Safety moment top 20 most dangerous jobs

Post on 24-May-2015

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Top 20 Most Dangerous Jobs

Safety Moment

# 20 Security Guard.Fatalities: 8 per 100,000 workers.  Reported Injuries: 0.4 per 100,000 workers .

Salary: $26,155 Recent tragedy:

A security guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., was caught in the crossfire last June when a crazed 88-year-old white supremacist walked in and started spraying bullets from his .22 caliber rifle. Jones, a six-year veteran of the museum, died at a local hospital.

# 19. Animal Slaughterers.Fatalities: 2 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 1 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $27,200

Recent tragedy:

At least 24 workers at Minnesota, Indiana, and Nebraska slaughterhouses developed complex neurological problems from inhaling bits of pig brain.

#18, Construction equipment operatorFatalities: 16 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 0.4 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $43,630

Recent tragedy:

Two bulldozer operators working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were clearing debris near Coldwater River when the ground gave way. The bulldozer flipped into the water and the men were trapped inside.

#17, Truck driverFatalities: 22 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: .4 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $37,580

Recent tragedy:

An18-wheel truck driver was hauling stage equipment for a Carrie Underwood concert. The driver lost control and his truck scraped a guardrail, opening a gash in the fuel tank that set the driver's cabin ablaze.

#16, Taxi and limousine driverFatalities: 21 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 1 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $25,820

Recent tragedy:

Last August in the Bronx heat, two cab drivers were killed within the span of a week. First, driver Ndiaye Amadau was shot in the chest, then driver Jose Pena Seguira was shot in the back of the head in by a passenger in Mott Haven.

#15, Cement manufacturer Fatalities: 13 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 3 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $40,560 Recent tragedy:

Holcim Inc. spent nearly $1 billion to build a cement plant in Missouri. But it took less than a year for the plant to have its first fatal accident. In April, subcontractor Vincent Lavite, 38, fell off of scaffolding and died in the emergency room of a local hospital.

#14, Oil and gas driller Fatalities: 24 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 1 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $37,400 

Recent tragedy:

A worker at rig in West Texas fell from a ladder to his death.A nearby pipe burst, sending 3,000 pounds of water pressure, and the worker careening to the ground.

#13, Firefighter Fatalities: 7 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 6 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $45,700

Recent tragedy:

Firefighter Brian Carey, 28, was the first firefighter killed while on the job in the more than 100-year history of the department. Carey died while helping to put out a house fire.

#12, Police officer Fatalities: 16 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 3 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $51,410

Recent tragedy:

Officer John Pawlowski, responded to reports of a street fight in Philadelphia. Two men were arguing, with one threatening to call the police, and the other threatening to shoot him and the police.A threat he carried out by opening fire on Pawlowski and fellow officers with a .357 Magnum.

#11, Power line installer Fatalities: 30 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 3 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $54,300

Recent tragedy:

A worker was climbing a 300-foot pole to animal-proof a transformer when he was electrocuted and thrown to his death from his perch.

#10, Miller Fatalities: 12 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 9 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $37,400 

Recent tragedy:

Cody Rigsby was just 17 when he started working for Tempel Grain Elevator company in Colorado. He was still just 17 when he became trapped in a bin of grain and suffocated to death.

  #9, Merchant mariner Fatalities: 23 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 5 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $61,960 

Recent tragedy:

A 56-foot tugboat sank in a Gulf of Mexico inlet near Houston. The Coast Guard was dispatched, but the rescue team was able to locate only four of the boat’s five crewmembers, who were treated for mild hypothermia. The fifth member's body was found the next day by search divers. Early reports indicated that another ship's wake caused the tugboat to sink

#8, Coal miner Fatalities: 22 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 6 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $46,540 

Recent tragedy:

A mine in West Virginia exploded, trapping 13 workers in the mine. Confusion was blamed for the 90-minute lapse between the explosion and the time when a rescue crew was called at 8 a.m. It took rescue workers 41 hours to locate the trapped miners; only one was found alive.

#7, Roofer Fatalities: 34 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 3 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $37,430 

Recent tragedy:

A roofer was replacing shingles on a two-story house last fall when his aluminum ladder struck a live wire and 120 volts surged through his body. He went into cardiac arrest and fell from the ladder. He was later pronounced dead, though it was unclear if it was from the shock or the fall.

#6, Airplane pilotFatalities: 72 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 2 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $111,680

Recent tragedy:

A former stunt pilot and stunt pilot teacher died after the single-engine plane they were flying in tilted while descending and hit a lake in Texas, sinking upon impact.

#5, Sanitation workerFatalities: 37 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 5 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $32,790 

Recent tragedy:

People heard someone screaming "Help!" which seemed to be coming from inside a garbage truck. But the screams stopped soon after they got there. Rescue workers later found the body of Robert Amaral inside the compactor of the truck. Police determined he had been caught from the waist down while trying to repair a malfunction.

#4, Structural construction worker Fatalities: 46 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 6 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $47,170

Recent tragedy:

Nearly at the end of his day working on steel girders last June, Stanley Roberts of Indianapolis fell 50 feet off a crane to his death. He was wearing a safety harness, which, if properly attached to the crane, would have prevented the fall.

#3, Farmer/rancher Fatalities: 40 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 7 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $49,140

Recent tragedy:

Robert Alfred Wallace was clearing brush on his California farm on a Sunday afternoon in mid-July in 2008. A neighbor bringing him dinner around found him crushed under the wheels of his John Deere tractor.

#2, Logger Fatalities: 116 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 7 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $30,360

Recent tragedy:

In 2003, 24-year-old Jessie Rucker left for his third day of work as a logger. He was just learning how to drive wedges into trees to make them fall in a particular direction. When a 105-foot pine tree began to fall, the base of the tree separated from the top and crushed Rucker.

#1, Fisherman Fatalities: 129 per 100,000 workers. Reported Injuries: 61 per 100,000 workers 

Salary: $27,950

Recent tragedy:

Fisherman Bill Meldrum departed from the New Jersey coast to fish for flounder and yellowtail on the 65-foot Lydia J. Meldrum's legs got caught in one of the boat's pulleys and he died after going into shock from blood loss.

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