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SHENANDOAH HERAU ¦a PUBLISHED HnKKX.LT HY JOHN TI. GRABTLL WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1905 A Burning Boy Rolled in Sine Hugh, the tour year old soi Jas. Stillwell, of Stanley, A was so bailly burned a day or ago that he died. Mrs. Stilb was absent from home at time, but it is thought that child's dress caught fire while was drying his feet by the 1 place. His little sister he him scream and rushing in fi an adjoining room lound the tie fellow at the door trying \\ his hands to brush down the i She opened the door and Hi ran out. Some passers by ro him in the snow and extingu; ed the fire. Drowned in a Cistern. Hancock, Md.. Doc. 22. K Webster, the 3 year-old (laugi of Kev. Dr. J. S. Webster, pa? of the Presbyterian Church Hancock, Washington cour was drowned yesterday in a tern on the property of the ^ bash Hotel. Mrs. William 1 Kalvey proprietress. The cl was missing from home ant search was instituted. A 1 said he saw the little girl pl ing around the cistern. A lo board was found on top of cistern, and it is thought thal walking across the floor board tilted and the little < tumbled in. Tlie cistern ; nearly full ot water. The child was missing a: o'clock. Her body was recove two hours later by Willi Little. TOM'S BROOK. KIBLER.WALTON. A very pretty wedding tc place at the home of the bn<: mother Mrs Walton, of this pl; at 3:30 o'clock, when Miss Mo' Walton, became the happy br of Mr. Daniel Kibler, of Ch; City. The attendants were W. Walton brother of the br and Jas Kibler, cousin of I groom and Misses Alice Collin of Woodstock, and Pearl Hu] of this place. They left on 1 5 o'clock train for Luray Caver where they will spend a few da Returning Friday, they expect reside at Chase City, in t future. Miss Maud Wright, who h been in Baltimore for some til returned home to spend t Christmas holidays. K. F. Walton, who is employ at Burke, Va., spent Christin at his home here. J. H. Miller, of Harrisonbur spent Christmas at home wi his parents. Charles Hupp, of Massanutt Academy, spent his vacation home here. Roy Crabill, who is going school at Lexington, Va., spe Christmas at his borne in th place. Miss Annie Foster and Mr Joseph Foster, of Ohio, are visi ing the family of Harrisc Miller. Omer Fravel and family. < Washington, returned home 1 spend the holidays. Flovd Borden, spent first of tr: week here. There were received hei Christmas about 80 gallons c oysters. G. L. Borden, and family ar spending this week with friend at Shenandoah Junction. Mrs. Ananias Punk, of Stephc City, and mts. Dave Funk, c Strasburg, are visiting friend here this week. Tobias Funk and family lef Tuesday for Shenandoah Junc¬ tion, where they will spend sev eral days visiting Mrs. Funk"; brother J. L. Crabill. Mrs. S. B. Ilitey, visited he father Mr. Sheffler, at Kdinburg this week. Nothing will cure indigestion tha doesn't digest the food] itself, an< give the stomach rest. Von can't ex peet that a weak stomach will PSSjall its strength and gul well when it li compelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do. You wouldn't expect a sick horse to get well when it is compelled to do a fol day's work every day of the week. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digestant and digest* the food regard¬ less of the condition of your stomach. Relieves indigestion, belching, Sour Stomach, and all stomach disorders. Sold by L. IL Irwin. O JknMv o m. IA.. fess* sw ^Issr^VcsriiuAfiquBssrM wv. n of ,Ta., two jr ell the the he ire- ard rom lit- .ith ire. igh lied Ish- uth it er stor at itv. cis- Va- fcic- lild I a hoy ay- the t in the :irl vas t 1 red am )ok le's ace Hie ide fise K. ide :he ian N>, he ns, vs. to he las me he ed as ft th cn al to nt is le .*\AlfRERTOWN. Jno. Cavi-ill, of r. f. d. no. 1 who has been in Gormania. W. Va., for the past six months re¬ turned to his home on last Thurs¬ day. Mr. and Mrs, \V. D. Spiker, pre vissiting their daughter Mrs. Iiarry Bent/., in Hagerstown. Misses Bruce and roobbie Funkhouser, are visiting friends in Washington, D. C. Otis Fetzer and wife left for a visit of several week, the first of this week for Summerset, Pa. Miss Hatlie Carroll, of Wash¬ ington, and Jas, Carroll of Harrisonburg, are visiting their father's family J. W.Carroll. Miss Vernie Painter, of Wash¬ ington, formerly of this place, is visiting S. J. Wagner's family. S. J. Striekler, who has been with his uncle Jacob Striekler, in Florida, for the past 30 days re¬ turned home on last Saturday. He tells us that is the country to live in during the winter. Miss Clemence Doll, who has been in Richmond for several months returned home last Tuesday. Harry L. Rosenberger, who is clerking for S. P. Lonas, at Mt. Jackson, was home for several days this week. Jas. B. MclnturtT and wife of Strasburg, are visiting the fami¬ ly of W. H. Sanm. Lorena Spiker, of Harrison¬ burg is visiting her aunt Mrs. Sue Hess. S. J. Shaver, is the hapoy father of a new son. Jacob Funk, sr., of Seven Fountains visited his son S, A. Funk this week. Vernon T. Striekler, the popu¬ lar clerk for S. H. Cullers, left for Staunton on Thursday, where he will take a course in the Com¬ mercial College at that place. He has made many friends whilst he was here and they are sorry to have him leave, but wish him well. Aaron Bushong, who has been clerking for T. G. Locke, will clerk for S. H. Cullers after Jan- uarv 1st. Ernest Ambrose, of Clary, was visiting Walter Fahnestock, this week. Kev. A. H. Smith, of Toms Brook, will preach in the Breth¬ ren cnurch at this place, on Sun¬ day night Dec. 31. Miss Maud Green, of Oranda, visited her friend Miss Anna Fahnestock, this week. POWELL'S FORT. As news seems to be scarce in your paper from this section I will try and give you altew pointers. The people of this place are taking Christmas in the first degree. The jug is the must highly appreciated companion by some of our young people they go so far as to sleep with it by the road-side. Mr. J. S. Walters, is visiting the fair sex in Page county, we wish him success in his model undertaking. We understand that Mr. Albert Spitler, is still seriously ill at this writing. Mr. Samuel Shiflett is very much complaining at this writ¬ ing. The Pine Hill Stave Factory will resume its work as soon as the new machinery arrives which we hope will be soon. Mr. Jacob MclnturfT a very successful medicine drummer for the Carmel Chemical * Company is home on his holiday vacation. Mr. A. C. Kitenour a B. & O., fireman of Cumberland is visiting his mother of near Detrick. Mr. Emanuel Clem of near Dil beck, died December 25th, of pneumonia, aged about 79 years. Well as holidays are more im¬ portant than news I will close by wishing the editor a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Lone Star. Low kites to flexico. Account Golf Tournament, Mexico City, Mex., January I'M if,. Southern Railway announces ex¬ tremely low rates to Mexico City and return, tickets to be sold January 1st to 12th, 1906, in¬ clusive, final limit February 28th, 1906, limited to continuous pas-1 wi sage in each direction, going ,u< and returning same route only. I n\< For further information, apply j at to nearest Southern Rwy., cou¬ pon ticket agent, or write L. S. Brown, General Agent, Southern n !Rwv.. Washington, D. C. IK ty) Mr to fri; In /lad Cruse. Millions rush in mad chase after' health, from one extreme of faddism to u.lt another, when, if they would only eat lld fOOd food, and keep their