Search 3 different stories La crueldad con los animales El gran prejuicio La maldad en la humanidad...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Design Specification of my Story BookSearch 3 different stories

La crueldad con los


El gran prejuicio

La maldad en la humanidad

Evaluates each of stories and select the bestI evaluated the

stories and I chose was called The Great Prejudice, because sometimes I feel like I'm prejudiced and also that people are prejudiced with me.

The Product Rubric

Criteria 10 pts

Front Cover Hard cover, original drawing cover, well illustrated it,name of your book, an name of the authors.

Back Cover Hard back cover, original drawing , illustrated it, short book review, pictures and biography of the authors.

Free endpaper

Original drawing, well ilustrated it, book title, name of the autohors, ilustrators name, reason whath your select this story.

Free endpaper

Original drawing, well ilustrated it, small book title, place and date.


Text book

Original design, chapters, number of pages, small pictures.

Betwen 35-40 pages, letter size No. 12, original drawings, 10 pages with drawimgs, well ilustrated it, 3 or more pages in 3-D, numbered pages.

Specifications in the criteria of 10 pts