Sanders County Signal. -...

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I Re Great Illatlies4 Reservation

The Land of Opportunity.

Sanders CountySignal.


A. R. RHONE Editor and Proprietor.

Entered at the Pcstolfice. at Camas.Sandell' County, Montana, as secondclams mall matter for transmissionhr.nreir the mall.


One year 12.00Six months 1.00

Advertising rate card rustled on ap-pi i cat ion.

Local Sotices 10c per line first inser-tion; 5 cents per line for each subse-quent inert i ions.

Legal notices, legal rate.

Secretary Lents should by all

means come to Camas Hot Springs

to inform himself of what nature

has made here. One of the finest

health giving springs in the country

is here and there is a petition in

. Washington asking that they be

bought from the Indian and put

tsnder the direct charge of the Sec-

retary of the Interior. There is lo-

cated next to the Hot Springs re-

serve a townsite, the actual value of

the land is less than $2,000 for ag-

ricultural purposes, that has been

appraised for nearly $25,000 and

part of it has been sold to actual

settlers at that appraisement. Out-

side of the few dollars that might

have been expended this year theIndian Department has never spent

a dollar to create a value of $25,000.

The survey, the appraisernent and

the sale of the townsite have been

so delayed that it has created the

impression that an agreement has

been made to cause these delays so

as to assist a privately owned (own-

site equally as near the Hot Springs.

The Secretary of the Interior

should conic here that he may be

informed as to the actual physical

°auditions that surround our people.

There are 20,000 acres of arid land

in this section that will never be

worth more than *10 an acre as dry

farm land which will readily he

werth $100 per acre with water.

These lands must be Irrigated and

Secretary Lane should see these

lands and when be bears the name

of Little Bitter Root or Camas Hot

Springs valleys the view Of a desert

waste will come before his vision

The Secretary should come here by

all means, and The Signal will con-

sider him very derelict in his duty

if he does not come- We have no

lease bands to teNeet you, but there

arc a lot of homey-handed working

people who are trying to 'subdue

nature, that will meet you with

tears in their eyes.

that the many may pay the bill.

Senator Myers' speech on the tariff

is an able document and presents

more than idle words to prove his

faith. When Senator Myers ac-

cepted the office of Senator he de-

clared that he believed in the doc-

trine of '.'Equal Rights to All, Spe-

cial Priveleges to None,"and he has

worked steadfastly on that line.

That is all any true American

wishes. No man of any conse-

quence cares to accredit his success

in life to special privileged thrust

upon him.

It es coming to a pretty pass in

this country when an understrapper

in the Indian forest service can so

to a saw tnill man and tell him he

must fire such and each a man if

lie expects any favors from the De-

partment. ‘Ve did not know that

the said understrapper had any

favors to bestow. We did not know

that tavola Were being bestowed as

those who will bumble theologies'

to the agents, of the people. It is

about time that the matter of me-

vial tarots be saki dims and themen who Issise beam bonding themmit fined. Urge are emit who re-

ceive appuialasetets to attend to the

public's basinow who immediately

assume that they are the rulers of

the people and immediately com-

mence to lord it over thole that pay

them their sallt.., Too many of

three lordly acts ha,heome to light

of late and if the said employees of

the people d() not come off their

high-horse they will soon find them-

pelves out of a job. This 18 not a

government t.f special privilege.; and

the miner these men (Ind it out the

better it will- be for them. They

have made their bluff work because

the American people are slow to

anger. But go a little slow, gentle-


The Camas Hot Springs is one of

the principal attractions that draw

trade to our business men and make

the foundation for the government

towneite of Camas. Scores of peo-

ple come here to secure a rest from

their work and treatment for the

many ills (tf which man is heir.

Nearly all The improving done has

been accomplished by private sub-

subscription of our citizens, with

the exception of this year. The

Secretary of the Interior should

visitehe Hot Springs, as there may

be many things referred to him in

regard to them. A petition is in

Washington now asking that the

government purchase these Hot

Springs from the Indians and they

be placed in care of the Secretary of

the Interior the same as the lint

Springs in Arkansas. He should

visit these springs and learn the

exact conditions.

The express companies have been

ordered to cut rates and they are

making as much noise as a band of

calves being weaned. It is about

time their special privilege of rob-

bing the American people be cut off.

Most of the originators of this graft

have become millionaires. It is

about time the people were given a

chance to save a few cents from the

exhorbitant charges. The postal

rate has always made the express

rate and since the installation of

the postal system they have lost

enormous unearned graft money.

If they do not like it Uncle Sam can

takeover the whole business and

make a monopoly of it in the in-

terest of the people. Why not?

Every porstoifice could be an express


The assessment of the school dis-

tricts on the Reservation has shown

considerable increase. District No.12 has had an increase of over $80,-

000 and Camas Prairie over $10,000.

