Software CEO Leadership Success in 6 Words or Less!

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Software CEO Leadership Success… in 6 Words or Less

Paul DiModica - Value Forward Group

It is believed that Ernest Hemingway once made a bet

at a lunch meeting that he could create a complete story

in six words or less.

To win his bet, he was purported to have said:

“For sale; baby shoes, never worn”

This simplified, limited language approach also lends itself to help technology CEOs or executive leadership teams

become more successful.

The world is full ofsuccess strategies

promulgated by PR-drivengurus and megalomaniac

philosophers whodiscourse on and on

about what you need to doto be a great leader.

Yet, software business leadership success is quite simple… and

can be described in six words.

1 . S T R AT E G Y

A defined strategy is needed to drive your business.

• Who are you and why will prospects buy from you?

• Do you have an identified market gap?

• Do you know why prospects don’t buy from you?

Strategy is the GPS that will guide your business Success.

2 . C O M M U N I C AT I O N

It's not what you say…It's what the listener hears.

Leadership communication has to be consistent, persistent and continuous.

With the right communication, prospects, customers and team members understand and absorb how they must respond based on your objectives.

Most leadership communication fails when the team member,

buyers and management do not succinctly understand each other's

needs and objectives.

3 . C O L L A B O R AT I O N

Leadership without bi-directional interaction among team members, customers and prospects results in knowledge from an ethnocentric point of view that is often shallow and strategically wrong.

Collaboration helps software company leadership adjust their

operational models to maximize the intersection of all stake holders both inside and outside of the company.

4 . E X EC U T I O N

Strategy without

execution... is just wasted


It's not what you say you are going to do that drives corporate success; instead it's what you actually do.

Everyone has good intentions and good ideas… but what you actually do, is what counts.

5 . M E T R I C S

Operations, software development, sales, marketing and finance can all be measured.

Success can and must be managed. It's the boring detailed minutia that drives performance.

6 6 . H U M I L I T Y

As a technology leader, knowing from the onset that you don't know everything and don't follow the "I am

the king in the kingdom" leadership model will help you increase your IT company success.

All technology companies need team memberdepth to succeed.

Being humble will help you maximize your businesspotential and increase your valuation. (Personality

driven CEOs can minimize company valuations).


These six words – Strategy, Communication, Collaboration, Execution, Metrics and Humility – describe the story of a technology company's success model.

Read it. Implement it. Succeed.

To Your Revenue Capture Success!

Paul DiModicaValue Forward Group