bowels! I regular with Dr. King's New Life' j Pills, their trouble would all pass' ,r away. Prompt relief and quick eur* *'ni for liver and stomach trouble. £r>c at B, Schmitt's drug store: guaranteed, i wn< sa? hen CASTORIA For Infants and Children. I The Kind You Have Always Bought r Bears the J Bisuubturaof HARRISVILLE Tho infant child of Mr. B. L. Bsf ll some lietter. Mrs. Katie Wisman has bees On sick list for several wei ks. Mrs. Ira FraveJ is siek, sh«i 1 been In bad health for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 1>. J. Reynolds Bpending their Christmas with tl parents Mr. and Mrs. [ra Fravel. Mrs. Mellie Keller, of Mt. Oil spent first Of the week With \V. Bulliong. Mr. Thomas Jones ls spending t week With friends at Saumsville. Mr. S. L. Buger, has built B I henhouse recently. Mr. Clarance Barr, ami sister M Katie Barr, are Bpending their Cur mas with Phil Lenta and other frien The christmas service rendered ,'iarris\ ille on Sunday eve was finest one we ever had. The mt and recitations were good, and collection was larajeaod was sent the Orphans1 Home, at Butler, The Kev. A. H. Smith, receive! beautiful watch for a present. Mr. W. A. Bushong killed .'{ hi last week weighing as follows: .' 319, 352, making a total of '.'Tn lb. average of 32Si tt>. THE SOUTHERN COYOTE llahi'- of I l.K (minina Anlmnl 1 .cribed liv Preside* 1 Ilnoaevelt These southern coyotes <>r prs wolves are only shout one-third size of the Mk' gray timber wolves tlie northern Rockies. They are small to meddle with full grown nor and cattle, hut pick up yoong eal and kill sheep as well as any small mestleatod animal that they can get The big wolves flee t'l'om the nei borfaood of anything like close set monts. l.ut coyotes han;; around neighborhood <»f man much m ire j slstently. They show a foxlike c nlng in catching rabbits, prairie do g >phers and the like. After night! they are noisy, and their molauch walling nnd yelling are familiar som to all who pass (tver the plains. '1 young are brought forth in holes lin banks or similar localities. Within my own experience I bi kn iwn ol' the finding of hut two fa Hies, in one there was hut a sin family of five cubs and one ol.; anim undoubtedly tlie mother: In tlie o*l case there were ten or eleven cubs a two old females wblcbjassd apparen ¦shared the burrow or cave, thougb 1 Inj? In separate pockets. In ueitl Sase was any full (frown male coy* found in the neighb .:.!. < 11. As regal these particular Utters, the fatl seemingly had nothing to do with ti lng care of or supporting 'he fan I am not a1''" : -ay whether t! accidental or whether it ls a rule tj only the mother lives with and tal erne of the litter. 1 have heard ec trary statements about the matterfn hunters who should know. I'nfoil gately I have learned from long expe erne that it is only exceptional hunt* who can he trusted to give sccuri ieSCliptiOUS of the habits of any he; savs such us are conuected with chase. Coyotes are sharp, wary, knowli creatures, and on most occasions ta care to keep out of lia.'in's way.- Frc "A Wolf Hunt In Oklahoma.*' hy Tl odore Roosevelt, in Scribner's sins. zlne. WOMAN'S RIGHTS. I lr« i Mme lu Thia Direction .Mml«* I Med; uni lu |yul. The first rec irded public meeting the Interest of "woman's rights" wi jeld in the town of Mcdl'ord in ITU [lie gallery of the church was occuph Hy the young unmarried people of tl congregation, one side and oue-haU ti 'rout gallery being given to the youl nen. the Other Side and the oilier ha >eing gi\eu to thc youug women. Hi n tlie seating in the eventful year t! ouug men were given ila- entire froi if the giller;. ..s weil, anti tin- youil von.en were allowed only one si he galley. Then it was that things began to haj .en. Treatment iike this wasn't to I olerated, even for a nioineut Th »Umk| rn' Uie finnie mothers of th (evolution was fahy aroused, and th oung women m.nle snch an Uproa nd comraotl ni thal it speedily becam town matter, and a town meetin ras called to restore to them thel ights in half of the front gallery. The young men of the day were bil .rly opp ist'il to extending any nev rlvlleges to women, and the tight ei ..lided beyond Med ford. Shortly af te ie Introduction of pews into tlr lurches, hy which families were sep rated from the remainder of the con i-egatioii, t e selectmen of the town o cw bury g.i ve permission to a grou| ' young \ mifii to build a pew in tia tilery of the church upon their owi de of tl..1 house. This extension ol .ivllege was resented by the youiifj icbelors to such a degree that tbej ¦oke a wintlow of the church, forced i entrance and backed the pow hi eces. For this act of sacrilege tnt nmg men of Newbury were lined Jiu iCh and sentenced to be whipped or lloried. Hut they were manly enough confess their folly and ask pardon, this part of their punishment was lifted. So you see the "woman's ;htH" movement isn't a modern one. Boston Herald. VcmncIm In Tow. RI 'Mi at nighttime a steamer meeta vessel whith is disabled «>r for BOOM icr reason Cannot proceed she takes In tow. and at the masthead two lite lights are shown. This is a wry ny precaution, as a vessel p ,' her at right angles In the dark gut easily run ri mt Into the boat i;< h was heine towed unless some licstioo of Ita presence there were cn. If a steamer ls proceeding ne. however, onh one light ls show n the masthead. lind >.. Pall. Ir. Makinbrakes ito ci.ance acopiaint- IS whom bs has met at a swell par- -If you have any Influence with <. Upjohn l wish yon would suggest fier that she announce dinner. I'm ;htfu!Iy lumgn. (hame Acquaint* e lief I naven*! any mfluencs h Mrs. Upjohn. I'm Ur. Upjohn.. cago Tribune. A fix-,- of Surprise. rou hore, .fames:" exclaimed the n worker rlaning the Jail, t'es'm." rtptted the new prisoner. ? was In for burg'ary. Veil, well. I certainly am surprls- lo was I, ma'am, or I wouldn't l*» ».**.rhJladelphin Press. lier BSffWi rst Woman Suffragist Did you cut ticket or vote lt straight? Second nan Suffragist (abscntly)-Strnlgbt! t lt od the blas. efj the ias are cir re, A. his mw is-, ist- ds. at the sic the ttl 'a. a iga ns. an )r- rle the of too ..¦; .es lo at. Po¬ le¬ lle er in¬ k's. all dy ds he .nt re :.i rle Ml. .r nd y ?'- er >te .ls cr k< nt rS D im ri- rs te si ts VENETIAN FOOTBALL. Hoat Cm* GftfSM Was i'l.iycd In i ;. Ssn « i ai .ii lea \k«>. a h i li .:' died at Venice in hy intoulo .v > relates mi [.lay in a real football Ulai was ac ly called by tl..- - ime name. The ..w :- large that n i "ne. b iw Itr mg, could t|iiit" throw a stone me end t »tlie ether." and it half ns wide. Twenty, thirty or ocr- »us coull puta-pate on a sith- .er I elug regulated by the sh Ibe : va liable Heal. Goals we ii either end. No one w is permltti strike tbe ball with tbe outstret una or with anything be might t tn hi; han 1. Nevertheless be was inlttcd to "strike thc ball with « ..vcr part of his hotly that he pleai If the ball came rolling toward be wis allowed to kick it, tbe ii euee being that If il were lying Stl conk] not d<» -. The Be!d was div by a transver t 'into two e i, and in the middle lay the Tbe players were chosen, thone were going to make up the oppfl par! cs. hy means of colors, by wi In the struggle <»f the contest, could recognise bis own side, v thc signal was given by tbe roll of drum or tbe blasi of a trumpet a 1 er raslie l foru '. one who had chosen by lot to he the first to kid ball Wah bis foot. This action wai , ><] to bc tbe beginning of contest bo thal after it it w ted t » no one from (ithcr party to i ii. to strike it and to drive ll ns \ over thc g wL lt was perhaps I the method of I canning the game ll w sa vn'Je 1 football.