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Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111

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Sensors and Actuators A: Physical

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n magnetic plucking configurations for frequency up-convertingechanical energy harvesters

iancheng Xue ∗, Shad Roundyepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 19 September 2016eceived in revised form8 November 2016ccepted 23 November 2016vailable online 24 November 2016

eywords:nergy harvestingrequency up-conversion

a b s t r a c t

Magnetic plucking applies the strategy of frequency up-conversion in inertial energy harvesting whenthe energy source, such as human motion, provides excitations with very low and irregular frequencies.In a typical implementation, a slower moving inertial mass magnetically plucks a piezoelectric cantileverbeam which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy at a higher frequency. We categorize sev-eral feasible magnet configurations to achieve plucking. We classify these as either in-plane (the beamis deflected in the plane of proof mass motion) or out-of-plane (the beam is deflected orthogonal to theplane of proof mass motion). Whereas in-plane plucking induces a clean ring down due to its inherentjump phenomenon, out-of-plane plucking enables the capability of fabricating multiple piezoelectricbeams on a single substrate. This paper presents an analysis of three different out-of-plane plucking

agnetic pluckingiezoelectricearables

configurations along with the in-plane repulsive configuration based on a three-dimensional analyticalcube permanent magnet model. We derive a magnetically plucked piezoelectric beam model to inves-tigate the dynamic characteristic for different plucking configurations. After validating the model withexperimental results we extend the simulation into a larger driving frequency domain to compare twotypes of magnet configurations in terms of power generation.

© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

. Introduction

Mechanical energy harvesters convert ambient vibration intolectricity to power sensors and electronics as an alternative toonventional batteries when energy independence is preferred. Ineneral, these harvesters apply one of three basic transductionechanisms to achieve the electromechanical conversion: elec-

rostatic, electromagnetic, or piezoelectric. The feasibility of usingnergy harvesters to power wireless sensor nodes has been vali-ated [1–3] and industrial applications such as self-powered tireressure sensors have been realized [4].

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in studyingnergy harvesting from human motion in the research communityue to the emerging market for wearables. Currently, commerciallyvailable wearable wellness products all suffer from the hasslef needing to frequently recharge the batteries. Wearable energyarvesting could provide the potential for continuous 24/7 health

onitoring which is crucial for some clinical applications such as

lectrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring [5]. We categorize humanotion into inertia motion, in which the human motion excites

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail address: (T. Xue).

ttp://© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

an inertial mass from which power is generated, and joint motion,in which energy is harvested directly from the rotation of a jointsuch as the knee. In the case of joint motion, a conventional elec-tric generator based harvester has been demonstrated in Ref. [6] togenerate power from the knee joint during human gait. The pro-totype is considerably bulky (790 g) as a wearable device. As thesize of the harvester reduces, piezoelectric transducers becomesmore practical. This is especially true if gearing systems can’t beused which are usually necessary to increase the voltage from elec-tromagnetic harvesters. Wearable electronic devices are typicallydesigned as wrist bands or chest bands. At these body locationsthe inertia motion is more relevant. However, the inherent limi-tation of utilizing human motion as the source for inertial energyharvesting is that it only provides excitations with very low andirregular frequencies. Typically, a linear oscillator based energy har-vester operates at its natural frequency to take advantage of thepeak dynamic magnification. At very low frequencies, this requiresvery large proof mass motions, which are not feasible for wearableenergy harvesters. Furthermore, the very slow and large ampli-tude proof mass motion does not directly actuate a transducer

very effectively. For example, as mentioned earlier, the slow speedresults in very low voltages from an electromagnetic transducer.Furthermore, a large amplitude motion would typically requireunfeasibly large piezoelectric displacements. Thus a standard linear

102 T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actu



Fig. 1. Eccentric rotor-based energy harvester.

nergy harvester suffers from low effectiveness [7] in the case ofearables. Frequency up-conversion is a commonly applied strat-

gy to tackle this issue by transforming the low-frequency inputotion into a high-frequency actuation of the transducer. In terms

f piezoelectric energy harvesters, plucking a cantilever beam is oneechnique that applies such a strategy. Eccentric rotor-based wear-ble energy harvesters have been demonstrated in the literatureither using magnets [8–10] or pins [11,12] to pluck piezoelec-ric beams. Depending on the location, the target power outputf these harvesters are either a few dozen microwatts (wrist) orilliwatts (knee joint). In these harvesters, the proof mass is a

emicircular rotor, such as those originally used in self-windingutomatic and motion-powered quartz watches [13,14]. As shownn Fig. 1, the rotational proof mass can be excited in all directions

ith no inherent motion limit, which caters to the irregular naturef human motion. Compared to mechanical plucking, the use ofagnetic coupling to pluck the piezoelectric beams provides bet-

er reliability since it can be designed to be contact-free. Usuallyagnets are arranged to pluck the beam in the direction of magnetotion as shown in Fig. 2(a), which is defined as in-plane plucking.

