Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA)...

Post on 25-Aug-2019

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FRIDAY, flARCM 24, 1QO5.^mmmmmnnmrnmrnmrmmmmmmmmm i aa-a^tt*********t*i

Mr. J. Alston Cabell, who is n

candidate tor Lieutenant Governor.

replied to the refusal ol State Chair¬

man J. Tavlrr Ell vson to allow the

Rici.mond people to nettle by pnmary which tdiall make the race. MrCabell claims that Mr. Kllyson mis¬

led lim by silence and that ho

(Cabell) would not bave announce]himselfhad he known Ellyson wai

.joingto run. He conclude', by nving tbat now he is in the race and

w ill remain to the end.

SenatotB Martin and Daniel saytbat the proposition to construct a

now Slate out ol the mountainous

portions ol Tennessee, Kentucky and

Virginia is too absurd to be talkedabout. Tliey say that it is next 10

l npossible ot accomplishment, and

that it would be little short ofassin-intv tor anyone lo offer a bill in

Congress lor thai purpose. Theyboth point out that io construct

such a State, tlie consent ol tbe lei:-i*datures or Hie people oi each Mate

affected Mould bave to bc procured.a consent which tb»y declare no

ame person will expect to be niven.


J/ajor J. Ogden J/uiray bas made

a valuable addition to war history in

bis book entitled "The Immortal Six

Hundred.'" It is a truthful account

ol the selection ol'six hundred Con¬federate officers who wore kept, for a

time in tbe hold of a small vessel un

der tlie tire of Confederate -411ns andwere afterwards placed on Morris Is

land, between the United States bat.

tories exposed lottie fire of tits Con¬federates, lie gives a graphic ac¬

count ot the cruellies to which theseofficers were subjected. Tin y were

ted ujion unwholesome and insuffici¬ent iood, guarded by a negro regi¬

ment, exposed to the burning sun ina stockade upon that sandy island.The torture to which these officerswere subj- cted was not tbe act ol

some subordinate, but was in ola dience to tbe order ot the Secretary clWar.We do not believe in tearing open

partially healed wounds, but it is im¬

portant that tbe truth should be told,Northern people of this day, deceive--by false reports actually believedthat their prisoners were cruellytreated *'n the South, while Con lederate pri»on<<r8 were humanely treat

ed in the North. There is abundantevidence that Confederate prisoner:were actually starved an 1 frozen tc

death in Northern prison**, while thrFederal prisoners io tbe South rc*

ceived tbe same rations tbat wen

given to Confederate soldiers in thifield.

Major Murray has given not onbthe facts which came under his owi

observation but ihe official corres¬

pondence taken trom records ot linUnited States Government.

lt is true that the conduct oi thi

United States officers is a dark bloupon the nation. In spite of thishowever, it is miporant tbat a truth¬ful account ot their treatment 0

prisoners should iorm a part ofhistorMajor J/urrny's book should b

lound in every library, North oi

S<.uth, and the truth should be mad

apparent, though tbe beavens tali

There is a limited edition ol this boolwhich is sold at J!..*>() per copy.

.¦ - .., .^mmmmmmW *»*aa»a> ._¦_->.-. .

Advancing.Tbe city council ol Milton, Penn

will hereafter have its sessions opened with prayer. This is a step in a<

vance ol councils of other Penney!vania towns which have been dosiby the polios..AttgitBta Argus.Tbe nuiiiber of persons known t

have been killed by tbe boiler ex

plosion at Brockton, Malsu, ix .*,.'

with oniy lb* identified and 4* misBing.

By the Tonic Route.The pills that act as a tonic, an

not aa a drastic purre, are DeWitt'Little Early Risers. They cure Hemache, Constipation, Biliousness, ctrEarly Risers are small, easy to 'akand easy to yet- ¦ sa'e pill. MscHamilton, hotel clerk at Yalies Cit]Ba I), say: Two bottles cured OBof chronic constipation h Sold by IR. Irwin.

It ia said tbat someone has beeworking c ff wood 1 n aiekles tor thgenuine article on a number ot Win-cheater merchants. The scheme i

essy durang rush hours. So Jar, it iMid, "Vc police have no clue..-Martiusburg World.