*1 These italian g lines had their oi in tlie ancient pa -ti cs of thc < Jr and l: us, I In reality appr nearer i > tlie modern Idea of fool than do tho beglnulnga of tbe gam nortlicm comitriea. i-'ootball la I e ed hy some authoi ea to have I o p >rf if the worship of tl sun |i e of Hie rll< > atteudan tbe evil hi *> thorne h i!d u trong f til ti its orli iona was luiroiluced Into Buglam the 1; Ililli .». 1 'clinic I*. M- yeti inning Vii zinc. A SERVANT PROBLEM. Why * Ii«- l.adj Of tn*' lliuxe I llcml > co < all a ii;- ll. A ladj recently call I at tl .. b of a friend. ia wen l ." the ring at tbe do ir. V\ Ith caron expression uud ll irrli .....'a- igizcd for t...- couf i don that Daren! "M\ parl ir an ld ls Ul ( uougb to go to the ht pltl I. tl to work, t ". far i. mi lc .> cl . vraitre** : a fit of Ibe s,:ik -. I have scat hi r <a.t t » do ail < get - une fn di u I k Is , now not with husband, ut one or lin' ol ^\>. 'i he fo ¦'. eh .;.... dr last uighl liing. My house is and Rev.-ns. my husband lunched do town, my mother has taken tbe i dren sud the nursery maid home v her. guois siTive#tbls evenli -' nave spent tlie day in a rain » arch help in tbs house. I belong to a c studying household economics have allowed it to turu a searchli on all my h lusebold affairs in ^iie teresta of societj at large. 1 sm i rt atly to call a bait to refuse to b my domestic arrangements confide a huntiug gr mud for thc Bounce ...i - icb clubs vain di snares and delusions, inventions of j for squandering time nnd shi Ing the hitit r c lUtrSSt between stract theory nnd «. increte reality. ' u only club I am Interested in must j l vide on tap mai ls win never get ill sulky. <. Kiks without a temper ; men nnd footmen of unlmpea al le habits.**.Lucy M. Salmon In lautic. 'I he Vonni, ii I r. There are weather proph ts I weather prophets, but there is a st which it is nrserted unfailingly f< tells In the weather. T stone was f mild in finland ma years nip hy an explorer mid has hi watched by scientists with g:e::t int est It is known as the samakuir I presents a unite mottled appearance sunshine, gradually turning from gr t black aa a rainstorm a; pr The samakuir ls made up of clay, ni and roek salt. In dry weather the s lu the st .ne is prominent, bul when t air ls Ulled with moisture the salt I sorbs the moisture and turns burs thus acting as a barometer. W li «'ii h (li I neHe lOmprriir Dieu. When a Chinese emperor dies the i telllgence la announced by dispatch to thc several provinces written wi blue ink. the mourning color. All DI s ms of rank are required to take ri silk ornaments from their caps wi the ball or hutton of rank. All sn Jects of Chilla without exception a called upon to forbear shaving tin- beads for 100 days, within which p riod none may marry, play upon musi il Instruments or perfor i any sacrlflc One I \ <.« pi lon. Mrs. Hibbs-This paper says til walking lu the rain, without an tu brella, will remove wrinkles. M Bibbs.Wejl, lt won't, not If you ni walking In the rain without an un brella because some friend has stok yours.-New York Week Iv. Hit Poem. Ho.I hear you read a intern at yoi commencement. She No; I wore lt.- Plttsburg Dispatch. The voice of conscience ls so dellcat tfi I it ls easy to stifle it. hut it ii als * ar that It Ifl impossible to mlstnk it. Mme. de Stael. BITS FROM THE AUTHORS. In the very unfairness of women Ii often to he found the main source o their fascination- Mrs. Craigie. Success lu life resis upon one ama! gift.tbe secret of the entry Info an other man's mind to discover what If passing there.--Seton Merriman. lt is Um ¦ sfrowful and tbs old win; lead tbs human host in its man h to¬ ward paradise. Youth alni happiness loiter far behind SUd are satisfied with :rth.-.Inme; Lane Allen. If I were a multimillionaire I would buy the whole Of Stratford OH-A\ on. pay all Its miserable municipal debts and make lt the nappiest little place in tho world.- Miss Marie Corel!!. The modern thirst fir novelty and of woman's mysterious rivalry with men must lne\ Mably lu the end unfit people for a wholesome, natural life of Study, reflect ion or repose..Lady Vio¬ let Greville. . rosa* \7,:,7, s of tual- Beld ever 'lom bout oliy the e of f Up t i rbed ar ry per- bat- el." him ifer ll be Ided pial hall. who sing dcb, acta lien the >lay- .n the un- the mit- i isa r mi thal Igln ia ch hall e In .. ¦n a Itlc on ai>o iual hy in \ IIM ilise she . ill pri. My ind uni !.'-r I jjed .VII- lul- ith 1 I f ir luh uni Iht In- aw ive rei I the .w- lll- '!ie ro¬ ar ml .h- vt- ml ne re¬ ny ell ¦r ntl In ay er lit he b- k, TYPEWRIT' ^S' MISTAKES. Some Bloaters l Moko !!»?- 'bu¬ llio* j '* Life a ItariliMi. In soi an ar- or . - tlie mis- ilstlon of leads to funny reaul ."ja,. 1 ;. an<l me t; 11 i dead dil kel the ard car." rumor w. s nip traill -::t. I bough," hardly recognizable ns "The ram- thro Igb.*' A n 1 < tl was evldi ally in that < mimi. ."As manna foil thc Jews,*' was In¬ geniously tortured by another yt.ung woman into \\s ninmma fed the jays." V"t --he was a Sun-hi 'cacher. "Plays, creeps nnd laughs the inno¬ cent." crooned the man one -lay. mouth¬ ing the opt nlng lines of i >me pr ijected baby verses, IVb n the typewriter tau¬ nt "Plays craps ami leaves the In¬ nocent" he si nncd her visage closely. IP- said, "l'ie voice of 1 >r. Jocelyn was beard calling for nsHlstanco." and it came ont "The \ :<». of i hr. .f mb Laue was bard killing far assistants." When MBrH she held Jske t io di fm- thai i i.d so passed on" wa tated and it came oul "Tait she I ld J neks, two. drawing for that ai ed tine." would it bave been un¬ just to credit the |fjrl at the machine with an elementary knowledge of gain hiing".' Occasionally a new beast «»r hird is discovered by the typewriter, thus. "The sea (piaii was." etc., the Intention being "The sequel was." etc. This was In line with a blunder made hy the same girl, who bad avowed that "a pull sunk the scho .uta-" Instead of "a gale." on another occasion she de¬ clared that a pair of lovers "hatched up a pretty squirrel" Instead of their having l4patched up a petty quarrel/' Having confessed that once upon a time she hail hceii a waitress in a pop¬ ular restaurant, the reason ls clear why "Folat the inalea of the dynasty" was clicked 'mt. "First, the mea - "f the dJnnersty." This sounds like a "made up." hilt it is fearful fact. "Til" prc -;¦]¦ nt a ns beard w ith ac¬ claim." dictated th.- man. -The present wa> bard wah a clam" waa whtit the typewriter Insisted that he had said as she tearfully bunted for her notes.. Success Mag../ POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some people can't hurry without .; dst About all v e gel is the plea*- .lust I ava use talk » rea¬ son wby'any one sh ail 1 use a 1 il of it. Never expe-'t a ph album to ni a u.an long unit ss it lias his picture |n it. A certain amount <-f will power ls nit a man v. ho --..a fast until he st;.:-, -st- death il h mi't nmount to much. After a man sj* Iwo or s ,,n a Jury 1. en pretty g i laW'J el'. ll 'lee.!, he he a It .- >me statis! has ne', er found i after a wed.ling thc word "rights" begins to appear..Atchison fil »1 e. Stone 11 on ki* \ 1 most uh < 'lie ii ta us \\ omi - It ls now quite p . il.ie to 1 ave the exterior of a house bulli of stone at a price not much greater than thc cost ..f ciapl>onr< * or *. Th:¦. condi¬ tion of ti iii - e alaon i through nt ot th.