St. Paul’s Lutheran Church … · St. Paul’s Lutheran Church May 3, 2020 . 1201 Main Street,...

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St. Paul’s Lutheran Church May 3, 2020

1201 Main Street, Onalaska



St. Paul’s


St Paul’s Mission Statement: "St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church exists to support each other with God's Word and sacraments, share Christ with our community and the world, and serve others in Christian love."

Welcome to worship at St. Paul’s! The empty tomb of Easter gives us great joy, and yet, in our everyday lives of faith, we face many struggles and difficulties. The same was true for 1st century Christians, and so the apostle Peter wrote them a letter to encourage them in their faith and to remind them of the living hope they had in Christ. In the weeks after Easter, we’ll be looking at 1 Peter and rejoice in the everyday blessings that the empty tomb of Easter gives.

Today’s Theme:

Everyday Easter Blessings: The Empty Tomb Gives Us a Place in the Good Shepherd’s Flock


Preacher: Pastor Shane Krause Musicians: The Olson Family and Marlie Krause

© 2008 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Lyrics and music printed in today’s service folder and viewed on the screens are used by permission through CCLI #1906774 and OneLicense A-715642. “Psalm 23” Shane Barnard, arr. by Ed Kerr, "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us": Dorothy Thrupp, Brian Ortize, Katelyn Clampett, Heather Sorenson



Pre-Service Music: "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us"



Pastor: We gather together in the presence of our Shepherd God, who calls us each by name, Congregation: who restores our souls, who leads us in the way of righteousness,

P: and whose goodness and love never stops pursuing us. C: This is the God we have come to worship!

OPENING HYMN: CW 432 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb”

P: The grace of our Lord (+) Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. C: And also with you.


P: God invites us to come into his presence and worship him with humble and penitent hearts. Therefore, let us acknowledge our sinfulness and ask him to forgive us.


C: Holy and merciful Father, I confess that I am by nature sinful, and that I have disobeyed you in my thoughts, words, and actions. I have done what is evil and failed to do what is good. For this I deserve your punishment both now and in eternity. But I am truly sorry for my sins, and trusting in my Savior Jesus Christ, I pray: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

P: Brothers and sisters, our Lord Jesus Christ personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed! Once you were like sheep who wandered away, but now you have returned to your Shepherd, the guardian of your souls.

C: Thanks be to God! Amen.


P: For all that we need in life and for the wisdom to use all your gifts with gratitude and joy, hear our prayer, O Lord.

The Lord’s my shepherd; I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green; he leadeth me the quiet waters by.

My soul he doth restore again and me to walk doth make

Within the paths of righteousness, e’en for his own name’s sake.

P: For the steadfast assurance that nothing can separate us from your love and for the courage to stand firm against the assaults of Satan and every evil, hear our prayer, O Christ.

Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, yet will I fear no ill; For thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still.

P: For the well-being of your holy Church in all the world and for those who offer here their worship and praise, hear our prayer, O Lord.

My table thou hast furnished in presence of my foes; My head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows.

P: Merciful God, maker and preserver of life, uphold us by your power and keep us in your tender care:

Goodness and mercy, all my life, shall surely follow me, And in God’s house forevermore my dwelling-place shall be.


P: Let us pray.

O Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Good Shepherd who laid down your life for the sheep. Lead us now to the still waters of your life-giving Word that we may abide in your Father’s house forevermore; for you live and reign with him and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.



FIRST LESSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Samuel 17:34-37

But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35 I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be

like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37 The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

Saul said to David, “Go, and the LORD be with you.”

PSALM OF THE DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 23

Singers on verses; congregation joins on the refrain.


The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want; in green pastures He makes me lie down. He restores my soul and leads me on for His Name, for His great Name.

Singers and Congregation:


You prepare a table right before me in the presence of my enemies; Though the arrow flies and the terror of night is at my door, I'll trust you Lord.

Singers and Congregation: Repeat Refrain


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, You are on my side.

Singers and Congregation: Repeat Refrain


GOSPEL LESSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John 10:1-10

“Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never

follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them.

7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They

will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

HYMN: CW 375 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”

Verse six And so through all the length of days Your goodness fails me never. Good Shepherd, may I sing your praise Within your house forever!


SERMON LESSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Peter 2:19-25 19 For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of

God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for

you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

22 “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”

23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. 24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to

sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 25 For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.


Everyday Easter Blessings: The Empty Tomb Gives Us a Place in the Good Shepherd’s Flock


C: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


If you would like to make an electronic gift, these options are available for your convenience:

1. Online giving – visit our website, and click “Give.” 2. Text giving – text the amount you wish to give starting with the dollar sign to 608-371-6891. 3. If you prefer to mail your offering envelope, please send to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, P.O Box 128,

Onalaska, WI 54650

SPECIAL MUSIC: (singers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “I am Jesus Little Lamb”



P: Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd, we have heard the sound of your familiar and loving voice in the gospel and have feasted in the green pastures of your Holy Word. Bless your Word in our lives. Use its message to nourish and sustain us as we journey through this life to the next.

C: Give us joy in knowing that you laid down your life for the sheep—even wandering sheep like us.

P: Gracious Shepherd, we are truly confused and foolish without you. Forgive us for the times we wander from you and stray from the call of your voice. Restore us to your fold, and protect us from the evil one. When Satan comes in the sheep’s clothing of false teaching, expose his lies and guide us in your truth. When temporary pleasures beckon us to follow the wide road to hell, use your rod and staff to curb our sinful nature.

C: Lead us in paths of righteousness.

P: Guiding Shepherd, bless your Church with faithful under-shepherds—pastors who proclaim your death and resurrection as they minister to the souls in their care. Continue to feed the lambs in your flock as you bless efforts to teach children to know you, their loving Savior.

