St. Nicholas Catholic

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Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to live the Gospel through the spirit of kindness and

generosity of our patron Saint.

Our multicultural community values a strong commitment to life-long spiritual growth through Word and Sacraments, a devotion

to nurturing the Catholic faith of the younger generations and sharing the many gifts God has given us for the benefit of others.


VOL. XV, NO 47

Oct 16, 2016

St. Nicholas Catholic Church 514 MARION AVE., PLATTEVILLE, CO 80651

Phone and Fax: 970-785-2143

Pastor: Father Juan Manuel Bonilla

Deacon John Volk

Deacon Mike Otero

Deacon Cecil Gingerich

Sunday Masses:

11:15 am - English

12:45 pm – Spanish


Monday and First Friday - 6:00

pm - Bilingual

Communion Service:

Wednesday - 6:00 pm

Confessions: Monday and First Friday -

5:00- 6:00 PM

Adoration: Monday, Wednesday and First

Friday 5:00 – 6:00 PM


Wednesday & Friday:

11:30 – 3:30 P.M.


Wednesday & Friday:

12:00 – 3:00 P.M.

For assistance when the office

is closed,

call Liz at 970-227-8805

After Hour Emergency




Oct 17


Oct 18


Oct 19


Oct 20


Oct 21


Oct 22


Oct 23

Eph 2:1-10

Ps 100:1-5

Lk 12:13-21

Eph 2:12-22

Ps 85:9-14

Lk 12:35-38

Eph 3:1-2

Is 12:1-6

Lk 12:39-48

Eph 3:14-21

Ps 33:1-19

Lk 12:49-53

Eph 4:1-6

Ps 24:1-6

Lk 12:54-59

Eph 4:7-16

Ps 122:1-5

Lk 13:1-9

Sir 35:12-18

Ps 34:1-23

2 Tim 4:6-18

Lk 18:9-14

St. Nicholas Schedule

Sunday, Oct 16 Children’s Liturgy Sunday

9:30 am, RE Class

9:30 am, Parent Classes

Monday, Oct 17 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

5:00 pm, Confessions, 6:00 pm, Mass

Tuesday, Oct 18 7:00 pm, RCIA Classes Begin

7:00 pm, Knights of Columbus, Johnstown

Wednesday, Oct 19

Thursday, Oct 20 7:00 pm, English Bible Study, contact Frank Llanas

Friday, Oct 21

Saturday, Oct 22

Sunday, Oct 23 9:30 am , RE Classes

9:30 am, Parent Classes

9:45 am, Parent Meeting, Spanish

Monday, Oct 24 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

5:00 pm, Confessions, 6:00 pm, Mass

7:00 pm, Spanish Baptismal Prep Class, preregister required

Tuesday, Oct 25 7:00 pm, RCIA Class

Wednesday, Oct 26 7:00 pm, Assisted Suicide Proposition 106, exploring the

unintended effects with (Dr.) John Volk, Platteville

Elementary Library – for all voters

Thursday, Oct 27 7:00 pm, English Bible Study, contact Frank Llanas

Friday, Oct 28

Saturday, Oct 29

Mass Intentions: Sunday, Oct 16

11:30 am: Mary Chacon and Soul of Florentino


12:45 pm: Soul of Francisco Javier Ortiz

Monday, Oct 17, 6:00 pm: Soul of Doug Hanson

Sunday, Oct 23

11:15 am: Souls of Sherry Lyn Slate and Floyd


12:45 pm: Soul of Elide de Espadas Avita

Mon, Oct 24, 6:00 pm: Souls of Tranquilino, Jose

and Abdon Nevarez

Remember in your prayers Parishioners that are:


Homebound or infirm:

Sick or injured: Alma Gingerich

Recently Deceased:

Other needs:

And our family and friends: Frederick Hurst

Please pray for the following seminarians this

week: Sile Wilfred Kone, Manuel Alarcon,

Yaroslav Cherniavskyi, Patrick DiLoreto, Micah

Flores, Jason DiRito, Donald Rasolofoarimanana

Names will stay on the list for two weeks, if you want a name to

continue beyond the two weeks, please call the office.

RE Thanksgiving Food Drive

October 30 – November 20

Stewardship – Time, Talent and Treasure

Stewardship to me means helping others enjoy our Church as much I do. I help as a Lector to humbly and spiritually read the word of God. I like to read, and I try to convey what the reading says and how it speaks to me throughout the year!