- ccu icu I lu try in this countr; Access to a tm usp >rtal on l ne ami a saud hank, dial Ibe p is-tibdity of a atone hon <e is yu ment, two .>:. il. ( Stoic " thal .i a .'. I-f i anti ?kell li ird t i> .s ;m I y Itahv patchi of ded over yoe i f hird at h WI le fr >g. ful ped oul of l in, form as lu n the n a of in ; their ap anec lM»iiif |ue hy stud- I look down one i 1 10k : him a whola drop- - g from the dist usion of hi-: 'corporation.' there must li ive ¦. ii <ever il more Inside bim! I ti ¦ ' Hie fr ur t » him. and . - tlie attempts be made ti Imf I lacked Hie skill of '. »d in Ibe en I w ia oblige up :' r ::. I force it plecenie il In! i li! i gullet." Iliit-i In Koren. Tlie traveling bat <»f thc tn inks in Korea is a large. UUlhrclh-like frame¬ work nf cane, a font and a half in di¬ ameter at the brim nnd closing to a sharp p tint nt Hie I p. The wll ile ls covered with smooth rush matting, bound nt the 1 a Int » a h \ g >n by a narrow edgh g of r bite rot! in nial tit ted Inside wltb n circle of cane to cia qi the head. Xiais may often he seen tnt.Il- - g, staff i han I, nn 1 theil are even mere striking n wi fine, flexible ntrs ly li lund at one ni.1, cul shandy off nt the other. irike ll fi n ! (?.taint ly dumped an th . cr n of Hie head. The ca i also have Ihelr dlstlnt five lei! Tia y are f na il In soire i ¦. f,.,.» j.) ,i le of cl ¦. "I'. ;: si rn I: -: ." by !.:. r. 't AN OLD ADACE SAYS_.sn. "A light purse lg a heavy curseM Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER »s thc scat of nine tenths of all disease. Tim's Pi go to thc root of the whole mat¬ ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. rake No Substitute. n it li ti fi fa ht rr rn fr I lo tl el el al .; I fi ge Di TH KE led 1 Ayers Pills Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. Ayer\s Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. The best laxative. fcSriflsSfc l^LZ^J^t BUCKINGHAM'S OYE t Dcifltiiul brown or rich black ? Use nm cw ****»*» <*«. r. auu*», AI eal lleNhnnil Surely th h sb I re man tr eausi l (,s wethl ,' to Inscrll ed, "1 th.' esn'l woi k, tl shan't eat." was determined that th< i;M be no I ike In what be fe. The only wonder how any woman r*ou!d bo Induced ir irry him tri h sncb n threat be fi h'-r eves. The exact date of this ri a. but it is pr \ ions to t ci- .aid. century. Chambers' Jo nal._.__ Christmas Holiday Rates on t N. & VV. Rwy. Commencing December 22nd, to26( inclusive. December 30th, and ill and January 1st, the Norfolk a Western Railway Company will ¦ chean excursion tickets on account the (hristmas Holidays limited January I, 1906. To teachers and students <>f schcx and colleges holding certificates si<j ed by the Principal «>r President, e -inn tickets will be sold Deceml 17th, to 24th, inclusive limited lo Ja 8th, 1906. I'.ir full information apply Xii \. ' .¦fork and Wiats Railway. W. 15. Bevill, Gen. Tass. Agt. 1 loam ike, Va. THE AV I LI, TO SAV] is tlif starting point of threat fortunes. Every inan, woman and child should acquire the habit of saving- something regularly. We will help you, and cordinllv invite you to become a depositor in VALLEY SAVING BANK, WOODSTOCK. VA. Three per cent paid on time deposits. Call, or write nnd in¬ vest'' te. joiix funk, President. r. i.. ri.u.F.K, Cashier. Oct. f». ti MARKETS. Woodstock, Va., Dec. 28, 1906. Wheat.$ . I feta. . < lorn.I l \>tat< ies.I . Potatoes.i ('hickens old. .( '' j oung.i ..". : Hatter. : Bacon, side and Shoulder.I Hams.] .1 < >nit»iis.I Walnut Kernels per lb. 1 Apples per bbls.1.75 to XS, PUBLIC SALK OF VALl.Ol.i: Tract cf Land Nkab Woodstock, Sren. CO. Va. Pursuant toa lecree of tbe Circuit Court i .uuy, entered en :he 6th day 8 ctober, loot in tbs cbescery iause tbsrcii tending ot kute Reamer vs. Joseph H I sun, etc.. the Undersigned special cost ¦aid court, appointed by sui. of lbs purpose, will on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1906 tt tbe front door of Court House of Shellal ioah county, offer fur sale at public auctii n ract ol about . acres il lam! situated abeu veu. t H'oodstocS. Va. adjoininj tie lands of Kly Haun ami others, and beini he tract of which Joseph H. Haun die. ci/ed. THUMS OP SALK: One-fourth nish and the balance on sered! t one, two and three rears, with interest fron av of sale, taking bonds Irom the purchase >r the deferred payments with good per anal security. GEO. E. SI I'M. O. B. ROLLER, 15 Iw. Sj.i. <kHnmissioners. a In tbe Circuit Court of Koch ingham county irslnia. ate lu-amer Complainant AOAUaSt >sei h Haun, ste, Defendants I. la. H. Lee Mart/.. Clerk of said Court rtit'v that ino. K. £ipe, Qeneral Receiver f said Court, receive the cash payment, by ie decree, in said cause of the 6th duy of L'tober './>5. (liven under my hand this 13th day of De' ml>er, iy.5. I). H. UBI BART/., Clerk. An Excellent Farm for Sale Situated near Hudson's Cress, Roads, five iles from Mt. JaCSSOU, Va., containing 186 res of lund soi! red sla;e with clay sub-soil, acres cleared, nearly all in grass, balance (JOOL) limber, lot of tan burk aud saw nber, largs new dwelling meta! roof 18x30 ., L lissi tf. cellar 18x26 lt., good summer us,-. woimI house, ice ttoues and buggy use, all new with metal roofs, smoke house, ;inet y, wajjon shed, and hen house, barn tS»lt, abed aaael ft. all new, place well ktered by li\ir.g springs of mineral and lOStone water, watet at kitchen and barn, a od on hatti just commemceiag to bear, and lol small fruit, cheties, grapes, plums Ac. I entire ft,rm is well fenced, and is in an SI neighborhood, umvenieut to ¦rch, schools ead stores. This is an ideal mu sad valuable farm and will be sold for :n of $4,/s..,<., cash balance to suit pur StSS. Apply at once to J.N. DAVISS CO. Kcal Estate Agents, Woodstock, Va. Est ray Notice, ewes ( strayed from my place nit 2 miles hrUBfl Woodstock, alxjut eeks u^o. a liiierai reward will be b for information, by which I can thean.* C. A. BAUM. B. I tf. ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP MHEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEY-TAR Claver filoaaom and Hoary Bte ea Every Settle. SHOES FOR Stylish People Devotees to fashion select with discrimin¬ ating taste the latest and best that can be found.to wear. ALL AMERICA SHOES. $3.50..UM. lead the pro¬ cession in the shoe line. They get the best that the shoemaker's art affords. Made on the most ap¬ proved lasts. Look better, fit bette r, wear better, than any equal-priced shoe. ¦ Drop in and see them. HORSEY & ATWELL, WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA. New Years Greetings lo our many customers we wish a Hapy and prosperous NEW YEAR. i For the holidays we carry a full stock of FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NITS AND CANDIES OF EVERY .DESCRIPTION. We constantly keep on hand a full assortment of the best and most fashionable goods, but if you happen to want any article not on hand we will order it for you. You thus can choose from the best city assortments. We cordially invite you to inspect our stock. !?*. S* goldman's £)9partment St0T9* 1X)ood$tooXi Tja* Morrison Studio A Prosperous and Happy New Year to all We thank all of our many patrons who helped to make the past year's business one of best. Morrison Studio U R, IRWIN. DYSPEPSIA CflkL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TTss f I SS SSBJBJ sssSfSss BM Bssss th* trial skas, wk lek ssfSs Isr KBssjSS rauaiao satur nt rmm ui.aafsisT ss C. DoWITT na COMPACT* CM1QAQQ TaV





