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DUPONT, A. (1930) quoted by Dupont (1954) Proc. Soc. belg. Derm.(1954) Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris) 81, 621.

EREAUX, L. P., et alia (1955), Arch. Derm. Syph (Paris) 71, 73.FOURACRES, F. A., and WHITTICK, J. W. (1953) Brit. J. Cancer 7, 58.GORDON, H. (1957) Personal communication.HABER, H. (1957) Personal communication.LAPIERE, S. (1954) Arch. belges Derm. 10, 189.LYELL, A., and MILES, J. A. R. (1951) Brit. med. J. 1, 912.MACCORMAC, H., and SCARFF, R. W. (1936) Brit. J. Derm. 48, 624.MAcKENNA, R. M. B. (1956) Personal communication.MAGNUS, H. A. (1957) Personal communication.MALHERBE, A. (1905) Rev. Chir. 32, 651.MARSHALL, J., and FINDLAY, G. H. (1953) S. Afr. med. J. 27, 1,000.Musso, L. (1950) Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 43, 838.OLIVER, J. 0. (1956) Personal communication.PETERKIN, G. A. G. (1956) Personal communication.POTH, D. 0. (1939) Arch. Derm. Syph. (Paris) 39, 228.RABUT, R., and HEWITT, J. (1954) Bull. Soc. franc. Derm. Syph. 61, 14.ROOK, A. (1956) Rapp. Cong. Assoc. Derm. Syph. Langue franc. (Lausanne) 9, 221.

(1957) Personal communication.and WHIMSTER, I. W. (1950) Arch. belges Derm. 6/3, 137.

Rous, P., and KIDD, J. (1939) J. exper. Med. 69, 399.SMITH, J. F. (1956) Personal communication.SMITH, P. A. J. (1956) Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 49, 428.SOMMERVILLE, J. (1956) Personal communication.VICKERS, H. R. (1956) Personal communication.WHITELEY, H. J. (1956) J. Path. Bact. 72, 1.WHITTLE, C. H. (1957) Personal communication.

and LYELL, A. (1952), Brit. J. Derm. 64, 424.WRIGHT, G. P. (1954) Introduction to Pathology, London, Longmans, p. 187.


AT A MEETING of the Council on the 8th May, with Professor Sir JamesPaterson Ross, President, in the Chair, it was announced that Sir RussellBrain had accepted the Honorary Fellowship of the College.The Jacksonian Prize was presented to Mr. B. B. Milstein, F.R.C.S.A Hunterian Professorship was awarded to J. Bryant Curtis of Australia.The Begley Prize was awarded to Mr. Robert D. Cohen, of the London

Hospital Medical College.Diplomas of Membership were granted to 148 candidates. Diplomas

in Child Health were granted, jointly with the Royal College ofPhysicians, to 105 candidates.The following hospitals were recognised under paragraph 23 of the

F.R.C.S. Regulations:


General Casualty Unspecified(all 6 mths.) (all 6 mths.) (all 6 mths.)

LONDON-Hither Green Hospital, Under para 23 (c)Lewisham S.H.O. (E.N.T.)

LONDON-Tilbury and Riverside Cas. Off.General Hospital (Orsett Branch)(Additional)



MILLEN, J. W., and DICKSON, A. D. (1957) Brit. J. Nutrit. 11, 440.and WOOLLAM, D. H. M. (1955). Proc. Anat. Soc. November, in J.

Anat. 90, 567.(1956) J. Neurol. Psychiat. 19, 17.(1957a) Brit. med. J. 2, 196.(1957b) Proc. Anat. Soc. November, in J. Anat. 92.and LAMMING, G. E. (1953) Lancet 2, 1234.

(1954) Lanicet 2, 679.RUSSELL, L. B., and RUSSELL, W. L. (1954) J. cell. comp. Physiol. 43, Suppl. 1, 103.WILSON, J. G. (1954) J. cell. comp. Physiol. 43, Suppl. 1, 11.WOOLLAM, D. H. M. and MILLEN, J. W. (1955) Nature, 175, 41.

(1956a) Brit. J. Nutrit. 10, 355.(1956b) Brit. med. J. 1, 1262.(1957). Brit. med. J. 2, 197.and FOZZARD, J. A. F. (1957) Proc. Allat.

Soc. November, in J. Anat. 92.PRATT, C. W. M. and FOZZARD, J. A. F. (1957) Brit. Med. J.

1, 1219.


E. SHERRAH-DAVIES, M.B., B.Chir. Consultant Radiotherapist to the Christie(Cantab.), F.R.C.S., D.M.R.T. Hospital and Holt Radium Institute.

