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Spring 2022

Credit(s): 3

Prerequisite(s): N/A

In-Person Class Time: TR, 14:00 pm - 16:45 pm (Madrid time, GMT+2)

Classroom: SIH- art studio (San Ignacio Hall, Calle Amapolas 3, Madrid,

Spain 28003)

Instructor: Oscar Sánchez Fuster

Instructor’s Email:

Instructor’s Campus Phone: +34 91 554 58 58 Ext. 255

Office: SIH- art studio

Office Hours: W, 18:15-19:15 (Madrid time, GMT+2) and by appointment


This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of sculpture. Students will practice the use of

additive and subtractive processes in various materials, including wood, plaster, and metal.

Communicating ideas and evoking meaning through form, presentation and site-specificity will

be explored.

Sculpture as a means of expression and creativity.

History, movements and study of fundamental authors.

Volume, balance and composition.

Sculpture procedures:

Modeling, addition procedure, to achieve the desired volume by manipulating soft material

(mud, plaster, modeling clay, papier-mâché or wax). The instruments used are: wooden sticks,

compass, wire, wheel ...

Join: Constructive procedure similar to a "collage", where fragments of various shapes or

elements of diverse provenance (wood, cardboard, metal, industrial waste ...) are integrated with

the intention of configuring an object that can be globally judged as a unique sculptural piece.

The materials to make the union are carpenter's glue, nails, staples, string ...

Sculpt and carve: Subtractive procedure, removal of matter from a "block", until "finding" the

desired shape.

The main materials used are stone materials (marble, limestone, granite, alabaster ...) and organic

materials (wood, ivory or bone).

In the interest of time, industrial materials will be used (Poliespan (porex)).

Conventional tools used are hammer, chisels, files, rasps, sandpaper (abrasive materials with

which to rub) ... drill and radial.

All the topics developed during the course will be divided into complementary theory and

practice sections.


In the theory part, each of the technical sections will be treated, providing historical,

bibliographic and workshop data that may be useful for a better understanding of sculpture.

Including current work systems, commercial and artistic channels.

Participation and open debate will be promoted, either to answer technical or conceptual

questions, communicate new developments or as a critical method.

PRACTICE A series of representative exercises, of each technique will be carried out, so that the student

becomes familiar and strengthens the knowledge obtained in the theoretical part through

practical situations.

The practical exercises will be free in terms of the plastic proposal and the format (limited to the

technical possibilities of the workshop), but without forgetting the specific problems of each



- Help students develop their own expressive world by producing new and original ideas.

- Help students develop creative freedom and analysis, through intuitive work and research and,

ongoing discussion of the individual work of all students, valuating the concept and technique.

- Know the history of sculpture, movements and great figures.

- Study composition and balance, and plan the execution of work depending on the format and


- Train the student in the complete and adequate handling of materials, procedures and techniques

related to sculpture.

- Train the student so that they can adopt the appropriate measures when facing technical problems,

promoting self-criticism.


At the end of the course the student will:

- Correctly apply the working system with previous sketches in clay, mud and final material.

- Properly handle materials, modeling clay, mud, wire armor, plaster and latex, to achieve low

relief, medium relief and round bulk.

- Correctly use the modeling sticks, the tool and know the setting of latex or polyester plaster.

- Produce original personal ideas or combine existing ones that show the student's imagination

and help them express their personal concerns.

- Dedicate the required time to each work without rushing, adeveloping self-criticism that

supports evolution.

- Know the different movements and styles of Art and prepare a list of preferred artists.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS Any student can access the learning of sculpture without preparation or special natural conditions,

but it is evident that it is positive to have studied other subjects that develop spatial vision and

creativity such as drawing, engraving, painting or photography. The difficulty of the works will

increase and the progression is within everyone's reach, but the student who decides to do this

subject must be motivated and interested in learning and assimilate concepts through practice and

creativity. Avoid falling into the error of thinking that this subject, because it is mostly practical,

is less important or easier than a theoretical one.

Technology Requirements: You will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection. High speed broadband

access (LAN, Cable or DSL) is highly recommended for the optimal learning experience.

Communication Norms:

Preferred means of communication

For general questions that you would normally ask during an in-person class

For personal concerns, questions, or requests email me at

I will use the Blackboard “Announcements” feature to send regular information about the

course. You should check your “” email daily.

