Services Management- Archal_soc

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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  • 8/2/2019 Services Management- Archal_soc


    Task (a):

    Ideate a product (service) preferably an innovation & conceptualize / create a



    Social media includes web-based and mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive

    dialogue between organizations, communities, and individuals. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein

    define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and

    technological foundations ofWeb 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange ofuser-generated

    content." Social media is ubiquitously accessible, and enabled by scalable communication techniques.

    Everyone uses social media today or so it seems. But, there are still many unknowns to social media

    that confuse the average web surfer, whether its why so many people love Twitter or how copyright law

    pertains to the internet. Lets iron out the wrinkles that might still be murky for some web surfers.

    What is social media?

    Most of us probably use social media without even thinking what it actually is. Social media is a form of

    interactive media by which users can communicate with each other through posts, content, photos, and

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    videos. Message boards, forums, blogs, and YouTube are all forms of social media. Social media is

    content we make and share together.

    Is there a difference between social media and social networking?

    Some people use the terms social networking and social media interchangeably, but they are two different

    entities. Social media, as we just discussed, is a platform that allows users to share information through

    content, photos, and videos. Social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn is a platform

    that allows people with common interests or goals to come together to talk and to share information.

    Facebook, for example, allows people to reconnect with old friends and to connect with people who have

    similar interests. Social media platforms and social networking can overlap.

    What is social bookmarking?

    Think of social bookmarking using websites such as Digg, Stumble Upon, andDelicious this way.

    When you find a website to which you want to return, you bookmark it in your internet browser, right?

    You do the same with social bookmarking. With social bookmarking, however, you can share your

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    bookmarks (and resources) with the general public if you choose. Sharing of bookmarks allows users

    ready access to more resources and information.

    Copyright laws (they still apply to social media!)

    You cannot use someone elses work, even online, without their permission. Maybe you run a blog and

    find an article that would be perfect to share with your readers. You cannot copy and paste the article and

    post it on your blog as your own work or even crediting the author unless you receive the authors

    permission first. And, that goes for photographs, too. Never use work that is not your own without first

    getting permission.

    Twitter & Facebook

    Its not how Twitter & Facebook works that causes confusion. Have you ever heard people mutter they

    just dont understand why anyone would want to announce every little detail of their day to an audience?

    Thats how a lot of people still view Twitter today: an online diary of sorts that allows you to share trivial

    parts of your life with others.

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    But, Twitter & Facebook has become an effective tool for those from the media to entrepreneurs who

    want to share information and news, and promote products, services, and sales quickly and effectively.

    Its private or is it?

    Is the information you share on social media really private? Think Facebook. You might have your

    account set to the strictest privacy settings, but how protected are you? Facebook recently announced that

    it planned to share user information, including home addresses and phone numbers, with third parties,

    regardless of privacy settings. The only way to truly protect yourself is to steer clear of social media and

    social networking, which isnt an option for most people, so be sure to read the Terms of Service and

    Privacy Terms carefully when you sign up for a site like Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter.

    What is Web 2.0?

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    Youve probably heard the term Web 2.0, but what is it? Think of it as the internets second generation.

    Gone are the days where websites are static. Todays internet is all about interaction and dynamic

    websites. In Web 2.0, users create and publish their own content, develop their own websites, and use

    social media and social networking to share information, photos, and videos.


    Task (b):

    What steps will you take to protect the products innovation / brandname?


    Online reputation management is critically important, but relatively simple to develop. It requires three

    things: planning, proactive listeningand a clear and well-defined response mechanism.

    Here are five actionable insights that can help you build a cohesive, effective brand management strategy:

    1. Face Facts

    You may have spent untold amounts on branding, website design and corporate communications, but

    these efforts pale next to the hundreds of millions of people sharing ideas and opinions in social media.

    They are talking in public about companiesand in doing so, they are defining brands. You need to

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    accept this reality and not cavalierly disregard brand management as a nice to have. Its a got to

    have. Right now

    2. Listen (All the Time)

    Put your ear to the ground and start listening to what people are saying. Not doing this because you are

    afraid of what youll find could be the death knell of your business. To move from good to great, you

    must face brutal facts and improve that which needs improving. Be unwavering on this. Perform searches

    for your company on the main social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIN. What

    are people saying? Is it accurate? Dont get defensive if you find something negative. In fact, those can be

    valuable business insights. If a blogger flames your company, dont ask: How can we get rid of this

    post? Ask: Are they right? What can we do to fix it? Then fix it and let them know youre fixing it. I

    also advise against leaning too heavily on technologies for online reputation defense and sentiment

    analysis. I speak from personal experience: At the time of this writing, even the very best technologies

    miss critical posts, misjudge sentimentand lack the human element so important to effective brand

    management. Your brand is too important to leave to chance. Put human eyes on this stuff.

    3. Engage with Grace and Humility.

    You cannot control the conversation, but you can be part of it. If someone posts something negative about

    your brand, even if its not accurate, others will pile on in a mob-like fashion. For every moment you

    allow that to continue, you risk permanent damage to your brand. But, you cannot barge in. Again: you

    may work for a $50 million corporation, but guess what? You come to the social media table with one

    vote, just like everyone else. Engage like a person, not a corporation lest you merely fan the flames of

    public discontent.