P. J. CARTER, M.B., L.D.S.R.C.S., E.N.T. Surgeon to the Edgware GeneralF.R.C.S., D.L.O. Hospital.

D. M. BROOKS, M.B., F.R.C.S. Orthopaedic Surgeon to the Barnet GeneralHospital.

B. L. DAY, B.M., F.F.A.R.C.S. Anaesthetist to the King Edward MemorialHospital.

H. L. LEECH, B.D.S., F.D.S.R.C.S., Orthodontist to the Bedford, Luton andD.Orth. Hitchin and West Herts Group.

G. L. BUNTON, M.Chir., F.R.C.S. Surgeon to the Northwood, Pinner andDistrict Hospital.

J. W. LEWIS, M.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. Anaesthetist to the Clare Hall Hospital.A. F. FORBAT, M.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. Anaesthetist to the Clare Hall Hospital.R. J. H. SMITH, M.B., F.R.C.S., M.S., Ophthalmic Surgeon to St. Mary's

D.O. Hospital and North West MetropolitanRegional Hospital Board.

K. OWEN, M.S., F.R.C.S. Surgeon to the Royal Northern Hospital.M. W. J. GRUMMITT, M.B., Anaesthetist to the West Herts and the

F.F.A.R.C.S. Watford Hospitals.J. WHITWELL, M.B., D.A., F.R.C.S. Ophthalmologist to the Royal London

Homoeopathic Hospital.D. A. BAILEY, M.Chir., F.R.C.S. Surgeon to the Barnet General Hospital.J. L. ANDERSON, M.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. Anaesthetist to the Edgware General Hospital.W. C. ROBINSON, F.R.C.S. Orthopaedic Surgeon to St. Charles'

Hospital.T. FAULKNER, M.B., F.R.C.S. Plastic Surgeon to St. Charles' Hospital.

The Editor is always glad to receive details of new appointmentsobtained by Fellows and Members, either through the Hospital Boardsor direct.

DONATIONSDURING THE LAST month the following generous donations to the DownHouse Fund have been received:£500 Sir Arthur Sims£250 Zoological Society of London



association with the University enhances the academic status of thedepartments, and provides some very welcome financial assistance. Itwill be understood, therefore, that the cost of the educational programmedoes not fall entirely upon the College and its Fellows.A function which the College has inherited from the Court of the Barber

Surgeons' Company and from Surgeons' Hall is to " test the fitness ofpersons" to practise surgery. The Court of Examiners which is electedby the Council is entrusted with the maintenance of the high standardtraditionally associated with diplomas granted by the College.

Let me repeat that the College was founded by Royal Charter and isjustly proud of being a Royal College. It has been privileged and honouredby a close association with the Royal Family, and the visit paid byHer Majesty Queen Mary to see the effects of the bombing in 1941 isgratefully remembered. Many members of the Royal Family, includingHer Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, havegraciously accepted the Honorary Fellowship, and the College wasparticularly favoured when The Queen laid the Memorial Stone of thenew buildings just before her Coronation.

Finally, it must be realised that since the Royal College of Surgeonsattracts post-graduates in large numbers from overseas, it constitutesand will always continue to maintain a vital link between England andthe Commonwealth.

OVERSEAS VISITORS TO THE COLLEGERECENT OVERSEAS VISITORS to the College have included Professor R. M.Janes, Hon.F.R.C.S., of Toronto, Sir Arthur Sims, CommonwealthTravelling Professor for 1958, and Mrs. Janes, who stayed in the Collegeon their way home from Africa: Dr. H. Rocke Robertson, who delivereda Moynihan Lecture in the College, and Mrs. Rocke Robertson ofVancouver: Mr. A. G. Jessiman, F.R.C.S., of the Peter Bent BrighamHospital, Boston, who delivered a recent Hunterian lecture: and Dr.J. W. Pearce of London, Ontario, who attended the monthly dinner inMay.

ANATOMICAL MUSEUMTHE SPECIAL DISPLAY for the month of June consists of specimensillustrating John Hunter's discoveries.

LIFE OF SIR GEORGE BUCKSTON BROWNE, F.R.C.S.A BIOGRAPHY HAS been written of Sir George Buckston Browne, one of thegreatest benefactors the College has had, by Miss Jessie Dobson, B.A.,M.Sc., and Sir Cecil Wakeley, Bt., K.B.E., C.B., LL.D., F.R.C.S. Thepublishers are Messrs. E. & S. Livingstone and the price of the book is25s. net.



Saturday 12th AprilA very fine paper by Mr. A. L. d'Abreu on the results of mitral

valvotomy stimulated a lively discussion. This was followed by SirGordon Gordon-Taylor on the results of hind-quarter amputation.It is betraying no secrets to report that a certain amount of persuasionhad proved necessary in respect of this contribution, Sir Gordon fearingto embarrass his friends with an unwanted paper ! In fact, as the Councilhad correctly anticipated, not only was this masterly paper greatlyappreciated, but the Association welcomed an opportunity of showing agreat man, the only British Honorary Fellow, a little of the regard andaffection he has come to command. It is unlikely that anyone present onthis Saturday morning as the meeting rose to him will forget " Sir Gordon'sday " as Mr. d'Abreu had appropriately called it.