This Fhould show the United States

government that the settlers have

acted in good faith. Without irri-

gation all this money and labor hats

been thrown away. The govern-

ment has promised to reclaim- this

land and such reclamation should

be delayed no longer. The money

to reclaim this this land Is not a

gift. It is an investment that will

come back to the government with

ten fold interest. Will Secretary

Lane take this view of our country?

Secretary Lane should not mire

visiting the Little Bitter Root and

Camas valleys. These two valleys

must be irrigated if they are to be

inhabited by homesteaders. There

is no question about that. All you

have to do is to visit the farms that

have water and those that have not

and you will see the difference. It

is no uncommon thing to secure 100

bushels of oats to the acre with

water to irrigate, where it is only

possible now to get 20 bushels to the

sere without irrigation. Secretary

Lane should not overlook this op-

portunity to get the truth.

The Board of Trade at Poisson is

arranging to have a meeting of the

people interested with Secretary

Lane to present their grievances.

There will be two hours given to

this meeting. The representatives

01 the eettlere and the vartons com-

mercial Clula should Ix- there with

their spokesmen to get their needs

brought before the Secretary.


Montana's representative:4in (in-

grew have proved themselves to be

true representatives of the people.

The work of Senator , Myer, and

Senator Walsh have placed them

among the leading statesmen of the

hntiim. They hare isilosi to (511 10

the p, (I, $ prole, fulp, 11 fell


• Plains ItemsSpecial Carresoondesice.

Plains, Aug. 6.-- Mr. Rhone:

My letter this week will be neces-

sarily short, as I have jute returned

from a trip to Thompson Falls im-

posed upon me and not 'settled

time for me to collect news. But

in the absence of the the usual grist

of news let me give you the outline

of what has happened to me, the

most trying and outrageous experi-

ence of my life. Friday afternoon

I was arrested in response to a war-

rant sworn to by C. Vandereteede,

and taken to Thompson Falls on

the charge of insanity. When we

arrived Sheriff Moser arid Dr. Peek

were both out of town, and the lawhad to take its course, but no longer

than "Billy" arrived on the scene

of action. From then I was treated

as the gusset of Mr. and Mrs, Ander-

sone and was given the utmost con-

sideration and the best to be had.

Saturday afternoon Mrs. A. 0.

Dildine was sent from Plains, to in-

vestigate a rumor that I was closely

confined in it cell. In company

with Mrs. Schultz she came to the

county jail where I sat in the parlor

reading, never dreaming of the corn-

motion this matter was causing.

To make a long story short andgive an insight into the real state of

things, I would like to tell you that

on Monday at the trial not one

voice seconded a word uttered by.

Cainiel Vandersteede against his

wife. he Drs. Peek Lewers with

Attorney Schultz made the matter

so plain that even the complaining

witness, C. Vandersteede, had to

give in that his wife was not insane.

Papers are now signed and in the

Court house at Thompson Falls

which will prove from this time on

that C. Vandersteede will do what

ever he is told to do, and that

though ignorant of the true mean-

ing of words, and also that his wife

Jennie is not insane nor ever was.

In conclusion let me say, Mr.

Rhone, that the thing *as such an

outrage that no woman of my make-

up would or could ever condone the

offense, and in consequence of this,

the easiest and quickest way out of

it w is to agree to a legal separation

for the time being. County Attor-

ney Young fixed up the documents

and they were signed by both par-

ties, and Mrs. Vandersteede re-

turned on the Dinky alone Tnesday

afternoon. I will be allowed to

pack ray personal effects and en) go-

ing to start to California to stay as

soon as I can possibly get. ready.

In consequence of all this you will

not receive any mere communica-

tions from me.


Burk's Company showed Uncle

Tom's Cabini-treg tent in Plains

Tuesday night.

Violet Stout, Emily Wimmer and

Ada Baker all went to Thompeon

Falls to root for the Paradise boys

last Sunday and the Paradise boys


Tony &bleb, Charley Fairbanks

and Frank Boyer have returned

from their fishing trip to the Thoinp-

eon river country.

A. J. Lansing was doing bursinees

in Thompson Falls last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Airhart and baby

of Plains, took in the ball game

Sunday at Thompson Falls.

Miss Viola Willett, of Paradise,

was in Plains the first of this week,

the guest of Mrs. Oscar Harrison.

Mies Gilbert, of Grand Rapids,

Michigan, who came out with Mrs.

Gray about three months ago, left

Tuesday evening for home.

Mr. sod Mrs. C. H. Rittenourhave gone to the Thompson river

country to fish for a week.

On August 17 Rev. A. W. Smith

will fill the following appointments:

Garcon gulch at 11 a. m; Oliver

gulch at 3:30 p.m; Canine at p.m.

The services will he held at the

schoolhouse at each place. Rev.

Smith will be accompanied by Rev.

Hancliff, of Kalispell, who will do

the preaching. Everyone is invited.

The Presbyterians at Kalispell will

hold a convention at Rollins Aug-

ust 14.


