St. Antoninus Church September 30, 2018 · 9/30/2018  · 922-5400 x 2 to volunteer. See the flyer...

Post on 08-Jul-2020

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S t . A n t o n i n u s C h u r c h 1 5 0 0 L i n n e m a n R d C i n c i n n a t i O H 4 5 2 3 8 S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 8

S E R V E R S O c t o b e r 1 - 5 , 2 0 1 8 Monday and Friday Andrew and Austin Ruwe Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Adult Servers

S E R V E R S O c t o b e r 6 & 7 , 2 0 1 8

4:30PM Julia Taylor, Brenna Bohan, Lucy Guenther 8:00AM Adult Server 9:30AM Michelle Hornsby, Paige Leicht, Emma Gibbs 11:30AM Mark Autenrieb, Mason Goetz, William Hester

L E C T O R S O c t o b e r 6 & 7 , 2 0 1 8 4:30PM G. Willig E. Willig 8:00AM M. L. Fitzgerald 9:30AM L. Douthat T. Douthat 11:30AM P. Autenrieb B. Mathews


Not available at deadline time



R O S A R Y Saturdays after the 8 AM Communion Service and at 4:00PM. Sundays at 7:30AM. Monday thru Friday after the daily Mass. Mondays 7:00PM Fatima Prayer Group in the Chapel. Every evening at 7:30pm for the special Pro-Life intentions of Protection of our Unborn Children and the overturn of Roe v Wade.

Friday mornings at MaryAnn Baverman’s home for Moms and grandmoms and young children. We extend an invitation to join our group for prayer on Friday mornings from 10AM to 11:00AM. We will show you how to pray the rosary. Please call MaryAnn at 503-9537 for details.

St. Antoninus Prayer chain: To intercede for prayer requests, please go to , or pick up a list in the back of the greeting room on the right side of the counter. Requests for prayers may be left there, or emailed to:, or you may mail requests to St. Antoninus Prayer Chain, 1500 Linneman Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45238.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 St. Therese of the Child Jesus 8:00AM MASS Bonnie Horn—Anniv. Rem.—Family TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 The Holy Guardian Angels 8:00AM MASS Elise Earley—Deb & Dan Meyer WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 8:00AM MASS Pat Gerdes—Bd. Rem.— Family THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 St. Francis of Assisi

8:00AM MASS Jim Conroy—Anniv. Rem.—Clarice

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos Grandparents Day 9:00AM MASS Celebrant’s Intentions

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 St. Bruno, Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Bl. Virgin Mary 8:00AM MASS Intentions of Celebrant 4:00PM Rosary 4:30PM MASS JoAnn Wessendorf—Bd. Rem.—Steve & Laura Weyler SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 7:30AM Rosary 8:00AM MASS Caroline Rettig—Anniv. Rem.—Ed & June Brady 9:30AM MASS For the People of the Parish 11:30AM MASS Ken Boehme—Wedd. Anniv. Rem.—


5:00PM V E S P E R S , R O S A R Y & H O L Y H O U R


In Matthew 26:40, Jesus says to Peter [and to us], “Could you not, then, watch one hour with me?” Please consider joining your fellow parishioners for 30 minutes, or even one hour, at Eucharistic Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Fridays from 9:00AM until the Adoration ends at 10:00PM. Fatima Holy Hour with Exposition on Thursday evenings from 7PM to 8PM in the church with an opportunity for confession.

C O N F E S S I O N S Thursday, October 4, 6:30PM —8:00PM Saturday, October 6, 3:00PM—4:00PM



MONTHLY. Volunteers (unless you coach high school students) are no longer required to get fingerprinted. Instead, volunteers are required to complete an on-line background check. If you wish to pay for the on-line background check yourself, you can complete it as a part of the VIRTUS registration. If you volunteer at St. Antoninus and would like a pre-paid code to pay for the background check, contact Deacon Bob Schroeder before you register for VIRTUS, or do not complete the background check when you register for VIRTUS. Contact Deacon Bob Schroeder at: He will send the pre-paid, one-time-use, code to you via e-mail. The code will work only for those who have St. Antoninus as their primary user location on their VIRTUS account. If you coach high school students, you are also required to complete fingerprinting. E-mail Deacon Bob at the address above, and he will send directions to you.