Startling notality.Statistics show startling mortality

from appendicitis and peritonitis. Tiprevent and cure these awlul (Uses* 1lhere is just one reliable remedy, DiKing's V*»w Life Pills. M. Flanneryot 14 Cutt? n House Place, ChicagoBays: "They have no eiiual for Con¬stipation snd Biliousness." 25c. a

Lt. H. Irwin's, druj-i-i-t.


flAUkEI'TOWNMis. Lucy L. Sine, Postmistress

at this office has been authorised bjtiie Post Office Department to extendRural Free Delivery, to commenceon Saturday, April 15th, 1905. Theroute to be tollowed, and which willbi known as Route No. 2, will be as

folioss: Begmning at the Maurer-town postctlicv, the carrier will gosouthwest lo Ridenour corner 9-10miles, thence S. E. toSpiggle corner

0-10 miles, thence N. E. to S. E. to

Fet/.vr coiner 8 10 miles, thence 8.E to II* aili- y's residence, 1 0-10iniies, thence Northeasterly, Northand N. W. to Zion's church 1 1 10mile«, thence N. W. to S. Wt to

lioyer's corner 1 mile, thence N. Boyer residence and retrace tocorner 8-10 miles, thence S. E. andEasterly to Zion's church 1 1-10

milts, thence N. E. to Bjuserman'scorner 810 miles, thence S. E. to

J/cClannahai.'s and retrace 6 10miles, thence N. E. to Sch mucker'scorner o 10 miles, thence North andWt sternly to pike 2 2 10 miles,thence N. F. to Flyrn's toll^rtte 3 *0

miles, thence Southwest to AlmsHouse corner 6-10 miles, thence S.E. to Alms House and retrace to pike1 1*10 miles, thence 8. W. to Maur¬ertown Postoffice 5-10 miles. Num¬ber ot houses on route 64, populationscived 288, length ot route 14 9-10miks.

Mrs. Levi Riser is visiting friendsin Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Silas Copp is visiting her son-

in-law Marcellus Boyer, near Wood¬stock.Hugh Mclninrff left oar town on

last Saturday. He will engage interming tor tbe present on the homerana near Toni's Brook. Hugh'sIriends, and lie bas a good numberot them, in thil vicinity were sorryto see him leave. He was quite a

popular young man, among us.

Mis. A. It. Shaver has been con-

lined io tlie house for the past weekor more by sicknefs.

Mrs. Raymond Newland, of Mt.Jackson, is keeping house for herlather. Lr vi Riser, while her mother,.Vis Kiser is away from home.

S, Il Cullers, our new merchant,took charge ol W. E. Mclntuvff *feBio's business on last Friday, both

a/ *

be and hi*- clerk, Mr. Stnckler seem

lo be nice gentlemen.Mrs. Sarah Cavinall ot R. F. D.

No. 1 from tint place reports to yourcorrespondent tbat she is now pre¬paring tor the beautiful snow, aa shehas just completed a nice <piilt thatbas 3,244 iqusres ami pit ces in it.

Harrisvillei In account ot the rain Sunday

evening, there was no preaching at

St Jobi s Church.Mr. JameaCoby moved last Fri-

rliy into tbs prop* r'y that lie recent¬

ly purchaaed ot Moses Conner.While Mr. Hann Hookman was

bumn g ti pile ol brush la*-t Saturday,the titid caught tire and be bad to

call assistance before he could ex

linguist) it.Mrs. Hunter Asl)wood, of Stras¬

burg is spending this week with the

family ol H. H. Sine and otherIriendfl here.

Mrs. Mollie Stover and Miss LauraSuckley, of Strasburg, spent part olla*t week with Afr. H. H. Wismanand family.

Misses Naomi Buahong and JfaudcSliilliugburg spent last Thursdayevening al a Flinch party at Mr,Ira Fra v el's.

1/r. Bernie Borden and familyspent tbe tii>t ol tbe week with the

family of Mr, W.H Boiden.Mr. W. H. Sine is now employed

Wv E. A. Will at his saw mill neal

Mt. Olive.Mr. M. J. Busbong, ol J/anassas

tormerly of this county, is now iiKentucky superintending the fieUwork tor a large oil company. IJiimany friends in Shenandoah wistilim success.