The townsitee of CIIMan and Big

Arm have never been sold. This

matter should be brought to the at-tention of the Srcretary of the in-ter ier. At the preeeit lime it its int- teeing evehelend naive. Subscribe fr The Signal.

. Lonepine News.Spereel Curreemaideme

Mrs. Mary. McCabe is spending

the week irt

Ed Andiews,who has been ill at

the Charles Benstets ranch,:isas so

far recovered as to be able to return

to his home in Plains.

Mrs. Alma McNeil, of Washing-

ton, is visiting at the home of C. A.


A. W. Ehnen made a business

trip to Plains the live of the week.

The Want-to no Club was enter-

tained at the home of the Misses

Patton Thursday. The next meet-

ing will be held at the home of Mrs.

C. C. McHenry August 14.

L. B. Jones brought in another,lead of PolsoOlour for the Lone-

pi nee el4efellitile Company's store


Prof. A. A. AI voriL hair engaged

the Batson cottage rn Camas and

will, with his family, occupy it for

a couple of weeks before returning

to his home in Asotin, \Vashington.

,Misses Olga Forbergson and Signe

Bremo came home from Somers


Thelee cream social given at the

hall Thursday evening was well at-

tended. The proceeds, amounting

to $12.50 will be applied on the

building fund.

Harvesting of winter wheat is

nearly completed. The crops are

reported as fair.

Miss Eudora Letson is spending•

the week at the Hot Springs.

Mr. and Mrs. C A. Cooley are

visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harry


J. E. Huston, one of our most

progressive dairymen,has purchased

a registered Holstein bull from W.

T. Gutz.

Colonel Searles, of Spokane, has

been canvassing the upper part of

the valley this week in the interest

of a creamery which he wishes: to

establish in Pineville.

0. P. Gregg Was tendered a very

pleasant surprise Sunday, it being

the anniversary •if his birthday.

There were about 30 relatives pres-


Dr. Reed brought in a sample of

alfalfa grown on the hillside of his

ranch, which at the second cutting

rneaeured 3 feet 4 inches in height.

The Lonepine Sunday School

meets every Sunday at It) o'clock,followed by periching services bi-

monthly, conducted by Rev. S. H.

Murray. The public is eordially

invited to attend.

Advertised Letter ListList of letters remaining uncalled

for in this office Aug. 1, 1913.

In calling for same please say “ad-

vertised." One cent due on all ad-

vertised letters or card*. '

Brown, James \V Hoiguist,111r Chas

Burgess, Mrs L W Johnson, Homer

Brown, James \V Parker, Mr W II

Catnpbell, J H Rippetoe,Mr Jack

Cooper, Chas Smith, Stanford

Colston, Anna Wilke. Edward C

Cloonan, Mists Winner

List of cards remaining uncalled

for at this office Aug. 1, 1913.

Calbiok, Mrs Chas Ogden, S M

Day, Mrs Z F : Pitts, Miss Eva

Heinen, J L Mendel, Mrs W

tarter. Mrs E 0 Thomas, Mr It E

Meeterson,kles May Will W M. ,

r • A. nal4MoNa, Postmaster.

Notice.There will be Mans at Camas

Prairie Friday, August 15th, at 1.0

a. ui• Also Mass at Camas Hot

Springs August Hith at 10 a. us.,

and Low Mesabi Carnets on A'ugurst

81st at 8:80 a. m. High glass and

Bell Blessing on August 31st at

10:40 a. in. Fianna CeseY.

The, Irrigation meeting annonncedfor Saturday evening was well at-

tended aod a permanent organiza-

tion established, with the fbllowing


I. B. Swetland-President.

C. C. McHenry-1st Vice Pres.

George O'Neil--2n4 Vice Pres.

W. W. VonSegen-3rd Vice Pee.

Miss Elizabeth Dondanville-


S. H. Murray-Treasurer.

The purpose of said orgenization

shall be:

1st. To secure irrigation.

2n. To encourage n'sembere tomake proper preparation for irriga-


3rd. To stimulate co-operation

among members.

4th. To ambit in securing trans-

portation and other public utilities.

5th. To promote educational and

social improvement of the commu-


Principal place, of meeting shall

be Lonepino Montana. Regular

meeting shall be 1st Saturday of

each month.

A. A. Akron!, George G. O'Neil,

and D. Dondanville were chosen as

delegates to meet Secretary Lane

and if possible have him make a trip

through this /section of the Flathead


&ALM '05 STATE LAM. -erutita


State 'Midi'

2Ist offor sale to

4. o

Oren, thed the Reedit* ofof Montana will. on the

cietock p. wt.. ode;tasseetaier. at public auctilou.

at the comae Court Howse at Thompson Moe-the fetich/foe described hand owned by the

Mate of Montana and situated in the tenuity ofSenders. town •Description See. Township Range Acres Price

w. IA N 21 W leo.. $20.01SE it.' •se It N nw Pet. 13.01NICE .32 ' N .21 W mat.. 17.51NEV.. NIVE.HWY. BENI. 16 Nee le Te an... 10.(d

tit% .. _10 215 26 W 160...

