RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)

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  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System


    Product Description

    Issue 05

    Date 2010-07-30


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)



    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.

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    The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the

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    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    About This Document

    Related Versions

    The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

    Product Name Version

    OptiX RTN 950 V100R002C00

    iManager U2000 V100R001C00


    Intended Audience

    This document is intended for network planning engineers.

    Before you read this document, ensure that you have acquired the basic knowledge of digital

    microwave communication.

    Symbol Conventions

    The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Symbol Description


    Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk,

    which if not avoided, will result in death or 

    serious injury.


    Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level

    of risk, which if not avoided, could result in

    minor or moderate injury.

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description About This Document

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Symbol Description


    Indicates a potentially hazardous situation,

    which if not avoided, could result in

    equipment damage, data loss, performance

    degradation, or unexpected results.

      Indicates a tip that may help you solve a

     problem or save time.

     Provides additional information to emphasize

    or supplement important points of the main



    Update History

    Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains

    all updates made in previous issues.

    Updates in Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Based on Product Version V100R002C00

    This document is the fifth release for the V100R002C00 version.

    The updated contents are as follows:

    Update Description

    2.16 Energy Saving  New sections are added.

    2.17 Environmental Protection


    Updates in Issue 04 (2010-04-20) Based on Product Version V100R002C00

    This document is the fourth release for the V100R002C00 version.

    The updated contents are as follows:

    Update Description

    1.2 Components The specifications of the ODU are updated.

    6.1 RF Performance


    Updates in Issue 03 (2010-01-30) Based on Product Version V100R002C00

    This document is the third release for the V100R002C00 version.

    The updated contents are as follows:

    About This Document

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description

    iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30)

  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Update Description

    1.2 Components The specifications of the product are updated.

    6 Technical Specifications


    Updates in Issue 02 (2009-10-30) Based on Product Version V100R002C00

    This document is the second release for the V100R002C00 version.

    The updated contents are as follows:

    Update Description

    6 Technical Specifications The specifications of the product are updated.


    Updates in Issue 01 (2009-06-30) Based on Product Version V100R002C00

    This document is the first release of the V100R002C00 version.

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description About This Document

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)



    About This Document...................................................................................................................iii

    1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1-1

    1.1 Network Application.......................................................................................................................................1-2

    1.2 Components.....................................................................................................................................................1-31.3 Radio Link Forms............................................................................................................................................1-6

    2 Functions and Features..............................................................................................................2-1

    2.1 Frequency Band...............................................................................................................................................2-3

    2.2 Microwave Types............................................................................................................................................2-3

    2.2.1 PDH Microwave.....................................................................................................................................2-3

    2.2.2 SDH Microwave.....................................................................................................................................2-4

    2.2.3 Hybrid Microwave.................................................................................................................................2-4

    2.3 Modulation Strategy........................................................................................................................................2-5

    2.3.1 Fixed Modulation...................................................................................................................................2-52.3.2 Adaptive Modulation..............................................................................................................................2-5

    2.4 RF Configuration Modes.................................................................................................................................2-7

    2.5 Capacity...........................................................................................................................................................2-7

    2.5.1 Air Inter face Capacity............................................................................................................................2-8

    2.5.2 Cross-Connect Capacity.........................................................................................................................2-8

    2.5.3 Switching Capacity................................................................................................................................2-8

    2.6 Interfaces.........................................................................................................................................................2-8

    2.6.1 Micr owave Interfaces.............................................................................................................................2-8

    2.6.2 Service Interfaces...................................................................................................................................2-9

    2.6.3 Management and Auxiliary Interfaces.................................................................................................2-10

    2.7 Cross-Polarization Interference Cancellation................................................................................................2-11

    2.8 Automatic Transmit Power Control..............................................................................................................2-11

    2.9 Ethernet Service Processing Capability........................................................................................................2-11

    2.10 QoS..............................................................................................................................................................2-13

    2.11 Clock Features.............................................................................................................................................2-13

    2.12 Protection Capability...................................................................................................................................2-14

    2.13 Network Management.................................................................................................................................2-15

    2.14 Easy Installation..........................................................................................................................................2-16

    2.15 Easy Maintenance.......................................................................................................................................2-16

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description Contents

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    2.16 Energy Saving.............................................................................................................................................2-17

    2.17 Environmental Protection............................................................................................................................2-17

    3 Product Structure........................................................................................................................3-1

    3.1 System Architecture........................................................................................................................................3-23.1.1 SDH/PDH Microwave............................................................................................................................3-2

    3.1.2 Hybrid Microwave.................................................................................................................................3-3

    3.2 Hardware Structure.........................................................................................................................................3-5

    3.2.1 IDU.........................................................................................................................................................3-5

    3.2.2 ODU.......................................................................................................................................................3-7

    3.3 Software Structure...........................................................................................................................................3-9

    3.3.1 NMS Software........................................................................................................................................3-9

    3.3.2 IDU Sof tware.........................................................................................................................................3-9

    3.3.3 ODU Software......................................................................................................................................3-10

    3.4 Service Signal Processing Flow....................................................................................................................3-10

    3.4.1 SDH/PDH Microwave..........................................................................................................................3-10

    3.4.2 Hybrid Microwave...............................................................................................................................3-12

    4 Networking..................................................................................................................................4-1

    4.1 SDH/PDH Microwave.....................................................................................................................................4-2

    4.1.1 Chain Networking..................................................................................................................................4-2

    4.1.2 Ring Networking....................................................................................................................................4-2

    4.2 Hybrid Microwave..........................................................................................................................................4-4

    4.2.1 Chain Networking..................................................................................................................................4-4

    4.2.2 Ring Networking....................................................................................................................................4-5

    5 Network Manag ement System................................................................................................5-1

    5.1 Network Management Solution......................................................................................................................5-2

    5.2 Web LCT.........................................................................................................................................................5-2

    5.3 U2000..............................................................................................................................................................5-3

    6 Technical Specifications...........................................................................................................6-1

    6.1 RF Performance...............................................................................................................................................6-2

    6.1.1 Microwave Work Modes........................................................................................................................6-2

    6.1.2 Frequency Band......................................................................................................................................6-56.1.3 Receiver Sensitivity................................................................................................................................6-7

    6.1.4 Distortion Sensitivity............................................................................................................................6-12

    6.1.5 Transceiver Performance......................................................................................................................6-13

    6.1.6 IF Performance.....................................................................................................................................6-18

    6.1.7 Baseband Signal Processing Performance of the Modem....................................................................6-18

    6.2 Equipment Reliability...................................................................................................................................6-19

    6.2.1 Component Reliability.........................................................................................................................6-19

    6.2.2 Link Reliability....................................................................................................................................6-19

    6.3 Interface Performance...................................................................................................................................6-20