hereas the in-plane plucking introduces a jump phenomenon to

ause ring down in the cantilever beam, another configuration, theut-of-plane plucking provides some alternative advantages, mak-ng it worth investigation. In addition, a better understanding of the

ig. 2. Magnetic plucking configurations in section view: (a) in-plane plucking configuratioonfiguration (OC), (d) out-of-plane indirect repulsive configuration (IRC). The moving mhe beam bends in the x direction whereas in (b) (c) (d), it bends in the z direction.

ators A 253 (2017) 101–111

plucked beam dynamics will help improve the performance of theplucked piezoelectric beam-based energy harvesters.

We present three alternative out-of-plane magnetic pluckingconfigurations in this paper: the direct repulsive configuration(DRC), the orthogonal configuration (OC), and the indirect repulsiveconfiguration (IRC). As shown in Fig. 2(b)–(d), the beam deflectiondirection is perpendicular to the plane of magnet motion in theout-of-plane plucking configurations. This arrangement enablesthe possibility of fabricating multiple beams on a single substrate[15] which reduces assembly complexity when multiple beams areembedded in the device to achieve higher power output. In addi-tion, it has better MEMS process compatibility when the device isscaled down.

This work expands upon a previous analysis on magnetic pluck-ing configurations based on static magnetic force profiles [15] (i.e.interaction between one fixed magnet and one moving magnet).We have augmented the model into a full dynamic magnetic pluck-ing system based on a distributed parameter piezoelectric bimorphbeam model while incorporating magnetic actuation forces in bothtransverse and axial directions. A three-dimensional surface fittingtechnique can be employed to save computation time by simpli-fying the analytical magnet model in a dynamic simulation. Bothsimulation and experimental results will be presented and dis-cussed with respect to implementation in frequency up-convertingenergy harvesting systems.

2. Magnetic plucking configurations

2.1. Forces exerted between permanent magnets

The fundamental idea behind magnetic plucking is to use mag-netic coupling to create a force profile in the form of a narrowGaussian function, mimicking an abrupt and clean release of thebeam tip. Therefore, the quantitative determination of the mag-netic interaction force is of great importance. In a degeneratecase, permanent magnets can be simplified to magnetic dipoleswhen the sizes are negligible compared to the distance betweenthem. In a more general case, however, it is difficult to obtainan accurate expression analytically for the interaction betweenpermanent magnets. Nevertheless, some analytical solutions forsimple geometries exist in the literature based on either the

Coulombian charge model [16] or the Ampère’s current model[17] with the assumption of constant and uniform polarization.In more recent work, Kelvin’s formula has also been applied toderive closed-form solutions for forces acting on the magnet due to

n, (b) out-of-plane direct repulsive configuration (DRC), (c) out-of-plane orthogonalagnet is attached on the rotor and moves in the x direction at this instance. In (a),

T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actu





the beam and provides a bending moment when the beam is

ig. 3. Schematic of the generic magnetic configuration with repelling magnets.

he field originated by a second magnet [18,19]. Although compu-ationally expensive, finite element methods based on Maxwell’stress tensor or virtual work principle predict more reliable results20] especially for complex geometries.

For many energy harvesting devices, the size of the magnetssed for plucking piezoelectric beams is on the same order of mag-itude as the distance. Thus, a simple magnetic dipole model is notppropriate. In addition, the magnetic torque is often overlooked inrevious studies on magnetic plucking whereas it could potentiallyrovide a nontrivial excitation [10,21]. We applied an analyticalolution [16] in this study to obtain the static magnetic force pro-le as a starting point. Note that the aspect ratio, i.e., the ratio ofhe thickness to the width of a magnet for a given volume playsn important role in determining its strength. It has been shownhat an aspect ratio of 1 falls in the optimal range to achieve max-mum contact force per volume [19]. Therefore, cube magnets arehosen for this study. Granted the fact that modern rare-earth mag-ets exhibit good magnetization uniformity, a cube magnet can beodelled as two surfaces of evenly distributed magnetic charges