N 21W 1.1.532ay, NE: etSWE NEE 11 =If 24 W 16.00Part Nee SEEINF% SE% as Min SR W SI 17 SAM8 1V IS 211N 32 W.....100flE .36 M e2 IV 162Lots I. 2 andEENEE.....111. N W...145.36_, 23.00

TERMS OF SALE.The foregoing liet gives a description of *eh

tract, the number of acres in tech, and the au:'indeed price per acre, at which it may be sold.if Ow epprelsal has been made. The land willlw offered hi unite of onestuarter *sestina each, orsuch portion of the quarter section as the /Malemay own; exeepting such lands as fall withinthe area of a United Stets' Irrigation project.then such lands will be offered in such farm unitsins the claseitloatlon of the Reelasnadees ServieeIndies tee and atbject to the sets of Congreie andthe regulation& thereunder regarding the aoqui-eition of the right te sae water from eueb notes.No State land eau be sold for lees than the AP

praised twice. The purchaser may. at his option,Day all cash, or ninon per cent cede and thebalanee in twenty equal annual payments withInterest at the rate of 11VP per cent per ensium.

Ali lands under lease are sold subject to therights of the lessee and the condition's of thelease. Posseselon will be given the purcheserJanuary 1st, 191I. or If the lease relative meor tothat date. Doseession will be fri yen at the termina-tion of the lesee, pmveled settlement is madewith the lewee for hi. halve% ements. if any. %monthe lames,: Chatter 147. Seitslon la weof live. Agreement between the lessee and thePurehaser. provIallog for an earlier occupation ofthe land, may be entered lute, but the rentalswill be collected from the lessee up toJanuary 1st.1214. regardless who the purchaser may be. Landisnot under lease. if not *old. will immeelately beoffered for tease to the higheet bidder.Deductions will be made I,t the area of any tract

for reservoir sites, or for right of way en anyPuritans sold by the State; but no deductions wiltbe made for easements granted for public reads°pother verpooes for which theState received norompeneation. as such easements revert to thepurcheaer in twee of etenwtonnsent The Statereserves all the right mid title to all coal, oil orgas lit said land. and the right to enter thereonto prospect and mine sante. A II bids are receivedsubject to the approval of the Statc Benet ofland Comm iseloners. SIDNEY MILLER,By 105.03211)1. Rohner

Deputy Register.

NOTICE TOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior, U.. Stand Office at

lineetila. MOO DOM. July St. lut1.-Notiest hpherein' given that Sorest 1, POW., of Olivetcisaleh. Montana, who on hely 3rd 1511. modeHoinesitead entry. Serial Jen, ante. for WESEE. Acct ion 4. and NE NEE 8ecteon 9. Town-rip 2,1i.tNi;,,Ranrife. Itatattana Meridian


proof under old law jayestablish claim tothe land above described bailee Alex. R. Rhone.a Untied teat* Cournindoser. rat (Wen& Mon-tana. no the Sib day of *Member. 7913.Cialweint names es - Witnesses. Jame W.

Dunernore. Andrew 11 Camp. Morrie Williams.farl Caine. all of (elver Gulch. Montana.

JoitAig Peru. Register.NA,Coel Lend. Aug 1-Sell 5.

FOR S LE-T with. huild-infix in finest location in townsite of

Canute. Apply at Signal o





tire 11". N°d"

eltuntatialliAs he.: isea A. tis5.unIElilatt. of

oItt.et1oe, U.S. oime

for 111.1.111 if1114 "C" Nfs11,,,, WE, NE % tiNet. Itik% SCE end Lot '2 oteeetloe 17. and 1.04 It, et seethes le. township 22north. range 'el won, Montana ineridien. has filednu4.1,44 of lotoof101.1 to wake conneutatiou esnstilieli elaim to the land simile described.before Alex it Ithaew. • Utsited Mates Omen*.dosser. at attests. Montana. Ws the llth day ot

mall.AumciaNitatttli, name, as witnesses. louts A. Jer-nigan. Jeeeph tentirey. 7,. Max ter. and Chariot ILBweston, all of lamas. Montana.

Yams% 0. Wfj.JJA1411.Non-coal land. Fletheed Irrigation Projeet.

July teAug.*•

Pisan for Padecattea.Departnwnt of the listener. S. land Ogles al

Montana. /ply II. 'MS.-Notice ishereby given that *Lind Larrlyee. of Questa. Mon-tana, who, on Janounr 27, 1111104made home-dead entio,No. COM. tar SEE el Siegler t,Ng% NE . geodes. U. Township . Ranee 23W.. sad 1 of Teethes 7._Toweeblp 2inorth,lanss Meat, Montana MedMen. bete Sled noticeof Intention toasty eineinostation proof toestab-lieh claim to the land above deeerthed. beforeAlex. R. Rhone. a United States Commissioner,*Camas. Mention, oil the Lied day of enigmaMM.

ainiant names as wit-newels: Helene! L. Lin.gie.Lotile 0 NM fern. Roy V. Linton, and James8. epurgeon. all of Cern*. Montana,

FRANK 0. 1111 ILI AN.. Register.Nonwoeidand. July le-Aug. 22.