    6.3.1 SDH Optical Interface Performance.....................................................................................................6-20


    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description

    viii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30)

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  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)



    Figure 1-1 TDM microwave transmission solution provided by the OptiX RTN 950........................................ 1-2

    Figure 1-2 Hybrid microwave transmission solution provided by the OptiX RTN 950......................................1-3

    Figure 1-3 IDU 950..............................................................................................................................................1-4

    Figure 1-4 Direct mounting..................................................................................................................................1-6

    Figure 1-5 Separate mounting..............................................................................................................................1-6

    Figure 2-1 PDH microwave................................................................................................................................. 2-3

    Figure 2-2 SDH microwave................................................................................................................................. 2-4

    Figure 2-3 Hybrid microwave..............................................................................................................................2-4

    Figure 2-4 AM......................................................................................................................................................2-6

    Figure 3-1 Block diagram (SDH/PDH microwave).............................................................................................3-2

    Figure 3-2 Block diagram (Hybrid microwave)...................................................................................................3-4

    Figure 3-3 IDU slot layout................................................................................................................................... 3-5

    Figure 3-4 Block diagram of the ODU.................................................................................................................3-8

    Figure 3-5 Software structure...............................................................................................................................3-9Figure 3-6 Service signal processing flow of the SDH/PDH microwave..........................................................3-10

    Figure 3-7 Service signal processing flow of the Hybrid microwave................................................................3-12

    Figure 4-1 TDM microwave transmission solution (chain networking)..............................................................4-2

    Figure 4-2 TDM microwave transmission solution (ring networking)................................................................4-3

    Figure 4-3 TDM microwave transmission solution (hybrid networking formed with the optical transmission


    Figure 4-4 Hybrid microwave transmission solution (chain networking)............................................................4-4

    Figure 4-5 Hybrid microwave transmission solution (ring networking)..............................................................4-5

    Figure 5-1 Network management solution to the transmission network..............................................................5-2

    Figure 6-1 W-curve............................................................................................................................................6-12

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description Figures

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  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)



    Table 1-1 Intr oduction of the IDU 950.................................................................................................................1-3

    Table 1-2 RT N 600 ODUs supported by the OptiX RTN 950.............................................................................1-4

    Table 1-3 RT N XMC ODUs supported by the OptiX RTN 950..........................................................................1-5

    Table 1-4 Radio link forms of the OptiX RTN 950.............................................................................................1-7

    Table 2-1 RF configuration modes.......................................................................................................................2-7

    Table 2-2 Auxiliary services or paths provided by each microwave interface.....................................................2-9

    Table 2-3 Ty pe and number of the service interfaces supported by adding service interface boards .................2-9

    Table 2-4 Ty pe and number of management and auxiliary interfaces ............................... ...............................2-10

    Table 2-5 Ethernet service processing capability...............................................................................................2-12

    Table 2-6 QoS features.......................................................................................................................................2-13

    Table 2-7 Protection schemes.............................................................................................................................2-14

    Table 3-1 Functional unit (SDH/PDH microwave)..............................................................................................3-2

    Table 3-2 Functional unit (Hybrid microwave)....................................................................................................3-4

    Table 3-3 List of IDUs..........................................................................................................................................3-6Table 3-4 Ser vice signal processing flow of the SDH/PDH microwave in the transmit direction....................3-10

    Table 3-5 Ser vice signal processing flow of the SDH/PDH microwave in the receive direction......................3-11

    Table 3-6 Ser vice signal processing flow of the Hybrid microwave in the transmit direction..........................3-13

    Table 3-7 Ser vice signal processing flow of the Hybrid microwave in the receive direction............................3-14

    Table 6-1 SDH/PDH microwave work modes (IF1 board)..................................................................................6-2

    Table 6-2 Hy brid microwave work modes (IFU2 board).....................................................................................6-3

    Table 6-3 Hy brid microwave work modes (IFX2 board).....................................................................................6-4

    Table 6-4 Frequency Band (SP ODU)..................................................................................................................6-5

    Table 6-5 Frequency band (SPA ODU)...............................................................................................................6-5

    Table 6-6 Frequency band (HP ODU)..................................................................................................................6-6

    Table 6-7 Frequency band (XMC-2 ODU)..........................................................................................................6-6

    Table 6-8 Frequency band (LP ODU)..................................................................................................................6-7

    Table 6-9 Frequency band (XMC-1 ODU)..........................................................................................................6-7

    Table 6-10 Typical receiver sensitivity values (i) of the SDH/PDH microwave.................................................6-8

    Table 6-11 Typical receiver sensitivity values (ii) of the SDH/PDH microwave................................................6-8

    Table 6-12 Typical values of the receiver sensitivity (i) of the Hybrid microwave.............................................6-9

    Table 6-13 Typical values of the receiver sensitivity (ii) of the Hybrid microwave..........................................6-10

    Table 6-14 Typical values of the receiver sensitivity (iii) of the Hybrid microwave.........................................6-10

    Table 6-15 Typical values of the receiver sensitivity (iv) of the Hybrid microwave.........................................6-11

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description Tables

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Table 6-16 Anti-multipath fading capability......................................................................................................6-12

    Table 6-17 Transceiver Performance (SP ODU)................................................................................................6-13

    Table 6-18 Transceiver performance (SPA ODU).............................................................................................6-13

    Table 6-19 Transceiver performance (HP ODU)............................................................................................... 6-14

    Table 6-20 Transceiver performance (XMC-2 ODU)........................................................................................6-16

    Table 6-21 Transceiver performance (LP ODU)................................................................................................6-17

    Table 6-22 Transceiver performance (XMC-1 ODU)........................................................................................6-17

    Table 6-23 IF performance.................................................................................................................................6-18

    Table 6-24 Baseband signal processing performance of the modem.................................................................6-19

    Table 6-25 Component reliability ......................................................................................................................6-19

    Table 6-26 Link reliability per hop.....................................................................................................................6-20

    Table 6-27 STM-1 optical interface performance..............................................................................................6-20

    Table 6-28 E1 interface performance.................................................................................................................6-21

    Table 6-29 Performance of the GE optical interface .........................................................................................6-22

    Table 6-30 GE electric interface performance....................................................................................................6-22

    Table 6-31 FE electric interface performance....................................................................................................6-23

    Table 6-32 Orderwire interface performance.....................................................................................................6-23

    Table 6-33 Synchronous data interface performance.........................................................................................6-23

    Table 6-34 Asynchronous data interface performance.......................................................................................6-24

    Table 6-35 Wayside service interface performance........................................................................................... 6-24

    Table 6-36 Clock timing and synchronization performance.............................................................................. 6-24

    Table 6-37 Dimensions.......................................................................................................................................6-25