Accord ing to a dispatch fron

Washington, Col. Campbell Slemptbe only Republican Representativtin Congress from Virginia and nov

firmly in the saddle as dispenser o

Federal patronage in this Statf, sayho will introduce a bill at the nex

session ot Congress tor the creatioiol'a new Slate out of Eastern Tenn¬essee, Southwestern Virginia am

Southeastern Kentucky. He inn

discussed the matter with PresidentRoosevelt, who has given his appro*!al to thc proposition, winch mus

tirst lie accepted by the trio o

States which come together in tinmountainous section of land to bincluded in tbe proposed new Stale

1 «.»» aaai

Winchester Presbytery.The regular spring meeting of th*

Winchester Presbytery will be hehat Vaucluse, near Winchester, ot

April ll. Dr. F. M. Woods, pastoot the Martinabuig PresbyterialCbnrcb, will attend.

Late Saturday night a donn po¬licemen raided three gambling placiii prominent- parts of Lynchburg(. imea. of c'lance were in lull swiujwhen the policemen entered ant

about 10 well-known citizens wen

arrested and marched to jiolice headquarter--, where they were bailert ir their appearance io the Mayor'Court Tuesday morning.

'mm^mmmr . ta* % a....

The J/t. Vernon tract of iron or

land lying in the eastern part o

R redingham and Augusta countiewi* r-old last Saturday at public aue

lion, and was bid In by Jacob Vostot Staunton, as agent tor a Stauntoi

syndicate. The land compriseabout 110,000 acres, and was sobnuder a deere? ol the Circuit CourtThe price paid was $20,000.

Virginia spent last year tor edaca-i lion tSOtaJatil 70 and tor suppressioi

of crime $251,610 77.






On last Friday, soon atter mid-duy,he pale horse and bis rider ananijane into our midst, and claimedMr. W. A. Siger, as his victim, one ot¦>ur very best, aud most highly es¬

teemed citizens. His sickness fromthe very beginning, was severe and

painful, which lasted tor ten days, bisphysicians were attentive day and

Dight, and did all they could lor him,but the disease would not yield to

their treatment. We will all missMr. Sager, because of his rpialitica-lions making bim useful and helpfullu so many ways, a man almost in

tbe prime of lite, did not reach thetitty tittil mile stone, in his journeythrough tins world, yet Ins experi¬ences were many, a very successfulfarmer, considerable experience inmanaging machinery, saw mills andthreshing machines. A few years ago,representing Shenandoah county in

the Legislature, since thin givingmost ot Ids time to buying and ship¬ping stock. Having the confidenceof everybody, as he had, lie madelils business sati-iac*ory to himseltand entirely so to tlie community at

large.He was buried in the family grave

yard Tuesday morning, servic-s con¬ducted by ins pastor, Rev 1). II.Rhodes, assisted by Rev. llamaker,ot" Strasburg. In early life he unitedwith tire Chiistain church at Fair¬view, and has always been one of itsmost efficient and laithiull members,in the services ot the church, SundaySchool aud church work generally.His so..s, living away from home,Melvin, ofWinchester, and Wash¬ington B, of Richmond, reachedhome betore his death, Algernon, ofParis, Tenn., in time tor the burial,and Braden, ol Hambleton, W. Va,did not reach home, until severalbonis after tin* burial.

B. F. Coflelt, S. B. II. puer, 0.flower, James Hill, W. T. Clarkand Josiah Wisman, acted as pallbtareis, whose a^es compared wellwilli tiie age of tlie body they boreto its last resting place, conscious oftlie tact, that they did tor theilbrother what some one, sooner or

later must do for them.The entire tamily have the sincere

sympathy ofthe community in ibistheir trying ordeal, in tiie loss ol a

true and affectionate husband, and a

kind, loving father.

Mr O. C. DellingrVs school willclose Fi1-Jay, aftei avery pleasant andBUi-Ctasful ierm.

Miss Fannie L. Wisman, whotaught tlie Promise Land Behool inJohnston district istxpected home,.'..turd*v. Her Behool -vaa a pleas¬ant one. She taught tbe entireterm of five montes without m'sMugone day. A good many ol her ?cholars made loo p. r cent in attendance,

Messrs, 1- rauk ii ishong and .LimesS. VV ifUtan -pent Sunday sith thilatter's pan nt-, Mr. Josiah Wiamarjami lamily, aa alao Mis. AbetFravel and son, Doiice, and Mis*Minnie Henson, -d' Middletown, whois leaching J/t. Vernon sch..ol Hei.-choo) will not close belore Apr 1 Til.,the time io be made np, was causedby almost the entire school bavin:measles at ons time.

Messrs. Swan/., Bsusertnau anc

Ci.arl- s Gaucher BB linemen, dlrsonic very in web needed repairs trour [.hone linc.New Hope school was closei

Tuesday forenoon, io order that alcould attend the luneral of Jlfr. WA. Sager, who wai n patron ot sni<Behool, and alway- bad a iheeihiword tor the children.