16]. The total potential energy between two cube magnets shownn Fig. 3 with parallel magnetization directions is given by:

E = JJ′








(−1)m−n√( + X ′ − X)2 +

( + Y ′ − Y

)2 + (� + 2 (m − n) l)2dX ′dY ′dXdY


here J and J’ are the magnetic polarizations for each cube magnetf length 2l and � is the permeability of the medium. Note that heree assume uniform permeability whereas a difference does exist

etween air and magnetic material, which introduces a small errorf less than 5%. O and O’ are the center of the cube magnets. Therigin of the O’X’Y’Z’ frame is located at (�, �, �) with respect to theXYZ frame (see Fig. 3). The forces acting on the fixed magnet orig-

nating at O are the derivative of the potential energy with respecto each direction:

F = − JJ′1∑ 1∑ 1∑ 1∑ 1∑ 1∑

4��i=0 j=0 k=0 l=0 p=0 q=0

(−1)i+j+k+l+p+q (Uij, Vkl, Wpq, R


ators A 253 (2017) 101–111 103


x(U, V , W, R


(V2 − W2



(R − Ul0

)+ UV


(R − Vl0

)+ VWtan−1



)+ 1

2UR (3)

y(U, V , W, R


(U2 − W2



(R − Vl0

)+ UV


(R − Ul0

)+ UWtan−1



)+ 1

2V R (4)

z(U, V , W, R

)= −UW ln

(R − Ul0

)− VW ln

(R − Vl0

)+ U




)− WR (5)

where l0 is the unit rate constant to keep the argument of thelogarithm function dimensionless, U, V , W, and R are geometricparameters given by:

Uij = +(

(−1)j − (−1)i)l (6)

Vkl = +(

(−1)l − (−1)k)l (7)

Wpq = � +(

(−1)q − (−1)p)l (8)

R =√U2ij

+ V2kl

+ W2pq (9)

A similar formula can be derived for the case where the magneticpolarizations are perpendicular or even arbitrarily oriented [22].The magnetic torque components can be calculated as well withrespect to each axis. We applied the analytical expressions above toobtain the interactions between magnets for the different magneticplucking configurations shown earlier in Fig. 2. The contribution ofthe torque to the dynamics compared with the force depends onthe length of the cantilever beam. For a cantilever beam longerthan 10 mm as used in our study, the contribution of the torqueis more than an order of magnitude smaller than the contributionof the force. Thus, we have neglected the torque components. Asillustrated in Fig. 4, the static force profile is given as a function ofthe magnet displacement normalized by the length of magnet 2l.The force is normalized to be 1 at its maximum for the transversecomponent in the direct repulsive configuration (i.e., fz). The mov-ing magnet on the rotor is assumed to follow a linear path as thesmall angles between the opposing surfaces of the magnets can beneglected. In this example the length of the N50 magnets is 2 mmand the gap between them is 1 mm. A 1 mm offset in the z direc-tion is applied in the indirect repulsive configuration. Note that anoffset in the z direction is essential to the indirect repulsive con-figuration as there will be no transverse force without it. We usedthe boundary integral method based Radia software [23] developedby the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) to provide anumerical validation for the analytical model.

As is evident from Fig. 4, the analytical model matches thenumerical results well. In general, the transverse force (along thedirection of beam deflection) and the axial force (along the direc-tion of beam length) are of interest for plucking. The transverseforce directly deflects the beam whereas the axial force softens

already deflected. Note that due to the different orientations inFig. 2, the transverse force in the in-plane plucking configurationis Fx whereas in the out-of-plane plucking configurations it is Fz .

104 T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111

F sverse force is Fx in (a) in-plane plucking configuration, and Fz in (b), (c), (d) out-of-planep








Fig. 5. Bifurcation in the in-plane plucking configuration.

ig. 4. Static force profiles for different magnetic plucking configurations. The tranlucking configurations.

lthough the lateral force could potentially produce a torsionalovement, we leave it out in the later modelling due to a relatively

igh torsional rigidity of the beam applied in our study.

.2. In-plane plucking

As shown in Fig. 4(a), the directionality of the transverse forcex changes at the zero displacement point in the in-plane pluckingonfiguration. As mentioned earlier a jump phenomenon will occurue to the magnetic interaction and the cantilever restoring force.o investigate this phenomenon we formulate the following equa-ion to find the equilibrium beam tip position with a spring modelor the beam and a published dipole model [24] for the magnet forimplicity.


