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Sensors and Actuators B 220 (2015) 491–499

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Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical

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aman system for sensitive and selective identification of volatilerganic compounds

elly J. Parka,1, Constance Wua,2, Alison R. Mercer-Smitha, Ryan A. Dodsona,yler L. Moerscha,3, Prakash Koonathb, Andrew C.R. Pipinob,4, Hsiang-Wei Luc,ongwu Yangd, Victor S. Sapirsteind, Charles J. Taylora, Angelika Niemzc,∗

Chemistry Department, Pomona College, 645 N. College Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711, United StatesTanner Research Inc., 825 South Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016, United StatesKeck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, 535 Watson Drive, Claremont, CA 91711, United StatesLambda Solutions Inc., 411 Waverly Oaks Road, Waltham, MA 02452, United States

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 8 January 2015eceived in revised form 13 May 2015ccepted 16 May 2015vailable online 4 June 2015

eywords:OCamanD correlation analysisolymer thin filmiomarkervanescent wave

a b s t r a c t

Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for medical and industrial applications typically requirescomplex and expensive mass spectrometric systems to achieve the desired sensitivity and specificity.Raman spectroscopy enables specific compound identification based on distinct spectral fingerprints buttraditionally has low sensitivity. We have developed a novel Raman system that provides VOC detectionin the low ppm range. VOCs from the gas phase are absorbed and enriched in a thin polymer film coatedon the surface of an optical sensor element. The VOC enriched polymer film is probed with evanescentwave excitation and optimized Raman signal collection. The herein described Raman sensor is low-cost,robust, readily manufacturable, and capable of providing high sensitivity without the nanostructuredsensors required for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. To suppress background noise and interferingspectral features while improving our ability to resolve VOC mixture spectra, we applied two-dimensional(2D) correlation analysis to time series spectra acquired during VOC absorption into the polymer film. Weestablished proof of principle through analysis of known VOC biomarkers for selected bacterial pathogens.The system enabled VOC detection with significantly higher sensitivity than commercial Raman probes.

We observed good agreement between spectra of VOCs in the thin film obtained after 2D correlationanalysis, and of pure VOCs using a commercial probe. Mixture spectra were further de-convoluted basedon the off-diagonal peaks observable in the 2D Raman spectrum in conjunction with segmented dataanalysis. We anticipate that this system can be applied to a variety of medical, industrial, and biodefenseapplications.

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

. Introduction

Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from breath orhe headspace of liquid culture, urine, blood, stool, or sputum

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 909 607 9854; fax: +1 909 607 9826.E-mail address: (A. Niemz).

1 Current address: Food and Drug Administration, 1 World Trade Center, Ste 300,ong Beach, CA 90831, United States.2 Current address: Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, 80 Ten-is Court Road, Old Addenbrooke’s Site, Cambridge CB2 1QW, UK.3 Current address: Tru Vue, Inc., 2150 Airport Drive, Faribault, MN 55021, United

tates.4 Current address: Office of Naval Research, 875 N. Randolph St, Arlington, VA

2203, United States.

ttp://© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

can be used to identify pathogenic bacteria and fungi, to detect can-cer cells, and to diagnose metabolic disorders [1–14]. Even thoughmass spectrometric techniques are the gold standard for VOCbiomarker identification, these systems are complex and expensiveand therefore have not emerged for routine clinical use. How-ever, breath analyzers to determine alcohol intoxication levels[15–17], Helicobacter pylori infection [16,18], and airway inflam-mation [19–21] are routinely used in point-of-care or point-of-usediagnostic systems. These devices use electrochemistry [17,19,21]or infrared (IR) spectroscopy [15,16,18,20] to detect simple singlevolatile compounds, and while these systems have reduced instru-

mental complexity, they cannot analyze complex VOC mixturesat lower abundance. Electronic noses (eNoses) and colorimet-ric sensor arrays can analyze VOC mixtures at low abundanceusing multiple relatively non-specific chemical sensors [10,22–25].

4 Actuators B 220 (2015) 491–499





Fig. 1. Sensor optics: ray tracing scheme (top) and actual system (bottom). (a) Fil-tered laser light is reflected from (b) an adjustable gold mirror, and (c) a dichroicmirror, prior to being focused by (d) an aspheric lens onto (e) a ZnSe hemisphere.Scattered Raman emission is collimated by the aspheric lens, then passed throughthe dichroic mirror and focused by (f) an achromatic doublet onto (g) the fiber bun-dle that transmits the output signal onto the CCD detector in the instrument. In the

92 K.J. Park et al. / Sensors and

owever, eNoses measure an aggregate response to VOC mix-ures, and not the mixture composition. Furthermore, eNose sensorrrays typically require elaborate calibration and cannot be readilydapted to new or revised VOC signatures.