    Table 6-38 Typical weight..................................................................................................................................6-25Table 6-39 Typical power consumption.............................................................................................................6-26

    Table 6-40 Power Supply...................................................................................................................................6-26

    Table 6-41 Environment performance................................................................................................................6-27

    Table A-1 ITU-R standard...................................................................................................................................A-2

    Table A-2 ETSI standard.....................................................................................................................................A-3

    Table A-3 Relevant IEC standards......................................................................................................................A-4

    Table A-4 ITU-T standard...................................................................................................................................A-4

    Table A-5 IETF standard.....................................................................................................................................A-6

    Table A-6 IEEE standard.....................................................................................................................................A-7

    Table A-7 environmental standard......................................................................................................................A-7


    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description

    xiv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30)

  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    1 IntroductionAbout This Chapter

    The OptiX RTN 950 is one of the series products of the OptiX RTN 900 radio transmission


    1.1 Network Application

    The OptiX RTN 900 is a new generation split microwave transmission system developed by

    Huawei. It can provide a seamless microwave transmission solution for a mobile communication

    network or pr ivate network.

    1.2 Components

    The OptiX RTN 950 adopts a split structure. The system consists of the IDU 950 and the ODU.

    An ODU is connected to an IDU through an IF cable.

    1.3 Radio Link Forms

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides the radio links of different forms by flexibly configuring different

    IF boards and ODUs to meet the requirements of different microwave application scenarios.

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description 1 Introduction

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    1.1 Network Application

    The OptiX RTN 900 is a new generation split microwave transmission system developed by

    Huawei. It can provide a seamless microwave transmission solution for a mobile communication

    network or private network.

    The OptiX RTN 900 products are available in two types: OptiX RTN 910 and OptiX RTN 950.

    The users can choose an appropriate type based on the actual requirements.

    l The IDU of the OptiX RTN 910 is 1U high and supports one or two IF boards.

    l The IDU of the OptiX RTN 950 is 2U high and supports one to six IF boards.


    The OptiX RTN 910 and OptiX RTN 950 support the same IF boards and service interface boards.

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides several types of service interfaces and facilitates installation and

    flexible configuration. It can provide a solution that is integrated with the TDM microwave,

    Hybrid microwave, and Packet microwave based on the network requirements. It supports the

    smooth upgrade from the TDM microwave to the Hybrid microwave, and from the Hybrid

    microwave to the Packet microwave. The solution can evolve based on the service changes that

    occur due to radio mobile network evolution. Thus, this solution can meet the transmission

    requirements of not only 2G and 3G networks, but also future LTE and 4G networks.

    Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show the TDM microwave transmission solution and the Hybrid

    microwave transmission solution respectively that are provided by the OptiX RTN 950 for the

    mobile communication network.

    Figure 1-1 TDM microwave transmission solution provided by the OptiX RTN 950

    OptiX RTN 950 BTS BSC




    STM-1/E1 E1Regional Backhaul








    1 Introduction

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description

    1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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    Issue 05 (2010-07-30)

  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Figure 1-2 Hybrid microwave transmission solution provided by the OptiX RTN 950

    Regional Backhaul


    OptiX RTN 950 BTSNodeB BSCRNC



















    l In the solutions, the local backhaul network is optional. The OptiX RTN 950 can be connected to the RNC

    or the BSC directly.

    1.2 Components

    The OptiX RTN 950 adopts a split structure. The system consists of the IDU 950 and the ODU.

    An ODU is connected to an IDU through an IF cable.

    IDU 950

    The IDU 950 is the indoor unit of an OptiX RTN 950 system. It accesses services, performs

    multiplexing/demultiplexing and IF processing of the services, and provides system control and

    communication function.

    Table 1-1 lists the basic features of the IDU 950.

    Table 1-1 Introduction of the IDU 950

    Item Performance

    Chassis height 2U

    Pluggable Supported

     Number of microwave



    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description 1 Introduction

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Item Performance

    RF configuration mode 1+0 non-protection configuration

     N+0 non-protection configuration (N≤ 5)

    1+1 protection configuration

     N+1 protection configuration (N≤ 4)

    XPIC configuration


    Figure 1-3 IDU 950



    The ODU is the outdoor unit of the OptiX RTN 900. It performs frequency conversion and

    amplification of signals.

    The OptiX RTN 900 series products can uses the RTN 600 ODU and RTN XMC ODU, covering

    6 GHz to 38 GHz entire frequency band.


    Unlike the other frequency bands that use 14 MHz, 28 MHz, or 56 MHz channel spacing, the 18 GHz

    frequency band uses 13.75 MHz, 27.5 MHz, or 55 MHz channel spacing correspondingly.

    Table 1-2 RTN 600 ODUs supported by the OptiX RTN 950

    Item Description

    Standard PowerODU

    High Power ODU Low Capacity forPDH ODU

    ODU type SP, SPA HP LP

    1 Introduction

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description

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    Issue 05 (2010-07-30)

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    Item Description

    Standard PowerODU

    High Power ODU Low Capacity forPDH ODU

    Frequency band 7/8/11/13/15/18/23/26/38 GHz (SP



    3 GHz (SPA ODU)





    modulation mode






    32QAM/64QAM/128QAM (SPA)





    Channel spacing 3.5/7/14/28 MHz 7/14/28/56 MHz 3.5/7/14/28 MHz


    Table 1-3 RTN XMC ODUs supported by the OptiX RTN 950

    Item Description

    High Power ODU Low Capacity for PDHODU

    ODU type XMC-2 XMC-1

    Frequency band 7/8/13/15/18/23 GHz 7/8/13/15/18/23 GHz

    Microwave modulation





    Channel spacing 7/14/28/56 MHz 3.5/7/14/28 MHz


    The OptiX RTN 950 provides an entire frequency band antenna solution, and supports the single-

     polarized antenna and dual-polarized antenna with a diameter of 0.3 m to 3.7 m and the

    corresponding feeder system.

    There are two methods of mounting the ODU and the antenna: direct mounting and separate


    l The direct mounting method is normally adopted when a small-diameter and single-

     polarized antenna is used. In this situation, if one ODU is configured for one antenna, the

    ODU is directly mounted at the back of the antenna. If two ODUs are configured for one

    antenna, an RF signal combiner/splitter (hereinafter referred to as a hybrid coupler) must

     be mounted to connect the ODUs to the antenna. Figure 1-4 shows the direct mounting


    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description 1 Introduction

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Figure 1-4 Direct mounting

    l The separate mounting method is adopted when a double-polarized antenna or big-diameter 

    and single-polarized antenna is used. Figure 1-5 shows the separate method. In this

    situation, a hybrid coupler can be mounted. That is, two ODUs share one feed boom.