4�|d|5 [(m1 · d)m2 + (m2 · d)m1 + (m1 · m2)d

−5(m · d)(m2 · d)


]· i − kxb = 0 (10)



−xm + xb 0]



1 0]T


here m1 and m2 are the dipole moments, k is the equivalent beam

tiffness, xm is the moving magnet displacement, and xb is the beamip displacement. The zeros of Eq. (10) are plotted in Fig. 5 withrrows marking the jump locations. This bifurcation guarantees aynamic ring down of the beam at its natural frequency after it

has been deflected and released. In general the plucking occurs aslong as the moving magnet passes the beam and the jump location.Thus, the jump phenomenon has little dependency on the velocity.The jump location will not move much as long as the velocity is


T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actu

Fig. 6. Comparison of transverse force difference for different out-of-plane magneticp




mass and the mass moment of inertia of the proof mass (i.e., a per-manent magnet) at the free end, and d31 is the piezoelectric strain

lucking configurations.

.3. Out-of-plane plucking

For the out-of-plane plucking configurations, the transverseorce Fz is predominantly in the same direction (i.e. it does nothange sign) for both the direct repulsive and the indirect repulsiveonfigurations. While the transverse force does change its direc-ionality in the orthogonal configuration, its magnitude is relativelymall compared to the in-plane plucking configuration given theame gap between magnets. Most importantly, the orientation ofhe beam eliminates the jump phenomenon in out-of-plane config-rations. Therefore, for out-of-plane configurations, plucking (i.e. aynamic ring down after the beam is deflected and released at itsatural frequency) occurs only when the velocity of moving magnetxceeds a certain threshold. To be more precise, it requires the forceamp to be faster than the beam can respond due to its resonant fre-uency. Otherwise the beam will only undergo a gradual deflectionithout any dynamic ring down. The voltage output is significantly

educed in this scenario. Nevertheless, the appeal of out-of-planelucking is that we can easily embed multiple beams to increaseotal power output by fabricating them on a single substrate as

entioned earlier.Among the three out-of-plane configurations, for a given gap

etween magnets, the direct repulsive configuration exhibits theargest transverse force difference, i.e., the absolute differenceetween the maximum and the minimum transverse force dur-

ng actuation. The indirect repulsive configuration benefits from large axial force whereas the orthogonal configuration operatesn a pure deflecting mode, i.e., only the transverse force is gener-ted. Although the direct repulsive configuration seems the mostromising to trigger plucking, it requires a larger gap between mag-ets to avoid the pull-in effect (i.e., opposing magnets get stuckogether in a side by side orientation) and a larger space for beameflection. Since the magnets are aligned in the direction of devicehickness, this hurts the overall power density, which is importants wearables are extremely size-sensitive. In the other two con-gurations magnets are highly unlikely to touch each other, thuse are able to implement a smaller gap between magnets which

esults in a larger force. As illustrated in Fig. 6, by implementing smaller gap, the indirect repulsive or the orthogonal configura-

ion can achieve a higher transverse force difference than the directepulsive configuration with a larger gap.

ators A 253 (2017) 101–111 105

In addition, the offset in the indirect repulsive configurationcan be optimized to increase the transverse force. Because of theexistence of a transcendental function in Eq. (3)–(5), a geomet-ric scaling effect on the force between magnets cannot be easilyobtained via an analytical approach by non-dimensionalization.Nevertheless, a scaling of the magnetic force F ∝ l2 does hold insome particular cases, such as the contact force, when two mag-nets are aligned precisely[19]. Although no global geometric scalinginvariance appears in the equation, we can numerically demon-strate the optimal range of operation for the indirect repulsiveconfiguration. Fig. 7 shows that for a given normalized gap there isan optimal normalized offset to achieve the maximum transverseforce regardless of the magnet length. In this case the magnet lengthis varied from 1 �m to 1 mm. The optimal offset marked by the blackarrow in Fig. 6 is dependent on the gap between magnets and willincrease as the gap grows.

3. A model for magnetically plucked piezoelectric beams

A cantilevered composite beam, as illustrated in Fig. 8, isa common implementation of a piezoelectric energy harvester.Numerous models of a piezoelectric beam, typically under har-monic base excitation, have been published. In general, there aretwo approaches: the lumped parameter model and the distributedparameter model. A detailed review of these various modellingmethods is given by Erturk and Inman [25]. For a magneticallyplucked piezoelectric beam, however, the forcing mechanism is themagnetic force acting at the free end instead of the base excitation.Previous modelling attempts [21,26] tend to simplify the magneticforce model as in those cases the permanent magnets are in a directrepulsive or attractive configuration. However, when consideringmore complex magnet orientations, these simplified models lackaccuracy.

