Speleonews Feb15

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Windy City grotto speleo news 2015


  • 2 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55





    Phi l Go ldm a n 414 N . E lm S t .

    Mt . P ro spec t , I l l i no is 60 056

    Send e xc ha nge s/co r re spo nde nce to t he ed i to r :

    Ra lp h Ear la nd so n 802 S . H ig h la nd Ave.

    Oak Park , I l l i no is 6 0304 -15 29

    Grot to m em ber sh ip s, w i t h t he Speleonews , a re $15.00 per ye ar . Fam i l y -d epe nde nt m em ber -sh ip s, w i t ho ut t he Speleonews , a re $ 5.0 0. Ava i lab le to p ub l i sh ing gro t to s b y e xc ha ng e. Adver t is i ng a vai la ble . Co nt ac t e d i to r f o r m ore inf orm at io n.

    ISSN 0148 -28 23 The W ind y C i t y G ro t to U nder gro und P re ss


    C HA I R P E RS O N - - Phi l Gol dma n ph i l@ ho useof go ldm a n.or g (847) 632 -129 0

    V IC E -C HA I R P E R S O N - - R ic h Page ls bage ls10 1@sbc g loba l . ne t (815) 793 -141 0

    S E C R E T A R Y - - Greg Sc hmit cavec r i t te r 100@gm a i l . com (708) 387 -059 2

    T RE A S U R E R - - La ura Sa ngai l a l sa nga i la@ya hoo .com (630) 306 -634 0

    ME M B E R -A T - LA RG E - - B i l l Engl is h W CG_KaverB i l l@ya hoo .com (773) 342 -609 7

    S P E L E O N E W S E D IT O R - - Ralph Ear la nds on ra lp h.e ar la nd so n@gm ai l . c om (708) 524 -121 5


    ME M B E RS H I P /D A T A B A S E - - Greg Sc hmit cavec r i t te r 100@gm a i l . com (708) 387 -059 2

    S P E L E O N E W S E X C H A NG E - - Ra lph Ear la nds on ra lp h.e ar la nd so n@gm ai l . c om (708) 524 -121 5

    L I B R A R IA N - - Ke n Rede ker redeke r .ke n@gm a i l . com (63 0) 80 3 -4 8 84

    N E W ME M BE R S AC T I V IT IE S & P RO J E C T MG M T - - Adam Haydock adam ha ydock2 000@ ya ho o.com (847) 542 -413 5

    S A F E T Y C HA I R PE R S O N - - Da n Le gni ni leg n in i@a p s.a n l . go v (630) 393 -224 0

    C O NS E RV A T IO N C HA I R - - Jack W ood spe leo30@ ya hoo.com (773) 252 -977 3

    P R O PE RT Y MA NA G E R - - Joe W ol f cavew o lf 00@hotm a i l . com (708) 503 -144 8

    B A T H O US E P R O JE C T C HA I R- - S teve Scoutar is ssco u@ ya hoo.com

    W E BS IT E AD M I N IS T RA T O R - - Ter ry Chambl iss Adm in@w ind yc i t yg ro t t o .org (773) 342 -609 7

    htt p: / /www.wi ndyci tygro t to. org


    I t s not too ear ly t o t hink about your next WCG Board. The annua l gro t to elect ions wil l

    be he ld at t he May meet ing on May 13.

    Nominat ions wil l be t aken at t he Apr i l meet -

    ing on Apr il 8 , and wil l be opened fo r each

    o ffice just pr io r to t he vo t ing. The fo llowing

    Board members wil l be e lect ed:

    The Chairperson runs the grot to and

    board meet ings and conduct s grot to co rre-


    The Vice-Chairperson is respons ib le for

    programs at t he grot to meet ings and runs

    meet ings in t he Cha irpersons absence. The Secretary keeps minutes o f t he

    grot to and board meet ings.

    The Treasurer is respons ib le fo r grot to

    f inances and co llect s dues.

    The Board Member at Large se l ls T-

    shir t s, st ickers and o ther it ems, and rounds

    out a six-pack o f beer .

    The Editor is appo int ed by the five

    e lect ed board member s.

    To run fo r grot to o ffice, you must be a

    Regu lar member o f t he grot to , t hat is , an

    NSS member (o r membership pend ing) . All

    pa id-up grot to members (bo th Regular and

    Assoc iat e) may vo te in t he e lect ions.


    Adam Haydock in a fo rmat ion room with

    lo ng, whit e soda st raws in Cueva Sorbetos,

    Puer to Rico . Adams report on his lat est t r ip to Puerto Rico , in Januar y, is in t his issue.

    Pho to by Adam Haydock.







    PUERTO R ICO : J ANU AR Y 11-18, 2015--


    B INKLE Y CAVE T RIP , JANU AR Y 10, 2015--


    SPENT CARB IDE - - 19


  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 3

    MEETINGS Meet ings o f t he Windy Cit y Gro t to o f the

    Nat iona l Spe leo log ica l Soc iet y are he ld on

    the second Wednesday o f ever y mo nth at 7:30

    p.m. The meet ing wil l he ld at Aurelio's

    Pizzeria, 1455 W. Lake St . (US 20),

    Add ison, IL 60101, phone (630) 889 -9560.

    The next two meet ings will be February 11

    and March 11 at Aure lio s. We are current ly searching fo r a su it able locat ion in Chicago

    fo r meet ings in a lt er nat ing months.

    The bus iness and announcement s part o f

    t he meet ing is fo llowed by a program on a

    caving re lat ed topic. Board meet ings, at

    which gro t to bus iness is d iscussed, are open

    to ever yone. The dat es and locat ions o f t he

    board meet ings wil l be announced a t t he

    grot to meet ings. The Apr i l Speleonews wil l

    be assembled fo r mai ling dur ing the Apr i l

    meet ing.

    The dead l ine fo r each issue o f the

    Speleonews is t he last weekend o f t he mo nth

    preced ing the month o f is sue. All mater ia l

    must be submit t ed in fina l fo r m, pre fe rably

    via e- mail o r blog, at t hat t ime. The dead line

    fo r t he Apr il Speleonews is t he weekend o f

    March 28-29.


    WCG member s now have the opt ion to

    renew the ir membership dues and make dona-

    t ions onl ine. P lease vis it our webs it e

    www.windycitygrotto.org and c lick on the

    Payments and Donat ions menu to make pay-

    ment s. You can pay us ing a Cred it /Debit card

    o r a PayPa l account . This is t he pre fer red

    method fo r renewing dues s ince it saves t ime,

    paper , and post age cost s. Thanks to our

    members generous donat ions, I m p leased to announce that t he Windy Cit y Gro t to ju st

    purchased a s lice o f St ephens Gap Cave - a

    35 foot dome - in support o f t he Southeast ern

    Cave Conservancy's recent acqu is it io n o f t he

    St ephens Gap Ca llahan Cave Preserve! Windy

    Cit y Grot to wil l now appear on the SCCis map o f St ephens Gap Cave. Thank you to

    ever yo ne who cont r ibuted!

    - - Laura Sanga i la,

    WCG Treasurer


    Nico le Mil ler has been dropped fo r non -

    payment o f dues.

    The fo llowing persons were invo lved in

    t he product ion, co llat ing and mail ing of t he

    December Speleonews : Ra lph Ear landson, Al

    Goodcave, Phil Go ldman, Ken Redeker , and

    Greg Schmit .

    MEMBERSHIP NEWS Our annua l Grot to membership list shows

    a tot al o f 67 members o f t he Windy Cit y

    Grot to, inc lud ing 44 regu lar (NSS) and 23

    assoc iat e member s. The NSS members

    inc lude nine li fe members o f t he grot to . This

    compares with 47 regu lar and 10 associat e

    members fo r a tot al o f 57 Grot to members in

    March 2014 . All names and addresses appear

    in t he membership list in t his issue.


    Br ian Hunsaker

    2424 Reflect ions Dr .

    Auro ra, IL 60502

    g ivemeso mesugar @sbcg lo ba l. net

    The fo llowing member , recent ly dropped,

    has been re inst at ed:

    Alan Meyer s, NSS 23317L


    The fo llowing members, exp ir ing between

    now and the next issue, are list ed be lo w by

    mo nth o f exp irat ion. Pay at t he meet ing, o r

    online at www.windycitygrotto.org , o r send

    your payment to t he t reasurer , Laura San-

    ga ila , 869 Bonnie Brae Lane, Bo lingbrook,

    IL 60440. Note: Please make your check

    payable t o Windy Cit y Gro t to. Dues fo r fu l l

    membership is $15.00 per year .

    Expiring in February 2015:

    Herber t Tellfo rs

    Expiring in March 2015:

    Bob Sa lika

    Expiring in Apri l 2015:

    Pat ty Ruback St eve Scoutar is

    Greg Schmit

    Expiring in May 2015:

    Mitz i Agost a Ken Redeker

    Jo rge Barrera Tom Wolos

    Andy McNeal Gerry Wo lt er ing

    Toni Pat r ick

    Alan Meyers sent me the fo llowing: On

    page 3 o f t he Winter 2015 issue o f t he Wil l

    County Forest Preserve Dist r ict s newslet t er, is an art ic le about t he new bat condo , in-

    st alled at Hammel Woods this year as par t o f

    a process to relocat e a maternit y co lony o f

    big brown bat s from a near by p icnic she lt er .

    Present at t he September inst a llat ion, as an

    observer , was Janet Tyburec, who worked fo r

    Bat Conservat ion Int ernat iona l fro m 1989 to

    2012. The ar t ic le descr ibes t he new st ructure,

    exp la ins many int erest ing fact s about bat s

    and ment ions bat mort a lit y issues, inc lud ing

    WNS. Ca ll (815) 727-8700 fo r a free copy.

