Stories of Changed Lives

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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Stories of what God has been doing in and through Resurrection this past year.




Building a Sanctuary of Transformation for the Lord, the Lost, and the Least

Stories of Changed Lives2013

© 2014 Church of the ResurrectionCredits:Design by: Ryn ManbyPhotography By: Kim Johnson Photography (5, 6, 12), Michael Johnson (8, 16), Peter Thompson (19, 20), Katie Carlson (13, 15), Trevor McMaken (7, 11), Josh Cuthrell (16, 17) Dan Fager (10), Josh Blaney (14, 21), Ryn Manby (Cover, 8, 9)














What a year it has been for Resurrection!

We’ve seen God bring us into a new home for worship and mission. We’ve been blessed to help raise up a new Diocese of the Upper Midwest—a “revival of Word and Sacrament.” We’ve supported faithful missionaries and sent out new ones. We have helped plant a vibrant church in Chicago. Plus, we have-launched 12 new pastorates, added RezKids midweek ministry, and grown our youth ministry. Leaders from around the country have asked me, “How did all this happen?” I’ve had the joy of telling them, “It’s our North American miracle. God provided in such a way that we could never forget it was His doing.”

We wanted to try and capture some of what God has been doing among us this year in the stories and numbers that follow. Each number is a person whom God loves and whom we are called to serve. Each dollar given is an act of generosity for the Lord, the Lost, and the Least. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the Lord, for sharing the vision He’s giving to Resurrection, and for making a commitment to bring that vision into reality.

Love in Christ,Bishop Stewart Ruch, III






In 2013, we saw God bring more people than ever into the Sanctuary.






2,360 (up 22%)


DAY 1,338 (up 34%)


681 (up 31%)

MY STORY:What led me to renew my baptism vows this year.

My name is John Barry. I graduated from college, completed an MBA, became the president of a small company, married, had 4 children, a beautiful house and 2 cars. I was living the American dream. But, some-thing was missing: even though I had it all, it wasn’t enough: I struggled with anger, re-sentment, envy and self pity. Everything I tried to control was spiraling in a negative direction. I was failing as a husband, father, and family leader. A year ago, God extended his hand to me in 3 remarkable ways:

1. I developed a relationship with a street guy, Daryl, and he asked me to pray with him. I was stunned. Picture a guy in a suit holding hands with a hobo saying the “Our Father”!

2. Prayer with Daryl led me to call my old friend Tony who is a Christian. Tony has led me on a journey to learn about Jesus, pray with Jesus and grow with Jesus.

3. Tony recommended I try Church of the Resurrection and join the Alpha CORE class. The Alpha CORE class has jump-started my relationship with Jesus. I have learned how to pray, how to recognize signs from Jesus,

how to live like Christ, how to read the Bi-ble, and how to resist evil and temptation. I have a long way to go in my journey. I need your continued prayers and support. It is a daunting task—however, a challenge I welcome with Jesus, Tony, and you all, the Resurrection family, my church family. —John Barry renewed his baptismal vows on All Saints Sunday, 2013.



During 2013, we saw a 14% GROWTH in attendance.On average, there were 973 people attending morning services and 200 people worshipping in RezKids on a typical Sunday.





742779 807



60 in RezKids, 122 in the arts, and 95 in Sunday Morning Ministry Teams (Greeters, Eucharist Ministers, Ushers, Etc.)






REACH Total original



Total giversduring

DURING THE PAST 2 YEARS, WE’VE BEEN ON AN AMAZING JOURNEY OF GENEROSITY CALLED REACH.We called upon Resurrection to give as she has never done before and we watched as God poured out his generosity on us through a North American Miracle. We thank God for his faithfulness to us!


Given in the 2 years before REACH: $2.36 M

Committed and expected for 2 years of REACH: $4.83 M

Told by outside experts to expect during REACH: $3.8 M

(80-85% of our commitments)

Actually given during REACH:

$4,908,844 (102 percent of our commitments! Almost half of those

who pledged went over-and-above their pledge.)

Our New Home for Worship and Mission:

Paid so far: $3.60 M (as of Jan. 31, 2014)

Left in loan: $3.76 M

Total cost: $7.36 M





PASTORATES:One pastorate met with and prayed for the Whitakers before they left for missions work in Cambodia, then skyped with them after they arrived. Another pastorate prayed at an abortion clinic, served at a food pantry, and took Christmas gifts to a convalescent home. We’ve partnered with World Relief to serve newly-arriving refugee families; one pastor-ate is completing the World Relief training.