Raman spectroscopy can identify chemical compounds withigh selectivity because a unique spectral fingerprint exists for eacholecule. Compared to IR spectra, Raman spectra have sharper

eatures, enabling higher selectivity, and are more resistant toater interference. However, conventional Raman spectroscopy

s not very sensitive. Sensitivity can be enhanced by many ordersf magnitude using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)26–28], but SERS requires nano-structured substrates, which areragile and difficult to manufacture in a manner that ensureseproducible results. On the other hand, evanescent wave Ramanxcitation can be used to analyze compounds at or near a surfaceith increased sensitivity by exploiting the two-photon character

f normal Raman scattering, together with the surface electric fieldnhancement. Robust solid immersion lenses (SIL), fabricated fromigh refractive index sapphire or ZnSe, enable exceptionally highvanescent excitation and collection efficiency [29,30]. Comparedo IR absorption, evanescent-wave Raman derives a stronger signalnhancement from total internal reflection (TIR) because the TIRlectric field enhancement is approximately squared in the Ramanross-section, as both the excitation and Raman-shifted photonsxperience a comparable enhancement [31]. Evanescent wave TIRaman has been employed to probe thin polymer films [30,32,33]nd the structure of water near Langmuir–Blodgett films [34].

Attenuated total reflection (ATR)-IR sensors have been usedo measure traces of organic compounds in water, mainly fornvironmental applications [35–43]. These systems employ a thinolymer film [38,40–42] or sol gel layer [39,43] to absorb organicompounds, concentrating the analyte in the evanescence sensingegion, and enabling limits of detection in the low ppm and inome cases ppb range. However, these types of sensors have notet been applied to measuring VOCs in air. Furthermore, resolvingulti-component mixtures with overlapping bands in a spectrum

s challenging and limits the specificity of the sensor.Two-dimensional (2D) correlational spectroscopy is a power-

ul technique used to extract information about spectral bandshanged by a perturbation from a plethora of spectral featuresnsensitive to change [44,45]. It is routinely used in nuclear

agnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and has also been exten-ively applied to vibrational spectroscopy [44–48]. The correlationransform provides one dimensional (1D) spectra from whichackground features are effectively removed. Overlapping spectraleatures can be spread out in the 2D plane, permitting analysis ofomplex mixtures [45,46,49]. 2D-correlation Raman spectroscopynvolves the collection of a set of 1D Raman spectra from a system inesponse to a perturbation. The collected spectra are then subjectedo 2-D correlation analysis, resulting in the so-called synchronousnd asynchronous spectra [45]. Sets of peaks that change duringime series data acquisition with identical time constants eithererfectly in phase or 90◦ out of phase will only have cross-peaks

n the synchronous or asynchronous 2D spectrum, respectively.ost practical cases are in-between these two extremes, and thusill give rise to cross-peaks in both spectra, but with different

elative intensities. In 2D spectroscopy, any spectral feature thatoes not change with the perturbation vanishes from the finalesult. 2D-correlation IR spectroscopy has been applied to studyater absorption into polymer films [50,51], adsorption of smallolecules at interfaces [52], and diffusion of small molecules inside

olymers [53,54], but has not been applied to the types of ATR-

R sensors mentioned above. 2D-correlation Raman analysis haseen used to study a wide range of compounds including smallolecules, polymers, proteins, lipids, and DNA [48,55–59]. How-

ver, to the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous

actual system, the orientation of the aspheric lens and ZnSe hemisphere is rotated by90◦ by another mirror so that the sensor surface is horizontal. A flow cell is mountedon top of the stage holding the ZnSe hemisphere.

demonstrations of evanescent wave Raman spectroscopy on poly-mer films enriched with organic compounds from aqueous solutionor the gas phase, and of the analysis of their spectra via 2-D corre-lation analysis.

In this study, we present proof of principle for a novel Ramansystem that enables VOC analysis from the gas phase. This sys-tem entails a robust optical sensor design using commercialoff-the-shelf components appropriate for mass production. VOCenrichment in a thin polymer film, combined with evanescentwave excitation and optimized signal collection, provides sensi-tivity much higher than existing commercial Raman probes andcomparable to similar ATR-IR sensor designs. Specific identificationof individual VOCs and the ability to resolve mixture spectra arefacilitated by the inherently sharp features of Raman spectroscopy,coupled with 2D correlation analysis. We anticipate that this sys-tem, once suitably refined, can be applied to different medical,industrial, and biodefense applications.