    Figure 1-5 Separate mounting


    1.3 Radio Link Forms

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides the radio links of different forms by flexibly configuring different

    IF boards and ODUs to meet the requirements of different microwave application scenarios.

    1 Introduction

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description

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    Issue 05 (2010-07-30)

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    Table 1-4 Radio link forms of the OptiX RTN 950

    Radio Link Form Type of theControl,Switching, and

    Timing Board

    Type of the IFBoard

    Type of the ODU

    PDH radio link of the

    low capacity

    CST/CSH IF1 Low capacity for  


    SDH/PDH radio link CST/CSH IF1 Standard power  

    ODU or high power 


    Hybrid radio link CSH IFU2 Standard power  

    ODU or high power 


    Hybrid radio link thatsupports the XPIC

    CSH IFX2 Standard power  ODU or high power 



    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description 1 Introduction

    Issue 05 (2010-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    2 Functions and FeaturesAbout This Chapter

    The OptiX R TN 950 provides plentiful functions and features to ensure the quality and efficiency

    of service transmission.

    2.1 Frequency Band

    The OptiX R TN 950 provides the products of full frequency bands.

    2.2 Microwave Types

    Different radio link forms of OptiX RTN 950 support different types of microwaves. The radio

    link form of the SDH/PDH microwave supports the PDH microwave and the SDH microwave.

    2.3 Modulation Strategy

    The SDH/PDH microwave supports fixed modulation, whereas the Hybrid microwave supports

    fixed modulation and adaptive modulation.

    2.4 RF Configuration Modes

    The OptiX R TN 950 supports the 1+0 non-protection configuration, the N+0 non-protection

    configuration, 1+1 protection configuration, N+1 protection configuration, and XPIC


    2.5 Capacity

    The OptiX RTN 950 has a high capacity.

    2.6 InterfacesThe OptiX RTN 950 features multiple interface types.

    2.7 Cross-Polarization Interference Cancellation

    Cross-polarization interference cancellation (XPIC) is a technology used together with co-

    channel dual-polarization (CCDP). The application of the two technologies doubles the wireless

    link capacity over the same channel.

    2.8 Automatic Transmit Power Control

    Automatic transmit power control (ATPC) enables the output power of the transmitter to

    automatically trace the level fluctuation at the receive end within the ATPC control range. This

    reduces the interference with neighboring systems and residual BER.

    2.9 Ethernet Service Processing CapabilityThe OptiX RTN 950 provides the powerful Ethernet service processing capability.

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    2.10 QoS

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides improved quality of service (QoS) capabilities. Thus, the OptiX

    RTN 950 can offer various QoS levels of service guarantees and build an integrated network to

    carry data, voice, and video services.

    2.11 Clock FeaturesThe clock features of the OptiX RTN 950 meet the requirements for transporting the clock of 

    the mobile communication network and provide the complete clock protection mechanism.

    2.12 Protection Capability

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides complete protection schemes.

    2.13 Network Management

    The OptiX RTN 950 supports multiple network management (NM) modes, and provides

    complete NM information exchange schemes.

    2.14 Easy Installation

    The OptiX RTN 950 supports several installation modes. Thus, the installation of the equipment

    is flexible and convenient.

    2.15 Easy Maintenance

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides several maintenance features. Thus, the cost of equipment

    maintenance is effectively reduced.

    2.16 Energy Saving

    The OptiX RTN 950 adopts various technologies to reduce equipment energy.

    2.17 Environmental Protection

    The OptiX RTN 950 is designed according to the requirements of environmental protection. The

     product complies with RoHS directive.

    2 Functions and Features

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    2.1 Frequency BandThe OptiX RTN 950 provides the products of full frequency bands.

    l When the OptiX RTN 950 uses the standard power ODU, the 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23,

    26, and 38 GHz frequency bands are supported.

    l When the OptiX RTN 950 uses the high power ODU, the 7, 8, 10, 10.5, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23,

    26, 28, 32, and 38 GHz frequency bands are supported.

    2.2 Microwave TypesDifferent radio link forms of OptiX RTN 950 support different types of microwaves. The radio

    link form of the SDH/PDH microwave supports the PDH microwave and the SDH microwave.

    2.2.1 PDH Microwave

    The PDH microwave refers to the microwave that transmits only the PDH services (mainly, the

    E1 services).

    2.2.2 SDH Microwave

    The SDH microwave refers to the microwave that transmits SDH services.

    2.2.3 Hybrid Microwave

    The Hybrid microwave refers to the microwave that transmits native E1 services and native

    Ethernet services in hybrid mode. The Hybrid microwave supports the AM function.

    2.2.1 PDH Microwave

    The PDH microwave refers to the microwave that transmits only the PDH services (mainly, the

    E1 services).

    Unlike the conventional PDH microwave equipment, the OptiX RTN 950 has a built-in MADM.

    The MADM grooms the E1 services to the microwave port for further transmission. Thus, the

    services can be groomed flexibly and seamless convergence between the optical network and

    the microwave network is achieved.

    Figure 2-1 PDH microwave





    PDH radioSDH



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    2.2.2 SDH Microwave

    The SDH microwave refers to the microwave that transmits SDH services.

    Unlike the conventional SDH microwave equipment, the OptiX RTN 950 has a built-in MADM.

    The MADM grooms services to the microwave port through cross-connections, maps theservices into the STM-1-based microwave frames, and then transmits the STM-1-based

    microwave frames. Thus, the services can be groomed flexibly and seamless convergence

     between the optical network and the microwave network is achieved.

    Figure 2-2 SDH microwave





    SDH radioSDH






    2.2.3 Hybrid MicrowaveThe Hybrid microwave refers to the microwave that transmits native E1 services and native

    Ethernet services in hybrid mode. The Hybrid microwave supports the AM function.

    The OptiX RTN 950 has a built-in MADM and a packet processing platform. The MADM

    transmits E1 services that are accessed locally or extracted from the SDH to the microwave port.

    After processing the accessed Ethernet services in the unified manner, the packet processing

     platform transmits the Ethernet services to the microwave port. The microwave port maps the

    E1 services and the Ethernet services into Hybrid microwave frames and then transmits the

    Hybrid microwave frames.

    Figure 2-3 Hybrid microwave









    Hybrid radio

    Native E1 and native Ethernet


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    The characteristics of Hybrid microwave frames are as follows:

    l The frames with a fixed period are used for transmission.

    l In the specific modulation mode or channel spacing, the length of Hybrid microwave frames

    remains unchanged.

    l The E1 services in Hybrid microwave frames occupy a fixed bandwidth (when  N  E1

    services are transmitted, the bandwidth of  N  E1 services is occupied).

    l In Hybrid microwave frames, the Ethernet services occupy the remaining bandwidth after 

    the E1 services occupy part of the bandwidth.