"A huge elevated water tank withcapacity of SI,000 gallons of water,887 barrels, has been erected by Mr. AS. Seeley on his farm, just outside thcity limits, on the Cottage Toll Bridgroad, wh*ch is conceded to be the largesin Tidewater Virginia.Mr. Seeley has for the past six >eai

conducted a hot-house truck farm,novelty in husbandry tbat lias provea great meccas-, and enables Virginia3'!uwn truck to US plact-d in the Northern markets aseirlv aa Florida truck.He is operating 9000 sallie*,, in whie

are grown great quantities of mdlshsilettuce and cucumbers *f a quality lbshas attracted widespread attentionThe tank, which is automatical.*1 tileby a gas engine, is used in distributiutons of water through sprays over lbthree acres of gla**.** Inclosed tarin lanwhich keeps the truck at a proper COIalstence of moisture. Old bol sends hirays through the glass coyers ani docthe restThe farm i«. operated on the con tin

notts performance plan, and as quicki,aa one vegetable is ready lor marksanother is Iraasplasted trom hot maaure beds to the fertilized ground undethe sashes until it rem hes maturity*At present Mr Seeley lias **<>o sashi

ol radishes and cOO sashes of lettucalmost ready foi market, and will soo

haye 'JOOO sashes of cucumbers undiway.This system promises in the near fa

tore lo revolutionise the Ira k tanninin this section, which lias become aecsrsary on seconal of ?ham competiunbst**rsra Virginia ead Boothera ur."*truck iu Ihe M (fibers in <rkets.

It does away entirely with the froiami storm element, aud in addition prcduces a quality of vegetable that canni

be exceled in the world".Xorfalk, ViLandmark

Trie above named gentleman, M.

S-eley, is a son-in-law ot Mr. FranSheet/., formerly of Calvary. Tlitank rulered lo was built by MarioSheets, brother-in law, ol Mr. Seeley's, and who ts at pi-sent, withim on his truck farm.

Mr. P. W. Sheetz, of H'ashingtorvisited, tins week, his mother an

his little aon, Qraysoo, who havbeen quite sick. 15 itt. are b.-tteat tliis wilting. Dr. Smootattendethem.

Miss Lucy Sheela is improvinslowly.

Mr. A*ia Sheet/ is able to be ou

atter a long siege of sickness.The -cbool at this place has

daily average of about 4.Alvin Sheets and little sutei

Esther, visited their grandmotherthis week.

Thirteen dollars a month seem

small pay tor a soldier, but a writein Harpei's Weekly states that thpiy ol the other nations is as follow!Austria-Hungary, 73 cents a montiPrance, $1.74; Germany, $2 5CGreat Britain, $7 14; Japan, 0cents- Kussia, 12 cents.

MT CLIFTONMiss Tirgie Peters, visited rela¬

tives and friends, near Moore's Store

..everal days this and last week.Mr. Ciyde Peters and sister Miss

Virgie* spent the first of this weekwitli friends near Hawkinstowu.Mr. Arlington Good and Miss

Rebecca Miimaw were united in the

Holy bondi of Matrimony last Sun¬

day at Powder Springs by Kev.Heaton. They were attended byMr. Laban Mumawand J/iss Blanche

Markley.Messrs. Jno. Holler and Charles

Marshall attended Court at Harri-

sonbura;, Monday.Mr .1. W. Hcpner visited friends

iu "Gravel Town" last week.Mrs. Morgan Schmucker is spend¬

ing some time with her son, l>r.

Sdi mucker.We are glad to report Mr. Paul

Miller doing well at the StrasburgHospital.

Tiie telephone line to Forestvilleis completed and a few have put on

phones.Misses Rebecca Long and Annie

Kstep, of ''Gravel Town," were the

guests ot Mr. J. H'm. Hepuer last

Sunday.Squire Will and High Constable

A. C. Andrick were in the Jerome

neighborhood last Saturday on offici¬al business. They report business

'looking up,w especially the con¬

stable.Mr. T. E Kingree, of Hawkins-

town, ] ut in a switchboard at this

place, on Tuesday. This will be a

center for lye telephone lines, witha prospect ol more in the future.

TOM'b BROOK.Mr. O. L. Funk, ot Stephens City

-¦pent a few days with his brother J.II. Funk tlie latter part of last week.