Other papers were upon hyperparathyroidism and renal stones(Dr. Mary McGeown and Mr. E. M. Morrison) and upon transplantationof the ureters (Mr. W. T. Irvine and Mr. L. N. Pyrah), fine papers and afitting end to the scientific meeting.Luncheon was with great generosity provided by the Northern Ireland

Hospitals Authority after which various sporting activities broke out andcontinued over the weekend.

Yes, quite certainly a meeting to remember and one which has set avery high standard by which future meetings may be judged.


READERS ARE REMINDED that the following publications issued or sponsoredby the College may be obtained from the Editorial Secretary, RoyalCollege of Surgeons of England, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2.Lives of the Fellows, 1930-195 1. By the late Sir D'Arcy Power, K.B.E., F.R.C.S.,Honorary Librarian, and continued by W. R. Le Fanu, M.A., Librarian.A single volume, bound in blue cloth, of 889 pages, containing the Lives ofall Fellows known to have died between 1930 and 1951. £2 2s. Od. post free.

A Record of the Years from 1901 to 1950. Edited by Sir Ernest Finch, M.D.,M.S., F.R.C.S. A slim volume, illustrated, containing a brief history of theCollege between the centenary and the 150th anniversary of the foundationwith lives of all the Presidents since 1900, written by special contributors fromtheir personal knowledge. In red cloth 9s. post free or red paper covers 5s. free.

John Hunter, a List of his Books. A short-title bibliography of all knowneditions of John Hunter's books, compiled by the Librarian. Printed at theCambridge University Press, and bound in green cloth. 2s. 6d. post free.

*William Clift. By Jessie Dobson, B.A., M.Sc., Anatomy Curator. A newbiography, fully illustrated, of the first Conservator of the Museum at theCollege. Published by William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. Bound inblue cloth; 144 pages with frontispiece portrait and 31 plates. 8s. free.

*A separate cheque for this publication would be appreciated.



FRAZER. Anatomy of the human skeleton, Fifth edition, by Breathnach. Gift ofMr. H. J. B. Atkins.

Anaesthesia:SEWARD AND BRYCE SMITH. Inhalation anaesthesia in childbirth.

Biochemistry:BALDWIN. Dynamic aspects of biochemistry. Third edition.BRACHET. Biochemical cytology.DEUEL. The Lipids, Vol. 3.NABARRO. Biochemical investigations in diagnosis and treatment.NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR INFANTILE PARALYSIS (U.S.A.) Symposium on

cellular biology, nucleic acids, and viruses. Gift.Cancer:

CURRIE. Endocrine aspects of breast cancer.HOMBURGER. Biologic basis of cancer management.HUXLEY. Biological aspects of cancer.NIMEH. Gastro-duodenal ulcer and cancer. Author's gift.RAVEN. Cancer, Vol. 2. Author's gift, continuation.SAMUELS. The solution of the cancer problem. Author's gift.

Cardiovascular system :CLEAVE. Fat consumption and coronary disease.DE NICOLA. Thrombelastography.HUNT. Contribution to study of portal hypertension. Based on his Jacksonian

Prize Essay. Author's gift.SMIRK. High arterial pressure.

Cytolooy and HistologyTUNBRIDGE (Editor). Connective tissue, a symposium.WAELSCH. Ultrastructure and cellular chemistry of neural tissue.

Endocrinology:GARDINER HILL. Modern trends in endocrinology.

Gastroenterology:AVERY JONES. Modern trends in gastro-enterology, second series.

Gynaecology:BOURNE AND WILLIAMS. Recent advances in obstetrics and gynaecology. Ninth

edition.O'CoNoR. Suprapubic closure of vesico-vaginal fistula.

Neurology and Neurosurgery:BROWN. Liver-brain relationships.BURNS. The mammalian cerebral cortex.COOPER (Editor). Surgical therapy of extrapyramidal disorders, a symposium.WILLIAMS. Modern trends in neurology, second series.ZULCH. Brain tumours, their biology and pathology.

Ophthalmology:HAIK (Editor). Symposium on diseases and surgery of the lens.MANN. Developmental abnormalities of the eye. Second edition.POLYAK. The vertebrate visual system.SPOONER. Ocular anatomy.

Orthopaedics:ADAMS. Outline of orthopaedics, second edition.BONNIN. Textbook of fractures. Author's gift.HACKETT. Joint ligament relaxation treated by fibro-osseous proliferation.