C: Give all ministers of the gospel an unwavering devotion to your Word and a passion to share it.

P: Loving Shepherd, we pray also for those who are not in your flock. Let your voice be heard in all the world. Prosper the work of our missionaries at home and abroad. Give us all the zeal and courage to share with our friends and neighbors the good news of sins forgiven.

C: Use our witness to gather your people into one fold under your care.

P: Tender Shepherd, look with special care on all who suffer from loneliness, disease, accident or loss. Lift them into your comforting arms, and embrace them with the warmth of your love.

C: Carry them through life’s troubling times. Renew hope and joy in their lives.

Special prayers and intercessions may follow.

P: Hear us, Lord, as we bring you our private petitions.

Silent prayer.

P: Eternal Shepherd, when our days on earth come to an end and we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, lead us safely to our eternal home.

C: There we will enjoy your goodness and mercy forever. Amen.


C: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.


P: O Lord God, our heavenly Father, pour out the Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep us strong in your grace and truth, protect and comfort us in all temptation, and bestow on us your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


P: Brothers and sisters, go in peace. Live in harmony with one another. Serve the Lord with gladness.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and (+) give you peace.


CLOSING HYMN: CW 436 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“Jesus, Shepherd of the Sheep”


This Week at St. Paul’s: May 3, 2020

Church News

COMMUNION The pastors have been discussing the best way to distribute the Lord’s Supper during this time of isolation. After discussing it for a number of weeks and consulting with recommendations from our church body, we thought it

best and safest to commune people privately. We would love to be able to serve you the Lord’s Supper, and so please contact one of the pastors to arrange a time. We have been communing people at church or at people’s home, usually in the driveway to keep safe distance. It’s also a great time to remember and reflect on what the Bible teaches about the Lord’s Supper. Jesus gives us his real body and blood in the Lord’s Supper for the forgiveness of our sins and to strengthen our faith in him. The Lord’s Supper is a tremendous blessing. Yet, it’s also good to remember the Lord gives that exact same forgiveness, and he strengthens our faith through the Word we hear in the livestream services, in our daily devotions, and in our Bible readings. During this time when we may not be able to receive the Lord’s Supper as often as usual, the gospel comes to us through the Word that shows our Savior and his great love. I like to think of it as a husband and wife in a marriage. They show their love in different ways – they tell each other, they provide for each other, they spend time with each other. So that we may know that God loves and forgives us in Jesus, he gives us the very body and blood of Jesus and lets us receive his grace and mercy through taste and touch. Even if I’m unable to receive the Lord’s Supper right now for a time, I still can remember my baptism and

the fact that God made a promise to me on that day that my sins are forgiven through water and the Word, and as I hear and read God’s Word, I can continue to see and experience God’s grace in Jesus.


We hope to be making a few updates to our website in the next few weeks. Our main website url will stay the same (, but with some of these changes, previous links we’ve sent out for our livestream page might not work. If you find you have an old link saved that’s no longer working, simply go to, and you’ll be able to find everything you need on our homepage, including anything needed for livestream.

In Our Prayers: Cancer—Mike Barney, Dennis Radichel and Sheila Horstman, daughter of Lois Leren

Comfort—for Brenda Mendell and family at the death of her aunt, Betty Callan (4/28)

For our nation and world as we deal with the coronavirus

Wisdom for government officials in their timing to open the country back up

During this time when we may not be able to receive the Lord’s Supper as often as usual, the gospel comes to us through the Word that shows our Savior and his great love.


SIGN UP FOR E-NEWS To be kept up-to-date on what is going on, please sign up for St. Paul’s E-News. Click here to sign up if you are not already receiving the weekly e-news.

NEW ONLINE BIBLE STUDY Bible Basics/Membership Class Beginning Sunday, April 26, at 9:30am, Pastor Krause will be leading an online “Bible basics” class for anyone interested in learning more about God and what his Word says. This class, entitled “Faith Builders”, also serves as the path to take for those interested in becoming members of St. Paul’s. It’s also ideal for any Christian who wants to review the core truths of our faith. This 16-lesson course will meet weekly at 9:30am beginning April 26 and will last 45-50 minutes. We’ll begin our sessions on a video conference. Once we are able to meet in person again, we will transition to meeting at St. Paul’s during our regular Bible study hour. If you or someone you know would like to attend, please sign up here. A link to join the online class will be sent to you. Sign up to receive the class link here. MEDITATIONS AVAILABLE FOR PICK-UP The Meditations devotional booklet is an excellent resource for daily time in the Lord’s Word. Due to social distancing, we’ve placed a mailbox outside of the main church entrance near the carport to make Meditations available to you. Feel free to pick one up anytime.

CHURCH/SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS LIMITED The church/school office will be staffed from 9:00 am until noon Monday through Friday. In light of the Safer at Home order, we ask that you refrain from direct contact with office personnel if possible. If you need to contact staff for any reason, please contact them at: Phone: 608.783.2552 or 608.783.4822; Email: or

THANKOFFERINGS During this time, the counter teams will only be counting every other week. As a result, your check may not be cashed immediately.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY St. Paul’s is seeking a full-time Operations Manager to supervise employed staff and manage facilities, operations, and other administrative tasks. A full job description is available upon request. Those seeking more information should contact Ryan Miller at the email below. Interested candidates should submit a resume to Ryan Miller at or may mail a resume to the following address: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Attn: Selection Committee, PO Box 128, Onalaska, WI, 54650. Deadline for submission of interest is May 15, 2020.

PASTORAL CONTACTS: Pastor Brett Ehlke (608) 799.2717 Pastor Shane Krause (608) 217.5660 Pastor Dan Olson (608) 797.5793