NOTICE MR PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior. U. tt. Land Ode-' at

MI.oult.. Montana. July 01,1913-Notice Is bongogiven that fiertruale lady, of litiatoubt. Montana.whim, of Sherman Cady dem:seed. who on Whyate. 1210. made horneeteed entry Serial No,yang, for el% SHE. SEE NEE. *Ilion 13: andsIVE NW% wectIon IL iteenthlp 21 uorth. rangeell west. Montana meridian, Pan 11164 notice ofinteution to snake three year peonf to e'stablish'clebe to the land eleile described, before Alex.R. Ittione. a United State, Cementailoner, atCarnal. Montana. no the 51 Mu of tieptem-her. 1913.Claimant name.] as witnesses' Cu. Benson.

of (Wm*, Montana. Hugh R. Stephens, of OliverGulch, Montana, Peter llorowaneky. of 011verCatch.: Montana. Emery Mott of lamas, Slot,-lama,

3081.111 81IULL fleenseer,Aug l"-Ant 29. Non cord land

If Seseetery lane will visit the

arid porfietis of nu( country now he

will4x) convinced' that something

must be done to reclaim this land

At the present time it Is not worth

paying taxes on. The people who

are here now will have to leave, for

there is not one in 100 that its mak-

ing a Dare living, without any in-

terest on the capitol invested. It is

a queetion of life or death to our

people. . They must have water orva

Al Cyr has about completed his

room,for his pool tables, which will

arrive in k short time: The parti-poesiele to get a lot in (etinas unless

tition from the berber shop hams beenyou buy from some of the originalremoved, and the building papered

settlers thet have proved up. Afterand kalsomirsed. William Fox

the eel. Tt'lrlIl be Pcisia" to get 6 did his papering and kabsomining.

lot at any time one wishes,, by op-


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the Inessider. V. 8. Lind OM*

at Iiiesoalei. Modena. 3illY80160, =No-tice Is hereby glom that ofonnes. Montana. who on Jane I tale. homestead entry No. 02M7, log Unit C..nrS.NWW. NWM SIVE tnetiest t. township Itrange 24 wen. Montests aSI4JInS. has SWnotice of tnottisloounder ca law to dada% In ICAoboe* described. Max. It. Rhino. •rnited Keane Potemintioner at %rem Montana,on the 6th clay. of Peptember I911.Chilmant nainee As witnesses: Clara A. Died.

rimet ( Dutton. Esther Starr. of Camas. Mon-tarts. MU Nelson. of Rowan. Montana

JOSIAH 5211, 1.. Reffst..r.Non coal land. Flatheed irrigation project.

July We-Slept 5

NOTICF: FOR PUBLICATION.Depertnient otthe Interior. I' N Lend Offbeat

Kalhmell. Montan., July 21. 1913 -Kotler. 111hereto given that Harry I... Huston. of Lone**.DI note*. e ho op teenier 1911 sad Men* 21,1912, made lloineetead Addi so.0*17 and 11370733 and the WS

ltalge 21 W..notice into este biliaMoatiebefnee Meg. . . a C Oohs.misnotter. at Oman. Monroe. Ss MN Nth dayof August. 1913.b.........elatment Ramo as wigwams': Wantel R.

Meer It. otrrioL Mitharst L. AIM*.=Vac .1. Atkins, all of Dowel*, Montana.

Team 0. WituAne. Ilionneer.Non (nal Land July el.-Amir 22.

wanes rns priffraexnow.los fb• interior. V.5. Isnot Ofiler et

J y 2t 11113 -Notice Is**chewier. of Vol.

MM. 1: 1910, made homeFenn unit "3" or the

it and La 5. seethe; 24,nneth range 24 west. Montana mere

Male sled melee of Intennen to maNThree year erred. to (establish claim tosheer &welted before Prank C. RaItay.sttnIhaiStates commis...we at Potion. Montana. Cathe eeth der of August. 191/.

nam.4 as whnemaniiiitter Torh

n-oret. 1. K. tireenwar. Jan* . and F.

stem. en of Cam*.

