SAINT PIUS V THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 21 ... · Ms.Rosalina Alves, Ms. Cindy Nobre,...

Post on 01-Dec-2018

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ROMAN CATHOLIC 106 –12 Liverpool Street, Jamaica, NY 11435

Phone : (718) 739-3731 & (718) 526-2421

Fax : (718) 526-2472 Email:

Facebook: Saint Pius V Roman Catholic Church


Office Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:00am - 1:00 pm

Mon-Tues & Thurs-Fri 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Office closed Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon

Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday 8:00 am English Thursday 7:30 pm Spanish Sunday 9:00 am Portuguese 10:00 am English 11:15 pm Spanish

Administrator : Father Felix Sanchez

The Parish Staff

Secretaries: Leonilda Alves, Rui Terra Bookkeeper: Marlene Kaselis

Bulletin: Ilda Martins Parish Trustees: Annette Vaz , Mario Gil

Maintenance: Jose Ventura Music Director: Lewis A. Perez

Sacristans: Paul Alabi , Jesús Conforme


We, the faith community of St. Pius V located in South Jamaica, Queens, New York for 109 years, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and called

to spread that Gospel, value the faith, customs, traditions and diversity of our Parish and we share them in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. We

are committed to live, proclaim and spread the Gospel message through example, service and worship, under the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will

continue to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday in English, Spanish and Portuguese. As we look forward to the next 100 years, we seek spiritual growth

and unity as a community who encourages and respects each other’s differences, but comes together in one faith.

“Contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and experience the depths of His love.” St. Pius V

Parish Committees and Councils

Finance Committee Annette Vaz, Mario Gil, Fernando Caridade, Ilda Canton

Jose C. DaSilva, Pedro Zamora, Ambrose Iwu, Juventino Morales

Parish Pastoral Council Annette Vaz, Ilda Canton, Leonilda Alves, Carla Pinto, Paul

Alabi, Ambrose Iwu, Paul Omoagbi, Alfredo Castellanos, Constanza Silva, Eloise Nesty, Juventino Morales,

Ruth Sosa, Rolando Ixco, Floriberto Valencia

Hispanic Committe Juventino Morales, Rolando Ixco, Mercedes Castellanos, Delmy Estrada, Elida Melo, Ana Rodrigues, Antonia Gar-zon, Delia Lili Chirinos, Ruth Soza, Constanza Silva,Elias

Mejia, Altagracia Nuñez, Floriberto Valencia y Deacon Alfredo Castellanos

Our Lady of Fatima Committee Isabel Eira, Deolinda Jorge, Paula Gonçalves,

Anabela Mota, Celeste Dias, Ilda Canton, Isabel Ferreira, Laurinda Silveira, Orlando Fernandes, Dulce Sperr,

Miquelina Rebelo

Reconciliation - By appointment only

Communion & Confirmation (Religious Education) - Saturday 9:30am

Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA - Saturday 11:00 am (English)

Sunday 12:00 pm (Spanish) Marriage - Please make arrangements with priest, six months before Marriage date is set Anointing of the Sick - First Friday of the month 8 : 00 am (English)

7 : 00 pm (Trilingual) Our Lady of Miraculous medal Novena — Monday 8:00 am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament : Friday 8:00 am

Quinceañera & Sweet 16 Mass:

Please make arrangements with the priest or please call at the rectory

Communion for Homebound : anyone unable to attend mass

because of illness may receive Holy communion at home regularly .Please call the rectory


1st Saturday 1:30 pm English 2nd and 3rd Saturday 1:30 pm Spanish 4th Saturday 1:30 pm Portuguese Baptism Instructions

English 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Spanish 2nd Sunday 12:00pm Portuguese 3rd Thursday 7:30 pm

Initial contact must be made by appointment with the priest

CCD - Religious Education

Director of Religious Education Leonilda Alves, Carla Pinto RCIA Alfredo Castellanos Catechists Ms.Rosalina Alves, Ms. Cindy Nobre, Mrs. Paula Gon-çalves, Ms. Marthe Helmany, Mrs. Sandra Laviscount, Mrs. Carol Fernandes, Ms. Teresa CCD AIDES Jessica Terra, Diana Castellanos,Davina Bridgemohan, Tiffani Yagual, Brandon Castellanos, Cassidy Guinada


SUNDAY COLLECTION Thanks for your generosity. Gracias por su generosidad. Obrigado pela vossa generosidade.