    2.3 Modulation Strategy

    The SDH/PDH microwave supports fixed modulation, whereas the Hybrid microwave supports

    fixed modulation and adaptive modulation.

    2.3.1 Fixed Modulation

    Fixed modulation refers to a modulation strategy wherein a modulation mode is adopted

    invariably on a running radio link.

    2.3.2 Adaptive Modulation

    Adaptive modulation (AM) is a technology wherein the modulation mode can be adjusted

    automatically based on channel quality.

    2.3.1 Fixed Modulation

    Fixed modulation refers to a modulation strategy wherein a modulation mode is adopted

    invariably on a running radio link.

    When the OptiX RTN 950 uses the fixed modulation strategy, you can set the modulation mode

    and the channel spacing through the software.

    2.3.2 Adaptive Modulation

    Adaptive modulation (AM) is a technology wherein the modulation mode can be adjusted

    automatically based on channel quality.

    In the case of  the same channel spacing, the microwave service capacity varies with the

    modulation mode. The higher the modulation efficiency, the higher the capacity of the

    transmitted services is. When the channel quality is favorable (such as on days when the weather 

    is favorable), the equipment adopts a higher modulation mode to transmit more user services.In this manner, the transmission efficiency and the spectrum utilization of the system are

    improved. When the channel quality is degraded (such as on days when the weather is stormy

    and foggy), the equipment adopts a lower modulation mode to transmit only the services with

    a higher priority within the available bandwidth and to discard the services with a lower priority.

    In this manner, the anti-interference capability of the radio link is improved and the link 

    availability of the services with a higher priority is ensured.

    When the Hybrid microwave equipment adopts the AM technology, it controls service

    transmission based on the service bandwidth and QoS policy corresponding to the current

    modulation mode. The E1 services have the highest priority. By adopting the QoS technology,

    the equipment schedules Ethernet services of different types to the queues with different

     priorities. The services in the queues with different priorities are transmitted to the microwave port through the SP or WRR algorithm. When the queues with certain priorities are congested

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    due to insufficient microwave bandwidth, the queues with these priorities discard certain or all

    services. When the Hybrid microwave works in the lowest modulation mode, the equipment

    transmits only the E1 services and the Ethernet services with a high priority within the available

     bandwidth. When the Hybrid microwave works in any other modulation mode, all the additional

     bandwidth is used to transmit the Ethernet services. In this manner, the availability of the links

    that carry the E1 services and the Ethernet services with the high priority is ensured and the

    Ethernet service capacity is increased, thus providing the dynamic bandwidth.

    Figure 2-4 shows the service change caused by the AM. The orange part indicates the E1

    services, and the blue part indicates the Ethernet services. The closer to the edge of the blue part,

    the lower the priority of the Ethernet service is. Under all channel conditions, the E1 services

    occupy the specific bandwidth that is permanently available. Thus, the availability of the E1

    services is ensured. The capacity for the Ethernet services varies with the channel conditions.

    When the channel is in bad conditions, the Ethernet services with a low priority are discarded.

    Figure 2-4 AM



    E1 services














    The AM technology adopted by the OptiX RTN 950 has the following features:

    l The AM technology can use the QPSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, and

    256QAM modulation mode.

    l The lowest modulation mode (also called "reference mode") and the highest modulation

    mode (also called "nominal mode") actually used by the AM can be configured.

    l When the modulation modes of AM are switched, the transmit frequency, receive

    frequency, and channel spacing do not change.

    l When the modulation modes of AM are switched, the step-by-step switching mode is


    l AM switching is a hitless switch. When the AM scheme is downshifted, high-priority

    services will not be affected due to the mode switching when the low-priority services are

    discarded. The switching rate meets the requirement of the 100dB/s fast channel fading.

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    2.4 RF Configuration Modes

    The OptiX RTN 950 supports the 1+0 non-protection configuration, the N+0 non-protection

    configuration, 1+1 protection configuration, N+1 protection configuration, and XPIC


    Table 2-1 lists the RF link configuration modes that are supported.

    Table 2-1 RF configuration modes

    Configuration Mode Maximum Number of Configurations

    1+0 non-protection configuration 6

    1+1 protection configuration (1+1 HSB/FD/



     N+0 non-protection configuration (N≤ 5) 3 (N = 2)

    2 (N = 3)

    1 (N≥ 4)

     N+1 protection configuration (N≤ 4) 3 (N = 1)

    2 (N = 2)

    1 (N≥ 3)

    XPIC configuration 3



    l When two 1+0 non-protection configurations form a microwave ring network, the special RF configuration

    (namely, east and west configuration) is formed. In the case of the east and west configuration, the SNCP

    and the ERPS can be configured to protect the ring network of SDH/PDH services and Ethernet services.

    l When the OptiX RTN 950 adds or drops services locally, it supports five 1+0 non-protection configurations

    in the case of the TDM microwave, four 1+0 non-protection configurations in the case of the Hybrid

    microwave, two 1+1 protection configurations, one 2+1 protection configuration, or two XPIC


    l Only the STM-1 microwave and Hybrid microwave support N+1 protection.

    l Only the Hybrid microwave supports the XPIC configuration.

    l Two XPIC configurations can form one 1+1 protection configuration of the XPIC.

    2.5 Capacity

    The OptiX RTN 950 has a high capacity.

    2.5.1 Air Interface Capacity

    The microwave air inter face capacity is related to the specific microwave working mode.

    2.5.2 Cross-Connect Capacity

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    The OptiX RTN 950 has a built-in MADM and provides full timeslot cross-connections for 

    VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 services equivalent to 32x32 VC-4s.

    2.5.3 Switching Capacity

    The OptiX RTN 950 has a built-in packet processing platform with the switching capacity of 

    10 Gbit/s.

    2.5.1 Air Interface Capacity

    The microwave air interface capacity is related to the specific microwave working mode.

    l If the radio link form is the SDH/PDH microwave, the maximum capacity of each channel

    of microwave is STM-1.

    l If the radio link form is the Hybrid microwave, the maximum capacity of each channel of 

    microwave is 363 Mbit/s when the high power ODU is used or 183 Mbit/s when the standard

     power ODU is used. If the XPIC technology is used, the service capacity of the microwave

    channel can be doubled with same the spectrum bandwidth.

    2.5.2 Cross-Connect Capacity

    The OptiX R TN 950 has a built-in MADM and provides full timeslot cross-connections for 

    VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 services equivalent to 32x32 VC-4s.

