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Post on 18-May-2015

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“Mapping design practices: on risk, hybridity and participation”

Liesbeth Huybrechts, Katrien Dreessen & Selina SchepersSocial Spaces / MAD-faculty / FAK (KULeuven)

MAP-it is a participatory method (background map, sticker sheets, scenario,..) that has been developed, tested and applied in diverse contexts

Reflective => creative. Conclusion from research cases and literature: introduction of risk-taking in the participatory process in 3 ways:(1) working over the borders of the own discipline in a hybrid zone, (2) provoking friction and (3) releasing control.

Case: negotiating values in organising a FabLab with “MAP-it” (blueprint, machines, people,..)

1. MAP-it allows people to negotiate in a hybrid zone between disciplines (Muller, 2002): abstract icons, various media, turn taking

2. MAP-it allows friction‘risk-stickers' and certain game rules introduce friction to the workshop in playful manner and stimulate different view (e.g. stairs, slope, new building)

3. MAP-it encourages releasing control via its opennesse.g. Fablab participants forced to open ways of working via open icons

Discussion(1) Open source kit requires choices by toolkit designers around definition of ‘acceptable risk’ (level hybridity, openness, friction; via design stickers, background, game...). (2) However, MAP-it forces designers to release control to participants (e.g. redefine space fablab). (3) Every decision depends on project's goal.

For more information, see:, feel free to download the MAP-it mapping kit and start mapping!