Non teal Wad. ireare wnsia461togister

.-Aug 21.Flathead !Molina helot

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior. 1'. 14 land Office et

illeasula. Montana, July 21, 191:I.-Notice I.hereby given that Lida N. Diederich. of GIRLS

Montane. who, on Mar/ 701. 191-1.d entry Ito. Othlt for

x, SW74. 1;1„ Township sox.TAMPS St

.sg Wot. Montan& Median. has filed

nese. of intention tomake Commutation Prnot,dean an 11w to Maim to the Wel

firle at Cana& *p

Montana ou eg. Rhone a United

the atit Y ed lout.Claimant waft as whereto: K. L. Delderteit,

Frank Knparitelt. Louis W. Haritesd, all of Cam*Prairie, Monona. H.. L. Nutter. llamas. Moot.Non-coal land. JOKAH eneet. Register.

July V.-Sept. A.

Notice For Publication.Department of the Interior, 12.5. Lat111 Office at

Kalispell. Montana, July 11. 1013.-Notke ishereby given that E. Bust Erickson. of Caine.,Montana. who, on May 31st. 100. made Home-stead eatm No. 4r2171. for Perm unit "A" or theSEX NW%, Ntrli NEE, Section le, Township22 North, ranee 24 west. Mentane-Merldian.tied notice of intention to woke thred:;4yerisedproofto een ablishrealm to th• lantrabove , be-fore Alex. It. Rhone. a United Mates mind&'loner, at Camaajdontana, on the :ilnl day of

AlttainV'tiStutesee as witnesses:, Jamb E. Cline.Colunibus If. Warren, Alfred E. Crysier, andHenry Beldrialge. all n1 CARRY, Maintain.

Fasee 0, Register.Non Coal Land. July le-Aug, 22.

Flathead Irreptlen Project.

61069Notice for PublikaUks.

t").•oartment of die• t el •wonla.

, V. 8, Ihirorlee7 le

hereby 'Wee ISO bar anddatudder et Wass, . of

, IMI.Mt K.

Worth. RangeIf. Meth* ofintention be Mot meder old law to el abovedescribed. haft* Aka: Z. Monscommiesiener at. masa, oaths 18thWay of .Claimant mune/ 14 edeneseee• Berry fleyborn,

Desmis Boddie. Ludwig ferret. Mrs. bine ABillings, all of Camas. Montana.

JOSIAH ell I'LL, Rameleter.Non coal Land. , Flathead Project.

Jul% 1F-Aug le.

NOTICE FOR PURLICATION.Detortment of the Interior. V. P. Lend Office,

at Kalispell, Montana, July 11. 1515-notlee Ishoinsby (leen that JOieepli elnee. of Niarada ,Sion-tans. who on March h. WU made lonneeteedentry Nn. 10674. for SE RWE bee. 15 andthe NE 'AWE. Meetien 22, township 21 north,range 14 Weft. Mentio,a meridiem, lane tiled no-tice of Memnon to make connnutationproof to enahltala claim tie the land above de.scribed. tis Mee John Weil:ante a United StowOesnaileeinuer. et II it Arm. Motitatue, on the Medday el Alli4L1.1. 1913.Cla,InAot Flame, as witbeseee: Fred Helier-

eon, It. E. teeter, l'eljein Riley end L. lenydThompson. all ,sf Nierada. Maeda*.

nose 0. WILL/AMR. 14/1/1114011,Non Coal Land. Lily le- A eg. 22.

rerricx Iron 11111.1('ATION•atDeraurtmeip.litit ofmtbetolnteny,rdyrii.111 land ph11


le hereby given that Ralph N. Bartlett. of (Imola,Idoe tans who et, May 71. 1310, made homesteadentry No Meare kw Term milt or the SW),,AWE. and the 91:44 NW% and Lot 3. section S.Township 'M North. Renee el west. MononaMerano hes Sled team of Inmates° to Snaketoonwolation emol,to establish claim tons* landshore ntseerthed %slew Mee It. RIO*. • MIMIMetall innuniaskmer at Canna. Moq,tana. oathsliels day of Aaron. ills.rlefelent tomer as Winnow ; Jerk c.

Louie W. thiseett. Red Menraw. and iensellegetaU of (noes, Montana.

Ta• ea 0 MILLI A Y/1. •Rommel Land. Jul, Slaislatiterflathead irrigation The feet.

Notice so:Itaaketois.nave at use

ter)" evenwhn.NO.OVE


r.4=airsTibli"nt tune.

14441 ORO law,Joh 111-Aug. as


0/1e• asis brie.mos.41116,

entry no. 02116. feet aft21(1.-514 . Section 2.'14,1,41)47":tabrZ6•171"..Mnhor: , on arojulir -14 TuIL-Ilr" Is


la* .U.00:41110.=

fulteripr. Lt. IldetWallee at


Townistilp 21 north .range 24 weal. outlaw Meri-dian, hem filed notice of intention to make thenYen proof, under new taw to establIsh dairo tothe land is bove described. before Alex. R. Rhona.A U. n ited *awl (Ometiadonst. at Gatties. Mon.tans, on the lith day of Smoot. Wm-Clatrnant names as witnesses: Gem* Koontz.

Al Cyr, Rape% Savage, Na. Marshaill of Omen.Monte*.

