Rochdale Town Centre Medium Term Action Plan ...

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Rochdale Town Centre

Medium Term Action Plan - Consultation Draft

July 2013

Version m1.8


Rochdale Town Centre – Medium Term Action Plan (consultation draft)

1. Introduction

Rochdale Council and it partners are delivering an ambitious masterplan which aims to transform the physical and economic conditions of Rochdale town

centre. A long term investment programme of over £250m is planned over the coming years.

Whilst a significant investment programme for the town centre is already underway, an Action Plan is needed over the medium term. This Medium Term

Action Plan identifies priorities for future public and private sector investment, and will help maintain momentum and give confidence about the future

transformation of the town centre.

This consultation draft sets out a Medium Term Action Plan for the physical improvement of Rochdale town centre, identifying on-going and future

projects, funding sources, priority actions and opportunities for public and private sector investment over the next 3 to 5 years, including options for the

interim use of the Municipal Offices and the bus station site pending the future Town Centre East development. This paper focusses on physical

improvement and is complemented by the town centre business support programme being implemented through the High Street Foundation.


The purpose of this Action Plan is to guide investment in the town centre over the next 3 to 5 years and to demonstrate commitment by the public sector to

maintain momentum and give confidence about the future transformation of the town centre. It is also intended that future decisions and actions affecting

the town centre (such as asset disposal, planning policy, enforcement, maintenance regimes etc) will help support the projects and initiatives identified in

the Action Plan. The Action Plan is a dynamic document and will need to be regularly updated as projects progress on site and new opportunities arise.

2. Background

Significant progress has been made with the transformation of the town centre. Construction of the Number One Riverside office building, the new

Rochdale Leisure centre, a new Sixth Form College and a major refurbishment and extension of Hopwood Hall College are complete. Work on the new

Transport Interchange and Metrolink into the town centre is well advanced. Future development proposals include the new town centre retail and leisure

development (Town Centre East), a new entrance to the Wheatsheaf Centre, re-opening the River Roch, new uses of Rochdale Town Hall and the

enhancement of Town Hall Square. Complementary projects to improve the public realm, property frontages, and pedestrian links are proposed. The

transformation of the town centre includes plans to reduce through traffic and make the town centre more pedestrian friendly, to improve the quality of

the town centre for shoppers and visitors. Many of these projects will be delivered over the next 3 to 5 years.


The recent completion of Number One Riverside will enable the demolition of the Municipal Offices during 2013 and into 2014, and the vacation and

demolition of Telegraph House once vacant possession is secure. The Transport Interchange is due to open in Autumn 2013, allowing demolition of the

existing bus station and multi storey car park. The site of these buildings forms the core area of the proposed Town Centre East (Genr8) redevelopment and

needs to be cleared in order for that development to commence. There remains some uncertainty about the date when the Town Centre East (Genr8)

development will get underway and temporary site treatment options are therefore being considered. These include the interim use of the site for

temporary car parking, events, landscaping and to provide pedestrian linkages. The interim use of these sites creates an opportunity to support the wider

town centre.

3. Policy Background & Context

There are a number of strategies and policies guiding the transformation of the town centre. These strategies and policies underpin the investment

programme for the town centre and provide the context for this Action Plan. This Action Plan will help deliver the objectives set out in these strategies.

• The Rochdale Borough Renaissance Masterplan was adopted in March 2005 and includes the principal themes of Establishing Thriving Town

Centres and Improving Design and Image. Specifically it identifies the regeneration of Rochdale Town Centre, including a major retail and leisure

development and the creation more good quality open space in the town centre, as a key priority.

• The Rochdale Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document provides guidance to ensure a comprehensive and co-ordinated redevelopment of

the town centre, including a coherent planning & urban design context for future development.

• The Rochdale Town Centre Masterplan sets out a comprehensive programme of regeneration activity to create an attractive and vibrant town

centre, with a range of shopping, leisure and cultural facilities, along with public realm improvements.

• The Rochdale Town Centre Priority Project List provides a basis for prioritising the implementation and funding of projects through the Council’s

Capital Programme, ensuring a sequenced investment programme is delivered.