Miss Lillie Kibler and Miss Miltie)of Riverton spent ihe first of tbeweek with W. A. Walton and family.

Miss Maude Wright lett torWoodstock Tuesd ly, where she williro employed by Miss Rinker in her

Millinery store.

Whiten Hottle and family, of near

Mt. Olive, spent Sunday with Mrs.

Virginia .Wright.Miss Lula Hupp, ot Strasburg, is

visiting her sister, .1/rs. M.L Reedy.If any reader of these items wish

to haye harness repaired, call on

BushonjC and Wisman, they hid e.x-

peirence in thi** line Sunday.Eiei Baccy preached a very in¬

tel isling sermon in the V. I>.church Suoday night, it being tiielast lor this conference year, ile leftTuesday for Contereneo at Dayton,VaThe Rockdale Liaie Co., shipped

.1 car loads ot lime last week andhare st il I more orders. Their limecannot be excelled in the state.

Miss Nan Roller, of Woodstock,rusted Misses Benia and MaudeWright.

Mr. and Mrs. Ott Harden, otBentonville, spsot the first ot this.week with Mr. Borden's parents, inthis piece.

Mies Boniah Wright is visiting ber

grandmother, .Ws. Hottle, near

ll "bud..tuck, this week.Mr. Eli Hottle, of Maurertown,

who bad been right sick tor some

time was in our town Wednesday.Capt. J. E. Fleming, general mun

aig-r tor the new stave factory intue lort left Wednesday for that

place to get ready for placing the

machinery.Messrs. Harry Miller and B, F.

Mcwilliams left Wednesday for Bar-ry ville after spending a week at theirhomes,Mr. Paxton met with a p imf ul ac¬

cident tV eduesday by picking up a

hot iron poker, which the firemen USSin "'knocking" the kiln when hung,and burnt the palm of Ins lett hand.The smokestack on ihe uew kiln

was pm in position Wednesday whichwill soon lie la operation.J D, Borden aV Co., shipped today

Friday, 100 cieee ofeggsMrs. J D. Hupp left today for

Xew Market and Forestville, where-he wi I visit friends and relatives fola week or two.



ORANDA.The earth seems to be getting her

.diare of water now.

Wheat is looking very much bet¬ter than tlie farmers had au idea itwould during the winter.A Rural Free Delivery man has

been in our section this week looking»vcr the proposed mail route.

Mr. Chas. Fisher's baby is quite illit Mr. C. M. Stickley's.Miss Dunnie Hausei.fluck is very

ill at thU writing, TussdaT.Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Saum have re¬

turned from a yisit to SaumsviPe.The regular Mai ch offering for

lt Foreign Missions at the Christianchurch here amounted to|H).(H).

Miss Sarah Dosli is ter* much in-k disposed at present.I Mr. II P. Miller visited ids home-

over Sunday.OABTOniA.

Baan th* ^a asl Kind Yes Han jjaa BofigM

ni". SOLON.The debate that was held at this

p'ace la-t Friday nl^bt was largelyaitended. The question wa**, resolved

8 ihat war ha* newsed mote miserythan liquor. It waa .'fhVuied by KerkWindle und denied by H. Clowerand lt. Fravel. War won.

Mr. Silas Getz, will soon move hissaw mill from Cedar Creek to thisplace and saw a large bill for tbsRockdale Lime Co.

UoBan. William PtsUgSf and Chas.Cavinall are in Powell's Fort work¬ing for tiie new stave f-c.ory.

Liberty r-urnace:

Measles broke up tin* schoo 1 atolumbia Furnace and J/is-. Verguunkhouser returned to tier home indberty.The Company's general manageras bought himself a ur w horse and.cone from Page county.Mt. R. F. Watson Fup*l of ff.ines

Bturned to bte horns Saturday dueo bis wife's illness who tr ll and in¬ured hem lt -cri.. ii sly.Mall i** brought to Liberty bj Abe

Madeley. Mail isa happy thoughtack in these mountains.Tlie 21st and is not showinc any

ign of being tbe tiru day of Spring.Dellinger tin; road master una

ere repairing some bid places inhe road.

"..-...tied 1' ii «*fi u r ii u»* m.* nt.

