Simple future tense

Post on 07-Jun-2015

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The Simple Future Tense

Used to actions that will happen in the future.

There are two patterns in making a sentence in simple future.

Willbe going to

Simple Future

Simple past and its usage:

Will and be going to is used to express future time and often have essentially the same meaning. Prediction:According to the weather report,it will be cloudy tomorrow.According to the weather report,it is going to be cloudy tomorrow.Prior Plan:Why did you buy this paint?I ’m going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.Willingness:The phone’s ringing.I will get it.

Affirmative StatementTo make an Affirmative simple future tense statement using will, simply follow this pattern:

Subject+will+ verb in base form

Jack will finish his homework tomorrow.Anna will come tomorrow around 5:00.

Negative statement

Jack will finish his homework tomorrow. Jack won’t finish his homework tomorrow.

Anna will come tomorrow around 5:00. Anna won’t come tomorrow around 5:00.

To make a negative simple future statement,

simply follow the following pattern:

Subject+will not/won’t+main verb in base


QuestionTo make a question in the simple future, simply follow the following pattern:

will+subject+main verb in base form

Jack will finish his homework tomorrow. Will Jack finish his homework tomorrow? Anna will come tomorrow around 5:00. Will Anna come tomorrow around 5:00?

Subject+am/is/are+going to+verb in base form

•Jack is going to finish his homework tomorrow.

•Anna is going to come tomorrow around 5:00.

Affirmative Statement

To make an Affirmative simple future tense statement using be going to, simply follow this pattern:

Negative statement

To make a negative simple future statement, simply

follow the following pattern:

Subject+am/is/are not/going to+main verb in base

form•Jack is going to finish his homework tomorrow. •Jack is not going to finish his homework tomorrow.

•Anna is going to come tomorrow around 5:00. •Anna is not going to come tomorrow around 5:00.


To make a question in the simple future, simply follow the following pattern:

Am/is/are+subject+going to+main verb in base form

•Jack is going to finish his homework tomorrow. •Is Jack going to finish his homework tomorrow?

•Anna is going to come tomorrow around 5:00. •Is Anna going to come tomorrow around 5:00?


Make affirmative, negative statements and questions in simple present tense.

Affirmative Negative QuestionThe children are going to have a

tripAndrew is not going to study

pianoThey won’t go

for jogging tomorrow

will you visit my office soon?

I ’m going to eat a lot