Sierra Companies - Security, evolved.

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Discover the thrilling potential of what an integrated security and building automation system can do.


Sierra companies Secured, Intelligently.

// Security. Evloved.The future of building and campus security isn’t coming, it’s here. Your facility’s systems can do more than protect against loss and threats. A well-considered strategy can enhance intelligence in your operation and disarm the risks to your reputation.

With the right level of systems integration, a building and its team can:

Intelligent security controls integrate with new and existing equipment and technologies to achieve a single, streamlined system.

The result: centralized control, enhanced operations, and dramatic cost-savings down the line.

• Analyze information to recognize avoidable patterns of unsafe behavior

• Anticipate actions to avoid damage and loss• Prevent misuse of resources• Execute planned responses exactly as designed,

or quickly devise and communicate ad-hoc plans of action

Always at risk, your property—intellectual or otherwise—requires dedicated, exacting security to prevent internal and external threats and disruptions.

But securing what you already have is only part of what we help you do. We also help you establish an unprecedented level of responsiveness and operational flexibility. Sierra Systems can take you beyond access control to ensure that by improving threat prevention you are also improving your bottom line, fortifying not only the data about your environment but also the mechanisms to control it.

01. precise control of utilities and access support continuity

of business operations during emergencies

02. Greater environmental controls give you more ways to manage

energy consumption

04. behavioral & event analysisinforms key changes to your business practices or

facility layout.

from physical security measures to safe-guarding the bottom line.

03. visual confirmation supports valid worker’s compensation claims or protects

against fradulent ones

05. biometrics & Keycards ensure rights-controlled access to highly sensitive areas and


06. inteGration with public systems and private safety teams means faster, more coordinated

threat response

07. mobile device inteGration establishes powerful, on-the-spot ways to document or troubleshoot


01. monitor environmentalconditions, maintaining each building’s unique purpose, while supporting efficient energy use.

02. analyze informationtaking a closer look at foot-traffic patterns or repeated access behaviors that raise flags of concern.

03. taKe controlof every building and coordinate with fire alarms and 911, while integrated alert systems deliver life-saving instructions—wherever and however your students, faculty and visitors can see or hear them.

protecting the future. supporting the vision. Activate the power of a Sierra system.

- protecting the future -The campus you secure isn’t just an assemblage of buildings. It’s a vibrant ecosystem—and everything in it links back to a single mission: creating an ideal place for students to learn.

Securing and managing your vital resources, thinking ahead about emergencies that could affect hundreds, if not thousands, of lives…these can feel like a course of study unto itself. Shaping your educational institution’s security requires the same mindful approach as tenure planning, curriculum- and budget-setting, and fundraising. After all, your reputation is tied as tightly to your security picture as your academic and athletic performance.

With the right approach, your security strategy can encompass much more than the day-to-day prevention of unauthorized access. Sierra Systems can offer up insights that lead to operational and cost efficiencies. And, in an age when every potentiality must be examined to prevent danger from unfolding, these solutions can help you exercise the utmost control.

- at home in any building - - An Open Invitation To Visit -Security is a partnership. Together, we will uncover the best ways to customize our vast solutions portfolio to serve the needs of every facility. Each of our critical, integrated systems is fine-tuned in order to serve as your senses. These can include:

touchscreen controls duress & fire alarms

access solutions biometricsintercoms


Listening, collaborating, and expert problem-solving are the foundations upon which we design your interactive and responsive network — a wide-ranging portfolio of new answers grounded in years of customer trust, experience, and proven effectiveness.

Although we’re known for building the tightest security systems, information-sharing has an open door policy here. Come visit us. Ask questions. See our systems in action. Answers are why we’re here.

> Discover our Concept Center, where you’ll interact with real, functional products—your introduction to understanding how the systems work. > See our testing and modeling in action, as we integrate building information modeling (BIM) to develop the model, streamline workflows and identify potential conflicts ahead of installation

> Understand how our expertise of over 50 years in small-run and mass-production manufacturing enables us to deliver the standard and specialty equipment your project demands

Since 1995, we have created a legacy of converging the most sensitive mission-critical and correctional facilities. We specialize in creating a bridge between critical physical security and data; ways to expand your ability to move from the tactical to the analytical, from prevention to anticipation.

What could you do with intelligence built in to your building?