A Burning Boy Rolled in Sine

Hugh, the tour year old soi

Jas. Stillwell, of Stanley, Awas so bailly burned a day or

ago that he died. Mrs. Stilbwas absent from home attime, but it is thought thatchild's dress caught fire whilewas drying his feet by the 1

place. His little sister hehim scream and rushing in fian adjoining room lound thetie fellow at the door trying \\

his hands to brush down the iShe opened the door and Hiran out. Some passers by ro

him in the snow and extingu;ed the fire.

Drowned in a Cistern.Hancock, Md.. Doc. 22. K

Webster, the 3 year-old (laugiof Kev. Dr. J. S. Webster, pa?of the Presbyterian ChurchHancock, Washington cour

was drowned yesterday in a

tern on the property of the ^bash Hotel. Mrs. William 1Kalvey proprietress. The clwas missing from home ant

search was instituted. A 1said he saw the little girl pling around the cistern. A loboard was found on top ofcistern, and it is thought thalwalking across the floorboard tilted and the little <

tumbled in. Tlie cistern ;

nearly full ot water.The child was missing a:

o'clock. Her body was recove

two hours later by WilliLittle.


A very pretty wedding tc

place at the home of the bn<:mother Mrs Walton, of this pl;at 3:30 o'clock, when Miss Mo'Walton, became the happy brof Mr. Daniel Kibler, of Ch;City. The attendants were

W. Walton brother of the brand Jas Kibler, cousin of Igroom and Misses Alice Collinof Woodstock, and Pearl Hu]of this place. They left on 15 o'clock train for Luray Caverwhere they will spend a few daReturning Friday, they expectreside at Chase City, in tfuture.Miss Maud Wright, who h

been in Baltimore for some tilreturned home to spend tChristmas holidays.

K. F. Walton, who is employat Burke, Va., spent Christinat his home here.

J. H. Miller, of Harrisonburspent Christmas at home wihis parents.

Charles Hupp, of MassanuttAcademy, spent his vacationhome here.Roy Crabill, who is going

school at Lexington, Va., speChristmas at his borne in thplace.

Miss Annie Foster and MrJoseph Foster, of Ohio, are visiing the family of HarriscMiller.Omer Fravel and family. <

Washington, returned home 1spend the holidays.Flovd Borden, spent first of tr:

week here.There were received hei

Christmas about 80 gallons c

oysters.G. L. Borden, and family ar

spending this week with friendat Shenandoah Junction.

Mrs. Ananias Punk, of StephcCity, and mts. Dave Funk, cStrasburg, are visiting friendhere this week.Tobias Funk and family lef

Tuesday for Shenandoah Junc¬tion, where they will spend several days visiting Mrs. Funk";brother J. L. Crabill.

Mrs. S. B. Ilitey, visited hefather Mr. Sheffler, at Kdinburgthis week.

Nothing will cure indigestion thadoesn't digest the food] itself, an<

give the stomach rest. Von can't ex

peet that a weak stomach will PSSjallits strength and gul well when it licompelled to do the full work that asound stomach should do. Youwouldn't expect a sick horse to getwell when it is compelled to do a folday's work every day of the week.Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfectdigestant and digest* the food regard¬less of the condition of your stomach.Relieves indigestion, belching, SourStomach, and all stomach disorders.Sold by L. IL Irwin.

OJknMvo m. IA..fess* sw ^Issr^VcsriiuAfiquBssrM


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.*\AlfRERTOWN.Jno. Cavi-ill, of r. f. d. no. 1

who has been in Gormania. W.Va., for the past six months re¬

turned to his home on last Thurs¬day.Mr. and Mrs, \V. D. Spiker,

pre vissiting their daughter Mrs.Iiarry Bent/., in Hagerstown.Misses Bruce and roobbie

Funkhouser, are visiting friendsin Washington, D. C.

Otis Fetzer and wife left for a

visit of several week, the first ofthis week for Summerset, Pa.Miss Hatlie Carroll, of Wash¬

ington, and Jas, Carroll ofHarrisonburg, are visiting theirfather's family J. W.Carroll.Miss Vernie Painter, of Wash¬

ington, formerly of this place, is

visiting S. J. Wagner's family.S. J. Striekler, who has been

with his uncle Jacob Striekler, inFlorida, for the past 30 days re¬

turned home on last Saturday.He tells us that is the country tolive in during the winter.Miss Clemence Doll, who has

been in Richmond for severalmonths returned home lastTuesday.Harry L. Rosenberger, who is

clerking for S. P. Lonas, at Mt.Jackson, was home for severaldays this week.

Jas. B. MclnturtT and wife ofStrasburg, are visiting the fami¬ly of W. H. Sanm.Lorena Spiker, of Harrison¬

burg is visiting her aunt Mrs.Sue Hess.

S. J. Shaver, is the hapoyfather of a new son.

Jacob Funk, sr., of SevenFountains visited his son S, A.Funk this week.Vernon T. Striekler, the popu¬

lar clerk for S. H. Cullers, leftfor Staunton on Thursday, wherehe will take a course in the Com¬mercial College at that place.He has made many friendswhilst he was here and they are

sorry to have him leave, but wishhim well.Aaron Bushong, who has been

clerking for T. G. Locke, willclerk for S. H. Cullers after Jan-uarv 1st.

Ernest Ambrose, of Clary, was

visiting Walter Fahnestock, thisweek.Kev. A. H. Smith, of Toms

Brook, will preach in the Breth¬ren cnurch at this place, on Sun¬day night Dec. 31.Miss Maud Green, of Oranda,

visited her friend Miss AnnaFahnestock, this week.

POWELL'S FORT.As news seems to be scarce

in your paper from this sectionI will try and give you altewpointers. The people of thisplace are taking Christmas in thefirst degree. The jug is the must

highly appreciated companion bysome of our young people they goso far as to sleep with it bythe road-side.Mr. J. S. Walters, is visiting

the fair sex in Page county, we

wish him success in his modelundertaking.We understand that Mr. Albert

Spitler, is still seriously ill atthis writing.Mr. Samuel Shiflett is very

much complaining at this writ¬ing.The Pine Hill Stave Factory

will resume its work as soon as

the new machinery arrives whichwe hope will be soon.

Mr. Jacob MclnturfT a verysuccessful medicine drummer forthe Carmel Chemical * Companyis home on his holiday vacation.Mr. A. C. Kitenour a B. & O.,

fireman of Cumberland is visitinghis mother of near Detrick.Mr. Emanuel Clem of near

Dilbeck, died December 25th, ofpneumonia, aged about 79 years.Well as holidays are more im¬

portant than news I will close bywishing the editor a MerryChristmas and a Happy NewYear. Lone Star.

Low kites to flexico.Account Golf Tournament,

Mexico City, Mex., January I'M if,.Southern Railway announces ex¬

tremely low rates to Mexico Cityand return, tickets to be soldJanuary 1st to 12th, 1906, in¬clusive, final limit February 28th,1906, limited to continuous pas-1 wisage in each direction, going ,u<

and returning same route only. I n\<For further information, apply j at

to nearest Southern Rwy., cou¬

pon ticket agent, or write L. S.Brown, General Agent, Southern n

!Rwv.. Washington, D. C.IK


In /lad Cruse.Millions rush in mad chase after'

health, from one extreme of faddism to u.ltanother, when, if they would only eat lldfOOd food, and keep their bowels!