  • 4 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55


    I am happy to report t hat t he BMAL sa les

    d ivis io n o f WCG has ju st received a shipment

    o f new spe leo -symbo lic devices d ir ect fro m

    the NSS o ffice in Hunt svil le ! We have large

    ye l low bat st ickers, (t his is t he t rad it io na l

    darker ye l low, not t he br ight ye l low) . This

    des ign and co lo r is ava i lable as a magnet in

    bo th large and smal l s izes. But wait ! There 's

    more! For t he fir st t ime ever , t here is a c lo th

    patch bat st icker ava i lable ! T hese wil l be se ll ing fo r $5.00 ea. Of course, no BMAL re-

    port would be complet e without a ment ion o f

    T-shir t s. While mak ing room fo r our new in-

    vento ry, I ran across t his invento ry o f WCG

    T-shir t s from Februar y o f 2003! We had 14

    XL in blue, 14 XL, and 3 L in grey, and XL

    in black. Current ly, t here are 5 grey and 1

    blue in XL! That 's a ll t hat 's le ft o f t his o ld style shir t ! (Yeah, o f course I know Old Style is a beer , brewed by the G. Heileman

    Brewing Co mpany, La Crosse, WI. ) However

    in t his context it re fers t o t heCaving in t he USA grot to T -shir t . The list o f caves on the back o f t he shir t are ones t hat were vis it ed by

    WCG members. Wit h only s ix le ft , t his is t he

    t ime to purchase a p iece o f wearable WCG

    histo ry. Stop by befo re or aft er t he meet ing

    and check out all t he neat stuff!

    - - B il l Eng l ish,

    Board Member at Large


    As a subscr iber to Archaeology magaz ine,

    I m a lways on the look out fo r references to or art ic les about caves, and the ir impor t ance

    in ( t yp ica l ly) human histo ry. What fo l lows

    are a few ar t ic les from the September /

    October (2014) issue and the Januar y/

    Februar y (2015) issue.

    Reynards Cave in Doveda le -Derbysh ire (Eng land) is t he locat ion where archaeo lo -

    g ist s fro m Br it a ins Nat iona l Trust recent ly found a hoard o f co ins. The 26 co ins made

    fro m go ld and s i lver predate t he Roman inva-

    s ion o f Br it a in in A.D. 43. According to t he

    author, t he majo r it y o f t he co ins were at t r ib-

    ut ed to t he I ron Age Cor ie lt avi t r ibe , but

    t hree co ins are o f Roman or ig in. Add it io n-

    a lly, t his is t he first t ime co ins from both

    c ivi l izat ions have been found in a cave.

    When most people (espec ia l ly cavers)

    t hink about cave ar t , t hey immediat e ly t hink

    o f p laces like Spa in o r France. However , ar-

    chaeo log ist s have det er mined that images

    found in a cave on the Indones ian is land o f

    Su lawes i are ju st as o ld o r o lder t han those

    found in Europe. It is be l ieved that a hand

    st enc i l is about 39,000 year s o ld and that an

    image o f what is descr ibed as a p ig like ani-mal is at least 37,500 years o ld. While many people are famil iar with t he process o f us ing

    carbon dat ing to det ermine the age o f some-

    thing that was once liv ing, it does not work

    on ino rganic samples. Researchers have es-

    t ablished the minimum age o f t he des igns by

    us ing a process t hat ana lyzes t he rat e of de-

    cay o f t races o f uranium found in miner a l de-

    posit s cover ing the paint ings. Not surpr is-

    ing ly, t hese d iscover ies have ra ised many

    quest ions as t o t he o r ig ins o f ar t ist ic expres-

    s ion. Wit h these drawings be ing contempo-

    rary to t hose in Europe, t he quest ion is d id

    t hey deve lop independent ly, o r was the deve l-

    opment o f art much ear lier ? Some be l ieve it

    began befo re humans le ft Afr ica, in which

    case s imilar rock art shou ld be found in many

    other places around the wor ld.

    Escargot anyone? Be ing a French word

    fo r sna i ls, it shou ld no t be a st ret ch to iden-

    t ify eat ing them wit h France. While t his may

    be a more recent associat ion, a t eam of re-

    searchers excavat ing Barr iada Cave in south-

    west ern Spa in have found evidence that

    sna ils were eat en as long ago as 31,000

    years ! They found a hear th t hat conta ined the

    she lls o f about 150 sna i ls t hat had been

    cooked on a bed o f coals. Since Neander tha ls

    had d isappeared from the area, t he research-

    ers be lieve that modern humans at e t hem. I f

    so , t his is t he ear l ie st evidence o f people eat -

    ing escargo t !

    St ick ing with Neander tha ls, t his next art i-

    c le exp lo res t he poss ibi l it y t hat t hey cr eat ed

    ar t . Gorhams Cave in Gibra lt ar is t he s it e of a recent discover y where a des ign cons ist -

    ing o f over lapp ing lines carved on a cave

    wall was found. Pa leo lit hic ar t exper t Fran-

    cesco dErr ico o f t he Univers it y o f Bordeaux ana lyzed the engraving and reproduced the

    process o f mak ing it . His ana lys is shows that

    a stone too l was used, and that each l ine was

    carved prec ise ly, ind icat ing that it was made

    by an exper ienced ar t ist . The ar t ic le fur ther

    st at es t hat t he des ign at Gorhams Cave is t he c learest evidence yet t hat Neander tha ls made

    ar twork.

    Moving a lit t le c loser to home geographi-

    ca lly and no t as far back in t ime, we have an

    ar t ic le about a ske leton found in an underwa-

    t er cave in Mexico s Yucatan. The cave, known as Hoyo Negro , o r black ho le is where d ivers found the near ly int act skeleton

    o f a 15 to 16 year o ld g ir l. Although she was

    found in 2007, it wasnt unt il t his year t hat resu lt s from mult ip le t est s conc luded that she

    l ived between 12,000 and 13,000 years ago,

    mak ing her one o f t he ear lie st humans ever

    found in t he Amer icas. Here 's where it get s

    int erest ing.

    Fo r t hose o f you were at t he Januar y

    grot to meet ing, you may reca l l t here were

    some new people who were not famil iar with

    a ll t he acronyms we casua l ly t o ss about .

    Well, heres one that may no t be famil iar to many o f you. NAGPRA, o r Nat ive Ame r ican

  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 5

    Graves Prot ect ion and Repat r iat ion Act . This

    act , as t he name might imply, has to do with

    the prot ect ion o f Nat ive Amer ican graves.

    They were rout ine ly loo ted fo r grave goods.

    The act makes it i l lega l t o possess many

    types o f art ifact s and fur ther st at es t hat any

    ske let a l remains be turned over to a loca l

    t r ibe fo r rebur ia l. The pa leo -ar t ifact s hit t he

    proverbia l fan back in 1996 when the remains

    o f a 9,000 year o ld hunter was found in

    Washington st at e. A phys ica l examinat ion o f

    t he sku ll showed features more close ly asso -

    c iat ed with ear ly Europeans than any contem-

    porary Nat ive Amer icans. S ince the act put s

    no t ime frame on mater ia ls t hat must be repa-

    t r iat ed, Nat ive Amer icans c la imed that t he

    remains were one o f t he ir ancestors, and

    shou ld be returned to t hem fo r rebur ia l . Not

    surpr is ing ly, archaeo log ist s were up in arms

    over t his, c it ing no co rre lat ion between the

    ske leton and Nat ive Amer icans.

    I recall read ing about one researcher who

    was do ing a fac ia l reconst ruct ion based on

    the sku ll. He kept saying that he hoped the

    f inished work wouldnt look like Pat r ick Stewart (aka Capt . Jean Luc P iccard from

    Star Trek, t he Next Generat ion) . When the

    reconst ruct ion was co mplet ed, it did bear a

    st r ik ing resemblance to t he acto r. Fast fo r -

    ward near ly 20 years, and based on mitochon-

    dr ia l DNA samples t aken fro m Naia, (t his

    name co mes fro m the Greek, and means water

    nymph) , it does appear t hat , while phys ica l

    appearances do d iffer , t hey are more like ly

    the resu lt o f environmenta l inf luences , and

    no t a dist inct separat e lineage. So, whi le

    Naia and Kenewick Man, as t he Washing-ton st at e ske leton became known, appear

    European, t he DNA shows that she has genes

    assoc iat ed with modern Nat ive Amer icans.

    What t his wou ld seem to suggest is t hat both

    Na ia, Kenewick Man and modern Nat ive

    Amer icans share a common ancest ry from the

    same source populat ion, a group that is

    t hought to have been iso lat ed on the land

    mass t hat once connected Asia and the

    Amer icas. How coo l is t hat !

    - - B il l Eng l ish

    UPCOMING EVENTS Apri l 24-26. Spr ing MVOR at Hanson Hil ls

    Campground near Co lumbia, Missour i.

    May 8-10. SERA Cave Car niva l at East Fork

    Stables, Jamestown, Tennessee.

    May 22-25. Kentucky Spe leo fest at Lone

    Star Preserve, Bonnievil le , Kentucky.

    July 13-17. NSS Convent ion, Waynesvi l le ,

    Missour i. Severa l MVORs were he ld her e.



    ACA - Amer ican Caving Acc ident s

    ACCA - Amer ican Cave Conser vat ion Asso-

    c iat ion

    ACS - Alabama Cave Survey

    AGA - Amer ican Geo log ica l I nst it ut e

    BCI - Bat Conser vat ion Int ernat iona l

    BIG - Bloomington IN Grot to

    BoG NSS Board o f Governors CCMS - Cave Conser vat ion and Management

    Sect ion

    CDS - Cave Diving Sect ion

    CRF - Cave Research Foundat ion

    CTF - Conservat ion Task Force

    EIG - East ern Ind iana Grot to

    GSS - Georgia Spe leo log ica l Survey

    ICS - Ind iana Cave Survey

    IKC - Ind iana Kar st Conser vancy

    IMO - Inner Mountain Out fit t ers

    ISS - Indiana Spe leo log ica l Survey

    KIP - Karst Info r mat ion Port al

    KOR - Karst -O-Rama

    KSS - Kentucky Spe leo log ica l Survey

    LEG - Lit t le Egypt Grot to

    MAR - Mid- Appa lachian Reg io n

    MVOR - Miss iss ipp i Va l ley-Ozark Reg io n

    NCKMS -Nat iona l Cave & Karst Management


    NCKRI - Nat iona l Cave and Karst Research

    Inst it ut e

    NCRC -Nat iona l Cave Rescue Commiss ion

    NNG - Near Normal Gro t to

    NRO - Northeast ern Reg iona l Organizat ion

    NSS - Nat iona l Spe leo log ica l Soc iet y

    OR1 - On Rope 1

    OTR - Old T imers Reunio n

    PMI - Pigeon Mounta in I ndust r ies ( rope

    manufacturer )

    PU - Pro ject Underground

    QAS - Qu ick At t ach Safet y

    SCCi - Southeast ern Cave Conser vancy Inc.

