RV 2015: Integrating Health, Livable Communities and Transit: A How-To Discussion by C.J. Hager

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Integrating Health, Livable Communities and Transit: How to Engage Health

C.J. Eisenbarth HagerDirector, Healthy Community PoliciesSt. Luke’s Health Initiatives

St. Luke’s Health Initiatives

Improving well-being in Arizona by addressing root causes and broader issues that affect health.

Health ≠ Healthcare

What influences our health?Medical Care

10% Physical Environment


Social Circumstances


Behavioral Choices



* McGinnis, J., Williams-Russo, P. and Knickman, J. The Case For More Active Policy Attention To Health Promotion. Health Affairs, 21, no.2 (2002):78-93

Charlotte’s Light Rail Users:

• Lost 6 pounds• Reduced obesity risk

by 81%

*MacDonald, J., Stokes, R., Cohen, D., Kofner, A. Ridgeway, G. The Effect of Light Rail Transit on Body Mass Index and Physical Activity. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. (2010) 39(2): 105–112.

Foundation RolesConvener Investor

Matchmaker Communicator

Data Provider Deal Maker

Capacity Builder

Mission Steward

Systems Engineer

Policy Advocate

Hacke, R., Wood, D., Urquilla, M. What Can Foundations Do to Foster Community Investment: 10 Roles for Philanthropy (2014) Retrieved from: kresge.org/library/what-can-foundations-do-foster-community-investment-10-roles-for-philanthropy

Reinvent PHX

• Capacity Builder• Policy Advocate• Mission Steward• Data Provider• Investor

Complete Streets

• Convener• Policy Advocate• Mission Steward• Communicator

Reaching Out to Health

• Nonprofit hospitals through community benefit requirement

• Heath impact assessments

Reaching Out to Health

• Health foundations• American Public Health

Association• Public health agencies

C.J. Eisenbarth Hager

St. Luke’s Health Initiatives