Second edition.Otolaryngology:

* KORKIs. Recent advances in otolaryngology. Third edition.PERRY. The human ear canal.

Pharmacology:REDDISH. Antiseptics, disinfectants, and sterilization. Second edition.

Physiology:BELL. DAVIDSON AND SCARBOROUGH. Textbook of physiology and biochemistry.

Third edition.WILLIAMSON. The healing of wounds.

Proctology:NESSELROD. Clinical proctology. Second edition. Gift of Mr. W. B. Gabriel.



Radiology:NEARY. Chronic radiation hazards.

Surgery:BRECELJ. Ratna hirurgia. Belgrade 1953. Two Vols. Gift of Sir Russell Brock.DEMPSTER. Introduction to experimental surgical studies. Author's gift.ROB AND SMITH. Operative surgery, Vol. 6. Gift of Mr. M. L. Formby, in con-


ALEXANDER. Collapse therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. 1937.FRANCIS. Tuberculosis in animals and man, comparative pathology.

Medical Essays:EDMUNDS AND SCORER. Ideals in medicine. Gift of Christian Medical Fellowship.PARKES WEBER. Medical teleology. Author's gift.

Reference Books:WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION. International classification of diseases.

1958. Two volumes.


KEILL. An account of animal secretion. 1708.KEILL. Anatomy of the humane body. Fourth edition. 1710.HILL. Fabrick of the eye. 1757.ROWLEY. La vaccine combattue. 1807.VACCINATION BROADSHEETS (2). Leeds 1804-5. Gift of Sir Geoffrey Keynes.LISTER. Erste Verbffentlichungen uber antiseptische Wundbehandlung 1867-9.

German translation 1912.BONNEY. Collected reprints 1898-1938. Three volumes. Gift of Mrs. Victor


JOHN ABERNETHY. Two autograph letters 1817, 1830. Gift of Mr. J. Law Adam.EDWARD JENNER. Fragment of an autograph letter. Gift of Sir Geoffrey Keynes.SIR JAMES BERRY. Thyroid specimens in various museums. Two notebooks.

Gift of Lady Berry.History of Medicine:

EAST. The story of heart disease.FURNEAUX. The medical murderer.GANDEVIA. Bibliography of history of medicine in Australia. Gift of Sir Gordon

Gordon-Taylor.MILLER. The adoption of inoculation for smallpox in England and France.MOSTRA STORICA DELLA SCIENZA ITALIANA. Catalogue of exhibition of Italian

science at Milan 1957-58.SINGER. Short history of anatomy and physiology.STAMMERS. Reports of the Consultant Surgeon to Allied Armies in ltaly 1944-45.

Typescript. Author's gift.CREW. Army Medical Services : Campaigns, Volume Two. (Official medical history,

Second World War).WALKER. The island campaigns (Australia in the War of 1939-45, Medical services

Volume 3).Biography:

BLOOMFIELD. Uncommon people. Gift of Professor Digby Chamberlain.PAGEL. Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Arzte des 19ten Jahrhunderts,

1901.LISTER: Symposium of papers on Lister. Toronto 1912.LIVINGSTONE: Gelfand. Livingstone the doctor.SIMPSON SMITH: Higgins. Alexander Simpson Smith 1900-1942. Gift of the

author, Mr. T. Twistington Higgins.WATERHOUSE: Blake. Beniamin Waterhouse and the introduction of vaccination.

BINDING OF THE ANNALSBINDING CASES ARE not provided for completed volumes of the ANNALSbut the Editor can recommend the firm of Lovett, Bookbinders, 86, PlashetGrove, London, E.6, who will undertake the binding in buckram orleather to individual requirements at reasonable prices.



style of the buildings will be very much similar. The bricks will be palerin colour for so long as the London atmosphere permits (and it is to benoted that the College is now in a smokeless zone). The frontage line forthe main part of the building is the same as that of the Nuffield Collegeand Cancer Fund, but the extreme right hand end will come forwardto the pavement: the part referred to is that which has four large windowson the ground floor and four small windows above. The final developmentof this extreme end of the site must be regarded as uncertain by reason ofthe property not being " in hand."

In general these buildings will not only fulfil their purpose-the for-mation of a medical centre of the highest importance, but will bring archi-tectural harmony to Lincoln's Inn Fields. They will conform with theprevailing building materials of the Square, brick and stone, and willresult in a more or less constant height in the buildings running the lengthof the south and south west parts of the square, a height worthy of thespacious proportions of Lincoln's Inn Fields.

SAYINGS OF THE GREAT"A man has always to be busy with his thoughts if anything is to be

accomplished." Antony van Leeuwvenhoek (1632-1723)." I have weighed in a nice and scrupulous balance whether it be better

to serve men or to be praised by them, and I prefer the former." ThomasSydenham (1624-1689).