1080411 8102.1,th,..ditatitleetter,

.5 5.R. Rhone. I. Monatini.

Non (eel landJuly le-Aug 22.

owe.1t011( Ir06 PUBLICA I nit.:

Moat a the Interior. V N. Land °Mrs

Irk on aped Neado

Montana. haws torals--Nossea Isthat Alban T. at Perms.

. Mit for as ic gact.audKIN Section TA rnaelPWest, Manaus literitinft. ear led

as a Intention to mike anal abominationold lair tosetadleh claire 1011w land

, bame R. 3.. Iturlehrit. a tottedter at Min., %linens. OD the

otz.ofleguit. nits.ot named as wItoesers: !Min netsuke,Herbal% Bards Jerresnleh F. narnett of -Perna,Montana. Austin E. Pb lUe Of Camas Pratrie,Montana.

Paten $avit, Resister.Nottenuat hind. Juue 97-Aug I,

DetreMseat of the Interior, U. A land °Mee at

hereby elves IMO Jens* fl. Palmer. of Plains.Illsoonle. Montana. July 14. 11111.-Noties is


sirszio........... ras....Oa ternmutation p oa-

th slertb. . ela liknieion. tooithie,nlatowind above

ationahwi, Montana. ou Use 22411


."Ny:ondeley flLeintilleja:Illend21,717*"."1.0:11:11"7:1"1,11;,Register.

Clarke 111, muss. Beet Dotson. John Dotson. all

NOTICE POlt PUBLICATION..Depertineut '4 (355. liftertor, ff. LaurrOffuse et

iretisposi. Neuteres. Jule ilthe _1103,-...'411001 Isberet) riven that maniac. meteor esseree)..

who, on April Ole 1919. madelot SW% N leEtliee MW

nehM „rive. nee walesnue

L ,-• fed/eats atSan*

Mmes. liOnCithit. on the 23rd day ef A , line,-Claimant navvies as tittneeser: Citiver U. liar.

144:41. Ws". Lome Walters, WILliale 44 Mao, andDantel E, Rodgers, all nf Li-menthe. Montana

Faatts. Wusdeme, lhaletar.Non Coal land. July-IS-An, 22.

0M23.Notice For Publication.

onerteret or us. resseote u. a. Land °Moe *6Illieseola, Montana, Jour 4, 11111,401k•hereby riven that lames W. O'Brien, of Canne.Montana. who, op May ea, 11210, made homeward-entry No. 021131. far unit it, tote 2 3. SEE NalNfees FIWE tectiob 7. Township. 21 N.. nagewest. Montane meridian. has died notice of Ineterflion to matelots:annuli* Proof. Under oldlaw, to establish claim to the land alOvadescribed. before Alex. R. Rhone. a ff. S. Crue-raleeioner, at Climes. Montana, On the leth dayof August, 1913.Claimant t,a,nes as w:tnesixer finery ite)..

born, Dennis Bourke, Ludwig Bartel, Mrs. WoeB. Billings all of Cam*, Montana,

JOSIAH SHULL. nudger. 'Flathead Vroject.

Non coal lend. July hl-Aug. 14

NOTICE FOR 1113120ATLONDepartment of the Iuterfeilii:;•.Land 00*

at lilispell. hionteme Jul . 1111C-Notle.) ishereby given thin Ali 44 Camas,

teedwhit an May I .Mostialeast :Ire vErhi:.enqN =tes. is . Rang,24 am. One a. Ito Hum &lutonMon to 10 Oahu tort OrtlISPrt=ted beforeAlex. It. Rhona. a DOW. %doe Canoe. Montana. on .the 22111 day of Mu,est. 1013.Catment namee as witnessim: Newton M. Ar-

nold. Joshua M. Ventling, Thom* If, Pollen andDaniel J. Moiety re. all* Unnits.liontana

Pavia 0. Wil.LIAJO.. MARLOW'.Von-coal land, Flathead 'Irrigation Project.

July le-Aug. 22.


Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Moe ats.luit. montane. July 14. Nis-No*, la

given that (lark Ostrom. of Canna* Rile"."VOrdsos. who on Peng. Setrellostie home

earirottuditlf eaist i and Nate NWSti.

less tja W g, gm .nontsms

es make

qamiTATILsJ • v.


tans, no as getclaimant nagpie Rs gistesika.

eystienee cams_ sir.= .' bane Tanta J.


Mean. MI of Camps r,

Newienal land. July 1A-- Aug. 22

FOR SeALE-$100 worth of Mock

in the Little Bitter Root Artesian

%Veil Company. Inquire at The

Signal office. Ade.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the interior, 11. te Land Mee at

Kalispell. Montana, Jame to. 1113.-Notice ishereby given that John Austin of CPtUri.Montana, who on March 161h, 1912. mole home.Antal entry No, awn. for Kee 8E44. 14W44 SEE,Section Mand the NW % SEE See. 311. T. 227e R.34 W.. Montana meridian, hoe filed notice of In.tention to make etnntnatation Proofto establish claim to the lailUT obese deescribed before Register and Receiver U. N. LandOffice. at Kalispell, Diontima, on the 11th day of

AugultMsTtLClal isarnes as witnesses; Henry- Smith.Martin H. Lope. Alfred R. Caner, end W. W.Perkins, all of Camas. liontatia.