I also joined the Pastoral Council to help with the needs of Father Juan for Masses and Holy Days. It’s nice to work together with fellow parishioners to reach a common goal!

I help with our Facebook page so that we can reach a whole new generation of young adults and try spreading our ministry not only to the surrounding areas, but to the whole world! We have followers and visitors to our Facebook page from several other countries! -Francisco Llanas

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 Reading I : Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 The Lord is a God of justice. In the ancient Near East, it was the king's special duty to care for the most helpless members of the society. In Israel, God was the Most High King, and so those who were orphaned, widowed, and oppressed were the special concern of God. The basic principle of Israelite law was to be like God. Reading II : 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 I have fought the good fight. The section from the Second Letter of Paul to Timothy includes a description of Paul's expectation of reward for his faithful service. Today's letter emphasizes that death endured with Jesus will result in life with him. Paul anticipated divine protection for his continued faithful service. Gospel : Luke 18:9-14 Everyone who exalts him or herself shall be humbled. In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, Jesus contrasts the attitudes of two people praying. The paradox here is that the prayer of the tax collector was preferred by God. In the parable, Jesus once again combats the self-righteous attitudes that threaten spiritual growth. Theme: God knows and sees our hearts. Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel Step One: Listen to the Word As you hear the word proclaimed today, what word or phrase strikes you? In this parable, what image comes to mind for you? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: Jesus teaches us to be humble – but what does that mean? How do you show you are humble? Question for Youth: God knows when we are doing things just for show, and when they come from the goodness of our heart. When have you caught yourself doing something just to be more popular or liked? How does it feel to do something that you know is good and just? Question for Adults: This Gospel reading suggests that we approach God and each other with humility. What does this mean, in practical terms? How do we "humble" ourselves? What does that mean? Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings: Today's readings teach us that God has a special concern for people who are poor and lowly. In what way is that concern reflected in your parish? In your family? Reflect as a family on your attitudes about those who are poor in your community. Discuss ways your attitudes need to change and how you as a family will make the changes needed. Volunteer your time at a shelter for the homeless, a soup kitchen, a thrift store, a literacy program, or some other facility that reaches out to people who are poor. Try to get to know as persons the people who come there. Jesus addressed today's parable to those who thought they were better than everyone else. Together with your family, discuss the importance of being yourself and not trying to be like someone else. Talk about the dangers of regarding other people as "better than" or "less than" yourself. Sit down with your family and come up with a good definition for the word humble. Use the dictionary, or write the definition in your own words. What does the word humble mean? Challenge your family to live the definition of humble. Make a commitment to live as humbly as you can for one week.

