St. Cornelius Church · †James “Buddy” Dougherty 10:00 a.m. Mothers Day Noverna The Trusevych...

Post on 03-Aug-2020

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St. Cornelius Church


It was an incomprehensible act of violence: 16 individuals including four members of the Missionaries of Charity, were brutally shot and killed in a church-run re rement home in Yemen. Pope Francis responded to the murders on March 4 saying that the sisters were “vic ms not only of those who have murdered them, but also of indifference...this globaliza-

on of indifference.: It is difficult to make sense of events like this, and it some mes seems preferable simply to turn away, to tune out such suffering. Yes as Chris ans we are called not only to pay a en on to the suffering of others but to accompany those who are suffering in whatever way we can. Calls for an interna onal response followed the martyr-dom of the sisters, and the U.S, Catholic Bishops issued a statement reminding us of the deeper meaning found in what seems like senseless suffering. “Through their sacrifice, (the sisters) were transformed into signs of Christ’s victory over sin, violence and death.” Few of us are called to be martyrs, yet the example given by these women reminds us of our shared call to be witness-es to the Gospel and to the transforma ve power of service and sacrifice in our daily lives. But what does this witness look like? How might we allow our own suffering to trans-form us? The Resurrec on points to an answer, and we need not wait for a tragic moment to recognize it. The Easter story in the Gospel of John reminds us that when Mary “saw the stone removed from the tomb” she “ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them.” Both of them, in turn ran to the tomb to confirm her story. When the disciples heard her tes mony, they acted immediately, although they cold not yet fully understand what was happening. Having been transformed through the power of the Resur-rec on, we too, are called to ac on, to a new kind of awak-ening. We are called to go out into the world and to share the reality of this salvific love, even as we seek to understand it, even as we search for hope, even though we do not yet fully comprehend God’s kingdom or our own role in its un-folding. Today, having the benefit of 2,000 years of church history and theology, we have in some ways a more complete pic-ture of the events of that first Easter Weekend. As Peter reminded the early church in the Acts of the Apostles, we

“know what has happened all over Judea.” We know of Christ’s life, death and resurrec on, of his grace-filled love and his mercy. And with this knowledge comes real respon-sibility: We, like Jesus, must go about doing good, focused on healing and uni ng. Peter’s reminders ring just as true today: We too are commissioned to tes fy to the truth of Christ’s life and to bear witness. Yet, in the midst of a fraught and divided poli cal climate, in the face of a refugee crisis, war, poverty, hunger and sor-row, it is easy to be tempted to despair. In mes of turmoil and trouble, it is easy to feel as though Christ has abandoned us and to feel hatred or anger toward our neighbor. But the Resurrec on calls us to transform those feelings into hope, love and compassion. It calls us to move outside of our-selves, our own wants and comforts. The Resurrec on is not only about new life but also about reconcilia on and union. As such it holds out a powerful message to a divided world. The restora ve power of the Resurrec on calls us to be transformed each day, by the power of God’s love. This is evident in the Gospels: Jesus is raised to new life. Peter is restored to communion with Jesus. Thomas is restored to faith. Mary Magdalene to hope. The Resurrec on also encourages the conversion of our imagina ons and teaches us to hope in ways we could not have done before. When we face the broken stated of the world, the Resurrec on invites us to imagine not just how to fix it but also how to cooperate in God’s remaking of it. Thankfully, we are not alone in the struggle. The Resurrec-

on inspires us, of course, but its power is in the fact that the risen One remains with us. It is not simply the idea of the Resurrec on but Christ himself who guides us, accompanies us, suffers and rejoices with us, even today. We are reminded of Christ’s transforma on and the need for our own week a er week in the words of the Mass: “Take this all of you and eat of it. This is my body, given up for you. Do this in memory of me.” We are called to receive the body of Christ. But we are also called to build it, and, as the martyred sisters did, to transform our indifference into involvement: take, give, do. Take me to pray. Give of yourself. Do something kind for someone. In leading merci-ful lives inspired by the Resurrec on, we both become and tend to the body of Christ.