4. Town Centre Programme

The long term investment programme for the town centre has been influenced by these strategies and policies. The overall aim is to create a range of

shopping, leisure and cultural facilities, along with associated transport and public realm improvements. The main projects within the programme are:


Town Centre East - The area to the east of the town centre is under-going major change. The construction and occupation of Number One Riverside on

Smith Street has already transformed this area. The Transport Interchange and Metrolink stop on Smith Street, along with the associated public realm

improvements, will enhance this area further. The long term retail and leisure development proposals are being progressed by the Council and its

nominated development partner for the Town Centre East development (Genr8). The plans are for mixed shopping and leisure uses, including around 30

new shop units, a cinema and cafes and restaurants. Plans are also being prepared to create a new entrance to the Wheatsheaf Centre on Baillie Street.

The retail and leisure development and the proposal to provide a new entrance to the Wheatsheaf Centre will complete the comprehensive development

of this part of the town, connecting Number One Riverside and the Transport Interchange with the rest of the town centre.

Transport - Metrolink services to Rochdale train station opened to passengers in February 2013. Construction of the Metrolink extension route into the

heart of the town centre is nearing completion and trams are due to arrive at the town centre in 2014, with a tram stop terminus on Smith Street. The new

Transport Interchange on Smith Street is due to open in Autumn 2013 and will replace the outdated bus station, which will be demolished to make way for

the retail and leisure development proposals (Genr8). The Transport Interchange and tram stop on Smith Street will create a transport hub in the heart of

the town centre, adjoining Number One Riverside and the new retail and leisure development.


Heritage - The heritage proposals for the town centre will capitalise on the town’s outstanding heritage assets. The proposals to re-open sections of the

River Roch along The Butts and bottom of Yorkshire Street present an opportunity to reveal this hidden asset and create an attractive river environment in

the heart of the town centre. Rochdale’s magnificent Town Hall is a Grade 1 Listed Building and was previously occupied as a working town hall and offices.

These office functions have now transferred to Number One Riverside and the opportunity exists to find new uses for the building. The Town Hall Square

will be improved to provide new functions and enhance the setting of the Town Hall and the river re-opening project. Rochdale is the birthplace of the

modern co-operative movement and work to transform and update the Rochdale Pioneers Museum was recently completed.

Public Realm – Comprehensive and high quality public realm improvements will be introduced across the town centre. The public realm improvements will

create a distinctive town centre, improving the image and attractiveness of the town, in turn stimulating greater private sector investment. The

improvement will be focussed on the key areas of the town centre and pedestrian routes linking the various projects. Complementary improvements to

property frontages and street furniture will help strengthen the town further.

Movement - The above projects will have a

significant impact on traffic and pedestrian

movements into and within the town centre.

In particular the need to accommodate

Metrolink requires a number roads and

junctions to be modified. A Highways

Movement Framework for the town centre has

been developed and will be implemented over

time to create a more pedestrian friendly town

centre by significantly reducing through traffic

and enhancing pedestrian and cycling routes.

The Highway Movement Framework supports

delivery of development projects across

Rochdale Town Centre, including the proposed

river re-opening project and public realm

improvements. It will be delivered on a phased

basis and will

a. Restrict Smith Street, from Milton

Street to Drake Street, to buses only

and remain one-way westbound

b. Restrict lower Drake Street to buses

only uphill between Smith Street and

Water Street

c. Close Baillie Street east to through traffic outside Telegraph House

d. Constantine Road changed to two-way traffic

e. Creating a cul-de-sac turn around area and taxi / vehicular drop off at the northern

off at the junction of Smith Street) and improved servicing to rear of properties at the lower end of

f. Remove the Town Hall Square roundabout at Newgate/Esplanade


outside Telegraph House

way traffic

a and taxi / vehicular drop off at the northern end of River Street (River Street will also be two

of Smith Street) and improved servicing to rear of properties at the lower end of Drake Street and Smith Street

Town Hall Square roundabout at Newgate/Esplanade

end of River Street (River Street will also be two-way and closed

Drake Street and Smith Street

5. Medium Term Action Plan

This Action Plan is needed to guide investment in the town centre

commitment by the public sector to maintain momentum and give confidence about the on

Plan will help deliver some of the Council’s key objectives for

disposal, planning policy, enforcement, and maintenance regimes.

The tables below identify the range of projects proposed in the town centre

investment opportunities in the short to medium term

the current funding arrangements (See Plan 1 & 2)

Table 1 - On-going committed projects – see Plan 1

Table 2 - Future projects - confirmed and funded – see

Table 3 - Future projects - funding bid submitted – see

Table 4 - Future projects - funding opportunities being pursued

Table 5 - Private sector investment opportunities –

The development of this Medium Term Action Plan

changing face of the town centre over the next few years. The occupation of

Number One Riverside and the completion of Metrolink 3b and the Transport

Interchange will alter the dynamics of the town centre, particularly in terms of

pedestrian flows, by the time the demolition work

medium term physical improvements will be supported by

increase shoppers and visitors to the town centre.

