Secondary OLTeach

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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How do you make learning ubiquitous?

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Time for reflection...

What kind of culture is created when...

learning is preserved?

What happens to learning when...

creation is the norm?

What happens to learning when...

authenticity is the expectation?

Online Learning and

Web 2.0

OL Teach 200808.04.08

It’s not about the stuff.

or the platform...

or, even the curriculum...

Preserving Learning:

Creating as the norm:

Authenticity as the Expectation:

Authenticity is about creating context.

Authenticity is about staying connected.

Authenticity is about forging Collaboration.

Authenticity is about changing direction.

Authenticity is about starting a conversation.

Authenticity is about continually learning

something new.

Only good Online Learning makes learning truly ubiquitous.