Our modelling procedure follows Erturk and Inman’s distributedparameter piezoelectric beam model [27] with modified forcingconditions and the addition of magnetic coupling. The piezoelec-tric bimorph is connected in series. Based on Euler-Bernoulli beamtheory, the kinetic and potential energy of a cantilever bimorphbeam with active length L and width b subjected to a transverseforce Fz and an axial force Fy is given by

T = 12



[∂w (x, t)∂t


dx + 12Mt

[∂w (x, t)∂t



+ 12It

[∂2w (x, t)∂x∂t



U = 12



[∂2w (x, t)∂x2


− ϑsv (t)∂2w (x, t)∂x2

]dx (14)


ϑs = b

12 hs+hp∫

12 hs


zdz = 12d31c


(hp + hs


where w (x, t) is the transverse displacement of the beam, v (t) isthe voltage across the two piezoelectric layers, Mt and It are the

coefficient. YI is the effective bending stiffness of the compositebeam, which can be expressed as a function of its piezoelectric layer

106 T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111

F 2 l vaa d 0.8 w













ig. 7. Optimal offset for indirect repulsive configuration with the magnet lengthround 0.6 when the normalized gap is 0.25, (b) normalized optimal offset is aroun

nd substructure layer thickness hp and hs with the correspondinglastic modulus cE11 and Ys respectively:

I = 2b3


8+ cE11

[(hp + hs



− h3s



m is the mass per unit length of the beam determined by theeam geometry and the densities of the piezoelectric and substruc-ure layers �p and �s:

= b(�shs + 2�php


The extended Hamilton’s principle can be applied in the absencef mechanical damping effects:


(T − U + Wie + Wnc)dt = 0 (18)

here Wnc is the total work done by the non-conservative mechan-cal forces including the transverse force Fz , the axial force Fy andhe work due to the non-conservative electric charge output Q (t),nd Wie is the internal electrical energy in the piezoelectric layersiven by

nc = −L∫0


[∂w (x, t)∂x


+ Fzw (L, t) + Q (t) v (t) (19)

ie = 12

⎡⎣ L∫


ϑsv (t)∂2w (x, t)∂x2

dx + 12Cpv2 (t)

⎤⎦ (20)

Here the effective capacitance of the piezoelectric layer Cp is function of εs33, the material permittivity evaluated at constanttrain and beam geometry. Note that the total beam length, Lt , issed here instead of the active length L as the electrode covershe entire beam surface. In practice the capacitance can be simplybtained from measurement.

p = εs33bLthp


The governing equations of the system can be obtained fromhe electromechanical Lagrange’s equations based on the extendedamilton’s principle. By introducing viscous air damping and strain

ried from 1 �m to 1 mm (marked by the arrow): (a) normalized optimal offset ishen the normalized gap is 1.

rate damping back into the system, the equation of motion can beexpressed as

YI∂4w (x, t)∂x4

+ csI∂5w (x, t)∂x4∂t

+ ca∂w (x, t)∂t

+ m∂2w (x, t)∂t2

+[Mt∂2w (x, t)∂t2

+ It∂3w (x, t)∂x∂t2

]ı (x − L) −

Fy (t)∂2w (x, t)∂x2

− ϑsv (t)

[dı (x)dx

− dı (x − L)dx

]= Fz (t) ı (x − L)


where ı (x) is the Dirac delta function, cs and ca are the strainrate and viscous air damping coefficients respectively. Thesecoefficients can be calculated from the first two modal damp-ing coefficients [27], which are typically obtained experimentallyusing the logarithmic decrement method. We follow the standardassumed-modes method to represent the displacement of the beamw (x, t) as a convergent series of the eigenfunctions:

w (x, t) =∞∑r=1

r (x)r (t) (23)

where r (x) and r (t) are the mass normalized eigenfucntionand the modal mechanical coordinate of the cantilever beam withrespect to its rth mode shape. The equation of motion can be fur-ther reduced to the modal coordinate by substituting Eq. (23) intoEq. (22) and integrating over the beam length:

d2r (t)dt2

+ 2�rωrdr (t)dt

+ ω2r r (t) − ϑs

[dr (x)dx


v (t) = [Fz (t)r (x)]x=L (24)

