Sinusitis And Children

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Sinusitis And Children

Sinusitis And Children

“Sinus problems in children are much difficult to diagnose than in adults”

Sinuses are four air filled cavities around the nose and eyes. A child’s sinuses are not as fully developed

when compared to adults. The maxillary sinuses, present behind the cheek and the ethmoid, between

the eyes, are present from the time of birth. Like children, even adults are usually not aware of their

sinuses till there is some problem associated with them. They act as filters, removing any airborne

particles as well as making the skull lighter.

Sinus problems in children are much difficult to diagnose than in adults as they can be caused by simple

viral infections and allergies. Most sinus infections are caused by viral infections like flu and cold which

then get aggravated.

The best way to detect a sinus infection in a child is to keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

A cold lasting for more than ten days

Thick yellow nasal drainage

Post-nasal drip leading to cough, sore throat, bad breath, nausea and vomiting


Irritability or fatigue

Swelling around the eyes

It is easy to prevent the problem of sinusitis in children by taking a few simple measures like:

Reduce exposure to allergens by washing clothes often, clear up overstuffed furniture, clean the

rugs thoroughly, stay away from sprays or perfumes and avoid exposure to smoke.

Improve ventilation in the house by opening windows whenever possible. Use a humidifier at


Help the child sleep with the head of the bed elevated. This promotes sinus drainage.

Children with known infections must minimise exposure.

Avoid temperature extremes.

Swimming is a strict no-no. Encourage your child to take up other sports.

Wash the child’s nose with saline for medical benefits.

Maintain and promote good hygiene at home. Bacterial and viral infections are the most

common causes of sinusitis, therefore the risk of getting them needs to be reduced by carefully

monitoring hygiene and frequently washing hands with soap and water.

Encourage the child to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily.

Keep in mind that children are very susceptible to sinus infections and it is best to tackle the problem

before surgical intervention becomes necessary. Visit an Apollo Cradle centre to know more about

paediatric sinusitis and the best ways to overcome it.

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