2. Experimental

2.1. Optical design

The optical system used in these studies consists of a Dimen-sion P2 Raman spectrometer (Lambda Solutions Inc., Waltham, MA)in conjunction with a custom designed sensor with evanescentwave excitation, as described in Fig. 1. The sensor surface con-

sists of the flat side of a 10 mm diameter ZnSe hemisphere lens(ISP optics, Irvington, NY), coated with a thin polymer film. Thishemisphere was mounted above an aspheric lens (NA = 0.86, 30 mmdiameter). As shown in Fig. 1 (top), the excitation laser beam is

Actuators B 220 (2015) 491–499 493








Fig. 2. Key optical components of the evanescent sensor probe, enabling excitationat the critical angle �c, and optimal collection of the Raman emission signal. The

K.J. Park et al. / Sensors and

ntroduced into the optical path by reflection from a 0.5′′ diameterold-coated mirror and from a custom dichroic filter (transmis-ion band = 849.1–1286.5 nm, Semrock), which is rotated by 45◦

elative to the optical axis. The angle-of-incidence at the TIR sur-ace of the ZnSe hemisphere was controlled via the position of theaser beam reflection on the dichroic mirror, which in turn is deter-

ined by diagonal translation of the gold-coated mirror mountedn a micrometer-controlled linear translation stage. To enable ver-ical orientation of the sensing element, the incident beam waseflected by 90◦ from another mirror into the aspheric lens and ZnSeemisphere (not shown in Fig. 1, top). The hemisphere–asphereeparation was adjusted by a pair of micrometer screws installedn the plate holding the ZnSe hemisphere. A custom flow cell withuer lock connectors on the inlet and outlet was mounted on top ofhe plate holding the ZnSe hemisphere with a custom Teflon gasketo ensure an air-tight chamber.

.2. Thin film deposition and characterization

A commercial lens coating and cleaning solution (First Contact®,hotonic Cleaning Technologies, Platteville, WI) was used torepare polymer thin films for the experiments reported herein.he First Contact® solution consists of a proprietary polymer blendissolved in a solvent mixture. Thin films were drop cast, byepositing approximately 10 �L of this solution onto the center ofhe flat ZnSe lens surface, and allowed to cure at room temperatureor at least 1 h. Polymer films were removed from the lens afterach experiment, resulting in a clean surface.

To characterize the film thickness, ten First Contact® films wereeposited in the same manner on glass slides. These films werehen analyzed by stylus profilometry using a XP-1 stylus profilerAmbios/KLA-tencor, Milpitas, California). Films were also imagedefore and after the profilometry scans using an Olympus BH-2

ight microscope under bright field illumination.

.3. Raman data acquisition

Raman spectra were acquired using a Dimension P2 Ramanpectrometer (Lambda Solutions Inc.), with laser excitation at30 nm, integration time from 0.5 to 3 s unless otherwise noted,nd 10 frames averaged per spectrum. To characterize the polymerackground, spectra were acquired for the First Contact® poly-er, in bulk and as a thin film. To provide reference spectra for

he VOC biomarkers isovaleric acid, 2-aminoacetophenone, ethylcetate, and indole (Sigma–Aldrich), spectra were acquired of eachompound as pure liquid, or solid in the case of indole, at roomemperature. Furthermore, spectra were acquired for these VOCsbsorbed from the gas phase into the First Contact® polymer thinlm at room temperature. Bulk spectra were acquired using anSI Raman Vector Probe (Lambda Solutions, Inc.), while the setuphown in Fig. 1 was used for evanescent wave thin film experi-ents.The small molecule organic compounds were brought into the

as phase and introduced into the flow cell in the following man-er: for single compound experiments, 25 �L of isovaleric acid,-aminoacetophenone, or ethyl acetate were deposited into a3 mm diameter PTFE syringe filter. For mixture experiments, equalasses of these compounds were combined, and 25 �L of this mix-

ure was deposited into the syringe filter. For indole, 0.5–1 mg solidompound was deposited into a syringe filter wetted with deion-zed water. This was done to retain the solid powder on the filter.he solubility of indole in water is 3.56 g/L at 25 ◦C [60]. There-

ore the amount of indole dissolved in the water on the filter isegligible, and the indole can be regarded as bulk solid. The soreated syringe filter was then attached to the inlet port of the flowell. Medical grade compressed air was passed through the filter

calculated [63] anisotropic Raman emission intensity distribution is indicated insidethe schematic of the hemisphere sensor lens.

at a rate of 3.25 sccm using a mass flow controller, exposing thepolymer-coated ZnSe lens surface to a stream of gas-phase ana-lyte. The gas phase concentration for each analyte was estimatedbased on the analyte’s vapor pressure, as further detailed in theSupplementary Material. The calculated gas phase concentrationsare estimates, representing the maximum value. The actual VOCgas phase concentrations are likely lower than this estimate.

For VOC uptake experiments into the polymer, Raman spectrawere collected over a 1-h period at 30-s intervals in most cases. Toestimate the attainable signal enhancement, a thin polymer filmwas saturated with 2-aminoacetophenone by passing this com-pound over the polymer film in the flow-cell for at least 5 days.Spectra of this film were then acquired using the evanescent-waveRaman probe and the commercial Raman Vector probe, which wasmounted on an XYZ stage to enable precise focusing of the probebeam onto the film.