Please note the time of each session. Because of

the location in which the VIRTUS training sessions


PARTICIPANTS. Please register early to be assured

of a spot in the session you wish to attend.

October 18, at 6:30pm; November 27, at 11:30am;

January 8, 2019, at 9:00am, February 14, 2019, at

11:30am, March 14, 2019 ,at 6:30pm; April 8, 2019,

at 6:30pm; May 20, 2019, at 11:30am.

THANK YOU to Corcoran & Harnist Heating & Air

Conditioning for advertising in our bulletin.

Greetings in the name of the Lord:

The month of October is dedicated to the Rosary. It is customary for us as Catholics to have additional devotion to praying the Rosary during the month of October. October 7th is the feast of the Holy Rosary. This feast was formerly called “Our Lady of Victory.” This feast day can be traced back to October 7th 1571when Pope St. Pius V called upon all of the faithful to pray the Rosary as the naval battle of Lepanto took place. The Christian nation’s naval victory was successful in stopping the spread of the Ottoman Empire into Europe. The Ottoman Empire was based in Turkey and was Sunni Muslim. This is a strong lesson for us and the power of prayer in the history of Christianity. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary; pray for us!

Yours in Christ:

Fr. Haft

S T . A N T O N I N U S N E T W O R K O F C A R E A network of volunteers is prepared to serve the St. Antoninus Parish Family by providing a meal after hospitalization, surgery or medical treatments,

transportation to medical treatments or to Mass, prayer for the intentions on the St. Antoninus Prayer Chain, and A Listening Ear to parishioners facing difficulties. For more information, please leave a message on the Network of Care Phone Line at 922-5400, ext. 8, and someone will return your call.

V I S I T S T O T H E S I C K A N D H O M E B O U N D If you know of a relative, friend or neighbor who is homebound and who would like to receive Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the St. Antoninus Network of Care (922-5400, ext. 8), or Deacon Bob Schroeder (922-2500, ext. 2031).

T R A V E L I N G C H A L I C E Now, more than ever, PLEASE consider taking the Traveling Chalice into your home and pray, either as a family or alone, for the intentions

of our Holy Church, for Vocations, Pope Francis, all Church leaders, our country, and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Call Debbie at 922-2414 to schedule the Traveling Chalice.

Shop for wedding and shower gifts, birthdays, Christmas, etc. at http://, and Amazon donates to St. Antoninus Church. Thank you for your participation.

You may sign up at any time for OnLine Giving, even for a one time donation, to a particular fund. To

start, go to the official Saint Antoninus Parish website at, click About Us, then click Giving, click on the Our Sunday Visitor button, then click the green Create New Account button. If you want this service but do not have a computer, or if you have any questions, please call Beth at the rectory office at 922-5400, x 2. NOTE: If your credit card company is changing, or your card expires, please update your account with your new credit card number, so your gift giving is not interrupted. If you have a problem texting your donation, please call OSV at 1-800-348-2886, ext. 2, then ext. 1. Or, call Beth at 922-5400, ext. 2.

T E X T T O G I V E Your support during the summer helps sustain our parish year-round. Parishioners and visitors can text a donation dollar amount to 513-952-8338, and your transaction will be processed through the Online Giving account associated with the phone number above. $ amount, single space, then fund name. See examples: 100 sunday or 25.75 maintenance If you do not include a fund name, the default fund is Sunday contributions. These fund names are not case sensitive. Fund Names Text to Give Fund Names Parish 75th Anniversary parishanniv Sunday contributions sunday Maintenance maintenance School Parish Support schoolparish Arleene Vallejos Tuition Assistance avtap School Endowment Fund endowment St. Antoninus Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society stvdpconf St. Antoninus School Youth Ministry youthministry Fr. Donald McCarthy Memorial Stone dmcstone Dr. Albert C. Niedhamer Scholarship Fund niedhamerfund

P A R I S H C O N T R I B U T I O N S Collections for the week ending September 23

Sunday Collections $15,636.48 Maintenance $ 50.00 School Parish Support $ 220.00 CISE $ 105.00 Memorials $ 40.00 Thank you for your continuing support of the parish and school. Please remember Saint Antoninus in your will. Gifts of stock can also be made to St. Antoninus Church. If you currently work for, or are retired from, a company that has a Matching Gift program, you can make your contributions to Parish School Support, and have those contributions matched by your company.

