Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church · 2020-07-07 · SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHURCH 215-35...

Post on 15-Jul-2020

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Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 215-35 38th AvenueBayside, NY 11361

718-428-2200 718-428-5840 (fax) Twitter: @SHBayside

Pastoral Staff 718-428-2200 Rev. Msgr., Thomas C. Machalski, Jr., Pastor Rev. Alex Lee, Parochial Vicar Mr. John F. DeBiase, Deacon Sr. Kathleen Masterson RSM, Pastoral Associate(718-224-5695) School Mrs. Alexandra Conlan, Principal 718-631-4804

Religious Education Mrs. Georgette Lyons, Director 718-631-1307

Music Ministry Mrs. Angelina Fusco, Director 718-428-2200

Parish Pastoral Council Mrs. Marianne Cooney, Facilitator

Parish Secretary Ms. Catherine Sorge 718-428-2200

Parish Support Sr. Ellen Smith , RSM 718-428-2200

Sunday Mass Assistance Rev. Msgr. Richard Marchese

Mission Statement The Roman Catholic Faith Community of Sacred Heart of Jesus welcomes all! Guided by the Holy Spirit, we proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through Eucharist, Worship, Education and Service. We are committed to build the Kingdom of God in our world. Sacred Heart is not just a parish—it’s a way of life.

Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil—5:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12 Noon Monday—Saturday at 9:00am Holydays Eve of Holyday at 7:30pm Holyday at 9:00am & 7:30pm Devotions Rosary: Monday—Saturday after 9:00am Mass Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 9:00am Mass First Friday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart Novena after 9:00am Mass Benediction at 10:00am Our Lady of Loretto Novena: First Saturday after 9:00am Mass Confession Saturdays 3:30pm—4:30pm Baptism Designated Saturdays at 1:00pm. Call to inquire and register. Marriage Arrangements must be made six months prior to the wedding. Contact rectory for details. Anointing/Communion for the Sick Anointing of the seriously ill: call rectory. Communion for the homebound: call S. Kathleen. Rectory Office Hours—Daily 9:00am-1:00pm/2-5pm Closed Saturday & Sunday

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 5, 2020


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020

Saturday, July 4th 9:00 Intentions of Donor 5:00 Intentions of Donor

Sunday, July 5th 9:30 I ntentions of Donor 11:30 Collective Mass Angel Starling-White (Family) Marie Louise DeCanio (Fressle Family) Diana Velazquez (Pastor Family) James McBreen (Maureen & Greg Krakovsky) Vincenza Cangiolosi (Sarina Codelia)

Monday, July 6th 9:00 Laura Blieka (Cardone Family)

Tuesday, July 7th 9:00 Leonard Tobie (Alice Byrne)

Wednesday, July 8th 9:00 Carmen Pulga (Family)

Thursday, July 9th 9:00 Theresa Sansosti (Sheila Sansosti)

Friday, July 10th 9:00 Patrick Fitzpatrick (Sheila Sansosti)

Saturday, July 11th 9:00 Lucy Pellicane (Cardone Family) 5:00 Eugene Russo (Family)

Sunday, July 11th 9:30 Antonio Pellicane (Cardon Family) 11:30 Collective Mass Leonard Tobie (Marie & John Lanzetti) Paquita Pastor (Family) Anton & Helen Lesica (Family) Raymond Ramos (Pastor Family) Ida Albert (Lorraine Albert)


Please consider saying the Rosary or at least one decade of the Rosary for all our doctors, nurses, hospital personnel and support staff, police officers, firefighters, EMS/EMT personnel, and all other essential workers who are truly heroes. May God bless them through Our Lady’s intercession for their selfless acts of love and charity on our behalf.

A word of thanks from Fr. Alex and myself to those who have dropped off delicious home made foods of all types. Thanks to those who have written us notes of encouragement and support or called to “check in on us” via phone. We appreciate your kindness, support and prayers.

Thanks to all who have returned their updated parish census forms to the rectory. If you have not done so as of yet please do as soon as possible. You can mail them, drop them off in the rectory mail slot or send them via email. Even if you have filled out a census form in the past PLEASE fill out the one sent in the mail or print it online. We are trying to update our parish data base.

Please check our parish webpage and FaceBook page for updates and important announcements.