TAKE, GIVE, DO From America Magazine


Siempre Adelante,

Fr. Mike

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, May 7 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Ted Brodeur Sunday, May 8 8:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Joe Theuma 10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Mary Kriebel 12 noon Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector Audrey Hamamoto 5:00 p.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Marco Lopez


MASS INTENTIONS † = Indicates Deceased Sunday, May 1 8:00 a.m. †John G. Weisenborn Amelia Patricia Tuala (Birthday) 10:00 a.m. Hasse Family Robert Cabutaje (Birthday) 12:00 noon †Sophie Greci †Irene O’Neal 5:00 p.m. Joan Aimerito Fr. Vincenzo Antolini Monday, May 2 8:00 a.m. Fr. Dave Kueter †Jose Ante 5:00 p.m. Fr. Vincenzo Antolini Katy Moran Tuesday, May 3 8:00 a.m. †Patricia Magee Fr. Dave Kueter †Leonor Garcia 5:00 p.m. †Frank Daylor Fr. Vincenzo Antolini Wednesday, May 4 8:00 a.m. Fr. Dave Kueter Fr. Vincenzo Antolini 5:00 p.m. Diane Adair (Birthday) David Sexton Thursday, May 5 8:00 a.m Pat Pa erson †Be ey Larimer †Jim Koblensky 5:00 p.m. †Erlinda Maano Kathy Ryder Friday, May 6 8:15 a.m. The Brown Family †Llyod Ava Twee 5:00 p.m. Jack Quinn †Enriqueta & Vicente Teodosio Saturday, May 7 8:00 a.m. †Patricia Erlendson 5:00 p.m. Thomas Murphy Philip & Bernandine DeSouza Family (25th Wedding Anniversary) Sunday, May 8 8:00 a.m. Mothers Day Novena †James “Buddy” Dougherty 10:00 a.m. Mothers Day Noverna The Trusevych Family 12:00 noon Mothers Day Novena 5:00 p.m. Mother Day Novena

SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The second reading from Revela ons gives us a picture of the new Jerusalem as a sign of the power and majesty of God. Yet the other two readings seem to describe a humble God who wishes "not to place on you any bur-den beyond . . . necessity" (Acts 15:28), and Jesus in the Gospel tells his disciples that "the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name . . . will teach you every-thing and remind you of all that I told you" (John 14:26). This gentleness reminds me of an icon by the Russian monk Andrei Rublev that depicts the Trinity as three an-gels bowing in deference to each other. This humility may be what moved Jesus to say that "the Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). It is certainly a unique way of understanding God. I used to think of free will as God's way of tes ng our worthiness for the kingdom of heaven. But it is more likely part of that same humility, God not being forced on us. While we are given ways to know God, especially through the scriptures and the wit-ness of those who went before us in faith, God leaves us free to believe or not, to love God or not. So does this mean God leaves us on our own to get through life? No, he gives us the Holy Spirit to teach and remind us of all that Jesus said. That "reminding" is an important way the Spirit helps us today. You may have spent years in religion classes or the RCIA process. When you need an answer to life's ques ons, the Spirit may remind you of something you heard from a teacher or read in the scrip-tures. As you pray over that ques on, the Spirit may help you understand how the scripture applies to you. So the more you read the Bible, the more likely that the Spirit will have something of which to remind you. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.



CONNECTING THE DOTS Spirituality Book Club Our spirituality book club will be next Monday on May 19th at 7:00 pm at Duffy’s home. We will be discussing the book, “The Enduring Heart,” by Wilkie Au. Call Deacon Rich Boucher for more in-forma on.

FAITH AND FICTION St. Cornelius Book Discussion Group

The next mee ng of the book club will be held on Monday, May 16 at 7:30 pm in the school li-brary. The book we will be discussing is “The Girls of Atomic City” by Denise Kiernan. We meet on the third Monday of every month, except December. You are welcome to join us. For further informa on, call Katy Ellis at 607-1100.

PRAYER LIST As many of you may have no ced our prayer list con-

nues to grow. O en mes family members and friends call us to ask that we pray for individuals dur-ing a trying health issue. Most of the me they do not call back to let us know if the person is well. Some have been returned to health, others may have returned to the Lord. Please contact the Recto-ry if your loved ones can be removed from the Pray-er List. Always remember that at each and every Mass we pray for those who are ill, names known and unknown. God always hears our prayers.

