Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    . 4 0 I o FINANCLAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R , , p o , .r R e q u i r e d b y t h e E t h i c sm Government Act qf 1gev t;2oto FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 ~ s U . S . C a p p . ~ k " 1 0 1 - 1 1 1 )I. Person I:,~eportlng l last name. first m:ddIe m~ttal) 2- Court or Organization 3. [}ate of ReportHenry, Robert H U.S. Court of Appeals: 10th Ci 5/13/2010

    4. 1 itle (Article III judges illdicate active o~ sen to~ s~zus, 5a. Report Type (check appropria te bpe) 6 . Repo~ing Periodmagist ra te )udges indica te ~i t - or pan-t ime)~ Nomination. Date 01/01/2t)09

    Chicf Judgc, TcnlhC~rcuil ~ Initial ~ Annual ~ Final 1 ,~12/31/20095b. ~ Amended ~e~

    7. Chambers or O~ce Address 8. On the b~s is of the informafion con tained in Ih il Repo~ and an ymodifica l ioni pemaining there to , it i~, in my opinion, in ~omplianeeLI.S. Courthouse with ~ppl ieable laws and regula t ions.200 N.W. ~th Slrcel, Room 2421Oklahoma Cib, OK 73102 Rev iewing O~ce r Date

    IMPORTA NT NOT ES: The instructions accompanying this. form must be followe& Com plete all parts,checMng the NONE box for eath part where you have no reportable injbrmation. Sign on last page.

    1 . P O S I T I O N S . t ~ p o , , i , g individualonl);.~eepp. 9-13 oJ~]iling instruction,.)[~ NONE L, Vo reportable positions.)

    POSITION N~b,IE OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITYI. Director (advisor3,) Jasmine Moran Childrens Museum

    2. Director tlatlan, Inc. ] coq~oration)

    3. D i r e c t o r O k l a h o m a F o u n d a t i o n f o r E x c e l l a n c e

    4 Director VERA Institute for Justice

    5. I)t~ectm Oklahoma Medical Researeh Foundation6. I) ircctor (Advisop,. l University of OMahoma College of Fine AtIs Board of Visitors

    7. Director Oklahom a Arls hts t i tu te

    8 Director (Advisor) Ut, versi~ of Oklahoma Ilonors College Board of Visitors

    9. Chair Ame rican Bar A.. .s(~zialion . Chair o /" tt te M iddle East and North Af~ica LawInihat~.e

    10. Director (Advisory) Un|versity of Oklahoma International Programs Board of Visitors

    1 I. Directt~r The Foundation for the Future

    I1 . AGREEMENTS. Reporti,,g individuat ,,nly: ser pp. 14.16 ol~ling in~tructi,,ns.t~ N O N E (N o mTmrtahle agrecnwnt.s . )


  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FIN,kNCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT tNameolP ..... Rtportin+ Dattoll:lcl~OrtPage 2 of 8 [ ~ o , , r : . , ~ o ~ , , ~ , - t ~ . _ s , , t . ~ , , : , ~ >1 + t 9 7 6 - ; I S t . ~ t c o f O k l a h ~ . , m a P u b l i c E w , p l u S . e c - , R c t i, e m ~ f ~ l S ~ . s tc m

  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Ia m e ~ } f P i e rs o n R e p o r t i n g I D a l e o f R e p o r tF IN A NC IA L D IS CL O SU R E REPORTPage 3 of 8 5 / ~ 3 / 2 0 1 0I ! 1 . N O N - IN V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . fR,~ortingi.dividuMand~p ......... Il. 17-24o[filingin~tructi.n.,.~A. Fliers Non-lnvcstmen~ Income

    NONE (No ru)ortable non-investment income. )DATE SOURCE AND ~ [yours, no l spoust"s)

    1 . O 2 " 2 0 0 9 Kansas Umversily Endowment - teaching. $2.00000

    2.06;2~)fl9 Southern Melhodisl [Iniversi ly, Dallas , Texas - ~eaching $1,500

    3 (16:2009 Rose State College, Oklahoma - leaching S 5 0 0 O 04 . 0 7 1 2 { 1 1 Y } University ot(}klahoma - teaching $ 5 . 0 0 0 . 0 ~ 1