    SERA - Southeast ern Reg io na l Assoc iat ion

    SKTF - SERA Karst Task Force Inc.

    SRT - Sing le Rope Technique

    TAG - A geographica l caving area compr ised

    o f t he st at es o f Tennessee, Alabama, and


    TCS - Tennessee Cave Survey

    USCF - U.S. Cavers Forum

    VAR - Virg in ia Area Reg ion

    WCC - Western Cave Conser vancy

    WCG Windy Cit y Gro t to MCKC - Missour i Caves and Karst Conser-


    WNS - Whit e Nose Syndro me

    WSS - Wiscons in Spe leo log ica l Soc iet y

    - - Al Goodcave

  • 6 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55

    January 11: Golondrina and Cathedral

    I have been want ing to get out to Hawaii,

    China, Borneo , and South Amer ica fo r qu it e

    some t ime now but Puerto Rico keeps drag-

    g ing me back ever y year and now here I am,

    back aga in, on my 5th year vis it ing Puerto

    Rico . I abso lut e ly lo ve the ra in fo rests t hat

    Puer to Rico has to o ffer a long with the is-

    lands that surround the main is land , t he

    ocean, t he Dry Forest , and o f course, t he

    caves. There are t housands o f cave and frag-

    ment s o f o lder syst ems in t he Mogote Moun-

    t ain karst be lt o f Puer to Rico with more just

    wa it ing to be d iscovered fo r t he int rep id vis i-

    to r to t he is land. Some o f t hese caves have

    been deve lop ing and co llaps ing fo r mil l io ns

    o f year s in a act ive so lut iona l dance that t he

    karst topography has been do ing with the me-

    ander ing watercourses. The Camuy Syst em

    has one o f t he largest underground r ivers in

    t he wor ld with leads that are st il l be ing d is-

    covered. The Rio Encantado syst em st ret ches

    fo r almo st 17km under t he ra in fo rest with

    act ive caves and sumps that have been hy-

    dro logica l ly connected through previous ex-

    ped it ions.

    Mil l io ns o f years ago , t he Rio Camuy

    used to t ake a different course down to t he

    ocean a long with other r iver syst ems like the

    Tanama River , as t hey wou ld eat away the

    l imestone into va lleys and caves unt il it en-

    countered basa lt layers t hat would stop this

    erosion fro m cont inu ing. This act ion would

    work in conjunct ion with the usual carbonic

    d isso lut ion process creat ing some mass ive

    t runk passages ins ide these caves with ce il-

    ings over 150ft and st ret ch a lmo st an equa l

    d ist ance in width. The geo logy o f Puerto

    Rico is int erest ing, as Puerto Rico rose out o f

    t he South Amer ican seas near Pat agonia hun-

    dreds o f mil l io ns o f years ago and shift ed

    through t ectonic act ion to where Puerto Rico

    is locat ed in t he Car ibbean today.

    Puer to Rico has so me o f t he most impres-

    s ive canyo n and cave syst ems in t he Car ib-

    bean, so it s no quest ion as to why this beau-t ifu l is land keeps br ing ing me back to vis it .

    The caves house a p letho ra o f li fe inc lud ing

    cr icket s, boas, d ifferent spec ies o f bat s, sco r-

    p ions, crabs, and the famous whip sco rp ion

    ca lled the Guapa. On this t r ip we got t he op-

    portunit y t o vis it 13 caves which ranged fro m

    miss ing p ieces o f t he Camuy Syst em to frag-

    ment s o f syst ems that have otherwise co l-

    lapsed upon themse lves creat ing the ir own

    ind iv idua l ident it y fro m one ano ther .

    Kass ia Thormaha len and I arr ived at

    Pipos wa it ing to hear about how the weather

    was go ing to be like fo r Juan Nieves the fo l-

    lowing day. Cueva Juan Nieves is a very wet

    cave with rag ing waterfa lls and fast f lood

    potent ia l, so a ft er t he loca ls looked up the

    weather cond it ions, t hey d id no t want us to

    venture into t he cave the fo llowing day. In-

    st ead we slept at Pipos and drove over to Loudres, which is a baker y and a place where

    loca l cavers meet up to vis it two other caves

    in t he area, Cueva Golondr ina and Cueva Ca-

    thedra l.

    We go t to t he baker y a bit ear ly to find

    out t hat ever yone was go ing to show up an

    hour lat e, so we took a nap in t he car and

    woke up when they ar r ived. We met up with

    Ju lie Dut il, Tom Mil ler , and Car los Art iguez.

    Car los was running lat er t han the o thers, so

    we ended up go ing to t he fir st cave to r ig and

    get set up without burning o ff too much day-

    l ight . Go londr ina was l it era l ly down the

    st reet and r ight o ff t he road. We could see

    the ent rance fro m the road and I remember

    dr iving past t his p lace on previous t r ip s c lue-

    less as t o what was r ight o ff t he road. Amaz-

    ing what is lit era l ly r ight o ff t he road. Ju lie

    had a 300ft rope, so we r igged a t ens ionless

    anchor to a viney pa lm t ree and set up a red i-

    rect on a st alagmit e t o reduce rope abras io n.

    This cave ended up us ing just about all o f

    Ju lie s rope but t he pit it se l f is more o f a st aged st eep walk down wit h a couple small

    sheer ledges, rather t han a st raight ve r t ica l

    drop. I set up the de -direct and descended

    down while laying out t he rope as I dropped

    into the p it . Aft er pass ing the mid -drop I no-

    t iced so me bags on some k ind o f co rd that

    looked like they had dead chickens ins ide o f

    t hem!! Car los was previous ly descr ibing that

    t here were chickens found wit h the ir heads

    cut o ff and cand les at t he ent rance drop o f

    t his p it be fo re, so it was a bit creepy to find

    this and I pondered voodoo as I bumped into

    these decaying remains o f sacr if ic ia l go re,

    was I was go ing to be possessed?

    Anyway, I made it down to t he bo t tom

    and ca l led o ff rope while I no t iced the suns rays blast ing through into this cave as t he sun

    was light ing up the who le ent rance and re-

    f lect ing an o range hue. It was beaut ifu l! !! ! !

    This cave was a lso known to have t rash at

    t he bot tom, so we wanted to survey and docu-

    ment t his cave and reco mmend a c leanup e f-

    fo r t be executed to keep this beaut ifu l cave in

    good shape. There was broken g lass and

    t ires at t he bot tom but overa ll it was not as

    bad as I t hought I would be a ft er hear ing the

    sto r ies be fo re ent er ing this cave. We a ll

    he lped wit h the sur vey e ffo r t and eventua lly


  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 7

    ascended out o f t he cave to go across t he

    st reet to vis it Cueva Cathedra l. These two

    caves must have connected at one t ime as

    t hey are rea lly c lo se to each other and t rend

    in a s imilar d irect ion.

    We ran across t he st reet in our muddy

    caving gear and ran into the fo rest to st art

    out t rek down the sadd le o f a mogote t hat

    leads to a va lley and the top o f t he beaut i-

    fu lly decorat ed pit ent rance to Cueva Cathe-

    dra l. This cave used to be a co mmerc ia l

    cave, and people would pay a group to t ake

    them into this cave syst em, but fo r some rea-

    son it was shut down and is now vacant .

    Down the va l ley is where Cueva Del Fa lso

    Tr ibutar io is locat ed and is another cave that

    we would be vis it ing in a couple o f days, but

    fo r now we got to go down into the ho r izontal

    ent rance o f Cueva Cathedra l. T he ent rance

    was a pret ty impress ive one fo r Puerto Rico

    st andards as t he cr icket s were chirp ing and

    the co lo rs o f greens and blues re flect ed the ir

    mossy co lo r t hat t he anc ient fo r mat ions had

    on the once act ive so lut iona l limestone.

    We cont inued down the passage and

    c limbed over so me boulders to get to another

    length o f passage where we had to walk up a

    st eep breakdown p i le o f loose rock and mud

    to t he main room in the cave. This was a

    beaut ifu l open a ir room wit h hang ing gardens

    o f moss and p lant s draped over t he o ld fo r-

    mat ions. Birds ming led wit h the bat s as t hey

    f lew in and out into t he ra in fo rest from the

    karst window at t he top o f t he cave. I w ish

    we could have rappe lled into this room to get

    t he fu l l e ffect but ju st be ing here looking up

    into the ra in fo rest from the bo t tom was im-

    press ive in it se lf! ! ! On the walls o f t he cave

    there were pictographs from the Ta ino Ind i-

    ans, but a ll I could imag ine were the angr y

    birds fro m the mobile app game.

    Kass ia and Ju l ie came out o f a decorated

    room and ins ist ed that I go through knee -high

    mud to view this p lace, so Car los and I went

    back there and we found so me ver y int erest -

    ing fo r mat ions. A lo t o f t hem looked like

    they were cut o ff fro m the top and the ce il ing

    was fil led wit h soda st raws and the floo r was

    decorat ed with over 100 st a lagmit es. Aft er -

    wards we st art ed to head out as it was get t ing

    darker out side and we wanted to make sure

    we had so me t ime to beat t he crowds from the

    San Sebast ian fest iva l go ing on down the

    st reet from where we were current ly at .