2.4. Data analysis

The collected time series Raman spectral data were firstprocessed to remove background and suppress noise. Backgroundremoval was performed using a method proposed by Zhao et al.[61], wherein a polynomial fitting algorithm is used to derive abackground function for each spectrum, which is then subtractedfrom the original spectrum (see Supplementary Material). Noiseremoval was performed via principal component analysis (PCA)using a method described by Jung [62]. This PCA method identifiesimportant factors governing the data structure and rejects noisecomponents, as explained further in the Supplementary Material.The processed time series Raman spectral data were then analyzedvia 2D correlation spectroscopy [45]. The algorithms for back-ground subtraction, PCA-based noise removal, and 2D correlationspectroscopy analysis were implemented in MATLAB.

3. Results and discussion

The key optical component of the sensor system is a small ZnSehemisphere with high refractive index (Fig. 2), which enhances theevanescent wave excitation intensity and the directive emissionof the Raman signal. Furthermore, ZnSe produces no backgroundRaman peaks in the region of interest, as opposed to other highrefractive index optical sensor materials such as sapphire. The

hemispherical ZnSe optic, combined with a high numerical aper-ture aspheric lens, enables most of the Raman emission to becollected, thereby providing enhanced sensitivity.

4 Actuators B 220 (2015) 491–499








0 10 20 30 40 50 60Rel


e In


ity C



time [min]

Peak (83 6 cm-1)Baseline (810 cm-1)






750 80 0 85 0 900 95 0 100 0



750 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 0 100 0






Raman shift [c m-1]VOC 2D Ana lysis Bulk Re feren ce






750 80 0 85 0 900 95 0 100 0



750 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 0 100 0






Raman shift [c m-1]VOC 2D Ana lysis Bulk Re feren ce

836 cm-1 962 cm-1

810 cm-1




Fig. 3. (a) Time-dependent uptake of isovaleric acid as gas phase VOC into a thinpolymer film on top of the Raman sensor, measured via changes in Raman intensityat its peak position. (b) Selected Raman spectra from this time series (10 spectrain 2 min intervals, up to 20 min), showing increasing isovaleric acid peaks and adecreasing baseline consisting mainly of polymer bands. (c) Normalized stack plotwith 1D diagonal spectrum obtained after synchronous 2D correlation analysis of

94 K.J. Park et al. / Sensors and

To demonstrate VOC enrichment in the evanescent waveegion, we selected a commercially available lens coating filmFirst Contact®) which efficiently absorbs and enriches VOCs,an be readily applied and removed from the sensor lens, andorms reasonably uniform films of appropriate thickness to enablevanescent excitation exclusively inside the polymer film. Werepared thin films by drop casting First Contact® polymer solu-ion onto the ZnSe lens. This process results in a circular film4 mm in diameter at the center of the 10 mm diameter lens.rofilometry experiments of ten films prepared in an analogousanner on glass slides (see Supplementary Material, Fig. S1)

ndicated that the film thickness varied from film to film, buthat each film was reasonably uniform in the region probed byhe laser. In the region ±1 mm from the center of the film, theverage film height was 73 �m, with a standard deviation of31 �m between films. For each film, the standard deviation of

he film height in this center region was approximately 4 �m.ptical imaging revealed that most films were uniform, but 3ut of 10 films contained either small bubbles or other defor-ations. None of the films were damaged by the profilometry

cans.Evanescent field excitation probes a thin layer at the interface

rom which the incident light is reflected. The penetration depth ofhe evanescent field depends on the excitation wavelength, interfa-ial refractive indices, and angle of incidence [64]. In our system westimate a penetration depth of ∼1 �m, which is much smaller thanhe polymer film thickness in the region probed by the laser. There-ore, only compounds that diffuse through the polymer film andeach the interface are interrogated. Significant variations in filmeight however can impact the diffusion time of VOCs through thelm and into the evanescent region. Therefore, the thin film prepa-ation process will be optimized in future efforts to obtain moreeproducible and controllable film thicknesses and uniform films.urthermore, variability in absorption kinetics can be can be takennto account by selecting a suitable time interval for 2D correlationnalysis.

To collect Raman spectra with evanescence mode excitation,xample VOCs were introduced via a stream of air into a flowell mounted on top of the stage holding the ZnSe optic (Fig. 1e).n these experiments, we found that the intensity of signal andackground are critically dependent on the distance between hemi-phere and asphere and on the excitation laser’s angle of incidence

relative to the surface normal of the hemisphere (Fig. 2). Thesphere–hemisphere distance was tuned such that the hemisphereurface lies in the focal plane of the asphere to ensure proper opti-al alignment. The angle of incidence is controlled by the positionf the gold mirror (Fig. 1b). Evanescent excitation requires the exci-ation laser’s incident angle to be equal to or greater than theritical angle. In the experiments described herein, we adjustedhe asphere–hemisphere distance and the excitation laser’s anglef incidence to provide optimal signal-to-background ratios andynamic range.

