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CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-1



The series 3332 Redundancy System uses dual processors that communicate with the samephysical I/O. One processor is on line, while the other functions as a "hot" backup. ASwitchover Panel included in the system provides arbitration between the two processors.Should the Switchover Panel detect a failure in the on-line unit, it will switch to the backupunit without interrupting control and communication functions.

Product Description

A Series 3332 Redundant System contains a Redundancy Switchover Panel (RSP) and twoRedundant Distributed Process Controllers (RDPC). The RSP is shown in Figure 3K-1,while a RDPC is shown in Figure 3K-2. One of the RDPCs functions as the on-line unit, andthe other as the backup unit.

The Series 3332 Redundancy System provides redundancy for communication ports Athrough D. It does not include any on-board I/O facilities. It can serve as a dataconcentrator that provides communications for a local area network, or as a distributedcontroller that communicates with remote I/O devices. In the latter application, it cancommunicate with several Series 3331 RIO Units placed at one or more locations.

During operation, the on-line RDPC executes the ACCOL program load and performscontrol and communication functions. It accepts incoming data, performs decision-makingtasks, and outputs processed data over the four communication channels (A-D). It alsocontinuously up-dates the backup unit via a dedicated communication channel.

The RDPC uses an Enhanced Communication Engine Board (ECE Board) for the secondcommunication slot (see Figure 3K-6). The ECE differs from the standard version describedin Section 3C in that it includes a Redundancy Channel Board assembly. The RedundancyChannel Board contains the communication channel that is used to update the backup unit.

The standard Communication Engine Board (CE Board) is always furnished in the firstcommunication slot of the RDPC. This board can have an optional modem assembled to it asshown in Figure 3K-6. The modem provides asynchronous communications over phone linesor other communication media as required. The use of the ECE Board for redundancyprecludes the use of the modem for ports C or D.

The redundancy system requires Rev. 5.2 (minimum) ACCOL software. Earlier versions ofsoft-ware are not suitable for this application.

Basic Overview

Figures 3K-3 and 3K-4 show a block diagrams of 3332 Redundant Systems. Both RDPCsused in these setups must be models with identical options. Each RDPC must also operatefrom separate +24 Vdc supply sources to provide added security against the failure of asignal supply. Note in the illustration that the +24 Vdc power supplies of Unit A and B are

3K-2 / Redundancy CI-3330

also wired to the RSP. This dual supply arrangement ensures that the operation of the RSPwill not be affected by a failure of either supply.

Figure 3K-1 - Redundancy Switchover Panel (RSP)

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-3

Both RDPC's used in these applications require Redundancy Channel Boards. Essentially,these boards provide a data link from the on-line unit to the backup unit. Data transfers arecontrolled by the DMA channel of the on-line unit and occur at a rate of approximately 800K-bytes per second. Data updates and transfers are a function of the ACCOL load ap-plication task rate.

Figure 3K-2 - Redundant Distributed Process Controller (RDPC)

3K-4 / Redundancy CI-3330

Figure 3K-3 - Block Diagram of 186-Based CPU Redundant System

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-5

Figure 3K-4 - Block Diagram of 386EX-Based CPU Redundant System

3K-6 / Redundancy CI-3330

The RSP uses triple redundant logic with voting hardware to implement switching from theon-line unit to the backup unit. Two of three logic outputs must be TRUE in order to initiatea switchover. This strategy minimizes the chance that certain types of defects might inhibita switchover.

The RSP monitors the Watchdog output of each RDPC. This output, which is labeledATRAN, is available as an open collector output at the wiring terminals of each DPC (inpower section). Should this signal or the power supply of the on-line unit fail, the RSP willswitch to the backup unit. A manual transfer back to the failed unit is inhibited until thatunit is repaired.


The Redundant Switchover Panel (RSP) and the Redundant Distributed Process Controller(RDPC) units are intended for rack or panel installations. The RSP is typically installedbetween or near the two units. The mounting procedures for both the RSP and RDPC arethe same as those described for the Data Concentrator in Section 2 - Installation.


Figures 3K-5 and 3K-6 show the location of the cable receptacles on the RSP and RDPCrespectively. The actual connections between these assemblies are shown in the schematicsof Figures 3K-7 and 3K-8. In general, communication connectors J1A to J5A of the RSPplug into ports A through D2 of Unit A, while J1B to J5B plug into the corresponding portsof Unit B. RSP connectors P1 and P2 plug into mating receptacles on the RedundancyChannel Board of Units A and B. And finally, RSP connectors J1C to J5C mate with theoutside communication lines representing ports A through D2 respectively.