" The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade: a calling, not abusiness: a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally withyour head." Willian Osler (1849-1919).

(Contributions are invited.)

DIARY FOR JUNEMon. 16 Anaesthetic Course begins.

9.30 DR. A. I. PARRY BROWN-Anaesthesia for thoracic surgery.11.00 DR. A. 1. PARRY BROWN-Anaesthesia for cardiac surgery.2.00 MR. L. P. LEQUESNE-Fluid balance-I.3.30 MR. L. P. LEQUESNE-Fluid balance-II.

Tues. 17 Names of candidates (L.D.S.) for election to the Board of Faculty ofDental Surgery announced.

9.30 PROF. W. D. M. PATON-The actions of anaesthetics.11.00 PROF. W. D. M. PATON-Principles of peripheral autonomic action.2.00 PROF. W. W. MUSHIN-Some aspects of physics in relation to

anaesthesia-I.3.30 PROF. W. W. MUSHIN-Some aspects of physics in relation to

anaesthesia- l.5.00 PROF. A. J. HELFET-Hunterian Lecture-The mechanism of the

medial meniscus of the knee mechanism-diagnosis andconsequences. *


Wed. 18 9.30 DR. W. D. WYLIE-Anaesthesia and respiratory disease.11.00 DR. W. D. WYLIE-Anaesthesia and analgesia in obstetrics.

Thur. 19 First Membership Examination, D.L.O. Examination (Part I).D.P.M. Examination (Part II) and D.P.H. Examination begin.

9.30 DR. A. J. W. BEARD-Pre- and post-operative care.11.00 DR. T. H. S. BURNS-The fire and explosion hazard in anaesthesia.2.00 DR. C. F. SCURR-Carbon dioxide homeostasis during anaesthesia.3.30 DR. J. G. BOURNE-Anoxia.

Fri. 20 Election of Fellows to the Board of Faculty of Dental Surgery.Dental Lectures and Clinical Conferences end.

9.30 DR. J. F. NUNN-Physiological aspects of artificial ventilation.11.00 DR. J. W. THOMPSON-Local anaesthetics.2.00 DR. R. 1. W. BALLANTINE-Anaesthesia for neurosurgery.3.30 PROF. A. KEKWICK-The assessment of cardiovascular disease.

Mon. 23 9.30 PROF. W. D. M. PATON-Mechanisms of neuromuscular block.11.00 DR. A. J. W. BEARD-Chlorpromazine and related compounds.2.00 DR. G. H. ToVEY-Transfusion therapy.3.30 DR. J. VANE-The actions of analeptics.

Tues. 24 9.30 DR. H. C. CHURCHILL-DAVIDSON-Principles of hibernation andhypothermia.

11.00 DR. H. C. CHURCHILL-DAVIDSON-Circulatory changes duringAnaesthesia.

2.00 DR. J. B. WYMAN Clinical implications of hypotensive techniques.3.30 DR. R. BRYCE SMITH-An appraisement of local analgesic procedures.

Wed. 25 9.30 DR. J. GILLIEs-Anaesthesia for emergency surgery I.11.00 DR. J. GILLIEs-Anaesthesia for emergency surgery II.5.00 Board of Faculty of Anaesthetists.

Thur. 26 D.L.O. Examination (Part II) begins.9.30 DR. T. C. GRAY-Muscle relaxants in anaesthetic practice-I.11.00 DR. T. C. GRAY-Muscle relaxants in anaesthetic practice-Il.2.00 DR. G. JACKSON REEs-Anaesthesia for children I.3.30 DR. G. JACKSON REEs-Anaesthesia for children-Il.

Fri. 27 9.30 PROF. W. D. M. PATON-The paralysis of autonomic ganglia.11.00 DR. J. A. LEE-Special aspects of spinal and epidural analgesia.2.00 DR. R. P. W. SHACKLETON-The management of apnoeic patients.3.30 DR. RUSSELL M. DAVIES Anaesthesia for plastic surgery.

Anaesthetic course ends.

DIARY FOR JULYTues. 1 Final Membership Examination begins.Thur. 3 11.00 Election to Council.

5.30 MR. NORMAN C. TANNER-Otolaryngology lecture Haemorrhagefrom the oesophagus.*

Fri. 4 Inaugural Meeting of the International Federation of SurgicalColleges in Stockholm.

Tues. 8 Final F.D.S. Examination begins.Wed. 9 3.30 PROF. D. SLOME-Bernhard Baron lecture.*

7.30 Buckston Browne Dinner.D.I.H. Examination begins.

Thur. 10 10.30 Quarterly Council.Election of President, Vice-President and Lecturers.Demonstrations at the Buckston Browne Farm (Afternoon).Final L.D.S. Examination begins.