After a few setbacks and lots of attempts and trail and error, we have begun to have Sunday Masses pre-recorded each week. There are links on our FaceBook page, and parish website that will allow you to participate in Mass celebrated in our Church. Many thanks to Paul DeBenedettis for volunteering to help record the Masses and get them uploaded onto YouTube.

A special word of thanks to all those who have mailed in or dropped off their weekly contributions or continue to support the parish using electronic giving. Thanks to those who have made special gifts to help us financially get through this time of crisis.

Continued from Pastor’Continued from Pastor’ss Desk Desk

A special word of thanks to all those who have participated in The Annual Catholic Appeal. The “shut down” has prevented our usual procedure of having an in pew commitment Sunday this year. However, many of you have received the appeal via the mail because of your previous participation in the ACA. As of July 1st 108 parishioners have made pledges totaling $68,244.00 of which $63,984.00 has been paid. Once again, a very generous family pledged and paid in full $25,000.

We are only $28,496.00 away from reaching goal.

You may view the ACA video at:You may view the ACA video at:

Our goal for this year is $96,740.00. Please prayerfully consider participating in the ACA 2020. As always, anything we collect over goal comes back to the parish in full.

Please be advised of a scam taking place via text messages. The scammers pose as the pastor or parish priest asking a favor namely, money in the form of gift cards. Please be careful not to fall into this trap. These text messages are a SCAM!

On Thursday, June 18, we received word from Bishop’s Office that weekday Masses could resume on Monday, June 29 and Sunday Masses could resume this weekend July 4-5.

We are allowed to have 25% of our capacity in church at one time. We can have 70 people at each Mass. The rules of social distancing will be strictly adhered to and it is required that masks be worn at all times except when receiving Communion. Families (meaning you all live in the same household) will be able to sit together in designated pews.

The church will not be open until approximately 15 minutes before the Mass is scheduled to

begin so that proper sanitizing can take place between each Mass. Once our allowed capacity is reached no one will be permitted to enter the church. Please cooperate with the greeters and understand that this is for the safety and well-being of everyone.

The Sunday Mass schedule will be as follows: Saturday, at 5pm and Sundays at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12 Noon. At the present there will not be a Sunday evening Mass at 5:00pm.

After Mass, we ask that you exit the church quickly so that the church can be sanitized before the next service begins.

We will need greeters/ushers to ensure that the guidelines of the CDC are being followed—i.e. that people are seated in the spots measured out using social distancing guidelines, making sure people are wearing masks, that we only have the amount of people allowed in the church at a given time, to ensure the six feet space between people especially when approaching the altar to receive Holy Communion. If you can help in these matters please call Monsignor Machalski at 718-428-2200.

If you are ill, have a medical issue or are in any way compromised please stay home. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday was dispensed by the Bishop at the outset of the Pandemic and still remains in effect.Pandemic and still remains in effect.

You can watch Mass on TV or our Mass on YouTube. Hopefully, in the near future we will be able to live stream our Masses. We have received a grant from DeSales Media to have the necessary equipment installed in our church. Much tanks to Msgr. Kieran Harrington and DeSales Media for the $5,000 grant. We are very appreciative of your support. Please continue to check the parish webpage and FaceBook page for updates as things change rapidly in these uncertain times.

...Continued from Pastor’Continued from Pastor’ss Desk Desk

PLEASE NOTE THE NEW MASS SCHEDULE: Saturdays 5 pm Sundays 8am, 10am & 12 Noon NO SUNDAY EVENING AT 5PM.

If you desire a worship aid to use during Mass and, since we cannot use missalettes you can purchase a missalette at the rectory for $2.00 that you can bring back and forth with you to Church. You can also consider ordering the prayer aid– MAGNIFICAT—by calling (866) 273-5215 or visit The prices vary depending on the length of the subscription, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and if you are ordering the Regular Edition or Large Print Edition.







News from Sr. Ave Clark:

Good News-Heart-to-Heart Ministry's new book is now out in paperback!

A Heart of Courage: the Ordinary and Extraordinary

Becoming Holy by Sr. Ave Clark O.P.

To order your copy go to Amazon and search for A Heart of Courage by Sr. Ave Clark or order directly from Sr. Ave, 48-60 Oceania St., Bayside, NY 11364.Cost is $10.00 + $2.50 for shipping.Please make checks payable to Sistersof St. Dominic.