search engine optimization ppt

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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prepared by Akram Mohammed

•It is the process of setting up a website in a manner that it achieves solid, high rankings of Search Engine Results Pages for your most important keywords and key phrases

•Typically, the earlier a site appears in the search engine results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine.

•1 example about 2 students

The key word should be selected based on :



3.related content of website

•Google adwords keyword tool.

•This will show how many times the keyword is searched by the user locally and globally andwhich websites are targeting this keyword.

Keywords Match Types Broad



Negative keyword

Any sequence of words in a query which matches the keyword it will show our web page.

Phrase Match: Query should be match with the exact keyword

and any number of words before and after in the query.

Broad Match:

Exact Match:The user should type the exact keyword

selected by web designer then only it will display the result.

Negative Match:

There are some negative words which can be eliminated

Example: free, city names etc.

Website Page Rank:

It is nothing but the google’s way of ranking the webpage.

Page rank ranges from 0 to 10.

Initially the web site has the page rank as nil “-”

Onpage Optimization: on-page optimization is a technique of seo in which

we done on the pages of the website itself. In On Page seo design website seo friendly.


Design Page Layout Navigation Articles Keywords- Research Description Article Should Be Optimized

Of-page Optimization: off-page optimization is a technique of seo in which we

covers activity that takes place elsewhere (e.g. link-building) outside the website.

In the off page seo we doesn’t change the website. We change back linking options.

Factors: Site Submission of Google & Top Search Engine

Sitemap submission Google webmaster, Bing Master

Feed submission, Directory Submission

Blog Submission, Article Submission.

Social Networking, Social Book marking.

Black Hat Techniques:• Hidden content:

• <!—Search engine optimisation, SEO, professional search engine optimisation company, spamming search engines –->

• Repeating keywords in description many times

• Getting links from the bad websites

Panda Update