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August 21, 2021

13 Elul 5781

Parshat: Pages 840-857 Haftorah: Pages 857-858

SHABBAT SHALOM A warm welcome to our guests

We welcome you and are pleased that you have joined us to

worship. We hope you will feel welcome whenever you are in

town. If you are a new resident to our area, please introduce

yourself so we can properly welcome you and tell you more

about our wonderful congregation and community.


Candle Lighting: Ki Teitzei 8/20 7:36 PM

Shabbat Ends 8/21 8:34 PM

Candle Lighting: Ki Tavo 8/27

7:25 PM

KI TEITZEI Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19

Seventy-four of the Torah’s 613 commandments (mitzvot) are in

the Parshah of Ki Teitzei. These include the laws of the beautiful

captive, the inheritance rights of the firstborn, the wayward and

rebellious son, burial and dignity of the dead, returning a lost

object, sending away the mother bird before taking her young, the

duty to erect a safety fence around the roof of one’s home, and the

various forms of kilayim (forbidden plant and animal hybrids).

Also recounted are the judicial procedures and penalties for adul-

tery, for the rape or seduction of an unmarried girl, and for a hus-

band who falsely accuses his wife of infidelity. The following cannot

marry a person of Jewish lineage: a mamzer (someone born from an

adulterous or incestuous relationship); a male of Moabite or

Ammonite descent; a first- or second-generation Edomite or


Our Parshah also includes laws governing the purity of the military

camp; the prohibition against turning in an escaped slave; the duty

to pay a worker on time, and to allow anyone working for you—

man or animal—to “eat on the job”; the proper treatment of a

debtor, and the prohibition against charging interest on a loan; the

laws of divorce (from which are also derived many of the laws

of marriage); the penalty of thirty-nine lashes for transgression of

a Torah prohibition; and the procedures for yibbum (“levirate

marriage”) of the wife of a deceased childless brother,

or chalitzah (“removing of the shoe”) in the case that the brother-in-

law does not wish to marry her.

Ki Teitzei concludes with the obligation to remember “what Amalek

did to you on the road, on your way out of Egypt.”

YAHRZEIT MINYANIM For those desiring a minyan to observe a yahrzeit, please

call or write the office well in advance at 410-263-3924

x0 or Please make some

calls yourself to bring in Jewish adults who can count to-

wards the minyan.

YAHRZEIT NOTICES If you would prefer getting your yahrzeit notices by email, please call the office to let us know and to make sure we have your email address.

CONDOLENCES Congregation Kneseth Israel expresses its condolences

to the Singerman Family on the passing of Harold



REQUESTS REMINDER If you have not already done so, please return your request

for High Holiday seats ASAP!



The following Yahrzeits are being observed during the

week of August 22—August 28

Monday, August 23 Sidney Katz

Lena Silverstein Reichel

Tuesday, August 24 Lee Feinstein

Judge Morris Turk

Israel Sthool

David Sliom

Wednesday, August 25 Harry Ivrey

Chana Hammer

Thursday, August 26 Arthur Gutter

Friday, August 27 Fannie Boro

Leon Michelson

Saturday, August 28 Margaret B. Yane

Zina Kuhns

Anna P. Monias

Benjamin B. Hillman

Allen Mondros

VOLUNTEERS Since we are short staffed in the office, for the time being,

anyone willing to help out with answering the phone and

letting people into the building, your assistance would be

greatly appreciated. Just a couple of hours would be a

great help. If you are willing to help out, please call

Shirley Aronson at 410-263-3924, ext. 0.


Jeffrey Blum, Glenn Carr, Joyce Ani, Marcia Diamond and

Don Sacarob

May the Holy One, Blessed is He, be filled with compassion

for them, to restore their health, to heal them, to strengthen and

revivify them. May He send them a speedy and complete

recovery from heaven, a recovery of the body and a recovery of

the spirit, swiftly and soon. Amen.


