Section Twenty Six The Manor Estates of Gleannloch Farms...

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Section Twenty SixThe Manor Estates of Gleannloch Farms

Supplement to Residential Design Guidelines

In addition to the Residential Design Guidelines for Gleannloch Fanns, these are"Village" specific requirements.

No two residences in this section may have the same exterior elevations or floor plan.

Sidewalks are required in this section.

Metal roofs may be approved by variance only.

No siding is pennitted in this section.

No chimneys faced with siding are allowed in this section.

Certain lots will have golf course views and are required to have iron fencing at the rearor side lot lines as appropriate to preserve views.

All lots have a 7' interior side setback.

Specifics for fencing and driveway location are noted in the following pages.

NO construction access is permitted through golf course, reserves or lake easements.



Gleannloch Farms is being developed as a masterplanned residential community. This document ispresented as a minimum set of developmentguidelines and standards for Gleannloch FarmsSection Twenty Six - The Manor Estates. Theintended use is to provide an understanding ofresponsibilities of the Developer and the Builder, todevelop a ftarnework to illustrate and define designobjectives and requirements to create a unified,harmonious setting for divergent lifestyles andtastes inherent in a planned development.

These guidelines are supplemental to TheDeclaration of Covenants, Conditions andRestrictions and the Gleann1och Farms ResidentialDesign Guidelines and are to be used by theArchitectural Review Committee (ARC) in reviewof plans submitted, as required by builders (Copiesof these guidelines may be obtained fromAssociation Management, Inc 713-932-1122).Non-compliance with these guidelines is groundsfor disapproval of plans. These guidelines are alsofor use as a standard for future compliance tomaintain the integrity of the community.

Illustrative examples and descriptions are meant toinsure an orderly, well-maintained and attractiveenvironment for the residents of Gleannloch Farms.

The Manor Estates is meant to be a gatedcommunity of exclusive residences withinGleannloch Farms. Designs with front elevationsthat maximize lot frontage and streetscapeopportunities are encouraged.

Gleannloch Farms is located in Northwest HarrisCounty, Texas in the extra-territorial jurisdiction ofthe City of Houston. Rules and regulations of theseentities supercede the residential guidelines.


SITE LA YOUrResidential Driveway/Garage Placement forThe Manor Estates of Gleannloch Farms

To achieve the exclusive Custom Home concept forthe Manor Estates of Gleannloch Farms, therelationship of garages to the residence andadjoining lots, street rights of way and the golfcourse is of special importance. Designs thateliminate or minimize the public view of garagesare preferred. Front loaded garages are discouraged.Garages, where visible to the public, shall haveseparate doors for each car. Double doors may beapproved at the discretion of the ARC.

All side loaded garages should have a 2' shadowbox type overhang in front.

Where it is necessary to have a front loaded garage,the garage must be set back at least twenty feet(20') from the principal elevation of the house. Inaddition, garages should have a two foot (2')shadow box type overhang in front. A two car frontloaded garage must have an eight foot (8')architecturally compatible roof overhang. Tominimize and lessen the impact of front loadedgarages, the location of side yard fences, the use ofwing walls and other screening devices may beconsidered for lot specific ARC approval.

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---"--"" \. Rear garages are not permitted on any lots backing

the golf course or lake."'

The following is a list by lot and block numberdictating location of residential driveways andgarages. Locations of driveways and garages havebeen determined for reasons of aesthetics, vehicularcirculation and safety.


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The designation of left, right or optional isdetermined by viewing the lot ftom the street right -of-way facing the lot. Side lot loading is notpermitted. A variance request, in writing, may beconsidered for certain lots having frontage on twosides if the garage is set back from the right-of-waytwenty-five feet (25').


Left Side: Block 1 -lot 17

Right Side: Block 2 -lot 15

Optional: Block 1 -lots 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16Block 2 - lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,

10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Side Lot loading is not permitted in this section.

****Driveway side designations apply only to lotswithout circular drives.

Driveway construction may be of concreteconstruction with an approved border treatment,however, driveways constructed completely ofconcrete pavers or stamped concrete are thepreferred treatments. Acceptable border treatmentsinclude: concrete pavers, stone or a colored concreteband (min. 4" x 4"). No gravel or asphaltdriveways are permitted.

Driveways may be no closer than seven feet (7') toside property lines at the point where they enter theproperty from the street. They may be transitionedback to the side property line, but can be no closerthan three feet (3 '). Garages must be a minimum of7' from side property line, but at least 15' ispreferred. Corner lot garages must be set back 25'from street.

