Solomons telepathology

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands

Solomon IslandsCapital: HoniaraPopulation: 450‘000Islands: ~1000Independence: 1978

Solomon Islands

Solomon IslandsCapital: HoniaraPopulation: 450‘000Islands: ~1000Independence: 1978

National Referral Hospital

Solomon Islands

Solomon IslandsCapital: HoniaraPopulation: 450‘000Islands: ~1000Independence: 1978

National Referral Hospital

Doctors: 15 - 30Radiologists: 1Pathologists: 0Dermatologists: 0

Limitations in Developing Countries

Shortage of general practitioners- many rural clinics are run by nurses only

Shortage of medical specialists - many countries have no dermatologists, pathologists, ophthalmologists, radiologists, etc.

Limited access to current information- medical libraries have no current material, no continuing medical education (CME)

Limitations in Developing Countries

Limited Transportation

Limitations in Developing Countries

Limited Communication Infrastructure

Example: many islands in Solomons have no telephone – communication only my VHF radio.

Existing telephones are often slow and too unreliable for stable internet access.

Limited financial resources


Patients - cannot afford to visit hospital - visit hospital late

Doctors- no access to specialist knowledge- no advise for patient management- no experience with rare diseases- no communication with patient (unless at hospital)

Solomon Islands Pathology

Problem for Pathology Services:– Specimen sent to Brisbane (AU) by air– Time until diagnosis: 60 days!

Patients do not return:– No communication infrastructure– Limited transport

Suggested solution


Access to advice and diagnosis from remote specialists with the help of telecommunication technologies.

Solomon Islands


Phase 1: Histology Lab- September 2001

Phase 2: Establishing remote diagnostics- 2001-2003

Phase 3: Routine diagnostics - 2003 - ....

Phase 1: Histology Lab

Needs for Histology Lab:

Operational under local conditions:- frequent power cuts- high temperature and humidity

Sustainable- locally available spare parts

Phase 1: Histology LabTissue Processing

Phase 1: Histology LabTissue Processing

Preparing blocks

Phase 1: Histology LabTissue Processing

Preparing blocks


Phase 1: Histology LabTissue Processing

Preparing blocks



Phase 1: Histology LabTissue Processing

Preparing blocks


Histology slides


Phase 2: Remote consultations

Step 1:Selected images captured with digital camera (Nikon CoolPix 990) and submitted to server in Basel via email

Step 2:Cases are reviewed by a group of 7 pathologists(Switzerland, Germany and South Africa)

Phase 2: Remote consultations


360 cases submitted and diagnosed

turn-around time 10 days(1-3 days for diagnosis)

Quality of diagnosis (preliminary results, n=80)*:80% identical diagnosis23% minor discrepancies7% major discrepancies**

* Full report in preparation** Includes two cases of sampling errors (false negative needle biopsies)