Email reply times

I will aim to reply to your emails within 24 hours. If you don’t hear back from me after 24

hours, please resend the email so that it will be bumped up to the top of my inbox.

Emails sents after 5:00pm, Madrid time on Fridays, will receive replies the following

Monday morning.

Grades and Feedback

All tasks must be completed before their corresponding deadline and submitted

according to the instructions of that particular task.

Assignments will be corrected and feedback made available within 48 hours of the


Feedback on tests and Discussion Board posts will be available with 24 hours of the


Netiquette: As in any learning environment, certain behavioral codes are expected when you

communicate with both your peers and your instructors. These codes are referred to as netiquette.

For further information, refer to the PDF document, Netiquette Guide for Online Courses, posted

on Canvas.

Assessment of Student Learning:

In order to maintain quality academic offerings and to conform to accreditation requirements,

SLU-Madrid regularly assesses its teaching, services and programs for evidence of student

learning. For this purpose, SLU-Madrid keeps representative examples of student work from all

courses and programs on file, including assignments, papers, exams, portfolios and results from

student surveys, focus groups and reflective exercises. Copies of your work for this course may

be kept on file for institutional research, assessment and accreditation purposes. If you prefer

SLU-Madrid not to retain your work for this purpose, you must communicate this decision in

writing to your professor.

Use of Posted Course Content:

SLU-Madrid prohibits recording and transmission of classroom lectures and discussions by

students unless written permission from the class instructor has been obtained and all students in

the class as well as guest speakers have been informed that audio/video recording may

occur. Recordings, course materials, and lecture notes may not be exchanged or distributed for

commercial purposes, for compensation, or for any other purpose other than study by students

enrolled in the class. Public distribution of such materials may constitute copyright infringement

in violation of Spanish law. Violation of this policy may subject a student to disciplinary action

in accordance with SLU-Madrid policies on Student Rights and Responsibilities and Community


Engagement Policy:

Students are required to log into Canvas from Monday to Thursday to complete all the

assigned work for each module Canvas.

On Fridays, students may wish to log in to make sure they have completed all the tasks,

and to finish all the module requirements before it closes.

Students should estimate to dedicate from 5 to 9 hours a week during the semester to

complete each module.

There will be a mandatory weekly Zoom meeting, to be determined based on students'

time zones.

Each module has a discussion board in which all students are required to enter a post

every Tuesday and respond to at least two classmates by each Thursday.

These discussion boards will be graded as indicated on their rubrics.

There is also a learning journal to reflect on each module content that should be

completed every week.

Course Requirements and Grading Rationale/System:

This course is asynchronous, meaning that students will be working according to their own

schedule each day within each week. Students are encouraged to keep up with the work daily.

All the content for each week should be completed by the stipulated deadlines.

The final grade is calculated as follows:

Objective results = 85% - imagination and technique. The maximum interest will be given to the

result of the plastic expression as a result of the research and imaginative capacity as well as the

use of academic technical procedures. The works will be evaluated individually and will be

presented on the board on the specified deadline. Homework may be rewritten within the week to

improve your grade.

Final project = 5% - The last exercise represents the technical and conceptual synthesis of the


Attendance, evolution and participation = 10% - Comments and participation in the colloquia are

important to develop a personal criterion and a critical thought about the art world. Personal

progression in relation to the initial technical level will be valued.

Grading System: Explain how you calculate the final grade. For example: A = 93 or higher; A-

= 90-92; B+ = 87-89; B = 83-86;B- = 80-82; etc.

Academic Honesty: Academic integrity is honest, truthful and responsible conduct in all

academic endeavors. The mission of Saint Louis University is “the pursuit of truth for the greater

glory of God and for the service of humanity.” Accordingly, all acts of falsehood demean and

compromise the corporate endeavors of teaching, research, health care, and community service

through which SLU fulfills its mission. The University strives to prepare students for lives of

personal and professional integrity, and therefore regards all breaches of academic integrity as

matters of serious concern.

The full University-level Academic Integrity Policy can be found on the Provost's Office

website. Additionally, SLU-Madrid has posted its academic integrity policy online. As a member

of the University community, you are expected to know and abide by these policies, which detail

definitions of violations, processes for reporting violations, sanctions and appeals.