The cables for ports A through D that interconnect the RSP and RDPC units will have a dif-ferent connector on each end. This occurs because the RSP provides nine-pin receptacleswhile the RDPCs provide 15-pin receptacles. Details for wiring the nine-pin RSP connectorsare discussed herein; those for the 15-pin RDPC connectors are described in "Appendix CO -Communication Ports."

Communication Ports A-D & D2

The RSP uses nine-pin female receptacles for communication ports A through D2. Themating connectors used for this application have two-piece shrouds that can be assembled tothe connector even after the pin wiring has been soldered in place. The manufacturer's partnumbers are as follows:

Male Connector ......... AMP 747904-2 Split Shroud .............. AMP 206478-1

RS-423 Interface (Nine-Pin Connector)

A port configured for an RS-423 interface is also usable with devices having an RS-232 com-munication interface. Devices that fall into this category are printers, VDTs, PCs, etc. Forthis application the device must be located within 25 feet of the RSP (this interface schemeis not intended for network communications). Pin layout for RS-423 is shown in Figure 3K-9while the pin functions are detailed in Table 3K-A.

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-7

Figure 3K-5 - RSP Assembly with Cover Removed

3K-8 / Redundancy CI-3330

Figure 3K-6 - RDPC Unit with Cover Removed

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-9

Figure 3K-7 - 186-Based CPU Cable Connection Diagram

3K-10 / Redundancy CI-3330

Figure 3K-8 - 386EX-Based CPU Cable Connection Diagram

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-11

Figure 3K-9 - RS-423 Pin Layout


Pin Name Function




Data Terminal Ready for RS-423 Transmit Data

Receive Data Request to Send Clear to Send Data Carrier Detect Data Set Ready Ground

Figure 3K-10 - RS-423 Interface for IBM PC XT or Compatible Computer

3K-12 / Redundancy CI-3330

Figure 3K-11 - RS-423 Interface for IBM PC AT or Compatible Computer

An RS-423 port can be programmed to communicate with a PC (Personal Computer). This isaccomplished via the ACCOL load which defines ports for various applications. For PC com-munications, the selected port is set to function as a slave or pseudo slave. Details on thisprocedure are described in the ACCOL II Interactive Compiler users manual.

Two typical PC interface schemes are shown in Figures 3K-10 and 3K-11. For other types ofPCs, consult the manufacturer's hardware manual.

RS-485 Interface (Nine-Pin Connector)

RSPs used for network communications require a port configured for RS-485. This interface,which is an enhanced RS-422 interface, is electrically compatible with Series 3335, 3350 and3380 controllers; however, these models require 15-pin connectors and not the 9-pin typeused here. Prior to wiring up a system of mixed modules, be sure to properly identify all con-nectors. Refer to the appropriate controller manual for details.

The connector layout for the RS-485 interface is illustrated in Figure 3K-12, while the cor-responding pin functions are defined in Table 3K-B.

Figure 3K-12 - RS-485 Pin Layout

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-13


Pin Name Function





Transmit Data + for RS-485 Transmit Data - Receive Data + Receive Data - Not Used


The RSP units contain a Redundancy Switchover Board and an LED Board which areshown in Figure 3K-5. In order to access these boards, it will be necessary to remove thefront cover of the RSP. This procedure is the same as described for Data Concentrators inSection 2 - Installation.

Switchover Board

Referring to Figure 3K-13, note the location of mode jumpers W2 and W3. Check that bothjumpers are plugged across positions 1 and 2. The alternate application for positions 2 and 3is not utilized. Using positions 2 and 3 will prevent normal panel operation.

Jumper W1, whose location is also shown in Figure 3K-13, provides two grounding optionsto minimize ground loops. When the jumper is plugged into W1, the CGND terminal(chassis connection) is connected to power common as shown below at the left. When thejumper is removed, (open circuit), CGND is isolated from power common as shown below atthe right.

LED Board

This board contains LEDs that indicate the status and operating modes of Unit A and B.These functions are detailed under the topic DESCRIPTION OF RSP OPERATING CON-TROLS on page 3K-23.


The RDPC units contain a System Interconnect Board, CPU Board, Std. CommunicationEngine (CE) Board, optional Modem Board, Enhanced Communication Engine Board, and aRedundancy Channel Board. The location of these boards is shown in Figure 3K-6.

