Simplify, Modernize & Monetize Fundraising Events · Simplify: Pre-Event Planning ... • Tables &...

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Simplify, Modernize & Monetize Fundraising Events

Giving Is Growing

U.S. Nonprofit Giving From Individuals


4-5% growth per year

2016 Giving USA - Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University

72% of U.S. Nonprofit Giving Comes

From Individuals

(1) From the Chronicle of Philanthropy 2015

(2), 2016 Connected Nonprofit Report

87% of people who donate to nonprofits prefer to give in person at events.(1)

Even millennials prefer to donate in person - more than any other generation.(2)

Here’s a Secret: Fundraising is All About

In-person Events

Here’s Another Secret: “Couch Potato” Giving Isn’t For Everyone

In 2016, only 7.2% of fundraising was raised online (excluding grants).

Blackbaud Institute, 2016 Charitable Giving Report

It’s All About Events

Association of Fundraising Professionals, 2014

70%+ of Nonprofits with annual budgets between $250K and $3MM see a net increase in fundraising from events

50%+ of Nonprofits with annual budgets of $3MM+ see a net increase in fundraising

from events

Simplify Your Events

Simplify Modernize Monetize

Simplify: Pre-Event Planning

• Define your event’s purpose

• Set financial goals

• Create an expense budget

Simplify: Pre-Event Planning

• Keep your event within your comfort zone

• Mobilize co-leadership: staff and volunteer(s)

• Set-up event page • Save-the-date • Sponsorships • Pre-event giving • Matching gifts

Modernize Your Events

Simplify Modernize Monetize

Running an entire fundraising event from an Excel spreadsheet is NOT modern

Modernize: Pre-Event

• Use Neon CRM API: • Event Management

(myRollCall) • Email Marketing

(MailChimp) • Accounting


Modernize: Pre-Event• Event organizer(s) needs to

easily manage:

• Multi-level Ticketing • Sponsorship • “Store” Management

(auctions, paddle raise levels, raffle tickets, etc.)

• Tables & Golf Carts • Accounting & Financial


Modernize: Pre-Event

(1) DonorDrive, 2016

A responsive mobile event page increases giving by 125%(1)

Modernize: Pre-EventNonprofits may need: • Multi-tiered access to the event level • Oversight & transparency to 3rd-party events

Modernize: Day-of-EventThe day of the event is all about mobile:

• Mobile Check-in & Check-out (biggest stress points to any event)

• Mobile Bidding (pros & cons)

• Mobile Giving / Collections

Monetize Your Events

Simplify Modernize Monetize

Monetize: Why People Give

They want to be part of something

Swaim Strategies, 2016

They want to help change the world

They want to be SEEN giving

Monetize: Pre-event• Sponsorship (with &

without table at event)

• Individual tickets & reservations

• Crowdfunding / Giving (one-time & recurring)

Monetize: Day-of-event

Raffle Tickets Live & Silent Auctions

Monthly Memberships Special Appeals

Monetize: Special Appeal• Asking donors for $$$’s at

an event

• Paddles raise, fund an initiative, scholarship

• Unrestricted funds

Monetize: Special Appeal

Start of Event

About Your Org

Appeal Story

Special Appeal

Awards & Entertainment

Swaim Strategies - Portland, Oregon, 2016

Monetize: Tell Your Story

The most effective special appeals have:

1. A beginning = The Story 2. A middle = The Ask 3. An end = The Collection

Swaim Strategies, 2016

Monetize: The Story• We learn through stories

• Stories connect us to strangers

• Stories create emotional resonance

• In a short video, spotlight someone you’ve helped and share their compelling story

Swaim Strategies, 2016

Monetize: The Ask

• Neither executive director or development director should make the ask

• Have the person from video come to stage to make the ask

• Engage your audience. MAKE ‘EM CRY! (In a good way)

Monetize: The Collection

• Passive (giving cards/envelopes on table)

• Active (paddle raise)

• Active = More $$$’s!

Monetize: Post-EventFinancial Reporting & Tracking

Let’s Chat More!

Brian Kurth


Tim Sarrantonio 888.860.6366 x109