    I got some p ics as we came out o f the

    cave passage which was no t t hat long. Actu-

    a lly as a mat t er o f fact , a lot o f t he caves in

    Puer to Rico seem to be fragment s o f longer

    anc ient syst ems so the length o f t hese caves

    is no t as long as t he majo r it y o f t he caves in

    t he st at es with regard to length but t he rooms

    are quit e large and p icturesque! Once we got

    back to t he car , Tom inv it ed us to st ay at his

    p lace fo r a few days, which was nice o f him.

    So we ended up go ing to his p lace to set up

    the t ent under his carport , which had a nice

    over look to t he mounta ins o f San Sebast ian

    Puer to Rico .

    Kassia Thormahalen is si lhouet ted in the huge entrance room of Cueva Evaporado. Photo by

    Adam Haydock.

  • 8 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55

    January 12: Pencho, Evaporada and Humo Kass ia and I set out on our own to vis it

    some caves in t he Camuy area, as ever yone

    e lse had to work. I was to ld about a sinkho le

    t hat had a small cave passage in so me exce l-

    lent waterwork syst em ca l led Cueva Pencho .

    Accord ing to Jeff Kruse, t his cave is t hought

    to be Ponor 4 and a part o f t he Camuy Sys-

    t em, but it t urns out to be a separat e syst em.

    We go t some co rds and set out to t he land-

    owners house ear ly in t he morning to avo id t he aft ernoon rainfa l l. The landowners were

    nice enough to allow us to park in t he front

    o f t he ir house so we didn 't have to worry

    about t he car be ing broken into, along with

    having the opportunit y fo r a rather easy walk

    back to t he car fro m the cave.

    I had a couple o f coords to t his syst em

    so we set out and ended up hik ing up a st eep

    sadd le in between two mogotes t hat took us

    down into thick tho rny vine brush, which was

    no t easy to whack through with a dull edged

    machete. We eventua lly found a t rail t hat

    was lead ing east and west , so I scouted up

    and down it w ithout any luck in f ind ing this

    s ink. I t t urns out t hat some o f t he coords

    t hat we got were not accurat e, so we ret raced

    our path and went to a lead that I saw which

    turned out to be Pencho .

    The s inkho le had a 70 ft to over a 100ft

    drop down to t he bot tom of t he s ink. We

    r igged a t ens io nless t o a wild - look ing t ree

    and rapped over t he edge and down to t he

    bo t tom of t he s ink. It was dry. There was no

    water running through the cave like we were

    to ld t o be aware o f, but t he sun was shin ing

    through the fo rest and the ar ray o f vines t hat

    dang led and t raversed across t he s ink gave

    this s ink a ver y int erest ing charact er .

    This cave appears t o be a whir lpoo l o f

    so rt s as run-o ff water recharges t his s ink and

    appears t o swir l around bo t tom. I am sure

    t his is qu it e a s ight to see in a flood! There is

    a bo t tom leve l t hat has st at ic water with gar-

    bage flo at ing and a water passage lead ing to

    t he sump.

    Down in t he lower leve l o f t he s ink the re

    was a st at ic poo l o f water t hat I was to ld has

    a lready been pushed by cave d iver s without a

    successfu l connect ion to any other s ignif icant

    passage. We cont inued to walk ups t ream

    through the passage and recognized the int er -

    est ing wal l and fo r mat ion growth on the wa lls

    o f t his cave.

    Aft er about 10 minutes we found the exit

    to t he cave and we were able t o walk out if

    we wanted to , but we came back down and

    dec ided to climb back up the rope to exit t he

    cave. This was a nice lit t le syst em with the

    amount o f growth fro m the t ree roots and

    vines t hat are at t empt ing to dominate t he

    space wit hin this s ink. I am g lad we got a

    chance to come here as it was a beaut ifu l

    p lace and int erest ing to vis it whi le we were

    down here, but in my op inion, it was no com-

    par ison to t he next two caves we were go ing

    to vis it , Evaporada and Humo.

    We drove past t he Camuy co mmerc ia l

    cave ent rance and went down ano ther twist -

    ing road to t he small road with a 50 -55 de-

    gree s lope st raight up to t he landowners property, where we parked and got ready fo r

    t he caves. I t alked to t he landowner s and

    they were nice enough to allow us to park and

    vis it t he two caves near t he ir proper ty.

    Cuevas Evaporada and Humo are some o f my

    a ll t ime favor it e caves!!

    Cueva Evaporada has a ver y impress ive

    ent rance which t akes a lmost 20 minutes to

    get down and leave the light zone. It has a

    large t runk passage that has a room wit h a

    karst window, a micro fo rest in an upper

    leve l open a ir s ink ho le, and so me more f low-

    stone passage that leads to a breakdown p ile

    and the end o f t he cave.

    This is a fragment o f a cave syst em that

    used to feed into the Camuy Syst em and used

    to be connected to Cueva de l Humo. Humo

    has a s imilar ent rance and a lso has large

    t runk passage that ext ends into a large can-

    yo n passage and cont inues down into a lake,

    has s ide passages, and a Tyro lean t raverse

    sect ion that connect s to Ange les Cave which

    connect s to t he Camuy Syst em. This cave is

    one o f t he larger syst ems in a ll o f Puerto

    Rico but we were running out o f t ime and had

    to get into t his syst em befo re t he sun went

    down so we could make it back to Toms house. We hiked through thick vine over-

    growth and into the mogotes. Aft er ent er ing

    the mogotes, we t raverse around and up to a

    sadd le t hat took us down into the s ink where

    the two caves exist . First , we went to Evapo-

    rada and st art ed our hike down the 200ft en-

    t rance and around to where one o f my favor-

    it e views is locat ed looking out o f t he cave

    fro m wit hin.

    We cont inued around so me mass ive boul-

    ders and entered a mass ive t runk passage that

    ext ended to t he karst window room where we

    took a couple o f p ictures. I love this cave.

    The mass ive rooms, and the echoes from the

    bat s and cr icket s make this cave and Puerto

    Rico caves so int erest ing to me. The deve l-

    opment o f li fe in such a remote place ponders

    my mind as to how adapt ive li fe can be in

    such ext reme cond it io ns.

    We headed out o f Evaporada and headed

    over to Humo to hike down this 200 ft en-

    t rance with a bit more cha l lenge due to t he

    bou lders and the s lipper y cond it io ns. We got

    to t he bot tom leve l and shined our light s up

    into the ce iling to watch hundreds o f ba t s fly

    down the passage and into other rooms where

    they hide. There might even have been thou-

    sands o f bat s!! The ir wings made a d ist inct

  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 9

    sound as t hey flew in co lonies at t he top o f

    t he ce il ing passage.

    Kass ia put on a mask in t he at t empt to

    min imize the r isk o f cat ching histoplasmosis

    o r some o ther nasty ger m that might fes t er in

    t he mounds o f bat guano with 80 -plus temps

    and 100 percent humid it y. We c limbed up to

    t he top o f t he fo rmat ion sect ion and cont in-

    ued to hike down up and around mass ive an-

    c ient flowstone fo r mat ions and o ther karst

    features. We went t hrough a smal l connect ion

    room and popped out into t he top o f t he can-

    yo n passage where the cave cont inued on and

    down into a smal l lake. Divers have pushed

    this sump befo re but I canno t confir m what

    t hey have report ed from the ir d ive operat ion.

    We ended up turning around so we could

    have enough t ime to make it to Toms house and I shou ld have t aken a few p ics of t his

    par t icu lar t r ip , but I already took pics o f

    Humo on the la st t r ip . I f I ever come back to

    do the through t r ip t o Ange les cave o r a d ive,

    I wil l be sure to t ake some more pics of t his

    wonder fu l p lace.

    January 13: Cueva del Falso Tributario

    Rolf came over t o Toms house ear ly so we could get an ear ly st ar t to a long day we

    had p lanned ahead. We drove up to Lourdes

    to get some breakfast and chat a bit about

    how Rolfs Cueva Larga pro ject was go ing, as we ll as so me o f his future endeavors t hat

    he is look ing to accomplish regard ing karst

    morpho logy. We cont inued on to t he Lares

    area and the landowners property wher e Dos Ojos, Larga, and Dugon are locat ed. We had

    to park next to t he landowners house , and t he only spo t to park was next to a pile o f

    broken g lass and garbage, which was a bit

    sket chy s ince this was a rent a l. The road

    lead ing to t he property wasnt t he best eit her , and in t he past , Tom had his car s iphoned

    whi le park ing down the st reet from where we

    parked the cars now.. .Nice !! We were re -

    assured that nothing would happen to t he cars

    and that ever ything would be fine.

    We headed out on the t rail over the

    mogo te sadd les and down the st eep and slip-

    per y mogote s lopes to a dry wash, where the

    junct ion to Larga and Dugon could be de-

    c ided upon. I t is no t t hat easy to hike up and

    down the sadd les o f t he mogo te mountains,

    even though they are more like large st eep

    hi l ls . The dense vegetat ion and the mogotes

    in t he area are so plent ifu l t hat it can easy

    get lo st and find it hard to cut t hrough the

    jung le to get to where you want to go .

    We hiked up to another sadd le and I saw

    some t rail t ape. We hiked down and a round

    an area where I was la st year , with small

    fragment s o f a cave syst em which might have

    been a connect ion to Dugon and Larga in t he

    past . I pursued all o f t he leads, but t hey d id

    no t go anywhere. We cont inued up another

    sadd le and came to a narrow canyo n with

    sheer c li ffs 50-60ft to t he bo t tom. We hiked

    up and around this canyo n, and it cont inued

    to be sheer a l l around the co llapse. This was

    Dugons co llapsed ent rance. We wou ld have needed to br ing rope and r ig t o a t ree in o rder

    to get into t his ent rance o f Dugon.

