SECRET FORMULA TO CREATE KICKASS VIDEO SALES LETTER · 2. you must create best contents for your...

Post on 26-Jun-2020

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Partha Bhattacharya

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Introduction _____________________________________________ 1

The Key for Transformation _________________________________ 4

The Secret Formula _______________________________________ 6

Actual Example of Video Sales Letter_________________________ 11

How to Create Best Contents Efficiently _______________________ 14


Page 1 ^ Table of Contents

It’s often said that successful selling is more about understanding the

human psyche, and less to do with the quality of product or services

you’re selling.

Don’t be surprised at this. For this, I’ve learned, is the truth.

I was not a salesperson by profession or qualification. So when I first

started selling my product I found there were very few takers.

This made me very disillusioned. And I thought my product was faulty

and therefore no one wanted it.

I was wrong.

The problem with my approach was that when I proposed my product

to the prospective buyers they were not in buying mode.

This was the single biggest fault in my sales method – approaching

prospects when they were not in buying mode.


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So what is the solution?

Should you wait till your prospects come into buying mode?

Well, the answer is, you have to transform your buyers into buying


Unless you consciously do that as a part of your business your sales will

not happen. Period.

You can test it on yourself.

Suppose one day a street vendor, unknown to you, straightaway

approaches you for selling a portable safety locker.

You can see it’s a great item, and probably you may need it. But you still

won’t buy because you’re not in buying mode.

If, however, the vendor is able to work on you, and make you feel the

need of the portable safety locker urgently for safekeeping your

valuable items, you’ll find yourself transformed into buying mode.

And end up buying the item.

This is what happened with my friend sometime back.


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A good salesperson doesn’t usually jump into selling mode until he is

able to make you feel vulnerable so that there’s little or no resistance

on your part to buy the item he is selling.

This selling technique has stood the test of time, and all successful

sellers barring none are past masters in this game.

In this booklet you’re going to learn how to create powerful video sales

letter that has the ability to transform your prospects into buying mode.


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The key to transform a passive onlooker into a desperate buyer rests

with the age-old technique of playing with his or her emotions.

Selling is not pleading. So when you implore people to buy your product

you’re in fact putting them off.

If instead you can instill some kind of emotional play – like fear, desire,

apprehension, guilt, etc. – in the minds of the people without saying

anything about your product (yet), you’re one step closer to actually

making sales to them.

People do not like uncertainty. So when you sow the seed of doubt in

their minds they become restless until they find a solution…from you


The key to selling is dependent on how successfully you’re able to

transform your likely prospects into impatient buyers.

Once they transform into buying mode, they will spare no effort to get

the product or service you’re offering. Such is the power of selling by

transforming people’s mindset.


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If you’ve followed up to this point, the next step will be to learn the

secret formula that literally handholds your prospects along the path

that ends into them buying your product.

Let’s proceed.


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As I said above…there is a formula you’ve to use to work with people’s

minds where the sole aim is to change their mindset.

This technique is as old as one can think of, and almost always works,

no matter where you are, and who your target customers are.

It’s a 10-step process, and it starts with a shocking statement to grab

your target audience’s attention.

I’ll first explain the steps one by one. After that I will give you an actual

example of how I’ve used it for the sales video for one of my top-selling

Udemy courses.

Right? Let’s begin.

Step 1

Instantly attract all eyeballs at you by making a shocking statement…as

if jerking your audience from stupor.

Here is an example.


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Attention Homeowners. Are you going to let a realtor steal 50% or

more of your hard-earned home equity?

Notice the bold attempt to attract attention.

Step 2

In this step you’ll state the problem and explain why it’s a big deal.

The aim is to make the prospect come face to face with the problem,

and why they can’t afford to ignore it.

Step 3

The third step is like rubbing the salt into the wound. Simply aggravate

the problem in the prospect’s mind to make it worse.

Step 4

Now you have to hit them hard on emotional level. So in this step, you

have to make the things even worse…to the point you almost feel bad

about rubbing their noses in it.


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Step 5

Now that the prospects are hooked in to your narration, the fifth step

takes over. This is where you show them that you have the solution to

their problem. You can save the day!

Step 6

In the sixth step it is time to prove your credibility. For the first time

you’re going to introduce yourself. And sell yourself as having what they

desperately need. However, you’re still not making an offer.

Step 7

The seventh step will be to prove yourself. Let people believe in your

ability to solve their problem. How?

Use testimonials, statistics, screenshots of results, whatever…that prove

you are telling the truth.

Step 8

We are gradually inching toward the climax of successful selling. In the

eighth step, for the first time you’re going to talk about the most

important things the prospects will get from your product.


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Include not only the features, but benefits as well so they see the real

payoff of your offer.

Step 9

Step nine is where most people fail to convert the visitors. So read this

step carefully.

Your prospects know they have a problem, they want your solution, and

yet they don’t make the final move.

In such cases, one of the easiest ways to get someone off the mark is to

offer bonuses.

There are other ways to lure, but it’s largely seen that bonuses are the

easiest to do for most prospects.

Step 10

Finally, the step ten. It’s where you tell them what to do, where to do it,

and how to do it – all very clearly.

Okay, so you now have a sure-shot 10-step formula for scripting your

video sales letter. But why only that?


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Use the same formula for all your sales propositions – on your website,

in the emails you send, and in all your landing pages.

This 10-step formula is powerful, but it is also evergreen. It never rusts,

never wears out. It always worked before, and it will work every time in

the future.

Let me show you how I have used this formula to create the sales video

for my course on PowerPoint Video Magic on Udemy.

Over to the next chapter, shall we?


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In this chapter I’ll show you the actual example of the video sales letter

for my Udemy course on PowerPoint Video Magic.

The entire script is reproduced below. Take a good look at it, then do

this exercise. Break the script as per the 10 steps I just explained in the

last lesson.

And, don’t forget to practice to hone your scriptwriting skill for sales



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This e-book will end now. But before I bid adieu let me give you the reference that I’ve used to

write this e-book for you. It’s Jim Edwards’ article – How to Write a

Great Video Sales Letter Script.

Read the article. It’s a treasure trove of all you want to learn about

creating the best sales letter even if you never wrote any.

Finally, take time to look at my contact information (next page).

Remember, I’m always there to help you for content strategizing and

development for your business. So let me know what you need!


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I am Partha Bhattacharya, a content

development coach at

As of this writing I’ve close to 15,000

students from 154 countries, who together

learn several of my online courses.

In my experience there are 2 gospel truths your web business has

to face in today’s scenario –

1. you must create contents for your business to attract

prospects, and

2. you must create best contents for your business to sustain

your prospects’ interest.

To create best contents efficiently you need special skills –

whether it is copywriting, or designing graphics for social media,

or creating explainer video, or creating takeaways like e-books or



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Come over to my coaching classes today, and learn creating

awesome contents to boost your career or business.

Get to know the secrets I use to create great contents each time,

every time!

To your outstanding success!!!