I regular with Dr. King's New Life'j Pills, their trouble would all pass' ,r

away. Prompt relief and quick eur* *'nifor liver and stomach trouble. £r>c atB, Schmitt's drug store: guaranteed, i



henCASTORIAFor Infants and Children. I

The Kind You Have Always Bought r

Bears theJ Bisuubturaof

HARRISVILLETho infant child of Mr. B. L. Bsf

ll some lietter.Mrs. Katie Wisman has bees On

sick list for several wei ks.Mrs. Ira FraveJ is siek, sh«i 1

been In bad health for some weeks.Mr. and Mrs. 1>. J. Reynolds

Bpending their Christmas with tl

parents Mr. and Mrs. [ra Fravel.Mrs. Mellie Keller, of Mt. Oil

spent first Of the week With \V.Bulliong.Mr. Thomas Jones ls spending t

week With friends at Saumsville.Mr. S. L. Buger, has built B I

henhouse recently.Mr. Clarance Barr, ami sister M

Katie Barr, are Bpending their Curmas with Phil Lenta and other frienThe christmas service rendered

,'iarris\ ille on Sunday eve was

finest one we ever had. The mt

and recitations were good, andcollection was larajeaod was sentthe Orphans1 Home, at Butler,The Kev. A. H. Smith, receive!beautiful watch for a present.

Mr. W. A. Bushong killed .'{ hilast week weighing as follows: .'

319, 352, making a total of '.'Tn lb.

average of 32Si tt>.


llahi'- of I l.K (minina Anlmnl 1.cribed liv Preside* 1 IlnoaeveltThese southern coyotes <>r prs

wolves are only shout one-thirdsize of the Mk' gray timber wolvestlie northern Rockies. They aresmall to meddle with full grown norand cattle, hut pick up yoong ealand kill sheep as well as any smallmestleatod animal that they can getThe big wolves flee t'l'om the nei

borfaood of anything like close set

monts. l.ut coyotes han;; aroundneighborhood <»f man much m ire jslstently. They show a foxlike c

nlng in catching rabbits, prairie dog >phers and the like. After night!they are noisy, and their molauchwalling nnd yelling are familiar somto all who pass (tver the plains. '1

young are brought forth in holes linbanks or similar localities.Within my own experience I bi

kn iwn ol' the finding of hut two faHies, in one there was hut a sinfamily of five cubs and one ol.; anim

undoubtedly tlie mother: In tlie o*lcase there were ten or eleven cubs a

two old females wblcbjassd apparen¦shared the burrow or cave, thougb 1Inj? In separate pockets. In ueitlSase was any full (frown male coy*found in the neighb .:.!. < 11. As regalthese particular Utters, the fatlseemingly had nothing to do with ti

lng care of or supporting 'he fanI am not a1''" : -ay whether t!

accidental or whether it ls a rule tjonly the mother lives with and talerne of the litter. 1 have heard ec

trary statements about the matterfnhunters who should know. I'nfoilgately I have learned from long expeerne that it is only exceptional hunt*who can he trusted to give sccuriieSCliptiOUS of the habits of any he;savs such us are conuected withchase.Coyotes are sharp, wary, knowli

creatures, and on most occasions ta

care to keep out of lia.'in's way.- Frc"A Wolf Hunt In Oklahoma.*' hy Tlodore Roosevelt, in Scribner's sins.zlne.

WOMAN'S RIGHTS.I lr« i Mme lu Thia Direction .Mml«* I

Med;uni lu |yul.The first rec irded public meeting

the Interest of "woman's rights" wijeld in the town of Mcdl'ord in ITU[lie gallery of the church was occuphHy the young unmarried people of tlcongregation, one side and oue-haU ti'rout gallery being given to the youlnen. the Other Side and the oilier ha>eing gi\eu to thc youug women. Hin tlie seating in the eventful year t!ouug men were given ila- entire froi

if the giller;. ..s weil, anti tin- youilvon.en were allowed only one sihe galley.Then it was that things began to haj

.en. Treatment iike this wasn't to Iolerated, even for a nioineut Th»Umk| rn' Uie finnie mothers of th(evolution was fahy aroused, and thoung women m.nle snch an Uproand comraotl ni thal it speedily becamtown matter, and a town meetin

ras called to restore to them thelights in half of the front gallery.The young men of the day were bil.rly opp ist'il to extending any nev

rlvlleges to women, and the tight ei..lided beyond Med ford. Shortly af teie Introduction of pews into tlrlurches, hy which families were seprated from the remainder of the con

i-egatioii, t e selectmen of the town ocw bury g.i ve permission to a grou|' young \ mifii to build a pew in tiatilery of the church upon their owide of tl..1 house. This extension ol.ivllege was resented by the youiifjicbelors to such a degree that tbej¦oke a wintlow of the church, forcedi entrance and backed the pow hieces. For this act of sacrilege tntnmg men of Newbury were lined JiuiCh and sentenced to be whipped orlloried. Hut they were manly enoughconfess their folly and ask pardon,this part of their punishment was

lifted. So you see the "woman's;htH" movement isn't a modern one.Boston Herald.

VcmncIm In Tow.RI 'Mi at nighttime a steamer meetavessel whith is disabled «>r for BOOMicr reason Cannot proceed she takesIn tow. and at the masthead twolite lights are shown. This is a wry

ny precaution, as a vessel p,' her at right angles In the darkgut easily run ri mt Into the boati;< h was heine towed unless somelicstioo of Ita presence there werecn. If a steamer ls proceedingne. however, onh one light ls show n

the masthead.

lind >.. Pall.Ir. Makinbrakes ito ci.ance acopiaint-IS whom bs has met at a swell par--If you have any Influence with<. Upjohn l wish yon would suggestfier that she announce dinner. I'm;htfu!Iy lumgn. (hame Acquaint*e lief I naven*! any mfluencsh Mrs. Upjohn. I'm Ur. Upjohn..cago Tribune.

A fix-,- of Surprise.rou hore, .fames:" exclaimed then worker rlaning the Jail,t'es'm." rtptted the new prisoner.? was In for burg'ary.Veil, well. I certainly am surprls-

lo was I, ma'am, or I wouldn't l*»».**.rhJladelphin Press.

lier BSffWirst Woman Suffragist Did you cutticket or vote lt straight? Secondnan Suffragist (abscntly)-Strnlgbt!t lt od the blas.



























Hoat Cm* GftfSM Was i'l.iycd Ini ;. Ssn « i ai .ii lea \k«>.

a h i li .:' died at Venice in

hy intoulo .v > relates mi

[.lay in a real football Ulai was ac

ly called by tl..- - ime name. The..w :- large that n i "ne. b iw

Itr mg, could t|iiit" throw a stoneme end t »tlie ether." and ithalf ns wide. Twenty, thirty orocr- »us coull puta-pate on a sith-

.er I elug regulated by the shIbe : valiable Heal. Goals weii either end. No one w is permlttistrike tbe ball with tbe outstretuna or with anything be might t

tn hi; han 1. Nevertheless be was

inlttcd to "strike thc ball with «

..vcr part of his hotly that he pleaiIf the ball came rolling towardbe wis allowed to kick it, tbe iieuee being that If il were lying Stlconk] not d<» -. The Be!d was div

by a transver t .¦ 'into two e

i, and in the middle lay theTbe players were chosen, thonewere going to make up the oppflpar! cs. hy means of colors, by wiIn the struggle <»f the contest,could recognise bis own side, vthc signal was given by tbe roll ofdrum or tbe blasi of a trumpet a 1er raslie l foru '. one who hadchosen by lot to he the first to kidball Wah bis foot. This action wai

, ><] to bc tbe beginning ofcontest bo thal after it it wted t » no one from (ithcr party to i

ii. to strike it and to drive ll ns \

over thc g wL lt was perhaps I

the method of I canning the gamell w sa vn'Je 1 football.*1These italian g lines had their oi

in tlie ancient pa -ti cs of thc < Jrand l: us, I In reality apprnearer i > tlie modern Idea of foolthan do tho beglnulnga of tbe gamnortlicm comitriea. i-'ootball la I eed hy some authoi ea to have I op >rf if the worship of tlsun |i e of Hie rll< > atteudantbe evil hi *> thorneh i!d u trong f til ti its orliiona was luiroiluced Into Buglamthe 1; Ililli .». 1 'clinic I*. M- yetiinning Vii zinc.

