St. Mary of Ostrabrama Church · 2019-09-18 · BAPTISMS: Fourth Sunday of the month at 1 PM....

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St. Mary of Ostrabrama Church 30 Jackson Street, South River, NJ 08882

Phone: 732-254-2220 Fax: 732-651-8182


PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Saint Mary of Ostrabrama Parish, a Roman

Catholic Community, embraces the teachings of Jesus Christ by fostering our rich traditions and serving the needs of others. Through worship,

sacrament and prayer, all are invited to join with us as we continue to inspire and strengthen

our parish family.

AUGUST 20, 2017 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Rev. Michael J. Gromadzki Pastor

Thomas F. Dominiecki, Deacon Emeritus

Mark Hennicke Deacon

Mr. Lawrence Lasko, Director of Sacred Music Mrs. Gayle Spezio, Assistant Administrator Ms. Jeanette Vega, Cemetery Coordinator

Mrs. Rosemary Eckert, P.C.L., Faith Formation





Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (Children’s Liturgy), 12:00 N (Polish)

Saturday: Vigil Mass 4:00 PM

Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.: 8:00 AM / Thurs: 6:30 PM {Weekday Masses are in the Chapel except for Holy Days}

Holy Days of Obligation: 8:00 AM, 12:15 PM, 7:00 PM

ROSARY: Prayed before daily Mass & before 4 PM Vigil & 8:30 AM

Sunday Mass.

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Every Monday following the 8:00 AM Mass.

DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Prayed following all weekday Masses.

CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 11:00 AM-12:00 Noon or by appointment.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

CEMETERY OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM


“O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.”


SATURDAY (SOBOTA), AUGUST 19 4 PM +Eleanor Grygo Req. by: Husband, Milton

SUNDAY (NIEDZIELA), AUGUST 20 8:30 Pro Populo / For the People of the Parish 10:30 +Letizia, Pasquale & Palma Blandino Req. by: Grace & Bob Tagliente 12 N +Stanislaw & Henryk Filipowicz Req. by: Pasanowic Family

MONDAY (PONIEDZIALEK), AUGUST 21 St. Pius X, Pope 8 AM +Louis Rojek Req. by: Wife

TUESDAY (WTOREK), AUGUST 22 The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8 AM +Sophie Witkowski Req. by: St. Mary’s Parishioners

WEDNESDAY (SRODA), AUGUST 23 Weekday / St. Rose of Lima, Virgin 8 AM +John & Mary Giera Req. by: Phyllis & Janice

THURSDAY (CZWARTEK), AUGUST 24 St. Bartholomew, Apostle 6:30PM +Marie Shanley Req. by: Ed Shanley

FRIDAY (PIATEK), AUGUST 25 Weekday / St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz, Priest 8 AM +Wesley Halicki Req. by: Loretta & Jozef Halicki

SATURDAY, (SOBOTA), AUGUST 26 Weekday / BVM 4 PM +Zachary Walus Lazar Req. by: Fr. Michael Gromadzki

SUNDAY (NIEDZIELA), AUGUST 27 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 +Alex L. Olender Req. by: Children 10:30 Pro Populo / For the People of the Parish 12 N +Rozalia & Andrzej Wywrot Req. by: Wywrot Family

MASS INTENTIONS . . . Anyone wishing to present the gifts at the Offertory of the Mass, kindly speak to an usher prior to the beginning of Mass. Family members of those for whom the Mass is offered are always welcomed and encouraged to present the gifts and given priority.

PARISH REGISTRATION: All parishioners should be registered. Parishioners over the age of 18 should register independently of their parents. It is necessary to be a registered parishioner for at least 3 months in order for us to provide testimonial letters. Kindly notify the Parish Office of any changes.

BAPTISMS: Fourth Sunday of the month at 1 PM. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements prior to making social plans. Parents & godparents must attend instructions on the third Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM in the Seniors’ Room. MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least one year in advance, prior to making social plans. SICK CALLS: Arrangements for communion calls to the sick can be made by calling the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish Office when a parishioner is in the hospital. Emergency calls are made at any time.

PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (PREP): Instruction in the Catholic Faith for children in grades 1-8. Classes are held from September to April on Monday afternoons from 4:30 - 5:45 PM. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): A process of prayer, study, & spiritual formation which prepares unbaptized adults & adults baptized outside the Catholic Church to be in full communion.. Any adult 18 years of age or older who desires becoming a Catholic should call the Parish Office.


Artists. That artists of our time, through their ingenuity, may help everyone discover the beauty of creation.


“For gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.”

- Romans 11:20

God has a special mission in mind for each of us. He has given us the gifts we need to accomplish that mission. We are called to be good stewards by using those gifts to do the work that He has planned for each of us. If we deny our gifts or fail to use them as God calls us to use them, then some part of His work will be left undone.

Sunday, August 20 Pre-Baptism Class 11:30 am, Msgr. Wujek Room

Monday, August 21 No Seniors’ Meeting Mass at South River Landing 2:00 PM

Tuesday, August 22 Cenacle Prayer Group 8:30 am, Chapel Holy Hour with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament

Friday, August 25 Parish Office Closed - Summer Hours

Saturday, August 26 Confessions 11:00 am C.O.P.E. Project Collection

Sunday, August 27 C.O.P.E. Project Collection Polish Heritage Society Coffee & Cake 1 pm, Parish Ctr.


+Jane Magiera Chadwick - Family


Sanctuary Candle ~ Church +Ronald Creed - Stan & Marie Gdula

Blessed Mother’s Altar Candles +Stephanie Brodzicki - Vera & John

Sacred Heart Altar Candles +Ronald Wilson - Singer Family

Candle for St. Joseph +Nicholas & Katherine Lebed - Family

Candle For St. Anthony +Uncle Chester - Thomas & Nicholas Florczak

Our Lady of Ostrabrama Candles +Stanley Danek - Caroline & Family

Sanctuary Candle ~ Chapel Birthday Blessings for Louise & Richard Repack -

Gayle & Jeff

Divine Mercy Candles ~ Chapel +Kazimiera & Jozef Jakubowski - Corka Kazia

St. Anne’s Altar {Not available this week due to construction}

La Pieta Grotto Candles +Sophie Witkowski - St. Mary’s Parishioners

Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements to donate candles or wine

& hosts in honor of a loved one.


In addition to Mass intentions, St. Mary’s offers a variety of options to remember your loved

ones or special occasions. All of the following are available throughout the year. The names and/or intentions will be printed in the bulletin for that week. Please contact the Parish Office for details and availability.

Altar Flowers: Available weekly for specific areas in the church & chapel except Lent & Advent

Wine & Hosts: Available for Masses for one week Candle Intentions: Available weekly for specific

areas in the church & chapel Memorial Room Candles: Available monthly Memorial Room Plaques: Various sizes available Tree of Life: Leaves still available

REMEMBER THE SICK & HOMEBOUND, especially: Cindy Abreu-Maia, Mrs. Marlene Ahde, Nina Argresta, Charlotte & Ted Batko, Marie Borichewski, Patricia Brink, Virginia Brown, Cathy Christan, Lynette Cucco, Thomas DelGuercio, Mary Dzienkowski, Tom Fackovec, Evelyn Fafara, Penelope Fry, Sophie Galinski, John Ganser, Matthew Giardelli, Maryann Goccia, Amelia Halmo, Irene Hanko, Jean Hill, Eleanor Holz, Helen Hydrusko, Rose Johnson, Edward Jurewicz, Catheryn Kelly, Jason Klee, Marion Kovacs, Joan Krenzel, Mary P. Lementowicz, Michael Lucas, Pearl Markowski, Anthony Martino, Wanda Massaro, Dorothy McMahon, Hannah Grace Michlik, Rozalia Milkowski, Kazia Naglik, Maria Nunez, Adela Ogrodnik, Joe Pawelek, Shona Pietraczenko, Nicholas Piacenti, Anne Piersanti, Stanley Plewa, Cecelia Polanski, Ann Marie Puchala, Kevin Rasimowicz, C. Rasmussen, Rose Razzano, Walter & Edna Rice, Sr. Rosangela, Rosalie Rudy, Sean Ryan, Steven Samuel, Gregory Sciscoe, Stephen Soehngen, Mary Swider, Joe Szumski, Pauline Terelmes, Sylvia Thrasher, Christine Tobin, Maria Uzzo, Juan Velazquez, Arlene Watson, Claire Watson, Karolina Wojciechowski, Edward Wolanin, Jr., Kathryn Wolanin, Barbara Zambrzicky, Henry Ziolkowski.