    2.5.3 Switching Capacity

    The OptiX R TN 950 has a built-in packet processing platform with the switching capacity of 

    10 Gbit/s.

    2.6 InterfacesThe OptiX RTN 950 features multiple interface types.

    2.6.1 Microwave Interfaces

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides microwave interfaces on the IF board and the ODU that is

    connected to the IF board. Each microwave interface transmits one channel of microwave

    service. In addition, it transmits various auxiliary services or paths through the microwave


    2.6.2 Service Interfaces

    The service interfaces of different types can be provided by configuring different service

    interface boards.

    2.6.3 Management and Auxiliary Interfaces

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides the management and auxiliary interfaces through the system

    control, switching, and timing board and the auxiliary board.

    2.6.1 Microwave Interfaces

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides microwave interfaces on the IF board and the ODU that is

    connected to the IF board. Each microwave interface transmits one channel of microwave

    service. In addition, it transmits various auxiliary services or paths through the microwave


    Table 2-2 lists the auxiliary services or paths provided by each microwave interface.

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    Table 2-2 Auxiliary services or paths provided by each microwave interface

    Service/Path Type Quantity Rate

    Synchronous data service 1 64 kbit/s

    Asynchronous data service 1 19.2 kbit/s

    Orderwire phone service 1 64 kbit/s

    Wayside E1 servicea 1 2048 kbit/s

    DCC path 1 64 kbit/s (The capacity is

    lower than 16xE1 PDH


    192 kbit/s (The capacity is

    not lower than 16xE1 SDH/

    PDH microwaves.)

    192 kbit/s (Hybrid




    l The wayside E1 service is supported only when the radio link works in STM-1 mode.

    2.6.2 Service Interfaces

    The service interfaces of different types can be provided by configuring different service

    interface boards.

    Table 2-3 lists the type and number of the service interfaces supported by adding service

    interface boards to the OptiX RTN 950.

    Table 2-3 Type and number of the service interfaces supported by adding service interface


    Type of ServiceInterface Board

    MaximumNumber of Boards

    Provided ServiceInterface

    Number ofInterfacesProvided by OneBoard

    SP3S 5 75-ohm or 120-ohm

    E1 interface


    SP3D 5 75-ohm or 120-ohm

    E1 interface


    SL1D 5 STM-1 optical

    interface (SFP): Ie-1,

    S-1.1, L-1.1, and



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    Type of ServiceInterface Board

    MaximumNumber of Boards

    Provided ServiceInterface

    Number ofInterfacesProvided by OneBoard

    EM6T 5 FE electrical

    interface (RJ-45):



    GE electrical

    interface (RJ-45):




    EM6F 5 FE electrical

    interface (RJ-45):



    GE electrical

    interface (SFP):


    T(X) or 

    GE optical interface

    (SFP): 1000Base-

    SX, 1000Base-LX




    "Maximum Number of Boards" in the Table 2-3 is the maximum number calculated when at least one IF

     board is configured.

    2.6.3 Management and Auxiliary Interfaces

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides the management and auxiliary interfaces through the system

    control, switching, and timing board and the auxiliary board.

    Table 2-4 Type and number of management and auxiliary interfaces

    Interface Specifications Quantity

    External clock 


    Combined 120-ohm 2,048 kbit/s or 2,048 kHz clock 

    input/output interface




    10/100BASE-T(X) NM interface 1

     NM serial interface 1

    10/100BASE-T(X) NE cascading interface 1



    Orderwire interface 1

    RS-232 asynchronous data interface 1

    64 kbit/s synchronous data interface 1

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    Interface Specifications Quantity

    Wayside E1 interface 1

    Alarm interface Alarm input/output interface Four inputs and

    two outputs



    l The external clock interface and wayside E1 interface are combined into one interface. This interface can

    transparently transmit the DCC byte, orderwire overhead byte, and synchronous/asynchronous data service

    overhead byte. One interface, however, can implement only one of the three functions: external clock 

    interface, wayside E1 service, and transparent transmission of the overhead byte.

    l The 64 kbit/s synchronous data interface can transparently transmit the orderwire byte. One interface,

    however, can implement only one of the two functions: 64 kbit/s synchronous data interface and transparent

    transmission of the orderwire byte.

    l The external clock interface and the management interface are provided by the system control, switching,

    and timing board (CST/CSH). The auxiliary interface and the alarm interface are provided by the AUX


    l The number of external clock interfaces or the number of management interfaces listed in the table is the

    number of interfaces provided by one system control, switching, and timing board.

    2.7 Cross-Polarization Interference Cancellation

    Cross-polarization interference cancellation (XPIC) is a technology used together with co-

    channel dual-polarization (CCDP). The application of the two technologies doubles the wireless

    link capacity over the same channel.

    CCDP transmission adopts both the horizontally polarized wave and the vertically polarized

    wave on one channel to transmit two channels of signals. The ideal situation of CCDP

    transmission is that no interference is present between the two orthogonal signals although they

    are with the same frequency. In this manner, the receiver can easily recover the two signals. In

    actual engineering conditions, despite the orthogonality of the two signals, interference between

    the signals inevitably occurs due to cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) of the antenna and

    channel degradation. To cancel the interference, the XPIC technology is adopted. In XPIC

    technology, the signals are received in the horizontal and vertical directions. The signals in the

    two directions are then processed and the original signals are recovered from interfered signals.

    2.8 Automatic Transmit Power Control

    Automatic transmit power control (ATPC) enables the output power of the transmitter to

    automatically trace the level fluctuation at the receive end within the ATPC control range. This

    reduces the interference with neighboring systems and residual BER.

    2.9 Ethernet Service Processing Capability

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides the powerful Ethernet service processing capability.

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    Table 2-5 Ethernet service processing capability

    Item Performance

    Ethernet service


    E-LINE and E-LAN

    Maximum frame


    1518 bytes to 9600 bytes

    VLAN   l Adds, deletes, and switches VALN tags that comply with IEEE

    802.1q/p, and forwards packets based on VLAN tags.

    l Processes packets based on the port tag attribute (Tag/Hybrid/


    MAC address   l The E-LAN service supports the MAC address learning capability in

    two learning modes: SVL and IVL.


    MAC addresses can be filtered. That is, the blacklist entry of MACaddresses is supported.

    l Setting static MAC address entries is supported.

    l The capacity of the MAC address table is 16 k (including static


    l The MAC address aging time can be configured. The value ranges

    from 1 to 65535 minutes.

    MSTP Supports the MSTP protocol, and generates only the Common and

    Internal Spanning Tree (CIST).

    IGMP Snooping Supported.

    Link aggregation Supported for the FE/GE port and microwave port. Supports manual

    aggregation and static aggregation, and load sharing and non-load

    sharing. The load sharing algorithm is implemented based on the hash

    of the MAC address or IP address.