Garage doors must be paneled and insulated.Custom doors are encouraged.

Comer lots may not have side facing garages.


SITE LAYOUT- -.Fencing. The Manor Estates of Gleannloch Fanns

The builder shall be responsible for installing a 48"high iron fence on lots siding or backing the lake orgolf course for the folk>wing lots. A 48" high ironfence shall extend from the rear property line to aminimum distance of 40' towards the front of theproperty on lake lots and 25' on golf course lots.II

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responsibility of the builder. Wood fences ininterior lots shall be constructed using a doublesided wood fence as shown on the next page. A 6'iron fence shall run parallel to front elevation at thesides of the residence.


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I§~~All 48" iron fe~e adjacent to golf course or lakesshall match the iron fence detail shown on page 17of the Gleannloch Farms Residential DesignGuidelines and page 7 of this supplement.





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LANDSCAPEMinimum Residential landscaping requirements.The Manor Estates

AI/landscaping requirements must be completed nolater than 30 days after move in.


Four machine dug and two thirty gallon (30 gal.)container grown trees selected from the plantmaterial list (preferred specimen trees) in theLandscape section of the Gleannloch FarmsResidential Design Guidelines are required on non-wooded lots in the Manor Estates section. It isrecommended that at least one of the required treesbe a loblolly pine or oak tree. The ~uired treesmust be a minimum of 4" calioer. When lots frontand side on two streets, there shall be an additionaltwo trees for side yard. Lots adjoining golf course,lakes or open spaces require three additional trees inrear or side yard. Pine trees are preferred, but theARC may consider other large trees of equal sizefrom the approved plant list, for variances.


Manor Estate lots require the planting of aminimum of 70 small one gallon shrubs and 40large five gallon shrubs. Plants used as minimumrequirements shall be selected from the approvedplant list.

Planting beds are to be curvilinear with the shrubsmassed in tiers - smaller shrubs in the front of thebed. Groupings of shrubs of the same speciesprovide a substantial look. A single row offoundation planting is not acceptable. Radius beds10' mjnimum from building and vary widths ofbeds. Mulch all beds with 2" shredded pine bark.No gravel or rock of any size or color is permittedfor use or substitution for shrubs, ground cover,mulch or grass lawns. Specimen boulders and stoneborders are pennitted.

The entire yard must be solid sod St. Augustinegrass and have an irrigation system installed.



Lots backing or siding onto Gleannloch Lake offerspecial design opportunities. Because they are opento public view, backyards become as important asfront yards. All areas in public view must be solidsod. Care is to be given to enhance this specialcharacter and to insure the intrinsic value of thislimited number of lots.

The lake is an ecosystem for aquatic plants and fishand will be under control of lake managementprofessionals. Separate guidelines or rules will bepublished and made available to Jake front propertyowners. These guidelines will deal with fIShing(catch and release allowed only), controllingfertilizer, pesticide, petroleum product residue, andetc. around the lake. Dumping of leaves and grassclippings is prohibited. Soil runoff into the Jake isto be kept at a minimum during and after residentialconstruction. Use silt fencing during construction atrear property line of lake lots. Attention to theseguidelines is imperative to the development of theselots.


Lots shall be graded with drainage away from thelake. Lots should generally be drained from theback to the front at a minimum slope of I % takingcare to not place fIll within the dripline of a tree.Silt fencing at the shoreline must be installed andkept in place during all construction activities onlake lots. No trash shall be pennitted to enter thelake and no paint or chemical washout in or near thelake shall be permitted.


LAKE LOTSThe Manor Estates of G~ochFanns

Block I-lots 15, 16, 17Block 2 - lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15

. There is a 40' rear setback on all lake lots.

. No bulkheads are permitted.

. Homeowner must maintain lot up to water'sedge.


The rear and side of lots backing on the lake shallbe fenced at the builder's/owner's expense with a48" high iron fence that shall return no less than 40'toward the adjacent street. A fence and/or gate 48"high and perpendicular to the side lot line, may beused to enclose the property as long as it jg set 20'back ftom the lake (this is to preserve the 20' lakeeasrement). Rear yard privacy screens, up to 72"high, are permitted with a max.imum of 15' oflength for sides ofwa11s perpendicular or parallel tothe rear lot line. Screens may be no closer than 48"ftom the adjacent side lot line and may be of wood,masonry (preferably matching primary residenceconstruction), or shrub hedge.


Paved patios may be placed in the rear yard butshall not extend beyond the property line to thewater's edge. All construction plans, with details,shall be submitted to the ARC, including landscapeand irrigation plans, for review.