A SERVANT PROBLEM.Why * Ii«- l.adj Of tn*' lliuxe I

llcml > co < all a ii;- ll.

A ladj recently call I at tl .. bof a friend. iawen l ."

the ring at tbe do ir. V\ Ith caron

expression uud ll irrli .....'a-

igizcd for t...- couf i don thatDaren!"M\ parl ir an ld ls

Ul ( uougb to go to the ht pltl I. tlto work, t ". far i. mi lc.> cl .

vraitre** : a fit of Ibe s,:ik -.

I have scat hi r <a.t t » do ail <

get - une fn di u I k Is ,

now not withhusband,

ut one or lin' ol^\>. 'i he fo ¦'. eh .;.... drlast uighl

liing. My house isand Rev.-ns. my husband lunched dotown, my mother has taken tbe i

dren sud the nursery maid home v

her. guois siTive#tbls evenli -'

nave spent tlie day in a rain » archhelp in tbs house. I belong to a c

studying household economicshave allowed it to turu a searchlion all my h lusebold affairs in ^iieteresta of societj at large. 1 sm i

rt atly to call a bait to refuse to bmy domestic arrangements confidea huntiug gr mud for thcBounce ...i - icb clubs vain disnares and delusions, inventions of

j for squandering time nnd shiIng the hitit r c lUtrSSt betweenstract theory nnd «. increte reality. '

u only club I am Interested in must jl vide on tap mai ls win never get ill

sulky. <. Kiks without a temper ;

men nnd footmen of unlmpeaal le habits.**.Lucy M. Salmon Inlautic.

'I he Vonni, ii I r.There are weather proph ts I

weather prophets, but there is a stwhich it is nrserted unfailingly f<tells In the weather. Tstone was f mild in finland ma

years nip hy an explorer mid has hiwatched by scientists with g:e::t intest It is known as the samakuir I

presents a unite mottled appearancesunshine, gradually turning from grt black aa a rainstorm a; prThe samakuir ls made up of clay, niand roek salt. In dry weather the s

lu the st .ne is prominent, bul when tair ls Ulled with moisture the salt Isorbs the moisture and turns bursthus acting as a barometer.

W li «'ii h (li I neHe lOmprriir Dieu.When a Chinese emperor dies the i

telllgence la announced by dispatchto thc several provinces written wiblue ink. the mourning color. All DIs ms of rank are required to take risilk ornaments from their caps withe ball or hutton of rank. All sn

Jects of Chilla without exception a

called upon to forbear shaving tin-beads for 100 days, within which priod none may marry, play upon musiil Instruments or perfor i any sacrlflc

One I \ <.« pi lon.

Mrs. Hibbs-This paper says tilwalking lu the rain, without an tu

brella, will remove wrinkles. MBibbs.Wejl, lt won't, not If you niwalking In the rain without an unbrella because some friend has stokyours.-New York Week Iv.

Hit Poem.Ho.I hear you read a intern at yoi

commencement. She No; I wore lt.-Plttsburg Dispatch.

The voice of conscience ls so dellcattfi I it ls easy to stifle it. hut it ii als* ar that It Ifl impossible to mlstnkit. Mme. de Stael.

BITS FROM THE AUTHORS.In the very unfairness of women Ii

often to he found the main source o

their fascination- Mrs. Craigie.Success lu life resis upon one ama!

gift.tbe secret of the entry Info another man's mind to discover what Ifpassing there.--Seton Merriman.

lt is Um ¦ sfrowful and tbs old win;lead tbs human host in its man h to¬ward paradise. Youth alni happinessloiter far behind SUd are satisfied with

:rth.-.Inme; Lane Allen.If I were a multimillionaire I would

buy the whole Of Stratford OH-A\ on.pay all Its miserable municipal debtsand make lt the nappiest little place intho world.- Miss Marie Corel!!.The modern thirst fir novelty and

of woman's mysterious rivalry withmen must lne\ Mably lu the end unfitpeople for a wholesome, natural life ofStudy, reflect ion or repose..Lady Vio¬let Greville.



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TYPEWRIT' ^S' MISTAKES.Some Bloaters l Moko !!»?- 'bu¬

llio* .» j '* Life a ItariliMi.Insoi an ar-

or. - tlie mis-

ilstlon of leadsto funny reaul

."ja,.1 ;. an<l

me t;11 i deaddil kel the ard car."

rumor w. s nip traill -::t. Ibough,"hardly recognizable ns "The ram-

thro Igb.*' An 1 < tl was evldi ally in that

< mimi.."As manna foil thc Jews,*' was In¬geniously tortured by another yt.ungwoman into \\s ninmma fed the jays."V"t --he was a Sun-hi 'cacher."Plays, creeps nnd laughs the inno¬

cent." crooned the man one -lay. mouth¬ing the opt nlng lines of i >me pr ijectedbaby verses, IVb n the typewriter tau¬

nt "Plays craps ami leaves the In¬nocent" he si nncd her visage closely.

IP- said, "l'ie voice of 1 >r. Jocelynwas beard calling for nsHlstanco." andit came ont "The \ :<». of i hr. .f mb Lauewas bard killing far assistants."When MBrH she held Jske t io di

fm- thai i i.d so passed on" wa

tated and it came oul "Tait she I ldJneks, two. drawing for that ai

ed tine." would it bave been un¬

just to credit the |fjrl at the machinewith an elementary knowledge of gainhiing".'Occasionally a new beast «»r hird is

discovered by the typewriter, thus."The sea (piaii was." etc., the Intentionbeing "The sequel was." etc. This was

In line with a blunder made hy thesame girl, who bad avowed that "a

pull sunk the scho .uta-" Instead of "a

gale." on another occasion she de¬clared that a pair of lovers "hatchedup a pretty squirrel" Instead of theirhaving l4patched up a petty quarrel/'Having confessed that once upon a

time she hail hceii a waitress in a pop¬ular restaurant, the reason ls clearwhy "Folat the inalea of the dynasty"was clicked 'mt. "First, the mea - "fthe dJnnersty." This sounds like a

"made up." hilt it is fearful fact."Til" prc -;¦]¦ nt a ns beard w ith ac¬

claim." dictated th.- man. -The presentwa> bard wah a clam" waa whtit the

typewriter Insisted that he had said as

she tearfully bunted for her notes..Success Mag../

POINTED PARAGRAPHS.Some people can't hurry without

.; dstAbout all v e gel is the

plea*-.lust Iavause talk » rea¬

son wby'any one sh ail 1 use a 1 il of it.

Never expe-'t a ph album to

ni a u.an long unit ss it lias hispicture |n it.A certain amount <-f will power ls

nit a man v. ho --..a fast untilhe st;.:-, -st- death il h mi't nmount tomuch.After a man sj* Iwo or

s ,,n a Jury 1. en prettyg .¦ i laW'J el'. ll 'lee.!, he he a

It .- >me statis!has ne', er found i after a

wed.ling thc word "rights" begins to

appear..Atchison fil »1 e.