Helen Whitwell Ellen Bollinger Mar n Metz Alexis Teodosio Jason Taylor Andrea Boyles Donna Williams Sarah Irvine Maureen Walsh Michelle Stevens Lori Garcia David Wheeler Adam & Carla Mars Mary Larkin Harper Deaton Niko Greco Michelle Carranza Olivia Alvillar Sandee Bradley Marge Hengehold Jim Hall D.J. Barwick Albert & Olivia Howard Bob Early Peggy Hasse Dolores Lounsbury Randy Kunkel Jennifer Carey Marta L. Rodriguez Julienne Aoga Danny Castaneda Jeff Newon Eric Fairchild Barbara Bain Gabriela Paradiso Monica Frank Juan Carlos Andrade Arlene DeWalt Martha Burris Jenni Rojas

Frances Boudreau Lee Hicks Irene Brauer Silailai Tamasoa Christopher Cathart Jerry Siler Henry Sarnecki Helen Walsh Kevin Allan Fernando Rodriguez Larry Gaudy Kimberly Fregoso Ed Chandler Lourdes Coranda Frances Athey Mary Collins Kit Gonzalez Jeffrey Jorda Trisha Ward Joan Aimerito Peggy Pen s Rosa Claudia Lopez Jason Rosier Rick Briggs Luella Diel John Herrera Clara Milena Jimenez Catherine Warrens Melanie Liu Dean Cheney Deanne Schumacher Sio Patolo Brandon McKenzie Kasiano Alai Patricia Wolfe Margaret Haskins Samuel McCarthy Jim Alder Martha Montes Ferdie Ann Melinda Harne

Roxanne Lindsey Melanie Velasco Antoine e Utaoff Rafael Carigma Mark Carigma Travis Melnick Veronica Tolliver Sherill S llwell Judy Klenk Ed Barwick Todd Johnson Jonathan Kolt Tiffany Poblete Frank Novak Marck Chacarian Liz Smith Jack Alva Cooper Richard LaPorte Venus Butler Robert Dougherty Jenny Rivas Denise Pearson Michelle Lopez Bob LaRue Na vidad Blanco

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK For The Sick Who Have Asked To Be Remembered In Prayer:

Please Pray for the Souls of JOVITA PICAZZO



May They Rest in Peace

MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA If you wish to par cipate in the Mother’s Day Novena, please take one of the Mother’s Day envelopes at the doors of the church and return it to the rectory office. This is a special way for families to honor their mothers both living and deceased. A “Novena of Masses” will be offered for the inten ons of mothers beginning Sunday, May 8th at the 8:00 A.M. Mass.


SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Did You Know? Stress can affect your child Everyone has stress, whether it’s a bad day at work, car trouble, or simply too many things to do. It is important to learn how to manage your stress—for your own sake and for the children around you. Too much stress can make it hard to parent effec vely. A er a while, your children may show signs of being stressed out, too. For a fact sheet on managing stress please email:

COMMUNITY NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS First Holy Communions con nue - Mass Schedule The children of the parish school and Religious Edu-ca on program will be making their First Holy Communion at the following masses: Saturday, April 30, 5:00pm Sunday, May 1, 10:00am and 12:00noon The candidates par cipa ng in the Children’s cate-chumenate will celebrate their sacraments at the 10:00am Mass on Pentecost Sunday, May 15.

Please keep all the children and youth in your pray-ers as we welcome them to the Eucharis c table.

Liturgy of the Word for Children will be on hiatus through May 15.

Na onal Day of Prayer The children in the Religious Educa on Pro-gram will par cipate in the Na onal Day of Prayer. In the United States, the first Thursday of May has been set aside for this annual event. We hope, on Thursday, May 5, everyone will take me to remember in prayer our country, its leaders and the people who make up our communi es. The theme for this year is: “Lord, hear our cry.”

Save the date: VBS, July 11 – 15, 2016 @ St. Ma-ria Gore . Registra on forms are now availa-ble in the Religious Educa on Office and online.

PEOPLE FOR OTHERS People for Others trip to experience the Va can Splendors Exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presiden al Library. When: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Pickup me: 9:00 AM (Bus will arrive at 8:45 AM) Pickup loca on: St. Cornelius Church 5500 Wardlow Rd., Long Beach, CA 90808 Expected return me: 6:00 PM (return instruc-

ons will be given in the bus) For more details contact: John Gaudy (562) 597-6917 or Jenny Davidoff (562) 420-3425

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In the Gospel today, Jesus says to us, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” By your gi to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you also say to

those who are poor: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”

MEN OF ST. CORNELIUS The Men of St Cornelius will be mee ng for food, fellowship, and bowling, Thursday, May 19th from 6 pm - 8 pm at Cal Bowl, 2500 E Car-son St, Lakewood, CA 90712. The event in-cludes two hours of bowling, a pitcher of so drinks and pizza . A endance gets you unlim-ited fellowship with brothers and a couple of hours of fun. A $10 dona on is requested to help offset our cost. We ask that you invite a friend. If you are planning to a end please RSVP to We look forward to your a endance.