Using this experimental setup, we then acquired Ramanpectra for validated VOC biomarkers reported in the liter-ture [1,2,65,66] for identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa2-aminoacetophenone), Staphylococcus aureus (isovaleric acid),nd Escherichia coli (indole and ethyl acetate). Fig. 3 shows a dataet for isovaleric acid, a VOC biomarker for S. aureus. In this experi-ent, isovaleric acid in the gas phase was introduced via a stream

f air into the flow cell at a concentration of at most 617 ppmv

see Supplementary Material). A series of spectra were acquired in.5 min intervals over 1 h. The obtained spectra consist of a combi-

ation of the Raman signatures of the polymer (see Supplementalaterial, Fig. S2) and the VOC absorbed into the polymer (Fig. 3b).

t wavenumbers corresponding to Raman emission bands of isova-eric acid (e.g. peaks at 836 and 962 cm−1, Fig. 3a and b), the signal

the time series VOC uptake data (black), showing good agreement with a bulk liquidreference Raman spectrum of isovaleric acid (red).

intensities increase as function of time. In contrast, spectral bandsof the polymer remain relatively unchanged, except for a negativebaseline drift (e.g. at 810 cm−1, Fig. 3a and b).

The time series of spectra were then background subtractedusing a polynomial fitting algorithm [61], followed by noiseremoval via PCA [62]. Next, the corrected time series spectra weresubjected to 2D correlational analysis, a powerful technique thatcan identify spectral bands that change based on a perturbation.In this case, the perturbation consists of VOC uptake into the poly-mer as function of time, dictated by the diffusion coefficient of theVOC in the polymer. Other spectral features insensitive to change(in this case the polymer bands) are effectively suppressed. Corre-lation analysis generates 2D spectra, which identify spectral peaksthat change either in phase (synchronous) or out of phase (asyn-chronous) [45]. Fig. 3c shows an example of the power of thistechnique: the black line represents the 1D Raman spectrum that

was derived from the 2D correlation analysis. This spectrum forisovaleric acid, measured upon uptake into the polymer from agas-phase concentration of at most 617 ppmv and obtained via 2D

K.J. Park et al. / Sensors and Actua

Fig. 4. Raman spectra obtained for example biomarker VOCs after synchronous2D correlation analysis (black), compared to bulk reference Raman spectra (red).The reference spectra of isovaleric acid, 2-aminoacetophenone, and indole wereof



film. This comparison was carried out using 2-aminoacetophenone

btained from the pure compounds. The spectrum of ethyl acetate was obtainedrom the headspace of ethyl acetate dissolved in water at a ∼2% molar fraction.

orrelation analysis, matches very well with a reference Ramanpectrum for isovaleric acid as bulk liquid (Fig. 3c, red). Suitablegreement between the VOC and bulk reference Raman spectra waslso observed over a larger spectral range, and for other relevantOC biomarkers, such as 2-aminoacetophenone (biomarker for P.eruginosa), indole, and ethyl acetate (biomarkers for E. coli), ashown in Fig. 4.

Each spectrum gives rise to clearly distinguishable sets of bandshat can enable identification of these VOCs from complex mixturepectra. The VOC and reference spectra for the pure compoundsFigs. 3c and 4) have comparable signal-to-noise ratios, despitehe much lower gas phase concentration of the compounds com-ared to bulk. This is particularly true for 2-aminoacetophenonend indole, which have a much lower vapor pressure than isova-

eric acid, resulting in a gas phase concentration in the flow cell oft most 14 and 17 ppmv, respectively (see Supplementary Mate-ial). This concentration is >10 million fold lower than in bulk. No

tors B 220 (2015) 491–499 495

signal is detectable for analogous experiments performed without apolymer film on the sensor optic. This demonstrates the significantsensitivity improvement provided by concentrating the VOC in athin polymer film in the evanescent excitation region of the sensor.Furthermore, the spectrum shown in Fig. 4 bottom was obtainedfrom the headspace of an aqueous solution containing a molar frac-tion of ∼2% ethyl acetate. No interference from water was observed,indicating that the polymer thin film effectively excludes water.This is corroborated by the finding that an analogous experimentconducted with pure water vapor resulted in only background (datanot shown).