Mon coal hind. FRANK 0. WILLJ1,44)144.-RAeugglet.s..r.


rirt of the Interior, Lend Office,PV11114laiderif. T.-Notice 14

LOID Dr. VW Ads fe. is7i,"::tatf;llo imeig No.16113 frer eem,14,therantlfPli Beeline 211. To Ranger24 W., Montana Merldian, has of M-eant:ion to who nowenteaiiewog

a*r*claim to he Mae tao deeld itAx. R Rituals, a UMW MOO 0,platabooseser. at0111.104 maatasta, te the ITIteemest1 Amin 1913.Claimant nate& as whams: 'Whim L.

%Lunn. . Coltonso R. War -reit. Alfrecilint.rr

0. Wgel

rVV_ reilmsa. MOM** .

tie ULtieste.Flathead Irrigation Yroleet. Non tmaI.iat.d.

July 4-Ass. A

Notice Or Peteenness.Department of the Interim. t!.$. Lend Office et

Kathleen Montana. Aloe Aide 1913-Notice lebeeeby given that William I. ellomon.

g. Mentana. who. on Starch34Th1211, „boluesteatl °W mry No. ittile, for far

ig- or the soothesa auarterentauthweinarerse_seattre 27. tameable, Mt north. rows 24west Malianit morello n. has Wed meleeintention +lake cousimeetion Drone toestantelt o the land above deiseribed.fore Alex. . f hone, a feinted Stale, Comm: .inner. * tames, Montana, ou Oa Ilth derofasi=i; 19'11.

t names is witness*: Chester F. Tay-lor, Ilistiner Hollenabarg, Rieluird P. Taylor.Ivor, alljof Conies, Mnta.s,.Note-Ona Land.' rs. WILLIAM,WAReser.flathead litigation Project. Ally 4-Aull

NOTICE FOR P13131142ITIO30Department of the Interior, U. P. Land Office

at Kalispell Montana. June fin. 11112.-Notlee IShereby given that Dells T. Mackey ofCameo. Montana, who on Noe. le, 1910, merlehomestead entry No. MIN for lane unit -4-•or the SW%, en ie Peetion 27. and the SE% Steele11111d 1444 Nrcilol) 51. Townehtp 12 north.range 25 west. lionise& meridian. has filed op-tic* of Intention In mate conimuinems Poor.tCt establish claim to the la nabove dose/Bed, *fore Al's H. Rhone. n levee!States Comminioner, at Clunactiontlia, en the911, day of August, 19141.(3aiment names as witnesses: Charles E.Mush. Louis W. Ouseett, Maw Ellis. and Mary E.Godfrey. all of tames. Motitene.

. O. 'endues. Fleenor.Non cast lend. Method Irrigation Proyeet.

Jon 4-Aug Pi

lertTfCE TOR PABLICATION.Departmental( (he Intritare 12.14 Land aldlee et

Kalispell, Montana, Aeon 110. 1111A-Motios lehereby given that ATOM 12. O. yder of Came*Inahlweeln abs ir., . lialtl. anodethe

unit Ce' nu'%X is Went easier ortetentimibto


mortbed. barna TEL ' NW* • walled Oahef WO'. ISOntensi. on the 11thdajat*Ille.

•• wl•••••••; 7rygv• Obwm.Nam , Edward T. Smith. eal titi-llate W. all of COMM. Montana.

kitrgelisad Volent Project. .. r.FRANK 0 mrit4rto

July 4-Aug s

Motto her Pelsitonsa.DePartment of the Interior, 11,5 Land 000e as

Kalispell If. ontanaJtme 30,1112.-Nothe is bygive,. that Charles R. Bee* • atam. who. ou May hi%'dead e:igi

SNo air&

N ee.= 11,116NINE 00.. te,Nor f/1/111 MenaCilint to the

ithemo, nCamas.

1411131Olt /14101111_••peat Jerk r MINIM a.II. Soaker% all of

Pals-SO, Wm, m • is.flon.Oriel Tend 1.1,r ;Fiatherd Irrigation Prawn.

Radke-Morivetz Lumber Co.--DEALERS IN -

Lumber and Building Material.Lumber Cut From the Best Timber in the



Orders Filled on Short Notice. Prices Reasonable

Camas, Montana.

Camas Meat MarketAll kinds of Meats, Itsh, broceries, Etc. delivered

to your door MEE or MAINESirloin Stk. Pic: Round Stk. 18c; Shoulder Stk. 16c.

Choice Roast and Boiling Meat atReasonable Prices.