S A I N T V I N C E N T D E P A U L S O C I E T Y In today’s gospel Jesus tells His disciples: “Anyone who gives you a drink of water because you belong to Christ will not, I assure you, go without his reward.” On September 27, the Church celebrated the feast of St. Vincent de Paul. The members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are on the front line in laboring for the poor, they are among the first to know their real needs. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist eight families, providing $300 in food, $1,575 for utility, rent and other bills. God Bless You!


Sign up now for your special date and time. Or call the rectory office at 922-5400 ext. 2. Volunteers are needed to check-in individuals and families who come for

their photograph appointments. Please call Beth at 922-5400 x 2 to volunteer. See the flyer on the greeting room shelf. Thank you. A L L S A I N T A N T O N I N U S S C H O O L A L U M N I are asked to call the rectory office at 513-922-5400, x 2, or see the official St. Antoninus Parish website, to register on the new Alumni form. Go to About Us, then click on the Alumni site. Fill in the fields, and click send.

ADULT SOCIAL GROUP COMMUNION SERVICE AND LUNCH will be on Monday, October 8, starting at 12:30PM in the chapel. Lunch is $12 per person. Please mail your check to the rectory office at 1500 Linneman Rd., 45238. All attendees must RSVP to Bob Brown by calling 451-4842 before Wednesday, October 3. ALL WIDOWS OF THE PARISH are welcome to attend a dinner at Kenning’s Restaurant, 6166 Bridgetown Road, at 5PM on Wednesday, October 10. Meal is individual choice, individual payment. RSVP before Friday, October 5, to Donna Vitt at 922-0833. 2nd sign/2nd Saturday study group will meet on October 13th, 9:00am - 10:30am in the Fr. Mick room. We will view a video "Pray, Hope, Don't Worry" about the life of St. Padre Pio. Free St. Pio prayer booklets given to all who attend. As preparation you can view the movie on "Padre Pio miracle man". The free parish code to login is:QGDR3N. Any questions, call Monica at 513-451-3575. ALL ARE WELCOME!


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 GATES OPEN AT 5PM RIDES start at 6PM until 10PM. Free beer. One free ice cream cone per person. Soft drinks, hot dogs and concession snacks will be available for purchase. No alcohol/liquor is allowed to be carried into the park. You may bring your own picnic dinners and soft drinks into the park. Children 16 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult.

Last Friday was a beautiful day for the 2018 Jag-A-Thon! Students enjoyed walking the neighborhood route,

receiving medals, ate sno-cones, participating in the 50-yard dash

competition and a dance party. Because we surpassed the $20,000 fundraising goal and had 100% participation, the school will receive two water bottle filling stations, and the students will be off of school the day after the Super Bowl! Special thanks to PTO and our amazing sponsors, donors and volunteers for making this year’s Jag-A-Thon a huge success!

A D U L T B I B L E S T U D Y The Bible is a living Word. We hope to make the Letters of St. Paul to the Galatians and Romans come alive with relevance for today. We meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Church Undercroft in the Holy Family Room. All are welcome. No background necessary. Bring a Bible if you have one. Invite a friend to join you. Questions? Call Mary Lynne Rapien FitzGerald at 513-508-0023.


We will pray the Patriot Rosary for the needs of our country, asking God to heal our country and for the upcoming elections. This favorite rosary prays for our country, each state, our elected officials, and the needs of our people and nation. Please join us in praying for our country this Tuesday evening at 7 PM in the Chapel. All are welcome.

