Sl hartley publishing powerpoint

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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SLHartley Publishing

Group Members: Sophie Hartley

Brief: To create a front cover and second page of a newspaper and also create both a print and radio advert.

Product Research

Task conducted:

• Annotation of The Metro`s front page.• Quantative data on popular storylines within two local newspapers. • Market research (Questionnaire).• Market research results (Questionnaire).• A report on existing local newspapers. • Focus group.• Log.

This pie chart shows that my sample was fair in the sense that I have asked ten females and ten males so my results will be fairly representative of the population.

This chart shows that out of the sample of twenty people, half of them were aged between sixteen and twenty and then the other half were varied between the ages of twenty six to over sixty. In my sample I have asked people of various ages which I think is good as you will get different answers throughout the questionnaire.

This pie chart shows that more people read local newspapers than don`t, but quite a few people only read local newspapers sometimes. So this shows that the sample are varied in terms of whether they read local newspaper, don't read them or sometimes read them.

This chart shows that the Salford advertiser is the most popular local newspaper from the sample of people asked and then the metro is second.

This shows that when giving the sample a choice more people would rather read the Salford advertiser than the metro.

From several storylines this chart shows that most of the sample prefer reading about death and crime over any other storylines.

This shows that most people read a local newspaper at home, then on public transport then at home.

This chart shows that most of the sample like to read a local newspaper in the morning than any other time of the day.

Nearly half of the sample said that storylines are the main attraction of reading a local newspaper, and then information second.

Focus Group

Do you prefer The Metro or the Salford Advertiser?

“The Salford Advertiser has better storylines and I like the layout because it looks more like a tabloid than other local newspapers do.”

“I prefer The Metro because it has horoscopes and I like reading mine everyday.”

“I like the Salford Advertiser because it has more local news about the things that matter rather than just celebrity gossip.”

Friday, September 17th 2010

Today I have decided to research two local newspapers: The Metro and The Salford Advertiser. I am going to get four samples of each local newspaper and gather some quantative data on which storylines are most popular within each newspaper.

Tuesday, September 21st 2010

During my lesson today I have been doing research on local newspapers and gathering information in order to create a report on conventions of a newspaper, I am going to look at things such as: layout, typeface, house style, columns etc.

Wednesday, September 22nd 2010

Today I have began creating my report using the information I found during my last media lesson, the research has been very useful in creating my report.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010

Today I have gone back to my quantative data research on the different storylines featured within each of the local newspapers I have researched. I have finally been able to collect four different paper based copies of each local newspaper, so I am now able to produce the quantative data in a bar graph.

Friday, September 24th 2010

Today I have researched an example of the front page of The Metro and annotated it on Microsoft publisher.

Tuesday, September 28th 2010

I have done some research today in order to find an image of the Salford Advertisers front page, I have annotated it on Microsoft publisher.

Wednesday, September 29th 2010

Today I have created a questionnaire to hand out to various people in order to find out what they think of local newspapers. I have ask nine questions and printed off twenty copies of the questionnaire. I have decided to ask twenty people so I can ask ten females and ten males of different ages as I believe it will make the answers more varied.

Thursday, September 30th 2010

In today’s lesson I am going to begin handing out my questionnaires to people around college and outside college.

Friday, October 1st 2010

In my last lesson I handed out my questionnaire to both the students and staff within Eccles College, today I am going to gather my results and create a pie chart for each individual question.

Tuesday, October 5th 2010

Today I began creating a power point that I am going to present to the rest of my media class.

Thank-you for listening

The End