SANC TITY OF LIFE:We had 24 people from Resurrection pray outside the Aanchor (abortion) Clinic dur-ing this fall’s 40 Days for Life. One young woman stopped to tell us that a few months earlier, she’d had an appointment at the clinic, but when she saw people peacefully praying outside, she couldn’t go through with it. She showed the ultrasound of her 4-month old unborn child named Malcolm.


$217,504The total giving to Na-tions, Anglican Works, Compassion, Good Friday Gift, and Christ-mas Village in 2013.


CHRISTMAS VILLAGE:The Nations team hosted Christmas Village, with 3 overseas missionaries present (Kray-ers, DezWaans, and Tillie Tiller). We raised a record amount for work in the Nations and in DuPage County: $10,780.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: NEW NAMEWe work with New Name, a ministry to women in the human trafficking industry. This year, one woman who was being traf-ficked right here in our count—experienc-ing drugs, abusive relationships, and prostitu-tion—is now, because of New Name, living safely in another state, getting married, and even helping lead worship.

REPLANTED: ADOPTION AND FOSTER CAREReplanted launched in November with 117 attendees from Church of the Resurrection and other churches. Replanted is now host-ing two monthly support group meetings for families who have or want to adopt, as well as those who provide foster care. On launch night, one family was so moved by the needs of abused and neglected children that they committed to become a “Safe Family,” a program that connects healthy families with families in severe need.


40The number of kids who come to our Kids Clubs each week. There are now 5 groups.

17The number of countries currently repre-sented by the 429 residents of Parkside.

8The number of communal plots we have have in the Parkside community garden, now in its 4th season of growing fresh pro-duce by and for the neighborhood.

Several Resurrection members live in Parkside, a low-income apartment complex in Glen Ellyn. Here are a few numbers from our life at Parkside in 2013:

3The number of Hispanic churches in the ACNA that were born out of the church plant started at Parkside.


WELCOMING STORIESThis year, we were blessed to welcome many new people into our community.

“Two new families came to RezKids MidWeek during Al-pha CORE. They had been too intimidated to go to Rez-Kids on Sunday morning because they didn’t know anyone, but they felt so welcomed and included at Midweek that it made them feel comfortable at church on Sunday morning. Now they can’t wait to come to RezKids both on Wednes-days and Sundays!” —Sarah Graham, RezKids MidWeek Pastorate

About 25 percent of the men who attended our annual overnight RezMen retreat were attending for the first time. One told us:“I had never been to the RezMen retreat before. For me, it was an amazing next push into the actual community life of Rez. I didn’t feel like I went to an event, so much as I became more connected with these men—not just men I knew already, but many others. And the retreat was truly a spiritual experience, an opportunity to be open to whatever the Holy Spirit is doing.” —Keith Scherer

CAMBODIA STORIESIn the summer of 2013, we sent the Whitaker family to serve in Cambodia. Six months later, they are slowly making progress on learning the Khmer language, Heidi is serving as a consulting pediatri-cian for a foster care organization, and they are still smiling!

Stories from Church of Christ Our Peace (English congregation)

-On All Saints’ Sunday, Fr. Gregory baptized a 10-year-old Khmer boy. Pirum has continued to grow in his faith and loves to serve on Sunday mornings on the music team and in helping to collect the offering.-Their Christmas Eve service was overflowing, with people standing in the aisles--including a number of Khmer young people who had never been inside a church before.

-They have seen steady growth in Sunday morning atten-dance, from approximately 70 adults + children to over 100.-On February 2, Church of Christ Our Peace will send out some members to plant a new church in a rapidly growing area on the other side of Phnom Penh.




WE LAUNCHED 3 PASTORATES IN JANUARY 2013 AND WE NOW HAVE 13.We wanted to release people in their spiritual gifts and to provide a place for people to make godly friendships. More than 42 lay people lead these, and doz-ens more volunteer. Almost 500 people regularly attend—half of our average Sunday attendance.

A big part of that story is our launch of MidWeek ministries—something nearly impossible to do as a mobile church. Resurrection MidWeek on Wednesday night is made of up 4 pastorates—RezKids, RezYouth, Alpha CORE, and the Mid-Week Service—averaging around 230 people each week.