Let's come together as a parish to pray for our pastor Fr. Haft & parish staff and enjoy our first annual Fall Parish Potluck! 5pm - Traditional Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration. Homily by Scott Morgan, our Seminarian Intern. 6pm - Outdoor "Living" Rosary ... 50 children and 5 adults are needed to form a living Rosary. For each prayer said, a balloon will be released. If you and/or child would like to participate in the outdoor Rosary, please contact Julie at or call 922-2500 ext. 2029. 6:30pm - Potluck dinner ... please bring a dish or drinks to share. Pizza will also be served!

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29: The name of this book, Numbers, comes from the Greek translation of the Pentateuch which called it “aritmoi or “numbers” because of the census of the people which is covered in the first chapter of this book. The Jewish name for the book is Bemidbar (“in the desert”) because this is the theme of the book: the time the people of Israel made their pilgrimage through the desert, where God manifested Himself to them. Our passage comes from the second part of the book in which the people rebelled against the Lord. Due to their rebellion, the people of Israel experienced the following: the bitterness of divine punishment, the effectiveness of Moses’ prayer, and the mercy of God, who pardons time and time again. Our passage opens with the Lord coming down in a cloud and speaking with Moses. Moses had gathered 70 elders around a tent. The Lord also “took some of the spirit (which rested on Moses) and put it upon the 70 elders and when the Spirit rested upon them they prophesied”. God Himself is the source of the Spirit and He can give it to whomever He chooses, regardless of human qualifications. However, the spirit also rested upon two men who had not been in the tent and they prophesied in the camp. Some of the other men were bothered by this, asking Moses to make them stop. Moses has the right attitude. He has no desire to monopolize the Spirit or to be its only channel. He rejoices to see signs of the Spirit in other people. He would like for all the Israelites to have it. St. Cyril of Jerusalem believed this passage was a sort of prefiguring of Pentecost. God did indeed promise the Holy Spirit to all the people and this promise was fulfilled by Jesus, who after His ascension, sent the Holy Spirit to the Church. We will see this passage reflected in the Gospel passage for this weekend.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 (9a): Psalm 19 is a psalm of David, which offers praise for God who reveals His glory in heaven and on earth. The psalmist tells us that the precepts of the Lord bring joy to the heart. The psalmist realizes, however, that one can break the Law without realizing it and that nothing escapes God’s judgment. This is why the psalmist seeks God’s forgiveness and tells him how sincerely he desires to be blameless in His sight. We will later encounter the psalmist’s petitions in verses 12-13 in the Our Father prayer “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (Mt 6:13). The words “rock” and “redeemer” in the last verse express trust in God the Lord of man and nature.

Reading II: James 5:1-6: This passage from St. James contains a warning to the rich. James criticizes the sins of the well-to-do. Sounding almost like a prophet, James reproves their pride, vanity, and greed. He takes them to task for their pleasure seeking, warning them that the judgment of God is near at hand. “Weep and wail” is a very forceful call to repentance (to repent means to rethink). It is not wrong to be well-to-do; but St. James exhorts the faithful to use their resources in the service of others. We are encouraged to always think of the common good.

Gospel: Mark: 9:38-43, 45, 47-48: Mark is presenting us with a lesson in acceptance. The passage from Mark

opens with a scene similar to the one in the first reading. John is concerned because he observed a person

driving out demons by invoking Jesus’ name, apparently with success. John was upset because the person he

observed was not one of Jesus’ followers, and the apostles thought Jesus’ power should be restricted to Jesus’

authorized agents. Jesus disagrees. Even if this “exorcist” is not a follower of Jesus, neither can he be an

opponent, if he is relying on the name of Jesus to perform mighty deeds. “For whoever is not against us is for

us”. With this statement, Jesus is calling upon the disciples to be tolerant toward the neutral and the

lukewarm. The followers of Jesus should not build a fence around themselves, shutting out those who are not

within. The disciples have again failed to understand the implications of Jesus’ coming death and rising. Jesus

will give up His life for all, not for a small group of elite. Jesus will leave behind an open door to God and He

doesn’t want His disciples slamming it shut. Jesus has taken a child in His arms to illustrate the weaker

members of the Christian community. Woe be it to anyone who makes a weaker Christian stumble leading

them to sin. Jesus uses the image of death by drowning to indicate the seriousness of leading the vulnerable

into sin. C o n t i n u e d o n t h e n e x t p a g e . . .