    On the other s ide we cou ld see the large

    ent rance o f t he cave. It was quit e impress ive

    but with some coords at hand, I cont inued to

    look fo r t he ho r izonta l ent rance to t he cave.

    We hiked down to another co llapse where the

    waypo int took me, and this was no t success-

    fu l. These coords were o ff aga in. We looked

    around a bit more and I could no t find the

    way in. We searched on the other side o f t he

    sadd le without success. Here we were, st and-

    ing on top o f t he ent rance with a large can-

    yo n wit h sheer c l if fs ext end ing to another

    ent rance, and we cou ld no t even get ins ide

    this cave. . . . lo l. . . I t hought it was amusing and

    a bit o f a s lap in t he face at t he same t ime.

    Time was running out , so Ro lf went to

    Larga while we went to meet up with Tom at

    Loudres to vis it Cueva de l Fa lso Tr ibu tar io .

    Eventua lly we met up with Tom, and we

    drove to t he parking spot where we geared up

    and headed down to Cueva de l Fa lso Tr ibu-

    t ar io . Tom was exp la in ing to me that people

    may no t have been to t his cave fo r over 20

    years, and s ince his recent la st vis it , ropes

    are required to descend ins ide the cave . The

    report was that t here is a c limbable drop, and

    then there is ano ther drop that leads into a

    wa lk ing passage where water can be heard,

    lo t s o f water.

    This is s ignif icant as t he Camuy d isap-

    pears under t he va l ley area where we were

    near and resurges far ther down towards the

    ocean. There are other syst ems that feed and

    recharge fro m the Camuy, but nobody has

    ever been able to connect t he Camuy o r find

    where it goes from where it insurges to where

    it resurges, so Cueva Del Fa lso Tr ibutar io is

    a good lead which may he lp answer t his ques-

    t ion. We were now r ight in t he midd le o f t he

    quest ionable area, in a va l ley, poss ibly above

    the underground Camuy Syst em.

    We hiked through the va l ley and passed

    leaves t hat are larger t han Kass ia. Af t er a

    whi le, we made it to t he ent rance o f t he cave,

    and it was a dr y wash lead ing into the sys-

    t em. We geared up our ver t ica l gear and made

    our t raverse towards the fir st drop while

    crawling around large logs and under fo rma-

    t ions. The first drops were short , and one

    was indeed c limbable, but we r igged a rope

    high into a natural ho le wit h a lo t o f stone to

    ensure t he anchor d id no t break. There were

    no other good anchors, and o f course t here

    were no bo lt s o r pitons in t he area. We pad-

    ded the sharp and nast y lip wit h Toms bag and descended down to t he bot tom wher e the

  • 10 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55

    next drop was locat ed. I moved so me rocks

    and st ar t ed my descent down to a pla t fo rm

    where the next drop was locat ed. Our fir st

    rope ended befo re t he lip o f t his drop, but I

    f laked out t he second rope and fed that down

    the drop and found that t here was not enough

    rope! Even i f I t ied the two ropes together ,

    t here st il l wou ldnt have been enough rope to make it to t he bo t tom, and I would have shor t

    roped myse lf.

    I could hear water dr ipp ing fro m d if ferent

    locat ions, water land ing in poo ls o f water and

    large echoes that t rave led fo r up to 5 sec-

    onds, inc lud ing my vo ice when I ye l led into

    the unknown. I was amazed to hear how much

    room was down there, and I rea lly wanted to

    get to t he bot tom, but we just did no t have

    enough rope to make it happen. Think ing

    back at it , I shou ld have just rapped down

    and done a change-over to see what was down

    there but I came back up and at t empted to

    look fo r more r ig po int s at t he bo t tom of t he

    f ir st pit . Tom po int ed out one was marg ina l ly

    good if t here were so me o ther anchors in-

    vo lved, but t he other two were quit e sket chy,

    in my op inio n, so we opted to save this one

    fo r ano ther t ime where it could be sur veyed

    and documented once at t he bot tom.

    January 14: Cueva Murcielago

    The next day Tom was go ing to jo in us to

    f inish the sur vey o f Map lanche but he ended

    up having so me o ther bus iness t o t ake care o f

    so we decided to t ake it easy and go to t he

    Dr y Forest in Guanica. Guanica is s it uat ed in

    t he south west co rner o f Puerto Rico which

    has a deser t environment inc lud ing cactus

    and o ther rocky features t hat you would find

    in t yp ica l deser t s.

    There is a lso a cave that I wanted to vis it

    here ca l led Murc ie lago , so we headed out and

    made it to t he t railhead in pret ty good t ime.

    We hiked up the t ra il and fo l lowed the s ide

    path that pret ty much took us to t he entrance

    o f t he cave. There are a number o f ent rances

    here, but we dec ided to do the c limb- down

    ent rance, which dropped us r ight into t he

    open-a ir cave.

    I t was a short but int erest ing cave in i t s

    on r ight as it had a few co llapsed ent rances,

    skyl ight s, and bat s t hat live in t he co rners o f

    t he cave. There was a guano lake tha t was

    something we t r ied to avo id as much as pos-

    s ible but other t han that , t he cave was a nice

    visua l in t he dr y fo rest . We snapped a few

    p ictures and exit ed the cave to hang out at

    t he beach and re lax a bit be fo re we headed to

    t he hote l fo r t he night and chi ll fo r t he next

    days act ivit ie s. Kass ia st ar t ed to get sick so I was get t ing concerned that she caught

    something, as she a lr eady got over t he flu a

    few weeks pr io r to leaving on the t r ip .

    January 15: Cueva Mapanche

    We woke up and Kass ia was no t do ing

    good at a ll, She was los ing weight fas t and

    no t eat ing. She dec ided to st ay out of t he

    caves today, and I made the dec is io n to ju st

    vis it Map lanche inst ead o f vis it ing bo th Ma-

    p lanche and E l Convento . We drove to t he

    park ing locat ion and I fo llowed the wash up

    into some thorny vine fo rest be fo re t he fo rest

    granted me access to vis it Map lanche. This

    cave has a decent -s ized ent rance, but t he hike

    down to t he bo t tom of t he cave was a lmost

    twice o f what Evaporada was. The last sec-

    t ion o f t he hike down to t he base leve l was

    pret ty st eep and s l ipper y. Once I go t to t he

    bo t tom there was no t much more to t he cave

    other t han a guano poo l at t he bit t er end and

    a s ide room that can be ent ered fro m another

    ent rance and rapped into . This was the sec-

    t ion we were go ing to map. I took a couple

    o f p ictures and made my way back up and out

    o f t he cave so I could get back to t he car and

    make sure ever yt hing was ok with Kass ia.

    Once I got back to t he car , I packed up

    and we got some food in town. Aft erwards we

    drove to t he Toro Negro fo rest where we

    were in t he c louds and this is where she got

    rea lly s ick. We stopped the car to chil l and

    re lax and ended up get t ing ano ther hote l fo r

    t he night so she could s leep it o ff.

    January 16: Sorbetos and Indio

    We woke up the fo llowing day and Kass ia

    was st ar t ing to fee l bet t er, well bet t er enough

    to leave the hotel and st art head ing back up

    nor th. We narrowed the diagnos is down to

    dengue fever and a new virus t hat has been

    go ing around ca lled the chikungunya virus,

    so aft er discuss ing this ep isode with locals,

    people who have had these viruses, and a

    docto r, it has been conc luded that it ver y

    we ll might have been dengue fever which is

    passed on only though a female mosqu ito.

    We were in t he area where mosqu itoes ex-

    ist ed. Kass ia had the commo n flu a few

    weeks pr io r , and the symptoms she desc r ibed

    f it dengue fever . Thankfu l ly she was fee ling

    bet t er so we headed out to Cueva Sorbetos.

    Next page, clockwise from upper le ft : Tom

    Mil ler, Kassia Thormahalen, Carlos Art iguez

    and Jul ie Dut i l in the entrance room of

    Cueva Cathedral; Adam Haydock and f low-

    stone in Cueva Sorbetos; A passage shot in

    Cueva Sorbetos; Adam Haydock and Tom

    Mil ler in Cueva Juan Nieves; Carlos Art iguez

    in the White Room of Cueva Perdida; Kassia

    Thormahalen cl imbing by the waterfal l in

    Cueva Juan Nieves; Kassia Thormahalen si t -

    t ing next to petroglyphs in Cueva del Indio.

    Photos by Adam Haydock.

  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 11

  • 12 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55

    This is a beaut ifu l cave syst em that I had

    been to a few years back but wanted to come

    back to and get some aweso me p ictures from .

    We had to park the car in a rea lly shady

    ne ighborhood, but t here were workers at t he

    facto ry that allowed us to park on the st reet

    and they sa id that our car would be fine s ince

    most o f t he people were working and not

    ho me that day.

    We hiked past t he hydro log ic p lant and

    found the t rail t o t he ent rance o f t he cave

    which is s it uat ed across t he Tanama River .

    We swam across and entered the smal l en-

    t rance to Cueva Sorbetos. Car los and Jo rge

    want to rebu ild t he ent rance door and leave

    this cave to only be access ib le t o people t hat

    can get a key to unlock the gat e. These peo-

    p le must have exper ience in conservat ive

    cave pract ices and t read light ly due to a ll o f

    t he delicat e and ver y rare whit e soda st raws

    that exist in t his cave.

    We walked down a breakdown p i le and

    got to t he main t runk passage. It is muddy

    brown, pret ty big, and has a st ream of sort s

    running through it . I t would just be another

    cave with a rotunda room and a large t runk

    passage room if it wasnt fo r t he a ll t he soda st raws in t his cave. The st raws decorat ed

    the wa lls above our heads and near jo int s in

    t he rock. There must have been t ens o f t hou-

    sands o f t hese st raw fo r mat ions, and some

    had flut ed indentat ions and he lict it e protru-

    s ions growing o ff o f t hem.