Fri. 11 5.00 PROF. J. BRYANT CURTIS-Hunterian lecture.*Wed. 16 D.O. Examination and D.T.M. and H. Examination begin.Thur. 17 Final F.F.A. Examination and D.Phys.Med. Examination (Part I)

begin.Fri. 18 Board of Faculty of Dental Surgery.

Annual General Meeting and election of Licentiate to the Board ofFaculty of Dental Surgery.

4.00 PROF. H. G. RADDEN-Charles Tomes lecture-Local factors inhealing of the alveolar tissues.*

Wed. 23 D.Phys.Med. Examination (Part ll) begins.Fri. 25 Basic Sciences Lectures and demonstrations for Dental students end.

4.30 DR. WILLIS POTTS-Moyhnihan Lecture-Respiratory emergenciesin the new born.*

Thur. 31 2.00 Ordinary Council.*Not part of courses.




The first number shows the monthly issue: the second number showsthe page.

Abernethy, Letters of .. .. 5: 356Allen, A. W. (1887-1958) .. 5: 357Anal sphincters in the radical treat-

ment of rectal cancer, Preserva-tion of the (J. C. Goligher) .. 5: 311

Anatomical Museum 1: 72; 2: 106;3: 177;4: 285;5: 361; 6: 422

Anatomical nomenclature (R. M.Livingston) .. .. .. 5: 342

Application of physiological princi-ples to hormone-dependentbreast cancer (G. Hadfield) . . 2: 73

Appreciation of Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor .. .. .. .. 5: 345

Arnott Demonstration: Wyke, B.D. 2: 117Arris & Gale Lectures:

-Causey, G. W. .. .. 1: 43-Woolam, D. H. M. .. 6: 401

Association of Surgeons, meeting inBelfast .. .. .. .. 6: 423

Belfast, meeting of Association of 6:Binding of the Annals .. .. 6:Books added to Library, October-

December 1957 .. .. .. 3:January-March 1958 .. .. 6:

'Bounty," The surgeons of the(J. Dobson) .. .. .. 1:

Breast cancer, The application ofphysiological principles to hor-mone-dependent (G. Hadfield).. 2:

Buckston Browne, Life of Sir George 1:2: 150; 4: 281; 6:

Browne, Miss Henrietta (1858-1958) 3:





Cancer of the oesophagus (F. A.d'Abreu) .. .. .. 4: 257

CAUSEY, G. W.: Cytological investi-gations with the electron micro-scope .. .. .. .. 1: 43

Ceylon, Primary Fellowship in .. 3: 212Charter, The 1957 .. .. .. 3: 214Collection, Historical surgical instru-

ment (W. E. Thompson) .. 1: 58College, From Trade Guild to Royal

(Sir James Paterson Ross) .. 6: 416College publications 2: 149; 5: 344; 6: 425Congenital malformations, Experi-

mental approach to the problemsof the (D. H. M. Woollam) .. 6: 401

Consultant posts, Appointment ofFellows and Members to 1: 72;

2: 150 3: 212;4: 236; 5: 351;

6: 415

Council proceedings:December 1957 .. .. .. 1: 67January 1958 .. .. .. 2: 138February 1958 .. .. .. 3: 221March 1958 .. .. .. 4: 283April 1958 .. .. .. 5: 361May 1958 .. .. .. 6: 400

Course in statistics and radio-isotopes .. .. .. .. 4: 285

Crafoord, Prof. C. : Admission to theHonorary Fellowship .. .. 5: 355

Curiosities of natural history (J.Dobson) .. .. .. .. 5: 330

Cytological investigations with elec-tron microscope (G. W. Causey) 1: 43

D'ABREu, F. A.: Cancer of theoesophagus .. .. .. 4: 257

Dental research, An enterprise in(Fish, Sir Wilfred) .. .. 5: 287

Diary .. .. .. 1: 72; 2: 150;3: 221;4: 285;5: 362; 6: 430

Diploma granting ceremony .. 5: 351Dislocations of the elbow, Old

(J. F. Silva) .. .. .. 6: 363DoBsoNN J.:

The surgeons of the " Bounty" 1: 70Mary Sabina, the variegateddamsel f .. .. 4: 273Curiosities of natural history . . 5: 330

Donations .. .. 1: 42; 2: 116;3: 196; 4: 236;5: 356; 6: 415

Dunhill, Sir Thomas (1876-1957): 2: 144Memorial Service for .. 4: 282

Elbow, Old dislocations of the(J. F. Silva) .. .. .. 6: 363

Electron microscope, Cytologicalinvestigations with the (G. W.Causey) .. .. .. .. 1: 43

Enterprise in dental research (SirWilfred Fish) .. .. .. 5: 287

Evolution of safety in prostatectomy(A. C. McEachern) .. .. 3: 151

Experimental approach to prcblemsof congenital malformations(D. H. M. Woollam) .. .. 6: 401