Your instructor will review these matters during the first weeks of the term. Please direct

questions about any facet of academic integrity to the instructor, the chair of the department of

your academic program or the Academic Dean of the Madrid Campus.

Diversity and Inclusion: Saint Louis University is committed to fostering a positive, inclusive

and welcoming learning and working environment. SLU-Madrid's policies prohibit

discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, gender, gender

identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, disability, physical appearance,

financial or socio-economic status, immigration status, parental or marital status, veteran status

or any other protected classification of identity. Discrimination includes any form of unequal

treatment such as denial of opportunities, harassment, and violence. Sex-based violence includes

rape, sexual assault, unwanted touching, stalking, dating/interpersonal violence, and sexual


If you experience or witness any kind of discrimination, you are encouraged (but not required) to

report the incident to the SLU-Madrid's Department of Student Life, whose office is located in

Padre Rubio Hall (; +34 915 54 58 58, ext, 213. You can also report the

incident to the University's Hotline (900-99-0011; then enter 877-525-5669 when asked for the

hotline number).

Please know that instructors have a responsibility to inform SLU-Madrid when made aware of

incidents of discrimination, harassment sexual misconduct, and/or related retaliation, to ensure

that individuals impacted receive information about options for reporting and support resources.

If you wish to speak with a confidential resource, the following are available on campus and off


Counselors at SLU-Madrid's Wellness Center, located on the third floor of San Ignacio

Hall (; 915 54 58 58, ext. 230).

Counselors at Sinews Multilingual Therapy Institute, SLU-Madrid's off-campus

counseling and mental health services provider (; 917 00 19 79).

SLU-Madrid's Campus Minister, Fr. James O'Leary, S.J. (; 915 54

58 58, ext. 279).

Additional information and resources are posted on our Safety and Security and Community

Standards webpages.

Accessibility, Disability and Learning Resources: In recognition that people learn in a variety

of ways and that learning is influenced by multiple factors (e.g., prior experience, study skills,

learning disability), resources to support student success are available on campus. Students who

think they might benefit from these resources can find out more about:

Course-level support (e.g., faculty member, departmental resources, etc.) by asking or

emailing your course instructor.

University-level support (e.g., tutoring/writing services, Accessibility and Disability

Resources) by contacting the Academic Dean's Office ( or by

reviewing the Academic Resources website online.

Students with a documented disability who wish to request academic accommodations must

contact Disability Services to discuss accommodation requests and eligibility requirements. Once

successfully registered, the student also must notify the course instructor that they wish to access

accommodations in the course. Please contact or +34 915 54

58 58, extension 242 or 249. Confidentiality will be observed in all inquiries. Once approved,

information about the student’s eligibility for academic accommodations will be shared with

course instructors via email from Disability Services. Note: Students who do not have a

documented disability but who think they may have one are encouraged to contact Disability


For more information about academic accommodations, see SLU-Madrid’s Center for

Accessibility and Disability Resources webpage.

Needs Security Statement: Students in personal or academic distress and/or who may be

specifically experiencing challenges such as securing food or difficulty navigating campus

resources, and who believe this may affect their performance in the course, are encouraged to

contact Marta Maruri, SLU-Madrid’s Director of Student Life ( or +34

915 54 58 58, ext. 213) for support. Furthermore, please notify the instructor if you are

comfortable in doing so, as this will enable them to assist you with finding the resources you

may need.

Use of Posted Course Content: SLU-Madrid prohibits recording and transmission of classroom

lectures and discussions by students unless written permission from the class instructor has been

obtained and all students in the class as well as guest speakers have been informed that

audio/video recording may occur. Recordings, course materials, and lecture notes may not be

exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation, or for any other purpose

other than study by students enrolled in the class. Public distribution of such materials may

constitute copyright infringement in violation of Spanish law. Violation of this policy may

subject a student to disciplinary action in accordance with SLU-Madrid policies on Student

Rights and Responsibilities and Community Standards.