+James Cosentino

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Shop-Rite Certificates

Everyone needs to shop for groceries & prescriptions. The certificates program

is a means for St. Mary’s to earn five cents on every dollar spent at Shop-Rite without any additional cost to shoppers. Certificates are available before and after all Masses at the entrances of the church, or may be purchased at the Parish Office during regular office hours.

Rebuild my CHURCH


God will never be outdone in generosity. Please remember

St. Mary’s Parish in your Will & Testament!

The repairs you are witnessing in our Beautiful Church are the results of donations and remembrances in our Parishioners Last Will & Testaments. Thank you & Bóg Zapłać for your generosity!!!


St. Mary’s Parish is totally dependent upon the generosity of its parishioners for parish support. Our church support program is called “Sacrificial Giving”. Each individual parishioner or family is asked to consistently give “their fair share”, in support of their parish in a spirit of thanksgiving to God, to enable our parish church to carry out the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. The envelopes provided for you are to be used as gift wrappers for each sacrificial gift you give to the Lord. Please be generous, since God is generous to us.

Sunday Collection - August 13, 2017

Weekly $3,660.00 Building Fund $1,759.00

Thank You & God Bless You! Bóg Zapłać!  

St. Mary of Ostrabrama Building Restoration Project Update . . .

Balance: $35,296.53


**Please patronize our advertisers** They make our bulletin possible.

Our next Parish Raffle is scheduled for Sunday, September 3, 2017 ~ just two weeks away! Please send in your raffle tickets as

soon as possible. First Prize of our June raffle was $1,485. You could be our next big prize winner! Please support this important fundraiser for our parish. Additional tickets are available after Mass at the entrances of the church or in the Parish Office during business hours.


Choir rehearsals are held on Thursdays, 7:30 pm in the Sister Columbine Room in the lower church.

New members, especially Men, are always welcome and needed. See our organist.

Dear Father Gromadzki, Please extend my sincere thanks to the parishioners of St. Mary of Ostrabrama Parish for their generous response to the 2017 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. With pledges totaling $42,315.47, your parish achieved 100.75% of its $42,000 goal. I am confident that your parishioners will fulfill their pledges by year end at which time you will receive a rebate equal to 50% of the amount collected over goal. I am particularly grateful to you, your staff and your parish coordinators for the Appeal who worked so hard to ensure our success. Through your efforts, and those of pastors, parish teams and generous parishioners across the diocese, total contributions exceeded $8 mil-lion. This is the highest amount the diocese has ever raised for our annual appeal and we had the highest number of donors in many years, too. Money raised over our goal will allow us to fund needed ministries that have been putting our diocese into deficit spending in recent years; so these above-goal funds will enable us to work at cutting that diocesan deficit we have been experiencing. With renewed best wishes, I am

Yours in Christ, Most Reverend James F. Checchio,

JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen




If you have not yet done so, please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible to register for St. Mary’s PREP Program for 2017-2018 school year so books can be ordered.

Our PREP Program is for Grades 1-8 and classes are held on Mondays, 4:30 to 5:45 pm. For additional information, please call the Parish Office.

PREP Program will begin on Monday, September 18, 2017 at 4:30 pm with Mass. All are invited to join us for Mass as we begin a new PREP school year. No registration will be taken the first day of class.

The Christian Initiation process is a privileged and challenging form of adult formation. Its complexity flows from the need for the process to be authentically truthful, personal, and unitive. Each person’s conversion journey is unique. Each year on Holy Saturday, during the Easter Vigil, the church welcomes new members in the third step in the Christian Initiation of Adults with the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. Through the final step, the elect receive pardon for their sins and are admitted into the people of God. If you or someone you know may be interested in becoming Catholic or receiving the sacraments, please contact the Parish Office.


The Holy Name will be asking for contributions for their C.O.P.E. Program for September disbursement after all Masses next weekend, August 26/27.

