Setting up your wordpress account

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Setting up your Wordpress Account

Email me if you need help!

In order to do the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own FREE Word Press account, go to The system will walk you through the steps to set up your own user-friendly Word Press blog. Alternatively, you can sign into our website through Facebook or Twitter. If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. Just make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before you post on our class page so you get credit for your work. Please email me your username once you have established which account you shall use for the quarter.If you cannot establish your website and username, please see me as soon as possible, and I will help you with the process. Much of our work will take place online, so establishing this connection is mandatory. • You may want to establish your new Gmail account

before you establish your Wordpress username

Go to

Click Here

Skip this step by clicking the “skip” button

Choose a free domain. This is your “username”

For example, you might put Ninjabrain.wordpress.comI used

Put i

t her


Click the select button to get the free domain name.

Select the free plan

Your email address

Your username

Your password

Click here

Finish up

• Follow the rest of the directions to activate your site and/or your username.