GDPR Norms Concerning Class Recordings: In accordance with General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR), we inform you that if you are a participant in an on-line classroom, your

image and voice may be recorded by Saint Louis University in Spain, S.A., CIF A28654879, in

28003 Madrid (Spain), Avenida del Valle 34, for the sole purpose of the instruction of the said

class that you are registered in. This information will be stored for the duration of the on-line

class and erased thereafter by the professor of the course. Should you not want your image or

voice to be a part of this class recording, please contact your professor to indicate that you will

be turning your camera and microphone off and be participating via chat.

In addition, we would like to inform you that all recordings will be available to you in Canvas

and are exclusively for the use of the participants of the said class and should not be published on

any other platform without the prior consent of all participants that may appear in the recording.

According to the rights conferred by the current GDPR regulation, you may exercise your rights

of access, rectification, limitation of treatment, deletion, portability and opposition to the

processing of your personal data, as well as the consent given for the treatment of it by directing

your requests to the address indicated above or by sending an email to

Spring 2022 Course Organization:

Introductory Module

Goals: Show students a new way of communicating their emotions and concerns through


Teach practical work processes to achieve a quality artistic result

Use different tools or procedures to translate ideas into reality

Boost the student's imagination

Combine technique and creativity

Task List:

1. Read the syllabus

2. Watch Introduction Video

3. Write a message explaining your intentions, the expectations generated by this course,

your tastes, style and favorite sculptor artist

Module 1: Low relief, modeled on plasticine (modeling paste)

Goals: 1. Know the possibilities of the tools, graphite pencil and charcoal

2. Understand how to transfer an idea to a drawing and later to a relief

3. Know the possibilities of the modeling clay

4. Avoid concave gaps in modeling, so that later, when making copies, they do not fracture

5. Know and handle the different tools, cast modeling sticks, spatulas

6. Plan different textures and heights in modeling

7. Obtain a clean and tidy modeling that is understandable to the public

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make several small sketches to find the best composition, both with a front and side view

4. Make a drawing to the final scale with the selected idea

5. Transfer the drawing to the plasticine “bed” by means of points with a pointed tool

6. Add little by little plasticine to find the desired volume

7. Smooth plan surfaces and add details

Module 2: Low relief, latex mold

Goals: 1. Know the properties of liquid latex to make a mold

2. Know the necessary layers enough to obtain a resistant mold

3. Cleaning brushes

4. Know drying times - setting of the latex

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Apply six uniform coats of liquid latex

4. Unmold and remove the plasticine from the positive

Module 3: Low relief, plaster copies

Goals: 1. Know the terms: positive, modeling, mold, negative, countermold, positive

2. Know the properties of the plaster, different types, proportions of plaster - water,

temperature, setting time, resistance

3. Build a wall of mud, thickness, buttresses

4. Build a counter mold to maintain the shape of the mold

5. Make plaster copies

6. Unmold

7. Perform color study

8. Perform painting and patina of copies, light acrylic and dark oil

9. Obtain three copies or positives, clean, contrasted and original

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make a counter mold

4. Make copies

5. Paint clear coat with acrylic

6. Paint dark layer with oil

7. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title

and a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 4: Puppet

Goals: 1. Transfer an idea to a drawing and then to a sculpture modeling clay

2. Know the properties of papier mache, types, resistance, drying time

3. Know the cleaning and conservation of the materials used

4. Imagine and design a head from a 360º point of view

5. Expressiveness, symmetry and asymmetry

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make small sketches to find the best figure, front and side view

4. Modeling clay

5. Apply layers of papier mache with newspaper and cello glue

6. Unmold, extract the mud with a drain or by opening in two parts

7. Paint with acrylic

8. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title

and a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 5: Tetrabrick

Goals: 1. Investigate in atypical materials collected for the construction of a practicable and three-

dimensional model (vehicle, character, animal, robot, object ...)

2. Learn the use of Tetrabrick, cardboard, glue scissors and tape

3. Use the assembly technique, cut paste, tie…

4. Obtain an original sculpture, with details, understandable

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make a small sketch before starting the sculpture

4. Paint (is optional: sometimes seeing the original material gives it added value)

5. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title

and a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 6: Carving in plaster


1. Know the properties of the plaster, types, hardnesses, setting and drying time

2. Learn how to use extraction tools

3. Enhance spatial vision

4. Plan dimensions

5. Obtain an original carved plaster relief, with comprehensive details

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make a small sketch before starting the sculpture

4. Create a mud wall

5. Pour liquid plaster

6. Transfer the drawing

7. Carve

8. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title and

a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 7: Favorite sculptor from before the 20th century

Goals: 1. Investigate the history of sculpture and recognize the great masters before the 20th


2. Promote self-criticism and enhance personal tastes

Task List:

1. Write about your favorite artist in art history up to the 20th century

2. Include:

1st Biography, period, artistic style movement

2nd Technique, materials.