Fellows and Members, Honouis con-ferred on .. .. .. 2: 149

Fellowship diplomas, Grant of .. 1: 68FERGUSSON, J. D. : The treatment of

prostatic cancer .. .. 4: 237FISH, Sir Wilfred: An enterprise in

dental research .. . 5: 287



FLATT, A. E.: A minor hand injuryservice .. . . .. 3: 197

Friedreich's ataxia, Surgical manage-ment of (M. Makin) .. .. 1: 1

Gleno-humeral joint, Zero positionof, its recognition and clinicalimportance (A. K. Saha) .. 4: 223

GOLIGHER, J. C.: Preservation of theanal sphincters in radical treat-ment of rectal cancer .. .. 5: 311

Gordon-Taylor, Sir Gordon: Anappreciation of .. .. .. 5: 345

HADFIELD, G.: The application ofphysiological principles to hor-mone dependent breast cancer. . 2: 73

HADLEY, F. A.: Some memories ofLord Lister in his theatre in theold King's College Hospital inPortugal Street .. .. .. 4: 279

Haematemesis and melaena, Opera-tive management of (N. C.Tanner) .. .. .. .. 1: 30

Hand injury service, A minor (A. E.Flatt) .. .. .. .. 3: 197

Historical surgical instrument collec-tion (W. E. Thompson) .. 1: 58

Honorary Fellowships .. .. 3: 177Honorary Fellowship of Prof. C.

Crafoord, Admission to the .. 5: 355Hormone dependent breast cancer,

Application of physiologicalprinciples to (G. Hadfield) 2: 73

Hunterian Lectures:Makin, M. .. .. .. 1: 1McEachern, A. C. .. .. 3: 151Saha, A. K. .. .. .. 4: 223Silva, J. F. .. .. .. 6: 363Thomson, S. .. .. .. 6: 382

Imperial Cancer Research FundLecture:Hadfield, G. .. .. .. 2: 73

Investigations with the electronmicroscope (G. W. Causey) .. 1: 43

Keevil, J. J., Surgeon-Commander(1901-1958) .. .. .. 2: 148

Letters of Abernethy.. .. .. 5: 356Library, Additions to the 3: 219; 6: 426Life of Sir George Buckston Browne 1: 57;

2: 150; 4: 281Lister, Lord, Some memories -of,

in his theatre in the old King'sCollege Hospital in PortugalStreet (F. A. Hadley) .. .. 4: 279

Lister Festival .. .. .. 5: 352LIVINGSTON, R. M. The new anatomi-

cal nomenclature .. .. 5: 342Lymphomata, The surgical aspects of

(R. Bodley Scott) .. .. 3: 178

MAKIN, M.: The surgical manage-ment of Friedreich's ataxia . 1: 1

Management of Friedreich's ataxia(M. Makin) .. .. .. 1: 1

Management of haematemesis andmelaena, Operative (N. C.Tanner) .. .. .. .. 1: 30

Marks, Sir Simon, Honorary F.R.C.S. 1: 54;2: 139

Mary Sabina, The variegated damsel(J. Dobson) .. .. .. 4: 273

MCEACHERN, A. C. : The evolution ofsafety in prostatectomy . . 3: 151

Meeting of Association of Surgeonsin Belfast.. .. .. .. 6: 423

Melaena and haematemesis, Theoperative management of (N. C.Tanner) .. .. .. .. 1: 30

Memoriam, In:Dunhill, Sir Thomas .. .. 2: 144NVaverley, Viscount .. .. 2: 147Keevil, Surgeon- CommanderJ.J. .. .. .. .. 2: 148Browne, Miss Henrietta .. 3: 220Williams, Gwynne .. .. 3: 220Allen, Arthur W. .. .. 5: 357

Memorial Service for Sir ThomasDunhill .. .. .. .. 4: 282

Minor hand injury service (A. E.Flatt) .. .. .. .. 3: 197

Memories of Lord Lister in hisTheatre in the old King's CollegeHospital in Portugal Street(F. A. Hadley) .. .. .. 4: 279

Molluscum sebaceum and its surgicalsignificance (S. Thomson) .. 6: 382

Monthly Dinners .. 1: 29; 2: 106;3: 218; 4: 284

Natural history, Curiosities of(J. Dobson) .. .. .. 5: 330

Neomycin in ophthalmology (A.Sorsby and J. Ungar) .. .. 2: 107

New anatomical nomenclature (R. M.Livingston) .. .. .. 5: 342

Nomenclature, The new anatomical(R. M. Livingston) .. .. 5: 342

Oesophagus, Cancer of the (F. A.D'Abreu) .. .. .. 4: 257

Old dislocations of the elbow(J. F. Silva) .. .. .. 6: 363

Operative management of haema-temesis and melaena (N. C.Tanner) .. .. .. .. 1: 30