    5 . 0 9 ~ 2 { } 0 9 University ofOkluhoma - teaching $1,750.00

    6. O9/2009 Rogers State University. Oklahoma - leaching $2,500.~7 .2009 Oklahom a Public Employee Reti~etnem System Ibr year 2009 $18.080.00

    B . S p o u s e s N o n - [ lives| menl lllcOille - 11)o~ ~, ,ere married during u ny portion of the rporting year , comp lete th is sectior t

    ----I NONE (No reportable mm-investrnent incomu.)DATE SOURCE AND TYPE

    1 . 2 0 0 9 Dr. Janice L Ra ils, P.C., Dentist2.


    ! V . R E l b l B U R S E M E N I S - - , r . . . V , o . . , i , , . . ~ , . . . . . . * . t o . , a . t r n l . . r t a i ....... t .~ h w h * , k ~ t t ~ , , s ( , t , , W , , . ~ , . , r o d d , p , , , ~ ( l ~ , a , h a l , h e n . . ~ e p p 2 5 - 2 7 , , / l i h , ) , ~ m ~ t * . , t . , * B *

    ~ N ONE (,,Vo rcportal,le rcimhursemcnt.~.)q(}l IR(I:. [)ATES L{)CATION PURPOSE !IEM S pAID OR PROV IDEDI VERA InMilulc olJ ll~llce I}l Qti200~ Io Nc~ York. NY Board Mccling Iranspf~ahon. meals, holel1 / 2 3 1 2 0 0 ~ ?

    2. Kansas of Um~c~s~> School 0 1 ~ 2 8 / 2 0 0 9 t o La~tence. Kansas Speaker "Tansponatiun, meals, bmclof La~ 0 I , : 2 9 ; 2 0 0 93. Duke tJniverb~t> Iaw Scho{,[ 2 / 0 5 ~ 2 0 0 9 to Durham. NC" Speaker "Iransponation, meals, hotel0206,2009

  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPOR T [ ~ .... fP ..... R c p , , r l i n g D a t ~ , , [ R ~ p ~ r ! l1Page 4 of 84. Soulhem Methodist 2/23/2009 to Dallas~ TX S p c a k c ~ "ltanspo~atioa, meals, hotelU niversily 0 2 ~ 2 4 " 2 t ~ 0 95. A~ncrican Bar Asgoclation 0220/2009 to Washington. DC B~aKI Mcetin~ Transpoltallon, n~eals, hotel(MENA) f l 2 1 2 7 / 2 1 1 1 1 96. ltcarsl Foundation - U S 03/06/2009 to Washington. DC Speaker Meals, holclSenale P r o g r a m 0 3 t 0 8 , 2 0 0 97 . American S~iely ot 03!19Q009 to W u~hingum, DC Board Meelmg l~aospo~adon. meals, holelIn~erna~itmal 03/20,20098 American Bat Association 04/05/2009 Io W a~hinglon. DC Bt,ard M eefiog [ransportalion, meals, ho~cl(ROLl - Rule of9. V ER.A [nsl,lute of J ustice 0 4 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 1 9 t o New York. NS" Board Meeting [ranbpoflalion, Illcals. hotel0 4 /

    1 0 . American Bar Associalmn 05q3,2009 Io Amman. Jordan Board Meding & Speaker Transpotlafion. mcal~, room(MENA) 05/20;2009I I . American Ba~ Association 05/20,2009 I0 Cairo Egypt Board Meeting & Speaker Transportation. meal~, hotel(MENA)12 American College of ~r ial 0 0 " 2 6 . "2 0 0 9 ~ o Beaver (reek, CO Speaker Transpo~ation, meals, hotelLawyers1 3 . University of Oklahoma 07 /02/2009 to Ox~rd. England reacher [ranspo~a~ion, mea ls, hotelt tonors College - Summer 07/102009Program1 4 . American Bar Association 07/31/2009 to Clucago, IL Board Meeting Transportation, meals, hotel(ROLl - Rule of Law) ( I g , 0 1 / 2 0 0 91 5 . Founda)io. for Ihe Future 1 2 / 0 1 / 2 O O 9 I o Genc~a, S~ ~zcrland Board Meeting "lranspo)~ation. meals, hotel11 6. American Bar Assoc~ahon 1 2 0 7 / 2 0 0 9 I L ~ Washington. DC B~ard Meetings Transpoflation, meah;, hnlcl{R()I.I & M ENA) 12/082009