The method by which the polymer film is prepared impactsthe sensor performance for VOC detection. All VOC spectra shownherein were obtained using drop cast polymer films that wereallowed to dry and anneal for 1 h at room temperature prior tothe VOC uptake experiment. Polymer films created in this man-ner give rise to some Raman peaks after 2D correlation analysis(Supplemental Material, Fig. S2), likely due to slight conformationalchanges caused by continued polymer annealing. However, poly-mer peaks from films prepared in this manner do not dominate theVOC Raman spectra obtained after 2D correlation analysis (Figs. 3cand 4). Some but not all VOC spectra contain minor peaks that likelyoriginate from the polymer. This may be due to specific interactionsof these VOCs with the polymer matrix, which would lead to pertur-bations in the Raman bands of the polymer and the VOC. Indeed,such analyte-specific perturbations have been observed in simi-lar ATR-IR sensors [42], and can provide additional information,enabling the development of “smart sensors”. For shorter anneal-ing times, residual solvent peaks can be observed in the time seriesspectra and after 2D analysis. After overnight annealing at roomtemperature or at ∼40 ◦C, the Raman spectrum of the polymer filmsdoes not change appreciably over time, and 2D correlation analy-sis of these films reveals mainly noise. However, extensive dryingdecreases the sensitivity for VOC analysis, likely due to decreaseduptake kinetics of VOCs from the gas phase into a more structuredand dense polymer film.

For the experiments reported herein, the polymer thin film wasirradiated at its center with 250 mW laser power for up to 4 h, withcontinuous exposure if using a 3 s integration time, or exposurefor 10 s every 30 s if using a 1 s integration time. Even continu-ous 4 h laser irradiation of polymer thin films in this manner didnot result in visible damage to the film. However, continuous irra-diation may lead to film heating or non-visible damage to thefilm, which might change VOC absorption behavior and degradethe Raman spectra. To assess such potential confounding effects,we saturated a film with 2-aminoacetophenone vapor for 15 h inthe flow cell, then removed the VOC source. This film was thenirradiated continuously with the laser at 250 mW, and spectrawere recorded every 30 s. We observed no significant changes inthe Raman peak positions and the relative peak intensities of 2-aminoacetophenone. However, the background subtracted Ramanpeak intensities for 2-aminoacetophenone increased by 20% overthe 4 h period. This increase was likely caused by continued absorp-tion of 2-aminoacetophenone remaining in the flow cell into thefilm. No degradation in the quality of the Raman spectrum wasobserved.

The optical sensor system (Fig. 1) is designed to optimallyexcite and collect the Raman signal from VOCs concentrated inthe polymer film. To estimate the degree of sensitivity enhance-ment offered by the evanescence optics, we compared the Ramanintensity obtained using this optical system with that obtained by ahigh efficiency Raman Vector Probe focused onto the polymer thin

as the test VOC based on its strong identifying Raman peak at708 cm−1 (Fig. 4). A First Contact® polymer film on the ZnSe lenswas exposed to 2-aminoacetophenone vapors for 5–6 days to

496 K.J. Park et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 220 (2015) 491–499





675 70 0 72 5 75 0



Raman shift [c m-1]

EV-Op tics (1s )RVP (10s)

Fig. 5. Raman spectra obtained from a polymer thin film saturated with 2-aminoacetophenone, using the evanescent optics system (EV-Optics) with 1 sii











Raman shift [c m-1]

0-5 min

5-30 min

60-120 min







Raman shift [c m-1]

bulk mixture



Fig. 7. Raman spectra obtained from a VOC mixture containing ethyl acetate, iso-valeric acid, and 2-aminoacetophenone. (a) VOC 1D diagonal spectra obtained aftersegmented synchronous 2D correlation analysis of separate data blocks correspond-ing to intervals within the time series, as indicated in the graph. (b) Conventional

ntegration time, and a high efficiency LSI Raman Vector Probe (RVP) with 10 sntegration time.

aturate the polymer, and spectra of the VOC saturated film werehen acquired using the evanescent optics system and the LSIaman Vector Probe.

The peak at 708 cm−1 acquired with the evanescent wave Ramanrobe using a 1 s integration time was ∼30-fold more intense thanhe equivalent peak acquired with the conventional Raman probesing a 10 s integration time (Fig. 5). This sensitivity enhancementas calculated based on the difference in peak height or area, with

ood agreement between the two measures. Taking into accounthe difference in integration time, the total degree of enhance-

ent is approximately 300:1. To detect any clear signal with theSI Raman Vector probe required the extreme case of saturating theolymer film for 5–6 days with the VOC, plus a longer integrationime. Under normal operating conditions, during the initial absorp-ion of VOCs into the polymer, the signal would be undetectableith the conventional LSI Raman Vector probe.

Beyond the sensitivity enhancement attained by the optics,D correlation analysis of time series spectra further increases

he overall sensitivity by enhancing the signal and suppressingackground and noise. 2D correlation analysis also provides addi-ional information through the off-diagonal peaks observable in

ig. 6. Synchronous 2D Raman spectrum of isovaleric acid as VOC adsorbed into ahin polymer film, with 1D diagonal spectrum shown on top. The lower intensityeaks at 879, 904, and 962 cm−1 show up more clearly in the off-diagonal ele-ents created through cross correlation with the high intensity peak at 836 cm−1,

ompared to the diagonal elements which are based on autocorrelation.

bulk reference Raman spectrum of the liquid mixture. Vertical lines and symbolsat the top indicate the position of Raman bands specific for ethyl acetate (blue dia-mond), isovaleric acid (red triangle), and 2-aminoacetophenone (green circle). See

Table 1 for a listing of the peak positions. (For interpretation of the references tocolor in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the 2D Raman spectrum (Fig. 6). For low intensity peaks that arecorrelated to a peak of higher intensity, cross correlation causesthe off-diagonal peaks to stand out more clearly than the diagonalelements.