B R E A K I N G O P E N T H E W O R D w i t h K a t h y O ’ C o n n o r T W E N T Y - S I X T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Continued from the previous page.. But, followers of Jesus not only have to worry about causing others to sin, they must also be concerned with stumbling themselves. As Mark writes here, sin is an invitation to hell, illustrated in this passage about Gehenna. The valley of Gehenna, adjacent to Jerusalem, was a refuse dump; a foul, maggot infested pit of smoldering refuse. It was used in biblical times as an image for punishment in the age to come. The point about sacrificing one’s eye or hand if they cause you to sin in order to avoid sin. Is the Lord suggesting that we should maim ourselves? No, He is using vivid imagery. Eyes and hands don’t cause sin. Sin is a decision of the heart to prefer one’s own will against God’s will, indicating that we are attached to some good and valued thing to the extent that we prefer it to something much better: friendship and communion with God. Jesus’ point is this: at times a certain relationship (it is possible to have relationships with valued items) provides us with comfort or pleasure even though it leads us to violate God’s commandments. Perhaps we treasure worldly values so much that we violate our Christian values to protect them. To give up such obstacles is very difficult and uncomfortable; Jesus described it as cutting off part of ourselves. But Jesus is teaching us that pain or doing without the things that leads us to sin is nothing compared to the sorrow of cutting ourselves off forever from God’s love.

Reflection: Real friends tell each other the truth, even when it hurts. Here Jesus shows that He is a real friend: making it clear that sin is real and carries a very high price. It is also a reality check. Are we afraid to tell our friends the truth about Christ because they might reject us? Are we afraid to bear witness to Jesus through our words and actions because people might be offended? Is the acceptance by others worth being excluded from heaven? Perhaps this week we might reflect on the following: 1) What fences have I erected that separate me from others; 2) Have I been treated kindly by those who respect my faith but do not share it; what do Jesus’ words about them mean for me; 3) How do I look upon those with a weak or troubled faith; do I do anything that might cause them to stumble; 4) What causes me to sin; what stumbling blocks have I put on my path to God? Lord, give us courage to give witness to You by our words and actions. What greater thing would we do for our neighbors than to lovingly shine a little bit of your light around them? Give us courage, humility, and zeal.

Saint Pio official relics are coming to St. Peter in Chains Cathedral for veneration and Mass, ON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3rd, commemorating the 50th anniversary of his passing. A St. A group will meet at 4:30pm, attend the veneration and the Mass at 7pm which will be celebrated by Archbishop Schnurr. Call 922-2500 ext 2029, or email Julie Scott at: if interested.


St. Antoninus Octoberfest, Friday, October 12, at 7:00 PM to 12AM at Schott Field. Parking will be at St. Antoninus Church. Must be 21 years old and older to enter. Entry Fee is $10.00. Entertainment will be provided by Lilly Paff at 7PM and Jason Owens at 8PM.

WOMEN CANCER PATIENTS AND SURVIVORS meeting will be on Wednesday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Aroma’s on Bridgetown Road. If you are interested in attending or want additional information, please e-mail Kathy Walsh at or call 607-4681.

F r i e n d s o f E l d e r T r a v e l TRAVEL INFORMATION NIGHT, OCTOBER 3, 2018, SCHAEPER CENTER, 7:00PM. Information on tours

for 2018, 2019, and 2020 will be presented. Call Brian Bill, Elder Alumni, 921-3411 or Norb Guetle, 451-1227 for reservation.