In the above equation, �r is the modal damping ratio and ωr is theeffective undamped modal frequency of the beam in the presence ofthe axial excitation force. The corresponding electrical equation ofa bimorph piezoelectric beam in series connection with a resistiveload Rl is

Cp2dv (t)dt

+ v (t)Rl



[dr (x)dx

]x=Ldr (t)dt

= 0 (25)

We can obtain the full magnetically plucked piezoelectricbeam model by combining the piezoelectric beam model and themagnetic force model. Eq. (2) shows that each magnetic force com-ponent is a sum of 64 values of the function , which could be

computationally expensive in a dynamic simulation where theforce needs to be updated at each time step. Thus, we desire a fur-ther simplification without much sacrifice in precision for a fullenergy harvester model. Since the deflection of the beam adds

T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111 107

Fig. 8. Piezoelectric bimorph beam with magnet attached to the free end in seriesconnection.

Fig. 9. Surface fitting for the transverse force Fz in indirect repulsive configuration.









Table 1Parameters for the piezoelectric bimorph beam.

Parameter Value

L 26.4 mmb 3.2 mmhs 0.1 mmhp 0.14 mm�s 7800 kg m−3

�p 8500 kg m−3

Ys 100 × 109 N m−2

cE11 66 × 109 N m−2

d31 −190 × 10−12 m V−1

εs 1.593 × 10−8 F m−1

ig. 10. Experimental set-up for the magnetically plucked piezoelectric beam modelith different magnetic plucking configurations.

nother dimension into the dynamic force profile, we applied a sur-ace fit to the analytical solution using a function as the product of aaussian and a polynomial in two dimensions x and z respectively:

= a(

(z − z0) + (z − z1)2)


(−(x − x0)2



here a, x0, z0, z1, and � are fitting parameters.Fig. 9 gives an example of the fitted surface for the trans-

erse magnetic force in the indirect repulsive configuration as theunction of the rotor angle and the beam displacement. A similarrocedure can be applied to other configurations.

. Experimental results

.1. Experimental setup

To validate the magnetically plucked piezoelectric beam modele designed an experimental set-up as shown in Fig. 10. A piezo-

lectric beam made by Piezo Systems Inc. is clamped on an

33Cp 10 nFRl 120 k�

adjustable XYZ stage with alternative clamps for different magneticplucking configurations. The brass reinforced piezoelectric beam ismade with PSI-5A4E piezoceramic material and is coated with elec-trodes on each side. The original length of the beam is 31.4 mm andis shortened to an active length of 26.4 mm due to the clamp andthe tip magnet. The complete list of parameters of the beam is givenin Table 1.

The excitation is achieved with a motor-driven aluminumswing arm. The motor driving profile can be varied toachieve different magnetic plucking velocities. N50 cube magnets(2 mm × 2 mm × 2 mm) are attached at both the end of the piezo-electric beam and the swing arm with orientations correspondingto each magnetic plucking configuration. The effective swing armlength for the magnet is 62.5 mm, which results in a tangentialvelocity of 196 mm s−1 at � rad s−1. During the excitation, we mea-sure the voltage output from the electrodes across a 120 k� resistorbased on impedance matching.

4.2. Results and discussion

In this section we present time domain voltage waveforms fromboth simulation and experimental results for different magneticplucking configurations. The simulation was conducted in Matlab.Again, within the small region of magnetic interaction, the pathof the moving magnet is approximated as linear and thus the smallangles between the opposing surfaces of the magnets are neglected.In general, a good match in terms of waveform shape betweensimulation and measurement is demonstrated with a slight dis-crepancy in the value of voltage output. This is most likely due toinexactness in material properties of the piezoelectric beam andthe residual flux density of the permanent magnet as in most casesthe material properties are given as a range. Inaccuracies in adjust-ing the gap and the offset between magnets also contribute to theoverall error.

For the in-plane plucking configuration, the main takeawayfrom the previous analysis is that the plucking is due to the bifurca-tion in the resultant forces, and thus places no requirement on themoving magnet velocity. This is illustrated in Fig. 11 with motordriving speed of �/2 rad s−1 and 2� rad s−1. The maximum voltageoutput during the initial deflection is around 50 V for both cases. Aclear ring down of oscillations is demonstrated, indicating a cleanrelease of the beam. In this case, a higher excitation velocity willincrease the number of excitations per unit time but the energyproduced per excitation improves only marginally.