Furthermore, spreading the peaks over a two-dimensional planefacilitates the identification of specific VOC biomarkers within com-plex mixture spectra, which increases the overall specificity. Thetime dependence of VOC uptake into the polymer film providesanother dimension that can be exploited to deconvolute mixturespectra, for example by analyzing segmented data blocks [47]. Todemonstrate the ability of our system to identify VOCs within amixture, we have acquired time series spectra for VOC uptake intothe polymer film from the headspace of a mixture containing equalmasses of ethyl acetate, isovaleric acid, and 2-amino acetophenone.

In the early time interval from 0 to 5 min (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 top),Raman spectra obtained via 2D correlation analysis are dominatedby ethyl acetate absorption into the polymer film, as indicatedby prominent peaks specific for this VOC (Table 1). In this sametime window, a small amount of isovaleric acid is also detectable.In addition, the 2D analysis clearly resolves the 846 cm−1 ethyl

acetate peak from the 836 cm−1 isovaleric acid peak. These twopeaks are not resolved in the bulk spectrum, but are distinguishablethrough 2D correlation analysis. This distinction is noticeable in the

K.J. Park et al. / Sensors and Actua

Fig. 8. Synchronous 2D Raman spectra obtained from a VOC mixture containingethyl acetate, isovaleric acid, and 2-aminoacetophenone, adsorbed into a thin poly-mer film. Segmented analysis of separate data blocks corresponding to intervalswtd




ithin the time series: 0–5 min (top), 5–30 min (center), and 60–120 min (bot-om). Symbols indicate the position of Raman bands specific for ethyl acetate (blueiamond), isovaleric acid (red triangle), and 2-aminoacetophenone (green circle).

D diagonal, but clearly evident in the 2D spectrum, and is likelyue to the difference in adsorption kinetics. Therefore, 2D Raman

orrelation analysis improves the ability to resolve mixture spectra.

Ethyl acetate is the most volatile compound in the mixture andas the fastest absorption and desorption kinetics. Once the small

able 1rominent Raman peaks for targeted VOCs in the range of 500–1000 cm−1.

Compound Peak position [cm−1] (normalized intensity)

Ethyl acetateVOC: 634 (1)|846 (0.43)Bulk: 633 (1)|846 (0.60)

Isovaleric acidVOC: 836 (1)|962 (0.44)|879 (0.26)|904 (0.16)Bulk: 836 (1)|962 (0.37)|883 (0.22)|905 (0.17)


VOC: 708 (1)|561 (0.59)|841 (0.24)Bulk: 708 (1)|561 (0.36)|841 (0.17)

IndoleVOC: 759 (1)|543 (0.38)|608 (0.36)Bulk: 760 (1)|545 (0.45)|608 (0.20)

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amount of ethyl acetate introduced into the system is depletedin the input stream, the ethyl acetate desorbs from the thin film,leading to a decrease in ethyl acetate peak intensity in the timesegment from 5 to 30 min. The decrease is clearly noticeable inthe 2D off-diagonal peaks for the Raman band at 634 cm−1. Adecreasing band gives rise to negative off-diagonal peaks in thesynchronous spectrum, shown in blue. The ethyl acetate peaks arecompletely absent in the late time segment from 60 to 120 min.The 1D diagonal and 2D correlation spectra for the 5–30 min timesegment (Figs. 7 and 8 center) are dominated by the spectral bandsof isovaleric acid (Table 1). The spectral features of 2-amino ace-tophenone are noticeably growing in during the 5–30 min timesegment, and dominate the spectrum in the 60–120 min time seg-ment (Figs. 7 and 8 bottom). This demonstrates that our system candetect and differentiate VOCs present at low ppm concentrationsas pure compounds and in mixtures.

4. Conclusions

We have designed, implemented, and demonstrated proof-of-principle for a novel Raman system that detects VOCs from thegas phase, based on robust and readily manufacturable evanescentwave optics. The system exhibits significantly higher sensitiv-ity than conventional Raman probes, and enables VOC detectionin the low-ppm range. This sensitivity enhancement is based onevanescent wave excitation of VOCs adsorbed and enriched in athin polymer film, high collection efficiency provided by the opti-cal design, and advanced data analysis methods that effectivelysuppress background features and noise. This preliminary proofof principle demonstration utilized a readily available commerciallens cleaning polymer. We expect that the system’s sensitivity canbe further increased into the ppb range through our planned effortsto investigate different polymers that provide optimal VOC enrich-ment in the film. Such a goal appears attainable, since Flavin et al.[43] have demonstrated ppb level detection of p-nitro chloroben-zene, absorbed from water into a phenyl trimethyl silane film on asimilar ATR-IR sensor.