3K-14 / Redundancy CI-3330

In order to access these boards, it will be necessary to remove the front cover of the RDCunits. This procedure is the same as described for Data Concentrators in Section 2 - Instal-lation.

Figure 3K-13 - Redundancy Switchover Board (RSP Assembly)

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-15

Figure 3K-14 - LED Board (RSP Assembly)

3K-16 / Redundancy CI-3330

Figure 3K-15 - Two Port Enhanced Comm. Board (2PECB)

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-17

System Interconnect Board (SI Board)

The SI Board is the same board used with regular DPCs. The field connections and jumperconfigurations of this board are described in Section 3A of this manual.

Modem Board

Optional Modem Boards are assembled to the Enhanced Communication Board. Details onmodems are covered in appendices.

2-Port Enhanced Communication Board (2PECB)

The 2-Port Enhanced Communication Board, which plugs into the System InterconnectBoard, provides two independent asynchronous/synchronous serial ports. Configuration isprovided by the switches and jumpers called out in Figure 3K-15 (also see Section 3C).

$$$$ Operating Notes

Switch SW1 sets the configuration for the upper port (A/C), while switch SW3 controlsthe configuration of the lower port (B/D). Both SW1 and SW3 are 8-position, in-linepackages. SW1 and SW3 of the 2-Port Enhanced Communication Board function as fol-lows:

All on-board jumpers (except W15 & W19, that are factory installed) are used in con-junction with miniature headers having protruding pins. The jumper, that plugs in overthe pins, contains a shorting bar. Both two-pin and three-pin headers are used on theEnhanced Communication Board. The function of each type is shown below.

* Store this jumper for future use by only plugging one end of the jumper intothe pin header as shown above.

3K-18 / Redundancy CI-3330

Figure 3K-16 - Redundancy Channel Board (Assembly of RDPC)

$$$$ RS-485 or RS-423 Interface

To assign an RS-485 port, use the following switch settings:

RS-485 for Port A/C

SW1-1 ONSW1-2 to SW1-6 OFFSW1-7 to SW1-8 ON

RS-485 for Port B/D

SW3-1 ONSW3-2 to SW1-6 OFFSW3-7 to SW3-8 ON

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-19

To assign an RS-423 port, use the following switch settings:

RS-423 for Port A/C

SW1-1 ONSW1-2 ONSW1-3 to SW1-8 OFF

RS-423 for Port B/D

SW3-1 ONSW3-2 ONSW3-3 to SW3-8 OFF

For additional information on wiring ports for local and network operation, refer toCABLE CONNECTIONS on page 3K-6.

$$$$ Loopback Testing

The loopback configuration feeds the output of the Enhanced Communication Board tothe input. This configuration is used for testing the board via the diagnostic testprogram of AIC. Refer to section 3C of this manual and to User Manual D4041 33XXDiagnostics for details.

$$$$ Setting Jumpers

Up to 19 jumpers are provided for setting various communication parameters. JumpersW15 and W19 are factory wired. The jumpers are set according to Table 3K-C below.