Stone 11 on ki* \ 1 most uh < 'lie ii ta us \\ omi- It ls now quite p . il.ie to 1 ave theexterior of a house bulli of stone at a

price not much greater than thc cost..f ciapl>onr< * or *. Th:¦. condi¬tion of ti iii - e alaon i through

nt ot th.- ccu icu I lutry in this countr;Access to a tmusp >rtal on l ne ami a

saud hank, dial Ibe p is-tibdity of a

atone hon <e is yument, two .>:. il.(Stoic

" thal


a .'.



li ird

t i>

.s ;m I



patchi ofded overyoe i f hirdat h WI lefr >g. fulped oul of l in,

formas lu

n then a of in ; their ap

anec lM»iiif |ue hystud-

I look down onei 1 10k

: him a wholadrop-

- g from thedist usion of hi-: 'corporation.' theremust li ive ¦. ii <ever il more Insidebim! I ti ¦ ' Hie fr ur t » him.and . - tlie attemptsbe made ti Imf I lacked Hieskill of '. »d in Ibe en I w iaoblige up :' r ::. I force itplecenie il In! i li! i gullet."

Iliit-i In Koren.Tlie traveling bat <»f thc tn inks in

Korea is a large. UUlhrclh-like frame¬work nf cane, a font and a half in di¬ameter at the brim nnd closing to a

sharp p tint nt Hie I p. The wll ile lscovered with smooth rush matting,bound nt the 1 a Int » a h \ g >n by a

narrow edgh g of r bite rot! in nial titted Inside wltb n circle of cane to cia qithe head. Xiais may often he seen

tnt.Il- - g, staff i han I, nn 1 theilare even mere striking n wi

fine, flexible ntrs ly li lundat one ni.1, cul shandy off nt the other.

irike ll fi n ! (?.taintly dumped an th . cr n of Hie head.The ca i also have Ihelr dlstlntfive lei! Tia y are f na ilInsoire i ¦. f,.,.» j.) ,i

le of cl ¦. "I'.;: si rn I: .¦ -: ." by !.:. r. 't


"A light purse lg a heavy curseMSickness makes a light purse.The LIVER »s thc scat of ninetenths of all disease.

Tim's Pigo to thc root of the whole mat¬ter, thoroughly, quickly safelyand restore the action of theLIVER to normal condition.

Give tone to the system andsolid flesh to the body.rake No Substitute.








1Ayers Pills Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills.

Ayer\s Pills. Keep sayingthis over and over again.The best laxative. fcSriflsSfc

l^LZ^J^t BUCKINGHAM'S OYEt Dcifltiiul brown or rich black ? Use nm cw ****»*» <*«. r. auu*»,

AI eal lleNhnnil

Surely th hsb I re man tr

eausi l (,s wethl ,' to

Inscrll ed, "1 th.' esn'l woi k, tlshan't eat." was determined that th<

i;M be no I ike In what befe. The only wonder

how any woman r*ou!d bo Inducedir irry him tri h sncb n threat be fih'-r eves. The exact date of this ri

a. but it is pr \ ions to tci- .aid. century. Chambers' Jonal._.__

Christmas Holiday Rates on t

N. & VV. Rwy.Commencing December 22nd, to26(

inclusive. December 30th, and illand January 1st, the Norfolk a

Western Railway Company will ¦

chean excursion tickets on accountthe (hristmas Holidays limitedJanuary I, 1906.To teachers and students <>f schcx

and colleges holding certificates si<jed by the Principal «>r President, e

-inn tickets will be sold Deceml17th, to 24th, inclusive limited lo Ja8th, 1906.

I'.ir full information applyXii \. ' .¦fork and WiatsRailway.

W. 15. Bevill,Gen. Tass. Agt. 1 loam ike, Va.



is tlif starting point of

threat fortunes. Everyinan, woman and childshould acquire the habitof saving- somethingregularly.We will help you, and

cordinllv invite you to

become a depositor in


Three per cent paid on

time deposits.Call, or write nnd in¬

vest'' te.

joiix funk, President.r. i.. ri.u.F.K, Cashier.

Oct. f». ti


Woodstock, Va., Dec. 28, 1906.

Wheat.$ .

I feta. .

< lorn.Il \>tat< ies.I

. Potatoes.i('hickens old. .(

'' j oung.i..". :Hatter. :

Bacon, side and Shoulder.IHams.].1

< >nit»iis.IWalnut Kernels perlb. 1

Apples per bbls.1.75 to XS,


Tract cf LandNkab Woodstock, Sren. CO. Va.Pursuant toa lecree of tbe Circuit Court i

.uuy, entered en :he 6th day 8ctober, loot in tbs cbescery iause tbsrciitending ot kute Reamer vs. Joseph HIsun, etc.. the Undersigned special cost

¦aid court, appointed by sui.of lbs purpose, will on

SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1906tt tbe front door of Court House of Shellalioah county, offer fur sale at public auctii nract ol about . acres il lam! situated abeuveu. t H'oodstocS. Va. adjoininjtie lands of Kly Haun ami others, and beinihe tract of which Joseph H. Haun die.ci/ed.

THUMS OP SALK:One-fourth nish and the balance on sered!

t one, two and three rears, with interest fronav of sale, taking bonds Irom the purchase>r the deferred payments with good peranal security.


15 Iw. Sj.i. <kHnmissioners.a

In tbe Circuit Court of Koch ingham countyirslnia.ate lu-amer Complainant

AOAUaSt>sei h Haun, ste, DefendantsI. la. H. Lee Mart/.. Clerk of said Courtrtit'v that ino. K. £ipe, Qeneral Receiver

f said Court, receive the cash payment, byie decree, in said cause of the 6th duy ofL'tober './>5.(liven under my hand this 13th day of De'ml>er, iy.5.

I). H. UBI BART/., Clerk.

An Excellent Farm for Sale

Situated near Hudson's Cress, Roads, fiveiles from Mt. JaCSSOU, Va., containing 186res of lund soi! red sla;e with clay sub-soil,acres cleared, nearly all in grass, balance(JOOL) limber, lot of tan burk aud saw

nber, largs new dwelling meta! roof 18x30., L lissi tf. cellar 18x26 lt., good summerus,-. woimI house, ice ttoues and buggyuse, all new with metal roofs, smoke house,;inet y, wajjon shed, and hen house, barntS»lt, abed aaael ft. all new, place wellktered by li\ir.g springs of mineral andlOStone water, watet at kitchen and barn, aod on hatti just commemceiag to bear, andlol small fruit, cheties, grapes, plums Ac.I entire ft,rm is well fenced, and is in an

SI neighborhood, umvenieut to¦rch, schools ead stores. This is an idealmu sad valuable farm and will be sold for:n of $4,/s..,<., )§ cash balance to suit purStSS. Apply at once to

J.N. DAVISS CO.Kcal Estate Agents,

Woodstock, Va.

Estray Notice,ewes ( strayed from my place

nit 2 miles hrUBfl Woodstock, alxjuteeks u^o. a liiierai reward will beb for information, by which I canthean.* C. A. BAUM.

B. I tf.


MHEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEY-TARClaver filoaaom and Hoary Bte ea Every Settle.

SHOES FORStylish PeopleDevotees to fashionselect with discrimin¬ating taste the latestand best that can befound.to wear.


lead the pro¬cession in theshoe line.They get thebest that theshoemaker'sart affords.Made on themost ap¬proved lasts.Look better,fit bette r,

wear better, than anyequal-priced shoe. ¦

Drop in and see them.


New Years Greetingslo our many customers we

wish a Hapy and prosperous



For the holidays we carry a full stock of



We constantly keep on hand a full assortment of the

best and most fashionable goods, but if you happen to

want any article not on hand we will order it for you.

You thus can choose from the best city assortments. We

cordially invite you to inspect our stock.

!?*. S* goldman's£)9partment St0T9* 1X)ood$tooXi Tja*

Morrison StudioA Prosperous


Happy New Year to all

We thank all of our manypatrons who helped to makethe past year's business one ofbest.

Morrison Studio



TTss f I SS SSBJBJ sssSfSss BM Bssss th* trial skas, wklek ssfSs Isr KBssjSSrauaiao satur nt rmm ui.aafsisT ssC. DoWITT na COMPACT* CM1QAQQ TaV