    We cont inued to walk down the passage

    unt il we go t to a smal l passage wit h thicker

    mud, where ever y inch o f t he passage was

    covered in st raws above us and to t he s ide o f

    us. It was like a cr yst a l passage o f whit e

    t eeth shimmer ing as we passed though this

    sect ion. Ever ything appeared to be he ld up

    by p il lar s o f whit e ca lc it e fo r mat ions and

    thin st raws.

    Unfo r tunately, a lo t o f t he st raws were

    broken o ff in t his room, so it became more

    apparent why Car los want s to lock this cave

    up fo r key access only. Wild tours by tour companies are t aken into this cave and they

    want to regulat e it a bit more so the spe lun-

    kers do not cont inue to break the st raws. I

    cant ju st blame them fo r it as I am su re lo -ca ls and other people co me into this cave and

    may have damaged it in t he past . We cont in-

    ued down the passages, and Kass ia was st art -

    ing no t to fee l so we ll. We took more breaks

    and s lowed down a bit unt il we go t into t he

    main t runk passage and the remain ing par t o f

    t he cave.

    We cou ld hear water pass ing through this

    sect ion and there was a r iver to our le ft

    where a sump d ive was conducted in t he past

    according to some o f t he loca l caver s, but t he

    report s on the ir find ings are unknown. I am

    inc l ined to be lieve they d idnt find anything

    as t his is a popular cave. We got a shot from

    the top down o f t his passage fac ing the ro-

    tunda room and the end o f t he cave, as we ll

    as a sho t from the bo t tom up lead ing to one

    o f t he most amaz ing cr yst a l rooms I have

    ever seen.

    We cont inued up the breakdown p ile in

    t he rotunda room and admired the mass ive

    whit e fo r mat ions and the st alact it es hang ing

    fro m the ce il ing. They were qu it e int erest ing

    to see, as t hey were so me o f t he largest I

    have ever witnessed. We went down and

    crossed the passage into the cr yst a l room,

    which shou ld be ca l led the chande l ier room

    due to some o f t he most int r icat e whit e cal-

    c it e fo rmat ions I have ever seen. There must

    have been thousands o f t hese st raws some

    rang ing more than 2 feet long!

    Some o f t he o ther fo r mat ions were st a ined

    and embedded with a d ir ty p ink go ld t int

    which gave this room a lo t o f co lo r and dy-

    namic to what we were looking at . Some o f

    t he other fo rmat ions had large he l ict it es

    growing fro m the fo rmat ions which had

    shades o f ye llow, p ink, and a cream co lo r

    whit e. Some others were more t rans lucent

    t han o thers. It was fasc inat ing to sit here and

    st are into t hese cr yst a l fo r mat ions and look

    c lose ly into how they fo r med the way they

    d id.

    Aft er a while, we st art ed our t raverse out

    and passed an area where there was a par t icu-

    lar concent rat ion o f st raws over 2 feet in

    length, and so me were reaching the ground.

    I took a self ie here but I just cant t ake the r ight self ie without laughing my ass off o r

    mak ing so me k ind o f goofy face ! Aft erwards

    we snapped a few more pho tos and made our

    exit into t he remaining hours o f t he day and

    washed o ff in t he Tanama River . What a great

    way to wash o ff! ! H ik ing back was even nice

    as we not iced p lant s t hat sell fo r 30 to 50

    do llars in Chicago , growing natura lly in t he

    fo rest .

    We made it back to t he car and booked

    ano ther ho tel in Arec ibo , which gave us some

    t ime to go to Cueva Del I nd io and get a good

    head st art fo r t he fo llowing days caving ac-t ivit y t o Cueva Perd ida.

    Aft er Sorbetos we had so me t ime to burn

    o ff fo r t he rest o f t he day, so we headed over

    to Cueva de l Ind io in Arec ibo to check out

    t he ocean and the sea caves. I have been here

    be fo re and I have a lways enjo yed vis it ing, as

    t here is a place to swim wit h co ral and fish

    that hide fro m the waves crashing over t he

    basa lt rock. There are some other large sea

    caves on the spurs ahead o f Cueva de l I nd io ,

    as we l l as pet roglyphs embedded in t he rock

    ins ide Cueva de l Ind io fro m the Ta ino Ind i-


    We drove up to t he locat ion where we had

    to park, and out o f nowhere a mid -s ize iguana

  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 13

    of caves in Puer to Rico desperat ely need in

    o rder prot ect t hese environment s.

    Fina l ly, we met up with Bro and fo llowed

    him to the landowners property where Per-d ida was locat ed. We got a chance to t a lk

    with t he landowner , and it appears t hat t here

    are hundreds o f caves in his area inc lud ing

    one cave wit h Ta ino art ifact s.

    We set out fo r Perdida and fo llowed the

    GPS unt il it st ar t ed t aking us in a bit o f a d if-

    ferent direct ion than we needed to go . Car los

    ye l led fo r us to double back, as t here is a

    t rail t hat leads r ight to t he ent rance o f Per-

    d ida, and we were go ing in t he wrong d irec-

    t ion. . . .n ice !! We go t to t he ent rance o f Per-

    d ida and we were about 50ft o ff fro m the way

    po int t hat I had fo r it , which is no t too bad.

    Perro is near t he ent rance but we didnt have any ropes to rap into the s inkho le en-

    t rance, so we entered Perdida and cr awled

    through a passage unt il we got to t he main

    st ream passage. This cave reminded me o f

    Doghil l Cave, but t his cave was a lo t more

    f lut ed inst ead o f ju st one sect ion.

    We st art ed to go upstream and I snapped a

    few p ics o f Car los on a bench area fo r mat ion

    room. We cont inued on, pass ing by some

    f lowstone fo r mat ions and int erest ing and well

    -defined dugon foss i ls , which appeared to me

    to be a ver t ebrae and some r ib bones in a

    c lust er . We went up and around some fo rma-

    t ions in t he r iver passage and walked through

    a few rooms unt il we got to a lower sect ion

    o f t he cave where we had to crawl in t he wa-

    t er a bit . I t fe lt pret ty good to be in t his wa-

    t er, since the cave t emp is around 75 degrees

    and 100 percent humid it y, so t he water

    coo led my body o ff a bit and kept us in a

    great cond it ion.

    Car los began to t alk about a room that is

    just up ahead and about how this room is

    complet e ly whit e. They ca l l it t he Whit e

    ran into the st reet , so I at t empted to dr ive

    around the shocked iguana. . without success.

    Thump thump. . . . , is what I heard. . . . as I kept

    dr iving, creat ing an inst ant mea l fo r t he st ray

    dogs and cat s in t he ne ighborhood.

    We made it to t he park ing spo t and

    walked over to t he area where I could swim

    and view the ree f near shore. I swam out

    t here, but t he mask that I brought with me

    was broken so it was no t working too wel l fo r

    me to swim and ho ld this mask in p lace while

    t rying to enjo y the reef. I ended up swim-

    ming over to t he sharp flut ed basa lt lava is-

    land and walked over to t he other s ide to

    view the waves pour ing over t he seaweed

    growth on the walls.

    Aft erwards we hiked up and around to the

    Seven Apost le sea caves t o watch the waves

    crash over and up onto the walls. It was nice

    to t ake a break from the jung le and enjo y the

    sea, t he waves, and play around with the

    ocean a bit be fo re go ing into the cave.

    Aft er get t ing tossed around a bit from the

    wave act ion on the shore, we entered the

    cave, down the ladder and into the caver n

    rooms where the pet roglyphs were. It was

    int erest ing to see these drawings and made

    me wonder what insp ired the Ind ians to cre-

    at e t hese des igns. Bo ils o f water from crash-

    ing current and wave act ion would r ise and

    fa l l in a sect ion o f t his cave as t he skyl ight s

    i l luminated the remain ing port ion o f t he cave

    and o ther pet roglyphs in t he area. It was yet

    ano ther great vis it and I am g lad I was able

    to stop by, but it was back to t he ho tel fo r t he

    fo llo wing days prep fo r Perdida.

    January 17: Cueva Perdida

    We got up ear ly t o meet up with Car los at

    t he Texaco on Route 10 near Cueva Ventana,

    and Car los ment ioned that he was running a

    bit lat e , so we stopped by Cueva Ventana to

    see if we could vis it t he cave fo r a bit .

    I went to Ventana a few years back and

    pa id 2 do llars to walk on the property to see

    this cave, which cons ist ed o f two large rooms

    and the famous kar st window that over looks

    the va l ley be low. We walk up to find out

    t hat now the pr ice is $10.70, t ax inc luded,

    which comes with a tour guide. Now when we were wa it ing fo r Bro to show up, t here

    were people go ing up in su it s and p iles o f

    k ids fa l l ing out o f mini buses ju st to run up

    to t ake the tour to vis it t he cave. I underst and the who le mak ing mo ney thing,

    and the tour t hing, but it was depress ing to

    see that t his p lace has beco me a tour is t t rap

    o f so rt s.

    On the fl ip s ide, it might prot ect t hat cave

    a bit more inst ead o f t he free - fo r -all it was,

    but I can only hope that t hese tour companies

    invest in conser vat ion e ffo r t s and a lso con-

    t r ibute to t he conservat ion e ffo r t s t hat a lot

    A big-room, mult iple-f lash shot in Cueva

    Evaporada. Photo by Adam Haydock.

  • 14 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55

    Room, and there are a lo t o f fo r mat ions in

    t his room. We crawled up and poked through

    some smaller passages unt il we saw a window

    with so me whit e fo r mat ions. We a l l c limbed

    up around 10-15ft and got into t his beaut ifu l

    room with these impress ive whit e drapery and

    st alact it e fo rmat ions hang ing fro m the wa lls.