Water Craft Restrictions/Storage

Use of boats on Gleannloch Lake shall be limited tonon-motorized or electric boats subject to priorapproval of the ARC. Canoes, paddle boats, etc.may not be in public view if unused for longer thana 24 hour period.

Docks/PiersNo dock. pier or other artificial structure may beextended into Gleannloch Lake from lots.



Lots backing onto greenbehs, golf courses and otherareas designated as common open space are to befenced with wrought iron of a standard design asshown in the Residential Design Guidelines. Thisfencing is required to promote a feeling ofspaciousness for the lots and the open space. Theselots may have direct access to the open space viagates in the iron fence. Gates may be installed atthe option of the builder or lot owner. Rear and sidelot fencing is further defined in these supplementalguidelines.

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The back yards of these lots must be treated in thesame way as the fronts of the lots. The entire yardmust be solid sod St. Augustine grass and have anirrigation system installed. A minimum of 40 smallshrubs (one gallon) and 20 large shrubs (5 gallon) isrequired in back yard. The back yards will be infull view of residents, guests and golfers.Provisions are made in these guidelines for privacyfencing or screening.

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To open up the greenbeh and to avoid creating analley effect, rear and side lot lines are required to befenced with a 48" high iron fence using the designillustrated in the fence section. This fence is to beplaced on the rear lot line and return no less than40' on lake lots and 25' on golf course lots, downside lot lines. Certain lots may be further defined inthese Supplemental Guidelines.

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Privacy fencing is permitt~ but must be doneaccording to the following guidelines. Privacyscreens must be set IXick a minimum of 40' fromrear property line and must not be more than 50' inlength parallel to the rear property line. Dogkennels, storage yards, wood piles, etc. are not to bevisible from public view. Creating and maintaininga backyard that is viewed from open space and fromnearby residences offers the chance for specialdesign concepts. Privacy screening is not allowedon golf course lots.



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~I_~ L~ YOUT.'i 'O,.",;"Golf Course Lots

Lots adjacent to the Gleannloch Farms Golf Courseare to be developed to derive the full potential ofopen space and views of golfing activities.Therefore the residences and grounds should beequally pleasing when viewed from the golf course.

The golf course has been designed using generallyaccepted criteria for golf course subdivisions, withadequate distances between fairways and residentiallots. Design consideration for buildings, site layoutand landscape planting should be addressed toprotect against the possibility of errant golf balls.Large pane glass windows are discouraged. If agreat amount of glass is desired, it should be insmaller, easier to replace panes. Strategic siting andtree planting can be accomplished for additionalsafeguards. Golf course lots will have a 25' frontsetback and a 25' rear setback.

Fencing of property lines adjacent to the golf coursemust be done according to the design criteria,illustrated in the fence section, by the builder or lotowner.

No structure, including a detached garage, may bebuilt past the 25' rear setback line.

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GRAPHICSCustom Home Builder Sign

One sign per single family lot allowed untiloccupancy.

Information to be conveyed:Gleannloch Farms LogoName of BuilderPhone Number - Central Sales Office

24" x 32" sign panel may use Builder's name and/orlogo or trademark. Colors and graphics are to besubmitted to Architectural Review Committee.



Any structure on a lot other than the residence,detached garages, gazebos, and children's playequipment shall be considered an outbuilding.Generally outbuildings are used for storage or astool sheds. Outbuildings shall not exceed 10' x 10'(100 square feet), and shall be no more than 8' high.They shall be located no closer than 3' from sideproperty lines and on the side of the lot farthestfrom public view of streets, golf courses andcommon open space or in a location that is the leastobtrusive.

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Building materials, paint color and roof shinglesshall be compatible and blend with the residence.

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ARCffiTECTUREGazebos/Shade Structures

Freestanding structures for shade and ornamentationmay be placed in rear and side yards behind fences.Gazebos may be octagonal, hexagonal, round orsquare with conical or hip type roofs less than 12'high, measured from the ground plane.

Associated decks or paved slabs shall oot be morethan 2' above the ground plane.


i . Arbor or trellis type shade structures are alsopemritted but shall not exceed 10' in height. Theroof of these structures may not be used as anelevated deck for outdoor seating.

Gazebos/shade structures are not permitted closerthan 20' from any side property line and 40' fromthe rear property line, and shall not encroach on anyutility easement.