F L O W E R S F O R T H E A L T A R If you wish to dedicate the placing of flowers for one week at the altar in memory of a loved one, or to honor a person or special occasion, please send

$50 (check made out to Saint Antoninus Church, with Altar Flowers in the memo line) to the rectory office with your name, phone number and the week you would like to reserve. More than one family may reserve the same week. There will be no flower arrangements during the Advent and Lent seasons. If you have questions, call Beth Bollin, at 922-5400, x 2. MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL has been offered for Rosemary Schulte and Harriet Schewene. Please keep them and their families in your prayers.

T h e C o n t i n u i n g M e s s a g e o f F a t i m a Sister Lucia the eldest of the 3 children of Fatima, received from the Blessed Mother, the devotion of the First Saturday of the month. Extra ordinary promises are given to those persons, whom on Five Consecutive Saturdays do the following. Go to Confession in a reasonable amount of time before the First Saturday. (Our Church will have our Holy

Hour on the 1st Thursday before the First Friday each month.) Confession will be available on all these Thursdays.

Receive Holy Communion in the state of Grace, and offer that Communion in reparation for the sins against the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Recite 5 Decades of the Rosary. Keep the Blessed Mother company for 15 minutes, while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the

intention of making reparation to Her Most Immaculate Heart. This can be done anywhere.

The Blessed Mother, in exchange for your commitment to the 5 First Saturdays, told Sister Lucia that: “ I will assist (be present) at the hour of your death ( the person fulfilling the request) with all the graces necessary for salvation….)”. A powerful promise from our Mother.

Why 5 first Saturdays? According to Sister Lucia, they were requested to atone for the five ways in which people offend the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Attacks upon Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Attacks against her Perpetual Virginity. Attacks upon her Divine Maternity and the refusal to accept her as the Mother of all mankind. For those who try to publicly implant in children’s hearts indifference, contempt and even hatred of this

Immaculate Mother. For those who insult her directly in her sacred images.

Form more information on the Fatima Apparitions: World Apostolate of Fatima U.S.A.

T he St. Antoninus Building and Grounds volunteers would like to coordinate their volunteer work with the newly formed St.

Joseph’s Crew volunteers to help maintain the Church and School campus and grounds.

We NEED YOUR HELP to do this. If you can donate a couple of hours per month to help us in this effort we would like to hear from you! It takes all of us to keep our beautiful school and church campus clean and groomed. Help is needed in the areas of

landscaping, small repairs, painting and organizing the volunteers. Get a group of family and friends together to “adopt” an area of the

Church or school to take care of. For example trimming bushes, weeding area gardens, picking up litter, etc. This would be a great “service” project for our students and high school students. PLEASE call Mark Braunstein at 205-5520 or email: and add your name to our list of volunteers as a member of the SAINT JOSEPH’S CREW!

I N L O V I N G M E M O R Y A special section on the back of the bulletin will be available to list the name of your deceased loved one. The cost is $52.00 per name, and their name will remain in the bulletin for one year. This will help defray the cost of printing our bulletin for the entire year. If interested, please cut and fill out the slip, make check payable to Diocesan, put it in an envelope marked “Bulletin”, drop it in the rectory mailbox OR mail it to the parish office: St. Antoninus Church, 1500 Linneman Rd., 45238.

“In Loving Memory” (Please print clearly)

Loved One’s Name ______________________________ Your Name _________________________________ Phone Number______________________________ Billing Address:_____________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

7 5 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y F U N D B A K E S A L E Volunteers are needed to bake and assist in selling. Men and women are encouraged to participate in these events to benefit the 75th Anniversary of Saint Antoninus Parish. Baked goods can be dropped off on Saturdays between

12:00-1:00 PM, or before Masses on the weekends designated. Thanks in advance for your help. A sign-up sheet is available in the Greeting Room, or call Sue & Lee at 284-1522. September 29 – 30, October 13 – 14, November 24 – 25, December 15 – 16, and December 29 – 30, 2018.