Thank you for your support.

St. Mary’s Holy Name Society PARISH PICNIC

Sunday, September 10, 2017 12 noon to 6 pm

Come enjoy friends, music, games & the fabulous food.

Tickets are on sale: Sundays after all Masses and in the Parish Office

during business hours.

Ticket Price: $15 for Adults / $5 for Children under 12. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $20 for Adults.

PLEASE HELP … St. Mary’s Holy Name Society is seeking donations of new items for the 2017 Parish Picnic Tricky Tray. These items can be dropped off at the Parish Office during business hours.

For information, contact Peter Eckert at 732-254-0283.

Memorial Room Candle Intentions August 2017

+ Paul Shepsko,Stella

+ Robert & Dorothy Pogroszewski,Dotty,Sharon&Michelle

+ Joan M. Uler,Ron

+ Blandino & Tagliente Families

+ Chester Zubrzycki,Dorothy

+Frank & Rita Rzigalinski

+Anthony & Ruth Alexander

+Joan York


Flowers for the Week of August 20, 2017

Blessed Mother’s Altar Flowers were donated in Thanksgiving

From Stephanie Lam

27 Sierpnia Zwiazek Polonii serdecznie zaprasza wszystkich do Centrum Parafialnego po Mszy Sw. o godz. 12:00 na kawe i ciasto.

On August 27, after 12 noon Mass, Polish Heritage Society invites everyone to Parish Center for coffee and cake.


Silver & Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration

You are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th or50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church ofMetuchen. Renew your marriage vows with BishopJamesF.ChecchioataspecialEveningPrayerServiceintheCathedralofSt.FrancisofAssisi,Metuchen.

Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 4:00 PM

Forms must be signed by your priest, pastoralminister or deacon and returned to the Family LifeOf iceby theparishof ice. Application formswill beaccepted by the Family Life Of ice until the deadlineforregistrationFriday,September1st.

For further information, please call the Family Life Of ice at 732-562-1990 x1705 or 4573 or email:


Bishop Checchio will offer Mass for all those engaged in farming and other agricultural related businesses on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 5 p.m. - Saint Ann Parish, 6 Church Street, Hampton, NJ. Families and individuals who are involved in all aspects of agricultural production and services, such as tree farmers and nursery, horticulture, landscapers and lawn care service providers and home or community gardeners and bee keepers, are invited to attend. Fellowship and light refreshments to follow Mass. So

that we may plan properly, please register online by August 20, 2017:

RuralLifeMass . Sponsored by the Diocese of Metuchen’s Catholic Rural Life Ministry.

Questions? Contact Rev. Michael C. Saharic, Coordinator at (732) 765-6435 or


Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen link faith-based values with academic excellence. It's a formula that leads to success in the classroom and in life. If you are new to the area or desire a

different school experience for your child, we invite you to learn more about the Catholic school advantage.

School may be out for the summer, but our doors are open year round. The Diocese of Metuchen's Office of Schools can connect you with a school in your area. To speak to a staff member in our Office of Schools, please call (732) 562-2446 or email:


Our Lady of Peach Church Amboy Avenue, Fords

Saturday, September 16, Parish Center 5:00.p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Great food, Disc Jockey, vendors

World Apostolate of Fatima Our Lady’s Blue Army Shrine

674 Mountain View Road East, Asbury, NJ

Saturday, September 2, 2017

“You at Least Try to Console Me.”

All are invited to honor Our Lady’s plea of December 10, 1925 requesting Five First Saturday’s of Reparation. Confessions: 10:30 am; 11:30 am Rosary w/15 minutes of meditation Fr. Charles Sabella; 12 noon Holy Mass/Homily Fr. Sabella; 2 pm Holy House: Confessions, children’s video, Holy House talk; 3 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet.

“And have you spread through the world what our heavenly Mother requested of you?”

For information: or call 908-689-1700 x 210.

Body of Christ Prayer Group Life in the Spirit Seminar

St. Francis Cathedral Main Street & 32 Elm Avenue, Metuchen, NJ

September 14 through October 26, 2017 Seven Thursday Evenings, 7:30 pm

For information: contact Tom Mockoviak or call 732-549-4740