  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009



    V . G i FT S . a,,,l,a,~ ,h ~ ,o ~p ...... a dependent children: see p p . 2 8 - 3 1 ,q filing i n . s t r u c r i o n . , . )~ N O N E (No rcl,Ort~d;le

    S()~CE DESCR1 PTION VA LI ~E!. University o~" Wyoming ~w School Sculpture o[Socrates b}. Jerk Palcn


    V 1 . L ! A B I L i T I E S . a , , . ~ , a , . , , ~ . . . . . . . z~p ........ a ~ t , , , a . . . . . alia .... . . . . . p p . 3 2 - 3 3 , ,Jfiting instructions.)~ NONE (z~)~ r~Tmrtabh" liabilities,)

    C R E D 1 T ( ) [ ~ D E S ( ? R I P r l O N V A L U E C O D E1 . B a n c F it s ~ B u s i n e s s - L i n e o f C r e d i t C t e d i t C a r d M2. OSLA S l u d c n t L o a n s K3.4.5 .

  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009



    VII. INVESTMENTS and T RU STS -~ ..... . ..N O N E (No rt~)ortable income, assets, or transactkms.)

    ~i)[*lace "(X J" ~ft~r each ~ SS~t ~n~}un~ Type (c g. V alue V alue Type (e g Ii Date : Value Gain : Iden~i~ of

    (A-Ill e r mr.} ~l-P) Code3 redempt ion) ] (JP~ {A-Il! (if pri~ ale(Q-W } l transa~t~oM

    I. Allegiance Credil UnionJ

    A In tcresl]

    J 1

    2. Vanguard 5~) Index A Dividend J Y

    3, TIAACREI- .,% Imerest K -I Partial Sale 08/I a09 J

    4. Smith Bamc. , IRA A Di\idcnd K T

    5[ - Smith [~amcv .Aggregate Groath Mural Bu y 08114/09Fund

    6. - Smith Barney Fundamental Value Mutual Bu y 08/14~09Eund7. Chapa~al Energy a, kia Cordillera ak.a A Ro)alty J T

    Vintage Pc~roluem8. Merit Energy Company ak,a Sunoco A Royalty J T

    9. Janice L Rails, DDS, PC Prot]l Shanng 401 A [nt.~i~ K T(K ) Plat*10. S~nlic Co~p - St(~k - Memll Lynch Wcahh None J T Buy 02/20/09ManagementI I. General Elccldc Co Stock - Merrill [.ynch None J T Bu y I 0/22,,09Weahh Managemcnl




  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAI~ DISCLOSURE REPO RT I N ..... [Persoa Reporting Date,,fR~p~nPage 7 of 8

    ] Iie,,r.v. Rol,er~ !1.5 , 1 3 . 2 0 1 0


    II . AGREEMENTS:State of Oklahoma Public Em__~lovee Retireme nt Ssstem i.~ es~ed retirement paid n o sta e syste t during m) p ubhc service as State Represcntalive andAtlomey General of Oklahoma , --1; i l lay be ,. .. i thdrawn beginning at age 55.}

  • 8/3/2019 Robert H Henry Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    N a m e o f P e r s on R e p o r t in g D a l e o f R e p o r tFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTI Henry, Robert H. 5 / 1 3 , 2 0 1 l )

    age 8 of 8|X. CERTIFICAT|ON.

    I cer tify that all information given above (including infm-mation per taining to my spouse and m inor (~r dependen! children, if an.~) isaccurate, true, and com plete to the best of my knowledg e and belief , and lhat any information not repor |cd was ~ithheld becauseil met app licable statutoryprovisions permitting non -disclosure.

    I furlher certify lha~ earned incom e from outside em ployment and honoraria and the acceptance of gif ts which have been reported are incompliance w ith the provisions ors U.S.C. app. 501 el. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.



    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signcd ~)riginal and 3 additional copies to:

    Committee on Financial DisclosureAdministrative Office of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20544