3rd most important or special sculptures showing why this artist is your favorite.

4th personal assessment (most important)

3. Word document, minimum 4 pages, Arial font body 10, includinge at least 5 photographs

of the most representative or your favorite works of said author. Include your name

Module 8: Tree

Goals: 1. Create a small format tree with free choice of materials

2. Investigate atypical materials for the construction of a practical model

3. Use the technique that best suits the chosen material

4. Obtain a sculpture of a tree, clean, comprehensible and original

Task List:

9. Watch example video

10. Watch sample images

11. Draw small sketches, looking for possible solutions for building a tree

12. Develop imagination and creativity and apply gluing, assembly techniques

13. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title and

a short description or explanation, your name

Module 9: Kinetic Art


1. Find creative solutions, look for totally personal ideas or interpreting examples that you

can find in the work of other artists

2. Choice of materials used, the technique, free choice

3. Do not be a conformist. If something does not convince you, won´t convince the public,

or me. Make an effort and dedicate more time to find a better solution

4. Plan

5. Obtain an original sculpture that conveys a feeling of real or apparent movement

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make a sculpture in which the most important characteristic is the feeling of balance, real

or suggested movement

4. First make a small sketch, one or several drawings, to plan the necessary materials, the

difficulty and possible solutions to this project

5. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title and

a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 10: Favorite sculptor after the 20th century

Goals: 1. Investigate the history of sculpture and recognize the great masters after the 20th century

2. Promote self-criticism and enhance personal tastes

Task List:

1. Write a text document where you talk about your favorite artist in art history from the

20th century

2. Include:

1st Biography, period, artistic style movement

2nd Technique, materials.

3rd most important or special sculptures this artist is your favorite.

4th personal assessment (is the most important thing)

3. Word document, minimum 4 pages, Arial font body 10, include at least 5 photographs of

the most representative or your favorite works of said author. Include your name

Module 11: Figure in Balance - Wire

Goals: 1. Learn to manage the core (copper, aluminum, annealed wire) to build a sculpture in


2. Choose an original idea of an animal or a person

3. Use the appropriate tools and materials, pliers, pliers, stapler, nails, gloves

4. Obtain a sculpture of a figure, clean, understandable and original

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make a drawing of the statue, with volume, contrast and details that keep the proportions

and anatomy of the figure

4. Make small sketches to find the best solution, from the front and in profile

5. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title

and a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 12: Poster for exhibition

Goals: 1. Make a drawing to illustrate the poster that presents an end-of-course exhibition

2. Try to find creative situations. Look for unconventional or unpredictable ideas. You can

make one or more drawings

Task List:

1. Watch sample images

2. First make small sketches before working on the final drawing, to study the idea and thus

plan the composition and use of colors for their psychological characteristics

3. Choose materials and technique. My recommendation is to work with color

4. Choose style which is also free and can be realistic, cubist, surreal, pop, expressionist, etc.

5. Remember to work the background to give more emphasis to the idea. Many times you

send me drawings where the background is empty and with a little more patience and

effort you can develop your idea better with a background

6. Expound the idea you wish to convey in a short text

7. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, invent a title and your name

Module 13: Mask

Goals: 1. Use the female torso from the previous exercise and transform it with your imagination to

tell a story that conveys emotion to the viewer

2. Modify by adding removing or changing the figure or the background

3. Choose the technique and artistic style that works best with the chosen concept

4. Obtain a clean, understandable and original drawing

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch sample images

3. Make small sketches to find the best solution, from the front and in profile

4. Use modeling clay to build a high relief

5. Apply seven layers of papier mache

6. Unmold and extract the mud

7. Paint with acrylic

8. Make an original, expressive mask that conveys a feeling

9. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title

and a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Module 14: Personal Investigation