    ERPS Supports the G.8032 compliant ring network protection of Ethernet


    LPT Disables the Ethernet port that is connected to the user equipment when

    the transmission network fails.

    QoS Supported. For details, see 2.10 QoS.

    Traffic control


    Supports the IEEE 802.3x complaint traffic control function.

    ETH-OAM Supports IEEE 802.1ag and IEEE 802.3ah compliant ETH-OAM





    Supports IETF RFC2819 compliant RMON performance monitoring.

    Port mirror Supported.

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    l a: When the SDH/PDH radio link forms the ring network protection, the SNCP is used to protect SDH/PDH


    l  b: When the Hybrid radio link forms the ring network protection, the SNCP is used to protect E1 services

    and the ERPS is used to protect Ethernet services.

    l c: When the SDH radio link and the optical STM-1 path form a hybrid ring network, the SNCP is used to

     protect services on the ring network.

    2.13 Network Management

    The OptiX RTN 950 supports multiple network management (NM) modes, and provides

    complete NM information exchange schemes.

    NM Mode

    The OptiX RTN 950 supports the following functions:

    l Accessing the iManager LCT directly at the near end of the NE to perform the single-point

    management for the NE

    l Using the OptiX iManager U2000 to manage all OptiX RTN NEs on the transmission

    network and the NEs of Huawei optical transmission products in the concentrated manner 

    and to manage the transmission networks in the unified manner 

    NM Information Exchange Schemes

    At the physical layer, the OptiX RTN 950 supports the following NM information exchangeschemes:

    l Using one or three Huawei-defined DCC bytes in the PDH microwave frame to transmit

     NM information

    l Using the D1-D3, D4-D12, or D1-D12 bytes in the SDH microwave frame and the SDH

    frame to transmit NM information

    l Using three Huawei-defined bytes in the Hybrid microwave frame to transmit NM


    l Using the Ethernet NM interface to transmit NM information

    l Using the DCC bytes that are transmitted through the external clock interface to transmit

     NM information on an SDH/PDH network 

    l Supporting the inband DCN function, and using the Ethernet service bandwidth to transmit

     NM information at the Hybrid microwave port or FE/GE port

    At the network layer, the OptiX RTN 950 supports the following NM information exchange


    l Using HWECC to transmit NM information

    l Using IP over DCC to transmit NM information

    l Using OSI over DCC to transmit NM information

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    2.14 Easy Installation

    The OptiX RTN 950 supports several installation modes. Thus, the installation of the equipment

    is flexible and convenient.

    The IDU can be installed in the following modes:

    l In a 300 mm ETSI cabinet

    l In a 600 mm ETSI cabinet

    l In a 450 mm 19-inch cabinet

    l In a 600 mm 19-inch cabinet

    l In an open cabinet

    l On a wall

    l On a table

    The ODU supports two installation modes: direct mounting and separate mounting.

    2.15 Easy Maintenance

    The OptiX RTN 950 provides several maintenance features. Thus, the cost of equipment

    maintenance is effectively reduced.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the unified management of the microwave transmission

    network and the optical transmission network at the network layer by using the iManger 


    l All the indicators and cable interfaces of the IDU are available on the front panel.

    l Each board of the IDU has the running and alarm status indicators.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 provides plentiful alarms and performance events.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports RMON performance events.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the ETH OAM function.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the monitoring and the graphic display of key radio

    transmission performance specifications such as the microwave transmit power and the


    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports various loopback functions of service ports and IF ports.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 has a built-in test system. You can perform the PRBS test of an IF

     port even when no special test tools are available.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the port mirror function so that it can test and diagnose

    services without affecting Ethernet services.

    l The CF card that stores the data configuration file and the software can be replaced on site.

    Thus, you can load the data or upgrade the software by replacing the CF card.

    l Two sets of software and data are stored in the flash memory of the control, switching, and

    timing board to facilitate the smooth upgrade.


    The OptiX RTN 950 supports the regular backup and restoration of the NE databaseremotely by using the U2000.

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    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the remote loading of the NE software and data by using the

    U2000 to provide a complete NE upgrade solution. Thus, the entire network can be

    upgraded rapidly.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the NSF function. When the soft reset is performed for the

     NE software, SDH/PDH services and E-Line services are not interrupted, thusimplementing the smooth software upgrade.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the hot patch loading function. You can upgrade the software

    that is running without interrupting services.

    l The OptiX RTN 950 supports the software version rollback function. When a software

    upgrade fails, the original software can be recovered, and therefore the original services of 

    the system can be restored.

    2.16 Energy Saving 

    The OptiX RTN 950 adopts various technologies to reduce equipment energy.l Uses an easy scheme for board design.

    l Replaces the ordinary chips with ASIC chips that require a lower power consumption.

    l Uses the power module with high efficiency.

    l Intelligent adjustment of the fan speed: With intelligent adjustment of the fan speed, heat

    of the system can be dissipated in a timely manner, electrical energy can be reduced, and

    noise can be minimized.

    l Shutting down of the unused FE/GE port and SFP optical module.

    2.17 Environmental ProtectionThe OptiX RTN 950 is designed according to the requirements of environmental protection. The

     product complies with RoHS directive.

    l With regard to the packing design, the OptiX RTN 950 undergoes a necessary packing

     process, and the size of the package containing the equipment and accessories is at most

    three times that of the net equipment.

    l The product is also designed for easy unpacking. In addition, all hazardous substances

    contained in packaging decompose easily.

    l Plugs and connectors are easy to find, and the associated operations can be performed by

    using simple tools.

    l All the attached materials, such as labels, are easy to remove. Certain identification

    information, such as silkscreens, is printed on the front panel or chassis.

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    3 Product StructureAbout This Chapter

    This topic describes the system architecture, hardware architecture, and software architecture

    of the product, and the process of processing service signals.

    3.1 System Architecture

    The SDH/PDH microwave system architecture is different from the Hybrid microwave


    3.2 Hardware Structure

    The OptiX R TN 950 adopts a split structure. The system consists of the IDU and the ODU. An

    ODU is connected to an IDU through an IF cable. The IF cable transmits IF service signals and

    the O&M signals of the ODU, and supplies -48 V DC power to the ODU.

    3.3 Software Structure

    The OptiX R TN 950 software consists of the NMS software, IDU software, and ODU software.

    3.4 Service Signal Processing Flow

    The flow for transmitting the SDH/PDH microwave signals is different from the flow for 

    transmitting the Hybrid microwave signals.

    OptiX RTN 950

    Product Description 3 Product Structure

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    3.1 System Architecture

    The SDH/PDH microwave system architecture is different from the Hybrid microwavearchitecture.

    3.1.1 SDH/PDH Microwave

    The SDH/PDH microwave equipment consists of a series of functional units, including the

    service interface unit, timeslot cross-connect unit, IF unit, control unit, clock unit, auxiliary

    interface unit, fan unit, power unit, and ODU.