6. Implementation & Resources

This Medium Term Action Plan identifies current and future projects

and difficult choices will need to be made about capital/revenue

investment programme will help prioritise public and private sector

The implementation dates and milestones for the various projects identified in the tables


in the town centre over the next 3 to 5 years, pending the Town Centre East development

commitment by the public sector to maintain momentum and give confidence about the on-going future transformation of the town centre

will help deliver some of the Council’s key objectives for the town centre and help shape future decisions and actions

disposal, planning policy, enforcement, and maintenance regimes.

range of projects proposed in the town centre and

in the short to medium term and, where appropriate,

Plan 1

see Plan 1

see Plan 2

being pursued – see Plan 2

see Plan 2

Action Plan, takes account of the

centre over the next few years. The occupation of

Number One Riverside and the completion of Metrolink 3b and the Transport

Interchange will alter the dynamics of the town centre, particularly in terms of

pedestrian flows, by the time the demolition work is complete. These proposed

will be supported by promotional activity to

identifies current and future projects taking place across the town centre over the next 3 to 5 years.

capital/revenue funding and the allocation of staffing and needed to deliver these projects.

public and private sector investment, and guide the allocation of resources.

The implementation dates and milestones for the various projects identified in the tables will be used to measure the successful delivery of the Action Plan.

pending the Town Centre East development. It demonstrates

going future transformation of the town centre. The Action

s and actions relating to issues such as asset

over the next 3 to 5 years. Resources are limited

needed to deliver these projects. This

the successful delivery of the Action Plan.


RMBC has already invested significantly in the town centre and has attracted complementary public sector funding to deliver a number of key schemes.

Potential resources to fund future projects include -

• RMBC Capital programme

• External funding opportunities e.g. GM LEP, TMEDL and ERDF

• Disposal of RMBC assets to support the overall strategy

A number of projects are already funded and committed, and staff resources are in place (RMBC and RDA) to deliver these projects over the time period

identified (these projects are identified in Tables 1 & 2- Plan 1). Staff resources will continue to be allocated to ensure the completion of these key projects.

The other projects (identified in Tables 3, 4 & 5 – Plan 2) are subject to future funding agreements or private section investment. RMBC Capital Programme

funding bids have been submitted for those bids identified in Table 3. The outcome of these funding bids is expected in Autumn 2013. Staff resources will

need to be allocated to deliver any successful project bids.

Opportunities to fund the projects identified in Table 4 are being pursued. Consideration will be given to how these projects could be funded, including the

Council’s Capital Programme and external funding opportunities.

The Action Plan is a dynamic document and will be regularly updated as projects progress on site and new opportunities arise.

7. Private sector opportunities

A number of private sector investment opportunities are identified in Table 5. These are primarily vacant buildings and sites in public or private ownership.

Many of these development opportunities are ready to bring forward immediately. The public sector is well placed to help secure these opportunities,

working closely with property owners and developers.

Consideration will be given to how best the public sector can create the right conditions to attract and facilitate private sector investment through

• infrastructure and enabling works, gap funding, loans, and pre-lets etc

• planning decision and the adoption of appropriate planning policies

• the programme of Council funded public realm improvements identified elsewhere in this programme

• adopting more robust public realm maintenance regimes

• aligning the disposal and future use of Council assets to help support the investment programme,


8. RMBC assets

RMBC staff have moved into Number One Riverside, vacating a number of Council owned buildings located around the town centre (see Table 5 - Private

sector investment opportunities). The future use of these building presents an opportunity to support the overall transformation of the town centre. By

influencing the future use of these publicly owned assets, the Council can help deliver the medium and long term strategy. This action plan will therefore

be a factor to consider when disposing of these assets.

9. Programme Management Centre

The transformation of the town centre is coordinated by the town centre Programme Management Centre (PMC), specifically established to ensure a

sequenced investment programme is delivered. The PMB is responsible for the day to day coordination of the programme, including monitoring the Town

Centre Capital Programme.