    I was rea lly impressed with this and be-

    fo re I got my camera out , Car los to ld me to

    go around into the next room, so I wa lked

    l ight ly over and into the fo llowing room and

    no t iced that t his room is 4 t imes the size with

    pure whit e fo rmat ions cover ing the wa lls and

    ce il ing. In my opinio n, t he centerp iece to

    t his room was a skinny st a lagmit e t hat stood

    7+ feet t all and the width was no more than 2

    inches across. It was amaz ing to see there

    was one in each room. I set up some p ictures

    fo r Car los and others, as I had never seen

    p ictures o f t his Whit e Room in Cueva Perd ida

    be fo re, so I am g lad to be shar ing them with

    the wor ld. The beaut y o f t he Caves in Puerto

    Rico never stops to amaze me even as I spo il

    myse lf with vis it ing these fasc inat ing and

    exo t ic geo log ica l karst environment s.

    Aft er a while we st art ed to head out o f

    t he cave and backt rack the way we came in.

    We stopped to check out a side passage but

    e it her we were sumped out o r t he passage or

    ano ther sect ion might have co llapsed.

    I t is a lso possible we were no t in t he r ight

    p lace to find ano ther ext ens io n to t his cave as

    it was qu it e mazy, hence the name Perd ida or

    Lost Cave, but we had a blast vis it ing this cave and get t ing a chance to cave with Car los

    Bro, and a chance to share t he exper ience in one o f his favor it e caves was a great t ime.

    The connect ion to Perro is ano ther must do t raverse and go ing out t he downst ream exit was ano ther opt ion but we were running

    out o f t ime so we le ft and went back to t he

    ho tel fo r another night s s leep and prep fo r

    t he grand fina le, Juan Nieves!!

    January 18: Cueva Juan Nieves

    The fina l day o f caving here in Puer to

    Rico had co me, and what a great way to fin-

    ish this t r ip with a vis it t o Juan Nieves! This

    cave is a par t o f t he Rio Encantada syst em

    near Flo r ida, Puer to Rico , and has a beaut ifu l

    p it ent rance that leads to a t all canyo n pas-

    sage that eventua lly leads caver s to some im-

    press ive water fa l ls whi le wad ing in cr yst a l

    c lear war m water . The last few waterfa l ls are

    around 15ft in he ight and all o f t he water

    rages t hrough some natura l arches and cas-

    cades down into the lower leve ls. This made

    fo r some great cave c limbing!

    One o f t he most impress ive karst features

    in t his cave was the karst shower faucet s.

    One in par t icu lar had t r iangu lar cr yst a ls

    growing towards the midd le, and the bu lk o f

    t his feature was smal l ca lc it e t ubes t hat

    looked like twist ed soda st raws that acted as

    a pip ing syst em fo r t he water to flow out like

    a rain shower faucet ! Abso lut e ly amaz ing!

    There were also some upper passages with

    some walk ing t runk passage wit h int erest ing

    fo r mat ions that led r ight back to t he bot tom

    of t he p it ent rance. The downst ream sect ion

    ends in a sump that has a lready been pushed

    by mult ip le cave d ive operat ions. These d ives

    resu lt ed in passage beyo nd the sump, and the

    hydro logica l connect ion to t he remaining En-

    cantada syst em is t hrough this sump. The

    Rio Encantado syst em has mult ip le caves

    connected to t his underground r iver , inc lud-

    ing Esca lara, Encantada, Zumbo , Yuyu , and

    other loca lly known caves. The upst ream re-

    surgence sump is connected to Cueva Aguas

    Fr ias, and mult ip le d ives have been per-

    fo r med in here fro m mult ip le exped it io ns and

    loca l cave d ivers t hat connected Juan Nieves

    to Aguas Fr ias. There is a lso a s ide passage

    that might connect to Vientos which has been

    hydro logica l ly connected but cave d ivers

    have no t been able to make a connect ion to

    dat e.

    The Rio Encantado syst em is around 17km

    of r iver cave passage that has so me of t he

    most amaz ing sect ions o f cave that I have

    ever seen!! Last year I went to vis it Cueva

    Zumbo , which was like wa lk ing through an

    a lien canyo n passage o f 3D t a lons that we

    had to climb and walk over in o rder to con-

    t inue down the passage. The c ircu lar sca llop-

    ing and the way the rock was cut by the water

    is so mething that I have never seen anywhere

    in t he wor ld.

    There have been previous exped it io n con-

    nect ions where cavers have connected some

    o f t he caves descr ibed in o ther publicat ions

    and videos, but t his t r ip was to enjoy the

    beaut y o f t his fasc inat ing p lace and snap a

    few pho tos along the way. Some o f t hese

    previous exped it ions are more publ ic ized

    than others but , no doubt , t he Rio Encantado

    syst em has been an area o f int erest fo r t he

    worlds cave exp lo rers, inc lud ing Wes Sk iles. Wes pushed Aguas Fr ias and came up into

    Juan Nieves and descr ibed the cave to some

    loca ls as a beaut ifu l syst em wit h impress ive

    water fa l ls and beaut ifu l fo r mat ions. He con-

    t inued to descr ibe the r iver passage o f Juan

    Nieves as having a opening in t he ce il ing

    about two hours down the passage from

    where he came up into air passage. This is

    t he pit ent rance to Juan Nieves where we en-

    t ered the cave on this day.

    We got to t he parking spot and hiked into

    the fo rest not to far fro m where we parked

    and the ent rance p it to t he cave was r ight

    t here. It is a small crack in t he hi l ls ide that

    drops 20-30ft to a ledge. The drop cont inues

    to a st eep slop ing ledge that leads to t he main

    drop which is around 100 -120ft to t he bo t-


  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 15

    We r igged a t ens io nless to a t ree and set

    up a re-direct into t he ent rance p it . I set up

    ano ther re-direct and a re -be lay to make it

    eas ier fo r ever yone e lse t o get on and o ff

    rope. I padded the main drop and we were

    good to go . One at a t ime, we rapped down

    to t he ledge and cont inued to rappel t o t he

    bo t tom of t his fissure crack in t he mogote. It

    was qu it e impress ive from the bo t tom looking

    up, as we could see the skyl ight ent rance, and

    where Wes ment ioned he saw an ent rance

    fro m the ce il ing was where we were ent er ing.

    One o f t he first t hings I no t iced was how

    war m the cr yst a l c lear t he water was!! So

    aweso me to be in cr yst a l c lear warm water

    ins ide o f a ho t cave syst em to coo l off in.

    We st art ed down the st ream a bit t o see what

    was down there and qu ick ly turned back to

    wa it fo r ever yone e lse to get down so we

    could st ar t our journey upst ream.

    We st ar t ed o ff by wad ing through the

    heavi ly flut ed canyo n passage upst ream while

    no t ic ing how deep the water got in par t s

    where the watercourse r ipped into the l ime-

    stone. As we took our t ime walk ing up-

    st ream, we passed so me s ide passages and

    no t iced how the ce iling was st ar t ing to drop

    down a bit . There wou ld be t imes when we

    were swimming, and at other t imes, we were

    in p laces where we could st and and walk.

    Eventua lly we came up onto some int er est ing

    fo r mat ion rooms, and that is when we st ar t ed

    to hear t urbulent water echo ing down the pas-

    sage just ahead o f us. We were hoping this

    was no t a flash flood as we swam c loser to

    t he source, but as we cont inued upst ream, we

    could hear a more dist inct sound o f a water -

    fa l l. This was the first o f many waterfa ll

    passages. . .he lls yea!

    The water was moving like a waterpark

    and ropes were r igged into the wa ll fo r a

    t raverse line in case there was water pressure

    too st rong to t rave l in . We gr ipped the wa lls

    and crossed the passage wit h lit t le u se o f t he

    ropes in case they broke under our we ight .

    We took a break here as Tom t est ed the CO 2

    leve l which he found to be a cons ist ent 0 .7

    percent . That s a bit high fo r a cave passage, and he pondered if t he water was br ing ing in

    t his CO 2 fro m ano ther cave.

    I snapped up a couple p ictures while we

    hung out here admir ing the fo rmat ions on the

    wa lls and the water flowing o ff o f t he f low-

    stones above us. There was a lso an upper

    passage where rope was r igged to but we d id

    no t pursue that lead. We cont inued to t rave l

    upst ream, and the water passage got a bit

    deeper , while t he ce il ing st at ed to lower

    down. This gave us about 8 -10ft o f c lea rance

    inst ead o f t he 30-50ft o f c learance we had

    befo re t he fir st water fa l l. The scener y a lso

    changed, and the wa l ls were covered with

    f lowstone and st a lact it e fo rmat ions, whi le t he

    ce il ing had a ser ies o f karst shower faucet s

    t hat we had to pass under (oh darn!!) , a long

    with act ive ly f lowing flowstone fa l ls t r ick-

    l ing down on us! ! What a beaut ifu l p lace this

    has beco me. At one po int we were sur-

    rounded by mult ip le karst showers and one in

    par t icu lar was unl ike anything I have ever

    seen befo re.

    We cont inued past t hese beaut ifu l fo r ma-

    t ions and came up to t he next water fa l l. This

    one was a bit bigger , which a lso had ropes

    r igged into the wa lls to ass ist direct iona l rap-

    pe ls and t raverse l ines away from the fa l ls .

    We just c limbed the wa l ls and sca led this

    rag ing waterfa l l and came up upon another

    water fa l l t hat was about 15-20 ft in he ight

    and pushing a ll o f t he cave water under a

    natura l arch and down to where we were

    ho ld ing on to t he wa lls. AWESOME!!!!

    It was an awesome s ight to see, and we

    a ll sca led this water fa l l w it h ver y l it t le cha l-

    lenge. Once at t he top, we regrouped shor t ly

    a ft er . We were surrounded by faucet s and

    f lowstones flowing water and this rag ing

    deep watercourse. We kept go ing upst ream,

    and the ce il ing got closer to t he water line.

