So you don’t waste your time when you read. Keys to Reading Comprehension.

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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So you don’t waste your time when you read.

Keys to Reading Comprehension

1st Key: Take notes on the 1st page.Setting, characters and the beginning of

conflict usually are all described on the first page.

This is when you are probably going to be the most distracted. Take notes.

If you have to stop reading at any point in time, take notes on a sticky note and put it on the page you stopped on.

2nd Key: Stop and re-read as soon as you realize you are lost. Stop to RE-READ as soon as you don’t

understand. Whether it be Vocabulary that is too difficult or you have just been daydreaming. Stop! You may not go forward until you understand at least the main thing that is going on!

3rd Key: Connect with the charactersFind something, ANYTHING that you like

about the main character and you will remember he/she a lot more.

Think about your past experiences. Have you ever encountered anything similar to these characters?

4th Key: Predict and CheckWhile you read, keep your brain in the book

by constantly guessing what’s going to happen. You do this with movies, right?

Think of some real cliffhanger TV shows or movies. When you push, “pause,” don’t you guess what’s going to happen?Push “pause” once in awhile while reading.

Writedown your predictions so you can check them


5th Key: Ask Questions and Find Answers!While you are reading, keep your brain

active by asking questions about things you don’t understand and things going on in the story.

Find the answers at least by the end of the story, or go back and…

Nothing’s worse than wasting your time reading a book you don’t get.Stop AS SOON AS YOU DON’T GET IT.RE-READ until you get it.You will eventually get it.Unless you can’t read.Or you’re blind.