Yahrzeit Contributions In memory of Arthur Gutter by Marcia Lewis In memory of Jack Prichep by Larry Prichep In memory of Adolph Finkelstein by Barnett & Francine Rattner In memory of Sidney Katz by Wendy & Joel Katz In memory of Rear Admiral Leon S. Kintberger by Suzanne K. Perlman General Contributions In honor of the birth of Shirley Aronson’s great grandson from Barnett & Francine Rattner In memory of Harold Singerman from Rabbi Jonathan Panitz In memory of Harold Singerman from Dr. Stuart Baker & Dr. Karen Lindeman In memory of Harold Singerman from Nancy Gordon In memory of Harold Singerman from Shirley C. Aronson Kiddush Fund Contributions In memory of Harold Singerman from Roberta Goldstein


RETURNED! Kiddush lunches have resumed! Please join us for some

noshing and kibbitzing after services.

MOTI’S MARKET Are you interested in ordering from Moti’s Market and having it delivered to KI? We are trying to gauge interest in a monthly delivery. You would be able to go onto their website and order from groceries, deli, meats, and pre-pared foods. Would not have to order every month. For more information, or to let us know if you are interested, contact the office at 410.263.3924 X0 or email



If you would like to make a contribution to a specific fund,

please see the list below. Your contributions to any of these

funds would be greatly appreciated.

• Rosenblatt Memorial Fund

• Kiddush Fund

• Perpetual Torah Fund

• Torah Fund

• Cemetery Fund

• PreSchool Fund

• Kitchen Fund

• Program Fund

• Sisterhood Fund

• Tree of Life & Simcha Fund

• Prayer Book Fund

• Concert Fund

• Building Fund


If we have inadvertently omitted your name for any reason, please

accept our apologies and please call the office at 410-263-3924 with

complete information so we may include your information in the next

publication. Please advise the office of any congregant’s simchas that

you are aware of or if you know of someone who is ill so we may

acknowledge it. When calling the office, if you get the answering

machine, please leave a message. Someone will return your call.


President – Jody Goldsmith

Executive VP – Jack Schmerling

1st VP (religious) — Aryeh Englander

Comptroller – Larry Block

Treasurer – Shirley Aronson

Secretary – Steve Lebowitz

Board Members – Walter Beckerman, Lawrence Goldstein, Nancy

Gordon, Ethan Halpern, Jonas Legum, Marcia Lewis, Francine Rattner,

Michael Snyder, Steve Sutton

Sisterhood President – Nancy Gordon

PreSchool Director – Alex Melnick

Web Master – Glenn Carr

Gift Shop – Laura Sutton

Gabbayim/Gabbayah– Glenn Carr, Aryeh Englander, Amira Goldsmith,

Jody Goldsmith, Barnett Rattner, Gail Snyder, Michael Snyder, Steve



Congregation Kneseth Israel

1125 Spa Road, Annapolis, MD 21403 | 410.263.3924



Hospital visits are temporarily halted until doing so is again

safe, considering the precautions required because of the



We are putting in positive thoughts for members of the

congregation on our Kneseth Israel Facebook page. If you

would like to contribute, please feel free to participate.

ROSH HASHANAH is just weeks away. The Gift Shop is

featuring the new acquisition of a unique ceramic apple

and honey dish. It is handcrafted in Israel and hand

signed by the artist. A one of a kind addition to your

holiday table!



