Small is beautiful: Smart publishing for smart phones

Post on 08-Sep-2014

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There are more iPhones sold every second of the day then babies born on Planet Earth. The way people consume content on their smartphone has kick-started a publishing revolution and the award-winning Apptitude Media have produced some of the worlds first dedicated smartphone magazines. In this keynote given at the UK's Publishing Expo in February 2014, CEO Marc Hartog delivers some helpful tips and shares some of the lessons learned along the way. More about Apptitude here:


Small is beautiful: Smart publishing for Smart phones

Marc Hartog Founder & CEO !Say Hello at Stand PM22 (right outside this theatre)

1 Billion smartphones sold in 2013 (IDC)

That’s 32 smartphones per second

Which means 7.5 smartphones are born for each baby born

And that’s a LOT

91% of all people on earth have a mobile phone.

56% of people own a smart phone

50% of mobile phone users use mobile as their primary

internet source

80% of time on mobile is spent inside apps

Mobile web adoption is growing x8 faster than web adoption did in the 1990s and early 2000s

Full-year app revenues forecasted to grow to $20.4 billion in 2013 and $63.5 billion in 2017

82 billion apps were downloaded worldwide in 2013 growing to 200 billion+ by 2017

Local Mobile Ad Spend is going to grow from $800M to $18B by 2016

61% of people have a better opinion of brands when they offer a good mobile experience

Android selling more than iPhone But iPhone users spend more on apps

25% of international media and marketing executives see mobile as the most disruptive force in their industry

What about the other 75%? What about you?

Apple Newsstand is far from great, But Android is non-existent.


*We are making it up as we go along!

Jobs introduces iPad

Tablets become our robot overlords


BJP app development

Success of iPhone/Apps Font renditionToo much material

Shrink it? Rethink it.

Bite-sized chunks of content -£0.69 vs £6.99

Same vs different? Content/frequency/purpose?

30 magazines in WHSmiths !218 in newsstand category



‘good enough’ is not

good enough

Combined iPad+iPhone subs!42%!

iPhone only subs!18%!

Single issues - iPad!21%!

Single issues - iPhone!19%!

Paid sales by type!

More people buying iPad access than iPhone (62%)



iPod touch!1%!

Sessions by device!

A third of all sessions activated from iPhone 17% of iPad sessions from a mini Nearly 2,000 sessions from an iPod touch!

iPhone 3G!3%!

iPhone 4/4S!48%!

iPhone 5/5C/5S!49%!

iPhone 6!0%!

Sessions by phone type!

Equally important to test on 4's and 5's No longer supporting older devices 2 sessions from an iPhone 6!!!

iPhone 5!82%!

iPhone 5C!2%!

iPhone 5S!16%!

And by the latest iPhone range!

7x more engagement from iPhone 5S vs 5C


Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc, registered in the US and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc

Image © Damien Demolder

Designed for the screen size and device

Content flow & design is key: Reductive

Content flow & design is key: Reductive

Bite-sized chunks of content

Downloadable on the go - file size is important

Use the right tools, and the right team

Embed social right in to the heart of the experience

Engage Free trials Promote


8.1%!3.7%! 5.9%!









Downloads! Free monthly trials! Monthly renewal! Free annual trials! Annual renewals! Single issue sales!

28% engagement post-download. Not bad. But 72% have gone away!

Monthly free trials outperforming annual by 140% - go figure?

Monthly renewals outperforming annual renewals by 300% - eh???

Single issue sales much higher than anticipated

Biggest wins will come from increased conversions

At each stage of the funnel

The funnel of love

What is the ARPD?

Rich & targeted push notifications

Segmentation & detailed analytics

Give your app to key influencers Give it to your staff

and your clients !

Let your print readers trial it free !

Visibility is really hard !

(So cheat) !

Advertisement **KLAXON**

Profitable Digital Publishing Developing Your App Strategy

What’s next?

What will you be wearing?

Stand PM22 Right outside this theatre WE HAVE BISCUITS