RESPECT LIFE NEWS & NOTES Calling all prayer warriors…

Our Rosary and Mass for Life is the first Sunday of every month beginning at 4:30pm right here at St.

Cornelius. May 1st and June 5th are the next two dates.

Are You a Social Media Guru? AudioGirl Ministries is looking for someone to han-

dle our social media presence - post to our Face-book and Twi er accounts on a regular basis, post

pictures to our Instagram account, and open up new avenues of communica on on other social me-dia sites. And you can do it all from the comfort of

your own home! If you’re interested call Sylvia at 562-429-1965.

Protest Planned Parenthood Recap The na onwide protest of Planned Parenthood on Saturday, April 23, was well a ended across the

country at 228 sites, with over 10,000 people par c-ipa ng. In Long Beach, 60 people showed up to

stand up for LIFE.

-The Power of 7 App -

A Pro Life Tutorial created by AudioGirl Ministries

The Power of 7 app is FREE and available NOW at Google Play and in The App Store.

Direct links available at For more info call Sylvia Aimerito at 562-429-1965

Sylvia Aimerito 562-429-1965 Like us on Facebook. Twi er @AudioGirlM.

CANDLES Candles can be purchased in the Rectory. The cost of candles is $5.00. The ligh ng of the candles is the responsibility of the buyer. For more informa on please contact the Rectory (562) 421-8966.

PENTECOST SUNDAY! Come join the Samoan Choir as they celebrate 24 years of service in the Music Ministry on Sunday, May 15th at 12pm. This is your opportunity to witness the Samoan culture movements inter-twine with our liturgical celebra on. All are welcome!

CARDINAL MCINTYRE FUND Cardinal McIntyre established the Archbish-op’s Fund for Charity in 1951 to be used in-support of otherwise unprovided for, charita-ble works. The Cardinal McIntrye Fund for Charity isn’t a subs tute for other forms of public aid. The fund provides parish priests with the means to help persons immediately.

Your contribu ons to the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity make you a sharer in our parishes' works of mercy, and in their re-wards of grace. You are helping to serve “the neediest of those in need” — children, families and individuals throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for whom no other resources exist.

Please be generous, and thank you for your support.



A PLOT FOR SALE In sec on D of All Souls Catholic Cemetery, one plot for sale $6,500,

it is for 2 people, never been used, current price is $9,000 per my inquire on February 24,2016.

$500.00 will be donated to church.

Please contact Liz Gonzalez at (714) 396-4228 for more informa on.

PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers - Mike & Irene More ne 420-4565 Altar Society - Vicky Hudson & Nellie Cabulaje 421-8966 Ancient Order Of Hibernians - Daniel McGowan 826-6140 Bereavement - Nancy Himes 928-2474 Cub Scouts - Shawn P. Kelly (714) 713-2015 Choir Director - Joe Patolo 421-8966 Cursillo - Frank Diaz 972-6195 Deten on Ministry - Sr. Teresa Dougherty 429-0033 EM & Lector Coordinator - Michele Bradley 420-6481 Hospital Ministry - Frank Schmidt 225-7571 Italian Catholic Federa on - Stephanie Hardy 544-2222 Steve Dipietro 225-9447 Knights of Columbus - Victor Magana 420-3214

LB Young Adult Ministry - Jason Pillon 716-2608 Music Coordinator - Kathy Clay 420-3894 Parent Board - Laura Goglia 425-7813 People for Others - Jenny Davidoff 420-3425 Project Achieve - Kathy Cabral 429-3835 RCIA - Sr. Kathleen Burns, S.N.D 496-3224 Religious Educa on - Evelyn Padian 420-7613 Respect Life - Sylvia Aimerito 429-1965 Sacred Heart Retreats - Pam Branch 421-9087 St. Vincent de Paul - Claudia Meza 421-8011 Safeguard the Children - Mary Brady 425-5541 School - Nancy Hayes, Principal 425-7813 Seniors Group - Rectory Office 421-8966 Serra Club - Richard MacDonald 425-1863 Sick & Elderly - Sr. Claire 496-3339 Ushers - Sam McCarthy 594-8212 Wedding Coordinator - Silvia Cerna 421-8966 Wedding Rehearsals- Chris ne Cramer 421-8966