For out-of-plane plucking configurations, as shown inFigs. 12, 13 and 14, the dynamics of the piezoelectric beamare dependent on the velocity of the moving magnet. A higher

driving speed will produce a cleaner ring down and a higher volt-age. At a lower motor driving speed of � rad s−1, the beam in thedirect repulsive and indirect repulsive configuration only exhibitsa gradual deflection with minimal ring down whereas a biased

108 T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111

Fig. 11. Simulated and measured voltage output from the piezoelectric beam for the in-plane plucking configuration (gap = 1 mm) with motor driving speed of (a) �/2 rad s−1

and (b) 2� rad s−1.

Fig. 12. Simulated and measured voltage output from the piezoelectric beam for the direct repulsive configuration (gap = 2 mm) with motor driving speed of (a) � rad s−1

and (b) 2� rad s−1.

Fig. 13. Simulated and measured voltage output from the piezoelectric beam for the indirect repulsive configuration (gap = 0.5 mm) with motor driving speed of (a) � rads−1 and (b) 2� rad s−1.

Fig. 14. Simulated and measured voltage output from the piezoelectric beam for the orthogonal configuration (gap = 0.5 mm) with motor driving speed of (a) � rad s−1 and(b) 2� rad s−1.

T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111 109

F ions: (c



ig. 15. Simulated beam tip displacement for different magnetic plucking configuratonfiguration, and (d) indirect repulsive configuration.

ing down exists in the orthogonal configuration. At a higherotor driving speed of 2� rad s−1, the voltage approximately

oubles with a cleaner ring down after the initial deflection forll out-of-plane plucking configurations. However, there is a bigoltage reduction between the first and the second oscillation,ndicating a reluctant release from the magnetic force. The voltageeduction is much larger in the direct repulsive and indirectepulsive configuration than in the orthogonal configuration. Thiss because in the orthogonal configuration the magnetic forceirectionality changes which guarantees a positive to negativeeflection. Magnetic coupling exists in the entire first oscillation ofhe beam for all configurations, however in the in-plane pluckingonfiguration the beam undergoes a true free oscillation afterhe initial deflection. This is further illustrated in Fig. 15 with theimulated beam tip displacement for each configuration.

Note that the gap and the offset between magnets used in thexperiment are different from the earlier static force profile. Wepplied a 2 mm gap in the direct repulsive configuration to avoid theull-in effect, which results in a lower voltage due to the weak mag-etic coupling whereas we can implement a 0.5 mm gap to increasehe magnetic coupling for the indirect repulsive and orthogonal

onfigurations. A 1 mm offset is applied in the indirect repulsiveonfiguration, which is close to its optimal value.

a) in-plane plucking configuration, (b) direct repulsive configuration, (c) orthogonal

In general, the in-plane plucking configuration produces morepower than the out-of-plane plucking configurations given thesame conditions at low driving speeds due to its larger initial deflec-tion and the capability of free oscillation. In practice, however,the in-plane configuration requires a larger driving torque to pushthe beam through the bifurcation point. For a displacement-drivenexcitation where the driving force or torque is sufficiently largesuch as the knee-joint motion [11], the in-plane plucking config-uration is the obvious choice. For inertia-driven excitations, whenthe amplitude of acceleration is low, the in-plane plucking config-uration might not function as the moving magnet may not pushthrough the beam. In this case, although the out-of-plane pluck-ing configurations generate less energy per pluck, they may bepreferable. A fundamental difference between the two lies in itsdependency on velocity to extract energy from the system. The out-of-plane configurations is evidently more sensitive to the velocityof the moving magnet.

We choose to use the maximum power output instead of effi-ciency to compare different configurations in terms of performance.The efficiency is used typically on the transducer level. It can bedefined as the ratio of energy output to potential magnetic energy

at its maximum in this case. However it leaves out the velocity ofmoving magnets which is vital in the dynamic study. Thus a directcomparison of output power is more suitable.

110 T. Xue, S. Roundy / Sensors and Actuators A 253 (2017) 101–111

F otor dc




ig. 16. Simulated maximum voltage and average power output as a function of monfiguration.