    4. Unlearn What Youve Learned.

    Gone are the days when you can issue a press release to respond to crisesand be done with it.

    Corporate statements are now not only largely ineffective, they can be counterproductive. If I were

    advising Tiger Woods during his fall from grace, I would have silenced his attorneys and PR firm people,

    who merely made things worse. I would have sat Tiger down, showed him how Twitter works and

    instructed him to to be honest, admit his mistakes and tell people what he was doing to make things right.

    From a communication standpoint, it would be a win. Tigers Twitter page would likely have trumped the

    media coverage, and Tiger would have been able to influence the conversation. It might have salvaged a

    few of his sponsors. More than that, it would have salvaged his reputation. Same goes for Bank of

    America or Verizon. They should have simply apologized and admitted they were being greedy.


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    You can turn your most vitriolic critic into your most vocal evangelist if you have humility and listen.

    Remember: social media is not a media. Its not marketing. Its a human relationship. Treat it as such, and

    your brand management strategy will be more effective than most.

    5. Do the Right Thing.

    When you engage in social media, be honest, care about your customersand do the right thing. Social

    media, with its new-school technologies, has ushered in a return to old-school business practices. I love

    that. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it. Offer to fix itand then, do it. Its not good for business;

    its great for business. Bring old school to new media. Shakespeare aptly summed up effective brand

    monitoring and reputation management: Mind your speech a little lest you should mar your fortunes.

    An effective online reputation management strategy is not something you can put off until tomorrow,

    because guess what? An army of empowered consumers are defining your brandtoday.

    Task (c):

    Detail all the 7 Ps/Cs applicable to your chosen product.


    I've been thinking a lot recently about the role of technology, multimedia and social media in youth

    participation. How goes a video project really engage young people? What role does the video play?

    What about an online forum or a twitter-network? How can we make sure multimedia and social media

    really enhance the voice of young people in decision making? So, on a delayed train yesterday I sat down

    to sketch out the different ways in which technology and participation can mix.

    The result was the 7 Cs of social media.


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    Context setting well prepared online videos, presentations and serious games can provide

    young people and adults with insights into an issue.

    For example: Creating a common craft style 2 minute videoto explain a local area agreement

    process; Getting the young people from last years youth council to record a training video for next

    years youth council.

    Creative expression Article 13 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child gives young

    people the right to receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,

    either orally, in writing or in print, in the forma of art, or through any other media of the child's

    choice. In other words young people a right to share their views through rich and creative

    multimedia presentations rather than long and boring reports. Social media and multimedia tools

    afford massive opportunities for young people to share their views and their stories authentically

    and creatively.

    By preparing a creative high-impact multimedia presentation for a local authority or management

    board in advance, a group of young people can be sure their message won't get lost on the day.

    For example: Instead of a Q&A session with young people and bosses, recording a

    podcast interview with them; Exploring different ways foryoung people to share their stories

    online and to help decision makers understand how policies and practices affect them;

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    Consultation it's not just about online surveys. Multimedia consultation might

    involve electronic voting at events, text-message questionnaires, choosing between options in an

    online power league, or responding to context-setting audio and video to express a view.

    Multimedia platforms massively increase the range of ways in which you can ask a question and

    get in answers from young people.

    For examples: Inviting young people to prioritize an organizations spending using a Power League;

    Using online maps to consult on where to build new youth provision; Creating dynamic online

    survey about the local area including pictures and videos to explain each question; Building a

    'consultation widget' that can collect ideas from young people across a wide range of websites.

    Conversation in consultation you ask, you listen, you (hopefully) act. In conversation, you ask,

    you listen, you get into the details, you talk some more, you explore ideas and you come up with

    creative new solutions. Blogs, online discussion forums, web chats and video conferencing all

    provide ways to open up the conversation to a wide group of young people and create a great record

    of the conversation for all to see.

    For example: Using an online discussion forum to develop an agenda and campaigns with a youth


    Collaboration youth participation should involve young people sharing in decision making or

    should involve young people developing and leading their own projects (with appropriate support).

    This involves collaboration. And providing platforms for collaboration is something social media is

    good at. Whether it's a TakingItGlobal project site used to co-ordinate meetings, a facebook group

    used to send updates to project members or a Google Apps account used to put together a document

    or presentation collaboration tools abound online and provide new opportunities to

    transparently and participatively build upon conversations and to build towards action.

    For example: Using a project collaboration websiteto keep work on an issue going between face to

    face meetings; Developing presentations and documents collaboratively online.

    Campaigning social media provides a wealth of ways to communicate a campaign message

    with a wide audience, and to get people involved in calling for change. Online petitions and

    pledges, viral videos, online campaigning toolkits, linking with and learning from other

    campaigners all are ways in which multimedia and social media can be used in campaigns.

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    For example: Creating a viral video to spread a campaign message; creating an online pledge to

    gain community support.

    Change you can't have a list related to participation without having Change. Especially not a list

    of Cs. Using the latest and greatest tools for youth participation only means something if there is

    the possibility of, and movement towards, change for the better for young people.

    Of course, change is also on this list for another reason. You should certainly make sure you video,

    blog, podcast and photo stream your stories of change as an inspiration to others

    Task (d):

    Develop the services process flow chart of designing, developing, providing &

    delivering the service.


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    Social media flow diagram