"I reini'," s:iiii sn oki naval ofll*-er, "hearing «»f au Incident on boardtt a ship which waa couminnUed i>> a

eli'-i.Mis captain who would nol allowlu- mate to ass profane language or

rlolenee toward the crew and wherehe work and discipline were earned on

nore by moral suasion than hy force,sith the result that things went veryllowly. The men did nol Jump to thebraces or ropes, and the geueral workjf the ship was slow."While at anchor one day In tho har¬

bor of Kio two of the Bailors, leaningiver the rall, were watching work go¬ing on on board of another ship an-

.bored dose tc them, where the oppo*-tt-- system prsrsiled. The slr on thatship was lurid with the language of thematf, and the men were treated withI -rlolenee tbat \"*as fur from necessary,but the work went on quickly. Thcsalis were furled and the yards bracedIn a smart and seamanlike manner.As they listened t>> the sulphurous or¬

ders of the mute one of the sailors <>n

the pood ship remarked sententiouslyto tin* other:

" 'Hill, d'ye s«>e now what it ls we

want al ionrd here? We want a littlerncouragementr "

The I'lilli-tlmmi*.

A palindrome is a line or phrase thatrea-li the same backward as forward.The Latin language ls full of aucb lin-

i*uli-.t.c freaks; th*- English baa butfew. one at least is Inimitable, lt rep¬resents our tirst parent politely intro¬ducing himself to Bra In tb.-se words:"Madam. I'm Adam."Prom the Latin we have. "Roms Ubi

BUbitO motions loll amor" (Rome, lovewill come to voil suddenly with vlo


So Tired. t may be from overwork, huithe chances arc its from an in¬set!ve liven

With a well conducted can do mountains of labu*without adds a hundred per cent t.ones earning can be kept in healthful actioiby, and only by



Shenandoah national Biltt Woodstock. In the State >>f Vii -

close ot tiu-Uu....Ban ti ll. r..*"*.

UasoiiBfia Dollabs.


Loanssod discount**r»\»*r«liiitt-.-vv uredaod unseeuredr. B. Bonds to secure i IrculstloaPremium*. <>n I". S. BondiStocks, securities, etc.Banking bouse, furniture, k ftsturea I,";;.'Doc National Banks [nol Reserve

AaJfllt.**'** ti«>in State Bank** sod Dsnkeif I.NTS.IDue from approved reservesgentsInternal Revenue itanipiI beelu nnd other cask item*] BTTJNotssol other National Banks fkslilFractional paper currency, nickels,

aii.l crnls81SJBpscfaj :>.(o-lr»*B*iil-ti*n<li'rnote« r.6O0 00( UvRedemption lund arith V, S.Tressurer

(I i-t-r cent, of circulation SlU

Total ISS.S8SJLiAiui.iTiKs. Dollabs:

Capital st-K-k paid insurplus fundUndivided orofltSi less szpei ST!

an.l taxes paidNational Bank not.- outstandingDue to other National Banks l 68 !.Due to stat.- Han'-.** a il i BanBet fl los.'Individual deposits tublei I to check 11DiMiiarul ****u*Uncatc ol depositCairned checksCaahicr's Check* outstandins 1 -; INotes and billi red I.s. onutel

Total I8S.88S.IBrATSOf Viki; i ma.'".ni at vof Shenandoahj

l. *u. ctriiian. Cashierol th. Above nameU*uk,.lo *.o|»*innly -.wear that thesbovaj -to*

m. nt in true to the bett of hiv knowledbelief. kt.COFFBAN, Cstsubscribed BB-Ssworn t" beforr mc tin*. i*-v

lay of Sarch '80b.W. L NBWiias

Notar** PublirW, H. NKWM i9,N. I;. :'.< mm11 t.S. VV M Miiir: bi

Din-, tor*

Correct -Jtteut:

For Sale.An cxeelent farra oftWacr*** of tine pr.

ductlre lirae«tone land, Shout fl am - iu urisnal timl»-*r.a fairlyafo<>*l roomy.Iwi-iliMK-liarand all other neeeflfliiry outbuilding! ;<

.nilen weat of Woodatork, Va Ike wholplace ls well watered and fSttood. Thi«. in

valuable small farm OB account ofthe qualltof the land. Apply at once to

J. N.DAVIS id)..Heal Estate Af-U. V.< Midstock, Vu.

For SaleA nie- residence on J/ain str.-.t Wo-

Va., coutaiiiinK nln«* rooms the tro-nt i*.

b lek building BSxSi rael back part fram'Uxi* feet lari*.' hall, two lam <ii:ii -* darand Unlit, mountain water in hon**.*. ajfl>0 twclatrrna. large bsrnatsSlfl ¦ad all HST NNaary ontbuildl. ffl UfOOd repair. nk*e**flowryard. Iwik ynri pavu! and large rick fsidert*n.|ue-.tionat.lly tbe t*o»t location In t«w*iApply at oner to J. V DAVIS A CO.Real Ba*Sata* AftS. WoodaSock. Va.