“That first term showed me I could have confidence in leading through the gifts God has given me, but I immediately felt inade-quate in so many areas. I learned more deeply how to lean on the Lord.” —Marta Cedeno, Friday Feast Pastorate

“I have always doubted if I am really hearing from God or if I am just carrying on in my own mind. Through Thrive, I am learning to discern God’s voice and impressions from other voices. This has been a life-changing experience for me.” —Anonymous, Thrive Pastorate

“This fall I joyfully found I was pregnant and fell in love with a little child whose lit-tle heart beat on the ultrasound monitor. At about 9 weeks I found out that I had mis-carried. As my sorrow surrounded me, so did the church—in particular the friends in our pastorate. From meals brought by our house, to texts, emails, and phone messages, to sev-eral people telling me their stories of lost children, I knew God had provided. I was not alone.” —Anonymous




IMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH LAUNCHED ON OCTOBER 6TH, WITH OVER 125 PEOPLE WORSHIPPING.They have averaged 85 people each Sunday since then (70 adults and 15 kids). They have 5 staff (2 paid and 3 unpaid), 8 ministry teams, and 15 volunteers serving each Sunday morning at Uplift High Shchool located in Uptown.

$700On December 15, Immanuel held a Lessons and Carols service which drew around 125 people.

90%People at the service gave $700 for Uplift High School, which is made up of almost 90% low-income households.

“When we had our first grandchild, who is in Chicago, we began the transition from the suburbs and from Church of the Resurrec-tion. After three re-locations and numerous visits to other churches, being immersed again in the rich liturgy of Anglican style worship and fellowship was like finding cool water in the desert.” —Joe and Cheryl Clark

“When I found Immanuel, I had nearly given up on the local church. The first few months I attended, I would quietly sob during the services out of joy at being in the presence of God with others. ... I'm so grateful that Immanuel was planted in Uptown!” —Sherilyn Sheets


2013 Budget 2013 Actual 2013 DifferenceMinistry $265,994 $269,946 -$3,952

Staff $830,296 $819,347 $10,949

BuildingOperations $175,940 $214,820 -$38,880

Loans $207,000 $93,084 $113,916

MissionNations $67,500 $71,577 -$4,077

Anglican Works $50,000 $50,000 $0

Compassion $40,000 $47,647 -$7,647

Total Savings: $70,309

We were faithful stewards of our resources2013 BUDGET





4. Maximize the building God has given us - Run it well: Budget for actual utility expenses - Launch a new roof-replacement fund. - Ready it for expansion: Pay down $210,000 of loan in January, saving about $63,000 in interest. Begin architectural work on needed building enhancements.

BUDGET PRIORITIES FOR 2014:1. Strengthen our ministry to youth & children - Add full-time youth pastor, first-time-ever, starting January 1 - Add RezKids manager position, to help keep up with growth - Add RezKids secretary position, starting in August, to assist

$144,715 vs. $204,832(in 2013) (in 2014)

2. Right-size staff salaries - After years of of recession (2008-2009) and the building campaign (2010-2012), when compared to similar positions in churches nationwide, our full-time staff was being paid, on average, at the 37th percentile. In our 2014 budget, we’ve been able to move them to the 53rd percentile.

3. Lead the way in our diocesan revival of Word and Sacrament - As a “bishop’s church,” we are leading the way by giving $70,000 to the diocese - We also are giving $5,000 to the work of the Anglican Greenhouse - We are investing $16,000 in “Rez new works” to help seed new church plants

Total given to Anglican Works:in 2013

in 2014

$55,000 $91,000

Total staff & ministry for youth and children

During rental years

Expected after move-in


Percent of budget for building costs:

Budgeted for 2014 24%


$55,000 $91,000


2014 BUDGET2013 Budget 2014 Budget % Change

REACH Up: Worship & Mission $1,096,290 $1,287,507 17.4%Ministry $265,994 $303,829 14.2%Staff $830,296 $971,678 17.0%Operating Reserve $12,000 100.0%

REACH Out: Facilities $382,940 $490,984 28.2%Building Operations $175,940 $234,984 33.6%Building Loans $207,000 $256,000 23.7%Construction $263,270 $72,305 -72.5%

REACH Beyond $157,500 $203,000 28.9%Nations $67,500 $70,000 3.7%Compassion $40,000 $42,000 5.0%Anglican Works $50,000 $91,000 82.0%

Grand Total $1,900,000 $2,053,796 8.1%

* Note: We will be drawing from surplus so that our projected 2014 total distributed for Nations will be $80,500 and for Compassion will be $60,000.

We are committed to getting you the information you need. If you would like more detail on the 2013 ex-penses or 2014 budget, please email our Business Manager, Anne Kessler:

935 W. Union Ave.Wheaton, IL 60187