Goals: 1. Make a personal and original sculpture (use a news or current event to make a personal

interpretation) with the techniques learned during the course

2. Develop your imagination both in concept and technique

Task List:

1. Watch example video

2. Watch images and presentations of each artist and their examples

3. Make sketches or studies with different compositions to find the best solution. Do not be a

conformist and do not keep the first idea that comes up

4. Expound the idea you wish to convey in a short text

5. Presentation; photographs in JPEG format, from various points of view, also photographs

of the manufacturing process and drawing or sketches if they were made, invent a title

and a short argument or explanation, the student's name

Spring 2022 Calendar


Spring 2022

Tuesday, Jan. 11 New and study abroad student move-in day

Wednesday, Jan. 12 Welcome sessions

Thursday, Jan. 13 First day of classes

Sunday, Jan. 23 Last day to drop a class without a grade of W

and/or add a class

Last day to choose Audit (AU) or Pass/No

Pass (P/NP) options

Application deadline for May degree


Wednesday, Feb. 23 Registration for summer sessions begins

Thursday-Friday, Feb. 24-25 Winter break

Sunday, March 6 Professors' deadline to submit midterm grades

Sunday, March 20 Last day to drop a class and receive a grade of


Friday, April 8 Academic English last day of classes

Sunday, April 10 Semana Santa host family housing move-out


Monday-Sunday, April 11-17 Semana Santa (Madrid Campus closed)

Sunday, April 17 Semana Santa host family housing move-in


Wednesday, April 27 Registration for fall semester begins

Sunday, May 1 Día del Trabajador (Madrid Campus closed)

Monday, May 2 Día de la Comunidad (Madrid Campus closed)

Spring 2022

Wednesday, May 4 Last day of classes (Monday Classes meet)

Thursday-Wednesday, May 5-11 Final exams

Thursday, May 12 Host family move-out day

Friday, May 13 Commencement

Saturday, May 14 Professors' deadline to submit final grades

Spring 2022

Class Meeting Time* Exam Date/Time

Mondays 8:30, 9 and 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 6, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Mondays 10 a.m. Monday, May 9, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Mondays 11 and 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 10, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Mondays 12 and 12:30 p.m. Thursday, May 5, 12 to 3 p.m.

Mondays 1 p.m. Monday, May 9, 12 to 3 p.m.

Mondays 2 p.m. Friday, May 6, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Mondays 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Mondays 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Mondays 6:30 and 7 p.m. Monday, May 9, 7 to 10 p.m.

Tuesdays 8 a.m. Wednesday, May 11, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Tuesdays 9:30 and 10 a.m. Thursday, May 5, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Tuesdays 11 a.m. Friday, May 6, 12 to 3 p.m.

Tuesdays 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, 12 to 3 p.m.

Tuesdays 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, 12 to 3 p.m.

Tuesdays 3:30 and 4 p.m. Thursday, May 5, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Tuesdays 5 and 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 9, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, 7 to 10 p.m.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Approximate cost of material: € 60

For a classroom course:

-Pen pencil, eraser and pencil sharpener (€ 2).

-Notebook, I recommend a minimum of 140 grams and 40 pages (€ 4).

Material to buy in group

-Play dough 1kg (€ 8).

-Red clay (€ 7).

-Model wooden sticks (€ 4).

-Latex mara molds (€ 15).

-Paper Paper (€ 12).


-Cellulose glue.


- Gouges.



ARTE3 C/El Greco, 2 (Ciudad Universitaria) Madrid - 91 549 07 52 -

MARPHIL C/ Hermanos Machado 52, Madrid. Tel.: 91 368 25 14

CORONADO C/ Santa Engracia, 158, Madrid. 91 533 34 46 - 91 554 87 44. http://coronado-

TODOART C/ de Vallehermoso, 14, Madrid. Tel.: 917054889

MANUEL RIESGO S.A. C/ Desengaño, 22 ,Tel.: 915 311 956 - 915 225 824

JECO C/ Pelayo, 38 28004 - MADRID Tel.: 913 199 690

C/ Hortaleza, 82 28004 - MADRID Tel.: 913 197 284


C/. Ferraz, 58 28008 MADRID, Tel: 91 559 90 51

Painter's robes for 15.90 €, Calle Juan Montalvo, “Chino”

In front of Colegio Bueno Consejo