For Sale,A nice home <>n SpriiiK -trcit WoodfltOCl

Vii., corner lot of S a«r<- a good .1 -w.*! 1.1with inn.* room*, tl*,** ot win. li are paper..I.halla, new M toot nor. li. Stable arni .all Oth*neii-iHarv oiitl>uiidinir*--new tool on dwi.

lint*, for price apply at once toJ.N. DAVIS Aro.

K.-al Kfltat** A«tfl. Woodsto-.-k, Va.

CJOOU FLOUR.Whiasen's Pride ol Virginia lg Vc

regularly kl stock by F. 8. Bowman ar

T. lilenn Locke. It you have not us<

ulstlour, try ir and you wi I be phasedoct.,_'

TRAPPERSBring your rs* lura to Woodstorfc r

Court Day and 1 will my you nighecash prices. W. H. Swartz,Nor. Ca.vary Va,

Ryers Pills-I Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE¦^.#l*^lhrA-*ar«o--Hrhhlsrk?Ufae mcis<*#-»S4r«i4*>tfW(r*arr^

The dose is one. just one pillat bedtime. Sugar-coated,mild, certain. They cure

constipation. L.!9**?.'.

beautiful brow* cr rich Mack? Uk

naaia-ajaji wmn

Shirts are the test of a mail's temper.


So easy to have some little thing Mrong,and then so easy to use strong language.

Ours are made so as to spread a christian spirit through¬out the land.they will not rub the man, rile the temper or

rob the pocket hook

The Negligee Shirtswe're selling largely just bow, are the usual smart styl.*-that cannot ire duplicated later on. Helter gel in on them

while you can. New Spring Styles are in, ."iOc. to $1.50 .

HOR & ATWELL,Men's Toggery.



Tba 11.00bottla- - % :cr 5" cr :*.



Ask for the 1905 Kodol Almanac and 200year calendar.

Notice to Farmersand Horsemen !

The two line bUndsrd-l red TrottingSta! li

SUPREMACY, [t.] 2 17. [rec] 2 29,and

RADlUn CHIEF,will make thia .] r d Bl Middle*town, 8trsBbnrg, ns - iBtock, Mt, J.u-k-

Md i»< in ts near by.F<>r particulars ress,

Or. I). D.Carter, or F.C. Clem, Mgr.Woodst. ck, Vsa Mt. Jackson, Va.

.tel 3ti

Kotice! Notice! Notice!"Y '. .;. *1.

.oking foran INVESTMENT? il

so, The HOME LIFE INSURANCE COM¬PANY'S i-1 entGold Bond snd Ementa sn unqu. BEST- i '¦**-. HOME'-old. strong, snd reliable.All err invil Ul oi

writi -.

BU8HON'G sn HI' {Ri >\*(i.s't. Itgr'a.

Wanted. Woodst. «.- ITe. .;>.

TO TMh PI.M:HlkST (JOLI- LINKS.The Southern Railway, effective

December 14, 1904. inaugurated itsWashington :»n«l Pinehurst SleepingCar I.un*, leaving Washington on

train No 30, 7.30 p. in., tri-weekly,Mondays, Wednesday! snd Friday*:returning, leave Pinehurst, first cur,December 15, and thereafter on

Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Saturdays,ir im No. 40. Thia through ».eep*-i.Aili be operated during the winterBenson, and until Inrtber Botice

affording txcelient Pullman Bsivioetu Pinehurst without change of cits.

Por illustrate', pamphlets, etc, on

Pinebarst, rates, Bchedules am. other

information, write I*. S. Brown,Gen, Agent, Southern Rwy., Wash¬ington, 1). C.

Baltimore & Ohio R. R.SPECIAL LOW PARRS.