10. ‘A postcard from the future’

The scale of activity taking place across the town centre will result in dramatic changes during 2013 and 2014. The changing face of Rochdale town centre

will be particularly noticeable around the key milestones of November 2013 and June 2014

November 2013

• Transport Interchange complete and operational

• Metrolink construction work complete

• Public realm works on Smith Street and Drake Street complete

• Highway Movement Framework substantially implemented - Smith Street buses only; lower Drake Street buses only;

Constantine Road two-way traffic; Baillie Street east closed to through traffic

• St Andrews Church under construction

June 2014

• Metrolink into town centre operational

• Demolition of Municipal Office and bus station / car park underway

• River re-opening work started on site

• Wheatsheaf entrance work started on site

• St Andrews Church complete and occupied

• River Street / Faulkner Street cul-de-sac, taxi rank and loading facility complete

• Townhead junction improvement complete

June 2015 • Demolition of Municipal Office and bus station / car park complete

• River re-opening work complete

• Wheatsheaf entrance work complete

• Temporary uses on demolition sites in place

• Public realm improvement works complete


Table 1 – On-going committed projects (funding confirmed) - see Plan 1

Project / Issue Details of project / proposal Project Dates Funding

source Lead


Metrolink 3b

• Completion of Metrolink network into Rochdale town centre and tram stop on

Smith Street

• Metrolink expected to compete in early 2014

On-going. Operational in




Transport Interchange

• Development of new Transport Interchange to replace the existing bus station.

• Expected to be operational in Autumn 2013

On-going. Operational

Autumn 13



Wheatsheaf Centre

entrance (feasibility and


• Feasibility and planning to deliver a new entrance on Baillie Street and Bell St

to replace the overhead walkways

• Negotiations with the Wheatsheaf Centre owners are on-going

On-going. Feasibility stage

due to complete Summer




Public realm

• New high quality paving along Smith Street / Drake Street. Paving work being

undertaken by the Metrolink contractor.

On-going. Due to

complete Summer 13



Town Hall feasibility

• Feasibility work to consider options for future use of building following

completion of Number One Riverside

On-going. Feasibility

stage due to complete

Autumn 13



St Andrews Church


• Construction of new church building adjoining Rochdale Leisure Centre

• The existing church site will make way for the new Town Centre East


June 13 to December 13 RMBC RDA


Town Centre East

(feasibility, land

assembly and planning)

• Feasibility, land assembly and planning to deliver the Town Centre East

development - new town centre retail and leisure development

On-going RMBC



Table 2 - Future projects - confirmed and funded – see Plan 1

Project / Issue Details of project / proposal Project Dates Funding Lead


Demolition programme

• Demolition of Municipal Offices, bus station, multi-story car park and associated

bridge links.

• Demolition of Telegraph House, St Andrews Church and Broadwater Centre

Autumn 13 to Summer 14 RMBC/HCA



Wheatsheaf Centre



• Proposed new glazed and enlarged entrance on Baillie Street and Bell Street to

replace the present overhead walkway.

• Scheme includes new escalators and lifts to upper floors, canopies and signage,

and glazed elevation to Bell Street frontage

February 14 to Autumn 14 RMBC



River re-opening

• Scheme to re-open sections of the River Roch along the Butts along with

associated public realm improvements

Spring 14 to Spring 15 RMBC/HLF/EA RMBC


Town Hall Square

• Scheme to improve and enhance the Town Hall Square to take place once the

future use of the Town Hall is determined.

2014 to 2016 RMBC RDA


River Street widening

• Scheme to create a cul-de-sac turn around area on River Street / Faulkner

Street. Scheme includes a taxi rank and loading facilities.

• Phase 1 complete. Phase 2 to start in late 2013

July 13 to December 13 RMBC RDA


Marks & Spencer rear


• Proposed rear elevation treatments following removal of bridge links on Baillie

Street, comprising cladding, signage and brick cleaning

Autumn 13 to Spring 14 RMBC RDA



Public realm

improvements (1st


• First phase of a town centre wide programme of public realm improvements -

paving, lighting, signage & street furniture

o Smith St and Drake St paving and lighting

o Baillie St west and Lower Yorkshire St

o Town Hall Square

Autumn 13 to Summer 15 RMBC RDA


Drake Street

Improvements (RMBC)