D I N N E R W I T H C H E F F R . H A F T Benefits the Saint Antoninus Parish 75th Anniversary Fund

Cost: $5.00 per ticket or six (6) tickets for $25.00 Drawing is on December 30, 2018

Dinner for six (6) adults, cooked and served by our own Chef, Fr. Haft, in the Rectory. Date and time will be arranged by the winner and Fr. Haft. Tickets can be purchased at bake sales, by mail, in the bulletin or by calling Sue and Lee at 284-1522. Please send your tickets, cash or check in an envelope marked “Dinner with Chef, Fr. Haft”, to the rectory office before December 30,2018.

As one way to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of St. Antoninus Church, we have chosen to create a new cookbook, Feeding Family, Faith & Fellowship. We invite you to participate and be represented by contributing one or more of your favorite recipes. We have added some new categories using recipe symbols. So, in addition to submitting your tried-and-true recipes for traditional categories, we are encouraging you to submit your favorites from these new groups: 5 Ingredients or Less, School Lunches, Favorites of Wine n Dine/Taste of Tradition, and Junior Chef Creations. Many of our young students are helping out with dinner preparations—and probably have a favorite “go-to” dish. We welcome their meal suggestions as well. Submission is EASY, please follow these guidelines: * Go to and click 'Login' * Enter the User Name: StAcookbook * Enter the Password: simmer163 * Enter your name and click 'Continue' * Click 'Add Recipes' to begin adding your recipes * You must preview your recipe before saving OR submit written recipes in the 'Eat, Drink and be Thankful' box on the Greeting room back counter with contact information (please follow writing tips listed on www.saintantoninus or St. A Facebook page). For questions or comments contact: Monica at 513-451-3575 or Karen at 513-236-2603.

FALL CRAFT SHOWSaint Antoninus Church Undercrof t

To benefit the parish’s 75th Anniversary

Saturday, October 27, 2018

9AM to 2PM

$2 Admission per person

Memory items, spices, jewelry,

woodwork, books and

much more.

Food available for purchase.

Students who need service hours and

other volunteers are needed to help

with this event.

Call Sue Horn at 284-1522.

Fr. Haft Birthday Ice Cream Social will be after the 4:30PM Mass on Saturday, October 27 in the undercroft.

The 8th graders are currently selling YANKEE candles for

one of their WASHINGTON DC fundraisers. The sale is

through October 8th, just in time for the holidays. If you

are interested, please contact an 8th grader you know or

call Tina Hawk @ 348-5349 or e-mail Thanks for your support!

Please print clearly:



Tickets $5.00 each / 6 for $25.00.

Drawing on December 30, 2018

Checks payable to:

* * St. Antoninus 75th Anniversary Fund * *

Mail to: Sue Horn / 5269 Leona Drive / Cincinnati, OH 45238

Please print clearly:


Phone: _______________________________

Tickets $5.00 each / 6 for $25.00.

Drawing on December 30, 2018

Checks payable to:

* * St. Antoninus 75th Anniversary Fund * *

Mail to: Sue Horn / 5269 Leona Drive / Cincinnati, OH 45238

Please print clearly:



Tickets $5.00 each / 6 for $25.00.

Drawing on December 30, 2018

Checks payable to:

* * St. Antoninus 75th Anniversary Fund * *

Mail to: Sue Horn / 5269 Leona Drive / Cincinnati, OH 45238

Please print clearly:



Tickets $5.00 each / 6 for $25.00.

Drawing on December 30, 2018

Checks payable to:

* * St. Antoninus 75th Anniversary Fund * *

Mail to: Sue Horn / 5269 Leona Drive / Cincinnati, OH 45238

Please print clearly:



Tickets $5.00 each / 6 for $25.00.

Drawing on December 30, 2018

Checks payable to:

* * St. Antoninus 75th Anniversary Fund * *

Mail to: Sue Horn / 5269 Leona Drive / Cincinnati, OH 45238

Please print clearly:



Tickets $5.00 each / 6 for $25.00.

Drawing on December 30, 2018

Checks payable to:

* * St. Antoninus 75th Anniversary Fund * *

Mail to: Sue Horn / 5269 Leona Drive / Cincinnati, OH 45238