By employing 2D correlation analysis, we are able to readilyidentify and distinguish individual components in VOC mixtures,aided by their differential rates of adsorption into the polymer film.In future efforts, we aim to achieve automated VOC identification bycreating a reference library of 2D Raman spectral maps for targetedVOC biomarkers. These compounds can then be identified in other2D Raman spectra via fingerprint matching against this referencelibrary of 2D Raman spectra, using a robust search algorithm.

In addition, compared to the bulk reference spectra, 2D correla-tion analysis also identified subtle changes in the polymer and VOCRaman spectra that are likely due to VOC-polymer interactions [42].In future work, we will examine the nature of these Raman shifts fortargeted VOCs as a function of sensing film polymer chemistry, toenable “smart sensing” that can provide additional selectivity, andthus may be used to enhance the identification of VOCs present incomplex mixtures. Our ultimate goal is to apply these types of sen-sors to different medical, industrial, and biodefense applications.


Funding for this project was provided by the National Sci-ence Foundation through the Partnerships for Innovation awardsIIP1237916.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at

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[for characterizing protein structure and dynamics, J. Raman Spectrosc. 40

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elly J. Park received her BA from Pomona College in 2012 with a major in chem-stry. She wrote her senior thesis on the detection of volatile organic compoundssing Raman spectroscopy. Currently, she is completing a fellowship at the Foodnd Drug Administration to develop rapid-screening methods for adulterants inmported pharmaceuticals.

onstance Wu received her BA in chemistry from Pomona College in 2014 and is cur-ently pursuing an MPhil degree in biological science at the University of Cambridge.he aims to earn an MD/PhD to conduct disease-oriented research and improveatient care.

lison R. Mercer-Smith will graduate from Pomona College with a BA in chemistryn the spring of 2015. After graduation, she will pursue an MD/PhD.

yan A. Dodson is currently a senior at Pomona College, majoring in Chemistry.fter graduation, he plans to work in a research lab, followed by graduate school in

ursuit of a PhD in analytical chemistry.

yler L. Moersch received his PhD in Materials Chemistry from the University ofinnesota, Twin Cities, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship with Professor Charles

aylor at Pomona College. He is currently the Coating Process Manager at Tru Vue,

tors B 220 (2015) 491–499 499

Inc. His professional interests include thin film deposition, materials characteriza-tion and functional analysis of thin films.

Prakash Koonath received his MTech in Optoelectronics from the Indian Institute ofTechnology, and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota.He then worked as post-doctoral research fellow at the University of California, LosAngeles, before pursuing a career in industry. Dr. Koonath is currently a scientist atTanner Research in Monrovia, CA, where he specializes in development of Ramanbased detection systems and data analysis via 2-D correlation spectroscopy.

Andrew C. R. Pipino received his PhD in chemical physics from NorthwesternUniversity. He was a National Research Council (NRC) postdoctoral associate atthe National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and staff scientist atNIST for 10 years. Subsequently, he was a Visiting Scholar at TU-Eindhoven in theNetherlands and a Senior Scientist at Tanner Research, Inc in Monrovia, CA. He is cur-rently a subject matter expert for electro-optical and infrared technologies withinthe Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Hsiang-Wei Lu received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles. He joined Keck Graduate Institute in 2010 and currentlyholds the position of research scientist focusing on device development for point-of-care diagnosis of infectious diseases based on nucleic acid testing and volatileorganic compound biomarkers.

Yongwu Yang received his PhD in Physical Chemistry at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. He cofounded Lambda Solutions and is interested in Raman instrumentsdevelopment and their applications.

Victor S. Sapirstein received his PhD in Physiology/Biophysics at the City Univer-sity of New York/Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. He then worked for over 30 yearsin academic research, including positions as Research Associate Professor at Mas-sachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, and as Research Professor atNew York University Medical Center. He is a co-founder and currently the Chairmanand President of Lambda Solutions, Inc., a company devoted to innovative laser basedmonitoring systems, Raman instrumentation development, and software design.

Charles J. Taylor received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Minnesota.Following two years as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at theNational Institute of Standards and Technology, he joined the Pomona College fac-ulty in 2002, where he is currently an associate professor. His research interestsinclude chemical sensors, materials chemistry, medical diagnostics, multivariatedata analysis and instrument development.

Angelika Niemz received her PhD in chemistry from the University of Mas-

sachusetts, followed by an NIH NRSA sponsored postdoctoral fellowship in chemicalengineering at the California Institute of Technology. She joined Keck Graduate Insti-tute in 2002, where she is currently the Arnold and Mable Beckman Professor. Herresearch interests are focused on developing assays and devices for near patientinfectious disease diagnosis.