30º domingo en tiempo ordinario 23 de Octubre, 2016 Primera Lectura : Sirácides 35:12-14, 16-18 El Señor es un Dios de justicia. En el antiguo Cercano Oriente, el rey tenía una responsabilidad especial de cuidar de los miembros más indefensos de la sociedad. En Israel, Dios era el Más Altísimo Rey, así que los huérfanos, los viudos y los oprimidos eran la responsabilidad especial de Dios. El principio básico de la ley israelita era ser como Dios. Segunda Lectura : 2 Timoteo 4:6-8, 16-18 He peleado el buen combate. La sección de la Segunda Carta de Pablo a Timoteo incluye una descripción de la expectativa de Pablo de ser premiado por su servicio fiel. La carta de hoy enfatiza que la muerte de Jesús resultará en una vida con él. Pablo anticipó protección divina por su continuo servicio fiel. Evangelio : Lucas 18:9-14 Todo el que se ensalza a sí mismo será humillado. En la parábola del fariseo y el recolector de impuestos, Jesús contrasta las actitudes de dos personas que rezan. La paradoja aquí es que la oración del recolector de impuestos fue la que Dios prefirió. En la parábola, una vez más, Jesús combate las actitudes de santurrón que atentan contra el crecimiento espiritual. Tema: Dios conoce y ve nuestros corazones. Apuntes de la Palabra Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra Al escuchar la palabra de hoy, ¿qué palabra o frase les llama la atención? En esta parábola, ¿qué imagen les viene a la mente? Paso dos: Examinar su vida Pregunta para los niños: Jesús nos enseña a ser humildes, pero ¿qué significa eso? ¿Cómo muestran que son humildes? Pregunta para los jóvenes: Dios sabe cuando hacemos cosas sólo para presumir y cuando son por la bondad de nuestro corazón. ¿Cuándo te has encontrado haciendo algo sólo para ser más popular o apreciado? ¿Cómo se siente hacer algo que sabes que es bueno y justo? Pregunta para los adultos: La lectura de este Evangelio sugiere que nos acerquemos a Dios y a los demás con humildad. ¿Qué significa esto en términos prácticos? ¿Cómo nos "humillamos" a nosotros mismos? ¿Qué significa eso? Elijan una de las siguientes actividades como una forma de reflexión sobre las lecturas del domingo: Las lecturas de hoy nos enseñan que Dios se preocupa de manera especial por los pobres y desamparados. ¿En qué manera se refleja esa preocupación en su parroquia? ¿En su familia? En familia, reflexionen sobre sus actitudes hacia los pobres de su comunidad. Comenten en qué deben cambiar sus actitudes y cómo ustedes como familia harán los cambios necesarios. Ofrezcan su tiempo para trabajar como voluntarios en un refugio para los que no tienen hogar, un comedor de beneficencia, una tienda económica para gente pobre, un programa de alfabetización o cualquier otra organización que se dedique a los pobres. Traten de conocer a las personas que van a esos sitios. Jesús dirigió la parábola de hoy a aquéllos que se creían que eran más importantes que los demás. En familia, hablen de la importancia de ser su propia persona y no tratar de ser como alguien más. Hablen de los peligros de ver a las otras personas como "mejores que" o "peores que" ustedes. Siéntense en familia y busquen una buena definición para la palabra humilde. Usen el diccionario o escriban la definición en sus propias palabras. ¿Qué significa la palabra humilde? Reten a su familia a vivir la definición de humilde. Comprométanse a vivir lo más humildemente posible durante una semana.

Anniversary Blessings Oct 18: Isaac and Malyka Korgan – 13 years

Oct 20: Gilberto and Isabel Paz – 19 years

Oct 21: Gerardo and Yolanda Camarillo – 22 years

Birthday Blessings Oct 16: Jose Quinones

Oct 17: Rene Castillo, Bruce Quezada

Oct 18: Jose Luis Murillo, Eva Hernandez

Oct 19: Laura Sandoval, Iris Lozoya, Edgar Robles

Oct 20: RudyChacon, Emily Maltos, Miguel Velarde

Oct 21: Faosto Rivera

Oct 22: Rigoberto Penilla Mendoza

Keep up with the latest news and events, find us online at: or

Kids – Father Juan Manuel wants you to memorize the following Bible verse: John 20:22

If you can recite it for him during the next Children’s Homily on November 20, he will have a prize for you!

Flocknote is our new communication system.

Flocknote will allow us to get important information to you –

either directly on your phone or to your email or both – your


We can use Flocknote to remind you of important events, like

today’s Parish Picnic. Or that a Monday Mass has been

cancelled, because Father Juan will be out of town.

You will hear more from us about Flocknote in the coming

weeks. Please listen, ask questions and get ready to sign up.

Sign-ups began today. If you missed the clipboards you find

them in the back of the church or you may contact the office

to sign-up. We will need your email address (if you have one)

and a phone number that received texts.

Sept 28 – Nov 6

Join us in prayer and fasting

to bring an end to abortion.

How Will You Pass on Your Catholic Legacy? Just as we plan to ensure financial health for our families, we

must plan for the health of our “faith families.” Your deferred

gift to St. Nicholas Platteville Parish Fund held at The Catholic

Foundation will provide financial support for the many

generations to come.

What a wonderful way to steward your finances to pass along

your faith and love for your parish. You have an amazing

Catholic legacy…Pass It On!

For a free consultation about the advantages of making a

planned gift to The Catholic Foundation for the benefit of St.

Nicholas Platteville Parish Fund or favorite Catholic

organization, please contact Jean Finegan at the Foundation

at 303.867.0613 or visit

We Need You Each

First Saturday!

Next Prayer in the

Square event will be:


November 5 9 a.m. - Bilingual Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the

Immaculate Conception

* Celebrant: Fr. Jorge Rodriguez – Denver’s new Auxiliary


* Concelebrant: Monsignor Bernard Schmitz – Vicar for


10 a.m. - Bilingual Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet on the

West Steps of the Capitol

This is not a political rally, but there isn’t a more pressing

time to join in prayer.

