Sales funnel why you need them

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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As necessary to small business as an funnel for a oil change is for a car. It helps both run smoothly and efficiently.



Learn so you Can earn!

Your Warm Market Family and Friends these are

your warm market. What do you do when you run out of them and you will?

What happens when you use your warm market to build on

Target Market What is a target market and where do you find them? Once you find them than what?

Places on the internet


What is the difference you may ask after all it appears people use the words as if they are interchangeable. They are not however and understanding the difference is important.

Lets Look At The Funnel Again The top shows you that you start with the

target market. Now that you know where to find your target market. You know the difference between a lead and a prospect. Now you can move on to the next step the capture page.

Capture Pages How to make attractive capture


Capture pages in the system

Many different styles The Free Lead System Has Many Templates to choose

from. And You can make them or use the made for you sales funnel, you do nothing click a few buttons and done for you.

Direct them To the webpage or to a replicaed website

Or You can Send to A Sales Page or a Thank you page

Sample of the Made For You Sales Funnel Made With FLSF Rippln One of the Latest Made for you sales

funnel in the FLSF just a few clicks and you are done.

Now your lead is a prospect

And Finally

System Makes It Easy To Duplicate

Auto Response/email campaign Target Market Lead Prospect Capture Page

Auto Responder Email Starts 7-12 Emails Builds Trust Viewed as Expert Know Like & Trust

Made For You Email or you Customize them to you

Dozens of Templates with the FLSF

Email Works

Benchmark reports Opened email 26-

46% That is great! Add Video or Audio Open rate


Free Lead System Forever Makes it easy to use email

Staying In Front Of Your Prospects


Your Own Website


Continue Email

Friending on Facebook

Invite to Fanpage

Invite to webinars

Invite to conference calls

A Must Staying In Front

Blogging It Can Be AnythingI love marketing but it can be any subject DIY

Your Own Website

Facebook Fanpage

Conference Calling


Lets Take another look at the Sales Funnel

If You Don’t Have A Sales Funnel Yet Than Give Us A Call