August 2021 Jonas Aronson Joel Schickowitz Jennie Mondros Samuel Ivrey Irving I. Wolfe Rebecca Alper Blanche Ruth Hamilton Roberta Reichel Legum Evelyn M. Berman Solomon Grollman Minnie B. Hahn Esther Gumnit Gertrude Legum Sherr Norton H. Plaine Lena Donner Ida Charlow Samuel Cooper Anna Greenbaum Benjamin Peake Evelyn Schultzer Jacob Rotman Samuel Levy Farag ElKodsi Dr. Michael Monias Edward H. Legum Benjamin Kohn Margaret Schwartzberg Sara Bertha Freedman William N. Goodman William Boro Dr. Samuel Bloom Emanuel Michaelson Harav Yitzchak Meir Haitan Reuben Silverstein Adolph Finkelstein Sigmund Forsch Jack Prichep Basha Riva Krissoff Jerome Cohn Louis Liss Hyman D. Schenker Samuel Zelkovitz Estelle Z. Kutun Frieda Cohen William Friedman Rebecca Krissoff Eli L. Rubin Lawrence Donner Beverly Kramer Zaino F. Helene Monias Michael Futerman Dorothy G. Lerner Joseph E. Shafran Donald Cohen Nathan Cooper Anna Jakubowicz Leo Gordon Rae Gottlieb Sidney Katz Lena Silverstein Reichel

Lee Feinstein Judge Morris Turk Israel Sthool David Sliom Harry Ivrey Chana Hammer Arthur Gutter Fannie Boro Leon Michelson Margaret B. Yane Zina Kuhns Anna P. Monias Benjamin B. Hillman Allen Mondros Morris Sheff Samuel Garfield Israel Greengold Barney Marcus Joseph Levin Samuel Backer Harry Louis Schleider Samuel C. Krohn Samuel Mayer Wolpert Abram Goldstein Mace Silverman Doris Handen Sandra Kohn Loubier Jacob Swerbilow Louis Singerman Fred I. Deckelbaum Mollie Gerson Esther Ziff Israeli Olympic Team Lionel Allan Jacobson Joseph Greenfield Selma Krimins Berman Minnie Stein Samuel Ambach Rear Admiral Leon S. Kintberger Charles Schlossman Barney Berman Louis Levin Ruth Bader Ginsburg Mathew Gradet September 2021 Mace Silverman Doris Handen Sandra Kohn Loubier Jacob Swerbilow Louis Singerman Fred I. Deckelbaum Mollie Gerson Esther Ziff Israeli Olympic Team Lionel Allan Jacobson Joseph Greenfield Selma Krimins Berman Minnie Stein

Samuel Ambach Rear Admiral Leon S. Kintberger Charles Schlossman Barney Berman Louis Levin Ruth Bader Ginsburg Mathew Gradet Dr. Louis T. Lavy David Teitelbaum Lena Kotzin Dora Legum Kintberger Bea Jacobson Oscar Shacks Samuel Hyatt Harold Snyder Nelson Diamond Hilda R.Knable Fritz Goldschmidt Benjamin Snyder Lena Bloom Bettye Strauss Shapiro Hinda Gita Lichtenstein Samuel Lipshitz Bertha Deckelbaum Rebecca Snyder Arnold Cohen Arieh Tourgeman Helene Morgenstern Sarah Morgenstern Edith Liss David H. Knable Joseph Rosenstein Markus Mandelkorn Abram Berman Anna Berman Norma Lee Schwartz Morris Cheplowitz Colman Bulman Jacob Blum Jack David Kaufman, Gen. USA (Ret) Fannie Sheff Kate Goldstein Stephen Morris Philip Olim Sol Cooper Florence Gertrude Silber Ruth L.Snyder Dr. Maurice Klawans Buddie Meyer Myron S.Gordon HaRav Chaim Weisblum Naftali Rebecca Horowitz Ralph Herbert Sonnenberg David Mondros Dr. Frances E. Weitzman Nancy Klawans Harry Berg Rachel Lott Abe Ostrusky Henry B. Davison

Mildred Snyder Ray Swerbilow Dena Walters Khatoun Sheena Irene Torf Rose Glick Henrietta Fiedler Ben Lewis Julia Greenfield Anna D. Berman Freda Katcef Sarah Mandelkorn Rose Levy Irene L.Chusman Annie Cooper Benjamin Bouch Annie Siegel Louis Cohen Samuel S.Katsef Miriam Hankin Ivrey Frieda Mashbaum Snyder Malka Tourgeman Noah A. Hillman Henry Gordon Rosenbloom Edward H. Chusman Moshe Silber Rabbi Jacob Wolf