Summer Season 1905.AbBURY HARK, BJ. J.- Nation U Fdeca-

tionBl Association. Tickets onsaleJu yla tend 3, good nourning until July to,

IbcIusIts.ATLANTIC CITY. I ai-'Mav. OOBAS Crtv


Excursions operated Junt- *"..*.Ju:y lugosi !. end ,:. licketa good ten <:

BALTIaVORR, Md rociety ChrietianEndeavor, Julj

HI'FF AI." I ProtectivtOrder Of Elks, Orand l.oJ»r<*. Jul** u-i"

DENVBB, COL. Epworth Leegu. Ver>Hat. .*. Tickets on ssleJune .-...> .*<.**i <»1 returning until July »¦

DBl-fVRB, COL..O, A. H. BScanprnentSeptember 4-7.

PO Tl.A Nj;. URI Lewis \ I erk C'enten-nial Kxpuaitioo. Jun«> i, October ij.

Special announcementslaterPoavdetailed intormetion call <>n >>r a.ldress

ricket Agents Baltimore aOhio Bailroe

J. N. DAVIS & CO.,


Wc have over one hundred valuable propertiedfoe sale in Virginia, embrscinj* large audsir.iil farm-.. Town Property, Mil!*, Mineraland Timber lands. Store stands and stocks ofiiierchsmlise. If v»>u want to .sell yonipt ..perry oi kki.Y -price it at a reammadUfij tte aud simd to us,and we will do the rest

'trite for Catalogue. nov. ao-t yr.

IflBring your Uaw Furs to Woodstock,

February court day. 1 will pay toppriest1 for No. 1 lar^e hides.Skunks Black Ho gi 50

Raccoon Urge MOtMi***u.ni8-."Fox Orsy 70

,Fox Ked 3.00Mink large 2 50Mindi Rats fal1. 09.' * winter ">0 kl*J



Get our' prices on


also chestnut timber, both standing andsawed before you sell, we pay the

highest market prices,E. L. FOLk & CO..


New SpringStock

I bare just opened hesli Irom the lactoiy, in

pattern snd style, the greatest bi >* ever < tier¬

ed to the public in rneus and boy*' iniu - tnt*.

We can suv you dollars by paI-

We give you good new goodsfor less money than others

srill malts yon psy for old brokta *t<* i .

We want your patron ige and will ilCome lol ren it's -. We will ,

appreciate it.

A large lot of pants over SOOjpr.. .: Uv red iced pri -.

Thanking yon forpa»t lavors andf* a* a atinatlie lime, 1 am, Y



than the product** ol a-'.v Other bran.'.! reta] Gold Medals, they wor, the

only Grand Prize .br Tegs St. loin- Ixpo-ition. writ' you interd to

try Burpee's Seeds, vc will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pages,with beautiful colored nial I ....triton-*, from photo- , \ famous

FoRDH'Hti: Farm-, 'lie A NN rite TO-DA\ I


Valuable Residential Property,, forSsls.

Ob north Mam Stu, Woods! x

in** t<» the estate of the late V* . ..«-.- *|which ia s larire brick hon- slug 7rooms, lar^e hall, ant thiee p an ex-

oelleat cellar, v<xh\ s.'ah'.e. cir. 1;

Boos**., chicken nouse, an.l oil >'

out buildings, u lot containitu lead iool very rich lan I

Main street ofpremise*. Tins issn exception.*'.';v valuableptoj/mTty,taoloeatloais Ideal r.h mi

squares of the court house lsa*rins**Sll the ad¬vantage ot the town ami bdi|the limits of the corporation no* sabieet to

the corporation taxation. Poi" 1 I termsapply at once to J. N. PAY I** SCO .

Real Estate Ascents.

For Rent.Flouring mil!.roller proce***. Arl.

dress Wm. ILaki'RK, Lost Kiyer, W.Va. 4w.

Book-Keep- g.B'jiPH0N3GRr.f


,**« WILBUR R. SMITH.LEXINGTON, KY.,B - rirrular of bia (sraona ant re.** sefols

COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITYIwHr-ie-J *Ie«l:*l nt florlat's tx->*ailioii.

tl. u.Aii.l. <>f **rs*l.:afe. in poaitt-aeaw<»-i of Full linsin-^K. - our-****, imlu.ling Tul-

,. ... Booka aa ! Board in*-, at>out "Wi. .>>h Tthand.Tvp--Wntin?,andT«*^apby,Spe^j*alti-*fa* The Keiil Di pf int. tinier *****al.1'.list-. Literary l'our*"* free, if «i<.Xe t-tea*tlo*a. Kolar nov. Gra/luateaanrcosafal.In ortler U Aire vour letter, reach tu, nddrmt ar.'*.1«VILBUR R. SMITH. Lexington Ky.