1/14/18 $2319.00

Lectors, Ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers 1/28/2018 9:00AM Mass: Leitors: Antonio da Silva, Manuela Pinto Altar Servers: Ayari, Leslie, Miguel 10:00AM Mass: Lectors: Justin Kulikam, Jose Torres Ministers: Kathy Rivera, Marthe Helmany, Chief Paul Agbi Altar Servers: Mayrelis, Pearce, Naomi, Alexander 11:15AM Mass: Mon: Juventino Morales Lectores: Costanza Silva, Antonia Garzon Hospitalidad: Roderico Lopez, Milton Cardenas, Jose Cruz, Jose Fajardo, Pablo Rojas Servidores del Altar: Naomi, Naidelyn, Arlene, Nallely


1/28/18 Collection for Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa 2/11/18 Maintenance & Repairs 2/18/18 Black & Indian Missions 2/25/18 Boiler Fund

MASS INTENTIONS 1/21/2018 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jon 3:1-15, 10 1 Cor 7:29-31 Mk 1:14-20 (68)

9:00AM Mass: +Francisco Rodrigues e Felisbela Brito a pedido de Rosa Rodrigues +José Pereira a pedido dos sócios do Clube Português de Jamaica +Pela alma de João e José e Domingos Valente pedido da Arminda Valen-te +Pelas intenções de Maria Inês Vilardouro, Pelas melhoras de Maria Amelia Alves a pedido de Isabel Eira +Pelas almas de Adelia Magalhães, Luis E. Inácio Martins a pedido de Sergio Martins e familia +Pela alma de Isaura Gomes e José Pereira pedido de Edmundo e Maria José Fernandes +Pela alma Umbelina e Urbano Fer-nandes a pedido de Edmundo e Maria José Fernandes 10:00AM Mass: 11:15 AM Mass: Monday 1/22 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Lectionary for Ritual Masses, vol. IV “Mass for Peace and Justice”, nos. 887-991 8:00 AM Mass:

Tuesday 1/23 Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19 Mk 3:31-35 (318)

8:00 AM Mass:

Wednesday 1/24 Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 2 Sm 7:4-17/Mk 4:1-20 (319)

8:00 AM Mass:

Thursday 1/25 The Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22 Mk 16:15-18 (519)

8:00 AM 7:30 PM Spanish Mass: Friday 1/26 Saint Timothy and Saint Titus, Bishops 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5 (520) Mk 4:26-34 (321) 8:00 AM Mass: Saturday 1/27 Saint Angela Merici, Virgin and Religious Founder; BVM 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17 Mk 4:35-41 (322) 8:00 AM Mass: Birthday of Vivianne Gros- Du Bois requested by Marthe Helmany

1/28/2018 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dt 18:15-20 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28 (71)

9:00AM Mass: Por 4˚anniversário da Alzira Costa e por +Vitor Lopes a pedido da mulher e filhos 10:00AM Mass: 11:15 AM Mass:


Anúncios - Português

WE PRAY for those who are ill: Altagracia Rodriguez, Ambrose Osawa, Manuel Domingos Fernandes, Mary Houston, Tonya Blake, Marta Martinez, Lilian Mariona, Gene Gonzalez, Elena Gonzalez,Nora Greene, Bryant Greene,Roselio Remigio,Nina Torres, Martha Jackson, Tania Macwenn, Donna Dopwelll, Damaso Rivas, Nydia Nuñez, Adoracion Muñoz , Fr. Luiz Antonio de Aguiar, Violet Johnson, Maria Engracia Diaz, Candida Martinez, Wilfred Sylvester, Elsa Soares, Aníbal Bras.

Anuncios - Español


Lámpara del Santuário

Si quiere hacer arreglos para tener la Lámpara de Santuário iluminada por favor llame a la rectoría:

la donación es $25 El mes de Enero es por

Una intencion especial de parte de Maria Cardoso

Se quiser patrocinar a Lâmpada do Santuário O donativo é de $25, ,

Para mais informação é favor contactar a reitoria

Ésta sendo iluminada durante o mês de Janeiro Por uma intenção especial de Maria Cardoso

