Salem 2018 Council 10015...Knights of Columbus Salem Council...

Post on 01-Dec-2020

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Salem Council Officers


Father Ken Shuping

Grand Knight Dave Wyble 540-529-4982

Deputy Grand Knight

Gerard de Guzman

Chancellor Jared Heffron

Recorder John Clarke

Financial Secretary

Jeff Sobataka

Treasurer Brian Corbett

Lecturer Paul Wyar

Advocate Ron Downing

Warden Bryan Boggs

Ins. Guard Russell Chu

Outside Guard Doug Jessee

Board of Trustees

Rob Ahlers (1 year)

Dan McBride (2 year)

Nathan Johnson(3 year)

Newsletter Editor

Nathan Bradley Insurance Agent

Jack Clarke


Columbian Year 2018 – 2019 Issue 4 October 2018

Brother Knights:

My Brothers we are in the fall season. Leaves are turning,

temperature is dropping and it is that time of the year we

start looking at preparing our homes for the winter time. If

you haven’t yet, here is a site you might want to check out:

checklist-1824721? (Just copy and paste)

Last month issue we didn’t post the Knight and/or Family of

the Month so that is why you see them in this month’s

issue. When you see them about , congratulate them. They

have deserved this recognition. The Chili Cook-Off sched-

uled for October 20th had to be cancelled due to unfore-

seen circumstances. We will look at this next year. Howev-

er, the Kids for Coast Program will go on in a modified way.

We will start collecting used serviceable coats, scarves , hats

and gloves. We will have them cleaned and passed out be-

fore Thanksgiving. We are also asking for Donations to pur-

chase new coats and to help defray costs of cleaning those

turned in. Please give generously to this worthwhile cause.

More information to follow. Beginning in October, we will

be praying the rosary 30 minutes before the Saturday and

Sunday Mass. This program is open to all. It will be led on

most occasions by the Knights and others. Please join us.

See the Parish Bulletin Board for more information. Bishop

Knestout will be visiting our parish Friday, October 5th.. You

are cordially invited to a Mass of Atonement for all area

parishes at OLPH at 7:30 pm.

Brother Houston Doug Jessee has volunteered to assist

Chaplin Barry at the VA Medical Chapel as his EMHC and /

or altar server as needed on Wednesday Mass at 11:30 and

Sunday Mass at 12:00 pm. Thank you Doug for all you do.

May the Lord protect you and Bless you. Dave

Salem Knights Council 10015

August Knight of the Month

John Wizorek

September Knight of the Month

Russell Chu

August Family of the Month

The Rowland Family

September Family of the Month

The de Guzman Family

October Birthday’s Robert J Antolini

Shane Barnett

Kevin Lindsay

Albert J Scalera

Robert M Bernazzoli

Brian Joseph Corbett

Kenneth J Bagnasco Jr

Ronald V Downing

Richard T Pugliese

James R Fukumoto



Our Council supports every

third Wednesday of the


Announcements! Brothers, Please Join Us!

Can you spare a Monday

night to spend helping

your Council! How about

spending a little of your

valuable time with us?

Please join us at the

monthly meeting and share your ideas. The

General Meetings are held on the third Mon-

day of each month unless other noted due to

holidays or a conflict with other Parish Activi-

ties. Make sure you check the Council News-

letter and/or your e-mail.

Mass/Rosary- 6:30pm

Dinner - 7:00pm in the Social

Hall Meeting

7:30pm in the Social


Monday, October 15 , 2018

John Wizorek and Family, Veronica

Downing, Nicholas Surat and the entire

Surat family, Don Barnett, Father Mike

Herbert, Phil and Constance Hull, Al Ten-

ney, Anna Boggs, Tom Yates and the

entire Yates Family.


Most recently the Knights have

energized a push to recite the St

Michael Prayer after Mass. The

Congregation has been providing

favorable feedback and wishes for

this to be permanent. The Olive

Branch has the Prayer Card for

Sale as of this writing. Pick yours

up today and carry it with you..

The Community Life Ministry is in need of volunteers to help

make coffee, beverages and sometimes serve pastry’s after

the 10:30 Mass on Sunday on a rotating Schedule. This can

be an individual and/or couples who will set up and another

clean up after Mass. This service allows time for fellowship

amongst us and is a very important Ministry within our Par-

ish. This ministry cannot continually function with just a

few. Please step up and help. Contact Pat Wyble at 529-


At the time of this newsletter we tentatively have a Food Drive Planned for

Saturday November 10, 2018 from 9 am - 2 pm at the following locations:

Wal-Mart Main Street and Kroger Spartan Square.