Ophthalmology Lecture: Sorsby, A.and Ungar, J. .. .. .. 2: 107

Ophthalmology, Neomycin in (A.Sorsby and J. Ungar) .. .. 2: 107

Overseas visitors to the College . .3: 217;4: 284; 6: 422

Physiological principles to hormonedependent breast cancer (G.Hadfield).. .. .. .. 2: 73

Platt, Sir Harry .. .. .. 3: 213Preservation of the anal sphincters in

the radical treatment of rectalcancer (J. C. Goligher) . 5: 311

Primary Fellowship Examination inCeylon .. .. .. .. 3: 212



Prostatectomy, The evolution ofsafety in (A. C. McEachern) .. 3: 151

Prostatic cancer, The treatment of(J. D. Fergusson) .. .. 4: 237

Radical treatment of rectal cancer,Preservation of the anal sphinc-ters in the (J. C. Goligher) . .5: 311

Radio-isotopes, Course in statisticsand .. .. .. .. 4: 285

REID, R. W.: The surgical treatmentof urinary tuberculosis. .. 1: 11

Rebuilding and restoration of theCollege .. .. 1: 69; 3: 216;

6: 428Rectal cancer, Preservation of the

anal sphincters in the radicaltreatment of (J. C. Goligher) .. 5: 311

Restoration and rebuilding of theCollege .. .. 1: 69; 3: 216;

6: 428Ross, Sir James Paterson: From

Trade Guild to Royal College.. 6: 416Royal College, From Trade Guild to

(Sir James Paterson Ross) .. 6: 416

Safety in prostatectomy, Tne evolu-tion of (A. C. McEachern) .. 3: 151

SAHA, A. K.: Zero position of thegleno-humeral joint; its recogni-tion and clinical importance .. 4: 223

Sayings of the Great .. .. 6: 430SCOTT, R. Bodley: The surgical

aspects of the lymphomata .. 3: 178Service, A minor hand injury (A. E.

Flatt) .. .. .. .. 3: 197SILVA, J. F.: Old dislocations of the

elbow .. .. .. .. 6: 363Some happy memories (Lord Webb-

Johnson) .. .. .. 5: 358SORSBY, A. and UNGAR, J.: Neomy-

cin in ophthalmology .. .. 2: 107Statistics and Radio-isotopes, Course

in .. .. .. 4: 285Surgeons of the "Bounty " (J.

Dobson) .. .. .. .. 1: 70Surgeons in Belfast, Meeting of

Association of .. .. .. 6: 423Surgical aspects of the Lymphomata

(R. Bodley Scott) .. .. 3: 178

Surgical considerations of the tem-poral lobes (B. D. Wyke) . . 2: 117

Surgical management of Fried-reich's ataxia (M. Makin) . 1: I

Surgical significance, Molluscumsebaceum and its (S. Thomson) 6: 382

Surgical treatment of urinary tuber-culosis (R. W. Reid) . . .. 1 : 11

TANNER, N. C.: Operative manage-ment of haematemesis andmelaena .. .. .. .. 1: 30

Temporal lobes, Surgical considera-tions of (B. D. Wyke) .. .. 2: 117

The 1957 Charter .. .. .. 3: 214THOMPSON, W. E.: The historical

surgical instrument collection . 1: 58THOMSON, S.: Molluscum sebaceum

its surgical significance.. .. 6: 382Trade Guild to Royal College, From

(Sir James Paterson Ross) . . 6: 416Treatment of prostatic cancer,

Surgical (J. D. Fergusson) . 4: 237Treatment of urinary tuberculosis,

The surgical (R. W. Reid) . . 1: 11Tuberculosis, The surgical treatment

of urinary (R. W. Reid).. .. 1: 11

UNGAR, J.: see SORSBY, A. .. 2: 107Urinary Tuberculosis, Surgical treat-

ment of (R. W. Reid) .. .. 1: 11

Variegated damsel, Mary Sabina, The(J. Dobson) .. .. .. 4: 273

Walton, Sir James .. .. .. 4: 281Waverley, Viscount .. .. .. 2: 147Webb-Johnson, Lord .. .. 6: 381Webb-Johnson Lecture:

Sir Wilfred Fish .. .. 5: 287Williams, Gwynne (1881-1958) .. 3: 220WOOLLAM, D. H. M.: Experimental

approach to the problem of con-genital malformations .. .. 6: 401

WYKE, B. D.: Surgical considera-tions of the temporal lobes . . 2: 117

Zero position of the gleno-humeraljoint ; its recognition and clinicalimportance (A. K. Saha) . . 4: 223