    3.1.2 Hybrid Microwave

    The Hybrid microwave equipment consists of a series of functional units, including the service

    interface unit, timeslot cross-connect unit, packet switching unit, IF unit, control unit, clock unit,

    auxiliary interface unit, fan unit, power unit, and ODU.

    3.1.1 SDH/PDH Microwave

    The SDH/PDH microwave equipment consists of a series of functional units, including the

    service interface unit, timeslot cross-connect unit, IF unit, control unit, clock unit, auxiliary

    interface unit, fan unit, power unit, and ODU.

    Figure 3-1 Block diagram (SDH/PDH microwave)

    Sync/Async data

    External alarm data

    IF unit



    -48V/-60V DC








    Orderwire data




    Control and

    overhead bus












    Clock interface NM data



    IF signal





    Table 3-1 Functional unit (SDH/PDH microwave)

    Functional Unit Function

    Service interface


    l Accesses E1 signals.

    l Accesses STM-1 signals.

    3 Product Structure

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    Functional Unit Function

    Timeslot cross-

    connect unit

    Provides the cross-connect function and grooms TDM services.

    IF unit   l Maps service signals to microwave frame signals and demapsmicrowave frame signals to service signals.

    l Performs conversion between microwave frame signals and IF

    analog signals.

    l Provides the O&M channel between the IDU and the ODU.

    l Supports FEC.

    Control unit   l Provides the system communications and control.

    l Provides the system configuration and management.

    l Collects alarms and monitors performance.

    l Processes overheads.

    Clock unit   l Traces the clock source signals and provides various clock signals

    for the system.

    l Provides the input/output interface for external clock signals.

    Auxiliary interface


    l Provides the orderwire interface.

    l Provides the synchronous/asynchronous data interface.

    l Provides the external alarm input/output interface.

    Power unit   l Accesses -48 V/-60 V DC power.

    l Provides DC power for the IDU.

    l Provides -48 V DC power for the ODU.

    Fan unit Provides the wind cooling function for the IDU.


    3.1.2 Hybrid Microwave

    The Hybrid microwave equipment consists of a series of functional units, including the service

    interface unit, timeslot cross-connect unit, packet switching unit, IF unit, control unit, clock unit,

    auxiliary interface unit, fan unit, power unit, and ODU.

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    Figure 3-2 Block diagram (Hybrid microwave)

    Sync/Async data

    External alarm data




    IF unit



    -48V/-60V DC











    Orderwire data




    Control and

    overhead bus











    Clock interface NM data





    IF signal





    Table 3-2 Functional unit (Hybrid microwave)

    Functional Unit Function

    Service interface


    l Accesses E1 signals.

    l Accesses STM-1 signals.

    l Accesses Ethernet signals.

    Timeslot cross-

    connect unit

    Provides the cross-connect function and grooms TDM services.

    Packet switching


    Processes Ethernet services and forwards packets.

    IF unit   l Maps service signals to microwave frame signals and demapsmicrowave frame signals to service signals.

    l Performs conversion between microwave frame signals and IF

    analog signals.

    l Provides the O&M channel between the IDU and the ODU.

    l Supports FEC.

    Control unit   l Provides the system communications and control.

    l Provides the system configuration and management.

    l Collects alarms and monitors performance.

    l Processes overheads.

    3 Product Structure

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    Functional Unit Function

    Clock unit   l Traces the clock source signal and provides various clock signals

    for the system.

    l Supports input and output of one external clock signal.

    Auxiliary interface


    l Provides the orderwire interface.

    l Provides the synchronous/asynchronous data interface.

    l Provides the external alarm input/output interface.

    Power unit   l Accesses -48 V/-60 V DC power.

    l Provides DC power for the IDU.

    l Provides -48 V DC power for the ODU.

    Fan unit Provides the wind cooling function for the IDU


    3.2 Hardware Structure

    The OptiX RTN 950 adopts a split structure. The system consists of the IDU and the ODU. An

    ODU is connected to an IDU through an IF cable. The IF cable transmits IF service signals and

    the O&M signals of the ODU, and supplies -48 V DC power to the ODU.

    3.2.1 IDU

    The IDU 950 is the indoor unit of the OptiX RTN 950.

    3.2.2 ODU

    The ODU is an integrated system and has various types. The architectures and working principles

    of various types of ODUs are almost the same.

    3.2.1 IDU

    The IDU 950 is the indoor unit of the OptiX RTN 950.

    The IDU 950 adopts the card plug-in design. It can implement different functions by configuring

    different types of boards. All the service boards support hot-swapping.

    Figure 3-3 IDU slot layout




    Slot 7 (CST/CSH)

    Slot 1 (EXT)

    Slot 5 (EXT)

    Slot 3 (EXT)

    Slot 2 (EXT)

    Slot 4 (EXT)

    Slot 6 (EXT)

    Slot 8 (CST/CSH)Slot


    (PIU) Slot




    The EXT represents an extended slot, which can be inserted with various IF boards and interface boards.


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  • 8/20/2019 RTN 950 Product Description(V100R002C00_05)


    Table 3-3 List of IDUs


    FullSpelling Valid Slot Description

    CST TDMcontrol,


    and timing


    Slot 7 or slot8

    l Provides full timeslot cross-connectionsfor VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 services equivalent

    to 32x32 VC-4s.

    l Performs system communication and


    l Provides the clock processing function and

    supports one external clock input/output


    l Provides one Ethernet NM interface, one

     NM serial interface, and one NE cascading


    CSH Hybrid



    and timing


    Slot 7 or slot


    l Provides full timeslot cross-connections

    for VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 services equivalent

    to 32x32 VC-4s.

    l Provides the 10 Gbit/s packet switching


    l Performs system communication and


    l Provides the clock processing function and

    supports one external clock input/output


    l Provides one Ethernet NM interface, one NM serial interface, and one NE cascading


    IF1 SDH IF


    Slot 1 to slot


    l Provides one IF interface.

    l Supports the TU-based PDH microwave

    solution and the STM-1-based SDH

    microwave solution.

    IFU2 Universal IF


    Slot 1 to slot


    l Provides one IF interface.

    l Supports the Hybrid microwave solution.

    l Supports AM.

    IFX2 Universal



    Slot 1 to slot


    l Provides one IF interface.

    l Supports the XPIC function of the Hybrid


    l Supports the AM of the Hybrid


    SL1D 2xSTM-1



    Slot 1 to slot


    Uses the SFP module to provide two STM-1

    optical interfaces.

    3 Product Structure

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    FullSpelling Valid Slot Description

    EM6T 6 Port RJ45






    Slot 1 to slot