We need volunteers. Contact Roger Boucher at indicating

the shift hours you wish to volunteer to work (9-11, 11—1, 12—2pm) and preferred store


Serving Those in need

Humanitarian Award

"Recently, Brother Tom Fame was awarded the Humanitarian Award from

the Chapel of the Four Chaplains for his service with the Haiti Project and

his involvement within the local community. Congratulations, Tom!"

Knights of Columbus

Salem Council #10015

Three months until the 2019 March for Life!

On Jan.18, 2019, we will gather in Washington, D.C., to stand up for the protection of all life.

Saving lives and promoting a culture of life is why the March for Life happens each year.

Help us speak up for the rights of all babies and moms by being part of this effort — on

both a national level and at a local level throughout the entire year

How many of our Knights and family members are planning on going? We will have a bus

departing on January 18th in the early morning and returning that evening. Will you join us?

More information will be forthcoming in the next few months.

Squires, Parents, and Counsellors,

At our last meeting we agreed that we wanted to help out the Salem Parks and Rec with the Half-Marathon again this year on Oct. 13. They need Course Marshalls. It is the same routine as the last couple of years. We go out early in the morning (7:30 or 8:00 am), set up a station to direct traffic, and then keep the runners safe during the race. We are usually finished around noon or so. This is a great event for fundraising in our local community and our volunteering is always greatly appre-ciated.

If you are available to help out the morning of Oct 13, then please respond to this

email ASAP.

1. Give me the names of everyone who can participate (parents and sibling are more than welcome. As well as any Knights who would want to assist.

2. Also indicate your age if under 18 (I already have this info, but you'll save me

the trouble of looking it up)

3. Indicate your T-shirt size

St John Neumann Circle 5772 Salem Virginia

The Salem Knights of Columbus

c/o David W. Wyble, Sr. Grand Knight

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

314 Turner Road Salem Virginia

CC. Ms. Pamela McAnally

Associate Director Patient Care and Nursing Service

Salem VA Medical Center

1970 Roanoke Blvd Salem VA 24153

Good morning, On Monday September 17, 2018 at the Salem Knights of Columbus meeting you donated a complete Mass Kit to VA Salem Medical Center Chaplain Service for use at the facility chapel and elsewhere. I am writing to acknowledge your generous donation and to thank you for this kind gesture and, your numerous acts of kind-ness in recent times. May the good Lord continue to bless you and your ministries in the Roanoke Valley area and beyond. To God be the glory!

CH. Barry C. Eneh MS, MPH

Chief, Chaplain Service VA Salem Medical Center 1970 Roanoke Boulevard

Salem VA 24153

540 982 2463 Ext 2890 Email: Barry.Eneh@VA.GOV

Top Selling eGift Cards and Plastic Gift Cards Purchase the brands our customers love to give.

Do you drink coffee, go out to eat, buy apps or music, shop online or just stop by Walmart after Mass to pick up a few things? Then you can help our Knights of Columbus council provide monetary and moral support for seminarians, like Kevin Reidel who was here this past summer and other postulants who are preparing for the priesthood or religious life. Choose from over 750 participating retailers, including Walmart, by ordering gift cards from the Knights. Stop by their table in the Commons for more information.

It's back to school! Why not use a gift card and save?

Shown above are just a few examples. We can get whatever gift cards you need just in time for the holidays! Remember that these gift cards are available all year round, not just during holidays. Contact Nathan Johnson or Dave Wyble for more information or to pur-chase. Your gift card purchases help to support our seminarians.

Brother Knights and Families and Catholic Families wishing to become Knight of Columbus

The brand new Knights of Columbus office located in SW Roanoke in the Colonnade Corporate Center at 2800 Electric Rd Suite

102 C (Rt. 419) is open to serve all Brother Knights and their families along with any Catholics wishing to become Knights.

Call today to schedule your confidential appointment to…

- Review your Financial situation

- Create a Portfolio to meet your Goals & Objectives

- Learn about all the areas we can assist our Brother Knights & their Families

We look forward to meeting with you soon!

Thank you & God Bless

Jack Clarke

Field Agent

The Abbate Agency

“Excellence in Life Planning”

Asset Protection Special

540-204-4984 office

757-575-0069 Cell