• Public realm, signage, street furniture and property improvements on Drake St,

including the enhancement of Wet Rake Gardens

August 13 to October 13 RMBC RMBC


The Ginnels

improvements (1st


• First phase of a scheme to improve the ginnels around The Walk, The Butts Ave

and Bull Brow

• Scheme will restore the public realm, property frontages, signage and paving,

and improve linkages and connections around the town centre

August 13 to October 13 RMBC RMBC


Town centre signage

• Implementation of comprehensive signage scheme for the town centre

o temporary signs (pedestrian direction, car parking direction, and traffic


o promotional signs in and around the town centre

o signage during the demolition activity

o signage to promote and raise of awareness of individual projects

o permanent ‘finger post’ signs

April 13 onwards (phased) RMBC RDA &



Pedestrian routes and


• Routes to be improved as part of the public realm and paving schemes in the

town centre

• Schemes will improve linkages to the wider town centre and help create a more

pedestrian friendly town centre, including routes between Number One

Riverside and the town centre

• Footpath diversion routes and signage during the project and demolition works

to maintain routes to town centre destinations

April 13 onwards RMBC



Design Competition

• International Design Competition focussed on the river re-opening project and

The Butts

August 13 onwards RMBC RMBC


Table 3 - Future projects - Feasibility and funding bids being pursued / submitted – see Plan 2

Project / Issue Details of project / proposal Project Dates Funding Lead


Town Centre East



• Proposed new town centre retail and leisure development by Genr8. Shop

units, cinema and restaurants

2015 (estimate) Genr8/RMBC



Design Competition


• Scheme to implement design works identified by the International Design

Competition focused around the river re-opening project



Cleared demolition sites

• Temporary use of cleared demolition sites – Municipal Offices & Bus Station,

Telegraph House, Broadwater Centre, St Andrews church, PCT & Pentagon sites.

• Options for a range of temporary uses - car parking, open space, public realm,

events, improved linkages etc, along with associated improvements and


Autumn 13 onwards RMBC/HCA TBC


Baillie Street north

• External improvements to create more attractive and active frontages on Baillie

St north (rear of M&S)

Spring 14 onwards RMBC RDA


Baillie Street south

• External improvements to create more attractive and active frontages on Baillie

St and Constantine Rd (side and rear of Regal Moon and car park)

Spring 14 onwards RMBC RDA


Public realm

improvements (2nd


• Second phase of a town centre wide programme of public realm improvements

- paving, lighting, signage, street furniture and improvements to linkages

o The Butts / South Parade

o Pioneers Route (Smith St to Town Hall Square)

o Town Centre East connections (Bell St & Penn St)

Spring 14 onwards RMBC RDA


The Ginnels (2nd


• Second phase of scheme to improve the ginnels around The Walk, The Butts

Ave and Bull Brow

• Scheme will restore the public realm, property frontages, signage and paving,

and improve linkages and connections around the town centre




Drake Street Rear


• Improvements to rear elevations of lower Drake Street – boundary treatments,

rear elevations and car parks, to complement public realm and property

improvements to the front of Drake Street

Spring 14 onwards RMBC RDA


Town Hall


• Implementation of agreed scheme to secure new uses for Town Hall.

Adaptation and restoration works

Autumn 13 onwards RMBC RDA

Table 4 - Future projects – funding being pursued - see Plan 2

Project / Issue Details of project / proposal Date Funding Lead


Pentagon & Penn Street

car parks

• Enhancements of sites, including boundary and environmental treatments,

landscaping and improve signage

TBC Being pursued RDA


St Marys Gate

• Improvements to pedestrian crossings to improve connectivity to town centre TBC Being pursued RMBC


John Street

• Improvements to pedestrian crossings to improve connectivity to town centre TBC Being pursued RMBC


Table 5 - Private sector investment opportunities - see Plan 2

Project / Issue Details of project / proposal Date Funding Lead


Nile Club

• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential change of use to of

mixed use (retail & residential)

TBC Private




Fashion Corner

• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential for re-use of building

to contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private




Post Office

• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential for re-use of building

to contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private






• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential for re-use of building

to contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private




Townhead offices

• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential for re-use of building

to contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private




Water Street area

• Private sector investment / development opportunities along Water Street to

contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private




Former Iversons


• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential for redevelopment to

contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private





Magistrates Court

• Private sector investment / development opportunity. Potential for re-use of building

to contribute to regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private






Shopping Centre

• Opportunity to improve and maximise occupation of the centre to contribute to

regeneration of the town centre

TBC Private






Shopping Centre

• Opportunity to improve and maximise occupation of the centre to contribute to

regeneration of the town centre, working with new owners

TBC Private