Meditation: Luke 18:1-8 When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

(Luke 18:8)

What a peculiar way to end this parable! Why did Jesus link

his second coming to the story of a persistent widow? Let’s look

at a couple of possible answers.

Perhaps this widow represents the Church. While we have

been given the Eucharist, the Scriptures, and many other gifts

and blessings, we are still waiting for Jesus to return. While we

wait, we can feel as if we are “aliens and sojourners,” living

apart from our true home (1 Peter 2:11). We can feel quite

defenseless against temptation and the lies of the devil. At times

we can feel as desperate for help as this widow, longing for


Do you think life will be this way when Jesus comes again?

Not at all! He will usher in a perfect world marked by peace and

harmony. There will be no more sickness, divorce, poverty,

division, war, or death. The wolf and the lamb, the leopard and

the goat, and the calf and the lion will all live together

peacefully (Isaiah 11:6). When Jesus comes again, life is going

to be fantastic, beyond our wildest imagination!

This is where a second possibility comes in: We as a Church

must be vigilant until the day when Jesus returns. Like the

widow, the challenging circumstances that we live in call for

one response: persistence, especially in prayer. We need to pray

every day, “Come, Lord Jesus!” And we need to pray

continually for our daily bread, for forgiveness, and for strength

against temptation.

The application of this parable to our daily lives is much less

about Jesus finding faith when he returns and much more about

our call to be persistent and hopeful in prayer. May we all pray

for an outpouring of grace upon the Church and the world. May

we all be vigilant in prayer so that we won’t fall to temptation.

May we all keep our hearts aflame for him as we persist in

prayer for his return in glory.

“Lord, help us to persevere and put our whole hope in you

until the day you come again.”

Reprinted with permission of The Word Among Us,

Parish Information Pastor: Father Juan Manuel Bonilla 970-587-2879

Deacon: John Volk 970-330-1042

Deacon: Mike Otero 970-635-2913

Deacon Cecil Gingerich 303-476-0000

Business Manager: Wendy Mast 970-539-6253

Co-Director of Religious Education:

Liz Krueger 970-227-8805

Estella Robles 970-576-1290

Spanish Coordinator:

Estella Robles 970-576-1290

Altar and Rosary Meeting, 2nd Sunday of month, 10:00A.M.

co-presidents: Juanita Garcia 970-301-8652

Betty Gutfelder 970-737-2255

Altar Servers:

Frank & Connie Llanas 970-785-2167

Baptisms: Prior registration for class is required.

Classes: English 2nd Monday and Spanish 4th Monday, parish hall

Contact Parish Office 970-785-2143

Bible Study: Wednesday in Spanish 7:00 pm, Parish Hall

Thursdays in English 7:00 p.m., contact Frank Llanas

Frank Llanas 970-785-2167

Community Giving Cards:

Emil Zeiler 303-875-6106

Funeral Dinners:

Betty Gutfelder 970-737-2255

Susan Zeiler 970-785-2528

Knights of Columbus:

Joe Krueger 303-857-2894

Maintenance Committee:

Marriage Preparation Classes: contact Deacon John

Music Ministry:

Elaine McIrvin - English 303-710-1062

Lola Cabrera - Spanish 970-785-6196

Pastoral Council: First Mondays at 7:00 p.m.

Presidents: Francisco Llanas

Secretary: Margaret Salamanca

Representatives: Alma Gingerich, Alyshia Medina, and Anadine


Prayer Chain:

Liz Krueger 970-227-8805

Connie Llanas 970- 785-2167

Emil Zeiler 303-875-6106

Rental of Parish Hall:

Wendy Mast 970-539-6253

Youth Ministry:

Reyna Cruz 970-576-2264

Religious Education: every Sunday 9:30-11:00 (Sept-May)

Call News for the Bulletin to:

Wendy 970-785-2143


Catholic Chaplain @ North CO Med Center 970-392-2034

Saint of the Day

St. Gerard Majella

Feast Day: Oct 16


Patron saint of expectant mothers

To learn more visit

O glorious Saint Nicholas, the noble preacher of

Christ, thou art a great and fervid helper of those

in difficulties, of those who are on land, and of

those who are at sea, all-compassionate, a

precious intercessor for those who are far off and

those who are near. Wherefore, in our gathering

we shout to thee to intercede with the Lord, that

we be delivered from every tribulation.

St. Nicholas

of Myra