    We passed a few more water fa lls and the

    group stopped to check the t ime and take a

    break. I swam over ano ther water fa ll and

    cont inued upst ream to see what was ahead o f

    us only to t urn around aga in and co me back

    to t he group to decide if we shou ld cont inue

    o r t urn around due to t ime. We made the de-

    c is ion to t urn around so we could get t ime to

    get out o f t he cave and get dinner be fo re it

    was too lat e

    We st art ed our way out and down-c limbed

    the fa l ls , and I set up a secondar y hand line as

    a backup to he lp a few others c limb down.

    The ropes looked pret ty good, so some ut il-

    ized those, but overa ll we worked together to

    pass t hese cha llenges as qu ick ly as poss ible.

    We go t down the fa l ls and cont inued past t he

    faucet s and down into the main t runk passage

    o f t he cave. There were a side passage that

    we hiked up to and fo llowed, which turned

    out to be pret ty int erest ing and beau t ifu l!

    We f ina l ly made it out o f t he upper passage

    and back to t he ent rance p it , where I snapped

    a few sho t s and ascended out o f t he cave in

    pret ty good t ime.

    I want to t hank Diana and Tom Mil le r ,

    Je ff Kruse, P ipo , Car los Art iguez, Ju l ie Du-

    t il, Ro lf Viet en, Jo rge Acevedo , t he landown-

    ers and ever yo ne who was invo lved to make

    this t r ip a success and sa fe exper ience. Aft er

    5 years o f vis it ing Puer to Rico I can fee l t he

    t ug to come back yet aga in in t he future, as

    t he caves and the topography are s imply

    amaz ing!!!

  • 16 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 Vol . 55



    Introduct ion by Dave Everton

    This dat e had been set as ide fo r working

    in Ind iana Caver ns in t he s ide passage at t he

    locat ion in t he main passage they ca l l Cray-

    f ish Curve. T im Pr ide was coordinat ing that

    effo r t , and I to ld him I d be on st andby to poss ibly he lp wit h t hat if needed. I f no t

    needed, I was planning to t ake Claud ia Davis

    on what was fo r her a long await ed t r ip into Mil ler Cave. (We had vis it ed on 21 December

    2013 aft er a different object ive had been

    scrubbed due to high water , but because wa-

    t er was flowing in t he cave ent rance that day,

    I decided aga inst go ing ins ide to do passage

    improvement . )

    Shane Myles and Pat Burns p lanned to

    work in Manho le on this day. Brad Barcom

    met me at my house and drove us to Corydon;

    we arr ived at Freder ick s Caf around 10 to f ind Gar y Roberson, Claud ia, and Pat already

    seat ed. Tim and Shane soon ar r ived, a lt hough

    I learned theyd drove separat e ly due to t he poss ible t ime d if ference in t he ir t r ip lengths.

    Aft er breakfast , I t ransfer red my gear to

    Claud ia s vehic le, and gave some it ems to t he Tim & Brad t eam. I d one week ear lier le ft an orange s led out s ide the basement ent rance to

    t he Caver ns, which I d pu l led out o f P less Cave ear lier in t he year ( it had been br ought

    in t here t o work a pro ject some t ime ago),

    be l ieving it would be o f use in t he d ig effo r t .

    C laud ia and I bade farewel l t o t he others and

    headed to our dest inat ion.

    Miller Cave Improvement by Claudia Davis

    Dave E ver ton and I headed out to Mil ler

    Cave to work on fur ther ing passage improve-

    ment fo r all who wil l be us ing the t rail in t he

    future. He gracious ly gave me an opportunit y

    to wr it e t his report , so you may be think ing

    what s t here to wr it e about? Well, I am go ing to t ell you about t his l it t le work t r ip

    fro m the perspect ive o f a caver who has had

    to become a couch potato , due to a lo ng st and ing injur y and family respons ibi l it y! As

    you read this report , please remember the

    phrase couch potato and it s implicat ions o f no t us ing musc les on a regu lar bas is !

    Dave had t aken me to Mil ler t he year be-

    fo re, albe it I had only go t t en to see the lit t le

    ent r y room, and we had to leave due to t he

    fact t hat it was raining and the chance o f

    f looding was poss ible. For a who le year , I

    wondered what lay beyo nd. I imag ined t ight

    quar t ers, muddy passages, and ext remely low

    be l ly crawls. The poss ibi l it ie s were about as

    end less as my imag inat ion, and then toward

    t he end o f December 2014 I got Daves emai l inv it at ion to go he lp him there ! Jo y o f jo ys

    and broken hear t s! I couldnt make it due to pr io r obligat ions! Would I ever get to see be-

    yo nd the ent rance??? So , I suggest ed Januar y

    10th as a go dat e, and happ ily, we were bo th free !

    Aft er a few emails about what to br ing

    and the poss ibi l it y o f an a lt ernat e object ive

    o f working near Crayfish Cur ve at Ind iana

    Caverns (which we didnt get to do ) , I geared up! I dragged out my Hydrosk ins, grabbed my

    shor ty d ive su it , donned my po lypro top, and

    was ready fo r bear! From last years exper i-ence, I imag ined an ext remely co ld, wet cave!

    I even kept t rack o f t he fo recast unt il t he day

    ar r ived! And due to t he int ense back pa in my

    in jur y has le ft me in, I lit era l ly covered my

    backs ide in pa in pat ches, and downed pain

    p il ls and musc le re laxers. Nothing was go ing

    to keep me away fro m Mil ler and work ing

    with my respect ed caving fr iend.

    Zoom to the cave: t here I st and, dressed

    as if I m go ing to go diving, in 27 degree weather , marching across a fie ld to meet my

    imag inat ion head on! And it was grand! The

    minute I ent ered the main passage, I got t he

    surpr ise o f my l i fe it was dry and ext remely roomy! Not at all wet o r cramped, and I im-

    med iat e ly began wishing I had my jeans on

    inst ead o f looking like I was go ing to work

    with Jacques Coust eau. And then my su rpr ise

    t urned to amazement as we began crawling

    through a very nice channe l cut into t he

    f loo r . Dave began exp la in ing to me how many

    hours o f passage improvement work made

    this channe l poss ible, and the fur the r we

    crawled a lo ng, I marve led at t he dist ance the

    passage improvement covered! I was so im-

    pressed by the work o f ISS cavers and vo lun-

    t eers, and thr il led that my meager scrat chings

    in t he d ir t would be amo ng a ll t his hard work

    fro m o thers.

    We crawled past t he p lace Dave ca l ls t he

    S it Up Domes, past a lit t le bat on the wa ll,

    and went ano ther few hundred feet o r so , un-

    t il we fina l ly ar r ived at a po int where Dave

    dec ided to cont inue improving the passage,

    and I set t led in wit h a wonder bar and hand

    shove l. I banged my pa lms aga inst t he bar

    t rying to t ear up passage, to ssed rocks and

    mud as ide, and dug like a mole rat , and

    through live ly conversat ion, got to know my

    fr iends t hought s and opinio ns about caving a lo t bet t er. But as t he t ime wore on, I began to

    fee l t he e ffect s o f be ing stuck in a we t suit

  • Vol . 55 The Windy Ci ty Speleonews, February 2015 17

    t hat sucks out sweat like a vampire bat sucks

    out blood. I was beg inning to get dehydrat ed,

    t hough I didnt realize it at t he t ime . We agreed to quit at 2:30, and when I looked at

    what Dave had acco mplished compared to my

    few feet (t hough it fe lt like I had only gone

    three inches) , I was think ing how t ruly fo r tu-

    nat e t he next caver would fee l co ming to t hat

    sect ion and having such a clean path, perhaps

    only a ft er probably fuss ing about crawling

    over t he rocks I never got to complet e ly

    c lear ! At t hat mo ment , I hoped that t he next

    caver would be me, and expressed my wishes

    to come back.

    So we packed up and headed out , with my

    knee pads that were so flu f fy go ing in now

    f lat t ened to a pancake and g iving me fit s .

    Funny how the t r ip back seems to double

    when youre in pa in, but it was worth ever y bru ise ! So here I am the fo llowing morning,

    t yp ing this report , and in regard to t he phrase

    couch potato , well, d id anybody cat ch the number o f t hat t ruck that hit me? Ouch. (end

    o f Claud ia report )

    Manhole Dig by Pat Burns Shane Myles and I ar r ived at Manho le

    around noon, but as we looked down, we saw

    the rungs were covered in ice ! We r igged

    rope and I went down us ing my Mitche l l sys-

    t em to down c limb and t r y t o hammer off t he

    ice. That proved to be s low, plus, we could

    no t see t he opening to t he s ide at t he bot tom

    to be sure it was open. So , I went to t he bo t-

    tom and broke the ice block ing the s ide tube.

    Then Shane lowered the gear and came down.

    He then preceded into the cave, whi le I re-

    mo ved the ice fro m the rungs, st art ing from

    the bot tom up us ing my rope syst em as more

    o f a sa fet y device.

    When I jo ined him at t he front ier , he was

    ready to remove the same r imstone obst ruc-

    t ion that had stopped us t he last t ime we were

    in t he cave. Aft er cons iderable work, both he

    and I were able to get into t he smal l sect ion

    o f passage beyo nd the blockage. I only bare ly

    f it , but once on the other s ide, I complet e ly

    removed the blockage with my hammer and

    crowbar .

    We cou ld then st and up, and fo llowed the

    larger passage about 12 feet up and to t he

    le ft , t here were some nice bacon fo r mat ions

    with pure whit e t ips in t his dead end a lcove,

    which was about four feet high and s ix feet

    wide. There is a drain which ho lds water

    about four feet be low the access po int . I dug

    about t hree feet into t he mud and smal l rock

    mixture, hoping to release the water and fo l-

    low the dra in, which o f course was under

    dr ipp ing water . I did no t get t he water to

    dra in, but maybe on the next t r ip it wi l l be

    lower .

    The a ir was no t go ing through the limit ed

    passage to t he le ft , but moving into a ho le

    t hat opened into a low (about six inches high)

    and maybe t en foot wide passage with lot s o f small st a lact it es. Shane worked at dri l l ing