To gain insight into the scaling relationship between the exci-ation frequency (i.e., the motor driving frequency) and the powerutput, we extend the simulation into a larger frequency range toompare in-plane plucking and out-of-plane plucking. We choosehe indirect repulsive configuration as the representative config-ration. The simulation is built upon the assumption that theiezoelectric beam is actuated twice per motor cycle which is dif-erent from the test set-up. Fig. 16 shows both RMS power and

aximum voltage as a function of motor driving frequency. Forhe in-plane plucking configuration, the maximum voltage scalespproximately linearly with the driving frequency until a certainoint around 5 Hz. Beyond this speed, the beam has not completelyung down when it gets plucked again. Thus, as the moving mag-et starts to interact with the magnet on the beam, there will ben initial deflection, which affects the maximum voltage signifi-antly. We call this the oscillation overlay effect. The power outputollows a quadratic curve initially and drops after the oscillationverlay point. Consequently, there is an optimal driving frequencyo achieve the maximum power output, which means that the num-er of actuations per cycle (determined by the number of beamsnd the number of magnets) can be optimized for a well-definedotational input. This optimal driving frequency is also dependentn the magnetic configuration and the beam resonant frequency.iven a stiffer beam the optimal point will move towards higher

requencies. The irregular data points above 5 Hz indicate that thescillation overlay introduces nondeterminism into the system. Forhe indirect repulsive configuration, the maximum voltage growsinearly at a much larger rate with the motor driving frequencynitially and goes into saturation at around 5 Hz. The oscillationverlay has a smaller effect on the voltage output in this case.t lower frequencies the beam only exhibits a gradual deflectionhich, due to a constant resistive load, generates a very low voltage

utput. Therefore the indirect repulsive configuration generatesinimal power output below 2 Hz. An anomaly occurs at around

.5 Hz due to a cancelling effect that reduces the dynamic ringown. At this critical driving speed, the magnetic force opposeshe second oscillation of the beam which significantly affects theower output. We have only examined frequencies below 10 Hz ashis is where frequency up-conversion usually applies.

. Conclusions

This paper explores alternative configurations to achieve mag-etic plucking in frequency up-converting energy harvesters. A

iezoelectric beam can be plucked in or out of the plane of motion ofhe magnet. We presented three configurations to achieve out-of-lane plucking: the direct repulsive configuration, the orthogonalonfiguration, and the indirect repulsive configuration. An initial

riving frequency for (a) in-plane plucking configuration and (b) indirect repulsive

analysis based on a static force profile obtained from an analyticalpermanent magnet force model explains the underlying physics inachieving the magnetic plucking. Whereas the in-plane pluckingconfiguration induces a jump phenomenon by creating a bifurca-tion, the out-of-plane plucking configurations rely on the speedof the moving magnet to resemble a narrow Gaussian function.The primary advantage of the out-of-plane plucking configurationsis the capability of fabricating multiple piezoelectric beams on asingle substrate to increase power density with lower assembly dif-ficulty, which is especially useful in micro scale implementations.

To further study the dynamics of the magnetic plucking wederived a system level model incorporating a distributed parame-ter piezoelectric beam model and the analytical permanent magnetforce model. A surface fitting technique can be applied to the3 dimensional magnet force profile to reduce computation time.We developed a test setup to validate the model with a con-trolled excitation. In general, we have observed a good agreementbetween simulation and measurement. We extended the simula-tion to investigate the scaling relationship between power outputand driving frequency. In-plane plucking and out-of-plane pluckingexhibit different power vs. frequency profiles which indicates that ahigh-level optimization can be achieved by selection of the numberand spacing of beams and magnets to implement an eccentric-rotorbased frequency up-converting energy harvesting system.


This research is supported by National Science Foundationthrough the NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center (NERC)for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors andTechnologies (ASSIST) under award number EEC 1160483. Theauthors would also like to thank Xiaokun Ma and Professor ChrisRahn at Pennsylvania State University for providing support onbeam modelling.


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Tiancheng Xue received his BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology (HUST), China in 2013. He is currently a PhDstudent at the Systems, Harvesting and Design Optimization (SHADO) lab in theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah. His research focus isinertial energy harvesting from human motion.

Shad Roundy received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cal-ifornia, Berkeley in 2003. From there he moved to the Australian National Universitywhere he was a senior lecturer for 2 years. He spent the next several years workingwith startup companies LV Sensors and EcoHarvester developing MEMS pressuresensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, and energy harvesting devices. In 2012, he re-entered academia joining the mechanical engineering faculty at the University of

harvesting energy for wireless sensors, particularly from vibrations, acoustics, andhuman motion, and in MEMS inertial sensing.