'd missed her so much. I still can't believe how much I love her. Every single thin g about her, I adored. Of course, that was why Edward wanted to 'talk' to me tod ay again Flashback I entered the house, expecting to find Nessie waiting for me; I was a little bit late. But, instead, I found Edward there, sitting on the couch, his face unread able. See who's putting on the poker face again! I wonder what's wrong. "Hello, Jacob,"

"Hey, Edward," I replied cautiously. He stood up, motioning for me to follow him. I followed him to the backyard, where we had 'talked' last time. "Jacob, I need you to listen to what I have to say," I waited while he glanced a round him, probably to double-check that no one was there, "I know how much you love Renesmee, how much you'd protect her and would make her happy; that's the m ost important thing, I want her to have the best she could have, Jacob. But I ha ve to point out some things that-" I cut him off. "What? Why now? You know I have been 'in love' with her since her birthday. So, why do you want to tell me 'this' now?" I knew what he was going to talk about, what else? He grimaced, "Well, honestly, Jacob- and I swear I'll kill you if you ever tell that I'd told you- she's beginning to have the same feelings for you-" I beamed. Finally! I thought I was going to wait for a very long time before thi s would happen! He continued without stopping,"- And I want to tell you the ground rules for bei ng with her, since I doubt it would be the same now. She'd be hanging out with y ou more often, and probably alone. So, first of all, you have to take good care of her, I know you will but I'm just pointing it out. Second, the furthest thing you'd ever reach together is kissing, before you're married, I mean, and that's not up for further discussion." I nodded, I won't do this to her, not like I wo n't want to, but I just can't. "Good," he commented on my thought, "and finally, Jacob, if you ever hurt her, i n any way, I swear that would be the last thing you'd do; I will gladly rip you apart." "You know I won't, Edward," "I do. I was just stating a simple fact," he smiled. End Flashback I sighed. "Earth to Jacob!" she waved her hand in front of my face. "Very funny," I said sarcastically. She smiled. "Come on; we're going to be late!" I rolled my eyes. "Who reaches the Rabbit first gets to drive!" I challenged her; she'd loved that since the day she was born! "Deal!" she said as she stormed out of the closet. I knew I'd be able to win, I always let her though. But, this time, I wanted to drive. I laughed at the thought; I was being so childish! Renesmee Cullen He won this time! No way! I always win! Maybe he let me. I'd make him pay for th at later. I grinned an evil grin. We got into the Rabbit and he started the engine. How was I going to tell him? I had no idea. The way to the movies was almost silent; only a few questions about my school da y though. I just showed him the whole day as soon as he parked the car in the ga rage associated with the movies. I remembered him growling at the whole "Mr. Peterson" thing. Why was everyone ma king a big deal out of it? I didn't know. Good thing Daddy didn't find out; he t ends to overreact. "Come on, Ness; your friends are waiting right there," he pointed to where Mary, Stacey and Brad were standing. I knew Matt and Samantha were coming, they were probably late. I opened my door to find him waiting for me, grinning. That's weird; he isn't us ually so quiet. "Nessie! You made it!" Stacey yelled. If she only knew how sensitive my ears wer e! "Yeah! I told you I would!" I said as I greeted all of them. "Umm Ness, so that's 'Jake'?" Mary asked, smiling. I totally forgot about introdu cing him! "Yeah, guys, this is Jacob. Jacob, those are Mary, Stacey and Brad," "Hi" was all he said. What was wrong? Probably just me misinterpreting it; I'd i

nherited that from Momma. "Oh, and Matt and Samantha are here now!" "Hey, Nessie!" Samantha greeted me, I greeted her back. "I love your outfit!" Al ice would just love to know that Samantha was my friend. I smiled. "Thanks. I like yours, too," I really did; she was wearing a beige skirt with a simple brown tank top but it really was good on her. "Come on, guys, the movie is about to start! Oh, Ness, Jacob, Matt and Samantha, we've already got your tickets so just come on; I hate it when I miss the first part!" Seems like Brad was pretty talkative. I sat between Jacob and Stacey. Mary was on Jake's other side while Matt and Sam antha sat alone, leaving Brad on Stacey's other side. We had to wait a few minutes before the movie begun. It was pretty goodso far; ju st the usual, one evil woman decides to kill the rich man's sick wife and daught ers to get his money and social position. Jacob kept making fun of how predictab le it was. "Look, Ness, now the dead girl's corpse is going to come out of the trash bag," he commented, grinning. "No; it would be too predictable for its own good!" I whispered. "Wanna bet?" I grinned mischievously, "Sure!" Nothing came out of the trash bag, I half-smiled; I was going to win the bet. Th en, suddenly, the dead girl came out from under the oven. Mary screamed and jump ed onto Jake's arm. "Jeez! It was, like, the tenth time that girl came out of nowhere!" he said as h e unlocked her arm from his. She blushed subtly. "Sorry." She didn't sound sorry at all. I felt like some fire was burning in my chest, something really annoying. I didn't know what that was; I just felt uncom fortable, so I decided to concentrate on the movie. "You won the bet," he whispered in my ear, his warm breath brushing my neck, cau sing me to shiver slightly. "Yes," I kept it simple; I was still uncomfortable for some reason. When I really concentrated on the events, I felt a burn in my throat; there was too much blood there that it reminded me that I have neither eaten nor hunted fo r a long time. The scents of all those people there were starting to have a stro ng effect on me. "Umm Jake, I'm going outside," I whispered in his ear. "Why? Is something wrong? You're ok?" he was being too anxious so I decided not to worry him more. "I'm fine; I'm justbored," I smiled, trying not to breathe. "I'm coming with you," he said as he started to get up. I stopped him. "No, you're not; I'm...Ummgoing to the bathroom. So just stay here," I hated lyin g to him, but I needed to call Daddy now and this whole issue is going to make h im worried over nothing, I think. "Oh, well, okay then. Just don't be late," "Sure," I got out of the theater as fast as I can in this human pace. As soon as I was o ut, I dialed Daddy's number. He answered afte