Jumper Description Setting Configuration

W1 Port A/C RXD LED Control 2 to 31 to 2

RXD LED qualified by RTS NotRXD LED Always enabled

W2 Port B/D RXD LED Control 2 to 31 to 2

RXD LED qualified by RTS NotRXD LED Always enabled

W3 Port G/I RXD LED Control 2 to 31 to 2

RXD LED qualified by RTS NotRXD LED Always enabled

W4 Port H/J RXD LED Control 2 to 31 to 2

RXD LED qualified by RTS NotRXD LED Always enabled

W5 Port A/C RTXC Selection 1 to 22 to 3

RTXC = 6 MHz*RTXC = 16 MHz**

W6 Port B/D RTXC Selection 1 to 22 to 3

RTXC = 6 MHz*RTXC = 16 MHz**

W7 Port B/D Receive Clock 1 to 22 to 3


W8 Port G/I RTXC Selection 1 to 22 to 3

RTXC = 6 MHz*RTXC = 16 MHz**

W9 Port H/J RTXC Selection 1 to 22 to 3

RTXC = 6 MHz*RTXC = 16 MHz**

3K-20 / Redundancy CI-3330


Jumper Description Setting Configuration

W10 Serial CommunicationController #1 PCLK Selection

1 to 22 to 3

PCLK = 6 MHz*PCLK = 16 MHz**

W11 Serial CommunicationController #2 PCLK Selection

1 to 22 to 3

PCLK = 6 MHz*PCLK = 16 MHz**

W12/W13 1 or 2 DMA Controllers 1 to 22 to 3

1 DMA Controller (2PECB)2 DMA Controllers (EPECB)

W14 Port B/D Transmit Clock 1 to 22 to 3



RASCL InstalledRASCL Not Installed

W17 1 or 2 Serial CommunicationControllers



W18 1 or 2 DMA Controllers INOUT

2 DMA Controllers (4PECB)1 DMA Controller (2PECB)

Note: * = For Baud Rate of 187.5 Kbd. ** = For Baud Rate of 1 Mbd.

Redundancy Channel Board

This board, shown in Figure 3K-16, contains header W1. Note that a jumper is onlyinserted into W1 during factory testing. These tests utilize special factory equipment setupsthat are not offered for users. Normal operation is obtained without any jumper (open). Donot insert a jumper into W1.


The connections required for RSP are described below. The connections for RDPC aregenerally the same as those described in Section 3A SI Board.

Connections for DC Power

Each RDPC must be wired to separate, working 24 Vdc supplies as shown in Figure 3K-15.This is necessary to achieve redundancy for DC power failures. If only one supply is used, afailure of that supply will cause the whole redundant system to fail.

It is essential that each piece of equipment (RSP and two RDPCs) be grounded separately asshown in Figure 3K-17. Although the RSP provides two CGND terminals (one on eachblock) only one requires grounding since both points are internally connected.

Connections for A/M Transfer Signal

In order to detect a watchdog failure, the Redundancy Switching Panel monitors the A/MTRAN outputs of each RDPC (see Figure 3K-18). These outputs are open collectors thatrespond to a failure two milliseconds (2ms) faster than the watchdog relay contact output. Ifboth A and B units are functioning normally, the open collector output will be a "low." If theon-line unit should watchdog, the open collector will switch to a "high," causing the RSP to

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-21

switch to the backup unit. The RSP will prevent the defective unit from operating untilrepairs are made.

Figure 3K-17 - 24 Volt Power Connections

It is essential that the SI Board of each RDPC be configured to provide an open collectorout-put for the A/M TRAN signal. Referring to Section 3A SI Board, this configuration is ob-tained by setting jumpers W4 and W5 as follows:

W4Plug in jumper across pins 1 and 2.W5Remove jumper so that pins 1, 2 and 3 are open.

Connections for Auxiliary Status Output

The auxiliary status output is a bi-state signal that indicates which unit is on line. It maybe wired to an external device such as a visual or audible alarm to indicate the on line unithas failed.

The auxiliary status output is an open collector output and, therefore, requires an externalpower source and load as shown in Figure 3K-19. When the A-OUT status output is set low,

3K-22 / Redundancy CI-3330

Unit A is on line; when it is set high, Unit B is on line. Conversely, when the B-OUT statusoutput is set low, Unit B is on line; when B-OUT is set high, Unit A is on line.

Figure 3K-18 - A/M Transfer Connections

Figure 3K-19 - Auxiliary Output Connections

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-23


The subtopics that follow describe the operating controls and display LEDs of theRedundancy Switchover Panel.

Power Section

The power section of the RSP contains one power switch and two fuses as shown at the leftof Figure 3K-13. The upper fuse protects power supply A and the lower one protects powersupply B. These fuses should be checked at the time of the initial startup and whenever aunit fails. Note that these fuses, if blown, will not halt operation of either unit A or B butthey can disable the RSP and prevent communications.

LED and Switch Functions

The operating LEDs and switches are shown in Figure 3K-14. A discussion of each item fol-lows:

$$$$ Ready LEDs

A Ready LED is associated with each unit. When lit, these LEDs indicate that the unit isfunctioning normally and is capable of serving as an on-line unit. Either unit A or B canbe assigned as the on-line unit depending upon user preference.

$$$$ On-Line LEDs

When lit, either of these two LEDs will identify the on-line unit. The LED for the backupunit will always be off.

$$$$ Fail LEDs

These LEDs are normally off and only light to indicate that a unit has gone into a watch-dog condition or its power has failed.

$$$$ Data Transfer LED (Labeled Data Copy on equipment cover)

The Data Transfer (Data Copy) indicator lights when a packet of data is transferredfrom the on-line unit to the backup unit.