La reunión de la Ultreya de los Cursillistas se lleva a cabo todos los miércoles en la Capilla de San Pedro a las 7:00 PM La despensa de alimentos está distribuyendo alimentos todos los 1º Miérco-les del mes 12-1PM. El Grupo de Oración Carismático “ Cristo la Roca” se reúne todos los jueves en el sótano de la iglesia a las 7:00PM. El Grupo matrimonio “La Casa de Nazaret” se reúne todos los viernes a las 7:00 pm en el sótano de la iglesia. El Comité Altagraciano quiere invitar a todas las personas para llevarse la ca-pillita de Nuestra Señora la Virgen de la Altagracia a casa, los que estén in-teresadas por favor hable con un miembro del Comité para registrarse después de la misa. La Rifa Anual ya comenzó con los billetes a vender en la rectoría. Las donacio-nes de los boletos son $10.00, con el 1º premio ser $1500.00, el 2º premio siendo $1000.00 y el 3º $500,00. Los billetes se realizarán el día 11 de febrero de 2018 Importante: Sábado enero 27 a las 11:15 AM habra una reunion com los pa-dres de los niños que van a hacer su primera comunion por favor no falte. Fiesta de la pintura: Únase a nosotros en la Iglesia de San Pío V para una no-che inolvidable de diversión, pintura con amigos, comida, vino y cerveza el sá-bado 27 de enero a las 7:00PM. El precio por persona es de $40:00 dólares, los boletos deben ser comprados por adelantado Incluye todos los materiales. Un instructor guiará a los pintores a través de los pasos para crear sus propias obras maestras. ESTA SEMANA ES SU ULTIMA SEMANA PARA COMPRAR BOLETOS.

Reunião de Ultreia dos Cursistas: todas as Quartas-Feiras às

7:00 PM na Capela de S. Pedro

A despensa de alimentos são distribuìdas todas as primeiras

Quarta-Feiras do mês das 12:00-1:00 PM

Temos a Rifa Anual do Inverno com os prémios de:

1º Prémio $1,500.00, 2º prémio $1,000.00, 3º Prémio $500.00.

O preço é de $10.00 O sorteio será realizado no dia 11 de

Fevereiro de 2018.

Importante: Sábado 27 de Janeiro há uma reunião às 11:15 am para todos os pais/guardiões das crianças que estarão celebrando sua primeira comunhão, por favor, esteja presente. Festa da pintura: Junte-se a nós na Igreja de São Pio V para uma noite inesquecível de diversão, pintura com amigos, comida, vinho e cerveja no sábado 27 de Janeiro às 07:00PM. O preço por pessoa é $40:00 dólares, os bilhetes devem ser comprados com antecedência. Inclui todos os materiais. Um instrutor irá orientar os pintores através dos passos para criar suas próprias obras-primas. ESTA SEMANA É A ULTIMA SEMANA PARA COMPRAR O SEU BILHETE!

Announcements - English

The Sanctuary Lamp

If you want to make arrangements to have the Sanctuary Lamp

lit please call the rectory at 718-739-3731.The donation is $25

The Sanctuary lamp is lit for the month of January

For a special intention at the request of Maria Cardoso

Registration / Inscripción / Inscrição Registration is important in the event you may need testimonial letters, for baptism ,confirmation

sponsorships, wedding plans etc! If we don’t know you, we cannot vouch for you! Letters will be provided only to parishioners that are registered Please register TODAY! Thank you

Parish Membership: Name/Nombre _____________________________________________ Envelope/Sobre Yes ___ No ___ Address/Dirección _________________________________________ Zip Code __________ Tel#_____________________________ Email Address ____________________________________ REGISTRATION UPDATE REQUEST:

Envelope number/ Numero de Sobre _____________ Tel # _______________________________

Change name to / Cambio de nombre____________________________________________

Change address to: /Cambio de dirección ___________________________________________

The Food Pantry will be distributing food every 1st Wednesday of the month from 12:00PM-1:00 PM

The Spanish Cursillistas Group meet every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in St. Peters Chapel

The Spanish Charismatic Group meets every Thursday in the church basement after the 7:30PM Mass

The Spanish Marriage Group meets every Friday at 7:00PM in the church basement

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Every First Friday of the month at 7:00PM

The Annual Raffle has begun with tickets being sold in the rectory & at end of Mass. Tickets donation is $10.00.

The 1st prize $1500.00, 2nd prize $1000.00 & 3rd $500.00.Tickets drawings will be held on February 11th2018.

Painting Party: Join us at St. Pius V Church for an unforgettable evening of fun & painting with friends, food, wine and beer on Saturday January 27 at 7:00PM. It doesn’t matter if you are artistic or artistically challenged, this night is all about just having fun…The price per person is $40:00 Dollars, Tickets must be purchased in advance. Includes All the materials. An instructor will guide painters through the steps to create their own Masterpieces. THIS WEEK IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASE TICKETS! Important: Saturday January 27 there is a meeting at 11:15 AM for ALL the Parents/Guardians of the children that will be celebrating their 1st Holy Communion, please be present.

St. Pius V Tree of Life - You have an opportunity to commemorate a special event, Honor a deceased loved one or leave your mark or the mark of a loved one permanently in the St Pius V Church tree of life. At the same time you will be making a generous contribution to support your parish. You can pick up an order form from the entrance of the church or call the rectory for more information: “ Think of the value of leaving an everlasting footprint on the church you love.”