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ARCillTECTUREMailboxes - The Manor Estates

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All Section sixteen mailboxes are to be of thedesign shown at left. A 53" high stone column withclassical brass mailbox. Mailbox available through:"Salsbury Industries" phone # 1-800-725-93931010 East 621M1 StreetLos Angeles, CA 90001

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"1 -~I-Mailboxes are to be constructed of "Oak RidgeGold" natural stone (San Jacinto Stone Co.). Mortarshall be a colored mix by "Chemsystems" - numberMC43. Add 2 lbs. per sack of concrete.





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Private water wells are prohibited on all residentiallots in Gleannloch Farn1S Subdivisio~ regardless oflot size. Prohibited water wells include thoseintended as a source of water for irrigatio~ ponds,swimming pools, heat exchange air conditioningsystems and potable water. All water use inGleannloch Farms Subdivision is under thejurisdiction of Harris County Municipal UtilityDistrict No.367.



I. Architectural Review Committee

The design for each residence in Gleannloch Farms must be approved in writingby the ARC before construction of the residence, or other modification orimprovement can begin. The ARC consists of members who work in conjunctionwith the Declarant and the Association to uphold the architectural controlstandards for Gleannloch Farms. The ARC is committed to ensuring a high levelof design quality within the community by reviewing residential and landscapedesign submissions for GleannJoch Farms residences. This review process isintended to correct problems with submitted designs and prepare them foracceptance into the community.

The ARC meets on a biweekly basis to review design submittals. Initial contactbetween the ARC and the party submitting the design shall be made within four(4) weeks of the meeting at which that design is to be reviewed and a decisionshaI1 be transmitted within a maximum of forty five (45) days.

Each plan (2) will be accompanied with a $250.00 review fee check made payableto the GFCA Inc. In addition. for each lot within the subdivision. two (2) copiesof the plot plan must be submitted for appro~ along with a $100.00 check ($25review fee and $75 conditional compliance letter fee). The deadline for re-submittals is the Thursday (at 6:00 pm) before the Tuesday (9:00am) meeting.The plan number, elevation. lot, block, section. subdivision. and building linesmust be indicated on the submittal. (schedule is subject to change) Submittalsshall be sent to the attention of the:

Gleannloch Farms Conununity Assocjatio~ Inc.9575 Katy Fwy. , Suite 130Houston, Texas 77024-1453

(713) 932-1122 Fax (713) 932-6059

ll. Notice of Approval

The design for each residence must be approved in writine before construction ofthe new residence can begin. Construction begun prior to approval is in violationof The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for GleannlochFarms, and may be subject to fines, change or removal. Deviation from approvedconstruction doc~ts during construction (without written approval by theARC) constitutes a violation of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions andRestrictions. On the ARC's authority, corrections of such deviations will berequired. Approvals/Disapprovals will not be discussed over the phone.

Final Architectural Submittalsill.

A. Requirements - The ARC requires that each final design submittal consist oftwo (2) sets of the following:

1. Design Development Plan. Including:a. Floor Plans and Elevationsb. Materials (brick, stucco, stone, paint) - colors and samplesc. Landscape plansd. Tree surveye. Residentml checklist (obtain from ARC)f. Submittal fee of$250.00 (per Plan. per neighborhood) in the form

of a check made payable to GFCA, Inc.

2. Plot Plan - plot plans must be submitted for each lot indicating:a. Neighborhoo~ section and blockb. Floor pIan, elevation, fence and sidewalk planc. Submittal fee of$25.00 for each plot pland. Conditional Compliance letter fee of $75.00 - plans will be

approved on a conditional basis, provided that constructionproceeds according to pJans and any changes made by the ARC.

B. The design for each residence must be approved in writing before constructionof the residence can begin. Deviation from the approved constructiondocuments during construction (without written approval by the ARC)constitutes a violation of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions andRestrictions. On the ARC's authority, corrections of such deviations will berequired.

C. Review of Construction

The ARC reviews construction in Gleannloch Farms on a regular basis toendeavor to con:fim1 that the design of each residence is approved. Thisreview process allows builders to address any difficulties of compliance withthe ARC, thereby enhancing the design integrity of the residence and thecommunity as a whole.

D. All modifications and new construction contemplated must be submitted tothe ARC. New construction means anything to be built; placed on theproperty, including but not limited to:

1. Fencing2. Pools3. Gazebos4. Basketball Goals5. Decorative Construction (patio covers)

6. Play Equipment7. Mechanical Equipment8. Window Fihn9. Landscape Additions10. Paint

Fine ScheduleIV.

A fine schedule has been adopted by the GFCA, Inc. Notice is considered to begiven upon submittal of the first plan.