$$$$ Man-Sel-Dis LED

This LED is normally off and lights only when manual selections are disabled because ofprevious failures.

$$$$ Power LED

This LED lights when the RSP is powered. It remains lit as long as power supply A or Bis operating.

$$$$ Man-Sel Switch (Labeled Unit B & Unit A on equipment cover)

This two-position rocker switch gives the user the option to select unit B or A (Man orSel) as the on-line unit. The switch labels on the cover denote the position for eitherselection. The user should note that it will not be possible to select the on-line unit if

3K-24 / Redundancy CI-3330

either unit has failed (both the Fail LED and the Man-Sel-Dis LEDs will light to indicatea failure). Both units must be operating normally to affect a change.

$$$$ Reset Switch (labled Manual Reset on equipment cover)

This momentary switch enters Unit A or B as the on-line unit when starting the systemfor the first time. The actual selection of the on-line unit is determined by the setting ofthe Man-Sel (Unit B/A) switch described above. Pressing either end of the Reset switchenters the selected unit as the on-line unit.

It is necessary to press the Reset switch to clear the Man-Sel-Dis LED after completingrepairs of a failed unit. Doing this will also configure the RSP for the mode indicated bythe Man-Sel (Unit B/A) switch as noted above. Make sure that this switch is in thecorrect position before pressing the Manual Reset Switch.


When starting a system for the first time, the following equipment will be required:

a) Personal Computer (PC)b) Bristol Babcock AIC program:

(Rev. 5.2 minimum - for 186-based CPUs)(Rev. 5.10 minimum - for 386 Real Mode CPUs)(Rev. 6.0 minimum - for 386 Protected Mode CPUs)

c) User-configured ACCOL loadd) ACCOL Interactive Compiler (AIC) User Manual D4042e) Digital Multimeter (DMM)

1. Verify that all cable and wiring connections are correct.

2. Turn on both 24 Vdc power supplies. Also, turn on the RSP and both RDPCs.

3. On the RSP, connect the minus (-) lead of the DMM to the CGND terminal and the(+) lead to the left side of the fuse block (F1) (Figure 3K-13). Note the DMM reading.Move the (+) lead to the right side of F1. Both readings should be 24 Vdc (nominal). Ifthe second reading can't be obtained, check the fuse. Replace the fuse with the typelisted on the label. If the fuse continues to blow, find the problem source beforeproceeding.

4. Repeat test of step 3 for fuse F2.

5. Check that the LEDs shown in Figure 3K-14 are displaying the following conditions:

Ready LEDs = OffOn Line LEDs = One should be On, and the other OffFail LEDs = OnData Transfer (Data Copy) LED = OffMan-Sel-Dis LED = OnPower LED = On

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-25

6. Set the Man-Sel (Unit B/A) switch to its Sel (A) position. This position selects unit Aas the on-line unit. Press the Manual Reset switch to enter this selection.

7. Load the AIC program into the PC as instructed in the AIC manual (D4042). Also,place the ACCOL load disk into the appropriate drive.

8. Connect the PC to any port of the RSP capable of accepting a cold download. Theneed for a cold download occurs when the RDPC is started for the first time or whenthe Reset Button (Located on the CPU Engine Board) has been pressed. Once thereset cycle has completed, all RDPC outputs will be set to default values as theRDPC awaits a download. Ports J1C through J4C shown in Figure 3K-11 can beused for a cold download. If all these ports are assigned, remove the externalconnection from port J1C and use it for this purpose.


A redundant system can also be warm downloaded from ahost computer. A warm download is implemented whenthe system is on line and already executing an ACCOLload. When done in this manner, the new ACCOL loadoverwrites the current load in the on-line unit and thesenew data are automatically side-loaded into the backupunit. Refer to the AIC manual for warm downloadprocedures.

9. Referring to the AIC manual, bring up the On-Line Top Level Function Menu on thePC screen and enter the poke point labeled, "Download Current ACCOL File." Thisaction will indicate a download.

10. After downloading Unit A, the On-Line LED for Unit A will light to verify the entry,and the Data Transfer (Data Copy) LED will light or flicker to indicate that Unit A isside-loading its data into Unit B. Finally, the Ready LED for the Backup Unit willlight to indicate it is on standby.

11. If it is desired to configure Unit B as the on-line unit, set the Man-Sel (Unit B/A)switch to Man (Unit B) and press the Manual Reset button. The On-Line LED forUnit B will light while Unit A's will go out. Similarly, the Ready LED for Unit B willgo out while Unit A's will light up. Unit B is now the on-line unit.

12. Remove any DMM connections and reconnect the port used for testing (where ap-plicable). Check the on-line functions of the system using the AIC (ACCOL II In-teractive Compiler).


The model number is stamped on a data plate affixed to the redundancy equipment. Systemfeatures can be identified by comparing the data plate model number to Table 3K-D.

A 3332 system can also include attachments. The attachment numbers, which only appearin the sales order, identify the type and characteristics of the I/O modules furnished withthe DPC. The attachment number codes are identified in Table 3K-E.

3K-26 / Redundancy CI-3330



One RSPTwo RDPC Units


1 = Chassis with plastic cover for all units


1 = +24 Vdc


0 = None Included


0 = None1 = FM Approved **


1 = Long2 = Short

* Attachment numbers associated with a model number represent additional featuresand options of the controller. See Table 3K-E for listing of attachment codes.

** Refer to HAZARDOUS AREA CLASSIFICATION in Section 1 - Introduction fordetails.

Note: These tables are only provided for customer product identity and notfor sales ordering purposes.

CI-3330 Redundancy / 3K-27


Using This Table

Attachment numbers for redundancy will have an "A" prefix followed by five digits (Ennnnn). Identify the attachment code number assigned to each numerical position andreference to the list below. The features will be listed in the corresponding row. (Note: Thistable is only for product identity and not for sales ordering purposes.)


ATemp. RangeTemp. Range

Extended Range: -20 to +70� C (-4 to +158� F)Standard Range: 0 to +70� C ( 0 to +158� F)


BC CPU Options

12 MHz 186 CPU Board Without ACCOL PROMRAM Based Floating Point128K No384K No128K Yes384K Yes

12 MHz 186 CPU Board With 64K ACCOL PROM64K No320K No64K Yes320K Yes

20MHz 186 CPU Board Without ACCOL PROMRAM Based Floating Point128K No384K No128K Yes384K Yes

20MHz 186 CPU Board With 64K ACCOL PROM64K No320K No64K Yes320K Yes

386 CPU Real Mode 24MHzNo Floating Point (FP) (With Internal BIP 1 & 2)With Floating Point (FP) (With Internal BIP 1 & 2)386 CPU Protected Mode 24 MHz - Internal BIP 1 & 2No FP, 0 MB Extended RAMNo FP, 1 MB Extended RAMNo FP, 2 MB Extended RAMNo FP, 4 MB Extended RAMFP, 0 MB Extended RAMFP, 1 MB Extended RAMFP, 2 MB Extended RAM







3K-28 / Redundancy CI-3330




BC CPUOptions

386 CPU Protected Mode 24 MHz - Internal BIP 1 & 2(Continued)

FP, 4 MB Extended RAM386 CPU Protected Mode 24 MHz - External BIP 1 & 2No FP, 0 MB Extended RAMNo FP, 1 MB Extended RAMNo FP, 2 MB Extended RAMNo FP, 4 MB Extended RAMFP, 0 MB Extended RAMFP, 1 MB Extended RAMFP, 2 MB Extended RAMFP, 4 MB Extended RAM

386 CPU Protected Mode 24 MHz - With Ethernet1 MB RAM2 MB RAM3 MB RAM4 MB RAM5 MB RAM




BD Comm Ports

Port A Port BRS232(423)/485 232(423)/485RS232(423)/485 1200 Baud ModemRS232(423)/485 9600 Baud ModemRASCL (Redundant)RASCL (Single)MIBRS232(423)/485 RDIRS232(423)/485 TIBPorts A, B, G, HRS232(423)/485



BE Comm Ports

Port C Port DEnhanced Comm. with RED ChannelEnhanced Comm. with RED Channel & RASCL(Redundant)Enhanced Comm. with RED Channel & RASCL (Single)Enhanced Comm. with RED Channel & MIBEnhanced Comm. with RED Channel (32-Bit CPU)EComm. w/RED Channel & RASCL (Redun.) (32-Bit CPU)EComm. w/RED Channel & RASCL (Single) (32-Bit CPU)EComm. w/RED Channel & MIB (32-Bit CPU)


* = Selections 8, 9 or C only (for ports A, B, G & H) * = Selections 2, 5, 8 or 9 only (for ports C & D) # = Selections (Any) for ports A & B # = Selections 6, 8, 9 or C (for ports C & D)

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